CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 24 Feb 1905, p. 7

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I e*ekleo. Napolcua. Ohio ex:-euler ei! Oeerecs. -FlftY-fiftb - nv*MIboulés otf p t nlg oa be4 le *0 cwrg 1 eboutsd, ifflon b. <lro that Il *mfflt WMNSTWIMINtCIVIM Mr. Jacob I4 Davis. aina. Noue uty lie.. wrte; "f have becsý la bed bealth forchtiiY-geven Yeats, sud &fier takxug ,t0eiye bettier of ysur Peruta 1 am cured."-Jaeub L. Davis. V »xyen 4 Mt derlve prompt eud satisfactory reseuts from the une of Perna. vwb t ee."to Dr. IHart***., glvlng a fub uatescent of j'oer Ca«s a in bu br-'y. a vaiualle dviee gratis re.Dr BHarenun. Precllpnt of The Hartrnat Sanitarinu. Colunàbus. 0. TrnsliaiSmri eHo Tour grom riii hoewi nd-ii ho: cumastodo »--- el UU 'Yffl that ho knows very little about*tbe bUSL Scfe. h. falI yo, Hw can he know, whe.ra juietrrghi3 afrm, how it wa. ý led d@WMthWhet --w when rocatodt -I yoo buy your eoffea 10M by th100ld ho- c0- you expoct pSUy ityaoxuquality?1 * UON CSFFEE b eIdi 'I~ usaiof LION COPIEZ yon got one ful d "0ffl w uist upm osi tting the genu"e Iee vay package.) SOfl» av GRCEMSE~YHR ~ oeimodhe, ou& treeh âa iseYour Walls es 0e"5 toTUB 4LABASBIIitCOMPANYT ibu si tienac NSerliSOWlet a o n bad-ad la thse etts *bdEca celîg dten-l3x l inces ILas",-Idons ln ivo clo n uALB45TINE. U Lsae, vekt.atise meut Isautitul boo oftitet lspiite laiwsaev re~ad. *Il lsdose vitis varia pmate tiaioneutur Of jie - lea in Vailé, l ni .lotroduce thlt beu esisis- aintj book et ALABSTINE lto Foun n~~~~~w as'iec- de cvlu sMd iit unCal Itrue- sa uIs. f=or 25g, ia tise usdtatomdng tisa IrifH; «eolj it nony iqheu s vercelve wa viii pep tlntn theU tiamon". Tise Peuietiis à o mekins su op- 0 et deson tts jnto tise atH casa; tamesis - Il Or u ARTISTUtavon a couple ot ngu M r eerseee onay uii àyao!ni agWi~uuy amnde.1vtis l-« . 1 1 h. euthatu thie t-asnha appliie 1p ' *Id .11 alss&ad a., Itintcxpffy' ,w I8OIZfý v ligou 88 tl.e c a Gagnai Lw Wallace, Auibor of thei 'imm .111e1>19ur," dioe Wednesday ~als, s~<'Uyafter O'clock ai ble bousit n vlwoi*llIe, ld. GtaslbiWaacce datb marke& il hm hs m t Sa uig prairscted over se.erl mouile et time. Au attack oe etma* ltroubile ohdermlned hit ro- bueS beaIt mud for ilrce yesra ho bcd bom.sufferlag a décline, All.e Ut. je uts e nus»uel 7vgor, bot menala gm1 PbysliUicthe rain of an aral- rated attack of Inigestion tolal sVers- by on hm durnna the laittfev veeke Lad h bac=@ nose maclated that, bis *muauf e lrmed hie frienda. Mis esviyw-elbt Foire gave Utle encour- agmeat for ie ,reovery, ald afer a bravaeamrggle tUic ivyer., soldier. diolohset asiotbr penseel away. Dehng ble long'pelrlolof Illuea, ad ires toward bis lut moments, Generat Wallace vitl cindy baud and loar bruts worked on bise olrs,'a labor boabadhein followlag tçr some Years. 7.o îe Bore,. lewis Wallace vas boto In BZpok- ville, Franklin Connty, lad., April 10, 188. By evcry rlgisi of ancesiry he waà enitled to tise dIstInction visicis he achieveci. Hé uns "ta tie manner boru." is fatiser, Davil "Walace. tmv- 010. LEV WALLÀCE. Ing been electeci Gos ernor ot ludussua ln 1837 andi to Congresln 1842 tram Uic Indilauapolhs district TIc tather wes a man ut strocsg parts andi otfilue- trIons cncestry. S Ib'leisyuutbfusl days Lewis Wallace diaplayeci a tendenry te neglect tise op- pruitileasîhcisbis tatiser's Position gave Wim. lic hateci booksancd scisools aldremalnsd ai aeho~ol I>' scelong as lt'vasimpo»bibe te avold. lu tiss mauner ho acqoircal but lit. rosi toundational educatîon. l'reylous to tise uutbreak ofthUicMoi- Icau War Wallacê bcdaitundertakcu tise siudy of laws. whlen tieseacli for sol- dolrs came ho vas aunong theo ln.t -to enlist. HI e a oct yei 20 year.ýoid[, bul bis services vere s. meriicrlous tIlt h. casse back tramUicevan a lieu- tenant, At tle close of Uie van bu m a'rledd Ousas A. Bîston. a wldoy of a pioncer of Crawstonuisviloe. Tisir ttoutes ver. cougealal, 311rt. Wallace, Ierscît beling au utior viso cbleved soupces lnseveral books vîlcis sIc bac pubilased. Activity la thse Civil Wer. At tise leglanulgofuthtie Cvil War be vas appolutual adjutant general of Indiaîna andl soon alter colonel of thse Bloi-euth Indiana Votunteers. He served lnl West Virgia anal bccause brigader general of volunters ln Seps- Ftomber, 18611. He commandel at Don- oisou. %v-sa made major guneral, led a division aetlihitois sud preparel Uic defetuse of Cincinnati lua1863, savlsg thc city tram ecature by*General Bd- -mui Klirby BSith. liter he avelý *Wushngtonf rom capture. - .During thse admnstration of Prost- dest Harrison le var appoluted terri- t<orial govornor of Neov Mexico. Prom Mi5 ta 1886 ho vas mînister to Ton- .key. As a diplomat ho vas emlaenty -mucesfu. "Benýul w as vritteu lu 1880. af- ter Rtoberti G. Ingersott lild gven Gen- era] Wallace bis first hmptus tavard acqnlnhng the biblical lors noceaacry ta its crestiou. His other varIes vere: "-LIte of Geseral Benjamin Harrison," 1888:-Tise Pair Goal. 188; "l'hi Dojsoao! Christ"1881; *"Tise Prince 0f Ilai," 1893; "Tbe, Woolsg of Mal- kaioo,"1888m. Besides bis vhdow, Genersl Wallace les tes a son, Henry L. Wallace, vlo lives lu Indilanapolis. Spgri <nom thse Wire». Threcesrthqualce aIneS. vere fat, t Bantago. Tis etrikrs lu Use Germas coal reglos U»w sumber 200,000 mes. l'h.e-ast admlrmlttY onka nt Sevasto- pot, Bussin, vere burnsc. Gendarmes klllod tour IêÏeraIs la quellng a rici at Budapest. Dr. Curl, surgeon cf tise 'nited State etn1ulser Iloason, lied et yelow -lever et Panama. Dr. Brown et thc Newv'York, heatt depcrtment declares tisat aIl Idiot chl' Iran mloutd he drowned. Tise Yaqsîi Ilnis are os tise wer- pethit it Mexico. Blteen persuna have licou Iiled hy Indlassdurlng'Uic put veel. Grand Dole-Viadimir sais tise peoplq, of Reula vIl leograted àmlseur. of, but tIlt thie masses. are unae for gepral suffrage mud a cm-, etitutlia WhlI fo ebcsaderel. a t= 0orm tw e 0.Dus & 0Co7,: abs t ro ith& jjvted eatber 1 he lesta le*44t & l~r apprcah lin normal obUMW b" 4.brougisi reOv- eàW efe q*oMs5 etorma end on- usoalyioW~UtlrU5 ra sean tu tniser.lmsaee*% uscltlng cf fam produdte demi~ lna t varlous ln- tersloegS, OSanld lie st& ft- ceiPts mi» &4sua $votable exhibit, an&, Uoug h t$r. w» auuchsgenéMia ftegt ad na«ur carrylug. rcl-ý rocci ca ra o M a lh csialler per- centege 0of aln.' Tise. bbls owever. nov are hein& rapM'ldly vu100lied. Bacit t0 nOms- eunlng ubat the bWsMotiî rovlded, cm- pIe potb& 1w, lvtnsc cropa, il. poetaon et -~,cansd rye bolng re-ý Lcadlag rt«gt tlie qulekly revîveci. ad the c bying as ahrily lucreasac lui fàpdminUi fspel sudi bouseholc nee r.VlItlg marchants arriveal lu fair nnubers, 04slderug the discour- agemeuts 01 bavai. andi satisfactorY progrese rasmgc n thse jubling liees, tise bookIagu landrY goo14, nllllnery, cohing mand tOotveal nidatlug tisat caunis'y reqssulsPlSfur -sring dellv- ,ry wMii le large. Frequent rearders, appard fot.'nrgent abllîuaents tu ev- erai points vIcee rmter stocka bcd fallen loy aud rWplenilsluus.-ut vas Ina.é perative. l'h. lemandi for grocerica and collîterai flues as steady, andi hardware 1forvantluigs for tarin une nPe trîke of tuemmiers havlng beco ittied sud- delvUis awsuroci, tide .e tise lomber yalrls aguin becama brllk, materlal for builing purpoMa liera, sud os thse oufle beilsg lau smag demnd. 1 .1 ManufatumcIsliaIno trouble Ils gai- tissg necessary rew maté-rill -.'i fuel, sud plante v«e rum àtllhl. nome. et the, amployiag more bande4. l'lgit rou ailes restaloed quiet, but usiee was mieugienc4 demand for raille sud otis- an filsfleforme. 110MornethUe PrincI- pal tactorle.g gadually ire wrklng loto onlargod Praducilsss. ud tisese bave bougli more frecly of .anîîîlles. Grain deellage v--e largely î'l- tive, @pot iranaêcltlongLxb'iusg imînteci, andaide trOUm c manlsuta.ted rîse lu viseai vaîneen clococibut illbl xgîs- or tian a ek ago. 'f .~ps tgraIn. 8,059,603 busbels. compareil wltb 4.345,- 378 bushéis for Uicesmine woek lasi year, andi Uice hipmeitutaggregated 1t740,748 busiseis, agaiit .2.101,670 buehels. Uic total mOvellIceut cxbibltiug a urprlslug ilnka"ge. paliures reportod btuise Chiego dIs- trIct numberol 30 sgahn,'t 24 ast week cud 33 a year mg. Bradhtrs0<swe kl1y Ii y ommercial report Bq@: Cold. storms»'weather. Uic moet evere and i wdely dlstrlbuted i soMe respectg ut tise vinter. bas baci IL depreeaing effect ou the trade ai wbeleele and retaîl and ha. dîsorgan- lsd ralroal tiansportaiLOf lu Oum" ogetions,_Interfering vitl varIe-s hues or iânjotr, sncb a@ cool minlng, coke smd Iramis- anufacturing and Ahlpping. IcretigfSa ctve. Relatively tse vorsi aNeti os openur sprlng trade are notaI hlntthe Northewest adWest. The raent le a curtailunt cOf thé ftciliites et1 sleamen uver a -ide an vhlcb, tat«inlucunjulscilon vil île.ioccur- rence ot a holiday in xany Sites, bas rUducoc the weeks tride In ver>' amal proportions. Doines. failures lI the Unitred »tats for tise ek ended Fue. 16 number 243, adnhuaist 07 lst veek, -31 la tise 111e week Ilu,104, 188 lun1003. M2 i 1902. a nal 2.!lnlu1901. ln Can- ad& fallu".o for tihe weelt number 17. agtînsi 26 at wek rand Mttisl wee-k a jeur agu. b hesgo--Catle. commua te prime. 34l. t. 35.75; hogs,. sisppng gna.lex. 34.00 ta $5.00; sheu-p. tain te ehice, $3.0 t. $6»0; viseat, No. 2, #1.18 to $120- Cors, No. 2, 42c to 4-le;onis.standard. 804- Io 32c; rye. No. 2, 73e to 75e: bny. timothy, $850 to $1350. prie. $600 t,. $10.50; butter, cboice cra.mny, 28c to 3U,; egga, trish, 25e te 2SC; jotatues. 26e to 36c. 1udiansois-Cafttt. shlppisg, $3.00 to 3&()00: hogu. choice lght, f#.00 ta $5.00; shoep. comulon to prime, $24l0 te $4.75; vist, No. -2, $1.18 te 12; os No. 2 vite, 4Ucte 45ce. unis. No. 2 white, aicte 82c. -- gt. I»os-Cattle * 34.50 tu $5.00; hogs, -$4.00 t. $4.l0; shleep, 34.0 to $5.110; visait, No. 2, $111 tu 31M; cura, No. 2 4&e tu 46cý ontu'. No. 2. 30e te S1c; ryp, No. 2 70c id 72c. CIainati~atte.84.00 to $5.00; lpgS6 84.00 te M.20; sheep, $2.00 te 304;vsaNo. 2, $LIS8 to 81.20; coin. N. mxii. 45e to 47e.-o0cm. No. 2 0&sd.31c to 33c; rye. Ne. 2. aie te âDtvsi-C-attle, 33.50 ta *4.65; isogs, $400 te e.75: sbaap, #LW - to *.00 visoat, No. 2, $122 te 3.24; Conu, No. 3 yellov, 45c to 47c; oats. No. 8 visite, n2e to Me; rye. No. 2, 82ë t. 84C Mivaukee-Wheat, No. 2 northern, 31.11 to 3.1;corn, No. S, 88e to 44c; oms No. 2 white, 3lc toe:c ry, No. 1, SIC te 83c; bartey. No. 2, Oic t. 52c; poil, mess. 312.80. Woledu-Wheat, No. 2 mnixaI, 31.18 te 311.1 Corn, No. 2 mixel, 44e to 4&.; cats , N.'2 mixeil. 30e teSMe; ny-s, No. 2, Dedalo-Cattie, choira slipphng stecru, U4.0 <o $5.50-1 hogs,. fait l<o choie., 34.00 tw S&AO; ghsep, tain to.eholea, 33.00té 1.»;ls, t ain to dasice, 34L50 to It eCete,## o 3. po qd ndumo'b' t r, t là as 101 < *d~r~e hInes tyýu o ufâerai tablet *'Wui yIenil pon th. lmla the larynx, Ile mantelpicce of 1No dl aW olea uing Offlu 01 the volce, wble c ocu*sla thee w **x: 10uemoey of - *as maie »cx between tise cgee of 14 viso departed lé hieWel lité on the. adle. Before tbat thse larynx of thirtieth of Marcb. 1873. ScrPUlOUB boys recembles that of girls. but wben lni uic avoidane 0< evcry duty, le the volca bein. to breaktble vocacl gracefully cape, 'te obligations. of. choies b=oe lengtbcued at leaut One- tîis transit"e lite. Begardlng virtàe third, thse angle of the. uhyroli cartilage as a tbing beyond priete, be vas c*re- beomet elargied, and the )m»Ill5fui nolt t» degrada Ill by llrmctice. EUS vieîCIounect tihe orge .Or the volce mina i ve aterehoee et Inolecige with thse lypold boue and the base of or visicish o lad touatihe key. and là the topnocbecorne elongcted. tinally paylng ice debt of nature be Whlc ise echange ot toua le taklng ,laftbis ow utfritm15 the col- pilae the volce la unfitteci for slagiug soution of meeting bis'other IlabiII- and ebould b.ued onlY vh tgrat tUn" flaTe gentileman n0 o loglad nOt cure. ln other words, tle breaklng Of mldoe Eltla.Qel of Uic vole le due to ihe' ralltd d4- on y mled oetn a tlal eonPc- volopment ofthUi larynx, wbtch telles honor, but bcd It colelud Place place et certcin ages and vîlci leada oyer a mantelPiece'in bi118v0" bouse. to a change la thse rangs cf thse voice. Tbli peculer lrshnes Of thse voe 2«000 Punetam. s...l visesIe latIns breeklng sema âtube Ti e»rnsul fa b oiA due to,& temporary cougetion and SaIt .er SWCe, IA. chus, ýW.ý ,0110e qwollen condtoff of tise mocOns uuee- brune of Uic vocal cbordes cccumpany- lag Uic active growth cft thé whole larynx.__________salsem JWs have a gâtieuaJvseai ce thse esrihi, lu.s, euotiLa 'TORTURINO PAIN. ýproduees: hey ihl und 7jeutb.r bit plant ma d catalos, toguher it «Of it bs Eau'a dfterias Weid Have enoucgisMed to fpuy Kin"e liMY ac Iis.., but floane 1,000 fine, solid Cabhager eured aigu. 2-,00 richicay TuraIPI, A. C. aprague, stock dalaer, ni! Nor- 2,000 blanchi. nutiel maI 1n2., writeg: "For two wIole y 'r 2,000 rich, buttM ylattuce, as n. aue utbylgmci- 1,000 aîsesdid Osions. 1 ws diqg»oUng ut uyis mdi- 1»00 rare, huesous ltadiases, clues.,to cure 1,000 glortously, brilîsantFlee My kiducys. 1 This 9r];t .1er laau md. inter te hÏ: - do flot Uilnk duce y u to try their ,uceranted eede- thfor abenmynouuonce pleut tisc u n Ml thagt any usanan - , ever enffered as u r _»__07M« I did andl llved. . sf 10 osact .Thse pain lu my 7roudàn0 cu ill retorn ibis notice,ad byS.v. f y, is endti tens<eh' postage, they back vrasno 51a dtothe absv ebit pàeksgsof tise hua bhat ' cOuld caet Sweci Cota en arti--Uzer'a n^lOtffleep a-V lOfrtin ul-ulyW d4"' erlier' ibm nlght. I coula Cr7. PeMP ' »y t. t.l0 .1. - ., noal;ride c a o A~C. 55*0*5 nd 1sý1Mneti es ,*-;~ ~;~ wuusd1.. evy.ta ride ln a et-. M1Y '*Yee miss," related Col. Bloffen, condition wae criti çal vien 1 sent for '"Uic battie of Gett"burg vau à gret DOW&s Kiduer 'Pilli. 1 useci tbree stuggle. wluy, the emoke tram the boxtas sud th"e curel mc. Nov 1 cao cannons caueed tihe armise to le la- Sa anyviseïe and do ne mucis as axaI vsl body. 1 Imucp vel1.nd rt -n o dlacom- vsile." fort etaIV'li"Yes I" spolie Op Umise Sharpc, *l A TRIAL It'REE-Address Foster- iseard tise major MaY You vere lnvl* Eliburs Co, Buffulo. N. Y., For sale bic." by ail dealer.. Prie. 60 et..Th o Real muela uneemm". «,F"atser," asked tihe amatiby 'ra Saillelgb--e-av---physlclan tolin an egotieur me 1 vequaced a complote res*à.n egotiat, My' son.lm a Mas vlo han Mise Cutg-Indeed! the impudence to thinI h. k1bowsMamre gaplelgi-Yca: ho even torbld me tisan you do, lnftcad of slviag Yen eredit to---thluMk, doucher know. for knowlns more then l db«~ -~~- Mies Cutting-And dld ho bave tihe lngtun Star. serve to charge you for cîvice lîkeAlap ac lIa? ____________Weary Wlglns--Ibld. e e*rver brAva OF OMtO, CTYOr TOLEDO. 1#. Lawuvlie? Luc,kOuyr. Moldy Mike.--Yep; las'somr. 1 ara xJ. caî V mI oath tIl lsn 9 150Wlas aungered, aV'ticy tpok me la. .e o @srnro il&fumaiY. J. tseasav & COu.. dols ID theausla t C of Toed, ,ty "TOOk ye hn where?' sud 8tla n s 0 lUpsj; 'lui teèthU' "OPiu." ofaso9 Se cufse "UMOs"1lLVS CAXAaaB CDRE. rs~ ence. Us], M day ai Deest . . IL W. oLEaEON. la mcm seascaU8es Cd the fls. Uai g.theIie'ta ~ te " 00 mem by Dam.!&Zve.meUe cdZWSfaf* Hlan'. ilu' Pliasare t»c c < U N0000s.' mmoomlweln & , tn0tfmll*Ubft Am Iletâna tel 1150 a rfver, ad tWàYgp1nrdiUIe5.Uhh.ium *II*'M ht happene4 thât ville výas aUrem,- ofheiget ey% elaleIêu ig ig for heip hie dearett, a jouir- hlvey qirhts. «* k *o nalist, cropasd ilebridge sud- bcbeld loogo" 48ihet *4 hdeu0 bet* blantriruge. "De almi Be rospîte!" anud tb.SSdod in t é oowet it e shoutel the. journalli. l'h io laie 'beeiUi for tbhe htg édition, but 111 igvo Xi IMisa ixfflwy hma omà'JhII you a lively paragrph la thc mors- lli*5teUSnB1IwBW lut." ber. 54f.1 a&UieB< --M-i um ..c 5a "Of coù people'on eartiÎts nIley le Uic lant one I vonl expact te lsd talklag t u ioself." "WeII. If joui mv 10v Ils vite talks ta hlm eouitnoosl>youi vutdWitank." -Cleveland Plain DealIer. Risc Spulame. LAI. Thelent Scova isealtis and pisseurs remot os thse continent.., Blegant tisreugh service and loy axcursion rates via trois Mountaîs Rouie, tise sotet and qnlck- est lise te abovo point. Pour dally trains trom St. Louis. D»@Mtive and Iltus, trateci Pampihets on Application toeMllis Pcrnusvoftt D. P. A.., 111 Adams street. Chicago, Ilu. Slbu. .,'lmsa aIrea«. Boyee-WIay Idom a oman give go muid attention te. Ins? laI hbecanse Uic vanta te aitraccimen,- or, beccuse te daines te outhle ber ater vomea? .Mnm Boye-Can't a wousan do tvoj thingu et once?-Smart Set. Lewis' "Single Bindee" stralghi 5e eigmr. Pniee te deaeros 33600 per M. Tluey cosi nome more than otisar rends.' but no more tisoa a goodliec cîau hou1ld tetLavis'Factory, Pedsia. , Avold poonly prlnted boks wvu pour paper ald poor type, andi do net real wiscn ridias lu cars or carniage, nor visen convalescent fro. a protractelfilI- nom. nor vhen tise viole body isn laa weakenel tate-Hoaltis. I Cannet prmlse PiaocuCrs enougis fci the woadens It haa wonked hn curing me. -R. H. Seldel. 2206 Olive etreet, lit Louis. Mdo.. April 15. 1901. Mauy Britisissotilere In Tibet sufferaI fr. en0w blîndneso. Tise natives avol tioi by gresins thelr fccen and then mcking a black cIreI. arounu thein eyee wlihcacharnel stick. A GUAINANTBE cuits VoitPILES. Hae.en candance Of good. ae& lilgt for auj vork jonu May have aà bsandi. As you vaine jour sigisi, avi aul qusi!k eje lacions. plesuelyaa, ecs 10 b O ago. wuva th"m âlout 14a. t llmmsSI0<aoMdoa.If yM 9veut g 0omplexio jomuaS »toneasacel isceiui, specally et, th*e éiti jourlcol. My hesthss*at ompletlyWbOslOW bail fraquen-t Osdchsmba aaipet dealor PalsI& dm$hatng<t i suife imcs to lallsetpp. x38ïï cIer lat =y blolwu iinbdeaia/Um1 for plaipw ea ctuemaaul ~»iy %ce. ..Is le bard t ut. r . cS otIl fin' *0 aughteobot f muwhI vise tm< daUghpe*t lier. i bume*v7vrni t mi Ia1e Th*e doctorlf.modi$,amiII useMWexgcull suid ISu* à mumberid ialhly rsoma menlel tache vitl <» bltte isult., hA on. hov«av.1 Ibep*ate<o us]>.s'Pinkt Pill e fr Nu spoop a* complexion clearml utp,&mda aeW taint»vuboxesthers vasnot sidon of a pingle Ist om ly face. My dïeeks hecmeros>', Igl -- em d bave bcd perfect beal ««vet suc."1 Poc>'chiais m»daparkig vuyee e morolyslgnecileeitybood. TheFlaft oaton, Ohio, bat <o - Sboqwafflcf vomea ifer-viscu Dr. WUsus' Pinke by a bxof h *ilafouarudrega 'I 'PI. mes ig'~ 4. lau sisu A Marvel e t Relief

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