CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 23 Dec 1904, p. 4

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ltrmet4ta w ai utuedllnI s»G5Isbuea Su pab- h.t*hlw ploeutW "'u ..b Inomm sOn g kb in onl a ghbaiierst in 'h~ lie bisM a pi ros R. evousa bofsOsaemtfal Oh r - lladwb&a.ubodhe- ou M m Oral Md phyml jet D#a.alM a" mdla 6. esvemeclhe *Ma utuI - et d uom paele~ fS cm- "mon or OI e w cnli z . ilegl, thégmtA*i bOleto eb pmw iq 8. M~ buob gMbolagci mon- &tWjdad1h pomet&,- MAUs onma lbrdmI * u iitud eM1 - re4 It aA41Wle5Wb s. t- blamel ItermE. Shemo. lIaI a 'alisier i a.' mmd litaI vms wOÀ la MS a" bar e. mi e Cru* OSooly esgmg' d-& yer or mé _àp tbe ý»pg!WnmVOW dtu xeuîve tlebou 1soai1 ent.B h1Omd ou cMW£, MW,*i ula ad Proven a lotara- im thé orlbinaY bouasfl, va li eportS but 1.1mW imumolai rn of l e < ro*s .ta amy exti usel mmd the pua t wouie1s ai hummedAt ohir ,let xog« ela oard homo 001 ctionWb" agi newIlen t bmoty and iaW Ie. .pocet money i etI tsma a m sd 4stbfor th ereWa bard of mupericorail lave bmilt a hopl tthé I la ejty tarinaa re- soit aoi-.tbecumenatiom oflla. P-o "enD oemlliae m osI In luit veel' w. Thurmimythe mater aa talSn mpma BpaduloÏdmiOetbaimmmd lie hoar tO nfY lefrro! 10 ta the. Pour ce.alm t. ge pt band apmifi- tim iýr0ibm w bWildl adi e. por st msuzmting. Tii. gemmrai biIag oa thIbhoarmembew le liaI eaoitioi a lI tain er.quit*,"e odout" ~ b , 1P) stff lIe Cooa" mlpu t. etha. avMbuI tm aml. la 6e only Pr=,imto~g1 dl on the mail. laI e«, oum oplite. or barmfald&m o etamy liai ht l nsarcsleiloclup md W)iop. ing Coug »mai wilI q*Mi sue il rcunsg cugb *wbl Ufuo usue end laaw ytm g a&biith wosb lingeunie. pcopady t lmam Re~bj: .,mille geàomu. Do n« tabib 09=mm ViU MoMneuplni pirePus. C. Ungm. 122ffpbOL.1wlIU h.chhig eougfr a puMd 1 0-18Mgb iUMaeMe as. Sslied-LiÀ*tatioi ln h. mw"Md 1 u hexpbus aiM emm bçogsllby theo mfAtd~ iSO b ydmbm loesm a»el mLtaà I u akiM r.seieshelMmd x- mc. o PbrsMé M Donamibeu lat 0la v o vlng theItme , »4 1 laremt Iom r ftigaor ahi hlgbway fin-mesd do . nom@aaaUumwtuleofSfond bl utl leen .ss.«W.- mreqit. .qaly Tbft» d554SB, 304$JIU diviol. ITh eva w15 .preemited 'î 30 Caoieà, «Ow too v lq vm. X. erseker Mmd Whlthey nd 413~ bm 44 MnM ma. *oatkew wag&gotç la hmeui, Mi. Oeil-m"4 t» *L OUI taut OcUI&1*hlq saeaeby MSurs. cou, luSai -.11 XÙ* M M vs.d*i a auh m- m o«ýib biIrivos meWei ou thie ii bt e lMW tib. gating bs ncSb devil'wft VePoumA, '1h.ut* mof !Dm mb1p, «qo 1atteq mrbo e.r ,5.TbomPmomThe OtJ us "GîrleAin' 1 a a qummoso et hetowa h%" MM," mOoeweteU le 11*oI w1wviOl les lmas1w e.oui~ n'atammpa 11.m Md vmlog ha"ebffl havl, I. matu aMa. litairaledmrsîeut. ton or onother hbasa taoth. (lierai ai Peeogm ire Dv hpquàbtcourt Ivia. mmd t. tl. Appel.>mmui mdvobroagt omt against leu cort onc. tb o i luilkee .£betrlc Bai- rmad Voèmmfor iarie mut.hed ove apgoa abat kI&t. le bell au vile îrivtg aoa, wagSo oalies, «Mt bw* ut Dlaiba4 LaIeé guler vw" SnkWll d itline nf the coin- ___________ - his custalon roîhfrt 11 r eml ort 1aI wesk onp tocIinlte. Dýec. 89,1902, OIe Chica ni uilkee U K E (j A N Pagvmy Coauwiây bocam MIs& loto th*sChicago & Mlvake PAhitdc allrad Compay. -In Oaing Dem.i§ t*9 cow.m#l'j e amefrt mhe JiÙry or ratwIo" li d lisulte Our, utmdllg lIem ta brng in a verdict ai 4 u al gnlly, Judge Donnelly aid tlatle imade Oedécson t. becaum e the evidon s vinlufficent fnr Hicke but Oeut i»msi imag and ancoeeul litani e ooneraipof tiernmd vaa umt elonp e "mo mmanlhm ever -mt Provo- inlaotiier Word@ il va.m ol *pou epoher la tha. town-lai doinel clerly lIaI the Chicago Waaega va lai otiat voal vI MWlul. Elctrie r-ad va o liblli Beypuvehumsd tlb fond p. Séptember 901 tbeowmer af the rgaI on ~ ~ oauaO Ilmnovert*o yoa'uaitrouli ~mi otot ~~lo; ilii h.talnt. tivqelî àns~ IekIOIIIa'ml qel lI.desatb 01 Ms une iShas, af tbe, à " b riimjrelgIt, ta m"où a M MW withlaau* ma"quelbon e oi li*b - 14 vu té* irectlr.sullorael" Shaelme wd dt u'iunOlne t6rdl. o, noge -Ihima.#»*1 cg mmmwbvIa va.dr*wvaleItf ia rlmai baiv. si mm w m or lb nvo l" i yaeo tin0. aal bal aoS lamber Ima109 Iù Mteu~elng lIaI h bu MW eme wo eler liepaemel mvy ud en. Lb o lve twoewmurla*4il ldamw MiJdinrId brmented MUn W' mIorm, ivsii et tIe cocen FallI Stareet, p ani avay ri& it Ba01Cdn 'Ohm on Ptride:lowýL t lohm mmy yoiri »pugo Ie [,hi iâ Mme An imandai. mlmmi~bso lWds.Iatbeat b btavaylei. ilmenI. DeM m. Peso, vite o.the amyor,8bu Mema4i~~m'lôt 0 ta Agri. . ...... ....... % 96 Cummno4A 4 12adiWau inW WmTAmliw4 . ...... 501 GTcVuDough em i a Jv W Gray cor mv %aec 281Warren Tp wd ...... . . 00 sarm A Butler etalttumuA C Davison loithiVillage Of Luber*yvipe......... ...... o Wm Bomcok &wl tu Wlacm- sinCmt Ryo at w ou5 F.t AuohTwp wd.. 41 67 w Rl Tlffamy & w! to Wlac cen Ry o part w m ec 6 limat AutiochTwp and e mpec 1 W.mlA*USlahiTwpvd.. 7M1100, B B Bugle & wf ta A c Turpn lot onl.w Ave e Of JdonBt Waekegma qc ... 1 0 obliIelot uhrmd* litagbtse 544tu Wanhogfan, *4 ............................. 1645 QO CAlRanglt wf ta edvard oblultie lot 1 Sutherland & Baugloadd On Wanbegm wd ........................... ... M00 R[BClarla&vfttJ YVClurke Trnqtee 66 fIe fronton West lit by 16 t n front on Mbadison 99 Wauksguii qe 1.0 Adelihe D Parker tao0 J Rager lot 8 Patke'm cuivVillage ni Barlngloifwd............. 4001)0 Almun Frost & wf ta, John Griffith 160aoem inne X amc 12 VerumnTvp vil....... 6M00 wS. Biem& wtt. Timuam UchaoiElaTppltel1.Mv1 m 2 Mia Tvp- falmolot p4. 100 irP Orandon & VI Ru Ast*d - oeygwIsota 21luig blk 9 Wambbura pIgeL.....200 J labUtr & vf taWim C<ýt llyeat a% <m6 sait a OolTvp v ..... ..... . 00 araIa A Butler et -ai tu Itatt. Sium. rlot, là Villet ielyii-d...,7000 20 b1k 88 ah mmem vd .................8 ....... 500 John OuBI it& vi t. J -Oglo eArmur mv % omv me al g hie4b aTwa ne ........... 16 John orillitI & Wl ta J Ogdon Armursne x1< kMvohmmi v a.~mc8lhielde Tvp qc... 1 0 bJohn Orlfthtb& dt6 Ogdem me X me 81 SiieldeTvp mmd ýj.n 9ne X .me 6 De~rflPp v"of iroad je...:.... 0 a Pm"r p armiai wl ta Jl b g"qdin r aiS Jin v Jiv swdarlumdyivlloJte os" nArmnt wrew %mva. ,iM avM ne 9me 6 Desleil t ofui u roudvd..-.. 4M000 * tad & vS ta j OglenAr- 81 meO1 bioda Tvil výd..838986 25 Buarbert Wt intppgV arbort101te-amI-aflot.C1e a 8 ftlot4 Wlmtipapf oIR> .......................... . 78 Qo WgP" mn~et ai te Michael llny It i28 4-fl Rmsllma B.d4iýd6 Wahheo. 9" "*0lande uuiiobdsia ûenleratoa ta h. 1000.00 Àgreemenlt. 4mdeni Wm Volu to L«erd lonotI 865 aces la #w m uns 0rat TvP vi. ....... . 1600 Vargàe Bonseuet a ta pew Ort0 l1 leg~o 21 Biiuz»eta a b mbo~U inlt ýmd1a Meuh o, ilw -i. loainiola -MW e Grant Tvp w d .. .... ..... ..... t, B iormst.vf te w a orue 12 6el a x.u 'me MW Tvp îlq.......".--.150 00 vMeeaIt o* ig. Bo** Delolb. »Ma.Loule 'flcol upmI t vt ei vitl 1erdew ter i g"almiPark. Mir.sied ldre.Le. GilIbet, ci Momavillo. viotef W.>. Pestan d family Wudmee day. Dr. Vhltore »m oneauementvilii loave Fria" for H,oSkVWi.,-hmr tloy vill apend 1mai lueaWb" W ini lave a veek'm Veationo between Ie ls oaj. Mie Wa. W~e ledat ber home be re : t l Tusa mrhi.alter a long MatnIirrbaseslmted a Posiin W" MoL qona. i Mig e b Prof. 13~8,Uorceistra. Boun. 0< Obe »web imer.. er. illMW tM. v0q vluh thev MW are .vlfru m" Clver, of IMonavilile vlhisig M. ler gramdanothia'm. lindoipl Booopp mmd vif. viiioa lanmaelCicag sud rIen tale a.trip to, Columbus, Win., whertley viiieeril a veel. Mm re. Olevelaadl, Jr.. ai FortRh!,. visela loesWmledoy. Chm .Wisghluian md vif. lave naval loto tic pMtty eoIlee on cmtqr st Dr. EK A. Craneas .ln Chicgo on business Waduaedow. Dr. Bicer mmad vite lave *boCal omu bas alredy gol a new barn bulit onbifs Wc aMmd viiproc$ viOla lIe lones m tomeulie veatber vili permit la tlp ~11arlBoRbia, *bvIa .ataig c01o it aIAppIotoui .Winq "tra" dhemo T»M.dy tua - h Ho~a.. ;gMm ibe oz atertalnmêa 'mml, 01 ber frientda lest Monamy eveing. Tbe veilt macliai &P. A. Robinsons lent Vrliay eiealin waes prn effl . *Fak1.1;of ilolibCilloe Ihoen c'a a vaclion. lif!lldule Broywn viltaI IUlm Carde Bellot1 lrvlmg P*rk tat vsek, rotuamng C. C. MorrhI anmd danghter kt III!. veel foraa ev veek'o visâttulaiTemmem. Pied Grabbe of lvuahoe called be Tumre. Beyl n agtro rn Mhue Ikeu thiand dy i tea. fIvn )â n d ýttMis. cleros.l reil e. )Pete Hmmnulan purdbamd la D-810 Muo. OtIt Va.hbmm viellai trienda Goasneairdl of Fqrt Bill, wam bere ~abmuamsToe@oay. lI iu. oal-, 0 oh Mone, rieltol Lait Tuesday iolug st ine O'elûek qecrrd lb'dm6 tio).rt Pbddoeh, mn oïléeouir 01 LakeVoCg, v ho bha* mals Il. iaome on liàta <renor*b u> 'jolo tora goaud asqygyar e. ia eahOyod rery goal heallI up teoh. le"* usel andmisI&"dh ceaue ratber saldac. Bs iran a ko iegbbor, aliqi laabanal "a l aher. ne havema -Ifeand large bmli l t mouta bp 1mat18 Thel unerai peu bell Thumaibi p. n. at o»nelo** obi the homn. md bii a etFOtt Li QeIm Iety LAsi Woui day st b-JO ccurrel lIê weihiuoft bi. oaes Daaiipky aul %raing dlecoutllumi lpprog ilUk ta àwleao, I iii oitau a i a Ofgoal imit eau al lre. Buuhl'à uollon on bItur- gea q«uaty. On Oh.e ther hami trooc> nov reaehing Gemeral R bSdn are dtava frein il. garrmn the weemr frondier of tii. empire maee mprler tC a mi7 O f tcie eauly eni t. hlm, before long, «M Kuropatkli sheli have a 1 tcalmi hem BoflIe et .4 T , * -"m r-g...-,. mmi.. i......-- p-me.- Sun-- 02-~---~ dr vigor-4Ifi color, Îmd mai !grow long a 24b m EOhwàuut u........ S-lbua16 I4b lmai meêkue. ~n'tI~ That we have a -comp".t. uno Nord d-, Sot Cd teWé Anything .iou want lài the Stoive Iine.m Comrne ind talk l o*ver. e-iL,'1 ýFor Cbrîmtmas and Nov ro-udtlprMticketawon i bewen&I- On sale Docomber 124, i25.29 and 4auJary 1 anid 2,19>5. iuq ItU Januax'y,8, Iuelou opozniyto bvioityouw Zi thbe ticket agntfor. ~mation, or addrem, F. A. MIL OMEiWAPAMIU9 10 1

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