CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 13 Jan 1905, p. 5

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-These,Utl xnjor Dot OWh«a Wateh or f« crtylaga poor mie. l' -h aviÉ».ty, Atmo0great a pnieu 'p"tioln that gauy o»*a dea of .oonorny ean b. sited. Otlîer je el ry tilîat a1i4-clasu jewelry store ahoaI 1aeh ave. -Bath qMâlity and price failrlycîîfp rt<g W,%TCIIREPARN#40àA sPcIALTY H LJ bertyvillIe - - Ilknois hsj~ For Moen, Wu Chueldren and D, Mis"., Boys, Oui l.aler lu Patent leatlmr-ÂAl Amee. Mon's -WalkriIq, l' nt aier. W. de* t4inipetitioli ut.,............................., liponsfi1gtTop ilox Ç411. A wluner for.. Wanen "RdclIk"~ ~abot hmets, We carry a lino of Aotlee for ail. SFelt Bootis and Q.rmai Sok for Meri and BOYS. Lined Slipprsnd Sbues ,lqor*leWomen. lu tact, we hafeê auiew .any of the. family could. ,wiàh fur là fiLa.. Our Une and lfl UiWrwear Mint Woo ln of Gente' If v.have, .'ClIVE US'A OALL., O vo n , êie ,p*uQ. 11. 4.. .71ap.w ........s.s * 1sl..~yita. ........uspu je.ë-.... à1ms16sMa........Sea. ".155.1459.5............595 f.s. oa. ..... ': 6ls IIItUL.. .......:1-te. No.6 la . n ...... ..sus6 .. Mi.D.Marlin lin this veek vlainiin RoekiofPd, 111. 1. m 11s I.B.Rabe wase alled this wesk ita Sodas, N. Y. by the. ilinaes ofa ber C. W. Puumnlma taken a contract to storeliS t Fox Lake frSoo- of the large coi peules. PHe la birln ng f ta take ith hlm ta the. ici fBoldo. * Dr. E. H. $mitJi leaves the. §rat of net week lot ICinmnatti; Olila, on a business trip, to lie gorne tIie entire week. Rias vife le toacaoompany hlm. Contracture John Ay.r% -and Walter Achen viii reniave thei.qIcNflNI>ni h.avy machlnery to aur nev builling, and they have the equipinent and abillty tai handle just suili jobs vithout a hitch. An expert froni Chicago hia@ charge of taklng down and setting up the presses. M. Bauman bau rented on@ of the. front "bgin uthei. -orPicxm'Ei)FxT building1 and'wiii apen an exciusive candy and1 fruit atore, PHe han the. ag.ncy forf Ounther'a farnaus candi. and propose ta canduct a Brt cln' canf&-tlonery1 busiaess and wiii carry a select stock. 1 W. Ray and C,. W. Fume.. who have1 for sn i fiieeen tr7ing taIsue ladi upon whick tu erset s& bowling Sa It bave abandoned the. projeet. Tley1 vanted ta locate ou lir. Peaninna's Mlwaukee avenus probrty at Brut, but3 âImalr caime ta the. conclusion theil vSeinvolved 100 machof an inveet-1 nient, the. returus cansdered.t Penny pietares are belng niade again3 at Eesvlek't. 15.1 a et- tiie Union ehurchs Frlday evemlng (ta.uight> the. Ciecai Eedug nPost maya. "Mise Mann la frani LoulevUl., and ln a fair type af the. KentucàlCj beauty. Ber etay ini ncnnati bau made lbar maer f rwa Who bava. been won ii'v e earing manger ami voice.. She buson.eaoflithevestsst vaees that have ever bssn trained luaf Clncnnatti.' Apma. Camp. M, W. A., la togive <ta annual masquerais bail on. FrMeia nlght. Feb. 10 aI Lbetyill. .-Town B". l. Ti.Woodnmnamealvaysfayota with great crovds at thon masq. al anM Ibis ta ýbe, noe eeptilln asmloat arrangements are belng mode farb event. Hertel's four-plèee arbetre, includng tnp drumnfunialete Plh and a supper %will i e erved linlasoisst ci tbe hall. For hall partieulm 'mueN large #Jllo. John Bradlle»', of Randout, and Who 43 condacting tiiereai estale dusafe fr Ibm lit. Paul rnilroad tcanipeny wvblci.a t- tracting sa muiih attentionheruahsute Just nov, calied On the editar Veines. day and decehm emphatlcalIt iai lhm land sougfit ile DQtfor lb. puppose of lu. catiug nvilcbyar&ds e ar ebopi, lRe ne It le for a slheep feeimig tation, thant this talk of car ahapiila ail bcmh, *e, Mir. Bradley wvasver»' mniel l î arnet in bis enisarortaconvlassne v vote ail]viong in onr eoaeuoôe, but .* are nat yet convlucei. Locealpalroan of hi.eetrlcltlght con ptay veis ln a gret mmuy lemim dl*mayed upon iacelÀ 1ofbllb fSr DecMMber llgblii. There là a giqexal feeling 'lb. bille ame ltagelirta bigle. 01 course lb. melerrqçkmugir lis amoinil ai electrllty nsed, ans! tbera Isnolamch use quetlonlng the bille. Bovevutle complalul ta bu tbatOwehlus'g mmcii hlgher than Ilion.semieiom ete. apandlng month Privions yneu i1l not proalmm'agsh~ oel I t used la Decombur an. year tie" latise sarne mnutb another yen- , oW am at an»' gret amounî niais, ans!vhs.bille double, ilus hadta aunderalan"vi»'.j Snebutr, aI H.4cxLiiesDe rn lt il. D,. Wynn, manager for lità ori ShoroeclntieC (omupan»'appearasi itor lie vlhls0board alte lest meeting ziai P oWte a proposiioanfta i ghaaid evor»' nlghtllgbtling ai lie tmm<t)À Wynn ieclared liier. vas a 4em*paii Uàburtyvile for a continous seetliglt. I ng ervne., tintt1he pols.wÀatedi 1 a nd. ebeieved thebadoui e » ktloned if lb.»' taak action b liaI sud, Fer somethhlg ise "88per t h ai itional b. agresd ta uulh ilhte fo the streelsailH nighl amd every uight. Tii9 board lan iclinai ta o m -Ie hm*. Ilit derived de.i flot varrasi t lii.asdi tieual expenditure, and unlentbeeisaan kapparent deruand upori the part.ôthlie *people, wiil ot enter lotoa»esnc ba - coNotace, Aae sueegbsýhg~b .........5 ........... .5............18.4 . a. .5...........:5. et Old Depol. * 15..,.. 8W ............ . NO.~~ l. L......a.. Mir, zw &0éaae n lucoinaita fis heu M. **" dimt t hotu *hwh.hoie heIoi~slê-sort h heai aouble. 24 pbatap, four pa.itiono, for 25 ente, et El*Wo. 151 hi@ trip tD CUaada. Ju.t alter hoegot backs, a"d. lu laet, an il ie4ay ta hiW omvetof ie village he sitoppa! ta velltibis daughler in Waukegan. wl ime sb. alipped andlfoi, nd ibus ohm eboenm " Iup with a lame leg and side. Holu nov at hi, home andi lin Wedusalay niglit at t h. clos. of the, union Servimslunthe Meioliulchurch Mr. IÀvle Wbltny and Mu. Mar"b WilnkmWsisuaîted in marriage. The. W»guato a juRt about ta leave vhs. 11ev. Lavler 1hekaned aliltaO b seals. Tien, Mr. Whitney and Mm. Wlilaaasventlor ad mtii he ort thagb upulv ceimny wvaspet. fote ., va oinulete surpris, ta. ail but a kw wlio knew of the. arrange. iliento.. MtD bley1i n eplôyed by B. B. Eger, satifvth hie threechildren accu- pi the Saaby' Ut He .in a membur af the. Methoil Churcb, an industrious, upriglidt mb ucmpectei citisen af the. village. M ie.~lflme i vell knava la Uberl.yvl% iavng resided bers many yens am s bue ildren have grovu tu manhocdi i omanlmood, leaving ber vlth bov aMas. Se intereoted herneff la the Whlidum uy, and has for a coq. sldeeniule *» uiIiiemr.d ta the. vante and m asss~f ti. litti, girla, vho vii nov have ber an afl.ctionate ani cou. Notice.. uo eabs creintickets vii bu uni "o b»' thêt1.0. & S t . ralroadu, . to Polte uM *mWet and north eea hanorn los ~ustwo dollars rouna bip ac!1 retea w ithIn 21 days X; AOUNCOMIENTS X On Snnday eveujuag Jeu. 1ith the. 4islhtfuirural di*s, a"TeVillage ,PoOtmnater" viii pl an engageent st tbm Scbvertx Taeutre, Wank.gan. MWi Inter ocennmtys:, ".t luthe beet of ml Il far outelanesgda[ltlb. aller country TFrôinRaya ta lichons,th iigrat Newv York draînatie ncnomse ili appear lig civartz Theatr.aa Smdtuna tep. Quo and evening. Jan. 1ý. A popular piesi matin..-M ibu given et 2.15 o'clock at 15 and 25, cente. The. Ladies' Aid go "j,1of heb.preby.ý terlan church vili nimet at tbe home oh lira. Addie Davison, Fnlday afrernoon, isaiury 20.Viel tareare veamne. Kssp. in m ind the dane aI lthe Town Hall tlii.Friday nlghl given b»' the Is. (anI»'Club. Supper nerven ha has. ment ai hall. Pro& fSmithi.tour plece orchetrafurnishes in. Ali nvitei. )4MesMabel lieallhaébeddo., vha viii giï4a sang recitai p Bainla ?Thuatn on lhbaday evenMg Jansiar»' 16, luaa grobtt*fvarte amolig lie Northi Siore mMWIalcircles.. Hue'afluarieb, deep itepa ceontralto val. Irajusib» tihe butstmIeeeri ahfIts meut.Many wio bave lied! thc privilege a9 beerlng ber elng ha,. exprees.ititeonlves as- volt plâessiithb loth herc eultned vain. sud bar uuusualiy fine stop peaa..Mes BqadoIo w eili kiabvahrobtaout Canada md tii. nunerous presn nt lat Icunîr»'Moani lih ave alvaya expreuaed ane and lie samiefavorable rillsm of ber waikt namely. Ibat mle [in a ySang mariciau or geuat promise. In lih, concert on fie nlxteenth, l. Beido. viii ha assiti b»'Mr. Rolum Cowper, tenon; Mr. Raouit Ambrosla,, violanceUlint, Miss (ena Bramwcombu at the, plano, Tbe topic for lh. aidrens et the Preeabyterlan cbureb h undamie mc- lngwllube"The Prepiiet Ibat vas as Positive as the, Mob." 'Al are velcome. At tui.annal meting of eeiekhod ýo! the. OnttNational Ranh09aIMMbo *111. TuIayCasher]EL (&.(lard vIh u im e luAir oer uit akProemu hi$ reelgm*ton, ta faite emeet at oe Mr. Gaudner hmbas bins huail .intaveti l b.he oit meafacîi Gopay ouSorn vick lu ra! sawmg proportiond ilia scn4 h enlire attention. BHis daube a9 bhnisbave beau interferi vlÇh bwna 9f the um o f by ishieattentionbd gin ta iacllmnuue 01!il rapldly powlngaaauWaturlnglndus 01 t.he, 1w, bpreleri ta continue fn#,o ssl vtheti. liit Compony bu bis tee#nlguon as casher af'tie ban Ehstoc vaùs diepossi af tu Allen B. .Milert, 690. Quetn, aofquo aa lkw aliss m a thé411u eleetioa mev ookm we er.ebo"n., Th *Àr -- - - - I . B mdsuI, J. L. Taylor. Viqe presient, a. i. tUialer. Comblier, Vhas. W. Taylon itorsi, Cha&.,PiifIp, h Practar. C. W. Txylo, S.a. 0,Wlm "1.. Quentin, 0. B. Miis,J. L. Taylm Thte huai:bas aboya a gOod bea incisasla ite Volume ôofbuslaeeedu the. put year, and tIýi- eflervaéi management the niaie-up ofthelie board aseumrmaeans a mpi'QU&qms pority. % 1c. W. Taylor, thé cable,Iia ore mqnthu, or sinc e sredreumuebonsa. inm of Triggs&t Taylor, a&«W à asslst t bMr. fGardner, aMi lin thorougbly familiaî wtii the datione * are require!ofai hm. Who bis ass(slai wiii be as not béen annoned Rev. Utayl. ut Unions ervici "ay@ W« Have too mony WA.NTS LAW@ ENFONCER-. As announcei 1ev. T. IL Qua ielivered an, aidrneta a union m«sIm ef lhe Prubyterla and Netid churchea Sonda»' nght; on local 0=4d tiane attrbutable, ta lte salonm ln limauaofaimalute prohibition, Improbable, Mr. QLyI ugut lelber ne-mue, plLclng lii. a ot 0 ae "01=094eslviolalonu of the 8ump' day clomlng laea unna.eary and ap- piealeita m m ntghiesodiumsta unite for the purpassof aliwln "M uca lng a rigid observance of arinance govsrning ccuiuctiug allie seloonu. Mn. Quayle prediea .imumsslal n, raid SaaI.veues e s"oca Inreaeln n3umber. Lhhertiyvllle le ta bis slnd'pi marlly andi naturail»' aa siien eclty, go bsaatfully located ani rlcbly endoved by nature *0 1e attract colturei fiodzlne salooc foremah 200 ai populab. lion an objesila. hlch avervieluis ail] allier inducemente. The large audiunce-llsteoi ta is r.rnarke inteiesedly.> Approval vas apparent lu a I g aliering. It do.. not taire a ebvev poil"a studenita onote the va»' lie vind blove. juI nsuies spnlng cammes .cani- pagan sogan ln Liberiyville vîli b. blgh liens. Tiie bealh a nd frsgrance and strenyt Glompel metings amu taontinue aI the Mthodlstchunch. Ineiemency ofl. the vuather bas prevensi lago audiencesl attening, but Ithe Iureal le kopffl, 1ev. Mr. Freeman vil rémain over Sun> day, anmd viii sing!b1 bath the serviese. Aanuoneealsfor noxI vesk vii hb6 saade Oumday imoining.. M is. Fe -Ppotine LibertyvIlle, lit. Prepaning the T;. BocksA la. W _________ cleriso la t voris'laulb.esmunty lrk'.e -office .xtendlng tles & books and_ Mllnoy aadI Rveylng tin getliug themai fyortÏliscolléetais. adies wer. The work abouti 'be omplesib»'I Jas. lti butIdeigy le getting the Rgliresou, vblcb lbsy e vomclg Bore prettji ef@" ~for the #maltitapossibe .to have $bd voiSLd.e -IN- Go~ r*easure umuIug over-tkat do.-- le,~ b TYVIJ - Wearm es nlgout aiu Our eaitnr5 ani moli - ai Uubeoldwies, fans and U~e*lons, formei,ld Mat 8%, 140 and IOcthbs lovprluauet10a"i 15c. eion WItw hisu gle u i Wite, 11b nWhtndVaieonNv IrtWvi flGS, S I ASA Watch thio Space for oti Next Issuele o! U Exciu.âvu ana 1 U ONI 811111 DAlis L b b p h oi it

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