CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 13 Jan 1905, p. 6

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Id id te, « »IsVsN a l'trelu leur la asalmi 6. ade." tise Wid '00e em am um tAis d tom ne 1 bw m C rosi raplAti; -~ skate' on sthe am uY. Jeeus w. e IIw t Wê~ uideeta'aint hete eos 0e IIasU it eC uw o v0 W11,4 rusd by gtaln are ba M ueadvs. 04 -dtboeghî ousimlrlucqy »uMtalf bit nma a S hat, by <bilin rssIb. flIUU;iO b the.tas."qpmg si als d a laver onalhtba th4ýo'*w l ard buàto l î " ýNov Proviidence bth sureli ledWum to m. à $&taas tpr mjtbe atAi .lerA bm d1euh br ,4# tll.e uaet 1tei, Aïd InsumaI4mm*te IiiO*> leuk Tmi dlthorlisteleS sar aàgDÉ" «et m m. 'rf inessoetifctrerc a lutla escond court It '& y M. papeisadâls@Md drhelug wl# #Wet Vnè«wy table tea re dwmotswut vsa ten iaheïr Delis; but ou ou 4lepeA t si lmoWoles me i". Muoes Z In wtl Won.ue'wias th11e liI t aaorre <w t f luasure 1aMg them-e mars viiihumas f 115' e IS MpeA etVbîtoe teekl5iala a tices#W Ico@ldpise. fls -Jrf tars 40IL 1 1r fetoi!. a1Y. it glas. e- Trs.edudaller 1 vMe tishe tar- wiIb'nWqo suppelu.- erg thon, ud a m au s *eai elles l wlt.eVdm eo tu ~ hb so T luehln II lthew ee Ctsan %Otta*l"OMM 10 60 qTer opmpWm llest. b0sh lis~ ~ ~~~M liad.'Tla115vle u fupal 4.11 '1ls "i«., se- op«s dOr. * cisluef 1.Mta t lait arbes se ttgIluppelatw« Obt, $Whad f m i Luiiet sf édu o, of WIWM eesevut *1 au. Da64epe a i Pté15 i li te tp& a tnoep i aumonmt te eact Ilium. jetghligs te i#e« w Se - tiseadie e» e. Ilis loiAuIile llit t the ladri buut a trw m-bedff~il* d; e .a bide muacllue if bivels ilhe Rad' s Aa"tmr« BWegé 1us b.. Is d etas là*rlmat mlglt Toe u Ug "Wlei. VNV ÏlOlAvIaIlisa fSs m l bror tpe 4ft e Lgvlpp'gd bq. 1,84w. s L'iaetbkssW. lI e li eavàile.ont et te "ir Vamont1at t Iquite. Isat %o mmat. rmaleiMIte urmA. s raici l mon _M t* 0«ta w n Wl a h, do or eatn. e jaroqerni t èu»*Olter "A X~I&r Vpe~. > ~aa tgikaid aboUt lai te - rbo.-ît ý*% r0lted tuatCeueOb "Otw= èo, fldLa 487 Le *ut, iiiost ahou-sehvisai M et«boret cant B ~h ber lied- He 1loolsIn 1 taw the OaiM et bera m>led alilY, lier L4 111. ~*UP wa aIitace vge*te délcate. He touche s r %q rk * àwpRids ibb b",fndal001tlliltsiicamne Istu 1h1ce TM the wm ebnira u eave seuls the re flashb &m té~I< bide. t . le - _aoat au fl u1rO It tovard >hi bOla eie cIlaw tà Olie.asd stie foped bcI :2t= lut ý ber H«ý O d ate suiId W back. andtber stier lleI ber aud Br àlb.evA.irtst iO n bat be- e.e wa u 41015w tIbias 111e tuat.and I fistit auyweàSV 04étt a atu Whi vo ba. eh tte é,,aalt tho0 tact vas conipelled a, tesa.1 a fni la hlm no fault -t th kIIulaaknilissi-An oeh Instrument bosugupon a ca- o Tk 'Se, pet A 3 budé set lhe epen lie volt. Ne oesbew Its ose. Il vas t cevesed vida dua4nd tesrnswr solIe pous. iow voe aeken. à tragbr came oeedayl Pr remarktabie Ke kd a &&bte al, 'and entered the in~ ~~~~bl AnIauiIshse Hal.e revelteltly brushed thé. 41555 e wi tr 4,loiew sg ami tfflilthe, u*Pnot reset thee ttliIN. t el tûr-lada .5 mu" a ansd, ail hueal ves uilleS by lhe M *1115I ilu 'ris. MY ~ muminlib. vas U9ilete bmIng trous IL.t àe nfor ilas. -vissa -- Ul as lte master .lons ab.ent Who et M Ilouglt pu" tt* tbbadi tetunoi issvi. If vimisonde mtieunIig bulider. neae laraouni lIe vli ve velid d M rewnaiunlmi iS<au *d t tAs se iol iseuet eeryem ii. a le b«Sid-10 t e cdl. h iRdthe. uêlma"t pould be n. m hein , ho «UMd undlitake 055150.ot et tue. And ,any do a X eue day Ifliaer vouI 001 smeani e mev iaIt. ecautie la t ii verl. rwoutydsxthboy a temple e!tishe bmli giist, mamo..and pélaters and theb Inmt luat aho e»PI. Ad a e"ondItIo Uriiliff veuPC ev hie secret ot a happy 0 a scYsckes tlumr. a~4 lla~ PSI li irt eveni morasl sied te report At te hml'voatieres asne ault. e ~ ~ ~ ~ 'A prpsSblil. LtlIn rugattuse mrngs tuât mIa bauil uiua.armde, t robeln. anS sve'yday vilI b. lI te i de ta werit. aelv'kebuliii# fA iv orai dr to a partiewiir part. id »U t lette, -ethtlehiem ilI chine Su~of t0hoa WtlIuuahutileb.aoaUbeteUe ~~ vue nbppl. hi-us. Il oenad 10 b. ho tiu. R s9e ha. 7ý in eiy teor411. I1huitdne colon , aumr "., ad ftvas IdekwIt iArd a utsp la l *0 gpaMN4 A"iil ai darsi vIhiIt 1la br4i& doust ean e __ ~ $am wi 1 h e viy t ISSik he Uto ut sui sel, b. ie e l et0vai vasla a ulue et gra lomte aîte f oc1 temnt. vlan b 1 sa t peSit bq>nagap. Bter, e "Assii: ' Weil. w hil, te lever, the f#h5oAw wreA visaI are Yeu daimg out ee ait loen? t OMU É "1 h*WIp4lS 7ou leok&t Met Ton ueed ansm5o& au but te »@- 'tbb oad. N et 1aaepurevtalete Mil 'esie e ~ lie PLS Iste groIl. Hebut mS lb. athet!~ 1 II4 sd l i» ilisdo"tr yetI. Isis ~ ise senvlssk~a ~ Isic t tisa eu »youti, and d "» OMe go - Ilsd. "I am quite mlasrAbs.nb. CMrbmqueohWIlu mon e ý have w 0 wmeu -'W" eplëe . a g o*_itetbavýe meta e e ona. ;bh bail5 lome b1q" K 1[ ne sveR set. Anal bud 1bave b. iat a&neluevu b g1»Me iegIbors nie friends. 1 dot 5 pna"m isate&la a isotteeM'te hb. ielud« et &l i I Il ~ 0*OOi£kO te WdI.u replIed. the samgot.11 vili o Re a large alie.' ibtl i cao tdo t-W700." o0lie kuMsoeana the î». the smmbuibeaflud ititipeu- "« lIaI b. u Ist we '08àt e ltIla nover wallabeauly. id a aiu loQr sarhlr b.d »t -9 s stenucame amd tise 1111Oed1 M M. muni lwse. Ils-9am an lie uxt mermlugil*t1 wmtfA vaaaeot. Oumns ide lt1ou1ev fli. km MIIt MMoub.d plauliet se- m0%6 easi~k* -aeq - sIoli. hA14 tie videlusamndlise jo- vtw pe ers ;la&d, uSthe diet 0# M ' 111141k a talb p p*k.qloi o Vs aru.rsavîb 1 *wut a 4060t. Whoe'5500 orle 2an aisnelu ea 4" 1do' lilg 9ilS uWengasYoumg xwec Ustia 111 Ig~1Idem'"cna- b u e rsaI. uti lent râMe. ut WhoWàd*W sd t*b ma" 4»ers se. Up mmd IJW t expain e. m»R. » » eusorte tir llilg. aut la b0*- eyte PAh4ll<!O'lla t Ih d s ots une .. Sef èws&WseUn*htw. Dur- bj» iekt atiese 0, irh l lahopoes %m, owp 59e tI il.lft , e lioe at t dm misIlqsb bwqtae5ontoet tispm-lu e 155. s u 30 alleS 1op anS de a "- - W ...aat ii*îa , u, * e ia mu4 ig»*tiAit-ausg i d Wh Fui d t., Id1 rem;a Motowiv* t» W bIol Ote in> med lut* trutbloê Tb.1701g i* eause i i A ertalti ta e h i eon- formed t the lolw rat]= thtis b. higb standard. Wbeii aelOuUSae 1b aI be apprale"d Att bei l tt ive h wrnd bas an nuplsmant PSY of e- uring the. ladIvIdUAl l i ie4iL Howvs4' il M87 te vida1110eutll metal11, lier. la but Orne omtsuof e character, cbat'actet beJiag thew ult-- à auttofatio , 0 n ton tii.e «xpt5sSO 0 bougiit. The hpiproosion et tà"ualleu. lrlty et standard upo8 tlm moeral enm cence la h * fe tiiflCt f religion. Ldd to this thi.e enoreemnt et es01 eormlt to thiti tdard and4 ju a*- roach the. complote deluIlleat in. Iglou-to belieore la Qed. te Strft, e inli lm throlgh b lital Muxy men a&»Ioyaly and plemanA 10 bheir bomeRa"&nd le- r.isuwvwmlgd heli door ,U. Ela ' 141 i mare nh, 0 ' nd bbndilu 101.1 ieWa"etnOked ami, Ieclttul 4u buutnsq. Mui"me-Ai eomnuutemsuad :bonmblt e. bu*.. »M. andI heplely wuAl anMd cr-ý uùpt i olu ltis Th olatii. inuit Or Ibe denublestand- .rM. It venuldb. brutal ad UDmaI7- ta b. cruel te vite or abi&I but amp' trsatmeflt 0f an employ, aa lntmrlet or A ceiola lu ranzte&. il ouxi~ b. dlegraCetel t. . t-Isa aflsa#t frleud%, but a»y dupiletti ll IhtUist na buinesu. ComemeIAhbe"erla tbe buta ef crealit WlttbeaAIbd- nomu la ImpoWsble, but tam0-Ort bal gosa la peitim .Te d414 rdl tor a princiii ' 10 an all n guprepesi- ion; te av* te do a Peury duty la à The. mere stAtemet et Ibes. Urinas a coulang. 1Nittober urun 1a la medeS f: a $m i #aIMors a ard A ,hlnt la 1etlum vurit orwrob& yTo i Iionuatima-May b. laadotaut*b 0ev »Ostm a*umessbla .lm lasl00t. Mm albs ami la e. judps8.but ilb. tuxt la et la the. standd.A tg v ba In -v , u ue c o ue. 4la s ee lu auetber. IrfiL la rlgbt t. b.<MatIe at bbtu., it ll «Mtot.b. e ie la lb. worM. Ir it la rIit to e s *sbtu , sorlety,. it la liat to b. trutlàl lbusInes. UI la rigIt te be ufrlgt a ln,1bMM, 'Wbmlisewt toU bt-t dot de a:tWalt liiimgt,' BaMYD th* Wlfs Trblr. are Legreesl I.tau mIu$ et naU dove. Tie psmet f thbe titIsetOfmlnlt An&"'«"amiumInft la altogetieradmirable viien lii. weIgbter mattet ra b, bien allUMsi te. 1%Te lava et GoS «aunt b. divi au4 appfl « Atrendem.Thsy are lu. b. kePt Kta& W"1ole. JenClirlt -lb. exempllfcaUlOr 43eds law neas vWo ai t alevi. 414 un1Io abrii" r the i m psr tve M oO .& He vas au peremptOri as XM130 ta tii. standard. TIIqN eau. Mne etlier aince Qed la one. Net la R l lup"bllle for man.6.8Je uAt; nie dm notnet. qisIre re. s na emlttte lb.*uM.- launae., To utrite te b. lUme ChIa Mm# Up tbe la* udth 4009& Obeeme y1w Ibis de, t1181 eue dld ,nl bu, 11 TinIh;ltem*rit sla "Ore usla I eteorueth net i, lt» vord* et 1th* là- te de -0. A" IaillIe eofl. 10.84.11say. Amsn." "ernows sgivestrsughis t lattur malin ue riende. L m k bl g a t sn l odS t e Ievlng l. eLme la neVer atraLuet ovatwark. 0 bc ter fa letii.e u *M lIure. t doemut: lake ate grilt temble. Thie uR MMan alivaîs Iabe, bIm- 9 slf. Benrov.eitrenble alwais Wu*' te k- bide. A b.i et roses swu vitradova t tisetieue Tb.maae.sll Ota eelSbUt b t o imw m501.51 as. PMs de MMe luottoe mu Ger. Deow dtla4 belng di w& ssotir at At ulght a&Ipu les. cemurgU es, tlwro a at $ 0*e0e1 Go% 13 guum swaelil LIS13 01 tlet. offe4it be tI l, wu 1 the. n wly oel awi B ates o O smiMd 151v v eee on pitai by the publie, aI t aIth l»GVeruor'm odm .TII.siais& bu lssaproduetie et mmn or hm - erttud eefumon, aA" lb edIliSet1 thse reespione lu 11tramai -mde papal- iii. the rapi baedling et 00 IU«mudt vie greeted tha ev Govevuod 1 A u u k t h e m o dss e l e s e r n eo i a m w auguraiParty trou lIe igegudt - a: isn a t e M atd ir cvas net N W 1ii ta me" s tl l11.8. lies listes lIma lb. bum amwnu er nda slgt-an'. fpeelmitrain s rou aiote li. geate adisd hi .1v t aeusnds t e 1 m e i AslgibemetlA" md u as parade amoll- mme isbmutseam i vLW a a mset spndte' la, tbc Parade Wu no siitia. Otu cadets trou l thValveesllet lubels.aA Inaufferal party aaetilbgg 1II1ISqlu, rItms' Adt eu. semueaed s a a Doueceto. JMliekTues, LipICol, ' IL Davws.Lient.CL. ?ieoenDuit UsmàOLe& . J and i Ut. COL lU O. Tayrlor, Lieut. col W. 8. Oumplii liai. loin T. Meoreey, OaptMarri T. L&- pa, CapI. Frauk D. Wblpp ieut. EL H Tutti., Lieut. Oba"R. ot e. L* Ue MIltary escontO *ID11e uceTe pafty vas plars lu tIe f4legorder:. Troep ). plt cavakr, Capt. Charles A Wfais ooanudni; athlgs»e. itI Io&ty, Sert. H.W. Style ompasi 0G, Ninfitlv, CapI. H. V. Qlrlon omm*oîng; Company H. adt roul m t et h1e llarasstjr .f 1* noie. LIeéUt. co;L. M. Q. eege, t. eamiiiste vS i'smi Pma sa Ouator P*Wselet ot ism I ,«u *à usmarias. CW t A luha te 10. i', 'wulie uleér versil oral' 111. nbi 550 uë Ue«5élbl" elumImd.' ibb p- ort» tie euslm e* s e psWahe ses SonsIer limom eet Mase 1JuIn candidate, oo sla. A5ote odi At 2S ?hq nsttloea et IN ote lIaI % mogIshIve edishouida. M-ON em < ** o t>W.l5ikaLdo adjobmUmmnatilMar w-vas tl.' vqmnsmsautart* nved limg sretIi. Irs- lv. ro"a09 ma lie Osuma t. 1a e st imuais. oredeStooter fam a"et l i-ut el L'a ,lew ruor e lthhtwIe lb. ehl<godrainage bird. s duceda bSdtyattor 1theimat@ 14ï Preeosdlugm. Ip 'he eBiSais ioee bief sud wltieuI to dent. A tew buIs ver. lutssdf omt lmpuotut. et tisse pmsi<o appropriatia ontr 11e sos*0w peltetlr ai Clskower. 1TMelm et #=M t lea ked ina lthe 00 oret lb mIetut" am.04in a.dd le *reauested for uew balldibe pro tae t the @ssmqýAs. .04 i tire »Int eeiClt e t. ne. Weodm tollowed W» muuteli mlh el i avliut e t orth es G. A . agUfte Club etobueageb. Lige isr. Thi Iolhliclget malei1.00 mu, ntenes Trmretsng the !mmai thores dItterqui e .pr*eselem pe lIe calgiLe; FotlowIig a aesr the Gereab oi âe thiaS gu sonte atheti. ome. Ga tIlu W14Y Ple ,ubavea Job ll'Dê iyon rea «eIl abIt t. 1% aoy lauena te«

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