CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 18 Nov 1904, p. 5

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a qetin ihie ltér«W en-heweght t ou buy. Wh. ou mou llyen a Pound of t I1 conta ns g16 onoom ad its algood. Our A ,tion to what Winsé" lurssatisfaction for la what jou buy. W. wold liko to bave yonl tilt un about meat. Jewelry, Watches, Clocks, S ifIverWare, Statlonery Wat.s e{palring my speciaity, and have lisîd a lIfe"s exiserlence with leading clty firmsq aâ ;i lorltsticli Watchimaker. ANDRE,&.W I-USS Libertyville - . - Ilîlinois To !furnish gou wth, evergthigng thbat' fad and'Wionter weather * calls br, bany fine.* tlemvy Cavert Cordtuoy Llned Coats Pleece Llned Duck Coats Al -W6ol Cardigan Jackets Wool Kersey Coats A Full Lineofo Sweaters ' We'are selling a good $1.00 Sweatdr as long ast Uey last.............. 75C * Duck Coats from 81.00 up 4 Union Overalse from 60e Up 4 Men's Gloves and Mftts frorn 25c up. 4 Gentleman'si Fine Gloveg ln kids, lined anid unlinod, rindeer aup buekokin. - Men's fleece llned' Underwear 8 bits up. I Meî's wool Underwear from $1. 00 and up. Cali and tee un-we can save you modty. 4 Wednesday wagons, tools and) large excavatar wiih ave been n use lu vont of construction sif tise noms) led for the electric rond vere. removs.d tu near Zion City visere tise Company bas a large amount of construction vont under vay. It vilI Lie possible to remove balance of dirt on thse extension weet o! Libertyville by mas oS dump Caris. ot likeiy ta Leo provides) witis the neces- paries for a Tisankpgiving dinner Set the lsKi2si'knov and) tley vii Le fortîscoming. Let no one go linngry is Libertyvilie viso is deoerviisg. We bave a few business men vîso annually care for siîch cases, It ln done witisout tise knowledge of tise plbuic asd in a. way tisat; cagot offend. We misses) a nssmiber o!fisirtis lant veek. 'To> tir. ans) Mrd.Myron Liions n boy baby wass luonSunodai. To Mir. asnd tire. Waldo Jurgenmon Who live on tis e hlelt arm, n girl vas born saturday. On Monday a girl canme ta gisedden the hsomse of Lavrence (Auoden. Bunday ta Mr. ans) Mrs. Wm. Miiman who live enut of tseriver vas borss n boy baby. Ail of tise above birtis vere e wsjek. iheewicepis pttissg.iin besvalparatue tu usakehIe es. iphostos and iesiarge.- isi.elits. Spcciai 3ricoviiW isaslmodess) fins vork giveis. Watchis ns't week'e paper. At tiseir lait îisueting iseunbere sof Acnse Camp, M. W. A. votes) to rent as n lodge rooni tie hall over tise liEE5Es *nev building, un course o! construction. Suitabie ante.roons vill te built for the Woodmen, leaving tise hall proper about 60 fret long. Otiser lodges whtci rent of tise Woodmen wiii o0cupy thse uew quar- ters vitis thein. 1t le boped ta have tise buililjfilis )Y thytise lt of tise yenr thossgfi entier conuiltous may prevent. Tise eiqtabliobnss-nt of a reading rowgs lit ladies of tise W. C. T. (;. ileocrtainiy t, les cmmendes). Ouîr Young n'en shossis)hLeprovides) n place to @pend) their vinter evenullge otiser tisaistise saluons ans) tise white rilibonere deserve tise hearty support oS ail in tiseir efforts ta maîntain tise place. Tise room over Heath's store hai been nicely decorated and furnhed- ans einviting. Snturday aiglit viili e tise formai opening ta vhieh you are invie. W. C. Hoit leSt thim wveu for Canada visese ihoe" to îsireisaiestine for next 7mars manufacture into vool dustiersi aud vool isovelities. Mfr. Hit vii laio la a suepiy (f couse 8000 bide@. Ts vool dutter factary le doing asîslendis) businessfilndiîsg it pressent caPsscity ai- tagether insuffliisnt. 1lb bai corne tuLel one of Libertyuille'#4 mont substantiai lidustrles ansd viiilis tise near ftutire Le materiaily eniarges). About 22 banda are nov emploies). Only a fair sites) audience iseard Mat- tison Wiibur Chao@is lis i lecture at tise Union churcis Wednesday aight of lait vosit. A rlxsling raja kePt MAnY avay, thougis a large nimber oS ticket@ Isas heen sold. Thune wbo did venture out vere veil repaid, ai Mi. Cha"s. isna speaker oS un"smi sent andI ho wne, listeasd to. attentiveli., Next on thse lpcture coures le Gilbert A. Eidredgs, lint persouatar, thé evening of December 2. An evealng wlth hum vi ot Le forgdt. ten. Ticketsý on sale A.t Lswlledru Preebyterian chureis SundaY vili Le "Thie Crumisa Fromn "od -Table are Better tsan tihe Luxurles Froin BMan's Table." Evening topit 'Tise ilessingss of Tisose Who Were Rendy to Perisis Came Lpon NMe." gaturday niglît viiilie the. forma] opening of tise nev readissg room est.ablished lsy ladies o! the W. C. T. 1". Nkcely furnig&id qsarterp over Mlethem @tore have been fitttd up vhere b.ookss, ,mffnghsssi aper4, etc. cm Le fonnd. Roome will lee n ee day Ifromt 10Oa.M. tolOP. M. AÂpro m isbeing arrangesl to le rend.ýred tise ssîsning night. Alil invited4. Rtend the Schwartz theatre ad~ in another colusnn for aninouncement 5sf attractions tisere.Tise show bouse let atléig -aà large patmonage f rôm liertyvillt- and 'iinity"intce arraîsge- Inenti have been siaide vitiste lç.eistrje rond to pr<spery aîomind&2 t ieatre goers. Alil of dt, ie uys are l'y tise Ixst artiste appeftrifig in Cisiago and who coinse frmin tat city tb Waukegan. You wiii ses jsst ai gosd a show in Wnuke- gan as sou viii in Chlicago. You cannot sure iileis hy external apîlientiosis. AnYsy redy tes beffeetive muest le api)licdinl, rilt at tise set of1 tise trouble. NlkitZun leputn ils, a coliapsile tut)(, w iri a noule, éo that it sueahes insiste ansd apîsiies the reînedy wisere it le msst needed. MauZan strengtbas the blood vessels and nerves go Zist pils are impossible. ManZais 'reli-ee t pain almost ipsitantly, heals, moith s. ooandI cures. Sold hi WL H.nLY, Llbertyville Ding Store and F. BAI RSTOW Marble and Granite Description ,Correspondence bollclted 126. Genesee St. WAUKEGAN Luonber of ail Kinds it grades01o- Cool.Dom,.*F il TeaLNIwOI cé dlr 12-Hlour Oôsigh Cure. at J1ackleyýé. CltulLCàiutiqc *~ouvme on tise 2lst. 1ev, LavIer itchanged papuieita bhIt te sais) ta bolbe spurposi>to taye two F4ev. Fsher, of Laike Bluff, lIMt *lisday juries in s»ifSecÏsSu id finish is p the evenussg. diieket. Cathoiic baxeur mont veek abtthe The .(Ctholiicbamar ar le n"t week, tawn.haJl .Mondai ta Thursday ightai Monday ta Thoradayr nlghts inlssive. A inclusve. graqd dance coacindes tjie buanar on à. W. Polett lie eturned from bis, 1Thu5i¶5ay night. ovtrlansstritp tisMugi thse wqt. Hie AdeiteBidiger k Ca.. of WVaukegan son Charle. sa at I)Y h. ave on, dispar atinse'm je wslry store Fred Filtlabueu ebosted cujierin. 9 ess. bea CIPSOffe 11ying îseial nsic fadn ftieMtoit Simday seisool niaie.T hym~ gl-ianlue ýd Sf býsntaivilhbesêubyitieir largediepiai vccla cu ysiennations. ad)on another paga,.and pensons con- The ÀbetyvlleEpwoth onge W tensîsltinar puteismslg as isrumnent The iberyvile Evorb Legue wi viido wel ta cmg *ands)exanmine thosse F#rereense by 4ton dlegate.s at the tbssY are exisibitlng.- utsi-ditrlct convention hbibi ut Lakte *tnci nse ht sag Bluff Nov. 12. ksplrenditl convention spiendde~ft to yourfrlends lfr Xmai. le reported. -., S1esswick bas many Mur styles wiils iii A numiser of teaingteri are eîsgngnd suit YOU. Corne Bsam ni avusisitise ievelisg off the. infleld at tise new race rushb. tracit preparatary to seedisi t don. ANO CU NT X Detveesi 85 and 40 borneseare ie.irg w. t'. T. C. mt nTSî aiX r wistpred attise trackt. W .T .n" gTs,(vatr Rensnîbr tie msqiirad tsslesgiv n Ol Nov. 22, at 2:80 read). 14y tiseYoung ]don'@ Social Club ai tise ng roui .oser Ueot's fruture store. Towvn Hall to-aight. Ifusi hy Hertela Everyone învibed.- ---- orchestra. Prsesfor tsest costumneands)Anyone visbing ta conutriiste esffnd- nomt eoic cotumes. Alil invite.. hans) ciothissg ta the poor of Chicago C. FankWriht n cnfinde u h@ l sn 4 icave sainie t resdinig rsoîn over wî. a mneu Wruglsth oi nes)t bis Led 'store. AIcommnitts,, wiliilave it we i tli a rln e s e lte a i s t s o u g is nte . M r . s e n t ý h e r e i t i i i d o t h e n o s b g s s s . Wright bas a telepiione at iis bIside Vo6n't forget to bear the (iiazfer andJe n tüc Wih hsluinms ffaraCaroliiana jubiles Singera.nt tise unilon ans i latacb lt hi iueiee afaie hureliWedneday niglit, Nov. a0. wliiis e le ntiss able tu direst. Tisir songe aus siogin s Ja..ya iii (lrandma Triggss hai ben ntertaining deight you. Ladiesoi tise Prplsyterian a grndmn ad bs wfé roii te gi(jcisureb are 1spu)nser for the event. 72d filsIseur lDavson City. Triey lef t for Tbe firt suaterly conference for tise Cailfornlatdis week ans) wiîi renrn to Libertyvileand Danond Laîke Methodlt their bsoule in D.awson City after sî visst cisress*,ill Le lsld ut tise ilsemrtyville witi r elatives there. Msetiioditi hureli Saturday arte.rnoon t Tise valsa for Chai. Kaisrs new build. 2:30. Every cburcb officiai le urges) ta ing aeUp ans) iLsisouis) not cake longbcpent nov ta complete tise tnssture. tir. Prislding Eider Cady willireacb lit Kaiser ii lit tise second story off ita tise Metisodiet cbureh atiiI.. ssornissg diata and) viii provide al tise modsern service oS Nov. 20. TSI. service viiilie convenienffs. , There will le bwo, o precedes) by a love feist at 9:45 a. in. eight or aiinp roome aehci. Tise pastar vii prescb in tihe evening on Work of extending thse guainse from ".A Word ta imon." Lite Bluff tai Litertyvilie dois not seen Tise annual unionTPhaisksgiviisg service ta progreu asirapidly tlesé, lait few days avii Lle iseis neit Tburaday nsorsing in at woul<I@seem ad visable if tise compani the presbyteriais chumei. lter. Lawier expierte toreuder much of a service in Lii- <of tise Methodist cisureh is vii rench tise ertyvilie thin vinter. At tise,Prssset serinon. Singing sy uioni,î choir. rate It viii fie two veeks iefore the S)iSi Colletio)n wil es talion for tihe Ioor. Ail nome center le reaches), to say noling of areinvites). Weber and Fields Greateut Musical Suceu, "4lolty Tolty"g PRIESso25, 35.,50. 75 and $LW. Tuesday Night, Nov. 22 Wm. Brady presente "6Wa DJOwn >sat' PRIcES,25. 50, 75 and $LW0 The Schwaftz The*te manages ment jia uramge wih-the C. L.A& ElectrILIL to rue à -spodal t"a leaving Lake Dluffet 12 > m..tdu sugli 01 every showsivmg Libey' vifll theu&trom msusoppïor tuo arive haineet god sUMM. Repair' Work. 1 arn now located in rny new' plant and -thoroughiy eqitdpped to do 'al hindB Machines and farm Impie. monts. Qinick service and WM. LAYCOCK Libertyville, Ili. Cl!Qaks DESIGNS FOR FALL & WINTER 1904-1905 A splendid assortment from whlch to 'select, ln' the, proper styles.- Garments that Ulve that natty, wel - dressed ap.a p«arance. MRS. F.' PR1OTINE LIBE.RTYVILLE,. .ILL. ForE to Eat 4.Dowsd waaU u64 ad montbe 60 and bad bhe sareudiq Lake co»ity suiee 1847. Bir. Lynchhibd 4been por hesith fo years tbongh big lait and fatal 1lne. #a@ bronglit on by an attack of Iagripp jwlsfch hbis feeble constitution vas unabi Pt4j wlthstand. Thse fusseral vas b Monday from bis late home to 81 mary's Convenit vivre reclleim mais va CeleIsrated i>y Father Seanian, who lna a ab>le nianner paid fltting tribude to Lb dead, alter whsch a large nurnber d friends- and relativles Illowed the w "ain to st. Mary'@ cemetery at Wua kegssn where thel Wer" interred besld tbis heiovc<l wife who prs.esied hlm hi deatb two 1mars. John Lyneli vas bors in Scarlif, h.Ir land in 1831), eoming t4) Amorita wWe tbis parent@ in infaney. Tbey iived twi yeass in Canada and then removed t Lake coun ty where he reuidesi untîl hi deatis, foliowing the occupation o!f arM ing. Re,. retired from active life in 189i eturning bis farm over ta bis @oni. lir Lynch vas. married lut Bristo Win,, in 18468 to Franese Finn. Tii, children were born tb tbei,, George.0 an~d Molbrt E. of Libertyville and Joi 1.W. of Waukegau. SC11WAIRTZ -TIIEATI r Waukegan, MI. WUINOIBLD. BOWLING & LIFFOUJ Friçiay Nlght, Nov. 18 IN THE PAR EAST tThe oMÛT JaDaa'IwsIaVar P1a, 00i the Ameelcas Stage. IàtaepsPrimo...SPY& Baht" Bic. tPRICES.- 75, 50. 35, Md 25 «eAi SUNDAY November 20,1904. 1. 'PHONE 29 L[BERTY VILLE - ILLII#C I~~ Puiai.r of Rabbesî Sunail M4tttr IMost people buy rubbrf Iwîthimo tho-ught of gua1ftv ru want 'em thon. i But you may as well have the buying.powerof your moneY'. as part of it. I Selz Royal Blue Rubbers better-than-usual in quallty, afl same as usual in. prIce. They> enough better-than-usual to be belng persistent and Insistet At You're going to spend the money the best for It'. For sale at THEFM That we have a compleoe ns of Stoves, Steel Rong ÇesCt liard end Soft C.oo I ýr6 Anything you want ln the Stove lino we) Corne ln andtalk It over. Anithinu fbr- sale or ru Mt ., Rolby &Son inùvite you ait, 'Bargal n Seekers at their Store to <JeU. Choice Groeries, Fruits and delloacles too Only the beet of good thingii to Pat, they h"* for you. Latest effecte ln Dretss and D)ry goode, boa r l mind. Boots, Shoos, natsl Cava, and Furnishings yoi here wlll alnd "Your trade they waut, they wiilaiways try AIî patrons wants, ini everyway to satis;fY. None with (Jolby -& Son can compote, Deaîîng in the Best, their Big Stock is comploe So, 'whiie lW Libertyville yoa chance- to- stay On B. M. Coiby & Son, the Leaders a visit. P Nieat une of everything theylshow to-day 7-tf-d 1 right prices.

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