dl.boe h it mq hi t *0 IF'-' ~wU~ rkh w~rn <ut bahuut I te-mahie w. ~osk. - h a boy, on*e wst mae 1*. .wesý MG 10 Bil VILLE ~ ..Repairing Watches..' Here récelves the careful attention it deuirveo. No natter how delicate or expensIv" àamovement you mAy have, yon eau leave It to b. repaired or cIearaed, wlth ful assurance that the vork will b. don@ ln the mont akilifîxi iatnfir Possible.. 20 YEA RS' EXPERIENCLE NorTx-We handle the. popular McKinley Sheet Miusie. ANDRHIW HiUSS Libertyvi lle - - Illinois ~~kk - k k Our entiri stock of Men'Is and Boys' wlnter goods li Overcoats and Dnck Coat.. k Hfg18,ft 0- #11M inCtioý A $20 Rum" alas f Coat ...i.....................0 A $17 Bwak sUin Coat...................i.14.0 A 014 Astrachai, Mackintoht-linsdOe ..o.. 12.00 A $4 SBaspkin.llnd i>uk (ot........... ....... 350 $8.25 Kerse>' Wnol Jackets .......42...... .... .50 $4.50 Fnrl-ength, Flooe-llned Ducir Coat.......3.ý00 $1.40 Bony' Flseeelined fluet Cuats ............ 1.20 Vour Chance ùî Wool Shi rts $1 Men'@ Fast Wool Sbr6 ........................... .80 91.40 Mfen'a Bine Flannne it ...................20.Z A lot tif bieu'.; and Boy' Wo*ing ilbirts, tins wppk a .....f...................... .......................ZS Thoe prbces partionlarly appeal kto theworking- man, who shâald have fuai! benefit'of thom . .hL Ir" k k Plagier Cilmt. Q"a Lamd Ea* dzilitrst 1 aw yalaeth usighlné ' ' %tle man uf Our acquain nue Not Purcaed. MLtiP"al your slulghng pee4elw. tmwe, i qe affmentaiunet dancing, L.B. llaiby ln eonon.d to he lid "-ê I'10 'lu relY hugglng met tu FNBTIHOI> AIRE pECULIAIR. -*Ïtkaà oattaek of t'leégrippe. »ife- iL" Vo Wonfld suggest that the - It won noon Monday before 1the fis inoot ppoulr wrIy wruld b. lie to cut It im with r"81 regret that Librtyvilhq mail rached LUbertyvill oowing 1t M hemni.> mPeole cannot help but conclude the. ai-, dli"clty esp.Hoencd by thes ra-ilroad In Lib.t*ville there arpretty girl@ leged great industrial concerr» captîoned Company je Operatlon 0f ite trains. andi lomsb c<hi.d but th~s, factAe main the Flagler Iron and Siteel Company la Wallo Willam.eamroturnio<ffrom te th . éy irsare lot nas etty not the scbtantial orporation ti.yý Clicao oojiti w1~rehen.~~n ~as tet .b.tiltbey are; and the Iromneîy ha i bmei led to believe vas to et OMmio an ha o fr mprve uOum. a»n lotsbtter lo>kfig than the et Of tiie village, and are aotonisho o eabtio eabotfahe jretdd S et* oen 'lfadmit. becauje' of the quostionahle method to b ahI to ie b9uttii.utrots.adopted by ita offlcerg to induce. la ~inn.ho'. andlm nev,.r sold ina Rira. dîoe. Bond who culInred au attack reltou The arrtîorizeîîaen vetors to lrny stockin tihe Company. 0fiOMlsl fwweeks mince dompa fo <7i: io u lndie.r. je tir,.' lIter As to teMichigan mine, upon vici luaprove au rapidly an lad heem hopod Jfggtiie indust,>' in real>' bamed w. have the aile would, andl thfe wwk lit aid to le do wi. Oeta e103,000 Lonn. evidence of Iron Ore, thes Michigan publi- r tiînmg. 1 rs odI éor ono 1 Cationi. The mont valuable aàra't other ASoringto WshigtÀ) coregpp A tr na&theuito re'ir'a aof hn 18,-than the mine ie the 3.000 acres 01 r Aoordng o Wshigto conemon.<>t<~ n ald t. popr'r'ty sflitoh1 tle.avluableland the com pan>' tells inrî'stotu dont'. Presidont Roosevet in looking for aDder DO i tZo 'iyea f the ,t . a $100,000 man tQ build thre panama Northwestern railroad traeks, with the eutflposetswhc a cena. Tbnrre are a grai ian>' in Lii> excepton of the.acc workâ, was filed be ieud b>' lieopaetn whdesrlbs t ertyWe ho oal tàk th jo. Btmebay a" Waukegali. (Charles Whit. valuabie- mine at Ierrgtlr anrd of that wea Um Mabie Buis and lira. Abbie Tufts ney' of Waubsèga le trumtÀse. Paynnents ko uh xetwa dtrNwt lefft Wednesday for Washngton, 1). C., on the piiopertiy ve(tmrtil.ted rsetly knwesus, and pwht etr N efute vhrete> ilb sigr'aofM. n Ir. y Dr.foie. the -4r'opany'e statement%. Wé talle thé B. H. Mleranddurrlng thPIrstrry witnwms *Thelon s e'ce ~ l ort.i.molle following paragraph from the' pros. the inauguration teremonies. for lion in cas. 0 f nr'. eatioir Worth-i. p.etilo: mi.s Ethei (8baon, ao.oinpanied b4 inglon Jr.rdd .id wilier, adéidkrlthi. pur- This compmny owns and has a deed bar' friend Um Jennie VuiILl, of Clnicsgo, pose 0f tire tranaa'ti,,n. lile wammeek.d il in feSim,1ple f0 about 3,000 acres 0f ifit tveek for Birminghamn, A labania. thet mOue>' as re<irired hy l>Dr.l>oiiefor sîc. n otln stae don 'Mnws (ibnon's doclinjng ieslth le the the Zion Ialà exir'rc ltth Il.* jenor ng Roe nd bt, l itaedajon reason af ber decision fo eppnd a period w.,i'ilg 0au. inAn ompnù thatv1i11.e ur t in, a warmer climats. Mr. Judd diaid ti. wudttnt thiiméet. îtafemeart for the purpone of inducing Au idea (if the scarcit>' n( girls desîrrng Tht dei vas marei, ht io, cityv leadriuives4tor# to hu>' ità stock-, and in face to do housework eanubha ained fromn the Of the ýchurci tu w1lîoa, I'r. Dowie sent of tflic t if doéiéflot own a cingle fact tiîat let week au ad appeare< in power of attorne-y. (Iriraico bank acre that enu ho lesrned of, in flot de- tire vaut-Column olt01 a~geîtc furnislned the mouey. eerving publie confidence. No Wonder stating that a girl dediired a position, COUNCIL. PROCEEDINCIS. our people look askarreat fhe vholu and Wthat there fihave beau, sorne twenty él vnt>' dmrn omd t9 inquirien in repi>' fo tbat an, Boar.l % Fe.. CI6,190.,. dea, eu houhdsrn t e t At'this time every on.esioruld pa>ri Bor mein -la sion A Wbatever connection the C. M. St. P., litl <pî-ntI l t(eifi little qoumiit beig lidret tire meeting railroad compamiy bas in thre prospo delirre fat bring hpipim n o d b ierned enl, Ii..o nfr,,"terprioe lje about. in onir opinion, î wili. Prosperif>' ld cnines ueor ly ain - -..tiere in tb it. If that conupmn>'wants Iberty vile vitiiont end if the people Board met in rr'gulrar session. Furat, o telandi optiouied for purpomes of wouid pay their delts, lire within tireir board except Gardia'r anti Triggs. its own it aili buy it.irutamforthc Plagier income andi psy cas. Minutes fu01 irg In 2 and o r't'rd end ofiIt, w. are fored to conclude, in Dîr. Ciras. Oalloway wro liait suffered nadr approvod On rntftjio h Kaiser rand vicw of tleirnarthode, littie wih rewuI,. for several wecis aitI oymptoms of Grabbe. As we etated lat wPek, when the coi- Mored by Boye anrd Skinner thaf pan>' bu>'. some of the a1di ln appendicifis vent tb ciieugo Wedneéday 8SM, &e sllowed ('avanatigir & liarley oln tb fo d&terminie if su operationviliibde Ona&CCount. Ae-trshrlb.as Ptionori. people Wi"' iegin to belive it neccesc8ar>' fu entirel>' r'lieeéiln.* The. Skinner. Absent nirlradti Trigge4 means business and not ntif. doctor in no longer confined fer hie m ,eMotioji csrrie<I-jOf Couirse no on.eeraboufeis naffe'ted bv tihe aliment. thligh b, je far ironu 1President order.'r bill- antI treamerprr*o 1b>'faillira of tbe company tb demrn Weil. ruport reed and r,f-ret tth tir nance strte ifs 5ine«ity' of purpose. Thire c.ommittee wliLciirerirtrtcided tIle iela enn tep osIsoki The local order Of Kiglitu of f'Ytbiam treanurers repjort I.- îepýlotani a enn tep n lsoki placed ou ile and thattbills hb lwd Lake cLuunty to our knowledge anrd if vas îusttnted b>' ofilers andi inemrro andi warrant,*rIra %vu nfor 1are stihe 'bubble burts*' tiome whoeie land in (rom Chiecao, Waukegan, Lake Forai; et wtOd and the tttld(t.AllOwe-il opfioned can fume nothîng, tirongir <ian>' and Higliwood Thureday niglif of last 4174m) <,liiaecount. 84<tîfe viilin atirat @eet regret itdd (siure week. Tht new order @tarte off ausqpi<.- WôMved b>' Grable' ani Skinner thlittom'rlieadardt., ieop iously,. and lhan many applications foritht reponiof the titrant,' .ormitfee bh o mt ils n fodtel p rnemlrerahip. Meetings are f0 hm !ield ted. Ay*--bittprs. (rrbire, Kaiser. P<dt'fnit>' et e)mll tiir land at good Tburday unglfri arî prtra iel d l- Skinner. Al:wmnt- f1tîrtln r ard Triggs. figures. ThÜwaj ihs n rbbyw eMotion carri. W,'eacai l afford f0 vait patienifly for in the new Woodmran Hàll. Sumnar>' o!flie trentitri repo "rt: Mr. Flagier anrdli@s friendas b "makle 1 bs xe mnyreat mnc te he-AMOUnt l0 aind itr .S It iasbee ma>' ear pice he lie. Ue.vd Pioe fast r. t. . . .1 goori' andi reallY hope tlîey l dg)ino,, monreter dropped as lo- as it-did early 1Pald <tt sow bute rer ti....... . sui 4 even, if e-e don'f belleve tlw.y viii. Ifonday morning, whtn it regmegtereri 27 Total on band ................ Iéu42 dogree. 'lelow zmo. To add tu Aie dis- bflaa-i; ALLOWEX. Homepnmade dlour kraut candy St tihe eomfort of tiiose eho had of irecesit>' tu, ?seMnarb&d irctc.c"D"unt.ý.l9J Okor Brai EC @tir about in the cari>' rnring a eut- USas. B- VrXddoraer. Mre.,Cook ting vi luripreralied. lîsirymen expepri- .l mn aa ........... u(pX ANNOUNCEMfflTS X snred grear troruble in getting ftéi the unrrsLksîeCeeer sscato faco-ris witlr thtir murk andr many tup. ...he...... ..............i2 60 wiîî mntef ifl Mrs. C.fC. Brilile>' on rrver». acrurreil. Tht rural mail carriers W. 1'. ACh"n. -......m Frida>' alternoon, Fei.. 17. <'arpn-f rags vere connpellcid to abandon tireir rou John Ji<rrten. itbr .....t...o.e.... OUM . Shore grear (ts_'ît'a W in many instang" cboth Mourd" and Tues- MSOnons Merdier La). Co. Bi (7k, Lb Ete 172 u~ G. T r ~, rav,. uuelmar aeal .650 l, ir. Arthurr Jul,> Of Erarli4t4nr, wadn-r; day inorninge. the roaeIs having drlfted . P. VPhir r ttmr r'-t ....... -....... t"I MimesCarrne Cirard, sliefit. These te-o1 fili.ItWa te evredtvol ipêi f . Kir. rt lhtt. su Klsprtii»ii&- t fini. ~ ~ ~ ( Itwa te eeretlitdsei o b%~~ Brîghxýe ess & àýmd, -attractions St the M. E.. hurcir, Fridu v the. vinter and Monda>' niorring it e-as, 10 ààeJýurnid. . FS. Ke, C-t Feb. '24. Auspices ofIlie 'L. A. 8. nolderthan ii rEixcursiron. Admission 25 Cents. For program lied Gtntlers candies liave a repuctn j CeEcrsion.if lbilis.20-1 for purity. CaItri' forinîd on1jr St Brrdy To Oklahioma. Kansas. Sud Texas. The Los mgscurmet il Ie Anoiie ex-ucror t tIe oute-ct IasF. H. .5usf neît Tueda>' affernoonl. A deligliffnl reception vas Xiven fués' ee arraurr,'t for Tuesday. Fei,. 21, da" efternoon to patrons ioflihe reaeing 195.Tiverity dollars round trir. goi Tho subjeet to lie diseuser Suili>' raina. Ladlies in ncharge baild dporsled for 21 daym. ()klahOma, ladittu Terri- morninrg aithtie Presh.vtern cird vl the. roonne n red and white for th, tory, andT m..iDerluting Amrarillboi h Cide n h occasdion. Tr, ail eho r'allod hirneîrvAs Fort Woîrtht. Dallas, Beaurmonrt. San- m-rvd. rm.1,oimp an Jriq sett Atonn, ionron GaVesonCr I. f Yrîu wiq;lian opportunit>' to il n rit st'red lis. IrrrmerSud rp.licU Atonj. lt,îîrtr. (alret,,r, rrr.prize. tnre to tire Bie>' lise and rr-gtim,'r ";1iuring' Sud ti Misse irae<>nr GlrisiandriPort Arthurr. .ttopivefr a gus in <mur gureing er-ontesi. lirm i Balrroi'k. WPilansd Tamyotr serving, allovr'tigrrittg tr r'turiimg. l'or par-. pria.,$.-, in goîri. Se,'ond lîrize giv,' Mrp. Dutranri sud Ethel Taylor rerrdersd tk'itr, ati Itttttkiotâts il afa N oureo cad.Tiidpil ngold ri ,Il.,or rrrrg. 5-otlirtli prrae one p.runei otri r'rity. adorerai muel, apîrreeiateel cele-tions on tETOBa'Lilttttyvjlbr' I. Wi niH.Coult' inard liavei'.fi'explaitir'd to 3o'tl the piano. and ail in ail if vas an after- j C. I-oriiing. Ett.ucion agent, au, noon andi evening of tlioreugh enjo>'- gan. 111. Hotel Wamiiburn. 20-1 Lake Co. Teachera' Meeting. mont (t bropgiitotardmaan iobve[nclammed "ier. .The Lake Count>' Teachtrs' Assotija. donts lb~aly tvad nantinng Thint f ounelail mail lrtttsgsst 'Lihertvilre lion vil] convone at Libertyville, Satur- tire room just viat a benefit it la ant ID*u. OetOMue for thre veek andins Feh. 4 day Feb. 25 nt 1() a. M. Tht' sessionsé tle, splendid tante toia in ifs frrnisiingi Wben Caillou for tire.lAttera sa, wrvr.aili lie belli in tie Preehyterri clirnci anal equipiment. O0t of towu guec«ta r.fI.d.".sdsdne ilh evdi lcui c 1oirîri ot lut rt-mark that Lilertyville Misn Helon L . '.tî Dr. A. J Bsettencune ii esredi h euI Mien Irmie Dreltr Fat .ierso ars good rgr, vi ho pri eau b- proud o! ifs readiig roam. F loarîru riasMLoI trnd 1,pa" AilLae oNtarliers Pare d Doudcous csnd>', donated b>' M. Baumari MrD. fouh H Leli r. JAffs. Men o Éetanil Lke cbire pres.s areF. vaes erved to' ail during the reception. M. vH amais , M. i4v nstn eatî, stGÀrre#Ca up'it.&'iirsen.F.N -M.-F Many are taking advantag. opportunlty k> buy seasoable Prices, and in ail 1i1notances at *.LESS TIiAN In- the Orocery Depai We have plaèied ýor'the.. tablos »U$Rt o- b found, by paylng un a wiellý b. mold at just tfaif the Réguler Doni't forget our DRY G00DS, MENT. it is brim fuli of EXTRA ve wYou, Ervery article guaranteed au eprS give Yoin your money'u wonth or i back. W. aloo deliver ail goodu k>: M. B. Colby Merci ,PHONE 29 LIBERTYVILLE ..LINEN TO 4 pisqtpeofr nitileedhed and Ble aclial Lio T<îwrling, 25 per cent. below tihe Msai pr t,. lic toweiing ln 16 Inmbius ide, tiriril>'and i lîly avoven; hottpr tia tir, qtiaiity vîrr generali>' bu>' for 101e;; ,îr pr-initiolot (Cire bleaoineri l LLbar.yvIII-e - - *0 Be~are et Fraudulent Mi~ 'l'le people of Libertyville are empl at.ically informed that in these: iliiilatiotios auid cbeap irubstitutFs, the absolute standard of purity, as well asq înaiîîtained ini everything that bears the naine or emanates from (luuther's (0o1 goqds have bec'oie famous througbout the 'Union on their merits of over thiri, Our old inotto, -An ounee of gold- for every onnce-of adulteration, " stili holdu custoiner us oiir best advertisemîeint. Bew are of Su*, Gunther S, Candq is sold ýii Libet. k -h SMITHI IJAS , 1 - - f ý'l