nl1m froue bon si-son W*asx aihh ~boTburuley. if oe C. E. t."Wbah I guru'." Nuit t.*iprment e Wr.. O. Nicitoil. hltslpleu villa mil bae been a tuner*OoinOb*'èo va iteom kt tuofain t Wakga1 i tul Jqdlst i f. uluit0 at ber* Iu ut Mitt. iu WM<b AMbu us ht but bai *OWUfor amas b. y lu loWtd tis O ltres a ilafolfr dliHy oas -go dayFrnklanaWsplace.M p W sud onerstaptWavmor day. lir. Thnh e l b.. epell mie. aea CbWli. top,, for on. cordlslly nvlsId. Ove holTbe social glus by ivamito. Camp, M. a Anus WV. A. luit Fridaeveanus vasà declàs mesm& <b .progra i torel aM ultexce «lletntsd thé appan aaftri il smà rMal haut. Aboi 10 poisnMwt a 5ee naer.lerel sud the Young people wltb nom. o! the ller ons enjoys a pismaot uder tb. lance. Redolpi met ana p eêlahanmea inluthe a ig preorared by, lb. of b l, fLbertynilis, Nt0c bu parmetsber. bau mer «eetige vit ct&.ai, i. Md 90--wr.usl. Tb" «Oiu Mr. aMdlim F. à" ~ milir. sud ieuxn .m bômont !W. L Blch 14 *w I A ordia IL Jbmas wiib. acbarg juwhbèer pa r. ie r Ns 1"ud B« L onatted errW& deff à* mai ram gpreport s .A - perle Am& tm slv owbmA bdi vo FL 61We 4 loba Be~pu tlay ami Boni te, cf Eoehfoo an, wbo le iii umsr Qumr. of 1obbe tbelb UVo Cbnnely, aile liconen hmodubr à onmmod-n -LAKE ZURICH. Valeutine t Bail Fmk'a Ca..t golsniais a business trip ta Bartlngtot Tuelay.:' 1 - »ury imabippel a car of cattle t) Barnington Nomday. wm.. Lob-n'a son Raymond, la very urckr vlth bong fle a I preasul Jobn stevées sd Erneit Poit veut te Jol.1iet veek ta ulod mome 1lm for te Bruc e .Corppuuy. Dr. Bail, of Arilgton Heiglila, nmde a eil ber. Tue.d&y. Mm. Henry Nordmsyer. of Darninlon, la vietlng ait Wm..Lohnim ib vek. Hemry elp re,.rd s.crlmd of med oatlu levek. - O. B. Fox, of Bsrriugton, maIe a cai hm eTnmaly. Hennisu Prehu nia&.a buuinese trip to Chicago Mopday. ArthiurBrlgs louadi up bisénisa niaret boe.the fri cd Feay. FredKoem*c.o t . làvalug 'vitit lira. Dspmeyer bore aipresm. vbàchft.more than my surromudng ««-mrypaki& a. valeatim te da, t.conilgi EmIl uFruk 41o ha. put ln a ic."k ofciVahmtI"Is, tuas vhhb. ii mail ver esosolle nday coveryput laW0* 7À A Ilr1' b plusuoies. o i. mbyMWîu. ocz a Wboe baby boy. * wn iheLiwoatibi Do»es oosymt vlaMme.B.. H lueos ttW. I -h " e.m"Iln,10 ci leago, viellai W hej er ira, W. W. chIk éd t lb linucinr. of CMficgoviella vi Tb$ C. B. ioplc for finday nile ..Wb"ti Ove lu Chitus misvo,» Ena9. 47z 1-12, Pa. 8".. C E& Oark, 01 a er. w7 ln 1 Dot ia" tmteai t ec ture glu in t. Frebytw" e ouicli, Fiay .1g d, lu (to-niglt) by Dr. Job* boy&, ci vitit Batuon. Thoee nmb«eel it tbo s*au a Mm. nab o s, lire.roobs Mmd -M lin.ud Mm iapk5~oe peni Bsabmy vith Mrn. Tekomap mi bwfly. :. in.un Mallr. luch, *1àVaueosd eaIleios lb.le IW@M o"hisude. Augusi <UulOba, ncuaeo, quai à tortue# wi teuiiPrenppts. Den'.Fatbet Wobahsle sacma nunubs ci hie Cub a fnleoleTlasda.- Ml KlberIa.y0aiM", d4aba luth au ssla,.hdmes, wiI*bw litr. I» haasket Bo"l-*bd hunraymcbbo sainUts cdua mm, uholnhamt"«, UsensA.W9leb, PL ~10. Ety. br&leslFsvl oi - MÀwrYse41~ gl 09-gb« posilipa vilb Xe, W» Pléa<e and vIl rsmQr.* Withimau la*boatogIai vek. in â ait. 1 = IoudWho hi b. .elMM é a g 0, e ataihome hier.. iumqul nfttaii Mri. anMr ak Taisy. Mmre. H msAbrecht eti*aIed bai en"l, Mise Franc. TOonn f Chkffl Suday sebool t. hél Bat 10 a. Mi., pmaebng ewrvlcab il &a. ni,Junior Y. P.A.L s sld abBp. m., Senor Y.P.A. te beld ai t 7p, . nd ptechng narvicet 7.45 p..m. WeImoie t ended 1 aIL. Ou Tneeday. Js uuay 81, occurrel the. dath ,of Warren Spragne, from hb.snt veekusa d olI age. Mr. prague vas bora ai ubedon, IN. Y., i1812. He came b thiestte inlu188.8,nuattedhla Lak e oomt', cmiliif anm vb.r. b. ba s froniual ime alvoareelel lu1846 b. vau mawrile l lilasElaimRul, of tht.eouuty, sud ta lb. ver. horu lire ebildie. On. son, Charlee, sud one dsughter, 1mirs4an sd six grauxkihldren auoriveDeeýiel vu. blghiy eeteamed for bis uprlgbtnasd stabilitylof char-1 Wite d we osIfor hie genti ansd anIIessd througt hie long sud hooal 1me be.o srneal t tMa fDay eenetery on Thurs. da, ebrukry 2. Augmet Neyer'. eldeel son George has bien vey I villathe. gnlp tht.eek. Mr. sud Mme.Wlnkbeim an ngtchildren sud Mri. sudlie. iniou. sud chlren won amiomg lboea rou Chicago Wboa- lael lin.r Bpr«agr'fumai. 0. D. Poulton, of Kolas. epent Wedne. day with hlm brother, N. 8. Poulton.. 'The folovigofficer. ver. liallelou 8unday Jamary 29 ai the, Prairie Vew Union Bundloy etool: lDanisl Bilsen- tbala, upalan4otlMr. *teen, au't. murnlnuwk mt, lramhui , scr.tary sud tuuuauer; Mra.Knopl, oraniet. lmire.lanasOr. . eyv W Inwtt brou- - itmm ibot trouble. Louis Wehrnberg va. oultae k Mot A naiber of the. youug pie Itua h«o ailambolthe Long ù ve danm Baturday alght. Ail.7 nI a, gool tiS@ lin. audmiirJoaspbBradley ame te baMppy aieaof a behy ir [L hMy tb. tile Nim havesa len ud bapl is. Theme«. m. O'Eielly Wl Isél 'tuay for maucmdltrip tohb.HoOly *saIa. A vry isshl .Osbeony vas bah et tbu bone or thé al DvM" e On "Veinueab, J»~.. $8, i vey- a tu *ime. pfte Umm wvue 04. Keltryn»0" "sd jota ~wS *Ut Iraiprlaes vhllsMis. Mudal meijOhn*Jà.lDoyle won thé -éepio--H b tld a ine1>âluld aoolo WiWeemsa lirthdory-lt litemmbere ai b.Arntt clb.Tickets 81 cstu. M D". Tors vasOn e omlk il lImM val but la c"ie ta b. at vork Mr. sMd Ire. Wn. M.KsonUrMnsd iseam la Lv, MargareLuloV sud litaï Minssd (I'a Joyes viella *timi . ire. Jampi heylon boues Noy Wbuelole ufang viii sm aet" di b"sinlar.. A eard psnty asbell .1thé h ome o! Bd Momu, 01 Rouout on Bunda emb Upçna Juur 20, le. MalM Nie. oeA., Beyl eepe gWr wociem 'we«odywnieaqy Obbmtabbe ws plagl M »dLX» Noieu'MmaJobs T" van sala Incly gu "m nà a &b - b W4 a .a*Tom tai * ..? t ,M s, ut dLud U094 I0 Î, Owotth bodyof OOL " ar om. t oa. Cty61 #utrck by a Nortbwigbt train aendasvrfflsIDIM bu Msd arza were brobotlm Ilsa6,asyers»Ir dOBlp 1Uéý injuriasanre almo hatai; h wt,bidtAg on the pIWUoeý» 0f'# dçpci w*toldg a nortiih outà tla wbéc A aouth bound wblà »»t 1* et *M poji o truck hlmo. TneNorth. i Dr. gwot, of Waukeg a tten sd it, ~polu à=aocom1pant é pbYdelosa sa I vm thughl that b. mishi bave troubla lu-reaching tihe Injurel mmm'. aide. This stop on the. part ofte rahbasI guard agalusiay mal. whieh uilgt b. tbe outconie. o!fneahot on t heupart. LAvin-EiderNydam refusai o Jet Dr. Kulght 'do amy- tblng for him in any manuer vbahever. Wbls bis ara va. brokqu in four places sud hiW log bsd a compound fraeturie tonalgtlng o! three distinct broek.b. voml d ot lettheb.dactor ust tb. bornas or, girW hlm rielief in auy *si end i'ueudow Bll.iiiom mtccuuibed tu bie ii.Jur1m H. ~'siS6Year oId and whle b. rw ait a dleadvutags .t Or o f bis 8vo Dr. Kulght sail that with proper cmr b. milçht bave recovered. Oveigse Bracebridge vu. aunounced ias '"overaeer "in charge" Bt Shlloh 1tabernacle on tSunday to rner Spelciier on account of hie wile' deatb. Wbere tbereumed to be* feling ofbu- esiens sud vorrylulb.theboumo whuachlld sbowed symptonn of aroup, tbere iu nov perfect culencie. This la ow gt theuniform niucoea.of Cbàxa. 's @Jno Cngh Benedy lunlthe treatiausi of that dieîos. Mm. M. I1. Bemord, of Poole.vlle, Md., ln speakIna of ber ex- parlottelahe b.use of Ibat reniey soa:m "1I bavesa vorld of confidence lu Cha.. berlain'. .Cougb Remiedy for 1 have msed it vIlt perfet sucee.Ny- chilI Gar- land le mubject ta severe eattache of troup sud lt lv.ay@ glêe him protrelief.ý For"mi by F. B. IvauLLicrtyville. LAKE. VILLA. Mir. Waiker vas in Chicago Bunday. ii. himber yard'of l» Neloon Bt Jugleside vas completly comsmaId by damue. unday mninng. Tihe caui.. of the dm blehâg unknown. mat Ba reslu in uah ueiy IraI *I# ha.beeconfluI b.the boums for tb. peut 1ev da". vtth su atteck 0f peunina. . Mr. lb. sud fatWly of! Chicago eam out for a 1ev doy Tumnay. Mr. Rue in ding. lb. coutract vorkut Alenla. The grand op.nlng beld &t MeNeibou'à .1ll satanrday, lgbti vas veli attended. Quito a umber wore ont fr0.n Chicago auI ail had a gooatitime. Archie Gibon bhm beanu opthe .lck ligt lthe lastIev daY. vth lagrippe. On Monday alteron lte Royal Neigh- bore itald su installation aItb.baIall ai viih ail partook hIthe piesur. of b. ing seated Bt alân. dinuiar. Frank Nelm of Chlcaao 'pent Sunday wltb bis parente In Ibis vilage. GAGDS LAM Mr. and Mm. Preston Clark, of Dizon, III., a"titng friande bore. Tii. Ladies' Aid Society wviime i th Mr*. SiIau,'Wrfght Tburfaay, F.b. 9, at ilo1elock. Min al.Matit, of Evauton, eupent seeral deys bor. Mdim arsels Card iujtS ouday sudý ToWeay ahthome. 1It wiii boa>plemmat surprime ta per- nous vho arsaoubject tcatt"@ aof bi- ainee dLeh Imadacbt ta earutht Mptre i a cartain cure Miay b. btaklg BO-Go TonloLaatv MM, cuea~.s.he tteek PMI llpmtbtakng Ivo oes tii. trouble »4iI lative foriilsl vomousul cbulrem. Belby F. B.eog. rgih biy Viil. WARI1UNTON GROVE. unsae hb n a lsngrelatives la NMasLimai. aumonit. spsdig a 1ew day. vitit ber X t M I. .Ldeky. Mir. sud Ui. Wr.. Boelat retuined boïqe Friday aller spendlngmaverd ardy Mme John Sheridan le vtltugrelaie CheanmeLanubreittf Cicgo.visited wlth bis motbar reisntiy. mise. S . Ubsimmain 780,a caller -on A nmbor froix Mm etaiended -the lu. abdIlt4onait Guias Frlda lhh. oeANG£ 'HAL Mr. WIlon d dangbiter .Amuie *ent Yoware ak Gi'tt b. »à wlinug taVola in lb. bom rom .. ommma lhmr oolaldubl.mhn fa-x yWw et e alwe a@Md«vll . à ww Sos MeliWry Ma" alwwdy alibe- Mri. muni . 0.fiHuon vee iNwrty Orayalk nlay Mrnd ud N i M Nura, of Jahua. bur& -Bient Tburawif lattrDoon vitb boo issaI hase. Bloait 11asd HelenRaymond ver. ayul ue lii.B*toiday. mi. sud h ie. RUMBon aturday euslng for D.OMObf, Iova, vhsiM Ni. Ummnhmau aecunedemployneut sudý vb b.r sy ii rel a tlb futur.. Mfin a..Madle dud- EleWaitou oeiwied at Round Lobe Noulsy Iternoon. Mina.. Faunýy Seton sud ei Duanili e.Waumna risltaraBumday. 4 Mn. land Mm. JaniseGainr, olm Wamejda, callelou Valo relative. P Rionday. o th Fn ood. Porbap yoi on't reelsea a auy pain poisons orliginaleln your food, but 80106 dal you M raWfela inuga1,!dye- p!pilatal vlllconenco ye. Dr. Uings'. vLii.Pullearm guarateed tb curesail slckweeduetopomon9!Md- geslai old-or moneybaek. 25cat F.B. Lovau.b'u ding store. Try theax. FORT HILL.. Mir. Jason Couvee la ou lb. alcklDot. ForestThoapeon il il]viitt eswila lever. M. and lira. John Suthetrland, cf Wambegam, ver. recent visitora at C. L Tbompsoo'e. 1Austi & Payne are pntting in a Suuple 01 le@ for their creamy. A. B. Combe wva.a ww#qffl am itor t.e put veok. Tbé Part Bamcenaherm7 eeting vitit lire Wmn. Tbôom ewmaspo.tpoued cn C. L. Ttoniponha. 111.1 hie les bonna.. C AUCTION SALES. Ravins led~l b.quit fartnlng, I vii »Ili at public anet"cuon lb. preums kuowu asutbe cilJos, Davispis., Ivo ani op hail ml[e.noi-et of Llberty- voi nudose aile Ousat o!HemeePlat form, os lioa&w8, Feb. la, 1005, coa-. muuclmg ah1:80 P. a. ahap the foilov- lng property bo.vit: Gcov,4 spiluge snd two milktera, work boras vt 1800 lb., vork nretl250 Ieo, 8 tous a! tom1»ey lanbarn, 5 tomu o! imilst bav ln bain, 5acre.of cor. ln bain, 80 bu"ileo! cor. lu crib, net double hainées, single harmes, truck vagon, H m11k vagon, hcCormick mrnlg 5 machi ne ns, valking plov 14 loch mevw L sine b"a~, 2 -setios steeli barrov, jl ridias culhuwauor, valklng cultivalor, 9 bomnu chichens, butter churu, lorse, sboyée a hlpplA,9 CaIe, trainsi, 2 baraibe.y halas, ors bath, 2 Mve, mocisteansd manyoti Wte, a tlon, Nomu JAOMICI, Prop. W. H. APPLUT, Auctionean. As I am golng ta quit fan.lng and bmvlng lesasi for a ber. of yhaua, I1vil oeil at pubil. amton, ou i ib. mr toheov a ioJohn Lynh plMUom, en Batund*. Februaiy 4,___ 1»05, et scusa10&a. a borp, 7 Ibo, foflovlegpropétry: 80 hai o! he eatèls, 4 yeerMinghollesm,6 cous vit ca t.byWer aide, b"la e pringere __ sud xsIRote vork bornes 12 Yeaom . W vi, 180 lbe, vorla mare 10 yra olé vh 180 lbo, *w orien,.18, 'yumold v C it t 19W0 lbo, *ork torns vi1100 lire, 10 thos 6mont» o ld -10toun eft teRne O bée1 2ito i iihaoy, mtaek of comn @Wak of Ioider, 2 oma-t.!wbrh-barnaus, pQSpCOq._ aingi. hormoe, narov liraI vgn lruck -&amo,millevagon, top bnq rsd wagon, eart,est of bob Welgb.. MtOor** cor taruohor, Ia utr- nowing maeltls,bey rbe Ivaklag OpiOe% 2 sectidu '68à b"e, Peeiai, the aa *aeuh rt.fal gum u, 1 com elsuis, 50 mm s, (Iraunpfo -mar awsOQr' me*subar m*, POtaoisBtj5l5bBefoteebo#s ea&. îLuctat »on U«uIterme. QOo, tr;Lvem,ëýProp. W.I fl wm. 4Aueàé* . .. . ............. ....... . .... . . . ....... . .......... .................. plicoi as for THE l imnib lloied Oi ....r.p.g p2gePdlie>.Food ..................................1..... 10 lbo Ruewbest Fimr ..................... Tim (anPDMPkui*".*",,*'* Armor'..e......... lb ....... ...... ... . . Be.1 Bell Pork, a .. ck.............. . .. Krmmo &«>ii, pugs b.......... ..................... ... .... Bt 00fluchorke su..... ......... 185 Dck..........s..................... ....... .0Dock Workli gCoal.....e....................... .... ,'-i2.00 D"ck Vok latue.......................................... *1.00 Unuewr, meVasd d l '................... ................ 1.85 Underwear .u'.end lait............. 1.....-. 1.. .. No. B........ .b........................ . ..., 25c.. ....d......W.o.. F .................... .. .....I..i.. -AT TRE- Dr.. PEMB FXIIRRY, Owmre iez4ïy, Fo 15, ~ST ..................... . ................. . .................... ............................................ . . . . . ......... ........... . ............ . .. ........... . .. ......... . ..... .. . . . .... ... . ........ .............. ........ ................... ................... . ............. .... Il .. 1 «.;..,.ý'. - 11-.1-7- 1.. Yil U!