CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 17 Feb 1905, p. 7

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'4C *bUd Pis'.Cu luttwieidnéfer v» keP my mout &mg yàur month 40" it vould har 7-Umore Arni bKM!uJ rneui«M aie d ltIt. forpat -te Kri. Frank OQei,175 Summit ilveet. 1 wrmse te Dr. flartinen for su i csnibPepruna. "I loch At andam wLay te a«Y It holp asi etoces. If allter than 1 l. . d.O'Brieu. Pres. American Filet A"an. Peasecula. Fia.. wrlîes: "I hu-lly g-e y edorsement te Ponsa uefetvec,. ur orcatrh sdbranchiltrob"" r T'tnk fBatla, Jr. 11N. Msrket St.. '%=vile, Ten,., vites; mm e bua as cnved sme et chroule bronchîtis. .lit le tLe grendeat dicv..ry etflthe aga-e tlehe tsu ad lungs." Mr. 4. C. Datortii. Bt. Joseph, Mui., wrttss: "E euntracteda,- severe celd vbich couple of dsys. Tbree hottlea saved me alarge dortor Liiand a great demi of stiernsr aiTj, Ih W. -auve ou.aie tbuands oft teti- Monialsle H. îLe shove. W*eecau giva mir teadeta enly i-sight glipae of îLe i-ant a-aY etnsoicted endorgements Dr- Hartnanla coamtarntly recelviar. Addrénse Dr. S& L, Rutan, Presîdent ot Tiie Rertoaa gauliuni. Columbus. p, Asn «Îe -4"Eue-iah kawy'. AtesL. a Te ien kboviug auvarpa t nbeu"mlm. te Mba. bobr musculs, or of the joints, sel- Mt litste dyenu, atîca. lrnmbmgee, heekscbe. Ihine lu the inî an , ou' viIj6 kidueys or neuraîlas paInuso Irrite tu ber. fer s home liesinientu-blc b as ne- Pemtediy curai ail oet lse tortures. Sb@ feels Il ber dnty te send ilute ail sufer- - crseIRE. Von cure yourself st hoei astossd iii tesllty-no change ut mer, aLover lIust-ated. illaute beiug neess r>. ITle simple gi-ussud jour tmusLay dlsevery beisuihes Unie scid fi-cm the. le's wondsrlui. Blaors bloo,osessthe miifened joints, puri- a aed, brai up thhuugb fi@*tht biood. snd bigbtethe îe ces, to big yielde. givlns eiaptiî'tr an su tothîe wboie Per Acre. smtem. Iflihe shore nteuystaye. for lai-ley rielded- 121 bu. pro dde r .B rnbe, Box R, mider Coen.. 3W bu. MNotlrue e. lsud. *aw u Wbt .... S80bu. ' Re 00.000 : ~ Ibo. Doble Dally iService Se Mexico. F.Je;;..... 10,00 bo. Ovser nineteen heure amyci vin tLe Imon .ai h5 .50,000 lien, Mountain, Texas sud Pacifie, I. & 0. N, ,,e Ilm. ,00 u *dîe National Lines et Mexio* spa>' sud yeu n sau the b Laredo Galeva>'. Leave st. la, i W. i~ ois 2:21 p. m., arrive City et Mcxico' oc axe stus ,.10:50 s. nm,.thrd mornîrni. Another good the. John A. SèlerSu train isaves St. Louis 8:20 p. m., arrives ýlie an yo wil»U Mexico City' 7;.W p. im ihird eveanig yos0 en ili Thurouchaleepera vitheut change pmsing M. V. tbrugblMexico scruer>' ii tLe day lime. Loy itoud trip raies nov iu effect. ire for Connuptlon lie Por descri-ptive literature and other reroîîpy children.-Mrs iuforMallen ddreee EllilaFarnewortii. 4iHll Street, Pankere- D. P. A., 111 Ad&m" Street, Chicago, III, nr]i(l 1101. f.. - &Good Ornes.. t" Ilece. Wame.W014, 1 guess it Iol igne tego," 7 'grs a ntfie *,laid le, as thee dock struck teu,. tagoo, a iLe nmade I bop%," the. eary mald repliai, t oppta a viiole heur. "Yen vou't have te guess &gain." Sue. *u-Ym ,but Ih mgit A BUASANITEUD VITRZ VOIRPILMO Iiý ,nst e edaso Posi les *If le Lad nmade y p 'lsgsv rfsIacovfPZ IT th tint for laIftibat M 1 tocue vuOe n a to idays, lue. îe kilied yen tor sure. Mser'Solved. erianu. Jlrjones-They sa>' old Millynus - as au oeUime employai lu a livery stable. rOR I A Bantlmth-Tat explaius it u O OA OilIUSe dered irbere le getlis Lorse sense.. ma iaiIut Nine ,te Noghinr. aeee Baid Greu:."My vite sud 1aeoe 4f~ Yon 55>, bin1 af5le s *ec wL>, air," SaId tbc Parson: "You're leu, my son; _______________ Bie's tLe one and yen thLe, ciper." lThe leaders c01ditspaper vib. neffl sta IWO biUa e tg. i et "ose dneaded disee tas iseence us hemu able tac ure lu ail ils sai&ndtb 5Cabaiai. Hl'. CatafrhCure , mii sa coetetionasi reaument. HaIt's Cuela Cinto serrnsiiy, actiog diecly on th bkocS sud unuens sertie,. or theesystera. tlheL' thrulm i e onilatiln of lhe dis- - Ari »eltest t tnegiiby buildhig .p,flW U ffI lsotbmgaure lu doing khsrpilrsLaese mueb faili iu jiovesu t ue>' cffer Oaa Buudred Don= dm tl(#th eocure. Seuil - "7eama a00.,Toe. 0. Poatumse in Nie Mlàtlrtune. Jdsbern-4amf, 1Iknev eue ian vbo ee*r Las eol& feet ln inter. 1t, lamitsî,. Ulsyan-Bol WLaî dom . ite vr? 10 Sx Jobema-Wooden legs. E'wlo*e*oteidTale&. Sesue taies neyer lue in the ielllng, an- âS* endl thé iaieo god that Dr. Cald' Tî:. £K wli's(lazatlveb .fyrnp Pepuln yl. and _______________dils de, tl, Ail poor. dyspePtic, bilions ffl ra ad cures ail foims et Indi- w0 at1&u np theo iauuudlivet. t o sutpated bLeas. and eeçti tbjw islllUj ytern te a per- b- wbtun t MeOpasd 81.00, *0 x*«5#i 58e, ben thI e is« wdeoîsu. the lmi. dem v veu dl4W *ee& dotNeh six etlms. but tvacity, Wfis fie moument te devillishasas whli tItisreai moufter of an -ëullghtded ego esctad, snd thes-eby.esrned for hlnsi -i -place on -a allova lt Moramenilng Prisona. Phladoîlphia. Biineheard Lad a Onegle earnte; Hoirnes Lad several. It would reem thst one such crecture às 1telmea wdnld Lbe eeough for a ithole enutury, yet bit own generation appeara ta have produred liii, equai, for the M~h. esgo poie uay the.y beileve that Jàoanu Hoèt'Wbom they have in rusitoily, bas married twenty wornen and 'killed hal of tbern. If tbey coug prove thefr ser- tiens they bave the mut extraordinary criminel of the âge. Obîcago enseete Lave been zmadé bi principAl beadquarters Most of hlm wives vere etiier wooed and won there 'ad taken tbece lrnredlately after mer- rias bere'they dled, or were deserted sa soneastbey Lad given over te Iloch à o metlitef severe rtoems il Mcath&ote wistry brînga suddes, ummiet dre20 degree th , leiu h balt iîibnts tote b vole of North sleepin roonis sheîiid Le velu III& laIut se au te avold diret ab ct air. =fiIonuus heu Lsbotild take ibaieteeiLth cm-ny mOrnln# Uf .:fst Tien fé rie h eaith 11ats dry--rowelrub ci-siy 4 et boud e a gocuîs onob occrsionally fresi a tu1< being i<,u ansd the deys br oudld be kppt rocdOtt ali "sfeet rbuld Le kept varut yday sud ýnigLI. m* usvelby xposed lu roll or F-4PW u&aM et 1'eru M -HI £ment b.s iii a chili. or Cm-n 4;Mei dome et Perunàabonl4 se se pet am Lutbels on ai-i he fe oliêw. am mem 100- à» vIMswo'Cu LJi~qvepcst on the. coun- te tthe John A. Salzer edC.Laros ni a, sud ther viiiaedye 0= 0 asinl SriIS boW ba etlasbu t tins aWheat and other farm eeda, t6- ezpaud. esê fejlits er Improvernt f00 to»my vd.n-ava.fame. ~N corne troqiî t4 West Nortbwest sad *u.aCr@ndPent cah ferWest, ihu îespte seveime-*Inter cCa-snPrvtsmcw Àny oeeWho wiahes perfect LeulîL weatber, *Wb" ~ln the casee orîte mai lo e entireil tree t rom catarb. Bouth ooeâÎàSmi tocheek the develop- Càtsrrh la voel Dight universel. amîmeet mentpoý'jjjt wek. ry-io&4oméniprement. Peruna ln the ouiy abso- mhes;ut Iote. ad wrek. lierylute safeguard known. A cold la th. ahee, arceste, ardare.inillney bgiuung t arrh. To prevent coiUaf sad lumbes' at.vbmsle have ail N1014 t cre celai, li etcLatItarrh ont of Setter of Ite1 ad certainly lu larger ha victime. Perona net enlY cures ca- volue tm e ."datea yux gotàrrh, but Prevents [t. EvoeY boune- volum tIha yea age aould bu suppll.d vitb this grest wblcb latter peulod, however, saw reiY for cougis. colda. mad seoforth. sornethât ef à hait ocerrlng. Cold If yen do net derive prompt and stis- wé«b«r MOV, d aeetbav te fsctorY resulta fro the. une et Peruna, veaber enw. ildilet hvelnter- write et once te Dr. Hatmnao, -giving a teed vw» iwtvqotransportation. and ful «sterneut et-yenr case. and hLe vîlI wlhb the. tliprip service threngiieut Le piesoed te give Fou his valnable ad- theendr - î«*ývice grAtis. lie enfre ~Addres Dr. Hartrnan. Pretldest ef Iuduauy Ir ýIaeugs aîctive as bei-e- The. Hartmon Monltrlum. Columrbu, .0 tofor, and tbh~e mtradq confirme the. la Aftei rs, Lest reporte haistetore ruade lu 'ste- 014 igy Fatber-My tather neyer t1sties sbowing produotion sud con- unpplied me with meney te iquander aumption thesfviest ever recorded. on fant hersest, thealer partie%, late Collections gs: e uîIl ubJeetfcern- dinners snd the. ke.. plaint, apparently feeling the effect ef Up-te-Date Bon--Oh, that', ail rigbt. veather coadtifflunling retail distri- dad. Yon muet remember tbat 1cene bution, w"hlca a. aew ligtes, bowever, of a more artlaocratic famlly titan yen sncb as fees, rublkre and heavy vear 414. 1 zom blas hee'faivored by the .ais- Maur ."Ich l CiudreisAre biokîr. mentweatber. Money laostîli pbenem- Math"er Oy'rn wet owd. rrn ChU<bldreu, enally easy, sud a. tenporary eh e d V Motart, ua. a sur» la Chil __ Ht» te the heavy ontgo et gold l h oeck iate.FlehUasmH51h. Oie Rorne benelits tm>n cllmatiicconditions ,U. T-tii lXý .t ov a ryt are -neted.Ilikewlse somne drawbacks. dAisl."A<=b Y.. Y.m~aale tS -Du's Rei-iew. publisb- Naturai Conclusion. ad by IL G. Dun, & Ce., The. teaecier vas glvlng a lemon lu the mercantile agency, esigan blatgry. _- . muyset Chicao trde: - And It Iras Ivan the Terrib)le."siWe. Ngee ol re oin tLe protracfed relatait. "vbo laughtered se mauy in- severe veatber, tii. movement er corn- »oCent people. Why did Le do It?" modtles be!DS snbjected ti) turthrr de- "I gues. It vas ecanse he ovned lays at various western points. Trans- au automobile," spoke Dp ithe bol pertation dMeutes are feflected ln the viiee fetlier la a chanifér. lncreaowid operation u an salier ACHED IN EVERY 13ONL carniano aleléiioads, but the olterluga et beavy freegt are wieli mauained, Odegeo etsWonsa. WhoeWs& go aud tbe ontlook bas iruproved for lai-g- 19" 18Oie Couia Dot qeep or liat. er passeugier carrylng. . Curd bt M«IIe 's LdmarPils,. The sani, adverse cause aise inter- Mariou Kulgbt, ef 33 N. Asbiaud ruptd dstrbutve ctiity an reailAv@., Chicago, Orater eoftth. West Bide ruped îstibtiv aciviy.sudrelîlWednesday Club, says **This vinter trade silgbtly reeeded lut leading Unes. vben i stant- Receiptaetoftainu-pro<lu-ts nd Ive .4 te nuse Stock am en. te bc biter, and flour Doan's Nid- torvandlg &is declined, but grain aud ney Pilla 1 provision shîpientfa madi' a lîttie gain. acer bouevn Vaines et the ieadlng foodstutfs snd eybn n liv. stock wemu fi-ter, annd tie packlup ,là- a d Intense pains in tiie bouses vorked clm ose lu CiiPi<y. tii kldneys a anid demand belng tronger for their pro pelvle organe. duct. Recepte of bides itere 3,375.052 The. urine vas pounud, against 2,636500 pounda a year he an sue. - condy, and 1 Grain âblpmenta, 2.434020 busheis, . # could bareiy are 54 per cent ever tiios§e of the. cor-teunbt respoudlug vdek lest year. The i- ~ ti otrvlilu a' eei.8 celpta aggreitd 34M.901 Luabeis. Tii.secnd week I begaun ting huirt. against 4.193MU-bushels. Board et ll. I began te improve Ugenerl, *aid Trade transsedea teached a tair vol- betere si-en veeks bad peaes I vms urne, and p«McA& ~anced over tii. veil. I had aient baudreda t o "Sir& cioalng a weoIt ago, corn and eats h.- -for medlnetiat dld net help me, but jing stmugest. Provisions werc lu god 06vorth ot DoaW~s Nidaey Pilla r.- dean, yprtsales mhwn agr tred rne te perfect beaith.m deand, icseort ubewug lmangr. A TRIAL FREB-Address ]Porter md s'les lesd wth aral gain. Milburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y. For mie, LUie stock receipts vere 321,377 head, by ail dealers. Price, 50 cia. agahnsi291,f84 head a year ago. Ail the. choice grades vere readily market- me Wi5hed no MkO i-O. ed -at better pnîces, bega and eh eep "Wiiy, Maria," exciaimed Mr-. Cgl- clowlog 15 cents a buudred velgbt Llgh- kins;, burt and Indignant as b.e aav the or aud cattle 5 cents. flabvagon tnrnlng at the. ]ane, "viimt- UanIt learinge. $19.O06,S). a',e 47.6 for tobayemyen touttan' n rnyO per cent ever ttiose a yeorrago. when fIucfor day andhlaptg? op m the eeklncudeda hlidy: Te lrge "I knov. 'Bias," returned bis vite, gain te omre Citent la due toe epa3y- cbeentuiiy, "sud tbat's jurt vby. Wiieu ments. for City rnilvay stock. The I get niy mlmd set on Ssh.ii. ljuat generai deuiand for mrele bas been- breaks me ail up te bave te unnet It. teady. sud the discount rate for cholco Nov If yen bad't meutiotiud anytblug commercial pape'- vas ilueted «et 4 te about It, and bild mmre home te 4% par cent. Deilosîtz bave rear-hed supper as If yeu'd been dlgging pets- tbeir bighest record. Bunkers are pre- tees ail dtaylviy, 1 nover ahonid bave parlng fer n more active use ef funda mlased 'em. But arn itls, It didit't seetu wlth the. openiug of agricuitunai work arn If I could let tii. flbnaiLPaà.". ln the. near future. and manufacturera are reported likel>' te become larger Failures reportvel lu tbe Chiego dis- na~ ~& _ API trict number 24, ai-ainsi 29 inst wee and 25 a yen. age. U thiîe moue>' et whlcbh tey vere pou- amased. He vent under varions naoies, sud le a poished speaker.,using Rusmian, Yiddish. German and Engliah. 1 'Hies uniest came about luaà curions vs>'. He veut te New York sud rented a irom ot Mrs. Kimmerle lu West Foi-- ty-sereutb streel, giving the nos eof liartels. Two days inter Le asked ber tu msrry hlm. Something cansed bier te Ihink et the man wbom mie bl rend et lu the paliers as a muli-bnasd lte face hefere ber now impreseed ber as besring s resenîhlance te the eue sbte Lad seen lu the palier. Sbs ran te the nearest police station and teid ibi- sue- picions. Omclers were dispatcbed te thie Louse ad errent quickl>' folloved. IMe worn cxtrndited sud laken le Chicao, viiere il vona merted bie tld the police that le Las married se mauy vemen le Lsdl lest aIl cont et the 'entuber. Hie denied ever baving poisoued au>'f et i nunnerous vives. MONEY IN IODD JOBS." Penulie es.Dskuupt Who Esafleccming a Capitaliat 'Tbi-ugh Thann. Chicuge possesses a citizen vbo Las estabiiied a unique lin.etof usiness liaI promises te land hlm among tapi- tallIs e bes maklngbhlm due Let kuevn man and the, man ment lu dernd iu the section ln vblch Le lves. Twe yeare ago lis man tallai. lHe vas lu a smaii business irhere lhewo tbrovn, loto cernpetlllon wyuL concerne viti mueh morne>' hind thimand Le veut te the wall. loing everytbing Le bii Icludiug hil. borneand a Ouat buIld- ing whicb Le had erected. Pracfically peunîlesa and witiiont au>' skilled trade, vili aetiiing open teIiim eccrpt soma clerkeihip, lh. set about Luuting a nev, line et vork --aenieohing that would sup- port blîseeif aud his famul>'. Winlar wax comiug ou. He begun doing "odd joie"si-ound 'honses efthfe suhurbanile until hbecould find home- Ihirng bçtter. Then lha vas @trnck vîti ith. posiblity et making "aid jobs" a prnyinghUe et husinces. lHe veut down leva, interviewai te manufacturera et furuaces, sud rec eived Instructions lu the management ef hot air, bot vater aud Smenin Lestere. For tito veeks Le tudied furmaie,, especmal>' efthle type coîîmmonly used lu pri-i-te resideuces in the neighborbood lu which lie lirai. Tiien Le cauvasmed the. vicinit>' for blocks, offering te take care ofthle turnaces. te ave the Lous owners cool, te keep tLe lire even, aud the bouses wrim. te empt>' tLe asiies. sud te clean al Le sueir frotu lthe vaîks. lHe effered te do this for $6 a nieunh per bouse, and the suburbaultea leaped et bis proposai. As soon as Le get conru-l et a fui-- nae, be ttîdiaditls pecuilarities, -lie drafts lu thé boussi, figurai the kiod of ceai le would use, sud tien heganu gir- lug the satifaction le guaranteed. Hc istartai ont at 5 a. mu., made tLe rouais et lie bouses, sud reached Lis borne again b>' 9 lu the morniug. H. irai up again about neen, sud agaih laIe lu the ci-Cing, hovellng anowith le intervais. le found tint. besides tendiug te the, tit-uaces,lime bousebolders otten vantai strm windown put on, or sci-ecus te- moved, îir saine sncb wrk, sud each lit- 11e job like tint ndded materiali>' te bis incunie. Before(Christmas lie Lad 60 place. on hi% l. ,whilch meaut $36. a mentb te Lln-end wbich tonna i im te ernpley au aossitnt, u Inte mesuithile, hLe«_ - lubliaiîed a lit11e miik route, elilngîilk te te people for whom lie worked, add- lng a little niee 1bis income. Nov Le bas an imcome et nearl>' $400a mot aud paa ivto assitante fair u-ages. lu the spriug lbe vîli establisi a censi business 'aui mukie bide te supply bis customuera witL thela ceaI toi- next vIn- ter. ___________ ELEOTRICS INTO NEW YORIC, Trains*Uil E»Un 50 Muies un Heur. et Tvo Minute' Heayi- Tht plan te have steam railrond trains î'uppisuled hy eues propelled b>' dec- tnicît>' lu running bie Newr York City b>' te Central-Hudson raliroad wmlliLe- l gin in tire yesre. The otreicit et terty8 miles hetircen Croton sud the Grandc Central station vI liLe the place for Il@a begluulng. There viii b. ne grade cros- t logesuaîd trains Ilu sud eut oethle biS, railrogd shed lu Ne*IrYotk vîli irai-el aib flfty mlles au Leur and durlut the bnsy I Leure efthîe day,îLe>' vili irunon ivo- minute lbeadwa'. Berne Of tLe vAy, te2 accommodat uburban t-ailtac,îe. vin 9 b. elglit treske. Thie mev electrie Jecý,- motive viiiLe etf30,000bitis.povem vliere, lie Iteaut engin. Las 2,000 nov, i snd tiey'cas b. atepped ut hIght.peedlu s" @botaLeter <iteace.'- Wblte Plais. Tha edi- UrnSA eàby Mr. soerppei sa" by Capt" mhnG-SDmai Tie&mlty et Their Hoe.. Iu tLe vinter of 1900-3 Mi-. bope iras confined te hb ed Lysaseer 0 -e i Isckoet heurnutlm. Ris docturatreat-- meut proyed unsocessa n, buthb.taace- quentiy regained bis heulth iiymon wbloIhoh deibes vith great enthu- sieste. "Alter 5v. or six veeks ot bolpice.- uDm and pain." mid be.,Ilduring vblcb 1 vwu recei-ing regular visita from the . doctar, Ifeltasbad aiever. Justtfie rny inther. a wonian eighty yearaof ffl, paid me&aviait. 8h.bad recied gi-eau benefi frein Dr. Williams' Pinkt Pilla, and ahe.wias confident tii.7 would help mie. At lier solicitation I gave np the doctor'a treatmnent and took he i. lla in iils place." -And ver. yen cured nas the. i-ait ef iaking ber adie?" ,Yeu, qucky sud tburoughly. Be- foe the second box iras linisbed I toIt veny mandfestimbprovemeut. and mitAn tvoweeks 1 vas able te leave my b.d sud take upmrynegieeled furr,ork. I con- tinued te use the pilla, bovever, until elght boxea Lsd been taken, ahuhouglm long before ibat I liat every. tige ofthtei dise.,. Iad beeneadaed ,Are fier. ne traces loft?" -Abaolutely noue. For a yeav ad ihree mentis uher. bas neyer been fie aulgmtent reiunofet .oid t-ouble. For Ibs appy tisait1and zmy family treeiy pralse Dr.'Wiflhirn' Pink PUis. Withln tbe bounds ef China tevuip, St. Clair county. Midi ., ler. isneobet. ter kuovn farmer uha Mi-. Peury Scbieppel. Ris cure bastl#erofore al- nrally aitrscted agi-est deal e attention. Oye et Mi-. Screeppel's neigubors, Cap- tain George Baltour, alter beariug oethîe mentlrouea lin Mr. BcirSepeî le, -" declaed te t-y D. lIarna'pink ilas for anu ttpok et rheumatiomufrein wblch hoe vas hhauetsufferlng. R. iook elgbt or ton boxes sud nov deciares mit s à» bo. futhie pabntul allmient. ' ,'- ditt tla 1i Doder t4aé DrwlIIlsis' PoeI~ri~.d £aoh Avotd Theul. aud gil, i aesther aitiig .Theteoi tr Z =ov lgfrent acriosi opea- brlug =pt.s a.lieu2e »e. IerMVul vre certaoin reme6unle. the. vernen et tus oenulr-tinsy eep oam upun them nuaares, but*""i-as-y on, tu iMte tfome patients lu tiheepital beds a ba08e-88100slo ýIe ty fetmring lua st iieuring- coul Mtiier 01afeeling. pe t lefi or rtt*z W1 t the vomb, nervous ezxuation, pain lut lte =&aIl o et i.bock.eucorrhoes. is aimns, fiatnleuey, displa0eence ta of egrl six mcmii. ayinpeusare indications a nu n- J haEwo h.mftty coundition oethfe qveriisor x Rub3 vernb. and Il net heeded the penalty ~ j beaoeopoilbyadmag.ouaeperation. Wlm ban It..symptonmm anllrnat tiens- iD- Mn X belves, de net <rau &Iong until yen ai-" L ~ 2 ebiigud th. go tub t h hepitai anrda m-m mitie- Soin ouuitÔ-but 'erember tbat LydX Piakhanti Vagesile cr. Cepndbassite0" ibouandi - etmyn Wt vomen fi-on guiglosA operatiena *01%V . Wien enome aeroublel viti th- rgi, aipeseor polaful inantru. msent or ulouration oftâUic vemb, ubat pou et ua 4 b.arlu-devn feeling, iutammiation o et fi.. te bya iLs ovarles, bawah!v:etig oefa - 1*0 edwb uiunay). gener8:dbilly, indIgestte Ulm s. Nkie. sud nervona prostration, eori-e biet oIlhr withmeh*=tm s didneIIýImal- ediu bvo Tourni «V ? AI m WI» Cblcsge...Cattic. couirnen te prime '84-00 te 85.75; Legs, siipping grades. $4.00 te $5.10; siîc.-, tain te choie,$3î.00 te 8(1.0; rbeat. No. 2, 81.18 te $1.19; coi-n. No. 2, 4le lii'43c; eats, stsndamrd, 9&e te 30c: rye, Ni. :L 73e te 75e: liii>, tirneIL>, $8.50 te $13.00; prairie, $6.(K) te 810.50; butter. chie -ci-eeinery. 27c te alc, eggs, tresi. 27de te 30c; potatoes. 26o te 35Je.. litLeuis-Cattle. $4.50 ta $6.00; imoge, 1400 te 85.10; aimep. 84.00 te 8$5.75; visI, No. 2. $1.12 te 81.14; ern. Ne. 2 49c le 44c; <ai.No. 2, 30e te 3ie; nye. No. 2, 70e te 72C. M wlaukrî-Vitrat, No. 2 nortbe-n. $1.%0 te $1.13; Con. No. 31. 4lc iii 4,k-: ente., No. 2 wthite, 30e te 32c; rye, No. i. Bie te &le; ianly. Ne. 2, Slc 10 52ü; pork. mess, $12.87. Toiedo--Wlieiit, No. 2 mixai. 81.1c te $1.18, curn. No. 2 mixeil. 44e te 45e. cala, io. 2 mixeil. 30e; te 82e; rye. Nu. 2. Bic te &le; dorer seed, pile, 87.57. Biffale-CnÇttlP, citolee sbipng sicen. 84.00 te $83-110: bei-s. fair ta ccile. $410 ta $5.40; slîeep. fair toecbolie 8800tm 85.85; larnis, tain ta chaire, 84.50 te Nov Yuork-Cattie S3,60 te $5.75; hegs, 84.00 te $5.40; sheep, $3.00 le 86.50; wviest, N. red, 81.19 te $1.21-, cern, Ne. 2, Sic te 5me; Ott». naturni, white, 37e le 138c; butter. cm'eames-y, 27e 10, 80e; eggs, westermn. 27e t'O ale. idinnnti--Cttle, 84.00 te 835.00; hegm, 84.00 tc, $5.27; siepp, -82.00 .îo 1&.00; viient, No. 2, $1.18-te $1.20; cer, No. 3 inixeil, 4le te 46c; oats. No. 2 mixait, icle o3.3c; rye, No. 2, 84e te D)etroIt-ýCatte. 83.50 te 84&e; bets. 84.00 te 8$5.M P heep, $2M30te ss00; wheât No. 2, $1.20 tae 81.1;cern, No. a CHeW,43c te 46é: petsNo. a vhite, àî«ý qm beet m", Z teI ýý F, afiviatige 0f Ibis ugg yo10selt. vasI, besi vOl gliat>' vette lia.

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