CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 23 Dec 1904, p. 5

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ore eut i - i..daya :ther'o litiJo excuse for not I'vemciiaÈ~rety .4 »o great a prie ýWflafI that any one's ides of oeonômy eaui J.-eYtwing ln Ring., Pinz, Rrôôehe.satd Wr Jcwlr tu afiM.l-casJewelr y store .iýIl liaie, I bave. Bloth quality and price ýTCM REPAIRINO A SPECIALTY --HUSSW( Suutasnr tè DubySa. ertyville - Iliinois MORE. DAYS 'For shopping before Chistmas. C«» elia belone'Our large *amort- nient bas beeu plckrid over. For eahe Mother, Brother and Mailter. Tht. store le ful of Pres- anis aultab. for any of the . fini- »ily. It vll ayyon to etop and look over our fUe. kwovs umiieclas Faner Plates ~Ssm - Iahdbag. Fancy Oups 0a Pock*tb<qoks & Saucer. *~uiuèsdra Touat Sats miter se MAe lIwas l4dMf. oxes Lampa ro* Chida' Dshes DONS Abumb q inmators Moede %leweIry Boxes Games Candtes NA4PKIN& ANIY TOWIEL ýt -ofl HoldayGo@d k0& k Utsý . A . 0Uuéapecte towaev sons 'Wa Melbqnnme, Plords. ts> *fend tihe WiviIn leies tly PeaMded ei- Sainatlon and, in Dow a fttll ilm th.eema--taur subseriiers, a viy Curry Chitmas. Ur.. Oares.e Ne"eteo()na ga Lii atîilasondng a week wltbh ie. sister, lia. , Frday for HsaalUoa, Canada. uliee h. Witt vIte a coule lvekuwiLh rnives. ilo., " tsW."k by , e serinas jàm o f bi, méiater. Who ls Stýym ofai ae. A Jr p. mit'shofw tLo.b eld on eut b»tk niDiasid .Lie udor maagenient or L-mpker & Hansses 24e.. Contratoir Flsher li. layîng op the. walla for. thi eMW villae pump bons. and l ana rapidly as Lh. westlier con- ditions ilîl permit. During the Holidàa.the. uni close Tbars4q afsgbtui at 6 o'clock, but th. rauts itamgals promu oWtor the rush 09 Lthe Holiday Lade.' on. ni wm. Hieu litti. daagbtem la. <laite .lck witli sarlet lever. It in ta lie boped w. arm sot ta hav. anotiier epi- demie of thîs dreed dimana.. A 1005 ùmendar free forth. asklug at Hakley'si. 12-1.4 An invention in annonced that yl eliminate thie,' telepiione girl. W. wnnldn' eliminate nurs, n matter ubat others may do, wouid lie boys ]Friends in LibertyviUle vil lieopaaiedj in lern i Lb.hdentb nf Homer A. Squlr., Who pnssed away Weduesdav morug at th. bonie ni ie wife's iotr,)Bris. A. W. Waldo. Born, la Waukegan,Saturday, Dec. 17, tu li. and Urs. T. A. Simpsmn, a danghter. Mnâ..'Simîpson wulli héj rec.mnbered inlitLbrtyville as Missg tiarnet Colby. 1 Local merchants ame enjoyiiig a very gond Holiday trade. Their ftocks ce- tainly jti tif', and peuple ame epnlng1 te realle their la little to be gined by buylng in Chicago. Mn.. B. IL Pick. was broaght %home. from thé NeAlleterbo*pltalIn lauke gan tuis week gratly umprovd. 8S. le napldIy recoverisg frm tb.e lecto01 nia operation abe u nndenet, for tlM em removal ni gai1 stone. UAbertvllelargest n.eautile mter- prise. M. B. Colby & Son, has bea incorporatud, sud hersaiterth. eonem uil hé knovn as Lise M. B. Cohby Mercantile Company. This follows tii., wthdrawal <of Mr. Lynne Colby froui thi. business.1 noidng IL impossible to maie any op- preciable progres ebNorth Shore (Gas Compas7 basabandon.<l ostil sprlng, layinig gas mains. Thoir laborers wonk.od ati the. frot dilayed IL wue iitpe" ~eltaeontnlv dtises wemt ai ut--Thei. ýcnupa .o to gt tiisle main 1in'at'15ast nu ltn- ks avenue before severw usather net lu. Pluipective patrons are as Weill greatly dlsappointed. The. saloon recently np.n.d et Racr.. feller la doing busminess end wltiiout moletation. A Rnckefeller citisen ex- plaîned ta theé IN[iEPBNnCNT tLb.: "Of cours e w do flot liii thi. saloons, but nu on. cares.ta make a figbt orne i. A liseuse eSanot lie granted, as thé place lai vitbii th. twn-maie boit Of thé village of Lbertville, a=ddoubtims.thé place vil continus as a boind pig unies. soum. une talie. tii.maLtter up." SWe Chii. eriinmas gonds at RACKLEY Fi day eveningat thé tawn hallwu iield a publie installetiopof ioffSesbly« the. Masonie nrder. Dr. 9. F4q Smith acted as inptailing offilcer. thé Oriental quartette of Chicago rendered several seletions, sud a lunch was Pervsd by wl-es ni thé nimbus. Olilcers lnstalled were: Vent1 mac6ufftn. W. M; Chas. Taylor, 8. W.; L. L. Davis, J. W,; BSur.- tary, 0. E. Churchill; Tressurer, John Austin, Deacons, Roy EMU&sand Chas. Sua"; Stewardo, Jnhn Kalis sud J. F. Clark; Ciiaplain, Rer. Quayle, Tyler, £. R. Brown. Thers mosee ta hé more than théeusual numbir ni tranips i thin calty th. pat.1mw weeks, sud thir persistsnce aud Impudence cmuse.snhisîymsetot more thon one boasewile. Iaveriably aiter kuoeking at thi. kitchén door sud receving no rmply thés. ielowe willl valk la, If IL la not locked. Thia hajipeued ta one lady thi week. ghe tisught t b. insu vou14d-go awey If se.did sBot ansuer bis knock. lusteed hé walied la and semanded a e¶ip ni coule. 5h. hlm out whlch mode hlm IndIg- nani /and as b. reaeb.d Lthe steps ho kleked off lotothé Émoiwa bottie of .11k standing there, te show bis sipite. As thé vilage la at presel without aàa the tr-amps bave beeu appeaung ta Sop't Appley ni the coqnty fara fori obelter I li as become dlsgnstmdltii thé. sud healter wyul sotasow théi to stay ab thé fanm. A nies picture la alwsys acceptable for a gii. Be.wlck bhim thé. 10 5.1. CaR and s. 12-1d A Coatly Msataie. Inondera are sosietime. s y elvei Ooùaelpsally lit frsIlIts= ofsea mpist««e,.but RIll s WTob.usc1 sou~~~~ ~ »sb-Dr ia> 4-,IW eeorontop"esAt tbe Methodist thurWl o ChriiU5m Winlabs "Vie Nase es en< asd"Klktg Aimisihe ioo."Brns th Sm.tii Issalsl s-a mheila 'At BAcKLv'..11-2-d Thbe aial eIifhtrwn mnt giron lu the Methodiet Auuday bslîuol Winl héLt. tii. .lurth on bsgaoriv nlt TIi. inembers of the. sebfi ow golng to give a prwent0of ippli. and milvuir ta th#, Lake ]Nluf Orpiiauage. A Chrwemuanc.ue la ta lie gives bg tihe Lak Vmty C"ib t Lubertylb Town Ra 1Monday evening, Dec.911, id" 1wb rai. 0S$lôfor-piee l4d oreheetra, luudlsg trap dram. supper servedlu la smeât cd the hall. Ail kinds bitent wood work st low. priese at Ifamc.'o. i11-2-d1 "Rnsmaui e[mrto," "1tii. idYle!ni tii Anaafi.lHis, wiIl b. prouced at thé Sebwarts ThtrelWaukegen on Sandpy evening Doc. Î15. Like More Acree, and tb. oid hotieinead, Urne only iurels.l lit hold upon the. bearb'tahe tipeople. Tb*. prattie of an innocent child, the. teres of an nid blnd moLlo-r, the. trnng love of ai s'iple conitry girl, the. tiith QI a hal-uit, the fmovflan nid iai. negro, thi. pagion 01 an adrentures, and tii. tender inenoey of deuid motlier of tii. put of the. gouerýor of .A rkmnanom, are ail clevenly -lntermingli-d by tii. ddit band of tih. autliorof thhc abenrblngi tae of tihe Arkansas Bill.. If you dnn't know,.wltoit to bay for X mamgifttecal!istL Desttudio ~D get eltiier a pastel. ae ooetehlng or soin. one of thée opkt-Lastaube bail.m ~1i Thé grand mauer& anllat Liberty- ville tnwn hall FridWa sglît, Dmc. 23, promises o beanau eut you emn il afford ta .mi@& Gond rnîîebas bisa engeaged. Cotume./0e m-t aiternoos and evening of the. 28ed at the. bail. Supperat Aitrldgm..12-1-41 Lnwney's ICh1boclat. sdBon Bons la 11-2.4d Fra.d ictresaul knds -alMass, fr0.25ceac aa upat Bewiek'a. 1214. Luayette Bond sells maple seyrup ab Mrs., F. Pro6tine Libertyville, IN. Millnery and EvorÉ&Ibng li soin -eô retty eff"etofor the Holiday@. CALLI F. UIRSTOW MarbWaod Graite Cemetery Work of Every Correpondence 5olkicted 1 6Ge' eeSt. WAUKEGAN DAY w are waitlug odi It wiIgva You Kid Gloves Plllow sl1k Muffers l'or the. Children Rings for th. Boys Ring for tbs Girls LWms for Boys Legglaa for Girls statlonery. Dolis fiheiànésdtlekiffl - coutbuttons Toilet Se Books for lBoys Booka for Girl sNis, esMe For the Baby Bott, ie. ttens Home, Fur Robe. Leggins, Pcture Book@ Lhue]look*, Cloth Dnllo, Chaîne Toys! M .8 . -Repairt Work. 1 amn now Iocated ln my new plant and thoroUghlyl eqnlp pod to do ail kind 'of repulrng Michinee and. of Enune.a farm Impie- ment.. Qilck Servlce and rlght Prime. 7-tf -d1 WM. LAYCOCK L KIOWfr O1TICIAN vil hé oit the Nevmastie- ,Rot1et,, UbOrtyvilIs, Fmi- ?JUW sStock. aýym a...80 IlW. OGr usislttlb gent for a "W. - She wilI «ilne ydur Stewt 1& C04-etNew yotks"d'à Pm. 91 yod fmaaly ubethèr r; wparedta e*ord.e. manlkiLsia0of l!ee s;ele>1*1a jase ah unie foptw %ig &vR". Cl-qr dot.isl iai~~m l4 1e 1 -1 ForM.tlur Rem yDisisi TaM. UnM For.Fathor .96" 1 eiCap - PeoT oues - . .- - r ToysI or I 'A6ionlg the numercus adintt Mr lt «0 ma& Preauntl4 w. WlIis'. Om.itO«<ý igf# ltandkerchletBoxe. SoUf Caf snd collar Box"s05 TounetSets Pancy Iirrore 1W Work Boxes oi Picture. Capesud Saucera Fae paucy China Pistes w. Vases ae Donslau Toy Dishes ]rua Books - cur Box Papers Stckl Aatofflph Albums1eu TMIE Ubertyville k u4abb - ù ý bh"'àý

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