CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 16 Dec 1904, p. 1

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~!0 Ial a~iu HscklngCous1 * fqtmIof QIkrehd for cSu et oolds, bro»ehItigé ho e -tbroat ami ane Sohool Supplies.. ville, Ow00at tfradquj Duck Cut SL50,o S 2M0 Swcstu*S5Oc te $250 Montmauek Gloyus mi Htnd La.d SL25 saitSL5 CaifFaus it ts 50 to SLO New lot of Mem a o re kU rv Biock IER O .PARJQHU-Ri SUIIPLus*AND PRoFilS 7000-00 DUPOSIS - - 350.000-00 Nw ýCerticates or Deosit p'autover>'atatvet ur ana, ÉExectarw, Admîn itral Truqtse ait Trensurems poeaous Who are responaible for trust tondes requit. ah.o »isct>, ait dealre a guait rate 01i lte-at. Our certifleatos af Depst pi et §Il thil. 1 ieý4 aIo 1 ta 8 P M'Jlsoas . Bldeaii. 'hous 268 Lihert't111.fimais DR. J. L,,TAYLO. ocu iM ~'uruinamsà a rLau's. mffl--qta 10 ab. m. 2 ta 4 end 6 ta Witem.0on Broadira, appast. Pan. 01 oChicago - DENITAL OFFICE gue..-Weduoity f «ehcb sk tron m.te 6:00 >p. -AIrOUlY AT LAW. ltWuiom. tHLupui nom< i. 26. 1 O»--8 o*1 â. n.Sud 1 ta 5 p..m. Iien tYtille, Iftlols. M~ "-~R GUOAY. ïw"-rom lL ' s a&t'iôeit. P 'P AULt MAC GUPFI kATTOINZY AT LAW. p poii là- Féirst INi1n al, Bank qh 1 0sc~ eW,' <1 mb> npetorfor <be i.éyumiktbo # lest bs*ek sad is Îisli iuugss tpoibs for dalrymm bhs<TP buresi~ygrains.Hestallaiop P. D.r ,Utl bol sgm -oiô .7os.nBs wet ad drW dgralus. auit taIt Mr.6 ,«eni eck am h. bail malit>' Inlormed a Mi. eYoTre, ci 'tii.local bottàlng vons, l *ezt num-.bsiM-.Hrrcamd ed i- kgbrseeygriihis mfliiioulithe1 baresittros Chicago, sait that i Mr.à Rf Tore reeelvoit mlii frnt hlm bisa tbipasut ai fbottiedit mliii oulit h.1 barra. it.r. Y**i la desuroua of comply- a * lng vi$h be proviiions aitih. Chicago0 Wb.ubarit, sd M. Herick not vaut-1 ji ng to implcato blmin trouble tolit: tbet naspoctar curti>' that ho voulit continue 1to eit vbstever h. wisbsitbut voulite -coutet ta llssi lii elmeviere thaa tu Tare or lu Chcago. - isAt me ~ agof the ltervaOi l NI)x pENDENT Man lterrogateit Mr. Reimaàas ta ransou foribtis move 9Md vietiier oai not ail leters- of vet grain. vers ta lu barrait.»iRe epiedei pbatlllytii.>c vomit andit <at four luspetar om t h.e as.lgietu a 1ke Count>' lu a tev itaaà ta blat omi. H. vu@asakei tut write a I Miteis cmmuliitlo fo th iJENDRNT ex. vs receirei t ti.oliowiug. X) To The. Dairyman.0 For the patai moutha tii. Chicugoà Cq utBeaiti> Dept, isha haiur>' inspectais in luvarans dalr>' district. smupplylug1 Cbicago vth imlki. Tii.>'ha, boss carrylng on su inspectiou of the. Keni.t1 ) saiar>' condition othtème..dairisé sud eutorcng th. iihiiordinacs lugeuseat Ouridelicildoiug tisvwonk, la te lutter tii. qualît>' ot the i. lk comlug lu- ta the. it>, and thus Improve the boiti>m ai the geueral communît>'. To do this von wltheUngrestoot de-. gras otf uceas, w, vlsh ta souviace :1 mi1k producer that aur von le a ij4st om, suit obtalu bis h.arty co-aperatiae. S Thst la tii. purpome o tus article. 'W. bave de«termito a"ttoaf tout S t b tii<ty e" rypoumd of umcliproducedit uter unsanîta" 'counditoas, or tram4 b T alt-ted cuva. W. iiuow.tbat wvsasre rigt linting tuis, sud besicles vo bats he ti.lav lbilut u enaforcé. aur voit. OS f cour. lb la unnecoumar>'to argue -m m that m11k praitucd aster unsaultar>' -conditions canuot le ugondmili. TUiS pont viiilu e mil> uedoitf. ators, lute J. L. TiiTo Prea. FRA"nPnoc'rau Vmicee Uibertyville, Illinois Ameunte of firme and 14idvtduals are e~le fted -and vil b. re- celved upon the mont favorable terme con-1 dont with -conservea- tive banking. Proctor SIok Llbertyville' -, lilnoir DI. VMÇ P. SCHIEDIG. Practieilmitidtut BYE, KAR, -NOME A» THROAT. Ormca: Roo 804 ST*àAUT, 02eateStreet, Chicago. rWien ouued a pLt I a al!&be~ la Mt~Us P&Al prouin.nb lodgember ait 111111W raspow tbm anet wadsivorté vl ab o ut bie si, W o stai ivay e d n tu sCdfors thei.Mbuldngh. accupidansahopanit iwelilg,Sua>',, moemng. 'loior@ Bsi4lme aitcaol a Kitudous abop Petits>'momilgta bmw aépair of sbus e pairsit andtheUabi> mabker vasthon $uho .bet ai spirite. Later lu th. dey Essodyke vent for ie abois aud toumi t4s e aop lociiod. Agaiu Baturds>' h. calisul and alo au Snda>'.3 Thon tbliiking aun va flot rlght h.ovaut1 tea ar idoor telaléh. tounit unlocked1 sud llanglng lu the 1 stairway h.ovue horrififlt '0 fiait Knuuison au deàcil. '-t Thin mm bat laid a honri Ph the 1 hanuiter attop o<sirwayanuitmrom, toas vludov ti e h.o-steo ous endtof a su&reope, tUenase. of a1 lothes linMe md aiuited a loop at th. abiier about hme asci. B>' steppdmg co. ou a tablevaa elhiter ad mitrei tot hi danghter, NMm* Christi»* Mieoi vbo lives vithIbrbhumbaad ensa Mm near Un vllal.g USascbet Do r.ssou tor bis act, aimu"Waimomlahottu.Jtad a goot 1M1eamnd cntaineitregrets ho saoulit cane.ber aorrov. He vrote b. "hopeob h. oi lu lubtter than papa." Then ver.emuusoWteita soir debte h. Poeitandt lumestoufor blir ps'mmt fam il im auraum n'moi. Kudsoa vwu clerk lu botb th. Voodmouianuit BSn Hue laitgeesud popular lin iodiciee. Hie little hm£, viiewhre ho liveit alom. vas a motel aitnestugae.. Ina ë uere is accouai book s aithors asin coulit bat bo notsdttUn pracllon alm s>'tsaiaic uatmus.hlch seemisita preu£ulgcbmect"e the Unm. Ther.IlaSon"ia orrov lu the U11W. villa.. bossa. oet hehoemakee'Ineteg itestb. Se vas 10 sd itrapecteihb> sW aeircle oaifmlsdsada.quslutsae 694i aulare et alfosau mo<bsst bho olitthua endt a *ussIn ite Alter tue laqemb t lb os -ssid Knudion bi give a 1ev naies., aggrffatimg l u lmha. bsn $M. Oms creditorhitd on Fridi aubskd a settié- ment, but hait not boss luolsent. This couit ot ha", poWsbl>' sforde<l rmasa for. the man..'s efi.. hi. is-.- Mber . 10. COLT*, BOUIN 0 av RA1TER ROPEP. A niot poeellarmand diatresslng acci- dent remuelt n tii.deatb ai fr. Frè amlbb a vellknovn Ipur lving la Fwa Dont towt.hi1p, bebveoin 1mev m 1mit 1% hait Ma the .ti.barn ait eeosi>' ouait tii. buter tope about bik filagrs lust the.animal tart suditeal> and pull the. reps trm bis bande. The colt probablu mpsi, tbmowicg Silth to the. grouid, and ost&rted ta rua.. The rop. ield, and the. man vuS draggsi about au haut or mors betore belmg de. eoversit. Hin lotee..ere battersit ho- yond i*cognition b>' thiehors', bésAi an mit~sboit>'tom ait broken., Augut Bande, Smlth'a irsi ma, la bis testimon>' belote the. corer'. jury boit oxplaiueiltheii.accident. Ne "li. "I mw r.w . Smith about 10 o'elocb FridaS inorcing belore 1 let the farta take aur milk ta the. fartor>'. He va tes a li uliM d ln goait spirite. Whou 1 returmeit- about 11:80 mi andntlidho wus not about 1 luquirsit fof re. Suilt va&s. 8h.did ot kuow, but tiiougbt ho baditg o ttie barn toitdo the. chars..1I eut ta aelhbor's, Ur. Ba4butbu. wm ot thomaanit 1r.-Bata agane baek ta h.ip me desech for h. VIna wemchi bed hebarn vs boardt aur dog baakbin ufiâ ld si. W. eorisit osur thors sa" enuthe va>' baua overchnof aU1r. Smitb"a Mdit*ii0 mticeit t colt staadiig a ittie distance aif. At'tii. suit of the. baltsu roue andt ou the ffroumi vas 1Ur. Smth. As Ve. cmi. Up tii. c olt tartait op, itreaigng theboity' about thiid. <.The dog fIoolov»ad frslgbamst h e imore. It wuasi cou- sdorable tirs. bstors 1 couli t cthe ii bousesaitthm U1r. Bats untiui thé baker ftmiuth'@ baud. -It wvp vo oui nd bis fiflu stwo or thiS timusW. coulit as that ho bed boss draggsi about a gootdemu], bat of cours. 1 do ot know boy long h.ovsWu ntbat phogt. lbwas.about twsl o oclock wbsm vs louait hul." lb devuiopse <at the. pmsceimg Suudar Ur. Simitihhma ale&tiug $peui sdit as uncoosclous two boues. Heme. th. binai ai or nseh.i "sovenmï iii. bmdbqgtaeéltag-thut as dascribeit. lMt, Saiithvas about 40> jeasofagoa. e. les.a v W nSu .ohdma, rang. lug ln ugfola cou eto tn.mau i, tiers aenin ta he «a doubt luin e -lb la6sait the MnnOFusTuborraveitut ' 7 mdi ai smote imliiprotucote.aid hlad.ghter'a mmli>'sait not for bis Tber. le no êoubt vbatever lu aur mmndeiovun ase. Re vasa mmn vith no haitAP A canc.rnlug thia question. ha"bit esutnvet drauii lquor.BH. vas W. firmly baise that tih. malt mihii about 45 >ears of age unit csrrled $1000 ne fltgond mlir anid fully Intend te, kwsesucein tii. Wootmea andi 68M0inlu Sp«av1501 our et Deploable back or beliof by'strickly snforclng the BDn Hur lodge. Cmtor etSiek Foot. th. mii ordinancs on tlis point. TYO U GIS W. bave coins ta this belief b>' no DU TYLRS16» O casunl obeervance, but b>' a thorougb, O practicai anuit itfic itudyft>' e U INLS weitaedny Croner Taylor, ait vbo matter. lu also tbe uccroitutetphysiclan foi tii Fr0. a practical ituit>, w. can show B D .cont>' tarn, vas canleit inors thnboarit tins. stalitics: -ofI operisora lu Wauiiegsn ta tell vhat Dt)nres iuspecteit - - - ý ,OO<>< Laborer angs BiassellifaWoods luoiinsw ai neSis of s hospital at Une Moilu; malt . . . M And lMaater0m Dou Kaki. faim. He saidlInpart: Not Iaedlmg mÜalt 8. ,WO f'IUvsj. bra imano nd of hlpast tUn ount>' Thenfigures sbow tint ouIyoue-temtb - tara tarsurethUn slk poor. Tiie ofth Un blppeeanmunt feed Ors. ! RONSR ]INV»TIOAFE pupers '%are for tieunosvma. utbe abms tour buaitrei about 80 pur cent ens -. iseinid ty>le tih aco eauib "i silng this tn naMhquantit>' alt cou. go,, time btesu dmdeeitaaer- me r at haut, pour enoMb>'dk ditiin aus ta auréyinj ure tUn miliite> oan et tireo'clociienSud ay Mora-aindno usetth umfam e» 1tibo ue produoe. On. ai them oven admitted it g î» ke Ballai>, a labore lu the ô.mio>' or the exact manuer of thslr*taiig off. me that ho hait aitea t.d Ibis lop viien ofthe RepubliicCostruction Campany', 'The, Inustes af Unecmmt> farim vbo lb vas blnck with mggote, ait 1I bmavengedinluthe C.& M. ebcteelcrosit voit an 111 ooulit bavesa separat. building la man>' oUnersbave dons tii.saanme <ing at Nortb Chicago, bauged it bloîfas vb hic<ey coulit lu CODneitat lasté viio bave ual admitteit lbta me. tres lautUn voodm jut south ai the vira antil Un>' vrs lit once mare taulugnile The otiier 20 per cent mn>' l esiig varks. wth tUn bealthy Poor." He a it hat malt properiy, but vs conut iluk 'a>ý Tuesoith ti.Mun case ta von esthere wva s cylu; esi tor the. eparate lui exceptions ai t-he>. W. nttstop. usel ibut a@ne h van uitoxlcat9d boopisi and that lb aboulit corne., afl Une malt teeding.1 condition the. foremnan on tii. caustiu-L Dr. Taylor ttheu deocrbs thUn pro Frou aa ciltlei stuit>'oa malt mihii tion, B. F. raghsnit, tait hlm tint h. pci.sit storur:a placet ut. probable vo ëParn: commi t tgo to voit anit boulit go cent atta000. Ne hait-hitdplana dravu That It cotans ta5> mucb cit. homeait entier up; ho vent nvay ..m m n d tihteo pr*psrd:atthUn "est ai That ltbhas not Un keeplug qulitiesi a ingi>' la the best ofbtur. Une supervisora. Tii. propoSditbalIding ather mlki. Tbat orenlmg tUn North Cbicugo Poil e s oibed an fortyeght b>' Andt most important oft .11, ile usarsted hum neuitruuic &M ittaodei> fot villa a setuot bument asuitwtv itigested it th tlilcuit>' b>'tih Infait. suth. vas limai thbusedolian am4çota storImu.It Ae ta luoaibrick tvsAve Ilua Tiiese are oui>'a tev o aur-manm>'htb as e ieg ramitteit on pramfles ;aickle ou ne ttstar>'andilt .gbmeo ramions tor ual vsutlng ILIt lwvulit gootbehatior. The duy mter Officorou Unesecond. taie tao long toenumrats tbem al. Hydte svwtbe telowâgIa lu the Peo- OmunefreI tary te 10 loa larg vart This In vii>' vsdo ot Itend tutahait ke>' seloan an Tlrts.utb street -.drlau and uladitiion thers are ta lu faut b.d oui Inspection; ire are golag to redouble Dg.ngtFiats the lent tIMa. aà hglu roomu suitsa perating roami. Ou Une t nutil malt leditin laontdairy distriéte a n 1 t bibody wums eut dam lin thecond dr arata luolgblit rouss. viîbe as exicallaoi<ivYork voodp b>' Oficer TyreiofaI aukelgan. Fch tour i ta bave bath&a, ete. mmd Louisville, malt Isiti; Fînds gÀ Ation b>' thé erteasvasisd hein cati rai>' atmp.d net. Thé aumins vers dlscov5t Wb>'WliM atf Thursa>' nuit attimuof glunjia OscnAuRItes.Badituker ou a hutlutriip thtin ood tm*gtii mttet bMa mt bosu dispoeei Dairy inspectar i, Obîcago Dsth Dspt. on uuaitay matiug. Hettelom wu et., It lh elleteit, bovever, tUn boardl 'To te Pullio.attmactsi t b>'.ruklngof bis dot Md vîlli-autiorla. construction .aof-Unh Wekov of uo grssteree.rv h t&tthis via, e. hedog vas h. soorsitBalles hoaptOl. evpaper cam rder un mmm>'iruiterisuspmedith e bu eck, teu&.Tbsmwva iha ta bet MUn. iiuof asret>'en. mowanon muai choe" saithebltct Rusali Farcul lPost. torious article aitdviore tUn sames ma>' thottUr. vers mo trucks arduait al.g-Il t4Un ooaasitlo f Unheooc- b. pracursit. For <"s rmeau vvre b htiofM tb t ~hhait mat. avay vith hfi.muter gemra en approveit b>'cou- bave eter>' resiter periseUtboliovia; racot itteî to th menulacturers ram oei ihors Unesuair storc. -isM <he patons aIthé rural ftes l)cxter Mlinixae>, a gemrsi merb»a it orouer Taylor mêdo au exhaustve dsAlter> rutstha<ugbout tUn c.umbe> Quige>', DL He suae,"Plue andatme leigatl"On ta rismur P ailsuspicion 01aim tù a i» tébesait- t as parmsi pont b>' express tvo doses or l.-Go. I1fAMit îîrobbur>' and murder sud no cimse sgevics, vw"ci viioluofIgoat boealit anu excellent melicieeait bae ta iieep toasdtota ndicate thil solution. The not oni>' ta the tarmerc but ta Une local ft in stock." R94»Gonaie LaralIr, -alue lotino,-otluod-no mome-e'ad-Mrbiut as vuIL Tho lites ai Un syrp issau u*ulng Ours fao nstpa b s ie..Hodrsv bis f t>' heUnpoatimusa gnrl ei t is o uneu. Illcii HudaisBl "ea,8~r ne sut cars. baciita von oun, b < o _devise a ytm n m i wul.tint Stoacbsud Dyq'apsitul ta theUn 11-' tati, vh w-vs snt boums..-Hoevas1ou$ tb*grsm M9 orier boumis sitolli masitleu. ton lldnes5,oi dsaunt~iv*le ofJaot sudl.e eoapmaeitto-be gv i.t. .ini ispîa Md e0I>boules gV 1. u mu.. UA5eu sdo tbw tW S approambl kt once uiï Therae snothlng etsp Quito goAI Our Holiday lino must be a Core neind tal k 'fuýïnturo. please vous weM Fuetvil Calilande, ToV.y Di A. UC. WFEAUN LAWTZB 218 Wasblmgtom.Stmet HIgbe$ make1~prie paid là aU kindi of -Ev- C bs, Steupêt LPng Orove, lit. Halerry's WLNClI Ci Llbertyviele, Ilii.

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