nm1 rpseftb ut n ;lte, mmr*ividr. oug 4 oflrml oweu,aticatuati tý end timâthe *"am ssbe con- 0 m tifor füuu ".t baevis tlS mi. ebsaucer, sboi wiweln laorier *0 aid valeable t bi e valous hinde lie @*",sucb se !a.o*, sailaIor :r awooël otasu»d it nmatre tmber fur a s6d 10 conduct eé"svote, tuarila '4m buffl have la am oUnir aIeducalion have 1inosey Iaylng10 Mhr ho buserely r. ob"nn Hôwh' be mge ci l. -b4,0000cPi- hm,00s ad. mde Unir lesa th Un flpnrme I«dlew rusho int ep u boal pupe noquile go f esuito. The le4ngr ira »M ot wiin8004 - 1 18.7 I*qp fm bomo lýo- 0.PIeNE eaIm *mr% 1; efa but0«M or vlu 20-1 asI' ast.,ne mmos S a . lm ton. rMide *1oler, th 0 tos. i64ýk upl-rlmtor!y. Twie.m MAMw * ,W. fai 1 tnt *0kbip oo , o. thir pêtition ý sn4 b. could sotwfute toecl-hdo i lion, wh» hwill ..hsld la ul0cU% M 1ITo be use léo im ellve i em uObvlar ýpcmarily 1tel4"ailarllquor aala Sa -1 viDage, Othonms noverAiiLko ver,' viho object toi bb l Il a PSaluoi Mai vilge Umisu, vimiihave Dinoul Laàke, unI si tonu, vWho bellevethber ta««uvfl evmuales bha 1 terlaly Imeresailu comuquewm*I6l1 tins. viii makn a vlgroukl.ghtu &"$a1 Une proposition at th. poila. Thereane awtut9ovotu lime dlslalt1 to h. incorporated. Both aidas daa skbanemajorlty, snd Il la sure tbela s nions vote. WM iFglt MRural DOUVey.1 A eonerted movement affaila"li Sbiminuancs of the rurââal , m aillvery aystim iluit. prisant character h"uaum otweta by organIsatIons of busmi men »dm nrchants aIl over thn country, sas Forth Estate. Theii q thaibm OMMwstil in iiproteuotg 0 oufgrocs rgafnat 1h extension ofltUn pausent tem "ad viii advoonte iura maullet alungr swSaplugflunes. Il la unde!atoOd i aI tiheajsyeus neyr bee, ronowoeady poe av ulla business me ansd opposition ugulut 1 bias become more procouacel Ilium rntly ou aMnuni;of1Unhezpomuree s mof the nss 10 lich it 'bua bM put, and .speially suaine npllenti of Poututer(oerai Wynn'eetihl"" et Une cot 0f Un e xtsast a alhol by Congroe for Une comlug y-a. . Tii. dan of busnmes mho u supposatIetahe Unmont Mdyol'hurt by Une rural fris dsllvsry sqsenam ae *0 merchants. Timuglm the oparatio f -thesyutum Unysiunaald toho meh-a - ever expoSed t10tUn ompetlon a01 Un nma order. houssansd lie daclare t lu msuy sections tUn fsrew* ba» stoppeI comlug la lova b hW busu.. Un estlablishmenut o! fris l.lveri rou. Tbis, %f course, resetsoun hjabai "ad whbsrea n elargecissau4ti recut ]à th"aeU" Iof both illsMd a0oumtr b~u mersd nvusl. ugoiç ta 0unheovernuanl on sUn rta mal routes i l 0«sCb. Lait 7Ma Uneevus a dîicîl ezcmedlg S8,000o00 enu tihebooks eo!tUn Postoffics Dpait ment. This veeadusalînoat viaolly tu lime sat&bllemau of ruilairols This year.:tUn dlM ift l haOver 412; 0000,sud Il vil b dus 10theUnalas I TSIEM. grainsequtnefar diffus- pliuet ithe u abt .No eop.nl4r H. h=*de I te put - beWt the nsli - eime pt e riab the amubout in be- ,dil. beloe lia unI dsing two e ài rh t*o lossofB ' cIt ub abolIbtasme lmsan qthno Wb= «&-iaa baiL »*Wi*is pocomis us et - h trom ahhambkgnt ~lomUnolvaiuocepy» 4~~?Ue#'Uniresu 1ka ho ~ ~ bug.lomber bluaehbst bli toff Mld uottnd as Un lIn. Isi 109W be tio btltsmthe-hlaeti mo"« wvuas. ghapage lss' .*4wk»r laudkàteIy drova *0 Wu. tows bomsud eianae 's bugy. H Itsaualsd Un. Ni vasrefusa. ns tpIMead Ivo frisaIs 10 etabllahtUn gum tlbaiauas4masaeroiy bad tUn bàgaïoiXt morulng ho veut beforsk JualêaPbp»ensd got out a warrant for Un mu'. urret. Mma*a.baua.u Iclatue. nblanketa minIha bain put i bis buW, that ho 114 sol kuovi tbsy vers tiers. ,Boy. eva Justice P&in. hsd hlm over- ;.i grand dfylu bonda of $50 end vhlch Wjlx. Do*k agnol -Frisdof thUnyong imnubellars that 0f ho a i theUblakets 1* vaeg - Wile wnlsdeb linsosof llquor-srtlug liât otbaawlashoisnaver vould bavs doue PlslalaeUn-taeeof a n.v die- coeypt i.abvevwy. A ertai cois ~ ~ B aoa lay lnd dBlalder anusssd evyrm o!Rbematlum. 9"us » rlev a n sd Klduey PMU PWMmaiitiy. If you usai aucb a rasaiy -lescm ahov y ou Un vionderful àu Sold bhy WîuL flàexLu sud PAUMAC. ïTWMÇof mil " a 8b* e9 sMd 10 danda do .... 51040 MertocAÀ wt29 fI Southi ,a""High- 22500 Md wf to Obu Mue lusacé i«p d .... 100 ad vif b c WU 100 ftIt 7 ; d varh wd.. 225006, 4 vif 10 John, ,00Oeeln me 'PacdIn Sicft bwd ........15000 00 .A= liÀa m bushet ai 10 Atb J Blsilllt 17hlk 4 Hlglad Psrk q e.c.........2000W- (lob amonktm" 10Villflgeo DsmboUalrlp 60 ft vide by 257 IW ouxg«W souli sud of WstaoaE*ve&v i lu lae of DeofWlw &...............1 0 W. Gray smd wl 1 Frsdrick Loof 1* la Village0ofAntioch In ns«seonc17vwd ..........710000 À Aiti. sud vif t0'J F Poveil Il 19 bih 1 PoWsell snd Mm oeaddto 0Wsuhe- Ka Wc ....d.................. M00 OlotildeN Lauslaag 10 Chus L St esusionvsaîsldeNonh ave juit north o! Conter st Waukegaas d ........... 0o000 lotille m LsuMing 10 E C Pomeroy ia 10o7 lanaings ouh Wauhegsu v d-.......36M00 C L Sleveus ual vi 1Buck- ighai CulirIl u oi et aie "ori 'e!utnorth -of ECete8 t es w d ...50f00 6 EO $ay" sudal vif 0JH sanpliaanelac 9 Grant zwp w v..... ............. fraderick l»oof 10 Win (by -It i vutdbb elAi ocb del je"sibdi8traag et al t0 w. H Chopait inev hmsac 86 Baut Anla btvp wvid... D W D&M*1llua vif 10 Ada A Sslb5t lIS afoaI 40 ft It 7 bIh 82 Highlanmd Park qi c......................... Josphine E Livingsbon sud hu to BC W BrandtIt l7 Boulageenh la svx sec 16 Grant lvii sud Ilandadjoin- iugwd.....1................ ... Caroline Scilmsalr 10 Chuo Mliv Ee laB4Co. sorti- eueornergss*Waukaga lwp wdv....« ............... 25000 u 1400 00. 5m00 550 on 750 00 * Lucona E. McCheman sd hus 1 C W & Noith shor Ry Co slrip 10Ootvidetbrougb part oc10 sud 15 Wauke- gaflvp qce.................... 100 * Mary J Virtus la Claie B Wiemers It 2 bih 48 Lako Bluff qe.......................... 1(0 ,£Usa 1Confer ad uanslaC P Richarde i lnh villagge of Autioci deel ..............1200 00 a B Green and vif tu W R Murphy 1t14 blk 80 South Waukegsu q e..c..............500 Maru Jane Virtue 10 clora B jWiemerslIt 2 bih 48 Lake Bluff, q c .....ý ............... w , .JE ERuusevlia 1o0 À Vaviter & C C Carnahsm Ohaleal. rchig Cogit tht ple ouh a100 it nori 200 It l ,a uwtema"he 7 bIk 20 HighiuladPark vil "« 4ua% ms, tint rab y,-01. F E Fuderon sud wy! 10 GN gliWp qs pM hy«=beçomus s. iaGifford I111 Girba -sn in in uys f uo am xsm .a aoh sXc-ilWsat Antioch 00qàW tvp q c ................... u4Ju~~II4Ugfm~hiJ G4NGifford ta Mary E Fenderson l 1 GlUcirde iub ooo*0 ualb"atb@ i -bu PM>'di Il HS Hurlbut sud ito vUliag OSaP1allf tS u vedah MoU4 of UboityvUlullt51Hurbuts aoiu-i-noc amI Ual WVinW ' auin village o! Liberlyvîlle oal n&&aw. vl ....................... ilim -m in MichelNunsin 10 C E aYlar ~~rt T TAN îl 27 sud 28 bih 58 Wusii. le b enllysro tmM Sue melaâse hum iPark wvd..; ........... 00 b*mail. tb9t lus.aDe «ulaisCE ayler andulWte W B eploss~ùmI dug.e(ay llai UuMrpylt2a28bigShkOB sals bipuna hsIlBec~. WaghburuParkq c....... 111 ç CpUlWlOp"Johainas Horubcl sud hua Mg CougI sudl iihl @y mmOW to Tiios Rudd 66 acres la wailla< uugb v*o" hilwomm"l1M Msolmsm85 Warren ivp vw uallia uwm no hllluta& ElleaStBeel@ t. Mmayset t.~ pj~ Vichermau île7,9. ail il ~. uutii.blkh7Port Cliialon. lgbland 00M "etbe gi Park q c ... ............. paulas. D » . p4,hhe mb v"lSMargaret Vicksruaaa »d héa pome usha mýpe9aop. t0elAMn teele ho9, 10oad 12 hlk 7 Port Olluton, #Wg. -, SISe land. Park q ec.. .... c. pa 4~1apa m. ~mp~as, argret Viceemmn sd bus IL, wriu: *l i iv, ttli t.10ohobrt Vicheras il 0W baclisg oSue «Isr a" t4f"Mbih 7 Port C Mau Bigla. bàlonmjoa.l bi ageo y IladPark wvil..... mul~s4 Ivus si~ n ilAdoîberI C Worth ad wl 10 jhj~ Sm sevui teih 'ImliE ÀA Bois in meu2sacf v. na ~atlssi lkg' UouV ~lfUI port tvip vw......,.. *4Uu m, 0 ~.J ERounseee 10GàA Vaviter sund C C -Carsauhu It .pj~.gbw-Sg, taj. orth 100 ftI Il7 bih 20 TIW 00cmd s@ smal uisaS lBi4blud.Park.l4........ - amw>»So - SIXAjaiate "&. &É bma &bu" i è"i1t 100u 50000 1 00 i100 1 00 80000 48000 7500 6750 00- à boy rWet ausisdW ----- n M amnr - u -T CMe .Wukela sndNorth a&om r.Iudb aekr.'S O* ffl éw et 1k wIg*a vb4lviun Vâsh gug ad %0uoba Tbfle Sa tUn roai Wulb vulâStiasmol by Alemade < I* enad wul bh a fght rond tu, couaset Wilêi asareaat Nbimb&is JtD» a-Iaison Irul tooy Orti àalBdvar&dabus jqsî flaippt vltk ualuhbtslme&sudno. l tas *-- -M.Yeodeetaret nasId. 'ne couple vtem rMfl in Iwo000and on. cl1vasonbora te Un.. The Chiug4o uaWMilvaukeseldecîrle bus a board of applalasr&taI or estimmatiug Un evailue o! Uneprops t IYISLa ~ the riht-of.vuay of!tUnproposai1 veat ails%&e.Wb"ll. ard cas sa"ll notàlag daluta Il IA a slep 10vurd cdoming u p Ud'aro s la.necisasryt bibis Unhevork of construction ecaca h. dons.t Bous 0f lie local nausilians bave ou foula pln 10 tart a coaservatory of! nasal »-reIl tUny cas lad' aslullablem locStion. The plm atoe bave s scbnola Whe" â fnktabed elcation imunisemau@ h. st ba otussud if Une pro jet ê=Mýd'ibrougb n ushtendedsera inslrbetors viii bu ia attendanco aI 1h.b i Prosident Bob Wyn o!Une Waukean s"d FOI Lake silmrlc lavery dasimousof lautatng local captain tUn extention 0f hie rosid la Graalke. Hoefigres liaI about OO,000 dollar% voui ho us.eary for tUn vork sud a a h r. I eh"ainbau et nome tinue b ruaon e "hina tint h. may h. aile to put it.', tiroffgb befote il expiresi. ?omtm*«Olr Watrou intendi nunubar. Ing ailtUn boie@ on 1h. rural ioutae ruaulug ont of Waukegsa Ibis cumlait @prlng. .Bis objiet la 10 aimpllfy lia. delivelg of Malil sd Ibinls t"by s. dois« a more accurate dellvmry viiib@ poWsIble s h. v-ili bnp a laet of ail vho gaI mailOu tb. routes acnordlug to number. Dr. 1)ssaeuger, amons for lbrer cou section wiltheUnl"sgannon case, Wini probnbly h. brougbt tu, Waukegan a" plâla he h. cunly jail for conlempt cf court. E8h. vus oraesd 10 apRPui on Tuiay,- by Julgu Do»aely but fuilad 0 . .Tl. iema MenI villth. eLuke BluffBuildIng a Lona A0sscato awh i!no douit ha arreted sud plâced lu conson hem e, lun 1h. mayoralty race there la jet room for spoeulatiou,. thouglh w. Büllock, Une defoeld republican candi-, dateo cfIo ysarsaugo,&sunounos limaI h.villa&gain eek tbsoilce. Severul huai. usas mmu have been mentionel prommi. unliýy amoug thein beiug W, H. Dodgë and J. C. Bkddlsou, -tbongb lb. latter bus formellysansouscel limaI h. vii ot. beacandidate. eyer Penresvill sek forý Une Domination on tUn demoeratlc lickat to sucosal himil. Thé eommittes seul iy 1h. city o! Wsukegaata investigate lia conlition of Une vater vorka at Dulutbhviberea systenao oi lal luuse bave rilurnêl vith a leagtly report on the malter. The committes proposs 10bave lbe altyexalto sxperimenta vilh lime objeet of, fanding out if 1h.esme mystmnwi operateil ssatlafaclory manuer under Une local conditiosa. The vater o!fUnhe pleut visti vas fouüd h. eîep. tlonully pure, sud MIfo1usd 10 h. prao"ca hmn Unesaine syatein wii probnbly h. A aaIlpox gcare bhmbroken out jua norll o!fZMon City, but as precautioM'rY memsurehave boss tahen il la boisai that Il vinI et'apreal furtber. .-Grant Beumtl, Jr. vimo vuslain ovin îi t Il van la altendance at tUn KenSia hlgh acioel anulel nov quareutinel et Ise home. AsthUn east's vershInteul. - ing tu have for tUn voit very swon a party vus bsl et their home and about ilty cf Ibsir frisfida attiaded. Tii.e young, man aettUn lIme wvasick in auoOU rcrom, tUn sature cf bis sickhuos1 not bdlug suepeeted by tUn familj. i lu Unb vreslilg match bll la Wsuüke- gem beween-'theUn st gripins," John Roony, of Chiaga sud Jim ai *r, o! Roclatate, N.,Y., Une former vus» victrloulu Una théflret round Rooney' suei In hitlrovfug OArr oey sitaer a Otrimlle i f 84 saeuse: 4.8smonds. 01 lutà U n liulroun O d faradmiuy throw Un sripnah iir 112Pmianutes o! vreaiuibliba timotfflround vont 10 Roony afler a bard slroiggle..lTh.e imateh vusforâ I a sbt of 00 sud &a pure. ÀA boilog match Wvus -bell li, eoumeotlo ill ii. cthe 4mbetvesu Jos XuntIi a -! Keosîa sud JimI . rPayo!cif s, bot u Ut6e r va oneuslby !lim e6lord a insu va but a pour exhllis taily Thnrlay moralug juldge Benry W . Blcdg Opàeol. Oay- ai-the ame of 84 Zare eur . aoW'Dbm sebrought oi b_ e«rib4me .11 gos. -Julge Siolgettu wu boras i Ao*a, Mam,. la 18,21 and upas vat wtth bie paretie t lb. agcilton, living 1làvhbtig novW V a 40 ~ ~ n W&OaILS hstn ,duôtud* UeScon oas1o, bur voUaeme 5 IW seau e alevai, a' i *um hmfor log iapm eok$d msOb Que of ihe prosamê- Wiu 40 bie oie on Nom Gaousue «pd é twSa ber Nfe villahobii tmmwa$ le vii UsIuitook Un* actaeber;, lindom d» lock heis 5IiOqý Ivo drachMiL BSn purahaai U 01M chioroform. luIbolime ib 09 ai lb u6 C OM soon at sBehulluea phuia git#y~2o limât she wvihal 10kWl a Mllesaud &M htiylng about four oucai, esou * bneIlud kii sIx ins. Obhlà*sU nt te ti0Un ota frisamIou n soutla ails al a&hW talklag or soins im, aimarawasi Un hottie 10 berpIipe uà" drns nous et abs vas vitlnig maâ*hd ibe hboM~tav froin ber lips, sud baum glvlngba u mULk When eh. tlaought,1h. grl aw ui eo' afil rlgbt, eh.olatild,-but, sous U t» 'U*O girl arom aaylng. *T'io'romiola too bot for me," aapd staggsrsd out oste l iî Yîî: ie àbe Sali sud cried "'a l-Tus aaU going btodis nov." 8h. vus ragpi d UaP into 1h. bouom, sud Dr. job»»oswus lL~ aiainmoIfed é e orked on hemfr.1Stiares botfn.a.nsd as soos n ah. vua le tola Go have ber, eunmonid su-umbulsoam lO oU bal ber hahec t1 U noptal. h. vbel recver. Tus la U the trd atmt A lBm vithin a mousla lie girl bu m u*0Iadb"UO tes ber Db. E. HIOLS s. Ils su asaaama et!.M. - s