CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 3 Mar 1905, p. 3

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U91C, t100, mmLs PLANT@. ànaWdngi!ts municipal plant te a prvate corporation l b>' Lagrge, vherc 94e d la S0pite ut proteti eitJmMâq, bave decîdedtetaoeil c Wrom 4"d lgbtwlciat te the EdinsaCompatny for 4J, tb't Pur tgl*iun existing i»daised =$ "d Mire eiled improvemeuts, A talegned hy 100 cîtizeus vas pre-- No s*ing (ho huard to del>' llmai "tevttUMiu-eh 6, but it vas tg- Moed. isa t hoorder 0 oesi vos passei W4 àvote et 5 te 1, Trustee Wacerbury =ntI *a .onl>'negative vote. Tbree yarmago tête properties certroliei an- 4«rt be na. e of(ho Lagranige IVater, 14higit aad Powe Coangla>'were soldta t liii village etier an liat tiie vOllage solult p>' th ltei- i n* rin- t lpa iî,ý f fuui b10,0 h onrit belti b> eto*lolshex. Oltiuena Who olrpi*a.e Vauu. e1 the (rusas.. 4)tru nster the plants te prilvaeoownershîip ogalistioeclar' ed (liaI these bondst reiiresentted tfirec ties the actuel value of théi' jrpertio. Buhti(hie trumees and i tizo.ïhave beea agaead that aulne action watt iee~ay tu houa the coent umianlting thté plants «gto tnamfer Vtie ua-ieesiîî a (he bur- du vooît net bueso huai-y iratIre tas- p . ayera. Tihe plasts.,aavr- ritr-lrateta( tarit an extent. l has Iir'en assertesi et hoard mein gs&a. (bat $i<.tiOt or 80,00 Weald bave to ho expenriert u tntthemi la propr condtifon. MILLIONS TO ORANDCHILDREN£. r Womam,- Itinberite Son. lat Iividee e-E.tairoto flsPonrChiildrcii. George W! ' taat.-in -t hof 'irO 'olo.. bus bee.n lutiril fiat Ibis iîîrtler. 31r - -- f arn. ogeti 86 Y"*"-, aX. - ýily t' ilet la hnlyville. vwilledu n eitate val- sie t 83000.OOt) tri lier frîir gratrllýi- dru flnioy. ltsrgr', Jr., lirrion andt Ml., Aunt a tgAs, ail ofl î-hrs (rlr'e, tg be diviret when (hey oi-riie<f tige. Boine airithsa axe Mr. Itsgnin rec-eiveti ativicenis front lfil ees -linrtliin t- * ttn">'astating âtidi aihad lett a wili la wihî the four cilile;u were tIe ouly leeficlries. Ritr>'Itagan. wimlilt If; yest fage, ia tise chiampioIrru ra'bouver cf theli u-te, nîlille tierge ltagîîui, Jr.. l8 years oit. iii prenadelt ofuthe i-c oal newaboy' unionu. Tiré (pilier tva îiiil- drou.Ilierudeun sail i Annis, are agt-, 12 -snd 14 yeatrs.eneli-tiî-ly. and al roit. vihthaibur parent.,xot Wî's Fîf- tlmh hreet. MIE IN SGUICIDE W03PACT. * nh W MerDo and Colos-id Swstheurt End Liv. witCh Poison. lu Mretor savwhite tbos>'natrneilOwen Dsùsth.c aianl a m-okuel girl nanîild Mary stoumereenieti thiir livres by takintr strychmine Tihe ta-o ere ini lrve, bt à quarrel las helieve to lx 'ave been foi- lowed by their reaclîiîi ait agreeeni-t teo end their lires tugether. Dp.eeitaugh ae aut eflort te purh'lîse o tryc-hine ai ont of the local drug morres. but aas uqiesstul. Later ia the day lic ne- ouseti poomusof ea quantil>' of lbe irug and went tatetoiu"e where tihe gil w»s@tarins. After the>' batl tekes the. drug lho left tbe bouse and wax fouati durat nearl>' ait a mii'- anny. The gfirl died et thelhomse. Fîntil a montis ago th& yanrg mn sa ailneyer gn.e li'1sd cashhos> and outil lat ilte was a teoua- peTte boy vicetneyer mis"e a day's vork. * -ELW OPEIN BAVE AT NOON BOUR. Buraseater RatIrosOStation la Ab- smence et AgentantIiner. Mire S- t n-cagun ctralice ito te 108di street station othen 'iicgi Rock lisisat ami l'Rcille railronin laCilesa shentI> ater I o'elrk the nitir dnu twe robber, ervopcen the âet(]outrrk M 0andis auiier iof ilartk -xlprie sone> orders. The ticket féeller. Frankt Ruglieri. awax nt hnrr' *ttfitx is ni rhiît visen the rabnley frerk pinice..4r'Aîro lu fise %-;%11,,i- ubrn it r'ýn friea liri ý. TN ' hles o aredrrileil ilu t he crtiîiiatiorti ut the ente, theiti-ruî'k-4 iisttftrd olitsreip aud hliktm theouvîs ,er eil toil'rlt the soiîlît«if tihe explrin. ruTheiti ie were' îîntiied jf the rorlbery ansoa a li- gient Prerh vwo n tmideforr(t'elioli th'iovem. but ne trace o them eriniti h1 founil. * CIGARtE'hiTTELEADU T. ÇIME.I- Refusai to nivce a Pape,' Pp. Drinaisi p naTrawedy. *- t. , iirply vitl i i demaîîîlfor a Cigirr'tfi' mi-rtiti'l linre miirler ut Waslter t-C.llrrttof Sre:itir, naliii>'of m0. ilhrsn. witla Jou adnîtiJoseph (lue- ne>. ail siiitri have lea into-icatet. gttîsciiil-ck Driver Dan l'crry unheu the latterrer'fsnte o ive thre trio cigar- ette'. liflac ight (limon was struek sat u hi- etii it te brick liavemieuî. lic dlcti n tew ItouîriInter. l'err n'> aîthe - (o ijtrîîey boys are ini(lic Streator joli. RIV.LS DBOOM EACiR OTR. Tvwo Bitoeaof Mendta Ruanfor.Ma7or, Both Woing Persunai Deeat. _ A mtnic!il icnîpsigiiti n-iipît ecli catidiate for M xir ii ueruiug ie uopinr) nalit la tise nuvel expeieuice whiih Men- dota lunn,- ifulrrgoitii. Tîtere ara two caidttes for Mimor. bohiaitdîitore. (ute is Edlbe ltigZllssouith(le Si-inrlleinndnu the othîr Bulitnu rni' of-h thelc Re- potr.Te tteîiorteeprivi-rt'sth lî ci-- lion et Itrggles. vîhi' u iauniv.thie Sui:- Bulletin, la wunttt>'siiuiaotiig Kier LAIIOR FEARS RAILS (AD LAW. Empioyrasa"Y Redacioln urelght listes VIII Canse Losailu 'Vng. ' ,t a massonmeetinig outhe(lîr fgitii-ct- cof tise 'lit-ugo etnd Itîr ithiuiifiti otrollitraaniiu(iolt ic-urri frirl nuiegiffg tfat (bt etiftion lu treigit futei&uili he tef- fltowet- b>' eerrespon(lug redtuetiou lu -wages ot eapiuye. A iicctig aini eau ofe aU (the ulu rîriiulon ie io'lg anti caspoyus ai-hilie arkedte riaigu a petîtion Vrtte.titg uts list-tIutchange. GUARBu FAR31 *]TH SHOTOUNq. Mues Cu0sit>'iriMauDrive* Tenats A*s'. T'aktng iPossesson. Zsad"ati01e, once a weailtby for mr of bm* genulle,, igotakea tocrîie pos- mmi- & III. fii,*ha. once oamet, antd, orQ fl »'& im nêldigtafu lie ar etote NluvO la ie George Cotigtu. 9 Yearalii, vas ln- Jui'ed tataily la falllug tfrtm a Logjtt Square "L" taliIn Cbleago.* T. V. Low,, paiici angltrate At Itoas- vlle., vas foni tet banglng by tho itock trami a ralter in a wccdabed at bis haime. In a saloon al*ry et Penny. Aaron Ville>'stsbbed Ja o Koii, poutratilis viii ho fatal. à Bease bis iinther r tasoti te tire hlm miono>' for a theater. George ltelnik. h6 ycaré oIt, et Chticago, attempleti suicide b>' chlorotorua. ;- J. N. Hulsapple. vbo until repentI>' liveti la Chicago sud Rock lslaiti. killeil himt*if At Ranuss (k>'. o., beca use bis former wife wounhd not ronarry hlm, -Bar. Russcil J. Wiibur, tormeri>' as- sistant rettor At St. msrk's Eplsr.spal chureh, Evastcli, bas bhenassPIsoitet paoter oft(he Cathedral ot 88. Peter anti Pal lu Chicago. Struek b>' %n troo em, George IFlk, 30 yer elt, vas kilicti instantl>' lu tue yard, ofthtie Chicago Bridge Companty, Ose Huntircî d nd ftb anti Theoul ettacta Ciicago. Blikaantituuevoiilisc t si'venlbon- tret dolars acre slohen frnt (;. 1. Pock's store lui Elgin. Huiranco was Pl- fecteti (brongîs a tbascuent ni-lîirsa lu fulview f ut aneettie igiît. ' At Urbana Mr$. W.,-A. I>ay, Illue tilvorceil aif.etfthe assistant Attreyc lieseral. af-tan tliiîe yeirs o, itigstirîu, liass'o udt«slared niotflue nifie utflDr. Nicholaua, îuder a curuntiliv marelage. itears. l(nebrk & Con, irait $1.5,9020J tft' a buildntg permit.thie lilgiest recuerl- et hn (Oticago linsometmouiiila, for the constructintofta a c$.i0ttO trr nt HarvtV't tecet anti Central P'ark ave-nue. - Leeie Easles'ly, an einpliiyi' nt liii Egypian pwedr iplant.,>outilofi rf trin, was lustatîf y kihicri ns<urhlisilothiinig caligit in tué ehattifig. Lu bordy' nias trîipet cf cluthiig alintiitrriiylain- Tise body'of sahaek petdie mw ui ffnd near Bonne., H hr aiinîIIteri tri nnulk firom that tpluce ta a nî'arlry t-nvîîi nn] lest is va>', The heary' nv ndrfts biucked Ilie rond inst lbe aik onln n d i futroa (oil'utli, His llentil>'ila nntirvi. Svan 3lonsn tseiugg rlt'ruy iargee. cnuittetl sir-ic b>hîî triziig lu liî.rý-lf in tise rruruty jil iu tir-n-A -isre xtrap waan itd, fi> a bar efnt f lv. Ilf- tr Isis urrriage ri)a 1r Yori.'iunfg voman on Jtin. 29;1n undiuivonrrrr ite living lunlPrincetnti apeitre.ý Tue 11ev. Dr. Arture il lia rllE4et l'ana afttr s short iittess. ite-i 77 ruitos. Dr Millaret anas uonr t iiii.nranud adtîatednt aIOxford. Ili aul niali> chiarges tiirouîgIoiict rlr Ilifirni .. tri lie wax aafrieni îff Heur>' Wa'rdlle--ie Charles Dickens as lirr-ri. Tise Uyne Bridge Companuny nf <lui- ago tisfileti popers in l'ekin lu a suit for S$5.000J0damages againe roft'u. Barker. instrncbor in e'ngineerignt thei Univu'r- ie>- ot Illinois. Itleisaliî'gî'rl hit Prof. Baker anjusti>' urQuarîneul a bîirge' bull b>' tisecompauîy not up (o tic reiluire- Dlgslcd vithte rutîcîs conditioun of mlgia',, municipal lighting pleut, ftle Aldermen tiarev teti tu discontinue the huaineas for ten yesrs. An agre'emient han beezi signedt lh tie Elgin. Aurura anti SiutiseritTractionu Comupan>' viere b>' the i-l>' is u la itin carrent for ail its sîret lamps t a greatti>reducs-1cent(. A trauge man tlreetenedte (o luiMes. W miter Iibe. vite ou t aformer livintgrieur Fl'cier. The intînder <allen et (tic beuestead tarins Cthe absenceetfMa., Klbe's iauued anad Iiets o tter downn tlue doucerS.itUeigatiret i% bi(lreata.,Ibut openet i)sus pp't aindos'ant i tlchaseget a douhie-iuareled stotgan aetbin. It la beieveil tutt lie ia wouadeul. Go. Deneen lins issiet a procama- tion tlsiguating Iritey, Apeili21. as Arbor anti Rirai day. The execative rec- omiseut(at tise peuiple' observe thei' lti> bu- piaîtitgtri(ne,.stîutîssuitvi-lae about ti' brm, i.auouug thie ligliaays, atîd lu pibe gi'oniinlsandari ttheii' iullir ëchorlss rlierve (lie tint' h>'exereirue's hit wili prointe au interant- luntire hrauectiunti of thi' fnrest atdîtheacbleus. Jutige Huitiplire>' lu the U'nited Statts District (',)art in Springfie-ld sententce,] George Rogers andi William BuiîroligIs, to (wo yeaes Pckd in i-be Cheter punli- teatuar>' ant i Wlliam 3Majora f0 onie year n fihe Quitte>y worlýiause. Rogers andî ltirroazgsa-ee trieti snd convicteti ut stt'alrîg $26.000 in bitlloî front a houîle' car at Hast St. Lois gou tise v>' tu tii' . .iadelphia ii5ot, visile 3Majore tleidet Twî-îîty-fia e tfrinierg ddii ledt plu-ce ut tietective nork lu LaIte ecuntyfi>'ni tii capture utf(George Van iperir, 205 yeor'u ciii, anti Trny Iliiîr-k. 18 yeaîe. Tue taiot lae liait rainler the Michigan C'entrai de- pt et Lake stationr, stenititg a big bîuucis cf paseenger ticke'ts;andrisei-eai dollars lu nanne>'. Tise farniers clunsr-i (heur andti surrondedt iem iii a tiuiet, aili--me (iii' hiati takeu rreruge. The police aietc sent for iafdi lii'> si-ee captutre(]. At titi' (est tiy's convenctin ofuthfli Rettili Merebanîr' Ansoclustint lilîline. B. L. Cliapiun ut Sprligfeld. chairisîuruu ut thie commitîce ou legislalitut, r'pîîrirl1 epeelal nn-r>n (batlitas heen uîîirtaken aithi a vies, tua sccrifîg nu amnienaît te tlue gnnialîce lwita îking 90 lirer cent ut an cikit wagea enemnt and 10 perce-nta eîîbject iti garnishcc. Ageuiluliýrrîriseilt lav for nn-iik-thtei'ini-reba ta tiareavîrkiugv s ui' pmoiiuug frr grrîîiiiîeîît eutcor-n poralions for tise uvges or satîrrof unt î .i piysc. 1-I A lircchi nf hitouîi,*c uit o-hile-i liati peneti iug (lie tCircuit ('rîrt romtin looinsugton * trr r(ieci' iYs cru i-tri a mftniarys.Peirî cittti i--cr-ifsiitt l'I Ie; liechlei, na ealthatyrrillg fariner ut Ban"e, ihl a coîîsuittlirîfa i-luithe pîtiliiff. 3 l,linrrmtiauTonainirrnili ie peu-t>' acitoul teaceîr, Thoir i-ur gi-Pn naitî t teir rcapi'ctia-c iti-y--týr ulrop (lie-suit tut ýb,lîmut-net. Tue ccepiiifil- a'as 1arormal i telfue1nrt lboutse b>' Itunge Itunelandl Itegaling cran- isu- iai'rad. Mis Tomplkitii suc or< i $10.- 00).' After hiug ctratugeIfrnte oron>'tiiece yeîîrs ara (ho resat o a iovrs' quarrel. Rtolaert Stanuke>', a fureman in thi' tiftelse-' tepatmpen( ot an tet St. Louis pack- ing compasiy, anti Miss (l'o M3eNicsolU o! at>' avenue became raconeeda inon( fige anti vaeomars-led a test da"' ega. Staekey and is bride -er. resmesi togetheu, guListe es'- sainsbool. 4 .it üir ochod day .e ty i aa. a« tWhite Manlie Ecilal Upon te Proteet O,'chardrs in Centrai Illinois. Tire lieu->'cui,,,olîlelu nu,, bionkets e-ntril Illinois utra>'prove (bhe sîvation ut th(',uieacîcre. Expert iîorlienitnr- lits it ienathfi- siec e.tetpeestura of ttire IriitfuirtePL'e.soold lbu diiiastrous tir fruit Irces rt for lise tact (bat (lie sîîi--nî rverlig fothlei'gronnti nesuIts un a livi- lni- rof the sain- kt"'tisfue trtnks bat- fer fi-ilend rlgm-imeanti reduces tise tenrierutri f reezir, Wbile Uic savere aimrrstiiire avilI jurobabi>' affect mach damie. yu-t fruit men are hopafl* tian tise Suno tu 111 r' e eeacioqis. Theyt' e- (cahl ieti silientise attcri-etceatiser lu tibis retintiu-efirred._ six yesrs ago, there woie n suraon (hi'grotint anti (hi' ilauttafruitvai; eaornoîus. This yest lte-ne laet rous six toeciglut tncises et sai- ail uverceul tiIlinois. V[BST RECEPTION Br DENEEN. Gavernor of llinois Receivea, Aesistcal by Jatgcs and ti(ale officiais, -, Goy. Charles Dezieun gave bis first( mnteptioii tise otiier niglrt et tise mansion in Springfield. iwiig anaitet b>' (he iei(Iea sif the Siipreuîtc Cort. State 0* diaisanturirîcevnive-. Tinssi e ssisting aven': Jîltige andîl lIs. F: W, Wilkin, Dinviln-: Jîttge randrl Irq. . . (.Cas-t' nariglil. Oregon; .lnirge andh lrs. J. P. }trîiil. Carihidge-: .lrîir' îîîleue]Ms. J. B. lU -.Titynrn ili'. (rL uitd lIes. Henry' lIaii-.Springfireldi: lr andM l. IJ. ILîtinlin. .lenrgieiniu h.e-t..Thiomas WN. Si-mit. 91-riiegfiil];Me, andilies, Lau M. Stituli, hi fiknitk-I itilugr' itggm, LMent. loi-. Shrmirr nd r 30Shiermran. Mn. tint Mes. Itrr.n-. Mr. uruid ies. ?IceCui- ]ougle, 'Mr. atîdi Mru. lIa>lis, FOR A STUDENTS' DEBATE. Miseanri anti Illinois, Universif les Mst on Aprit 28. Tise<laie for theaninual debate bc- tsieen lthe sîniienîs outhtie University' of tIliînis andti lise ut tise University' et llissoltei luas becut lixet for April 28 et Ctliiîîtrin, Mlo. Thse qufestion, "'The Ah- olitioti of inrect l'ersrisii l'ropart>' Tex." va-se milittuitftd by Nissouri soute lime aigu afit Oas acceinteri. Ilinuois viii take thlieative tandinihsutri the affirmative. The ten deirater snelectet b>' Illinois uvili bain ut nucni-Iitiai colite-rt en Marcis i ano t aI(at lime tuete (rue eisaters cuti (hee tîltennates avto avili represcuit LIII- niswaili ho seleeteti. The tiebate ilaet- traeiig mrîci attention iin(lie coilege avorit of Illinois aatîisisouri. BOY WOISNDS BIS FATRENR. Frederiek Wilson Accltcnteliy Shoots Parent White Banting. JaLmes 9Wilson ut EvîitM onvas aci- deilcufal>' stot >' lis son. Feeice. Tisa arcient ss'cumredh îeaîr Wnot9tock, an-iete theti' -n sre intatiiîg etîlîits. W'ilsn craro cI ( tiriugita ftefs<-i-', uirn' is t .'ui nib. na-uinlie ensuciiei ue feuee. ni-tîîliteri fu. let dumi, theficliacmra cof lus gaie. (ttne siliPcdfi-ouiluis flagers a11the gare' Wun1vusis-luiarged. WLNS BIS BRIDE BT MAIL. -Kansas Mau WoeesIllinois Girl-il* - Doesn't Kuov aSiWedq Mli. Wilieini E. MithIer ut dorinneli. Kan., unred Ml iss Itulile A. ICiser la Vienne nftet -iriîrt.4iip hry coresîiontence. Tbe grorw rtitrivi-ialfuttnytiys ego anti toS tlae imt tite sivhis flmut'e .Thle yod- ding pitehus -are madie nt once, bothpet'- sons hciug pýtgaeti witl ir mail.- GEAPI? CIAROED IN MW]OIN. Conseifl Mar' Ipvaut1segaCbargp tat Tbia Biaisa ofty coumcil 1l~o,â ,over FOR LIBRARY EXTENRiON. Bill fow Before Genersi A.emble Sinoulfi Be Favorsbly Consldered. TheIlilinois Federetiozi ot Wome's ('lulh as îîrcîarc<i a bill in relation tu ibrary extenîsionî whleh. lu the opinion of the Chieago Heerl-IIerati. mérita tihe SYMPathetice etitiideratiru ot the menu- bers oft he (Jetncral rImenbliy. It lsaa bill tu crente a irnry extension board for tii" plifrlose otf rrlioting the estab- listment andt cllei.ucy oftrac librarieu anti of peut hing fur thse rgianization. cure and maintencîec uttravcling libre- rien. The men ers ofthtle fetierateti clubs bave in tieelpant sevien yearg eyated sud sent ont *X)O traveling libraries. Tbey have mantained a conmittec to direct JhiL s icirect work. nti have douiatet] over I5i.tK0 volumes andi 3M cases; tbey bars Paiti the transportation charges of ail librarleg andthîe ecoat of the neceanary Printing: tbey have claxKiicd and, listed the varions collections aud conductedth ie volaminoon eorcaponilCnee wbicb titien- terlirise invoivem. The fedleration be- lieres tijat thé time bas coule for the Sltc te l Illinois taele over thimlpor- tant tank. Tie clubs have paveti the way anti îrrrverl the exigtence ot a wiile de- maud fqr flie educatinual fiicilitics iu quesltion1. Thry Ipoit- ta thc tact thilt tweufy-twe-uiStates uliintain miuch library eXti-uuioîi huards as their bill conten- plates. nul thnt titi' aîpropriationis range frrrînî $16»M1)lut New York ta 84,000 in Kns.It i-i a striking tact that o111Y fic lSttot-i rciirrt largt-r lnumbers oft (mv- élinig lilîrariejt- luin the club wouucn ot IIliniOs lhavec i-at andi carî'd for at thaeir unin capr'<în. without thé iligltest asiislanvP rntm the Stale. Tbey have punt ail if uM who value iteratueb andi ap- q'rr-laîltc he )3andl stimiulation andi spir- ifual hroi'it it iecîrîs r"ipt'>' to itlial- ifýlIs f rM sil-Il. isnni ti communitiei, nun- .'lr a lisn iy obligation (if gratitude.-Tbe- trîVelirîg flires ry ofteil lettrîri to the fotînî7l- ing if a ig-runu t nue, ibut ci-en perias- utiient rr'neii ftie guidaunice and1 aid ofl im-îSo boardîs au arcmi tinedl ftir tiri- lîîrloi.c. The biilli c offereti by the- lllin-,i-î tî'lerirtin n arre au aippro- priaiont.,f $,0>;ad proviîlcs for a board ofr--n nhe-vcu(wnibsare to-re- ceive il()cttfticintiirnl andaasalarleti acrtary. 'rite toilowing Ipassatge froia a repoert oif a iniinwr orîthei Wisconsini fr-e liîmsiry erînia-riision wili eonveïou~ idea ifthe r'ar-tivit esandtilfncti oîs of thre ljrrr: -"lVt' avsi'alaitîhllibraries r nourîh nirrrrr-vtrs -rc4evey appîroriea- t linr-ver,-yi-îr. Ve cuarîr'the book-liiy- 1119.hiiiilig. iîîctrr.s. etc.. as the State Sriî1-:riIr-rî-f ist irutiou re for flic pubîlier'rlr,-' SNOW MAY SIAVi( PEACHFR. Me lm»»** Thottheii.ClurchHalain' Uxaiolo a8 tiosséWeapon Whlch lt boU14J4- W tDoprocat., Plue- ing C#oitai ltessAbove Otheru. Prof. Feux Adler lecture-t befure (ho Soclet>' forMtkiai Culture, hn Carne- C-' Hall, an vinether churches anti Te- plîglou socleties.ahould use ostracîsua lin the straaqgte aginst pubhl Iniulty. Ho sait lie, bolievet lin ostracisrn 'lu certain casez, but that (ho great dan- ger te churches andi religions sodteties iay la thoe e@pn cf rlgid mural codes and lin tho placlng of certain vîrtues above itu oth<-ru, Prof. Adller citut (ho case ofta young voman WIose. paents insit" (bat she -ahoai .non7 a mon wbom ste bardhy kncv, slptly lacause bc neitit- e drank ncr 5moked, To (hema this vas a stîlbelSat guaranteu (bat (ho buabanti they bat plckct for ber vas a moral main, y*tlho turncd ont te bo a manstler cf- iuty anti carnsetber to lest a i t fé fintalti mis-ry. .. Dr. ,&tler'pretacet bis lecture b>' the atatomeet (bat an>' man who la inet viteil>' colrrpt ill psy seeet respect to thstevery -boneat>' of whlch lie talla short ln bis prictical affaira. Tht, vurat libertine wIll henri tbc knee bc- fore purît>' When be se -s it ln aIl I a uninmatkabie nadiance. Taklng up (heoCihurchhs ait ut ha-Il lanteti s0 long becau5e it was o su uneto morally. Kart>' Cbri.s-anity was a grelt. moral movement. New stand- ards were appreciated. ant Iln sorne cases. at leait, ilved îîp te. Lt augbt (ho people te, put aside ftii- racil a s- rovinesa - no cbaracterjsîlc ut Laraul, anti thus thes mout exclusive race bo- came the mont -inclusive. "Bat (bore la ina dcnying the tact,' contInued .(lie speaker, "*that al w?ý ',t srand allreligfons.. s»cetlnaS are le ag thoir Influence. The band of religion un human affairs las veak. lis volco ilascarcel>' beard.Iln tact, If la rarel>'lever raleed againat public Iiqutty. Look aithela crimes of the- liat tonu>'eara Thno beats of the great communions 1vere sulent on (he out- rages commitioti lun Mna. Rame vas; client. The Vatican pgrke np watt of condemnattoan Onan at Chrlitlan. people voue dolng lin i-'ina. Andti he Protestant Cbuirch was nia legs mute andtI neteetive. "Andi an (bore lu a distinct anti pal- pable, decline ln (bu influence of (lie Churca, Statîsties shorw ns (bat the namber of yonng men in aur coliegea villing te enter thc mtnlstry bas great- 1>' talion off. Thora are saidte(o lu cunziderabl>' more churchea (ban there are mînhîtera for titet. Hav. t'heu, eain churchos andi religions socioties ha made more effective 4 Shouidti h>' not, insteat ofonaflniing their attacka tu doctrinal htterodox>', ase take a stand allaient moral offenses?- "The Chural laya dowa certain ruIes aste the. rgbt relations betveen th. sexes bath ffoUr. anti atter marriage. U lt lild dova 'certain ruIes of busI- ness andti he U euoff a&l Who tiltinet compi>' vt1L-tmfivenu netothenpeo- ple feel (bat thec Cburch once mure livea? The gmet veakness cf reli- gion lu due te Uic genoral belle! tbs.t it l in ot reil. Another thlng (bat v«eakonfiItla (ho contraist betvoein proceçat anti practice. There are plant>'of. good'mon andi vamen lin (ho churchez, but souaelov theo tle at- titude of thso bodies ta veak ant inl- effoe. 1lâlme in6o»~ for this, bé cause (he situation la copapiox snd a botter va>' bard te fini, "l*av can ve bring it about (bat there siaili bc greator agreement bE- (veu vhat la taught la Uie pulpît and on (lie phatform andti ho practice ef the membersofa!relIgions huttes? Wbat la the use of pleading for purît>' if yonng men continue in thoîr Impure *Concerntng: (ho use a! ostraciim as a corrective, the apeaRtersaIt it vas dangerous te make a set ut certain fxed rules andti hein dmp aIlinvbo dît not comp>'. On tho other biandi.fu was iflat-as daingeroas ta tbrov tovin ail jarrlera anti bave no raIes et ail, This extreme latitude la net fessibie. the Churcit csn not aiILbas no coin- cera -vwith boy Isitambers behave thnomseîves. "Take, for Instance, tbe tommand- ceont 'Thsou glaiat not steai. This sihoult flot bho huite(oinclude motel>' -burglar>' antilarcen>', but aiseofUic steallng (bat le dune b>' traudulent bankruptc>'. A main gult>'o! (bat crime me>' say,',Yea have got notbing ta do vith m>' marais. 1 came ta hoir >'ou talk anti I ama helping to support yaur cburch or saciet>'.' But can a cburch live (bat vinks or connives at sach a viev' Dais It not atultîf>' It- self? Wlli you not lin aucla a cage tsrlng discipline (o bear? Ian't (ho Chnrcb veak -becauae it doean't psy attention ta (base (tînga? ."'I can concelve ut a main bolng a (hooretical anarchiat anti >'t belng a moral main, but I cainnat concolve of a man Uiroiig a bomh anti seling al the inorrors (bat toliov Ilntho train ot the set uniesho lias aati libesrt. Neither can 1 sec laov the Churcit cao alîow (ha vwoman five (1mai dîvorceif to lite a seat auaang tb. cangregatton. Legally, lhe ma>' have dune ne vmn.g. bat the Ctaurcb shoulti roqulre con-r tornit>' te a standard blgitor (han (batt opan (he statuts books.'"t Prof. Adiler sait ho bolevedti (at- Opens OyeteraWlth Bappu. 'Talk about opesnlng a>'toi'," "aI (ho olti pilot, au ha pusheti hack a bcmp cf sbelis anti mkeil (ho Vaiter for bis check. "I neyer tIi aes an>'- bodiy te boit Bonny Itavae, vho usedte 'b ave a stand noir Gene Blsckford's, un Fultont Market. Bon- o>' coalti open o>stera ike magie. Nover useti a kiie, eîthor. Bail ti vas cruel." - "'How dît ho manage kt?" asitedtho guileicas yauuîg min trom uptovu. Pilot, aoemnly. "Boaght nei Scotch anuff. the strongest lin theormrket. Wbeo ite hbuta littie of itl in front ut (ho oysters (boy aneezedt ho top shehl off." "Pooit!" samîtheUicycuing mai1n. "Betn>' vas ai l egpt in bis va'," - observedth ie caeo, "but ho van'L sa crcumatauco ta a foler on a frolght sloop (bat asetiti tainuabe(ween Ful- ton slip anti Bridgeport. Wby, vini (bat felor'ti cone lin home h'd (taa tiozen oytersanmotaproati lem un a rmv un titat ver>' table yau're sittîn' at. Titeut ieti iegun ta spin a -.ea yarn. t nover iteerd aootitor main 1k. hlm. Titem oyster ia' openedthtier menthe_ lin astoinsbtiwot at bis vlioppeis. Thon iteti tako 'cm b>'surprise, vhîp 'em out of theîr sitelîs. aprînkle 'on Wth pepper ea' vinegar an' svallor 'cm.-Ncw TarikPreàs. Knew Where H-e Wsua. Tite sai boys sublime trust in bis trient, (the policeman, le no more marked at limes than a cammoin tire-et dogà recourso to the aimaem- bodîment of autitorit>' as 1(8 pnl>' ref- tige. An amao'ing case occurreti the thar ta>' il Chestnt anti Juinper streets. A (Min, ditînt'white mongrel o! tho rcgnier '-huard-yard" type itat teken ts station for protection at thie teet- (,f s ver>' large renerve vita was tlri-ctlng trafflc. As tho do& ditracteti bisi attention1 îomEwhat ha vavedi lis stick ati li but vhili t croncitet snbmtiaiveIy at is tout at Mis algo of dIapiessure it1 wouît net go ava>'. As peupfle paaset t and nearl>' trot on It ît voniti soeak mutt fteir va>' una apecularl>' behp- usa manner andi kopi continuil> get- ing in danger o!tisaing ruan over by> rolle>'cars, calas anti wagoinsandi bn ccashfm (ho complication et trafoic bcirne so gros-t (bat (ho dcg badt t te o alts te (otho pavement,1 But te, (ho amusement o! ever>' on. vina notîcedthtie ittie comuty i>as soon ts It cousit It woult returin,. qalxouaily te the foeofut -horoserfV or a i pitu f bi.s tick anti bis, terinhock som4 - ic« it unts tcgg>' ain it hati »Voko Li It ut tbat lioeaIndeeo-,i àtrio end jy bu .su* va. saat>' rtma aw Owro*t*ua ~ 5 e ole ho<ore:Ià boio»., a big lqakiuit ta 4 uoreow tokeép thblack gatt fro. talllut ce 1(5Inges, and slip an or- ltra brick aider the corner post wban i.(he plazza threatena ta 4umble down. *'Of course, therç lo a measure of trat'h ln thia. We know, moreover, titat tramps and lead pipe thieves gravîtate natuýaIIy toward an empty dwclllng, andtt(iat ita wlndow glas& lrrcalatîlaly attracts amali boys with atones. -Yet, atter al, the mcme materlal damage t he>' du coult eaally be dapl- catid by many a faually. You and 1 kinowi happy-gu-lucky people wlao live ln an atuaoaphere of destruction. The bonne (bEy tenant gets nu practîcal help troua (hem. -But thougla(lac>'tiore It duwu andi laurned il, anei room at a time, the rem- fiant at any perlud coulti neyer pon- vey *,bc suggeAtion of tornlorunceas and uttcr denolation wbilcils I mparted by an uulnhahlted bouse. "There la souathlng lin the teed of an empty 'bouse Mtats perceptible to tlite most hldebound consclouaiuaas. tillndll.d any humain being. set litin dowin lin ain unfamilllar room, and s,lecs nore refined tisanthase ut sigiit andti tani-wll teli hlm wlether It la lied ln or not. 'Doubltcs lte psychie forces that give the wanung are hut ap of Oms- nations froua the people wbo tormeri>' dwclt ln the place. -Huwever that may lac, these forces-le! t aver frag- meints of pcrsonaltty, vo miglat tErta flacm-are obviouBl>' aleet andi active. "Thcy musat do sometblng (op pies away :bhe time. It seemis a fair -don- clusion (bat, except on tbe inrequent occasions wben somebnady cames lin, tbEy du miachiet. "Aesuuaing, thç~n, that these InvlsI-' lI-' tenanta wrea more destruction, that would came about tram natarai decs>' or by (the bandiut main, the <ues- tioin la how ta reatriet thcm ta harm- jean activlti- , -ie anawer xtrggeatz tîelt vhcn vo recali the propenaît>' of gbcats for aolîtar>' places. "I graint thet gboota bave been knavn ta haxant Inisatilteti bouaes. But do not t(hey, evein thcn, invarlabî>' set uap heatiquarters in an unoccUpled rom? "Fancy 1mw pleasedt le>' wuuld lue to have a bouse ta themselies! Andi 1 admit (bat thero are outdoor ghosts, sojourners lin cemetertea or -wanderers ain the openx blghway. "But laow do we knav that main>'of theze are not puer iiomeless spectres wbo, tbough the>' shrlnk tram ssking favori, vould lump at a chance ta get under cuver? You ae rnme Idea? 1 propose (bat a bonne 'wbich clrcnm- stances reqaire ta romain uaioccupled for any long porîod *hahllue tlrown opîn ('n gboats. .- "Have It general>' anilrstooti that they are welcame ta came lin. Then lot the psycblc forces play' agalist thoir geil I>'rus, aind bc naingeti to themi Theghost'a wlli not mid, and iwt thot psychlc forces thas agreeably eux- ployod the bouse wlll be spared, train wreck and ruin. "L amn bounnta (confess, howevcW«. the amateurpsycbhologlst adcti. "(bat vith me (hi. consideration el0z leu1c than tho cerUtain>of haying always at bandi materlat for stuti>. Parchio forces have grown shy i>'nce womn tock Andi 1 should bardi>' knov boy (o fird a glnostý .Just nov, short ut ongaglng Mr. Lawson, of Bou- ton, (o go ouutand catch me one."- New York Sun. Sbemasiaos-vir14. U. up io 5 tho sortis Varollna b«4«, a~ ib &MW maudcation botvcoa Obarieuton 4" Richmuondi eut orf.. Charleston, S. Q;, vaslin (ho posa»u Mion of tho Voterai treops. Tino War Departnaent annonufl tbo capture of Columbia,, S. C., b>' Sher% main. Lee teck general dom-ad o f tii. Confederate amiossa- rocpmâmond tho unatuent Of neuroos. Anaisuaement vas mode ln the. North (bat bMeKlo andti he CôMtea.r mc>' badt ereorti n t a t>'b>' vhic Confaderate déertera voie rturoti. The survo>' <iftho canai route &*ers thé lfthinas of Panama W..héls madie. The tindemnit>' wbhabSpaa oulti pi>' for the. Vhlxim a afir a. *104 $» 60 for oaehCbcs. Tine Pennsylvaniea Vompan>'rotuu the use cf Its (tecks la PhýlIadelPhi te the Blimore &Olo, auncideunt et a rilva> ver.- Sir (Charles .yoll, theo geOlotgt, Giot ln London. Dr. De Koven, asmnt viofo 01-4. tien (ber. ibat been moch e0,ol*0&s aceeptet (thoe pimcpal ru I, net- Thse Rada MISSISSIPPI ImprOvremonà bill pasethe lieuse eoflteprýeuusli. Twecty TVINAgie. The police in (ho Boathemu Russiis -provincesmade a largoesa'erof as- reltalin connottIon vitn a nihillat plOt L~ A bill for tino retlroment ef Gem. c Grant ires defeael t he Rouae.> theo votes of Scuthurn Démocrat. the Congreus pamseil an anti-foreign eon- h tract lehur bill. Ou Dispatchez tramn Konti te(o LÉOntode,.16eU chae e on. Rafler sarroundot anal close!>' hommot ln at Abu Kios. Tino via mutiscrîties Intercoptetila phot ta blov ap thse fetoral palace etPM Benne 'vith dynamite. Tise Washington monument aet Wasington, D., C., irais dedicated.- The National (coneil ot Women [ oened lsaconvention la Wasing- ton, D.. C. Moire (hem. ascore ef smali ceait- irise vessols voue rePortedte(chave iseon lest un a blizzard (hat svopt (ha A(ieccoas(, Fielai Marsa a ma, In commandi efth(le Japanose et Welbsivel, an- nounceed the aurroatio f tise Chinese an seoanmd landi.' Frodorlck Doaglasu, tise un - d treoti. main, tIsa lin Washinagton, 1). C. Tii. elgbt-stor>' building cf tb. Scbwa- hacher Hardware Compan>' -et Seatths, Wab., vas harnedth ie othen ta>'. Lous estimatet at $M0,000, coverot i - sané, - Tii. explosion ut bauddsuaetflest- ut oardgea kep tIh* firôm&NSfaiPia- premhgMai wthln.gahLIas tlstaom u e T, oulvami &a55t55* es~tt~ --g Gin N.edd es aAgo. Tbo large cattan mainufictor>' tu Saco, Mo., vas burnoti, Uihe oua baing $M10000. * Nepoleon caintroiied (ho entîre Mtu. tir>' departunt of Hollanti. The Portuguaese govorîsmont ordered (bat sti eblps, prizsaof the Ilngtlih, shoult iiut Tagaîsanti that no sncb prIzes aboulti agalin ho admîttati. Napoleoin receiveti the forelgin of.- voys, a'bu presetiteilttera of cpngrat- Ulatian troin their respective courte apan the ble-ts of Prince Napoleon. Tihe Englial govarutueint orderoti (bat cumin and atiser provisions train the ritei States shoult ihe admtted lnto ail Brtisht possesstins. The slave tende bill, pIeented te the Houseofu Commons, provitiedti (t ne negro slave abaulti ho admittot inte 5in7 of (he Bnltsh-ccloules. e Seventy-fwv e ews. AgOý Peruvtan diplomats aurived aat Parie to sclle;. L>recoCnîltion ot-beIirgv agament.1 The Lyceum Tbcater etLotndonas bueineti SThe petition et lnglsh Jova tOfS the removal of thelr civil dusabilltiéu vas prasentodt(o Parlamont. Fourteen huntredtigppsýemharlrod tram, Spain for Maulla anti 3,000 fer Havana.- Efty TeaAle. An Indastril exhibition openei lal Parts. George W. Greein, a rida lanker of Chicago, vite bail hen convicteti et the mardor of bIs vIte, itiaged hi.. self ln prison.I AIl banko ot Sain Fraicle'- wrm: elosed andi erlanslnanZiIpautc ru aulteti. The t-vo Britishthonu of ParUi mont began ith commanicato b>' loUer C The Rusi*ns a(tackod Eulsatorla1 vhIicin as tefended the b.TarIua" vae orepulset vitin a baavy.loe. Q Iorty' TestaA@&e The tUni«sarn>' took possessionet U Drug0 7wse en by p. axo we am i do il ais i

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