Il, ~ te alli caheai tees on p lni.bmd la ans raidi lotI tarer- l u emqn sc04fl At terepective otMa ta.tpen Ph«*c7la hkia t h iure chAvO aensnH#eam t ts 10 z -d U atier Imporent mensure vas the le tdlwW bl etIr 'tlîA ed=kWiaof etOklabogii. 111- b" bse PCt" dfitil Terrlter and New Mexico sud Ai1- MWP bug mm ** OPA as, esk Newv Mete is Iboom la uo lat<er luth an APPlicaat fa, t atlîtood for tbbir *11ée "u Befer s.P-o&"& . ift015 h bsmalways hfuifrictioai lm cnt et the . mpioamuithe a.repwemeutatives et lhe vagseus W" oMotta a' bi of lere@ ccellilýg lhe. oflsi4ae ce.oand, ae:ont er. Au ageoimnint v4s iree M flffly gmbe4 hiacowbt ta y pornit thes» messaere.ta conle -b.- r ~ 4, V5luU~WB on ogrsus *Bd lie setttod BU~ ienbi tbe. admlesien et ail. ~ ~$~u m l~ (ther tmeaurlaiwhçb Chîcapaus' IL:M" drfl S 1a t «W09 pi Wvo#antereeted Wh"cliare llkely ta, ,cei$ ý-l Pa ou bww 1 0 lw p futotr fiuaiaction Ilaile lIhe Hepb=in euo«o*t Pigie-tqoad b(H, -ths epbimrn-Doillver 1bill 6 » p cent Ip lire V egulstlig totat. comenaurce la i lquora o u mw b. the Ledg bill for the regnlatian aoflthe a~ SI te ,Z memelr service,;anappvîrprationifor ~ Uid~ 5~ii W cangea li the nov Chicago pastelfles for t hem .~tspthe. botetae he *i.nAIt aieîctleeth r"Uta lau 15 sluai Manùn deug bill, whlch mermîlts patent. ~ar'uqm~"MDe~Wmsos. Mnthelimceu oet mak"g drus@ aulyai41 4W b.lvein 1h1il ndother caunties. aidthe MUD "3 '-MW-lober dlubut. sbitratlon ll,vhlch va S-ý *51 ddvecaa*7b dis tâte Volney W. Fauter. goh"INOM 18411MWbý9i ýItllam Ualikeiî thit n public, bulil- te .e , ..u. . ' Ut bIhid a rtiversansudbarbr rme- >-tt. *1.daeWt svi s piieeby lhe coaileai ie. =. a tZ iyEt0 Ie barber bll la alanest certain te b. teý lé~hs &" oaw5s p r OI Ppasdi. an stae Fl~Ligenkm, wh. b*. taëtee g vheasia W oit*k.his euaiBmVice. rt ento mtedm, thI, lg~arci 4#viii baa the ndded Prestige bÏ5 WM~I s et l *#* laer te emble bimatto push biwothebres. '1u%è ithernebil. «d tii trauldy, ubeis Na1tit lesother itainsoftnational loteremt 1 frý v e w*u beà aiuut Sills vi0d4thelon ur ra, i jtilnl emb -Mutue by eM-7,int ml s Elety'H -toe cenandthe. attetin of e mita~ maaNuu*nael balai arcb 4. On.à vet 1.. L'- h is. 6 t6 cm or t h Who tu MWv atlg uder charges ef un- àZ adbanoe Cs i.ha u-judieli count The. Smant trial wl irý o e uiw on materaI occa-bproceeded vt rýthéy 1h Uate cetalt- 1i00 o nevgmA ndpemet. s adlis- la ir*ùýM it 4 h sloobmtritc by (Jeu LT *0.00. CranipacInetdiansaîueavld- awm n x« itftk omslU. tfer iectila lu isehra rspre- -uma lu EMrsn fer Staeos hlcie et 00, 4174lwtramsd th aimr loft a a BODY OF wie- "n-l ail te hum limai ka hmt an sut 1%« a li t1 a. té 511 Of. r4l oevru.b t&iorew Courte ry li&th mid" Itsv ae, mmd mmà - lar m taiurgiuai w )trk Ott. ami dam et.summ0 wa doue. ha. -hbff on tho rot 4 luna in au tsa wMai r*msai liah noiellel,01.1ah Bc MU& oSer a 10.5and p h. vas bor a lu1851. tompsi luethe v 4 lihh, loe.abtIi a 20 A Plamqes. w» bWeei la doati- anm rtDeUaaaviese. hm"anoiftle 1 thitorimaï, vhlch li et. Louis Mt, vii. omevea terur iy ftteim;n il -isetlem & l»Si. [a0 Ifth.m SCeag. la il abis"-..erlaLa, <l sai 1 in dit w la ssee leW o Ja soi, gave il mmii a'Il lej t hum-: Ohile.50 nsan »alntl>' 100s maoie mmmmiot 6hveuit b0« te tu anoeM mé.luEhn . neti lefuuttdy.aleh ire vas ne polnlilly e th Mun"afut atom frtrmil Na Cepemisd (aiant Ual. The oUtre çIatr. ug le tur mil.. Àp- tMine114FaisN. IL, h-bu e. doavaei ie01 efc<crst timelmta a a euprr ira, a* sdlesdaet Jsr oiffltatds W o pim tel omis unsf the ts- 11111% neullasing bo i.udodh b l aieitnmiuL~ th, tint vfagonbarreovanamibasita ver. ussi dtoeairaj hti eeav". M-Wx l llanaomvine pracred huai'. the atea liW qjk le b.enod. Ticnerasittbeli t hie uPaMO mesv um PtuhybstPrn ien_*~ blq ~' aep ~ HQI loe8 ulret Nev Tork effets te W.k pa, halt 1h COOtet etabUhWab ir 'h, uneemmtigael ellee lai Yreug tii. venu, I ai svlî, N;. 1 Vamssr Collceo, hrobreiglMt. Bnac«y &de- basreelvel fromeinls misteet public. 'eux Instrumtio IParis 100 vluns.coaiu- NXO lita Frsncb hwslc4"md«L Dr. Mano Lttmmul and B«vard0. Bailer of lue Pd-luestontanty, Wib la PartY, wM apendthie vint., lai Syri '.0ý tudring thetalcelagy bat na eu- ani Tb t-uMWalcaliaucoetTaom u.1 wn i I la- th" -r. iram12.746 4, lngggradualsi Ma âi 521 d!jpdnels et Taie, a totaletif 8R 5oft le ca sud e0-u"idierslmint eAî-arelving and rew tsa0 dm4, mmd oet l i ctilicmela sap. Olais ai mmm rt 1,08mm y w« tek.traduit« b1ae udnminliai tilsa.The tro@" .clalogne vilj,«, At., b. ollisd o ts~aqum~ nlu me C =aou vi I .Imuie- an a e r -. t'W &ont th"insthelI [d ébilhdm nla lhes mdaoe et Blanavoe1 ye.en 15.00 te t ia d 0 xsnig. cent of*0 blue cttiree teund laisu.- C430 4$4ml e.ped au body oai n&MWu, li e b.e melndsd for hoAi e y et Dta cltatsa et m jit sud e . tom 4#emu otula; 0ps. - bimuins IruiheesOs ce t. ýAp U&a»Id éther ropb %h.£0a a t i. ,p 111, .* Mi Wsi 4btUiiVOIM rea iilo6Os Mdlr. more 1-i e baMh. Am~a gave bIigo lee te It 11Anid loen's 'voiceu ao Uplifted witbh alu hAnldar" But 4Ismi l )&yAtutiu path of ss-ian magniRuw4muios 4ed ti W-a.L Iqm va. a eagatimPied and i toctk*l eancS ivari t pt*âeIoibexàretEo segibeern kiwome, magatbhaîs fat>$% a lyrtéa1 hit ' mltn4 mot intefAne oft»ë e t aslainal; aid W ith&e ayeo! XI W . enev tkini foritho Idude: te par tribut. te u "rla. liii.British birnetin there lir aaleclO l i black.:baslý On ltutop le sei'ed the ilpeeet hhuluoeme..eKing et As.I*a witii survant- abt it. hm hlng poins 4abole t l whll. thi $Wta mon heu devu and bensath in tii. loait.'«i tribut$ of Jéhu, thi e "etinOmri, xKm er Of*met," Itehon, ue olrtettheéil rt Of ra1l, for a dtise paid tribaite (2 Klugm11;3) te a inter Mhh mnfer Bt th ii.ndgd d l.w.ttkln.g jelned fore» with Egnutm id i-bua sought te trouai l iIt tramthe Amorrlsa yoke. Thu Iram that Shalmnser ment bis an.!..tu Pua" hbis rebellionsuauaiu,. Beila thIi cnptured the. dty of1tSamnarie a h neer 41h4. MAdIt vasn uner Barge.o hie succesaar, that sainaria, sittr a loug, cruel anildoaeperate struigie, as Cap. turcil. what en% the ultluaate fate et the.ttn tuibes et lIntel? Tb. peeple vhe rcooai «ed la the land coaiesceil wlth the. nour -aen. and.eonuttt h. Bawloteas et a 1*1tera. Se fair aes$ii.captiva wre rail puobobly Borine e brt tew returnef vlth Nehenleh and Eue te r.enslltuto the"jevimbstats It le plein thât bath Paul and James re aetded the. leva .1 huday sethe hoirs et tii. tIvetribu. ,(Acis. 26-;lItmen 11. It Je probable aise that the north- eruà tibe. jlyod-'nW, Port-lae 1h.epieM lewish comuii.uwhlch ,eistilla the landlW et iceutf mbylen aimtent te oee ewn tinte. But deaibtlmss.the groal me- betty eoftthe capivle@ ver. -shue, Lll torbçd 'luR h.e opleu vitii vian tilr lot fou cut. Mamil curiong ga4 Inerd& ibi. theeules haOv luy soet te iman titi anoderia tiie iesenilats, It vas in. The. veltmr oet h.eeok ai Kînga glvem us a phbliasepy et the hi.- tory ho rearda.fHeo des nemt- ainply chmonot. ,ents, b. bxplMJttim. -Dace of geoffephlçsi à"dhustwrclltareta.lm "em th. e MI dutom"tive morui terce Our lsou mi oA b. toennda "post MInet" e5sua"tle. Aiti tu twdi w" éreaulted laothg deati of tIse natio Dlsaat.r dm.mot aeemrUi y li MeM nt ke achet liv., le ommuen viii teéir SImlt'uelghb MM ite have tbeughî os. suJeune R tiulhtir rexiediates lb. Adéo th"8 aowutt bu alvmzs a* punlsibpm. jar sin. The, mmaf wpb tho b sT#wtr of Uianq fmU ver.met Wvems. thoni other Uff. (LuMIt litai. Euttebpng> âme ma l acé OMtthlg et tii. ,dimasgsvliure saieruilbock toeri "nlu thée lupon Prouse Jovah and . he"ce et the un" wet - iegof*et'i.ntionsabent- h.. Inte.l show..,IL oral. dmmrdat4a wvila culd net stattued lu en. The. fdela- ~~trrot'Uaq E-nt1ilertome orelty and; mars! dteieoratAdL. It taeant: aoidtthaspere livhlch peiltlcal vilon vas aoscuéed, i* destactie et th. lIner lite et thei nation vhieh loftiv Ibelpiesa ber. li ts.m 1:e hl"«-s Dm et lea",@ stei. a mas*wd y the Qed agninat vhom il %ad iuned, fae had brouet thePeple ont of Egyptisu bandag.ean41 heu rlespvaswuapemtacy. 1 Becret 111teuot'probu'bt at the worshlP etfeh V uvs vieuiy band.n- id. "Theycaverei tisir lmltry vlth b'reuhm.that l vwait a 'wersilpoetJ. hevah." Maldeubte.a peeple tho mil reevedý marne inluitenaaent %vore s«h"-' ed of tde minsualities vhti disarsas 1h. Meg «Plateo aud ther practicsd them, 2. Obstinait.TheF aned fsiest 11*11. 0"dr.mousled viti rhum by- hua prets.but tho'ae, ne ho@& lia took lilthbte ta «W <me csud og dn )uot aseo h uea ntr al'h.04 dus s a imut and pasio d mot eo ti e ot l 'ilt, pnrueiomsaIl ncuetif -« t hé tht sliti.,eaeLc i agmin. " i. MWs lid 1 ofvenlil ia ne.;:but nov ys imy,.Wî ai; yo«r sin rmumined.h "9:i. mrotkaie Qce" lTh. divine einum#nsata p muce 1ke the deuteen vb loh h.clii aier snd .11li te aluns 6&U luaetbW#u Thgy vmint aie&iUli mthe . m superstltion% of ieolotre. »g"M ceila thsuef evil iti l a18.Img ovitiel uetegdater u"seeom, i pale ovn ettsrly desteoy.i B~ hmorte 4f Qeddinet tait JuaslIrstwm&. on ber, sentier kelaab as aoMeos for mure lisse 0" q e %wà.tm MAi re alleo-Le, ma*n e sigi. im eort h.e ulmé luons»lu ie hwïtir;.ne i. um fuo m uje te *' eitbutive, they sei4 itter, oie, lai aidor tI , mny har tie 1h.,trme vsY. APropi, mnoim9w 7su-1 bhm lenamnla goln .la be s ittoeaq env e er. d ati Aacu-Yndeed? Wbat tiu hi.doui? UmsDeMit-fico s M or eehW pwh, readng l l tw iao es, vilS ii 40-v restlng . t- u bu nL--pwIid >ie Prose. 1 $ ~ mup pu V1t* S7 1~i la: ce e. a,. e., 't- E- b at~ i I. i re b0l em ifd ma n, emi»e41 aas aIl prediet su t the drouth aoli *tw et or ms oe susAn >eaias et tuant mitaoe snpey, mat iiib sUd Hluuae itr 1~-~"" us usouvs: n. .tiamnmau; ta~ lu~n aie 11adu~o; 8. Wmnglale JcAb.~a ans friqu.nlty mealloueti aider > - - usina-Wf-&u- £'hsai w muel,, W14Am ut" mi. bfor te biwung r frte _j iun#mbu (Pn. n. 111 omtst"We wthe eay. gr * 1v 'A roepi 7, Ewiobmo iti uew; 3. As cOpaed vlth li a msine Ior luta*m, omti gronp;5% Peion. 'th.. ent e»tb fNoeo6"ai 1 ElrivIons h P« ~, Peijua r CeamEi,1 y$ lin b. prectlplaine g Piuaaaealtrt;un&Mkate t~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~?rg testsee aatt ra at;1 ortsul; 14.B aumv m It tu trgenchon aid itamruai at 1,MangetshaiOrGodi - ever lic Ince, No expiatloe, l- to rt; 1i lecteel baller o ce iv glyc trhie veatiebureaufMi tise bmtteri. 17, p&nlniflgllin ai Ceoiib# OD resarkab. condition* that eisIt. Dragon Hnul,.18, Kuropahkin Fort, an Qmui et. hie moelserions resut4 et »iThift RI. Fb.Thelocatiflon e i hi4,trolMh la the tutalti et. Mctiy ftlla r* alvin laccedlng te a nsa ci As! m"ine cated lI lu.IlIs _W.ppAroce>puhlibed lu tb. LeaudiN Valley statu te soit Taler. Fb. minisTimies. The dan limes emml and ioitE usa a aenai:nto ta ntheir ea- repemant thie etaris laIte a ines vill-anmd lhavi heinubelé. le l. egulefortifications. Sel 1t. lThe cloalng devu et nma*e ef thelb mines, #MOUSthons <ho.. lauthie 1401. "Nit OFFICIAIS. adistrict orend lTrre Hautel. a, l iao csisega d -,te* laya If thistila ni> nain or thes A mev and mautatial thijLsbliu [t mi* ovnmsde net hl i alsr e 101h givmn th,. Chmilk cama vilh tg aresa s-muis.lai Diltank cari. :etofPreident C. 0. B~Cvtt amdiersi I Li ralmiede aIse are sufferlng au IpearettliaiCiless' Nationael Bia" ai 5,o liiyst thie droulu, la Ohe Il Oiertl, Ohia. Fhorare ebergmd vikb huseu tolaina iossilit. pte h* > ievlolahlie tbilerai bamktl W . l'he, vain tanks aile&-Al, l engliers have boni leenl l'ra.Chavick PO.000 Tee radla om vh fle licapital la ouly 0«»,0.0 Snb oprieva ngleutiBos te se aIli., I" aleu hbeare-lanid -te hoin lu iante - *slngî. AtBloeailutou, ~ of tisa ioderui builug lava. Tiie taîl- - 11à Oucâe ni Allen ttalla51bisbenau mre th benk tlirealen azanorI 075.- r eeid te muk aiellsamac tranheiCi Mtottethe d.pi.ltors., - aflmtm vilhe iecty Io tuel"s thglu. Tb* ctiumesof Oberlinplace mesg ar ft tmleod i 200,000gallons et vatsn lu* biama upom Proesdent BeerivîLa.The -a day fartliietes, a.» Me liton, ru-fialimg saalt hum la bitter lu spiteofa iiolis bave ruai dry.,Flue cetiitiens his advanced ose anal s lai lnan. Il Io i Ohio &ad jljjneli amethieDaine u anm rued, a diffte i y. tuaI Beekwlhh - do»Ma eicvm,. 4111 net stuèlli IoAp.U lia.Chadwvick Tiisr.iauuoaet ic ole suxiI 0n02,000 trm hie ptlvatte 1tua.aS h. y Th' ebaiatin o theW*tr O baY s uelaim«.l. bult tat ho. lOnil bar 19i umai thie cilez li the vallcy bis024049W et the bank'a tunilsp a nil ldsO- aiealîeutet lma agltatielu toi tien took hie note -for 8102,000payaisl t hie .talaisnent o otU rveslu to blanlit peomll. - This - note fer rman>ofet hern. JackmavI iIoma- 01S2,000,It la rmered, nepret" ithe aý fnuteon, Damivlie andi eluer clilu have bonernisMW.Chadwick pilalu eder te 3ettail lu this agitation anal hqui Siecirth fl e 100 0 bis 118eOnOOctle elanIug botter .protecudan i le ta eesIlqtht Mes. cb"eltv la - £hm dm.abau take ù Tisy- s esaduilNevton. lthe- Breoilini, queston leb.lm~ ~tita - 1 .- a ik«e. vas te necelve a bannaet a Suit cf t bpialif lb. ited,-m the- r 000. 1f« 1heum f,8100,M00, vh SM, temral t th cltm on ici",*Med th suit tb@omelve. vdt liai bmeana ot otep. Deeilwth,'1t la.repôrted. taed lhe 2 Pns aL on aslb.hesut orthle d"IutÉ.81140M of etthe Citises'National Bami - ID tisa countIr>'ara Xl'heniVer u, aitte If-. Chadwick viliaut lis aMgt, DLi, spria trait pceslg eugini inoologo et guytiet usbenk'miiectoms b ave s»ltfart te *te the1hry go à"a aestei&U mlongtiat hi bai, coin vilc e t ogianu nte te lde ,e.umq"nm e ad ctr. Il ha berneun- derateod liaI the gacunlty easlatsd01 c auseItîla tee dry ten hào uhaalk*l Fic lvnotes. m o an 0,000 and theiahher ire bave don*e cnsilerable dansa".,for,$200,0,hhi sgned by Aadov Car- -te the cropi aet Iimes have threat- agIe. Attoney AIbaiegh afCanton ile- tsv.ipup te lie beundnarlet of thecil- « au hen b.noites ta senijise, multva 1 'lmaid viliogio; - iinctora of caheina. baukm aver the>î bave *_ AIlnuh o,,Illmnogsanul the th«rier thnotes lai qaiesli. Bockvth Missssipi alle Ottesthe roaestbai doclored liaI lthe tva notes. smIl *te MIs.ssltxil alla Slaom 1 ~ h slaied bu (iqruegIe, are Iocked up la illitulti abainmsxpit'ioncl lnand- .a aafety depesil vailt. liugvalefor camIde. Tiiosimitions __________ vbicb are en rivera or laies, er cour@%, GOVIENNIENT ESTIMATES. bave ne dtflculty at the prisent lime. baitioigb somie oft hi e tnams bave Appropriatlons Bequireil for liloal Ils- týIuai aeatly dry, hait lb. caIlle nisrs 1 MIual l a 110te Ce..gssm. vieoare dependint upeai villeanad EstImaI.etof ppropriations riqnleed reservolresfor vuter mre. bdly off. for h support of tbe geveramn ur a- -laithe Wabash River ValteytIle lut t di. I se ~r endlain a oue e, 06. conditionsuaueoparticularly bail.MWata- ve. transmitted le Congres. by tuas Sec- la binshauld fr mles rmi he mr-reiary ot Ibe Trensnry. These esîlunates la bilis bauel fermilestnal ti. 9119,f.SSIZ agnegmt 9p14.- city la no greal liaI a Clarke Couati 545.95, the amaent et lb. appropria-- fermer vas aile t10 ail! thé privilege tiens fte eucaranalfBscal rean. ofe ulevwing cattls te dimir, front * Fellevîig arecaplluastinof ethIe pelai upan, Na 1hUMeltn#Mo1. Bale>'estimstea hi deptia'totas prélda tsbave huaI advaaacui lu price lm0. Ioen se~ ~ ~~~d"b ti atî tieimet ana.làl, - - - Z.40n*2ltS nP, 80 par ent, -tokow:ry Repart- Orepa .et tati vhent have 'hein ni- Wmi Diamrtnent .- l¶a *m tnA re mont entlIeli deâtroye bY thie drouttu. ay5tin t.ilOeSi*zU The vhuet le istîl greovaIs tln aigoe e »eat-.9AUllrb maklng but 11111e pregnes andmuI sta -oment---------... ffla0<5 2um1,2 hopes an. entonilaiel or hb.ç <- i uD~rm ....... et 1,81g-92,1 tii tarmen. ltyicrepe ause havi uet Deitmast of Cern-a spolled. TheLaie.i1ttot5,00m. lcmqff hein titael ______bs_ _______ i lues enablil tisai te galber thein cern grand ttal...t.19,S8 145a. crop vh iUtIle dimçulty amidte soi: Tii. lau fer fat 90. blhare Gier aInt* thilebarnsa ceeu vict vaa laid 95M00O0O0moe.h" tn is. ton1905, lu. dat b>' beavy salmera u n li ptoin. clade 0140MZ1.80 Permumu soai &i P- ber. Tii ronds. cevet'dil iti dust Do propriatienus lreadî provideil for by liv. Ouiare luvi oomgael.JAMAEB N. YNSA DEU6O Theamai; tet tain vIc b ha talion- - in th. Misaissippi Vlly difiis Slfcme. orssr Ofl Who ie igusg u rai vimLt eccordtiîi 1e iemutles. It Mar>'" Iswoues Ava. b.I vil, iowirer, thut l1111h ornoaierahli ermer ietui» s ea"e lJamos W. hie talie or er eva wveois Trupt far - m i bord gevorsamu late b.Villey. Coluimbus.a l.1,,. - a-ii d, ooAdW porls uatet eebei net bee tainrae- WeIueai w ii- sterm a tlaitisIvlclitî fer dfty-hluree "une«. bidbeen 418. n 111ai015 mi 111h luelUen lo n eg thme, Mmd boa talini Ibm lai Ohio. Flue elnl'all - Dont sxpew oedt te Indan naie. bas heiùnriter. Knia- e laoni1hW tuek vies mdiiOilo' nua adry P8111e. I at wich bli 1Wlscigiuln lithe saut.ecélus ai Ôhbit taMe. '2ro& a and' KCentuacky, 1 vile 'Missoumi la -nt )fr i ueraW welI offà&Iljiînois. Kansansaid Ne-- IatmrinG*4r hin5O~.- -asadinisitra-i Fln l Iosa occialoueil le thie ahi-ntiflelut aes. amàuoit Weil be, r.hlaitatea iamatilIl la -tglaul> vas -ne imevat ebelluer tbere wluî bc n rai- - --AsIstant Alaraie mail bieè. extrme celui eatbîr suts Qeerti4 ti eitelac-e pantateu lu,' Areiady. -havever. 109amoat ipatu s a a, ndemtteels lIng teiellons e of lars baive been mOU lia naphe.. arc . IEsmtelj t , o i-ciorted., Thi. Ohio la iiîîîý-Bmortai4et clmof. et c e r a e o omeé tiv e Agnelti tteiuplial le keep nze 0uthlmalle lr certain e mt-rId l soen.elallatiet Iiefe of th. qukot" concerne. <Oa Ibis tare hWva drouat. but lb. figuraraa ie 0111Y laI- soilulttei ha aJiuy. -Mr. jiarvaa prosîtlautiy ere-Nt. Tiey sbow n as blietaI reIilla. huA, tIn et avn $50.000 - -Tbm«ainluwàm mmt u sde. FT.emmuhi or pisnahvia inl At haluni'hM. aaOin lehfvau th tise»tttmet [d D a : *M.n Ut grib u r m so , n rvîî Lap a la re e thé s o ri t h A. s e t u P reisito ' Iwutkalontie4 sipidIt ueelog trulu a «4 a i ,se tfw i ot et Ik pg lens of meK40retu ln u n a AaaereaiseI rqualreaeun.4 Mmrntb. luteetor adylers tu lfiora Viuatmiiuon Lnu E ties anid tihe eutlaok encan ana exelnt bls'idny til, itallroad returna exhiIl tonnmage la the ane-eult. ierchaudsll ,andl farta ih auavlgutlon u' ins »«otCidusi utaitnt u adflt, .aboyai of or.,.. fuel andl lumber, tie regoug i 1900 ,tt, 9, 579.001) feet a îeait*1g0.. (nuits inodeentpe. iaaiiaacturlng inaiahl newed Inie lc tos at laiMe 1 eapoeially ln lreîlai*lgatu,i fui; aned lattu- mtu Sbrama lauuiaalls a uligdAnbi Ce, boliersaud'stv e shoas iicaeas.d bMOI'am tions vire aned fu <r Jéï shblpbulldmg& Wtsmd&W triet booied nuearffl=la paactty la noV M.nsd #ë Doaqd et Trade opsexla a largup -lam, r*WIp» « laug ClO« .e hole é« 'e il whil e 9" olipu »if« bugbelm. a dcea Tiere va.asWrahltaêZ ad vain..m eeo l d i cern boivesekot , alslr uu- w0 i An la .0C Ulie aiuanord M ,a$Ulit andl 25 a y>eat aga, -1badatroosta- bien m"Xlnty tav ,shu. < bn hulped reliait traite,ei eorestront jebies lid,1 lcIun, 4exept lu__ whîeelolding , fieav7- dry gai lt!ç Cartes snd lialdeserhq*, maont nctvity. Hlosg'UUII id vil andl promIses a Vil'> gn4gate. Atl uucivl m.m volume. point te a buv>' AM eee&nzmg. CIe*rIngu. part>' b active upeculitien ame la#u ber total having euh aur. I iaa.idasd lbeai lunMa".Il leslb arglutesI la ambermi of lm. 1, RlllWil dItIiSs beavi traffle, vlti goins aun ago,-and Car shertâge. ai.4a1 rîdely ucpatente4saciens. Buiess fulînres lu lia Ilotes fer tihe voci endlog lDg ba'r 184, agsainai 193tliaI the like week lua19<1, 183 lu ln 1901 sad 224 la i 190.Pi baaaa for thme veik numu. aIna 31lIast viii ail I rut-k a yeur mgo. .u a it une SouP hmmt isk me41lgevuiti *Ouaom ai". *e P ~ei te oaluonn. Mesiai- r-ett beibotaevre iade vwith re- amsombrancea t toemoftdrat pUt M 4 he. clambeepreuetea aPPOerafflaceh ci ey neyer kgov on 40&S 7te q acsn. siketsmend cia- tolev et brit roes. , hrymanthomum and. atier f01 euvers coveeedthéi "»eb4uloeiÔÙOdfor I115fimI 0801m0 O e. utt.lhicongresa tPeomphl a1et . nT i rt Ustute luries ont wau lit. Plat etNeor Tnt. Leuq belote12 e'cleck liai gallole vers fille& but lthe bum-of cnverma- Ilien easeil -bmonPrulalet Prs Tmr- h lEveetBai. ri. P.,.ciaptâ e tSenlatel lProyer, whicb -vas llat. «Aud te hy mimd>'eveal Shutoe. 'l. mesaalbeai vacet byý destu-Um oet semalor Rose ef mia-. aacliaam e ndiSenter qna et Pion- sylveaia. Many e vire Uwfal Mon rovfully tevard lih* deïka Be long e. cupled br theme meu. vbo bad grev elal la lb. public servic. l'helr suces. -sor. mutmi-elocl (Jemne oetMasse. ebuetts amInd es .f-Penumllvsns. attenedi themsesien, but viiànet ee. CUPY tie Mials aaineite Ibem ut u tie>' anre frmrnaiyoru là«, la i tle $-&at, for. asitis, ltai siession vas adjeourue out or respect fer lie tase Isators Her etflMassachusetts nad Quar er PeainaylvmnlQ. luhe flous. nohii beyond thi e ereauine wam taitec Tlue Ha.econvened At »AtBfer the lest-.solauau - Io nyif-ugiithCo., q« Aut 9lot dok. niiu la àshort lih Mrvi et vaetaies, mmlioslpw nemge çsai,«via vl iresmaii. te 4i0-t& Mecinst *Part fer I& Tisuc taleorc ed liai b»grattent 0lut lie hippeiam udi *tow biser au k"at- Up .Au Satamm - U.0ptSIL Xov mand ole ,seOmotaverntie ei-- id thiiebeamber b. e» apMbudud. Tis.wvIE b tlie'mhotesionie ltii. VItly.elghhi Ceaigries a a tabiy wttl b. censlered durlng teafed ëessien et dtheVltty-elgbtii Entri Sisdon-lfay b, Cal.ed an où ns- mote,malgeite prenidse»Venuestiu- iatîcai te aaeetl lacreameil appreplatioma. STarilT-tlcenailid, c ai lora. thet th.î subject vîli no et hisdmred. Lecpteltir-Pro>med treaties nov tei Senate emnanlîlu probâbly vill net - b.- taken np ovins le mtremg opposition Plihppie Rallraada-Ul teceat1e ronds wlti goeîrurnent gusesut»tu te b. preased by, Senater Loedga. Otiier Fui- lpimpne legtmllainProbable. Statehaod-Bi! te combine Oklahomna eaid Indlinterritor, As ues 8tat end -A'lrzoaniandl NewvMellce* me motiier fmeaudlng lai Xhe Seaute amd i llb. outahti lmpeab"ent -,T'he peecedlngs Ogalaist ltadge Savyer etf I@nIda vii i-une uo, but ýdeebtles. yu go over te the not Congres' .smool-te Popos tiod te, eject Rond imnt â tra h Renatoprlitl1 ly ingo over te lis mort ssi MctMerbLurbwnepcst orthetiia- krma4eaai ieownieloai vii lns lu t. vaaatigatng the. mehjeet Sciasei ictuloa-Nev treeti' beiugc uegotlaled sud neur lav te replaceInv 2 expielug ma" b. secesoar7.-t lmmlgration-Bill pnivldlng a tax of82 P a anti 5 tettu « U tl w een-2 ument agent Bttafrenopors eto e opusb.d CurnoucY-Uucital% probable, but ne actinon sgte vIde range aofsegtorlal souherà enEpeestatlmPepdte redee repréentation ".t oti Sutes ' to e odleusmd, buntt euIo lrobabli STruatsmuct, de"sipretaend, but little efeeth* ie Mâleil.nprobable. SIatitate Cogmueoaff.rt te su. 'm large pe*erm eft1h* commIn anmue& i.4 mwiti Prebbhly .U5ele v. .MUDO.ltlnhebN rallnanis,',- 1 Elght.our par-Bib te Htia onsli, XoviaMunt eutrauts to b. pu"ii-d hg e lite laier coûmmîtts. 1 Pu r oad--BI te protecl fond ta 2 -emu Sp surrî vti attempt te defatnt itSi 67 dolai. Fan tmm oire isi lu a treooysI h. mhotomma <Siew Mmd paséenger se sccapL ,p The .&y Zooan d abarloubeon. d& gqbln»et aI mtuket SI &Ir., wu viencosil ote he «tant et osa Aild Caser. ."aet e-UIorhR oma Eamy, vise vwdu@ ia Ih eu-0 mat prmnmrrfer nanti Jodl% caut te STh* battaitis MakavMt f rontTA-.I anma tu Ma"dtan, goàooimas a.fends on thé. wout em«ost teffler lianO at bc i. b arnts .et à b$M pk lisem in eu =r o tioa' As dé**dllibeso v s Nv Uues VoSuns z d ite te0 ta i72 hosa. 4.0te'4.05; shesi. f"i t04.75; vient N. %2 arn, NO. . %d4cto 4e;' :se te 2ge;e rye, 'No. 2 il melhy, 08.50 t, lai 18-v t1.50; butter. ehol es r Me; 'ugm, fnch, lâc té lac te 37c. 1 ndanapeiw--catle 5k K25; hos, cle h igl 'heat, irNo.2 11 te $5 hbile, .v, 4&e te 0c -ite, M9e to 82. et. Leuls*-Catts, 0» 100 let .0g iop -ueal, No. .$ t. l 1 mee 4&e; -ails.No. , eo. 2. 70e te Tic. iuse. $&O0 ta 415b; Ob 1.00! vlet. X&2r 1 .0m, N4. 2 mîxil, Sec h 1mlxed, 82ie ta Ua;,try, Dtet--Catlî, s$80 ' 1.00 te 0g0; se rev, 4Se le 49e; oeste, gle o32.; rie, Nou 2. Un .10 te #Élà: er 1 ii ta, >4e.!2white, SU teS3 »p to 81c: bail,>, Ne. 'e ber*. mess. $11-1 M 1- Tiuledeo-Wlaat et, .2 d [1,6 cern. No. 2mh titK 2 nalxe, l it ou ha Bkc; eleversebil, 4»0 te 5P-%*. bauge.falr o ".70; aheeu, fslr te ch 40; IambetfalertIocehi Nev Yori--Cattt, $ '00 $4,00 tIo52; i 4.50; vlist o -it Or No. 2. OStIo f aile 80c t ISet s*lm