see bib 4sio 094MIlti wB»ftd du- aW. sim dette.I sv. layréch119 ~y Aom déai! MW of wh~is»Teu thec Ci, lkae" ltmh ua e htjtwo yema Wbhlca uuv9dpw ObKilicthe ec0atiy ras 14W*t 34tw e laurlbute *-oclong anal ou,- 'killed leyekmmt sala infecWts.!le îcgléciand! a recai- t -* i iao <aPionseuA', *hoe imprint1 W hua in a Éidl' sgttalîedUpon lthe aoalY.- eletmaset. 'T'odlajIS leose of the allanl promnoacu- *fdsc ho o000*1105inla llaici,. F -esa Etcluu'Captaurs hoait te Pavey, Il, ata Utceml0spgtem Rebierte. -a Aeuc minane Frank Hliduon. ith as aumber 09 4 eharge CI vies.ilesa, abecs bel. la the. graud WuY K e«_ordere.! six et la EOOIOeJ]nl fU0.U or 1.112ao, ouesd lBlomgiagton au one *Koflad aMeeting 61 lime iit daugéroux croo lu lthIe coller. la laed- wet Uneva s cpture. la Joiet. aftqi W1Vuelecteil clair- a deperate. lattîlu ly IP.J. tlurplîy, tIe eliiOcy Chicalgo and, Aton deteelive fnt luit amIL. orag ta i a' Mirpby oun. liekauua ou toit of ,a lnanber'tcar miud place.!bila under ar- ~fueraac Conea mlos siuipkio. fliclecu Irew away1 Ia c ORniWBY, a <of Jewelry waciuwa ltr onu. . bal*eOe"iam l t len developc.llit the co,îlcnts, <cou- heGerman 11111 slag of about $M11> *Worth ()f ring, ~!.met r h 8it broaclies mn.! other -articles, Lad heeu t stoien la Blloomlaagos. For the lait à starinegrome. niotie Blumlaghua bas bee eu cicred Sde the reiluait et anu vrlueom ugals odvcuR Uelgk thc cty erer. be ascure.! until lihe capture.of llieksna. be ouvlag snd aide- [t lea nw. libuglit ltâthelic mde'repente.! 1 hicre la a terni- iaita fiare Sud dml)ouea of is pluinerb 01l tei .10a, Cicago e ace.à Riëobrard vas tnk- à cieuw ci.rtt (cort AWAIKZ4Kic> Br XECmUIcITT ~ ith complile- Ai aa tn, Who nlauMin Ceuigt*y uccasd5in Hyp- kbee an.w wllful cim- notting iie. mths *g. Benimnaîn (Tenlla vissawakeaacd rleu la Comupany K troisa ~f ve weeks îraau'e la Peoria, Lar- I (IL . .. bol. llasg ucceele.!ln bitînoizlaî blicuseif Idl ble mlodying art amu.lea cecul la ad b* AdJutt O ea- Washington, -D. c. white, l agamiag- V co,, Robert (;. Wil- tnbudmuinlcouaaactlon vitit bis arllstic tl ileutenant aud aties .hebecne n tiate.! vith Uic ,oomdliutean t mia,.t udaetaially hypnotise.! linccîf. [le wasn.!e] uiis groon uudir asleepP ts.agl23 a or- Anli as Le couij not ho owuateaied bisP .eu=an la oecrcî of fanjly nt Peoria ware notiule.. A breti- o01,lr., laverlfv er veut ounsand brougiatFilm bock. Since l'îIn t ha rae I Wkid!- dotheeIgulo in lufiis mime mynteri-i llnc a *01>y. Ife bh ue oP leep sudt wa# naili aronsel viea' *iser. Il le ual.! hic batlery - ruaupplie.! t0 bis spinal cMauna. Oue lectrode vas thlias hume lie. twof tbe six d thie branta sd poler'bticthe ud ai Wk'mw»ia*au u- t1m, epimul qOalu«i as l ud nth f~u a Wsyuëdet4p01ui luleOaewandrptkscna.! e t ý auet lSs~ Lochm al. gr ill recover hls ieirtb. butai.CANAL suRI> »il A NILLI.1,4 a" re»W .!by ilgi. Ulicimeu. timntue 1Sutta Amu U.sabt4N AI tirara *$Ut frM - bhi Pasrspýý.à agi vasdriving home SuIellse bae t ommllenced lau theOCW r et a rrsu oe 4qleu lcit Court ot Bureau ounl>- aginst the tu d bism viftla kaves, Chiesage drainge canal trustesfe d uèmn i g me b en m la alle, lai eho smutnlof 8685,700. Oflasw lai g a ew«t& thespiUUgfer $145l w> er. irugla in Pt-. mm tonney. 'Pa plahafiffi re elghîr- - PuSt Detba a rti' aioug bb llatsrivr*has ibe a- 11 ul dlesase. Beé vs. udatl anad damage.! by mreo f-tbe -,l i birpeveuts l rg quutlly of valet Imaracal##tethc lm lsIU Ilaola river hy reason of 1*0 coamrue. s. Cactda lie of thia inuge enul. Sumar P. - tati160cm c lagI4 the Dillionalre diatilleror Ipecria,. LIc ealeau. e Who ovu 6000 sacre<of landla Greene e!umaty. bon fie.!fsuit for $20.000 uost- a- pis îsaaitîa ~ cont of legfel daumages lu ia land& . -a Villa At 0h1o,. s- sa te rAs rearheai FOR IND>lm1<MOUND OUEST. eL. A compenyhbah à ipes ad mb CentrailIilinolseuuComplets Plaou a e Roui tim agogis Bell ~forReclical. Ocmilla, e fe miles Plans Lave baina complet..! for lhe -i va. tt I eala "rslgatiou <of a usuberof <l.! ldia 4 tlism eetiog bemons lu ttc e eet purt of Woo)dtosl cout.. x-Majoril. Q ,Irrlag of Méta- -ib er tu X. Hefflgeai- mot,>têhatn,,claqffl collectl im et k Alaoail ns 1da~ la i entrm , lliboJala.t the me: Joae Broyer, bai : Atrement le, invuct, ge 6110iesl "eWit ta l hM bif lisse nonade. ItL'ea eW ,çl ~ea,~rolryp,- 4>tba tbelier r. 10monalêroeÉb. 1< -l .loge ua*a= Cifleothe te Pcék i lon t tek 111. eaallaoubver. The terrltoury iitéag. BiprIPu AY BaandI Cliliioîlae in kn>ev. Zalaow, mlu acte- have e rnfa the eof a gîtent Xtdla u 4&l, talery, 5- batile. Tlhé-raclto, of. theae ve tgc-a. eUflta, $9.000; tienm a lafl villa lutereet. %7, ltxcel .3- CaicAGOANs But CeAI, LKOM 'o« dMirlamage, Pt- tga films wglicacfor traek Constw "diita Imajl Compour. 0i lait acep"d bty George Y. Gels. vie preuldeal 0oftlai «Ir e it>..on.0& jmi Coo Calpa.>- 0fet cagovb ieb it bolI letâ 1rtttoik bd litby ex-lats Treamurer 1Prl4 eé*ilantees Bi13e, and John Tr. Cooeery of Câbmaga, pq*mutnbu« en -Paneb he tcproperli of Ith*Fait. B literai->eaI aslCoke Mlaing Compeaj la ugur Marion, raid hnea aowerait f< *p. nal<> ý him-Ifit .t of the cccl. A 1guu tzret, ledl Ir= oef land! a.JoUlng ras malude.! la Lac i'1 4 b»,weI*io deia iulog la 211 1500 smog a kW'U, ;And *pIe lIne.. ountr. Thce02% mma Meceel- li- é un- cé ure.! optioaas on acreral . tioleaa. ats 1bîm, 4Asi t a li~a n <coaaty. X kU itbe at 15i rIpw, of the corpaur la bull.!two large Wb*- Ibo -la *1A 1(q Ie ~1e4làug thiIte couMW!Dot live 01, 4W otesiotbr fter bb«separated t ' :tw-mo eurluLatro menhle.J . a. d* Mrg.Joue u s pe.uvsIM 'ntifla -Ilnteé B 10 Vqaol cocms bm 5q e1tbir et",Bu ,49tàl Kmlkecn Aco tler la 1i*lllc Mi at a ansa, %Égaple tly grestir, Mme uiau t that cma 1 but tIc hb ln t» mly begla and. toe$ [g it wu oelng @Md Wetl- = a mnare eu , , w 1= o. s SqWr-" v tgpi$aet11lulon thaux bi«"àm»N« »O ime surface a boIe base tftseid tiat the prou id - .M »Ë <êe0bolete, wvii #9 0 G t 1* 4é avt citer ln& villa tbe uObw 9odpi vithin l 8* emlti. vISON- "If*eimaugeleus an uternL. Tà. PaOM. tbc picture l ti annul, vital réeluue cceedm lu ex Paesdthlm oui tp-d*yexpress«, It for au tsc, :Tbiaulu arctral-I141M «attack againal viciMe bina mcmleuemuet maintair Is lafttr suit l graunt la Tic deste s roq, tIc L-calle! prae OiUI mon. via lisapena everything tiat cannot -bë e«"d i8te dollars. Ht Wasta * na Uta ScIs' e",f feeling an! asulluicut *adit=et, elahlm 'a dreMM«, rates bÏM lve thaa yon!cu iaralded eai4%4«vimo han abut up MOlsq Bol aludOay ai h@ hon,- «BAL 'rTnt lIc'vwLarlutocraey ci seth la t eptu rO ang thaes drs.nem PV 0< Ili em aacbicvi wdro MUauce. lua-ven liiose vio de MLuatui aca00"Io« fs. f luplclty =4i Oinues 0natuga Ihiclaseema la- OePsmbo iO the Icbueuesor mer- beling the en 0t w geWas OUL Mont Of tls a R e a humble living byli mv. < ate ran.Thon .my le mm wse$3ng 1erjeu at a mer" lalttanCe rWhosus for gataer aouk1,han 700. But rtk<gi-alu fot inwviLt 700 ar payilig'lbM e r. Their tuai lia le la h. vlL ie IsJoja. Ia mmffellcS.Il* »60184 ls bopes. 'a»ie r WvI* t le eare tic tffat lare of tbe *se *the lava er mlcl n o15 0Mlove, lie lava Md 1 00jo» berarceau, tbe 'es wha,.fr bot licnua@Wflor 11. If#1Ic la t-ne. 1tIr *»tu0rbla rion ,idntion- ma**- mo tlaÏat voM t a w1le caiR tbe Boml. Te lIc nti- tul Io aIe.!get »»emle ns- ,4é"& #»tbc lopger ai clofflCal 49 Meliafallecles seagrlime . Iioteru matlest mb*emong 1«= that tbcr, are .mers co*eeeet I0<id an theti av* ouestan.! MeWIde 0of kuowledge lim eau ho nt154-Words. The sentW 4$q uIl egeo. Tien are 6.5 aya l» WMesl a$ nII vere, It p0<a forth lIa PaRit@M *t*aaae aund triesà*equai- SW « tcr. moula. lic geait AIde of lit eicMoral hatuliOa liaI are the "me la aul, th 0 ~et Itiaan.! justiS »duni s nom, Wrill-neon. bals ma aile ta, lb. eafflty thas thb. mc dec. lo by Micc.ý.of Its ova, 0w" eut a àh*r ,but InaIy apprehdt v erl! a' nowawi ralty lunw*MO re 11v, " bae, ercllloina WaI110 bed ~ <elaisALer lmIf v6 May ts iesmaeeroem Mieth oul CoM fer Île i1c and' eiaWl in M» tthe midat oft W t oc r P"a via.. uproar fila eticla ""n foir SU Intuitiousta *~l4gi ui- »«%, la tbc mîdut tcf tblat«eofo luoin enseds. vilci fila Ic00er »Ust th tilemple of trot >eliglc Thea cMhueie beat t Mliug adienea. ail god. .'hssteva change 10w' sud spend thoi RU fb sdvertiaîng. Set mocesu Rd Ah. la o lut IMM premeher a] . ge.. amisudtopmoncj -- ewçrd ans liac -*cs <ar.I Im te rSde «-mre Po*, A" Wb the ti Bru am DbSft let f e<Us euem td ai * Ioustaim 1 by tm e the f51 ban& swe Wb ueM b- bmmt g Unem â» We u lmimpurs000V>le, fflt. le neouons meVer r pas utIc Dievi - Rue.A,"A Min Siv ' re toda imi I. ~M«dbme Tien zwarae OMMd coqmtlesela 5110- ber. A testrau remutly made ula potatmemcis ,~~, ~ liat 818 oat i 7 T- airstlsa tNlew * ai017vre 1melllag a muelte air a9 aullts.! ddrau ila lIamae e The e tsaNt saI0fle Dcalueat 1 01 Agtcitre St WsuIaatonAat5es 9thaltic l dultu-stl or 0<food rale r ana ai"'anul PlM5fo i >peopié dofeaIleaul llt 00, .Tiae conseqassîloue or detertaratlont0 Met. e@aHllY aet lldrea, ecannot l Otliatad. Wie adulteratloua of Medicine@ arc UU111 orelihu tatet fooda ltu er 1Pernleloumu eteubath Upen tliadi uad aduit nalure Tiere am e HeOfta su .no qAre senfding out't lu xeeulouM te ta lui rthe moral Andt piltu a llt <ceii- 1 men. Tiacir rillla tictherindora 0< acredeelrala ic .riaa ici ar expose.! for mie. la the ftablog pie.- lune. an.! Does, cr loy 'tmnters, a".! la h liIteratur. tnfaui 0811liedemor. allaing crime an.! vieséetdeffavel betagi oa orfthe bulgilc elds lia ont XIIU- noi Blte retoruatary vu e itors ils boalrd of maMMMsra kat sk fo - cit o*eieaimwaln Wit UV%*, Set 0 Ie«& U r7Dt 1d « - ifbOW maim mn Isadilu. wrt!.,la lthedsdy cigusrslte. lis.- cd vilw jlas e n«t polua., lÉ fee40"s lie muBaOies,«k t» mIeUi sae, ioga lie brun, dallie c a n esmlutse the nasceailmunoemandaui delboya lie moral ames Tee r B-17ly1.100 lacya la lie 515h efo«M- atea-Y -to-day. an.! a laige - .t ticaf Via. invetenitd NIg ty etol or- betore commnatt - l'h. Inaierest psoelct hO ue0 le. tM ugwte. la.dever-le me ers- gIle, 7et sobeptm#41, PaM» tba$ b" la lin elaso" nu oelbf Urf0 humas ni val W» ,bl cwtcpnüt 0f ici le uâitae.! nIl dcaper uM. lieltumie. Oui- dauogtars are tic berner sioaee of lie social abrile undthedeimn ln*gLactor lanthe ealome n. ortheli. bomne and tlie oïmvni17,. "«Ceaboli a esnly seel lie quapensip «,&»Maltc books,.- bl I pkce t h monn.! ag resourcaetf aaroy. <qa e ot a i ment ae of aulfultur. upn v Pl es-w n& aIe tirs d cousi'na wSi corn tial .11mevanal ý»M l eoimpapiallaplaI0<u o. tgl, dd icimuet sye chanurs tic thea.»lu Dei ite. . WI Short Eqlei sermosa. pe LovelulaIte'. latepreter., c somc paln la the prie. of any paer Tie dileet religion la tic Sgag Ré cannot be 1a aaint Who '.11 Àt aa servant, Mme e bua', eevsthe e ai tu-ce Timetabra kea evst Wien jaypoeMnfltc clthe devilHase mbat, ser! matanrc-esy yelier msa ro« happi Lae. n Ad Teuon ce he icrelgl~ ou ùn L t kce-irp joanseif. 10 tu Toit do Dotl chee oureaif by aumu. a- 0'"" eyosetcluMm' l -bimt t,<mnubeleve lia I astla u« en>sa-tle otici fellow. 1 hep A buaci e pMo cA mY .WOU m laato of pbu"*nhir. 1 -t taîes mon smtisa he Sunaý eu ils.!, ta nske tie sal.! slaI hatm e etil ourmulvac. w* vrIllletvu got oulatt. A. 11uh W lbe gQotic pao.! lige 0<s'. 1 «r oua-UIalgl iy booe ut voit kuit Ton canol ecaPeoaa ili- buW taMblg &bout YoUr ret4 whnm M" ivalePs*-,"aa 1 W rmam e ua ea depen.!. t a bl te of ea.- mle-mmamre sean ouga ,ta eve li 9"0111 U* W5e, $ 0 ý * I *IMp 0&l ,Tho ft"ouln 1 $ .vbleb attracew thca* soi, tsm u Iutrodnced J>y ZCecc. rsig ad col@%. itl oa . e-ecmg a, bIs fW damm swswc . 1IdnJu re yth e usi, UO*iDé~ fallu- ii 1 ,uioe0 4tyifà op: cmpi>' "rd e 4ay W'f1i~ le or coiltraet the r&td cm!5êB may have wIUi thé injureil emnpbr1»ý Senate Pame! a rseolmmties erY employa te rePort *naé t eucrgeatîardia Who kmiwàhlmnd le felon t aY dereietion la 401tu the pane lMent of fthe fenate. BSentrCMus4! naid tIns would be no addîtiom ga-e'" & tête eolmlttée clegkma pti*Udd by Mtatut, 10 the' par roll durlmg the. u arew more mîtarac ioffl te raliroade Ïveemae.lathle ouase Tmuay. -0»4 wa a bil by U1r. licCWalrWatf Oi* hi.U Lroviag fra m fe at ai 2 cete a mlle for .adnlt m. i ae for càtmdre». The. oth., nue *çnt ** Deumcrtie aidgoln tlibfm @et al'" te"nulion lalliduce.!he Mr. Grayi SMaco nd ud aimdouy adoptif. ml"i lut the poiler- et.preeliet RâiereIk favor, of leglulalionby -CQom. *j will renuedy rate evllabg lsr@t powers of, the laots 00comrceUes' inion. Mir. MeGwoety of 00* hbla duffd a bill te compel éesr coP-4UM Operating in the&t te l*obct aO ciuse aund provldisig that ditele ho revoked if sur coopo.stén case front. h.éBute oumt $0tbo=i~ court . .Chairei of Cook l A 64i I c providins for lie sp$&WiStflet à stnte limaortau eta s mai7 0<ad Uim year aund a second m4usutel for tir *bîjt ismnt ofa ae.geolealdeomuà alou es recommmnde a i te Saeug0*i memmsge e oy 0. Deaen. Tb» m&b aio,~ la of cnlte cGoveruet. » US. ollo 11,rma; the preaident uet b Univergfty of Illinol, the oeeuuu-a Ulule endi two othere b6 *0 M the gorernor. The billh 1k*n flic appointment Of aLatle gsnèo t- au annaaul.lary of $SM.000. N*0 milcen e elotam sappoints.! b; , ýe4nW shurtieef omulte of .John U*è rimaIs man; lMR". dPhlilliju. fnol% VvIr~, -Rosai. - lEmWUes. Bli;, Nor«a. Kirkpatre. lTiebetoa, Lre.., Robinson,.Rila, S. heent% "iW Wd sta. Pattson, Craig. M. 1L. *ciràAts Grain, Rapp aDen O bor. T". DWA- Çtru Md ?iasdy vtetiis eoe#U b« as lhe ri,. s!rre& b eume a sosfor finare o cl.th1e lhi an", 4uth o hie Spubak e eappeia tA rommitas 10aae a iuvestlgstb m tu Preamlng coadtliona "Whe emoul uai refaired, o te lïmïï où gtis .wu»e. boueeais peaker Siba t e w uis!la a petton front .. H. Lefoma et Sm**WU sich vas referred; ta thc onuotte# ca' .Wàrehoa'ese4 .!viiand ieh i alm 1adlrectlir lbnt thehoe aal4. iRepreuetstlve-a LU.rlko <Cd introdacee! a bill maltlu. le am iii a ndly$ual givinh atelia regad 1- crm, to 9 nerapl"ape aprvi egf bu- anelcatioas butera a pâd je e t unet~ ~~~s 1fl7ly Tcbi ~om~ t I dmeawor unlsheble by fia. of fm $10 té 4M00for any ero.taharoa u rpaq per w th fais . nf rm tono À- sarding a crime. The Rouwe a.!Jouacu bmll Mondar afternuon at 5:45, a" the* sestate t 5:30 oclock. Legisialon, dirocte! at telephone mmd leeplng car compaintes hadthe ac mij k both âoue.. Tuesday. lu the opare branci Benuter Burnt lntrodnftd a bll tviot municipml coritoruUons umity to fix iad !regWiate the pria. t oftleeoma Ies. lia ltch]ouor 1Mr. MBlases 0< pria oSféea.ilamsaue rqqlr Atale phote .pervu*,fur au baugeet ooaaectiom, noa a ldel ot that compeny and mn ng empta tu rhateo'etduld, cuare la .rach. 1Ur. BHeu,à0 utruduceoà'tic bill whiei me ie sleingcMr rete. -lins prorlidée a maximum ciaflrd 8ai00 pet 10mles for alorbert n cnte fow au upper berta. Aneà»fa#l$1 te 1f00for cdi *violattos la Sad. ,ci, Mgo kieatlosn cam qe lkfer eo4awf tle, Attetion. Rl ch mat@., SemaI Clark ofeéni! sitadla glvIng Park cou15 onoe povei to citeu..!»>Mrk- lN tisa. imarlaborder Uu.n véflm tu théawh nut lu seOr " m*tilu"r efý bject of thcmess19kte. auwie. se 1*1e eslsaelwom < fritPmr on thc leo ot, la Ciloago, sud ta prorl4e iî the boulevard coinaceloa e ge. nth Nre uyntem vi thl Petimal*Pak iean. Scuato, La fcrge Oi- mgo inlroduce! a bil l ".o'el04aq1 ,sas et Uic park ivy roaili 2té '0 nDl H4 ose d olar if u bls e e g~ the 'Sert 0f1*0e mura bcb el prfflei 0 tia fo thec costion 0<thé bark ",tom enta. iufarth ier irvei. lune lutredtuei..,lipe 19e Bmet <Cool-T. amew theaf , or aucmtwo nai soeoel <taxe. . r crmk of C0"l-Te nga i e~ mligéa u <1 sau , e4 opmrtaere. *a» mteu, ,g ortlm.wbeoftuon .1* Obe -esiamla busim nesn cMPet ur! 0,<ofCool-T. Paw4blt "Mteca 1.ccltc ovtu or~ ilo psof r propeetyé aud pe n lraaaailtlg a-in ee s mb> ain m'lui" iic AlkMhI# dmct lde hhl t aatrsdu t I» ordocof 0< Cee-Atatioeklc mae", taol rea tlareI là 7à . tMti e0< * LB TOTl s, Il h iw0. ibrucn abe Ioebh wllidlb i.- M Fou~d ýz-