CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 2 Dec 1904, p. 1

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- ~. Libertyville Lake County,,,I111tnoIs, Friday.' Dec ember 2. 1904.-S Pages.. Po;~ that Airnoylug the forrinof raiwa.zng t.IUU5U AIS Qulck relief frçubclu %s milail affictions of th0f throat. Tar ,ronehitile, hoarse- and lungs. IT OVE-LI',DRUG STO RE I4eactarters. for SCho@I uppliel rtyvil.le. I Overcoa t iendquarters Sheep lifa 1Coats Duck coat$1S.50 ta $2,00 SweateroSOc la S2,50 Montana Bock Claves an Mittens -Hand Lis8a$112 5 manI $.O Cai-Faceit Mitts 50 ta S1.00 New kog of Meni; Winer Cape just -hanCk Block Lisbertoivile, lliuuisi i ImrGouN-rtiNAT1oNLB-ANK CAPIrAL - -S50.000-00 SURPLUS AND PROFITS 7.00000 DEPOSI Te -350,000.00 VOUR EARNtNGS get Into the bank wheth er You put them in or not. if you spend al somebody Else DJ)pos- ita your monefi It lu boter to (Io your own banking. M PFREDRIC HFLMARTI bgùv»,.too . m., 1 t3p. m., and UiertyviIc. Illinois DLJ. L. TAYLOR * PoSVF.RTWOiiOO& TAYI'O. à0051-7 ta 1o a. m. 2 ta 4 and 6 ta Isdsiden-aBroadwaty, oppoite Park. Llbertyville, UMinois., - DR. i. . NICOLS. Oi Chie-ga * DENTAL OFFICE ELOOMOVE a ui[Tu & OiNtS STOuR :Uoums-Wedulidays ai eaclu week froun * 800a. m. to 600P. M. Lilttynile. lllunols. BENI.FL.MILER ATIT0RNEY AT LAW. *NAEBLOC. TELECPuONE Nxo. 26. LibertY ville, Ilinois. DLE FL iSlaIH 0e. orrca r iLARE COLINTYîAIK. opus-8 ta 12 a. lu. andl 1 taefù P. M. DAXLY. Lertyville, Illinois. DR C. RL GALLOWAY. 0715OTEISL3VELL'O nano QToaE. n~un&-Ium 1 ta 8 and 6 ta 8 P. m. Llbertyýiill, Illinois. PAIXLfMACGU IN ATTORNEY AT LAW. Uhbertyville, Illinois. National Bank FiÂsut PiocTon ViE-Pris. B. 9. GA]tDNE]R Cashieu Lib ertyville, Illinois AccountB of firme and Individuals are solic te d and will be re- ceived upon the Most favorable terms con- mitent with conserva- tive banking. P rpctor Blok Libert"yille - Illinois DL WVILP. sCHIRING. Pructici limitai ta EYE,.EAit, NOSE AND THROAT. opricic-;: Itom 804 t»rEWAE9T VIBrutNG, 1)2 State Street, Chlicaga. Wh.u yols niea epl I 1la eiveyé bat ta- lily It s.-i le Littie L7tr ma equiptun. valuai ut suniraI hundreil dollars. Aiter Mia Who Swindled Doolttle. Chie-aga police lusI wiek ver. searelu- ing for oui James WVel, Iliuglit iy theun tor le conneeted alîlIthe nov lamons Dlate murder cse-. Weil la kuowu ta travîl about tue country lu automoles vorkiug varions swindliug games and lie la now unssing froui lis usuel beunts. Furtier le tailles aith the description ai tie muhucisîglit Mr. Dae.. This man Weil hm île saine vbo svindied E. B. Doolittje af Grayslake ont oa autula thousaul dollars. Il wlII le remeunlen that Wellvint ta the Doolittie place lu an automobile and negaiatel for the ferun. In some va5y h. istereted Dolilîle l a "gare tip" lié iad on the races villi the resmit h. gi is money. Weil là novudi l- buàemit ou a e-arge iu conuection *ýIth tiat fraud. A FrIahtened llaitms Rnuulug lire mail lovn thseetireet dunuping t ioccupants, or a a nm othe a ednte, aae uer 47 oco. renées. Il hltousihâs* a reimha Oîft of $1509000 to DavIe. Aceordiug to an ofcialfrom Mion City,1 D)r. Dowie lins just refflivel notie lIaI lie ha bien given $160,000 by a woman lu Se-tlauud anti anolher *10,- 000 by a second woman.,,Wiîîru tle lutter lives isuiijt statel. Ilt seeme that the overseir of Zion us- uaII.y gels tiiiigs ut Ile tigt lime. On Deceunhit 121h lthe overseer wl have ta mel a payaient of about $1.60,000 ou tihe recoivenIiip dbb, which anioonut represents liii 40 pet ciakpt-tIerigipal amouit ($400,000). Theéuitereel is alo ta lie albed iltht the total viii ie sarnîvlit langer than tie ahane aeunt., It ls statel frani %ion Ihat 1h. enir. lait payment on lie iSivirahip dîlit viii hi ùmaIeou. the 12th. Ravaiutiof limytunt. A sures sMnuoaiapproamilg jevoit aud serions trouble lu your esten la net- rausenie, sieepkomesstie oÉtocmsaliup. setm.. Eletrie Bîltqrs vil i qukly dis- Sil.iih5ithée lroubksomm se asil. It LAKE. Ï TION. :Chicago Maser <erimbea to, Board la U**UIOUUIl tu avor gave RIte CompassIOns. 0f Lek eUboresite. FIVX NEAÈi TO DBATH. PUBSIflENT rAPPROVR9. Five boutera froua Chucao nearry loot Lake county la ta liave another large their lire. in Fox laite on Mionday, oui goverunent lastittiton wittln lier perWilg &mier au utt.ompt to remcue four border. and one 1vhlcl several stabtsp of :tisu. À second Ide saving party, umed every effort tG locate. Thuîsday li eter a bard struggle with thie rougli Wahington the. board appointed tuol Water, took ta thi ehbre tihe quartet selet a site f ron anonit lfty.eight on i and the renialning m einer i the. finit the great lakes for a -naval trainlig reScuing crew. station reported unanimonsfly lu favor Tihe Dead. af the one adjacetto North Chcagoa ndM Anderson, James, 277 Grand avenue. on wbat i commamiy known am Petti- à The Rescued. bont Creek. Thepratiden t lias approved l Piarues, John, euîployed by Marlial the report, and Wow-ill lie puslli at i %Ild & CJo., meniber of tifrmt lire eaving thi'e erest possble moiment. Thils Party. action i. final, and tois no aappeal ta a C(liftenmen, Paul, driver, fil West congremo, wbihbll e.tionally lut the e Huron street. location ta lie doclded upon bly the presle t Jensen, Christ, 1815 Morgan street. dent uîîon the report oi thée speclaln Juergiýn, on.Jrg, Ashianji and (,rand board. avenues. -Congresbas appropri&ted *$250" a, Thompson, 1., 120 Idilton itreit. to îîue,-hase the lad. It wili not li o .Leunch Disabied in Lake. nelded for that purpose. since Chicago p The mn were staying at MolliiesK buminess nien douate theic areage, and l flald Knob hôttl on Fox Lake and bîiL it viii li- used iestead fur inîprov»- apeuttii. day liunting. Ciristennen, mente. lemides congrues will lie a#ked i Jensen,. Juerginsou n "d Thontipeion ta ippropriate probably $ 2,000,000 ta r started for Fox 1L.ake tatio n at 5 enabue the mecretary of tiue uevy ta pro-.h iîîclck lit the afteruoî,n. leaving Auder- eeed witb the departuients plan ta con-t4 son, tlîer cmpanioî.u, t the h(tèl, ta struct the buildings reîîuired for th i ri-uain fur anotber day's sihooting. etablioçlimeut of the station. a Theiiîuircbeeupknl a gasoliîue leuincl. WiIl Spend Millions. Wlweui l% ididake thii. cugme lroke and Of the land given 12o1 acr!@ lethe tihe lanne-h llaated aliont, dimbie. A Joseph I D9oney fa.înd 52 allis le a Iîeavy seua bail cou). up and derknele part of the Wright farun, now belonging fîîund te nien in a dauîgcroîîs predia, ta the North Chicago Synîiate. (t will ilenct Fiuîally tiîey drifted tî,werd lie tié largeât training 04-110ol tif the Houe iloint. Witli îîîî. biît îeiig country, costlng front *J,000,0OOt t mplaished fuil(f aI îter landtheli wiîd $3,000,4000, exclusive of gr-ouuîd. When illea4ilig lu. violence-. tl,î.fluîie ato-tî, he ..idinsare coinple-ti,4terewilif lie froiîonilCof thelip ulus contp ad aumls vcîjfrmn1.09M1 ta 3,000) apprentiméesunder fi as uslà ignal for li-hI., training tbere during tue busiet nionuyls The msiguiiiuî%%-ili-se-ii îîy îraprietor of tie sunîir seatiol. A smailiharbar Mîlluu. Iîîan(]s Auî,rîîi audlîrîi-M for lbouts wcliilie cousitrucied lu one oi ta go tîo lith e u T.he itwmi ènn got, tie ravines along the bluffs, and tbis Inta n fliîttotIli lînbot andI, iili.prtced by a tieakwatere -, plie fo ili, eiiiiýýi.Nea Iex rilid'a ontt juta puetty deep water.A l iiv îsrtoîk ij.Titi four [lien su. it, silg s op miil illeas* 1taukeu illiîrîl thi'sowanî the parte- iignitd to the. station, wlieinlutlhe open 1tiuen tirtcîl toirr tii,' hotpu. pse-asoul elli carry a coniiliueut of boy% *Second Boit S nks on Sandbar. foit Ucsain u t eua iro Twa men w-lre rowing, bîut aie-n they p~roulalîly iill lie st Waukcgau. were r îunîlifg the, point, a icavy gsit ii Ail Are Peased.t of wind and a large was'î overcame Te iteopsinetir;aprnt tileul. Tbe boat fIied wth water and1 upoul part îof a few NorthîfShore reideuta isauk, a hundred yards f rom shor'e. The bas giveîi W&Y to bearty endouement of unun i itîï n ut tli eir .g uns -afid 'hiutng Li1Ifil 055 ii pfIJl(i outfila and enideavored ta save them- forte tosecre locatlon of thegoveruuuent seves. The wator wao ehallow and the sehool iu Lake eodufty. It iu realized a .boat truck bottorn witîî tuemen stllmue-h différent cleamiof oldiers will lie iin lit, standling lu waàter -up ta their brougit to the county than are ste- ! osouluîerm. tioued at Fort Shieridan, thet tlîe ap- Then they thouglit thoy were close ta preutie-eslit the naval station will lie the the shore. Chlirltensep started to vade. esat abtainatîle in the middle west anid Bea found tie. valer de"per -tawaunl wîlcoue in uny cornmuni ty. shore, and tilleutitheumen realiixd tiey HawThey Are Trained. badl landeil on a aâd bar. Theue they Mn lm years atdand os'er -are enlisteil stood for more thoann our, iu the cold for tie uavy, passing a physical exami-, water, whielcbotten anulil aplomb over nation. T bey are trainedl on diffrent their eai, anîd only by cliuging ta reciing Phips, but go trçougi a pre- each other vere- tliey able ta keep tbern- llmary coause in the big navy yards. seIves in thie boat under the water. Training stations are etablisicel for the Anderson, lîowever, coulil not endure prelirinary instruction af i nnrs Wue the raId, and numbeil, sank seniraI tweeD the agi of 15 andl 17 whe are en ies. Ris campanions kept raislng listeil a. apprentie-es and wbo are ru- bilm, agalul ta the surface. quiréd ta selrve ini the uavy until 21 years The five remainîflg hunters constantly 0f agi. They are îîaid $9 a mwith andl shonted'fiir belpi, and et the end of an are ginen their rations, frit cla.s lothes, hour slîauted with jîîy on hea *ng a a decent houme, and the lest uedieal !ga.oline launch apprae-. Mattbew, cate. aithsaio artre Pitsou and William Hamilton were in Apprentie-es a h tto r ii .thse ral t, andl lifteil the Oive men, wti plactil lu'a neweanieros quail for twa or Anderson, uncousçlous, juta it. 'When three weeks, when tiey loin a regu- they reacheil thé shore they fouand lar battellon, becomiugiuseuets of the Auderpon disil. third clame. Tbsy tay at the station Saved lu Nck of' Time. about six moulus or so, and then go ta Tii. fie otiieni aire snffring front the a trainiug slip for amhort cruluce, finally exposure so greatly tiiet t vilie marne reacbing the grade oi a finit clam ap- tinie befire the effpeté. will lie avercome. prentice an a sh11 netually la Ca)mnlimion Noue wa. ae h ta liave the ie-teî with pay ai $21 a montlî, lu addition Tuesday, Cîristpnscn stililieing lu lied. to rations, Ialgiîîg, elotbing, and iued. They imite lu .aying a delay of a fîw leu]l atteudanon. mInutes more lu the rcue would have 11e-ore reacling bisi rajority it is pas-. enstailtheilivs.sible for An apprentie-e to becorne a tllrd cast il teirlvîs.camsipetty offinluthe seaunan brandi, The body oi Andergîîu soi taken ta vitb paY of $:îo) a monti, wbihbia Chcago. pretty good autloîîk for an industriaus .1 Tî men sat il teii' h,,inglY)oUul5man- STEAILS, 11ORSE LANDS IN JAILS. Constable DIrecte Thief on Hie Way Thes i Dîcovera Ris Identîtv. AN BXCITING CRASE. Engene Houles drave tao rydsîake Thaaksgivlug iigbt ta atteaddac lier. Hei 1.11il.borne an, are ai tbm streeteasud praceedel otahîe Opera Hose.. It vas early lu lhe evenlug end Mr. Hîndei lied occasion ta go ta bis conveyance about eaIallbour mter i. bad poticed tii rig vas ail rtisiand the borne standing as hée l uilt hlm. Be tien louaI bis rg gin. Messag e e at ance met in al liM tons and officers vire soon bot au the treit. .. Contable Gray, ai Warren as stand. lu front oi thé Woodmen Ball ai' Garne whénaeman drove upandlasked hlu thé vay ta Milibura. Hi vas lhrecthng hlm when bils iii callil hlm saying le vas wentid aItbe telephane and t ie Ibere w » a message for hm frem iaO - lakae. lie straî)gtr ujo bearlng. Ibis broya' rapldly avay. tay vas soon lu bi ba lied taing te lb. very maàn thât vas vaistel. Arrved an Milîburu 0n took another rond than tiat thé a i vlw andl hilost ttackof1 hlm. At thée Farhniy, farm or wuar tiirit thé jrmnabandoned the ig, and lu a 11111e whie Mrobl Fitsh O Gayelake Camn ta thei fari sand ifindugthse stranget tieve piaced hlm uiler errnt. ne provel ta ib6.Jae Faust a Young man vho lied wv*kei lu the' vlclnity. Satrdy uornlng Man"halFritScibok Faust la Waukegan milen vs e l l ta the grend jury in bonds of $1000. Be borde vas fod anderlng about thei Fae laeytrnm Satsrlymorli and recoee by Mr. ende.. u ofa thse fact constbie Grmay wFaust lu possessionaof the bornes andrlg Il viii IcutaconvIit hlm ai borse denii ii nlg ôlamni ho vlked 150a Year ln Advai PurniWre The moogt acceptable glfM forA approachlng Holiday. lnuometId at once useful and beautifuL' M4URPERS litis.BESTV 1FRIIEND4 rwo Straue.Ignifage lIn]Fatal Filght Over Trivial ASSAILANT IRGRETS DIR111. Coroner Taylor wa. called ta Highlandl Park Sathirday ta hald an Inîjuet ovsr lie body of a mani inrderel while lghtlng with is. compaulon. and uncidentailu eonnatan wlth tiie afray are unusual. Two yonng min were obeervel by hIaj Danid8on ai tlie Nortbwestern Mfiiitary Acalery Friday evenilif ta ie eugge inluan altercation la frontt oi that institution. They fought a Inoment >r so vlien oui picked up ngarn tones aud after-tlurowing one proeilil ta itrike hi@ advermary seniraI biows on liebledwitb aotlier. île th-nýjumped up and fiel. Mai Davideon ruisbed ta thc Jallen mani aud a. lie appraauhed gaI a gond vlîw of the oui wlîo rau eway. Hilare a piyaucian conld 1hie siirmoned tie injured man diîd: 1lmmmdiately telerun.4 werc dis4patÀ lied in every directon deseribing tii murderer and bldling thc local poice ta, iall buun at aIl]caste. Hi was sein ta flie souti anîd lu accorlance ailiticth tip an officîr da boarlel a souti car and wbîn be arrivel et OGlencai t.he man wa already lu custady. lie gave bis name as Patri-k &urjiby aud bis coiupanion's au Aîustin. Coroner Taylor pontponed the Inîîueat a short time ta allîca ai a repreeentative af the stAteS attarnev'. aiee ing proseut. Wieu questiîmnolýiy Attarney Millr, bitirphy Lild a straigbtforward @tory. ie salid: 111 ain an orphan and about 22 yeere aId thaugli I dont knov nîy exact agi. Witb Austin 1i lid bien ta EMan City lu liopes ai ge-tting vork lu thi railroad gangg building ltie electrie roal extension. Ve liad but 5 cents betwe.en uk. Witli this ai bougit a baiaiofbn-ad vliî'li e divided. We li eit' bien drinkirig. Nîît beiug ahble ta sccure work wi vire wudking bae-k ta Chleagu. At Hhghlanil Park we gaI inta a dispute. Austin îvanted ta, take a Nortliaestern train and I vantai ta walk. Wî argueil the malter and I lut hl m. Suddealy lie rueiî pou me andl stru-k me au tlie liaI. 1 seised hlm and vi rolleil «er -thle groul. lax 1he struggle 1 picked, up a atone and strnck hlm. I did ual knawwat 1 va. dalug. Il va. ail a1l accident and 1 Ikilled himun l 7Udefeuee." The coroner's jury recammeuided tiat Murphy lie held and lie wa. given a her. iug and bound aver, Iuiug remnovel ta the caunty laul. Coroner Taylor.nsked Murephy wVby i killed bis companian. Tien tii man bruite ban anil vepl, declarlnghieled nal intendil té, liat Austin lest frieud, and then insistiug it was lu oelf-defense. Later hi celuI the coroner oside and addressed hlm in hs: "Do you think l'Il hi bang. I1liadu't augbt ta hi as 1 diIInot luteal ta do Ibis ting, but you know.other fellows have galten the tapi no mare ta lane -tien 1 arn." Murpiy's prevailing lear end thouglil ie tliat lie wiIl hiiuug. Navy Vertaran Âs.Jgu4.4~( Washington, D. C., Nov. 28-CapL;à"' AbertIBose, ooaithe veteris aif'ba nevy, via bas bien is service since 1868alias bien, ordered to,. tise om- manà ar thenaval training station, . ln Lake County. RH i vli have immidietely for Chicago, and later on, a civil engineer Yfil li Sat essîgnil ta the work of lnauguratlng survîys and meklug prelhuniaty plans for laying ont the grounds, aselgnlng locations ai1th varionssbildinigs, lredging out a bat ierbor, end dbing al othét preliniinai'y vork. Tii actual work ai building viilbi taken Up as. woon as the grounl donatil by th.e citlgesiof EJhutgo caimu e luspected, pro7 qj erly and tise tille PMs"edtu the grei-1 lllgheet market"priece paid for S ail kiwis of RAW FURS -BV- Chas Stemp!e Long Cirove, Ill. Noir. la"s Me. e Ilarry's LUNCH COUNTEI LibertyviIIe. 111 .turday Ngt Ralph tub ' B INt N0110W à'&ur - PIUs2c3u .SOP. 71 SINDA' ReQ~cmbr 4,il MAYS.75 iim 2"É PRIuse5. 5.Dow5 r i-0--d mtiia lem' furniture Us "Ut"p There 18i nothlng else quite s0 Ap propriate Our Holiday Uine must be seen to b. appreciated. Coein and talk furniture. We can Wu M. H EATH Furnituro and UnaertaktIng -Libertyville - - Ilinoiq &tve6 Catianci examine my Uine ofHEATMN STOVES, RANGESand STOVÊ ACCE8SOR1M8. OGet My Figures Before You I-st .and Farm Implements a LIBERTYVILLE - - ILWi~ Ili.

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