CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 17 Feb 1905, p. 2

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we. loi 1 ami hlem k big F- d G mgo. IAM s îe vieda -e ta <bt mm n tem Rlendsva eu hi e id epdm au itbemurn Rsta Je exucpltehée ver.ý k,, vomeu th as auetwepe le 4e camicte i ea«ve laae. idy mrotes.2 ;* lIn eiesh uéim tie agiOriet thce t ea ntier 1»e00Manti te epeeste le m eà ir fei "," <raaaoCity. rwetluinblr horssm.. 5ers of faa . doi6 htomIe tara umuuionlmandair ranas osJsA, I4. aMd aresot aittl ogsaperble viiihome pueliuasipu. ysar mgo, the irownt as"" .bslng lué rcuuil et a vsry eoeful lvetigtion Il emmr- i aet vltiouilex- rià.eofsreuete ta relation seci igues houti tarthlmé eflaut Tsar. ?latlIo. 10 b o. emesulal reiuctoen ihe fie e enslere . nuring lus icer. teugum iot vIla emugîbt lncrse la tIc suqml»eu slotio e trau amais&ai- mmn, bvevr. t ce bodeuIl. IMMet 1,05graduaiset Talo lIvbwkn t. ei e dutlda ii ev. o.pi T Lordet Lmlmîbsr. MIel, lýie h0& owie wmuesaMci4 .a profesaof CWW*e vuntity, l ýe ieu« t eent muhiocki erl iepuit à*' "Q"lc COeL Mla a leat du ego. la Prf brsa ribe pya is et- calut Wb" -cI&pE 41bai netea*«t fat. tse et alic-Oo', Pe.. , , e caiet viii. bo a" O- ut t somm a vubateSM L - L14i --Wasington Pont. gnson. 41*agauinut thsoblsctiosaleAlu«DauiiOt. sihl v.cen vwf ofl l ot lie change 5pt Zdbt ill rteIs empeé revWeo»ri mai- ~~~o & rie il possle -l. auma ose, méto thle basais oet IlSent p le tbisatie enstro th i. t8.nth t of Walveorl vai i nk oepn ea icii taseupt b17thé orgnlvlPeimt en tese beue.lnoetthé tstay-, mov. lai e oirpe et !thegoerumt vustet lan iunb: , eConstutàin lthluProgîdeni and Pemcu lthé lenate logelhi. t i. cr"iiTii. pregistlinistthttIheaubsti- irai ttUniui tatiof et licWord trety" for th,. ver fgbw oed on0o %t.ment" uinililsebis off olte o s- ,L Tii. aool- tint It,Im a tep bcvard. jlf, cijulmg Oetors des! tluj. lu the. frg i lae, &Wlgiii u h i ràjwaiy ofthtsa bave ano pticêce lotr, fiOvetiM it soiatheutrtontreatiei or 'dlii tic poewa vt len iliori aPou vIrici they arcbeseti.Thei a LOUs. ana brutmlily fIa" in lueir eritiies c"f a mtndnm ck ilsdelre tsot- RXMVAL unes vti lie rosi aela 0 fl cvoceniet- 'cie nation of tic verld. Tliye annot i BOi# elatenaderstanti vby luis o.rmuersi ma t othet government vicb la nnally ex- * o Raier,.puding miins ponmalliions of dollars ban bos a- fW nov bsttleshipo, cuinc ri Opod< 4gp 11h i bil ltbutt subumuines andti Iprovei 5ciP- [e m esisti- enti for battlefleldi sîulti aves mlse Weting t i % a preteune of dWsring toe stblisl Inter- Ut 'as mmie- national arlutratf . Tliey gay tiet if t ~ ~~-the poeorsarc alaers lu their tieire for o&1 d- psteecfl soluton of International duRfer- tu s151 nces lie best evldeugk* of gondi fatb .uta g5t vomiti b. raduel dlamaent, boli On 1cutrt amlas Mm *leultd a'Le defiut attitude of tI Scnte la Dmt atogeller the pmnit tof this disagtcc- mnst vitu lic Presideut over the arbitra- bl can le tracecibeck te trasmetionseretesding - e. a pseio f lire.andi e huif esrs The Impression badg ne abroadti ithe'i lWOWV. leuri Prodet lied troken thae pover of tic lb 1la Claclu- Bo tredaÇed in meabes!.to e tate Wl tki "hb o Ubjoedm êaud aetaphoricaily belti go 101d va tlasmIii tii. palm of Ils ban& Probably en"a *Meoi ese Us!'Deniocrt u Bepelil ïï wnsgo;sth, lIard ,omehlngabout tifs for 74Cr peut.: If lic ba ont bis empreInt- glue b ave boss more considertse oflin dur, int~ týi euppcaleM&li ametoumm 'wbrngvI., tley believe, have bsen preety dWsiplInei. The. conntry bas talkcd about pelcly aud ti herwise, acd'tlusome exji-Stent 1ho rejoleti 0,cr viat t bolsved i ehob.tle PreMednt's courage end ia- uto »Iat"s thec Tie arbitratie. treaties. liarefor, con- vh-h *»», amfoittatti i prot !fer thie breamk.le- a, am te lie tv.e the Sea.éati lic Presdst'-- I4W. =de , brehak vilie vwuan dte cone smner ort *1vo tlater. Rov fer fk ylproecti anti whgt tht ~ vmIle eonsequcncca viilb noiu eac hé»emjmtwtc&i.As tie altter stands tO-nlg l k pems igrave atiappar- Mq IwUw Mu tofp-redlilngaïvpcts- luoW bar Thé Preuldot feela liat ho bactih leaulWos lue peuple bobiné! icài, liat tlcy arcel n - pioqes *villeplatescuptir vftl bis tcslrc te esiti- * the titou Iebelth* praclpl. 0ftarbtratiount liait tosi wt hy *W' toaa tw is si tandard vyul @h «eter oluudosa.tan eve vIWhous! x 1ze boot lisumth" hle la biediali fer&emosda- et "gA V wu te se l ifipt. Tb*. biille e e ummuan llkly ta -Mtt s thpélife ituietion. Thé anc lut Cow ase l uliUlmkxtc a n nltolymore teek- oses, oguot'i lm on tbe bief. Tihe Acutors s»Y jitbt d'm. fih"ares opersctlyvaling tea-ve "bi 'e aiuc 10r eete. lie people; lioy rulapli ,au laiinla lad" l* poâti& pruotetio t lie bi je te am meitatOoond at, e1tie uounin-iîgsly , gllstim n villil tic lImitatImons et tIntrument 4M choane te ,*1 te M ru eins tié Preal- 4w sti' tmrefury .ftBiaàte de 111w :*ho. -I% somnationlest saja ut lis mçotoêa. raitient aloipgtiate ipoatiés VI*i tbefre b. tivi s mi tcuMns theiiOmt. t lu js, sla mast lai 1th e ute a$"&bave tus power îlos. moehr t. rhor e eec ahe truelles viaselne w am e<oincé glotte" Thi e.Mmoricotendt ut ticy leg vloqkgI4oretbava omdly anWi*Wupon observance of y fie'M es of "*ispracple la da gi.wll h the orbi- aum.1 lu subi ration tu-sales r c fie it- * * PA AIMALS itCS.EASff. bel LM& owex0 tm etAgelcalture Baeau et usuel of Miss atomcmowem ziscse. ugliot of 'Mr' s Thef et thé buremu of itatlutice of et Cloredo tbeDopritaet Agrcuture lbu coc- saBoeof 1»,i ceatMa*Mmemle Uiteadt 8011. < Ute.ounJais. 1, 1M0. h ic prat ~IUIivttiitbu fer the caumtu-iarc sOvulin lie <iaimg iebl,ê: F WAS-À fPqRN IOPL Wcucl ve iie« Uwel Ex-Vler Alexieff, the Cear@- petl ,enntui trient &M t ebet atviner, la te le matielie ompegetof Port Au-lier. To hlm lu laid al-lie hiame for tIe capîlu- lallun et lue tartrei». Charges ut groai negligence, lpucaptence anti lnablfty te feraee eveut.a re miche igent Alexieif 1>' muny of lue offpers, vbo are.secam- pacylag Geai, Uuiesiëbbacin te St. Peters- burg. Albougih Gen. Stoesel blasait vin ssy ntblainreference lu Alexieil lis ofieer. are net n suurtied llu heir Thei cà>Ïm'Ïaet h e iietiforeseen 'not- ing asti prepeminothîcg. I vas nec emsry. l t eyy tu racenatruiietheVlia rat- ----. -nUoslt, rýpeepie. aic aivouis tu siukt oet jsties ULtisa mniateti 1400.' cut d huis ans te.!. Thé Prusi' dont Olhhik.4 te Poo* of0!the 4 &*NIaIS vle lad clcied lua *e war au. LYlella* andi citedth le fecttblet lué, van evotet iclfly te tic se.00 prole.-tu lie toure ie !bisgicaitte houg (. Laieli) ppo co hé unitt rWltiousssbigler. ,Qur cRt oi ho t i seur. te st Ma14 Wcit.ul' ln olr= .lillre etSp' porbuhî3, equaly utr fMt beore «neh oui! safe principle upon whieb Auriceuen&et li aI cf 'ail mieoup,' unt tiot4e.etsme ucI*n. .. "L ass nd esiteàass, vies eud ocuiilty 09 every kinti are cv>is mot. peOMM 1foberate tielack race tlien eil thceactaetfoppreselon'cfwvilte mes. put tegetiior. -"Lette le hoatitant for lie rit: ;but let ne rt on lue aide of genetoolty ratiot tIena ou lus side 'et vindlclvces.. "I coulti Dot hbe. snb confident falih ln lue tiestiay of lhis mlgbty people If I lad It aerely aa regarda ou. portion ot -ht peoe.," .preoident floooevelt pvsfmced Ils prs- parmi speech aethîe Lincoln disnet by a short extemporaneoun IntroductIon, in vîlel le "id tlat, ilieugh ho ves spmklng lu fellev memberi of lis olti polilleal club. vlat le vas *going to a", v~Jd b eqldanaAmerican spc'akig. upon bils outispeech, but tiepe.tea Ifre- qusntly from the tort, acd tsse dpmrt- cris constltute om@e of the ment int-r «tint feetui-sos f the ititrem lu 81peaklng of the. teadiniese vit vbkcliPeople deilgt 1o d £àull Iu celgîlore, hle ami: "It la a. gond luîog te remeaber liai. vIle It i eccasionaliy PtopeCt 1 oI in mais meetings for the purpoce of cIli- lug attention to nigîbors' ilborlcomlugq. kt la normaliy botter 10 tura te eut ov." lu Preseclînt figure@s aiowleg aàtic- cran«e lu lynclingi ln tle lat tIres montba the Prenident suid: "Tisse ire striking figures and 1 te a certain satifaction ln thcen in vlcw ef bnoeufthte gloomy forebodiunaof lait a umaier." Another @ide rernark vhlcI caugît tiie Pu'esident'a bearera vas: -Tiacre la cot, oneof usn hat dorsanet sometimcis turnhle. andti aume le to unsIf vc do flot lelp lia up, but If b. lie dovu teeiu-nu une in trying to carry lin. It vil l urtIboti ef us." BALTI MOS! S RESU ILDINO. 19- .e Itu wrs.ea. s triacu't U ace- r ~In tic -Socisue I popgoot4 M~ioas Undearoir ioitetel eeuntri eabing tIi! ~rsm be cillai le: cc~mi~,is~ -Pol.AND Twie 4TORI&CE&KT!R unke'i coeqaered Land. TIc storu eactr ot die Political ani Wisdtrf ni agitatini vlieii fer wtekilas conterai the attention of lie vend uPOc 1tic sepirea oft.Cart la Dovlu Po- land, vItre tihe disamieetion or lic Pao- pie furnisbeaci îeady oeil for revoictlon- arr ipropagandis. At Lotis, whicI lu an importantlIndustriel eter, collisions betvcec lieesoldiers anti strikers hava beu cernerous. aed lu tle, nggregate n l .arge cnr et ofpeople laveAbeou îlot anti wabereal. It va. lioliticai tether lhbkp Industrila t ftpoq w»o precliailatedthetI clty front -iêavt'of Itesa anti-la- stgtt ic iltiera te uuake denulda, vbhlc, on the fice ot It. r elt ct e gr=at<lý The. trlleri clemandéti uc ln- ersofetpay- from i 7kopeks an but to, M20, ma edemtese of tIe wçrking houri tront 11% te & Whee tIc.. demanda ver. Dot gtanted, se tIc polillal agi- tabecq-&ncw'fuli vel vas Impossible, lIc attulcm ea eoeaaily lsd t e ata ot vio- lence, ill the recuit oet mach lond- Aai. - Poih carnIer wblch la et- fecteti la Sueniavice, le the coul reglon botdetlng tIc German trontiar. There lue strikers are suppliai viti dynamite, vlici la frcely usuel uid the coanontY ia tsrrolled. Germann empioyed le thc industries tiere have locked acruis tle frout. The sîront ara of Ussalan inilterisa la nov ciertint Iteeîf, but in tiié excitai public condition liere a.grave danger tInt blootir %celles viS haen- ecteti. la Wariav lie aituation la stilI cri1- rai. Severai persons vho vere le tayer ot relnrnieg te on vk ere kiliod hyi trik- ari Ovlcg tote c lualnt Orbaltçrles previaloni are inounting to famine priccu »md lie country people are efralito suW tle City vîi î upplies. 'Lb. tebogralreports hem iWeav us; we ssuaitic regnief veuilas Aller lliling mut aaiming bIniretis et mm %Ati vmen vie leol part in Ie Mevanent te rfpleo tyranuy vitI free- dem lie brtal Rens oliery bae surgitlie poptiLce loto submissioc. BI viat trementioni otititbla tluuapb nue vaal WBu-Mvvaes ovetrun via soldieti outil tbey oltnembetcd tic mals minit population outhle ci'. GO ucu- du- ogeusnuftiet tb ev*0quarteu-cd -Ic the tovu, er 20,000 more alanlisemmas. <pcdme lvhtlacupable of baint arum Wlal show bat imarneratmou esd vein- au agaluaît uIe aboit? ýWliat a 9"et ecilevemeut ladesd t t as ta Puttdeva un Iunurection vbere stica edtitos gwe lue veapoci utfmttak unidefec igaiist tIcreposeticx riRés anti up-to,- dat. cacmurni'of traimni lattaiout If requireti100,000 soldieri te disperse lie crovtim la St. Petersunrg piceding vith lic Czar for lavi te privent lu. eculavint of thc vege erner. Waraav la euh ese-luirdtie icse of St Pelta- burt, yel lb neetieti jut as ay troopu au lie latter clii' te keep ln aobjection the gailant Pulis. 'TIe pairtition of Po- lanti, one cf lie mont intaen-e, Mofacts, la .RitIer forgottesc or forgiven h lia u-ao eb ft bals «motta te sx ]rltes No vooitai liefcltiy laàfilai vll Wàau- ~lu e t ferioth, ae--ft- e peti4ot te slow -isIbaud coit et 4eoo aov lete oInvitie avoilier et luliéte anti dtomul,.e Waraa Win roain unol lhm peeplsare beates lot*o i Wlaon. CAN'T TELL ROSE PROU DAI*SY gese-. evtenaililie.a It Val et agertot inte tiens aotiat tiersvote 1*0,000 clltfs ltu Jîckige vioeeuti ot dlsac,u earose, frea aA dantiellon or aea90 rmroaàavîiet-.1 ligtenicg plijilcla w"vankepticL laor- dot to'*teitta peint, lie vlsited a iclool ln ue of the.mont crovisti setions, car- rylu alarge bouqubi of lovera. He fou"nd luetheie ligircu er. Ignorant of lie nantis of thc muet <ominen old-fasb- louali fovrsi. AIt thcnosanetîne titre ver. tcv vie c5id 'mot mention tle muet popolar pugilsand acters. Tley tncv elmt ot olilnof nature--tbeit livas acti envlànuatg w«vers unchOgr- lileiI eut eften o.e set lied. The «aMe ftramà 1db nk lcrpowtl eof'15 smien es. v-e"crime breesi1k. s pestiecem liomamcds cf-tisse youaugitere, prefr i>ly, couid p 1«le poeket or robI a diteli. log, but net Ou.neagltel luow a potatî grWv or a rte bleeu. This areusetbm titi. MUcas cfli- provemguin(veré mçsusuota t Wallde eidal to edu=e e i.hIron -la satura Olves. leWallticuvas ocureui Psu-it theg the spotrnetioni et te0newlbbeci perla. A bonîd tesule e 0or 000 matis anti PMO sa yakt oldat for, I Lmaintenance et sadli park. WILe lin 28 uplîttia g ecsa u-.*"vel uies Sai mmd eecwefn. atosel MM o il INb osleilhht. Al lié pel lvesuir afrces iepreosadtires tbut satkatIl 9vicI ber gu mi le>uéed lot'.0hmtln Cuiltirsa. se long *sleillu tho slrie aanti teiience, ii b.veeo et aet t a s: n I hi ti fi a ri T Ia rt ~ mT0DUsfOP# uqa*«N. uwu*mkee uishIy cm"*lus' 0tif- lcdaer PlusIo- IMm W, ~e smbo» Iroua Ifev mer Paim Y '!oleeN~v sestousu bdcukb *4va. ~ ef the iraniet.o!Asuarice tbai the uu- mieroue reporte 0f thae coirlette MM~t burîni matie bl Dotide *l KdnoPlus tor, ectmneaidetpt o acti e Dot iA that ef lits.W. R. Amb" utf ibla place. àMis. AmIxl'se sers; 1*1 iad muchi peila àD'y18*£ symptoini aIoircd tuat a My us were affected. One box et Pcdd!skkd ney Piladrove aîwuyail uic peins$ea" 1 lia va latTver beeu troubicti mine!' Bti-liche la the _kldnee' 5,< notiee tInt -they are eut or eider and -neet1 belli. il tlayget tint elpila le fora ut I.)iodd'a KJduey Pilas a illi e viii. Ir île! ara eglectethetbcdiseage cma deva'lop mIe oDisluéte. BrIgit% VDli- eése or ieunus tss. SOS! lANOS. $ORE FV.!T. ltdhiug, fleming Plmi a" ti alts Fimagr Ende-Covaisas Cure bx Cati- ones Nigbt Treaimot: Un i 1 lbmnds or feet on rctlrlug, la a itrong,9 bot. c'rsamy lalier et cutlore Somp. D>ry. andl enoînt frceiy vIli Ceticura purest of emoliente. Wear, ring the nlgbt old, oone kld gloivea, or bandage iightiy In oic!. iat <Cottcaon lnon. For ted. rough and Clappt laand.Iadry., aiured. ltebîng. feverinl pala. viii brittie, îla ees nale snd paif fl fngcr ends. thila trat- menu "lPly vroudertul. a sigi s treatment affording thi e ot grteful reieft. snd painting te a speedy. par- mmcccl mcd ceomilcure. lu ne otic.r aliment bave Catieura Soep anti ('uticura Olutacat Ibenu mortée fcg- tire. ___________ Wheuacrer the cyes ache or 'ar.essl fttgued rus tiiesaas lAttie aissile andi fook up trequentîy front thi. vork ta rest tiien.- TO CUBE a COL» lIN ONE DATr Taire LoattteB = =QinneTaRoets AU drugete teteend ii. re. i ttans teneOum W. <re*s',signaueila e sab box Mi it la oftcu uid that tusanana ara goldiers "bora ;*'oea-aslonaily. bovever,i unae la made te orcer. An Enguf ah vie-i îlot ln Moacw vas ln une of the siie streela recently vben bie attention ucas att-ctoci by the iculling cf feet. > the avial of a vhlp. ndc!tlb.sourd, ef lord vords.. . 1 L*ooWa mrsothc e ry, Ù0 MWva gbuciiy' e0.vinuàableui. Be-s imte1 ground And mituli reding th*effefrts of two soilera le set hlmoen bietest1 and mal. lia go aiong. The Englishman tmcd te â; man lni ofcelinttera il l ieide. vIe aiso ývas waichtng the itruggie, but villa' out excftcment or lutereat -W'it's thie trouble?' mekegi the r.nglishman.. . .The uficelkobrugged bis aboulcicri *TbI-we's nu trouble," le reptIed. "lI otaly a pasant turning oluntesr. Wlîîdig-i don't kmcv Int vo a..r golng to de vili our youngfit boy. Jobloti%-Wiiat'a lIe trouble? Wintlig-Hle's gettlng o e can't be- haeve a word bce Mys. Jobloti-Wlay dùîî't y.iu gct'hlm e job ini the predlction dcpartrnent ufthei goveroilent wentiler bure.îu!, For 1905. Father Time wai obaervcd getttag biis hair dlIPPed. -What la that for?" aaked the çripnd. .'-Why, people are geint tocrepldly tii... dais, xplatned PalIer Timo. "and 1I vautt u fLx il 5M lieycan't tte eby, the for*l" RE.AD8TH£ BOOK1. -Tane mu t te ' n.ivii"Poisted the Way. love et Rot Spinga, Ark., uic vin., Itone have ail eorte utfcmplaînts, lut il la a subjeet of remark lIat the great malority oft tlem have nome trouble viii atomnel and boveis. Thia may le partly attriliutcd lu the. heavy mcd- 'Naturally, untier lus conditione, uic question ef food la very promirnent. A young man sBle. thuat lie liaditf- fcred for aine years trua itemaci and 4uovel trouble, bldtvo operatlons vhlel dld not cure, and wva tlait tlireatened vitI eppenalleltla. Rie vent lu Hot Spr-ings tur nbeume- huom and îlestomnel trouble got verse. One day at breakfast thc veit- et, knovlngis eonditn, auggested lie tvy- Gripe-Nutsanmd creain, vIehi hoe dld. antiid the food igrecti vItI bim perfectly. Af terthuicsecond day b.ieeen ta slecp peaecflly et night tiliest uic ilie bài for years. Thc pertiel digestion of thc fond qulitad is -ner- vous s.stecn anti matie eep possible. lqcamys: *"Tii. Ddt unming 1vras astoulahet *0 Sd my Condition 0f eus-, itipatIon beil dlnappeared. I <0ud coi belleve It truc atter uuflericg for, as Ma yeatar;,then yI took Moe, 1tre la lie fondi. readthe >ttlebSok ~b Biomâto Welille," mcd stirtetifilv insg tbi simple dIretio. ' 0-1 lme" mget vîth. sud rosulh lIat In luÙ tlait nie ekods I hve ginefi eligît pounti a Au pit. o t btlatet I vic tae. ay lu.he gloh, uu any- bill hcdOuia* 'lb» Ieb me! nWea mme lie of i et t eeltoitam atteumoi Ic' etu . êqsltlOW wus pssss by thiRe, m-Mt' - ,gr lIe otn vey, bol. theDewoctte lut.,lad bte ciefoee 141IICo "AU atelootilWavsltecave ir tel i ste sud sent lu the coariate M.os - loti.. A resojtton askegti tory etfiVir for intoumalà tle army tracaportst'lce In lue, senale Friday hue #Ssryuoi- peacimeut trial wasit.Cltire i[55 W i ea bcing etnuierd.Srea It vwers puias!, une donatliig bronaze entaucn ta the Grand Ansim jS tVime la.,ain* e &- thlttlree Privaâst bis wer. e bo ut urA" A Tii.big prou-1difts ova an fotr- Pelam a nilions. nbollsimig theCok ceanunsslon andi glévfng coüblta-M& l'rceldeut vos talnm l iv.sîlbiei1 ut. Mlann-of lligols eut cgend»fl-' Thcestire tluncof thé tuahé 11*111 der, whiei vaas «apent la uxmo le- me gras givon lu théeSva"ue Ip*M Men trtu-l.Pour uia w-#c ve 980 nec!. AI of ticn. vire oeu Peigee. Pin-. sud 11cr ver. inatrunodi tr b. parposeofcf hovinurIi e 110te*» J0nsSwnyre sd Dot sa-Pd"eta oei dece lulabis district luIn lorils. Us m«> .eCutive scsuoc the sartlot4 0«0 we-c ieneded ani ritiflod. MAst Osé' groutb qofthe luavestianla 09 et hh»'- @ral Sioua diucstr the 1Hou e oé nuanler uf bis 'q mendiag -t#Ii& la"~.- lîag tauthe ettalkî- tnoubu apectien sbwS ami mnkiug fat ure rigiti prefl*ls. r .the rnmtalctin snufconfrol aiut lsel, t> a"ls. 'hl'h ii sont anuete a41m fknete ucîiedinenis ltate bill aatg' qnlavfui tan iui lc Word* "UIloten Olsm Aient" un articles of guid or olive. us-- utactire. and agreaul te the <reit.. report un tle W1 ipratldim&#sg 01mb tretion of IriSe meute.A MIIl - by Ure 1<av !hpesise*idstb opml aiid&Slpment t famgidel rsesI acadeuuy for baslg. uitandPr«~ vlt11 lley shah teuter at theftom tb*P Tru-te to île metIuOiy e I.lai Si sit Gjeorge Friable Hoar of M e. ictts a-as thelerct-asuof sap iI . - îles of theleioe.e!à* pr 01it ttuudny. lit. lirrt utfNew Ytork anui MIN»le , pe.roollii's ont ehe r of the gR-o Mbonday aisun -1, -f the ecarlt4ma chiel l in eorat ca-'rptcper sud.b5ggé' asnthîe New Yorkcv. vinha -lmiel rhiri in rnnurdc. oUée. Cciiiiun îicitl it ati, u5 . lmoé a iîiirli:aeaeuitiry.The bleuit o uU nltèi.'eli nthe llwnytne leet triai sud cievoteit 1île reunîd. i lieue .o thet- c ierallon outhîe @apI« tuhic- aîîirlriitcuîll. T'fla mejcw - tip, of tigefe î-ît u tin nelleii li apchriilri:iti"o lIill a as i ou M scallfdmut ' ius.reted hy 1Mr. Beaux. s- yiiiig tur .eî,Il-îutiihy report, osW*s ecniailon outhe tIc-tup oep. wsud*M smccuded sa, s taleroverlite lant S; ciontha or the icar amid dptsê The Sessateou TuiseMr passaithc*vi«E rlenitiutaiapprcopriation hilltte lnc h île ionnbrugl a[uecdmcqtW icrev-îîaîothe. grautic efa da.vlo* '-0 the duty tot vleut imporivijacotp O' United Stités fer laenfaturn~~ ezîioit.The District ei COInuhla tplx priation bill vas leken op. A bill4sMm -; lnig tiie.boutidar114imeib'etv'epa ilil Dakota and lNebrita aise vw u , Tlhe uictai ltee bours were glgaio'este Jïvarot Iuepenclîmet aiî qr and clinptev ot the citSlvh gode tallktplace I hi l e îisw1imm. Sullivarna te th le ch1!iamate icg up tu the Intileaent andi ut lii fetler anti ftiiffor ter. l1e avoîdeti aay fuoter0té Mr. Rearot. lie dselred that been àunlfY Only -ftMalffl1iy, uever serval one minute'bAna .. pld oe ecent lu "les. ,tÀlebr .lie saId.hld rue a eti a de, lis tnîlcer's gulil ad chgb , dosai. Th e navaL a>.-epe:" conxIdoreti, lit, ?«LItuieelti uti(s mi, ceaslty for keepleg e-ppa-cerle ý th hiSeofate elegué Ych of Join 1». Atijaina, r-4v*ew moeas ai Aibit45% SIL1V, Tb*e naval aepoupraues lWu uPo n la optt18 e iew-Au ton. of $100m,070,07m. vwilli i * mnipgts etu nO bcdl ve.Mitt.d t6 tae Zlti-.s lugt ths oie mentioee td D0- 4110,900for teah* ipltl; lu& Th'ie eaubat rqtiuma .Second LAIeu tei i là: il~. tle Pihlilppinsioue i 4s. .ai ugowo ai or prt e tailIeaies entiner dplor. Otycar Agi Baltimore s ve la dis- ~~tboi$ et the Uqfftl ~ A e d eept ihe bokuei osection matiWpotcent of Ian e ooiest trade cb ig tructures voete vîpet ent. Buildings While the offic*r* matie serouns utcvrg ,8 oawt stoe Ageitt Aisxtibe tiaci et l compli it ail eir ontentsa To-day baed- mmtlng len. Stossu el. , as A brave wt i hi otns odybld min. they amy. bit nfot A.geulus. Gen I»5 operationa are far ativancegi on q59 Koudretelo, uiey am, van the ral eulofthe. Iobtat t ers buried under monu- of tthe defena. mai vwuadored by bih tinsofdebris.4 men.Whfm10. iedPortý Arhur ied One undrdsud forty-tvo buildings ini unesh. --en . li otthiird e d vastatogidistrictare compieted mnd "lu the gerri*solidu~. Stocsci occupied. 0f the rernainder the. aver- ",tIeeerr oe 30,000me%, of vom 1îsooîa ge rebbiittlon la about 80 per.eeut- were lu hospitai aM i4M000 er. nn-Amnouncementi for the. coming .pdig combtgati. o1 the - rm- s.ooeinlude' airéady 102 mot. truturss. 8.00 veo aflicegi itIic.a &00n01 eh hleh viii cver 198 of the. original loti. cblIged te flght ueated, or lyig dtinluThe .Init itructures are yet to bo itat- the trenchet oi. Tiie delay bai -beeu eutireiy due to "Fer actirl meunuthe- he oos re- the.tdîne requireti by the Architecte la ceived 200 gramméset ihors meatepic.., preparlug plana, the. iulmlicii to com-j «ech week. vas prepered pcting contrectori, and the ordertug of vith machine oL - -thi e teriai-. "Aller SeptenubetJ4e o0517 iu wahich Septeuubér nezt i.luied uposau ithe inoeedda urnng th ii.lcade irsmontii lu vhich e great rebulldfug jubile. the otearner King Arthur, comminded uihalltaes place, and the optl*nhitle citi- by à Fr9neWi cagtaIs, and three u ksaeni beiev. tiit by tiiet rime the. beAuct AIl brougIt fleuer. district viiil e e memory only.'- "The lait ccv. vç rcceived frome i. Tiiet, old, slow Baltimore," Csa50Mme oitïilde -.-"ord vas eu Sept. 20, wvIsa eof ils more puuig i aer citîienbave telegrafrom lieI. KUI'OetIkiDnid eduhlegiIt. bas risen to thc occasion In vould corne to relleve anc la thres mentIs. trué ADitrieti spirit. and baisaiiovn *'The tiircee nthi e avlg paed andtiiet I* energy V*as bat tdormanit. bas no nevi of thi eet aider Vices Admifrai bien magnlflceitly dcmonstreted hy the. Rolcstvcneky living becn, receied, thl.«ents of lhe lait tvclve mnthe. Its stuation becamq tqpdo e.Ti.grr-spedd iotarampynulctu- son bonelshaue d ntii test, viiose t. toeUthelcdointabl.eoegy, force pud preauition ied 1bai tbpripclpei rea- Intellgence cf an Aumeaxi oZuifty. wuol foeswaae., bhgot ..em isstroy- An" cktoiy bai basa vow n tlatifae ci after the. onpture 4fi31gb Montaln et uie mont treuendoui dilficulties. (M 8Mter Bil), I ceusderod tiat euT furluer prolongation 0of the struggie vuld Inevitmbiy laitoefrlghitfni car- nagé... Mr' , Gls.,Stociiel edd it î.hdecideti ou uic capitulation on lhi own ethority and vîthout eouaultiig airone Hei eoeluded ly seylus: viietiiot 1 uiould ,lave prolonged the eUw.u slege, or bye,. berole but criminal et bave biown'up the fortrese.1 prefer a Hatiu't lsBa otrlv. ft leua great osameslimlltary anais te Cqe iiaving 30,000,lves ouniu. conscience., -op?' ________________The. Batlc fiet viii be e little teter Piu IonPrtiuciou. oun the' rltutritp. Lait veck made thlusproduction of pig Rusile'ideese la tint no constitu- iron,21,000,000 for'tbe ycar. againit 1f,- tnouOid ftand the itrain. 500.000 tons for tlW ea.r endlng tIeC, o far iothng but e court declalon lai gae.dte lait year. Tiais labi vater bappened toe bas!5. trust. 9mark ln iron produqutitL Tii. argsst Fpreviofli record fo a e ycr va$ 19900,- senti Dornlugo bas progresesd so fer r 00(). One order vais plaeed lait vsck thet it là only a baif-01tplnu nov. -by the. Cambrie *Wtc. ompauw fer 40,- Port Arthur bears cvcty evdeuce of F000 tone Of Besseer ISt l rn. Out iihaving beccon.iderely. jsrrsd wvlss steel worka lave boult fromé 5,000 te îî foL. L 10.000 tons. Thé, Bessemer aisociation on 'lie football proposition President liai ennouneed a prw.q f $16 pet ton for Ea éut aesrdatubýi *Bffeenr and basic plg itou f. o. b. Val-j ae crg telon ley or fflilel -he èse« bas reasou te hoe tiMn~e Taey fo 001illvey t hW opie are sch bad iffulelrist Teeff.ffeic U vitlee. If usey, tsessi vOl go ou the Ex-Gov. Garceclos ef Mains le 91, but witueua stand and teeiftlf at he la a M till active and igôrofla lheo J Thes Planter%' 091 Mill et MÔrriItlOn, 'The reeelver for the Chadwick ctais *Ark., vas destroyeti by fit., causfng a la unamed Lesé. Bo la oaci IndivIduel d as of $30.00. oc.ut. e forer Deiato. , 4, hkrthrot im usepen. kroyalty la e feltifuul follov- a:fIiormrs, seat a urlitDaVid Davbse etf fi".ba t It la hbvtga great y ooflluolds tGnio 1Y.l smî eo t trouble la keepiuig Its crovue ou a Mien Agates Pieaw..eoM Who vin dI ~ dd' lleel m- iloune er l'blo,,011eW asw u e d demi forle mvot teliWt troule te- u la lier hoac. H'clek veftrs m oe4o ogvr tetobet g. andi thora vcre s 4< à«foui lay. ' Ou n. Txniuuae a euut i > erh WberauOIeCSiD5 t ii beaulýÉtl ase.Ti.18cb ve' b..«Ii bel w.4 At T he 8Rea ary0miw o tlien

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