CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 23 Dec 1904, p. 3

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757,000,A Seties, *9 Pear lheagr.smacuaita 'p>ia cdii- w»ltI is, la, solaI.but 117000 O«di- m inorte Cf tuAs apOci seasaabiii tuirh 4mo'ntuih el;1, faflted t. aéasnaiic grcvtb Of rias Mift erop beu aflet-* Osugfr l rq"l b@ artuirnadthc proieef$110.- - SN RUI» lu MIN&. e I tin.c xiso rtambai Pour mm evre entamiqa la the Elle'& *M Q andCokc CompaBy'BMaminc o4Uetsare le hefit bonum. ,ect &soe @absd oui>'tue ascapei qnnbsrç bom an explosion viilclu veeitheti andt sldemolimbai thc upper voritaw %M ulon by the crise of agonizel vn eS Clden, Patrickt lIed, mine boux. W-Wed Sati la te ulat'et gas te ras- Bq'i.u ne l me o fa*The ex- Iiu .cois. cfrvblie la unbncvs. &hgida muebinci'and lthé cave i must te ratmeai.Mne, Bou Rel to sarl e golova teanid lb.hes isua loverle incwtet.lie gr-- 110 va>' lirongiitUic bidim aumas folae lhe tacr. ThFi re samarclu ~a Ifat ites sud, eoud mt lic rcach- -JobnSReagaven ami Matuusv 89111- 14 aspai enburt. fReacucrs Uns fol- ului gday icacicil ti, tour men vie rmeutomici In the mi. ne netounI uS dcii. The bodiesi vera broglt le bu surirs. The laid: Weel Wilson, auS Mm. ,CharsCsrpculomi sud IL i. mmu"3NPTON CAIt »UCURED. Ng. Amuetios *laie b>' iUea Doc- .utoc cas nla Chil ene.pls mm Mac t,>nol. cf a umcclegoetphysl- bhel in Chicago, et vlich prellul- à" stem w er, tait..for Uic cegasis- ls et thc fli Socislety' for the pue- saimi ottubaneulosis.Tic plan la te obecuust.tic efforts of tbe tate board 9 buti. the Illimnoim McdilusiSeciety ad the commttec ou tuberculmes o f lOi %&t# asse' Association cf Chicago. g -eMvert cf tii elét>' vWiiib.te ir tg »aea $n0om0appropriation S a -tataeal whereu viemprciai tbe encead Scaamuptietrust- 1, Thei*st uep viiib. tuetemablisii êïwbm particular -Attentionu vii b. suebi te cut-éf-oor Caapi. -,i mOTuiOoTS LDUE agaTE. fuasie the One Won Empty Vian e - 1 ITubai else l'imer. "at-Ieik-.dt 'natobr ube viii- ~mWprov e st colrcfmi"s Bsuic a seol t..aici'et Tremut ad a os f *nc cf the maolti>omlnecl fla et stion cf thecocuntry'. vas sud t trough thc aide sul lie 0«iesaavthiat ber condition la crdt- it Stsaley Ott, .'sgal 10 y>'e rva oplg wlth a sheugun prepàmleg te go Wobuelie tiieugbt the gSnvas cupl>- L :,eiïefly paltal tie vsspou il hic MW1.1er and pullol lie Irtuger. Tier. ,se. a asdjate xplosion sel tic slster Il- te Usé Aeo, , ith be blad pourlug a1 &,vosuli ersaie. Ne adtion bl tait.. ast ticechilI. e suutyAttalua Recôui Thrcugh >*4ma laUt-h lu Duaka Masn. 1 - msQqI>' ba s sglç fSmill 'le tk*e are cv LIInIUSlve gecra- ,'This record bas bi... rsici «tha bit et à sue taM. &Bd uP.Dumbim ut Garda. P>'a- 4UeD )unW legrsudmotb- fr elc Duebin great-grnuduaotlu Mm8rs Phaiebe Crauîdail grect-great- .u starThc latter la moestise u Sod.5w olt ORMAI>FOLK. sibte lem0 83ne TrIoS $tate bordt e wrljs hielà 'ýqWWt»i forer c Miau t Watutr. li geecuawtea a ppropriabion for li.tsMo eaeri. More lue wd WpalS tate berlug et ,Wýn hefutfue, eordng ttie liotc Presdant W. M. Tay--j ý»1 Kialreots"112) emutes. BhOx ft is - Vokes, a furmern vlao mainse bliebteml oSq, Ne abot lieu lreptins fic an t en' iIted --Mlai4qokt *, ent âuWelus41«er'cli brothair '*1*e ia, nd si he hm hfabat bOn, T h at bMoai. licfoigot ta taie ,tfprfi=Bnx. Frt Owc wsu dt kugwn lu ciom- uthé au a¶ e F ye r cldmg 'y kl tur- . W" urnvas iarnicil sit a bis areu objeted te the egolvealnt «oerH[lli te a recoaoillstion, vhl.b vas bUe vas toane on the, teck Phlaoeff. He0 In u Ob ave ..d.d bis ý mU Cat***WAreu..4 oe rn Iltebee stiaSSlo tu pay un# idpts.A i.wIi Tamk J sptb as tau.dW>'Afred.'At ullng litrqnla u>'adt Frank * Omiiehl*as eb We aoli nomir ad term in'sry oîspfud the. stbblug usa doi. the jaiwb>eWilWanim Urr, whe waa in w-"fe»ýfound galle' murdbrlng Mayor W. Y. Benett 1f blmepsun, lseonllued. The. JonMobusinl, a870004 farmrIi rltmo l uecrutlyesea Le. coma .t>, beicg dsecre ,ged, b M ut 11 £iniax t t nie eorulin c a e, aud bis eals Yltha soth egautl~uig teprisoner a ew trial. The. TI ae' MetodiatEpimopa court b eoaiou a »crawded witb people et et %odogusw4 hIb enait $'MOOW$& 5 l' hti nthei, <illons ebi reudered, and r eta Vlth a "eM«n bi 11«. IL T. the" * er. singr>' iutteringo against the. rBeadin .fPaxu.n. .IuJdge frocs*Il parts of the ruent. The. t At Sterling tii. Long, Iowlng Ibah' Of' nePM:e 01the idecision of the Judge spresd r MieNora Edmqadu caugbt la q, rvély- quj*j>' tg ail parts et Cs>rma cont>'. le o18 lift of a.jssollea eaginssud anS r Thi eoni ts fTheinpson, iwlîio ved tbclr entire calp W&a tora hum bar boa&. Mayor. $rd eanged qv..,the declgin. uabi. to eab.,'an>' longer efferadenIBiiéltely on tiiroclpt of the. ne»,' from ber cbiuldm, Mrs. Margaret Burke et Thoumfflu there vèr, -man>' Street cf Chicago, 2$ ars oui. loft the e&Wt>' gterÜap, and matteringa agalinat the. heepital andà whked teu ba omi . wIma Judge anal-a genaral'dezuand for tii. flt t -#le ded - - - - ftéafl'i fleut 'rbe 1.11glird le attcuptlng te step &hem tii. pstb veas streotoed andl everything pIsl- cd~ a Chicago. Burllegtaes and Quise>' bis douéi te prevent a lynclint *If a Lyncb- rallroad train mca, Ilinont twe .men ing Party sheiild bo ergailzeal. irere @truckhb, nuotiier train sud klint 1>' klled. FACTORT PLANT 19 SOLD. Goy. Tatew appýoilted col. Wou=iamJ. Connfelumancf Fekue a mouiler o e Ii. P-pr>lu Craalu Doagit b>' c"- board ot trute. of tue St Chiarles borne 1ostal CU Comnyn. for'boju, vice 3cm ,W. Gâtes of Ciii. Tihe Contnetal taen Company, Lueur- cage, r.agnsd. porateil lu New Jers ey, lbas purcbasedl Justes D. Frencb was rue ever andtIui'OUb Cremîn & 40't;nuor the imanu- - -""--i-".u.l er ftnruug plant of the Railraad Mepply .*Cuwmpan>' nt West Forty-sixth sud Grand t,â excuefor not il ""beuees. Craglu. a Chiceago aubunb, for W, e 27,300.'Te pmelury bar a froutage of .L. 12 fretaon Grand avenueand a deptii of "Y'lng a poor OflO. 50 foot tue i. Leicgoe Milwaukee and »G geat L. Pice.St. Paul rallway. The ,ontinëntad Cas ~o geata. IIH ~Company vili te Immedinte possessioen. ia of economy cau The lueolurt> lis lepniîllde for uver a year. Thissalie mark» the feeewal of @IL actlvlt>' la a choicemacutncturiug dse1- utthe~froquois Drnl:aiid ...- 'e EkTT En nt CbIcago fer 010,000 dem& afer al DR IRE D or BD c f bis %sous., P'..,.c iloa W.ea Kt Gibson City Gertrude Lewis, Ir, Weî-Keown I4ucStor. ycsrs old, led*vhlle aeated et ber dc'h Dr,[Harvey -~e Motti, ene etftiie best- Ina seblool mcom, suppesedl>' trou beari. kuow'n cducaters in Illinois, dled ver>' diseuse. The droit intmatton ot ber li, din> I ielgo c iatda ess ae. bbe ea d rL d095ease, lHe vas 066years old. Dr. De ber beaut.Motte Isas a nember of the ftacui>'of Echool iretors ip the soitb,,it prt Illinois Weaieyenunuiversit>' almeit con- et Wiiteide couutyanud the »rithern, tinuocal>' since 1i61 l cd vice presldent part cf IRock Island Cont> bave bea Most of that tmo. lile wns president of oidiedo ut of Large sem» of moner b7 Cbauliock Coilege at Qîîincy frent 18S4 firmdoleut geverument agents selllune to 1147, sud edited the Bloonington ricuiturai text 0book». Daly Leader for three yeam.. He vas Alfred G. Ceoper. former casber anud superintendent of the Illinis Soldiers' bookkeept1ir for the Strattord Iletel (Com, Orphanai' Home len Bluomiugtoe trou Pany. Chicago, and wbe lnaeacuscd b>' 1887 tu 1803 and bail long been promi- the, hotel People et having embesaflcl mnt in the publie lice of centraillills. 830.000-bas been arrested lu Neorek____ b>' requet eOftihe Chicago police., EGINGAS PLANT SOL». The seinller ot thc two Peoria sa- tional Liscktrobbera bas bee identifieilsa Copier Repcrted te Rave SysteBas - "Colonel" lirockway. eceeti>' releaseil brectainTii,..Contta. 4 forambtrne stepnîteir $,e, srvleg Il làaoaserted that the Elilegas plant for ers stali>'.Brokwa tga ei bas been solil te Col. 1. C. Cepiey cf Au. ramne etfl'rcy Werner aud bis tige es rrm,. vle he Uc eail of a systeln thal. 27.lias begnu to suppi>' &il Uic larger -fownm The University' ef Chicago la the reclp- leri ili, Dopage aud Kano eucen.wtli leentfsoulier gltt frunt John D. ltocke- lias. Copie>' tes plants near thc ceai feller. accordne le a member etftthe ail- fields and tes ebtainoil franchise% te eu. visoer'cmmftte.o et iBsptlst Ts- t" tens. The Lice in laid out trou logleal Union. Betveen,*2MW0,000 aud Joliet te Côpeubuugec. viere It brancé@ L $3,000,000 la saiil te tie the anmaoth ie off te Aurore and Napervilie.' theece te endevuient. it la underatoil, Deveers Grove, Lagraege, Warrourilla la te teessed for ic eereatien et a acheel and Wiieaton. Batavia aud St. Charles cf engineering. are sald usleg tuis gas, aud a large la Chicago et Doon a teur-ton st, vau force. utmen la engagedIn lexeteeallng t"i bliby eneeandl. acerdicg te tthe owmers. lUne te Bigle. caise d ecritica valued t $3,M0 ver. takes. Tii, office et S. Rock & CEIMIYtAL COUIRT àDR]OR» Ce.. mortage teukers and mrlosioale denier%, vas thé scene et tbe crme. XI-1Cook CatrCeok Mua. sAmusaitle- . troglycerle vas useil tu les,' the lock off 1O'< sius - -th i" dedoe lom hutat treisg ýtii..The-aenual report cf tie-.remk -of theii attentioo f anx'de Iuthe neighbbod.. &-ll Ch cotet(Juok count>' shows liai Tiie large. bandacie, club bouoseanil tiiere ere 4.W09 casons isposid et lu the. outhnligs ofet b.R. Bud Fiai sud year, .there being 1,0K1 convictions and Game Prec.erve Association werc hurued. 4M acquittais. A colle prosequl vasl The club houa.- furuisied tbreegi-. ectercdin lu282 casles. andl 2,2»1 case. eut, u'ilh bcd rueims. dihing hall. kitcben were strlckee off the ileeket with beave sud ball rocou, sud wus the principal t relirîtate. The grand Jerksg retemiied plesisuireresort oftheii.people outhtiîown. 37M ledictnent«a gallst 3,102 perseu, Everytlîing burccd. Thie ire la suppoeedand also voteil 1.0&3 *ne bilis.' Tihe ftee. toe te c omi et lucendiarlea.' There carned wcrc $ M =0&6. et vhici $9,-a was no lusumance. 722.31 vas. coliecteil. ., total otf1694 Alarmeil b> the tact thit Dr. J. a dais' sessions vore beld lu the variens8 Cor>', eueetftte towîî'a Icadin>' physi- branches of tho court. wlere ou several b clans, bas talion a vîctîm te sînmalipex, ai- day. tvelvc Judgea were sitling. theugb bie lias Licou vaeciuated tour ore 'Ove tbnes. tIie autherities nt Ueneva bave aEUFODPO AKKE adoptcdtrlngeut musser,. te preyeet a FCI L i #prendiflet b diseuse. AIl si-ool cbu1. L-d Ownere Plan ta Widen Outiet for dren have been ordereil vaeccnated. sud Diage..Dtche. at Moniece. teaciiers are instructeil tu refuse te ail akke ad we aeaittn mil puipila unicas leeculateli. ak e.lnlo eraeagttg Howard Palmear, a desrter .from a movemeu'it teusacure- neppropristion for turtiier blaslling et the ledgg1lu then Troup D, Feurtb United IStes cavaIr'>; Kankakee river et Mameece. Tlh cou-a valas! laIethe oMm fUted lStates stmectlon et the drainage iitches er es-1 Marwbai Charles P. iHitci, ln Paris.and nain,, wsiclî ,îew traverse th,enke . aid tuat ho "eante»d te laite bis Mol-'counIr>' lu Porter, Lake, La Perte and0 clnc2" Polie deserteil wlîeu bis treop St. Josephluconjîcies, Itlal§ergueil, wili moe was et Pt. 'Lcavenwerlth, Raus. It bas lecrense tihe voueiofe water as le cause ince Linon trausferr.-d tethie Prealie. cea ovenfiow andl submerge the reclsimcd Sas Fraucisce Palmer says le bas landls if the. oîtiet nt Moince isnet Lcu dodgieg offieu-s ever smuce lie de- eniargeul. flicmotster viii prebuubly comns acrtcd lu Otoher. 1902. before tiie Legiialure la Janur>'. Ildwaril A. Bacon, oeeof Ihe pIoncera ot Taseweli couet>', dicil et Liii>' t thce DENT MIONET CRIM& 1 âge et' 77. lHe vas boren lu Ohio aud vas a beyhoed trienil e Benjamin Har- Zion Cty OfficiaeI islt Thor, Are iu iou. He ted lu lits posseson a large fltter Shape thaïs a Tos,' Ago.' cumber et fonce rails tbat vere ésptit b>'Zien City' officiais dec>' po.ltlveiy that- Abraham Lincoln, sud vîiieiihbe as Elen faces a fieauclal criaie. The>' banil .compelled te guaril toe reveet thelir r- the ster>' as eue started b>'anmec disap- t muval b>' relie bualera. Ho bult s piteel busiuesç houff, sudlbadit Zion braech ot the Big Four rUil btvee n lanlebotter saelietan betoetbe r&el Peorla sud Bloeminglcu. 1% cciversip a >'ar ac. Juilge V. V. ' Tii miment relirent]ltic Inventoil b>' Barnemsaid: "It Io ail teilmi tait. Wby, Charles W. lornel of Paris I.le tigtet. our ill ui n frcin $250,« 0teu830,000 aL -cd on Uic St. Louis division ofettii.Eg mouth. sud tue lcmiii amounts whlch oud peur railrolid.1 The tie la compecend of creditora have bell sgaiust us *mutiât te two sections et cament linîkeil together notbieg. Mine sa year ago vo have bain v- wltb a steel ingp. Civil englaerao e ii oling boldui priitetiaîl> on a euh 0 Big Four thiek tint It viii prove a unc- ternis" es. The tact tbat theieinlanet comi- poseS et one aellil Pieooe euet -sud lIXERS RitUrmaf10TOniO . P viii ot br«ea esl i>'gveIt ldaim uver sIL etiier ccmeic . ostur>' Comayutsu' a l er «DI igr@ E . a Ward Ring et Maitiand, Me., adS- te PsAF pas. se"IN ,Mo cillai Japerre aigents cloti. to te =dicqe*a ccv sel alarmlagl>' formidable plct te allsaiiguate the Czar. The ifleov>dacing nt tbe aime time lirtUi the. ftitic astî-war demonatratiom, in beoatt ofti. Gveroopalace et Mcgew, iiaenacd grouil ercîtement. Tii. se orevlcelias lisceoereil tbst tihe plot l t ssiMoitintp the Czar. and g tiier Ruissle lueaders vas laid le Meg- lanil, auS boettai requeats ver, set te tii' police ef Londonu, Mancbester snd 1Lîvrpeci to-nia.tbimiîoter. Tt la new iteouli tb teusm, erbapa ai, of tiie plottèes$ail 3Onlb etore the. warn- leg reacbed t4 .accl police there, andi Uic>' are heileved to bave rcaciied Rua- iMa on their erriS c f merdier. Tii. wldurelit, follIiig ticestl deulaiiota andstlîrotmie. e mlcev. tSt Petersburg sud Remise cit.-a viili t flatearod, sirve te bide th elo- taraoutil Uic>' eau mallue téirattcmpt un the lite o et i C.zar mcd bis ms-l -tara. 'Tii. plot it la declocel, vas duseecrcd tbrodgi Uc e "ore ot icèriminating'cor- 'reapondeuc4 bttwei llottera le Mosceuv sud lu Mancheater, 1Eîîgiand, sud (thc tve mop a nteS nt Manchîester bai Bcd -beo th Ucmoiti l ipîprellindmL-, 11 . F our permons vere killed and slzty vound.d ajuring th* bin thles botweee the troepsand the 3SM0 tuidentsaummbied le front o et icGldvari,'spalace le Mos- cov. Tbrec buadWeulisave been arrent- cd. More thîn 3,001) utudeuls participai- cd In Uic riotsa ,sud shey wemc cet dis- permeitutil atter the piuîce bail made savage atthicitm iti dru vu stbers and biail fired saeersI oisIloe e' vd. The enîherlijea ii-w iu alvauce thal trouble vas impenadiug. mcd several aqusdrtcs etfiiontl gendarmerie vere concealcil le tha Court yards et honnes, readl>'fer an erg-zl r RELIGIOUBS SCTS GROWING. EcpuiScpal Cbuch Leedls, but Neai> Anabow vGaina. Neuri, ail religions suttas tbeir fig- ures et grovhb for laFt yuar are annone- ed, show s largier per,-clnage et lecroas. thian le prevlcua jers, s,>-, lie New York Heralul. lu se, eral iecoinatls tih.-,'tio ut growth cceMm atic Ul.ial ratio et lucrease la th- population. This in cetab>' Uic case nli te Eplacopal ehumeh. vhlcb lent 'car gaiceil 3 per cent ou lismemkbMIraip et the previus >'ear, ville the. population greu't la se- tlmatedAl t about 2 pur cent. The Epla copal eburcii bas aideil 25,015 te lis807,- '851. lu tb, Prcab>'toeiaueburci the, le- cresse Iu mcmbeMip ant yesr vas aet tiie ral. of 2% per cent, the gain lu memiera beicg 27,ffl sud the httaluum- ber 1,094,901. Liatyear's gaie vas' 2 1-5 per cent Thé Soutiemu Presbyte- rien churcb, sasmalier ibody thon the 1 Northern, bavng bel 239.88 members, galul 2 per cent leit jear. Tbe relie ot gain i>- tic Moîbollat membershlp la imet-molarge au Iu lb, ollu- er ioles cseed, but vaàs 14-5 per cent, or almeit as mchi as the estimatoil ratio of population growtii. For Uic previeus 3-car tic Metucdist relie vas oui>' 1 par cent Tiie body'ha* aov3.004,"35 mem-i ofbamo about 200,000 are counect- cd vihiforaign counfrcces sud missions.i Tt lain tatei l uPresbyterlan band- book for 190 tit tii, religions efthe1 venid banc 1.430,0000 adiiereuls, di-1 videdau follove: OCbitianit>', 477,080,-i 1158; Confuclaniun. 26,000,000; [mile-1 larn, 11)0l,00 Mobasuucdauism. 176,1 8U4,372; Mcddblami 147,900,000; Taolsu anl Sietemu,57,.0110: )Judslam7,1 ffl6,000,"udvarieu» berthon taitba, 118,- 129,479. _'l__.__1 __1 DR. *88071' D18CARDS BIGLE, Ris olileslcu£.Sau Sicico eauj Ne"@jaecf Humau HoarL Dr. Lyman Abiett, ln a sermon te [u-yarSdlients, bas lanneeeolbis b.l- nef in a religion foeneacanet on thicIble but ce. sciiece andit tieeacbics etof tha' bouma heartA.aaaWprld dIlpa±ch trouc Cambridge. Moss. 1 "I woniler," b. hall, "If ion viii unier- stand me vbenus>' ythat I no longer belleen a grent firetce. My' Gel la a gresae er-preecet fore. wblcb lan macifeit le ail tbe setinities et mac andl t ail tic voritings et natnre. "I b.lleve le a Qed vho la le and throug aud ofet erybing-not an ai-. moet«. Gel. vbem uc bavct reach tirocugi a Bible or some other outile aid, but a Govho laclouer teunstitant bauds or fel. Scienice, iiterhture and 0 lutster'telU us that tber. Is oeetemual a eeergy. Ubat lie Bibi. no longer eau bho acceptel as ultimate, tbat rnuy etfIUs isws vers cepied framt Other religions, tint tbe tee commssa1mutx did nlat spriug sponlanceu>' rou Mbome, but t vers, its ail] lava, a graduaIl growtb, and l 1 tiat man la an evelution, net a creation. J "Ne tbluking man viii «y there arm V mms>'ellemigies. The dari of polytheusu 5 arc past. Tiere la oul>' one esergy.t That îuergy bas aivïija bsec romkieg. fl lan suIntelligent eeergy. Ne scieullt i euen den> IL Tt wsa worig betore Crrlt ime, gec nas It la uev." a James W. A. MacDonald, New Tort'. aged alplor, bas been asuSu-tiat mon' tisau mIxI>'years. Stonsu Zikitacli, 117 reins ohd, living at Nlsh< Servie. vas vel, acquainted vlbh Lord Byron. Aithouigts815 yeara Cd, Mms Sarah Me- Langulis et Lyec, Masa., donss gondi day"s vert bindice shoet. Pierre Barlov Ceraaltith. laet sur- vlnlng meuter 0f the OlstLegialature of Cillterela, te leai,. C&pt. J. R. Ergiastoa, soie sumviviug ellrrcf- the Merîmie. js a ctop plaster muri'Jackson, Mien. M. (l, speaker ofthle Bogisal mousf Cemmona, probail>' vili retire befos. bli sent bintida'. lie I ov 70.M Cbarles Taylir et Wa'erbai>, Vt., Js 99 resm .11asd 3-ct lic mile. a horse le P. EL LeslIe et [lna> Mont., tisa enlerel fie aixt>'-tourti rse fthb.pri tic. ut 14w. He onc, vas Gonernor of KeSaecrendulalter Prealdent Clenelsuil eppoufem i iluterritorial Gcvcrsur cf Mentans Dr. RedoIt Amesnos Phullppl, Whou liaS recaut>' et Santiago, agel 06, wvu call.l "tie patrlare «uthtic Germai$cf Egypt edaims tice lleft mas la flue rmua-Ahucil Selm, uho buasturnel oix; score. HR' rameutera Napeleo n L Tuie ist eralor la Gtrmanz, Deputy Scbh-e lia leEberald#lla agedin 03 a"iti mfl inlpossession cf Nbis meutl ,*gode cJLeelca Brcwrrcf tii. Uni>. &MOMPua DBCWQMSUtsa The Illece et Pcace.-Isalu 9:1-7.- GeldenITezt-tIili uoe sbnil ho Cai-' cul Wondsrfitu, Ccuuix.Ihur, Mighty' Gjea, Everlaatlagg allier, IPrinîccetofPeaSe. iaii 8,û. IB. V. 'Wheuî Ianab tteuil is vivil prophc- Clos cocernicg lihé1Nlctî.iali renldue fi- turc of God'a pecuslè. tie Ilebmev venld vas in deep diitresa. Il was a' prend. ëtiff-ne.jed voril.Thîe Heirew pueople teu lonug bren necustonit4l lu, suci liberty> as vus u-eservcd for lthe-nller-mclamesîlu ether luni. The eages %wiou ol band rehcua.l trom Egyplut huiuevumade imb a nation luno-bleu s king vraie, otuevhat ot an anomlais,seul coulul nol for long mule eitucratlea]lY. But ccv a terelgn invasion llîreaeel., acul alreadl>- lure bail broui inuili aiffer- iug lhruaugb relIds, u l u-h. ,ît caIlle or goeulmanlone vere ealrried off. uIcap- lises as vel. Tise people, hegmu te go- aellies tiir danger. andl tuaie>' vés er. likel', hirougl i tg couquereul. te hua, cntonl enX heirlndibut their pernonal treéîlom Ïai. il vras ludiel a black it ndIg aia peiliteà ' ilblActîr, ns 3sei; nia> suce lues tendingth le vhle cliaptlu-mfrocs wliu'l 0cr lksntebitlx a itn. He teilaetofail lbe wues tavien ilCoerneupon tii, people beevume et thuir torsakiug Ced, and atter seCh sel of vous hopronouces hi5s atul Curée- "For aml i llaHis auger ia nel ttsmned swn>', but Hie band la stretehed ont stll."1 Tiicu'o vas, bovever, a gleanuoet ilgit beilail lbe darneema. il tok sprophel sud s enan ot faileti tee IL.but for lboae wuc helieved tisorougbly lu Gel there muat nlwnys ho the hope et gool tnings i teCome; thero toat aivaya te thc teiiet tittiough i thlgsay' eeu le te golng ail vneng seotlhés are reslly goicg rlgiitly fer ach as; are serving Gel. Isalah lével Cou; ho kcev thent tien, ves others iueng: he peosple wniolovas! Goal-;à1 hohakncv Ilial there muaIt e nme salvatlle for hinuseit andl tIi.. Wbst'tis s alvation vas be coulîl nct dis- tleetl>'nse, but t Il:vus revesbedi te hile ln aecb a va>' aute make il impossible tonr tiieme wv ieetter lthe toiillmeul of bis prophecies sot te be etmucit bes tbelr detail andl «actuelle. Notels. Vcrae 1.-Tii. fal part cf thua verse ln the Reviseil Version ruas tics: "But tbere llbali bo o egicem baer tient: vas lu suugnlsii- la tic former lime He bronglil mb ocontempt tbe islanetofou,- aine and the landlet Nephutai, bul le tic latter lime bath lHe madelcit.glonlens." Tue rneacing, yenusec, la quit, chaugeul and in more le Consonance wvhu vat fte-. lowa. This translation seintofrchu thb. Contrast btlee vrilthappenel ln lie former time, andl what ipueneat lu tie latter hime. Itlx lanneeeaarr bore te note ient tic prophote bave sa>' etofspeaing et vbal la golug te bhappent as if It hall baie- uencl. - liere the peut tense ila eniilestiy ai fer the future. [t la as muci as te oea> that ail times are on. tc thec God whe callel Himmeit, "I am"; Sud tisI Lisse thingu prophislelta Comaé, veuli no sunel> cerne tilat ibe>' mugitt e n.. garded as aecomplisied tactie. Thc "brougbl linoecontemPt" us>' te tàken1 ta retrrisg te smmthlng isassel wv i haiespeke, but It la Dot cacessar>'ta taite Il su. Gol baillct«el tia landl, He vas aboutto0aielct Ilet o M. I that us>' te taken as happesleg "la the former, lme." Bel lat,, on. bey mucit Inter on.1malah i l net tuov, Goel voulu malle Ibis mame land glorleus. Wc knov, hev Galle, the meeting place oethlb. salions, vas maie glosions b>' boeg se-1 lectel -as tho prncipalfield et Cbhrlts1 mniltry.9 Verse 2.-Jeaus Cailei Humseit *'te lght et'the vomid.V' icI Ibis propbc>inla qued ib>' Mattiiev au referrieg te [Hm.1 Obron 4g131(L> Ha eeslamn' ucarts, makleg ciéte l liem their ovu siekeoemi, and thc va>' et dellycrauca from Il. (eohin 8*12.) Isalahbad ln mled bis ov eigbtcd,c troUbiel peuple. Bet his prophecy hans sireîlout tete et vriller applIcation. it1 vas 1he. peoplaieofthe viiele uts-Id vbo ual been wvuiig in lartein and vrer, te se@ a grosl Ligbtkez Vomies 3, e-4éàdeal as lu the R. V.; Tliooisst multipiel theotion, Uuoui hast increasel d r Jey." Insiste la terte anil teo he d et our leuion texte glviug a visieon fet c ooa limes he sav attend. AuI etili bo hbints outies ovepeople. This piopisee>'mas te luken te bavre Cone true le part ila s materia>' ay the roaloralien alter the BabylenisÈ Cap- tinty. Isracl'sfocs of imaiab'm la>' vere an thir luire ceuqnuere,snd tic people oft rodai retunnel te ce>' ya urne et prose- perity aneulhappiiema. Andliluàa mé ridler seese the propbevir us' beil"g cuiilled nov luinlthelnencralg end proaperity 0f lbheliebrev peurple-à catterol but net abaorted. But il la li secondar>', sud spiritual, siguilicacce ofthicpropice>' tiat 14 ly of importoince. Isalah vas spcatlng tf God's people. At thal lime tiie Ismie- lt sand Jewa ball a ciaim ou that tille. 0 lut uev the liebrcvs no longer bava a t monopel>' et Goel,au lgom. Gol ha, lo e speat "uipiiel thé ration" cf beilevers, anI lureascil uheir jo>'. Verse 0.-iera lsinât-riscs te the higicat prophierne,end etters vbat t I a vende t ni prophie>' oves among 0 ian>' tiat are venderfel. Hlie.ha lean- ly foeoshalovs Uic strauge comblliain 1 oth 1humaitasud flue dIflIn. c lu b the Deliverer vise vis te oS. The eple ver. te rejelce lu One who vouli cé oaaetof hemeivos, w«ab>' tiens, berl > tesiem, uneilersiaudabi. b>' tiens: anr lic voldte bore labotue v orld as.I one et theu. Ad setih ail [His bu. misîlRe o oli te more than buse g and youd ba ealiel iîWenderfufdCoe-.y ulier, Mlghty (icI, Everlasetleg Faiber, Prince of Pesce." 1 I 1. particular oet bseve -wpeoplie. BetU ie sic' te regard bis people as mcprcacnl- og Os ebegsselsgioetGod'm Bieonu, a kiugdom tiat vaste apread eventual> ni .uong ail tb. nations, se oleumtfor- f Il ' Oc.IhU, ci em e Ago. i' Spain declarci s,a galant Englani. Tvent>' brick - sed tuent>' train 'souis on Wallsaleet, NoV 70*. v5rw4: deetroï yelim 'e.TithetAüliseas oui>' 8300,009. The. NowYorkt HhstoricSI Selet> va. Insîltutel. Tihe Britishluncer Admirai Popisis attacted Fort Rouge s.t the catranse. cf Calais harbor. Russas 2ud sevenl>' salcf lt.eise la commission la ber nan>'. The Frenchi amtemeader left Con' katinopie, ais(thc Ottoman porte ra- tuseil te acteovleige Napobcos An bereitn>'empenor. The snrveyor ot public inldtle t Wshington reporte< t. Congre.. fiat 857,«61.72 bad been apent lu on. gaIr on thue Capital and Wite liouc. Si.euy.h.e Tsar.A.. Tiiere -mare le Alabama oner tOOS Creet Inisa. bo beld ameng thbi oz5 slaves.- Bing Flerinandioet painagréeS t: grant an.aut cf aunet>Io ieaexii aject& is lkmdabes liaitplace btet lo' clan ami Turkiai troupe lu Agi&. wvil thc neyaeto pence bad net resacueS, thougu tic treat>' hua becus4gnaill A Cauallan pricat crderai fluat ai Caliosolqla bit panlsb vUe bailbc marrieS b>' Tauute ministera or magie. tralea b. lawfl>' emarrisat 6>' is, lanres ver. uoMllsgfor nearljv*tb. lug at 1New Orlans. Alunait enar>' ap brougil tbcu tu tiat port and l Ing te the tallcmso ot mithlieplanfareaîta lithie mon.>' ta bu>' thons, A civil var begf ahu le. MMé reduellos cf vais onme a strbkeamong th. veinera of Norwlcb, MIfy TV«M Aï&.C Aiu cf tefb uguBallue st maila A BEsamA deSerceé oieed au S flonal 1ev>' ettes ma sla e«arJ 3,00 la thé casteru bait oethflue ampi, 3Je» uIt excepte&i .The pclltlcal sentimenthe <ic su vas lu a états or fnaultom, tic demf iclng tovauda pelàticai partla fer oz Agaleat msking suanary dnatnl Tbe bing o et c umWl& b llalo te prevent tic overtrliw cf bis gv erement b>' Isules violonescig. tha aid oethe naval foremm ceth.unl> ed States and Frane, Tic Spanlai imtcr cf ett«ga e-. taim deelareal la tbo eurtes -"fit t tm sa cf heUIc ain of Cuis voul4 hé ,t ai! et- optai* hoiwmsIf ,Pea viawusxorei aI 111e aEsia gcli dtgglngs,.Australia itr a relia ot terror iastlng veats, ile vieituen- t>' minera baS beau tilleS and utlial lau amiabai. -& Coqimerclal r eiprct>' liaibecs ar" ramaq betveen thce United Bltte AM Great BrItain. 'It opoeM te Aménleana thc msas Saharien le Britlish proninemi fSty 1'ears Ag&. .Ganenal Dix tni au e rier for mré- prisaus on Canaians iceausetfthle St Alban'* rail, ut usa s uuUiieui4f Sherman storued Fort MeAlilita. 1 cear Savannahi, Ga. Cook Cnt>', Illinoi. notai aàblum- t>' cf 4Mfor ever>' masviwoii -W suulet for anun>'service, Springteli (IIL) dlues vwert alaruci oner a repentt faftich Central Balsa>' vasraiS>' te Si' the 9t4té a bonus te hanseUthéapita remonial le Deegtur. A ùumbei' cf.sohlere wve ilian flan>' veunded nlu l ilg Oi et tie transport MarisaAt St. Lo»is Ihh'ty Tes.'Ag&. .Au exciauga ut soles toot placeélic. tve$n Wasington, D. CQ, anu d Mui ,uncernlg.thc Vlrgisins Sifair. A Congrecalonai Investigation cf the' f Pacifie mili ubsil>' Increas, and the a înbr>' rcharges connctaitd vîhit, vae - eoeameneld at Wshinugton. D. C. S5 Tic walci présenteitlu Marquis de Latay.ttcb>' Wasingtou ami laten tl i lu bruehlm, iavng beau reconarej5 rai preeented t. e J'rcuhman'j rince. King Kalatana cf the SandvlOh Ilans vaa lu Ciago en route te Washington, D. 0., te perfect a cou. mm ucrelqi tréat>'. The laklng of thse Ur1 M af CSnt non Arila for the abat>'aq tion et oiciai aue melnt& fhumtltaeuo- ®rdo of thc ermasgotcrtumeut cloma iroty Va.Ao Thé Snaonccuésl vas made ieNw Yrk' et lie ginI cf 8300<10b>'Mins Mamry G.*Caldvell ta lb. Romas Cati- »lc Oburci fer thc purpoee cf moon& lg a unielnrst>. Pnesldent Dias cf Mexico crieraS losed *Il ufthei gamlng bouéslu t»i ity> of 1exîco. The Préentent eutheb.Sete riti a note et reniew ami commanda. tien thec ceumerclalI ret>' ictvdu th Ueited Statesanmi patn., .Au atteulut vis ma" .te Sesythé' i Lcndon balalga Uti dynamhit. It viA4 Sfiasco. Thé Supcriutchlieut Ocf'PubI ux: truectlae. u llscA rglne ha "SUS -e If peu ESE« do ail k" d llf Ib

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