CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 3 Mar 1905, p. 5

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N- 84 sr appeaus 1<>b. bent on ' llcklng belote atcoeptlug mm. Japon cen suppi>' wetbout an>' trouble If ils oui hem. -- WMOhd 41.4o!the sbock .t il, bail fail ebi t t Il tmueI ho somotbing of. sllsvs . coubti stand Il a pirynian -0- Eaglish professor, syea ed oi uselulu aethle 'h>, Jum think, Mr. Johmm lsd egitesa limes glace o! a forty-year otd ma -- afrald tuat same more of ces bave ben marted for lb. Car woeu arrange tu e teprivikeof voting bis bey vould us.elte privi- of "1bloving them ot" 6iacneCbgs< as tbey 8rom.- is country'. P 8CROOL BOOKS. eelerda>') Repeeetative tdued is bibi providing efono0f acool taxihoouka arie.0f lte state. ývs l)dgsondecea wbooks id ai cot to Parents, mmd r otgamlvet*on do not W propoition or tbm>' pomesfi, as tbe vork b*stale vout Dnot b. lan ouIt lobe la tie "tte. it bois armpubbtaietinl astid bave lbheltexte pre- ste msupsnnendenl of w president i thle aste Sd 'some viii inova 1 »*-i by lit ge rr. -mu tliainoa0f lie le tbe county controte *bInus.. m ulta" for db lave boom belti Up b>' bol coash be deiSed, for ss of lisois vers mode Jeu aomopemled every a m&»« f g&ea" boefe pwtiol t bisePlanb>' baCipe.and ofilcers ja m a uioirs 10 perpeluate cen vbhdithey 4.1v. a olegsm nia commission o awl te s poniipse epkdm y au frsquenl changes of kt tx the potets o! lie I7 parnale 100 pour 10 *hutiene qasalchanges Mo âoui beau.. ci pride. y ad roates ni lieseacool al Ils prepoaed lav, and omtesth e hbeory taI FM b. eaoaarmtaed b>' a "at "ritboiks aremati Keau seýrtain firt loy mas book# tiey bave ban imelwldge nW tie iet. Fmer f or res i tision, Wdea peeiimrte b enMMla"MetanIrepila et bu malee u c *ds bring resuts. The NT bas a largs, circule. t7 .thter . eeki>' paper mis coutyt. Ad* in this thle people. tuiid von homre velging b. $utabie for farta or p. Gantt.x, 101 S. Water 21-1 il-lIS aces vwelli in- miles vest of North onpremise. Tas. 2"- on f 160 acres, near Improveîuenle. Atidriasj L.IattSkeRotfeler, 22-1 ad gîris tu senti us their t Vili sen t Ien, 20>a xetable eS:ato oeil et 5 'hen sold seài50 cents.d iVo. liax 140, Wanke. 22-1 ir. MI8. W. H. oa Liertyville. 19-4 store rout, ctral>' lurantes avenue, Ltberty. 38. 18M1 sof landi, 0 to 40 a-ce, hasve sb choie.'lu nenout tour. Matesmmnd fi-al.., t>'; PJedigree furnisheti. 0 are Iver>' reasonable. ,r vrite, 9. liTt. Liber. 204 am iTexan. Mur.b 7-dthb sud . u4AUtonio>, liiNatoît 4 N f one va>' rate orj ! PL 4. dfur 21 dayh, -w--'-.. &Z- ke s 5hi)u ie fMon- y -utgt lrafsw dyago and a lomof about $100 ueulted. Theslire startsi lu lh. allie mand the of a jougs tank of Valt enabled Il e mtu over- comm te i.Dms. befote gretar damag vas dons.1 Ma.mals Joom on Utuh sufflt'and Buiabtb Avenues daîns tubaa valmsd from the dead by prayer. Souetltu mgo accordlng ioalier story dis vas tabu UM md tu5an appeuans.41es4but Eider Dialue cams msud prayod ai ber aide, eommânding ber to ris., whlcb abs "am tri bave doue as acon athe ordor was ultered. Tihe Zion, City Lace industries tala intitated soit for damages in lb. chenil cont egait ithe Western Union Telegrapb company for the. rscover of lous tu tIi amoana of $15,000 wblcb they dlaim t have eutalusd as a malut or an error ta lhe lrnsumblom of a messe by lbe Companh. Tii, Agent of the. Lamo Industries ila Mev York telegrmpbed touZMon lth bal basa ollered a large order lna Iai ty st a reduction of eigbty par cent. frons lis flot priceand as lhe messagle va. delivered ta lte Mon oaicers it read liai a reduction of eighi par cent îas te- quired 10 clamse .deal, and an order was fimmedlately telegrapbed bock b [accept lbe propoaition. Tii. arrange. mente vere t once mad by the. aget and lii. order waz aeeearily 111.4 at a discount of elghty par ceai, as amrsd upon b>' the emtera man. Tii. entire amount of the order vas $38,000 and a los of $15.000 la claimed b> the. lW do-telea as a resuît ofbavlag bt compi>' vitÉi the terms oaf the agremet. This lo the tiret lime that Dowie bas bnsti tuted damage proeeediaga aithougli b. bas hee deennant la a great mamy Ruite. Inoredible rutallty. It would have beau incredibls brutal. il>' i Chas F. Lemberger, of Syrea, . Y. bmd nul don. the. bt b. eould for is suffering son. "My boy," iis my, "eut a fearful gasb over bMa oye, so, 1 appllad Rucklen'a Arnica Salve, whlch baaisd It and saved his eye. Oood for bumtand ulen, to. Ont> 23)e et Y. B. LovriàL'a drug store. (ILMER. Cihas. Webers, of Chicago, viited Barv H. W. Casteas over Snaday. W. F. Hall iateads to leave for New Mexico tuis veek to vit lita vilse. E. J. Joue, and famil>' enlsrtalned compan>' frori RockekHler Suada>'. W. lBeirmanad family viii move tb Arlington Heigblsl in h e uarfuture. Quit. a mambher of young peopis sArprlaed iH. fl ea Iiuaday eveieg. Tii. eveniag vas sajoyabl>' spet la plmyluz games Mise Zoa Moreand Mr. Shirlety Nevton vwers married Feb. 22, ai lthe Methodiet parsonngt. la Libertyvill by Itev. Lavier. Tbey yltesid on the. Aadreve plaee. W#.may bave a milk bottliag plant in tbe near future. Kea & C"iasl Daby Co., of Chicago, a eorposallonwtb #2W0,000 capital, in aronay eonuider- Dg slartiag a planit baving a dsly e- pacityof 50,000 poundof nimli. 1 A number fIom Ibis place allendsed ihs entertaiment stai Dssoud Le . alt- daY evning. Titipo'-erisihed ol, liieimrpov- t-i..,httd 1 bood, needa aproper t"rtiIiyer. A chemia by anayz- illg tlite soit cen tell yon wbatj f<r-fizer to use for different ivous. blood is impoveriahe 'yolr docîuir wIL.tell you what y<îu need to fertilixe it a.nd give it lite rich, red Corpuclos that am-î la,-kiîug ini it.. It may b. YOn mivd si tonije, but more iikely you iieuid a coricntrated fat food, andl fat je; the elesmeuit lackiiug<1 in i myoi <ten. Tiiere isri no fat food t M' i so eaiiy gdigemued and! aWmii. lattul lu Scott's Emulsion of Cod Liver 011 It 'viii iourioli and strengthoo the 1)41 wlsen idicand crm fait to do it. cot', Fanu" iis aam theire id laji î:thttalIe sontîalways beneful wth4t-t, threbody inla Wutifîg frmi tn msie, etber n 'ehildrm W. vil asY« à mmpa A msglaL' Y'm.osure ltai tle pie ~ tire i l tom f riOb la e e s l i v iapper1 il aise' 11 tmul. 1A eômpan>' bas bemn formueti itti a capital stock of $25,000 ta b. kuown as the Ri1gilanti Park Salet>' Deposit com- pan>, lie certi&iate of incorporation baving baen led la lie circuit court b>' Lin"e Evans, 0. W. Weubabuéând A. C. Wenamm.The stock baldtin, are ail tek.e Foreat mua. l'hé Evane groçer>' etare an the gauti aide sbroken moB unda>' igbt but the, robbers vere bard b>' Mms. <>hit vbolilves over the store andthelb aslghboriood vas eronsed and the lifl S ed. Mr. Evans vas natifieti and the police cailet but no traeo! the robiers couid b. founat. In tihe ear>' spring vork ailil e startod on lie aparlamts for tlb,"Laee Fornt Sommer Colony" vhlcb vili b.. a fin apacima0of architectural art. The building yl bave ail tie couveniencep 0f lb. dity mmd viii enabie lie people io viiil aie ie apariments lu ire lu tb. country' vithout keeplur a vbole bous. open. On test Fitiay aflernoon et the. Graam meort ai Fax Laie a shooting nounet wv ald ai vilc ver. proeet Ma" m>'sktdmarismen fnom mau over the country. Sose Must excellent sitooting vas vitusesetib>' those vbu attendod theiesvsai, m>cdl lhe partici- pants ver. bolders of modelsanmd cbam- pionshpe von ai other meete. Tiers ta. a movemeal ou foot emong lie ebloms people of titis Ciy ta form a eiureh et112 ooth gerdam rond aitb lis 1ev. J. Ü. Dovdon un pastor. If lis>'mareanoes"in latiteir endeeanstihe ekureb willbe formedunder the naîne of tl ie riAfriesanIL R Eburcb of Wmui- isa. People 01fte lert>'bave been m*keil t sais contributions ta aid la lis vonk. Patrolma. Erimsoadau anexcitiug ttise soh. minet vit ea gang of tougis. Tue>' lad list broken a gimea Oa ot Wallla'Buffet vu-n rie offcer sppsmred ami ettempted to place lieu ami. erret TWIe>led op Count>' etuet witb lie policéesanlu pursil maid mepedinlto an alle>'. Ercqon ied mierai alots at theu but tii.>' uould mot stop. norner Cooie lirougi ils atwtoy L. D. Pffe swd W. B. Pttpe nicdago v0itb m hm~e 1 esît afainel aldermms laus Bdh*gfr t#10,0S0 danag ebiaina IaiIls srtit aie coni-ima bi luwlls prmesa 0f9utesMmais.l aMi Sadlou eltememis la regard tdi ils cosplainmeu claracter. 1ta was ibonUgltuai lis casevould b. droppod batai the Saut minute lie paperw acrte 01.4 b>' Mr. Crnois la person. The steamer it>' o! Marquettie oviiine- sanie bet tripe beleSa Cbiiengo, Wau- busea" mmd eosiaoa Mmtch rt. It vas litemied tu rue lis boat ail vint,'r but ovlag 1teck 0of patronage lie ser- vie vas dmtaconed Mari'laJanar>'. Aecordlu tie scitedute lie boat viii lve Cleiuet 6 o'lockinlathe evering ami vilarrive et Waukegam et about 10.80 afborvrd comptellg tbe trip ta KaoShm. Oui lie aouth trip tuis point vil b. ioncbodsaI8:30 a. rm. Tus do f lavIti S. Et>' a former 'Weaksgs a gisatmatiandet one linte a [mis C«uuiy fermer, oocured ti m vada- Ion al Frida> igisl. Mn. Ely' vas luela ev 'ork la1829 and cents vos la 1558 mmd setild la Laie Votînt>'. Blues ls removal tui Evanaton lbe bua nils vittted frsad ersm. The fun- oralo vaWlid mi lis laie bomsetif tse daesasi st520 Davic sreel on Mou- d&W lie 1711. 1ev. Wm. E. ToIl of! Ibis .11>'emai sur. M. A. Uttileo! Etgnaton oitalma. Tbe@literaient vas t ak ha vood eeslr>' iîlit>'. The Chral Union, vbicti ola ti.Oni> muilealoesoc t Itie pretieut tinte la Wauiegou, vîi0 bu discontînued ti t ib ekcesof tistis sounfls. hraceint, lester patronage at lie romanîng tva emita lia Il lasoadui w)fer liii platar. 'Flosai omost 1yu ogivPli o4UBoIs 5.W. ebuaul cm IMeci 9 and ErmsalL imons basnboom appolntedl as supervisor 10 III ouitlthe remainder of the terni etf enalor A. S. Tiffany, Ltstaurd*y sveaing a aine poundi baby- girl vas bora to Mayor Pearce, thlsiieuguthe Sf11 cblld ta be bora to tb. mayor. mm. M. W. Manian, vile of former suipsrlmleadent 01 aboola Marvin in ser- liusy s"iai br home, a trained nurse belng li alleadans. A large tamstula vas found in a slp ment ci ba»nnas tiI'recetved bers by local fruit deamus. sevs a fine upcisesaof the.large soutiieraspider wb" bles ald ho bave a bite almoat as vmumous as a rattemaare. Tihe d"oalI rving C. Strang, tihe younge son.M.l. Strnng, occured a ie bisbos.on Grand avenue Suada>' morfng. Re vas nineisen yearn, and six monis old and bU hbeen a iniferer fros consmplioq for nome imé,. Tihe Obicago Tetephone compan>' la re- movlng tb. hsavy cableswvich ver. plaosd tees han a pear mgo mi great ex- poums lios iat thue underground malia bhave been constrncted by the compmmy mmd la tb. dova lova district no mors poie Maii be erscted. Divorcesproeesdfngs bave basa maoti- tuted by Mm. bale Tiiompeon againet ber iusband, Aberi Thompe ofai is clty on the. charge of erusît>'. She ao dlaims tbat on several occaions hç had threabond ta kilt ber. The case la lu tse banda of attorneys Orvia andi Edwarda. Tlîia omiugsniring 1ItotertI àdti>'iii erect a building ont thp ntorthveat corner of Mater and tieec> ttt'etitvilii eost lu tie region o!f It w.h ili hiave ot-er oue hnndred ficet Imntage and wiii b. one buntimeilfi-t deepenti accord- ing l tii.heapeillations viii b. Ibtre. @tonies bigb thougit it ia>'taer b. cbaugedto tsloir storie as Ihet point bas ual as yel bett scitlt-d. The order for the brick bas ici-n piaceti vitb tbe Zion Cit>' brick yards anti the tiret of the. order muet b. dF1ivercil insîie of aixI>' (laye. The upper part of thi-- building viii b. itteti oui forfliats antioffilcesanti an elevatar vill b,- instîll..tifor the us of the patrons. Fini-nies la lhe nanti- o! a ni-vdis caver>' put n p lu nev va>'. A certain cure %or ail Kidue>', Blooti anti lladder diesme., ami everv fous aifltheumatlem. %in"ois.tiove Baekarhe mmd Kidue>' Pains permaiently. Il you need muha remteti>'lot ne, shov you lie vonderful PÎBIM OldbY ILL 1lÂiCLCY Mmd Vdmy. wMop M Tas'ot oni>' sops tii. cogiibut bletandmmsrngi. enatb l. ungea m4 prsvents sstous te. suifs froîn a cold. 'rbcrc la no danger o! Pneumonie, Coracîmption or 011er serons bung trou bit if oglmMaey lui Tu let raien, ai h it ii cure tiie moalstub. bora cougir-tie dangerous kin t al nettles on the lungsansd me>' develo uto paur-uonla,*ver nîgiti. If you hacvo a cougit or cood de sot rist pîuumania visen F'dsyo Remy &»W Ta.'vIll cure you qulckly muid strsngthen your nlung. Remîember ithe aDae - Felps moon"M W dTsas-and refus. aoy etbîltuto offcrod. Donottakscbance vitit nome untnovn preparation 1151 Costs you thsesM»ne visaYOIU ROC refos emueMW-ver, ua Doass Y«uum loUeandi tasais ad certain la nesulti. Centaine no opaluq. SurIedAles' Phydolasu Sdi Re aiomupIsm. H.l. Jones, Paster M. E. 'ChutaI, Grave, Mdl.,*writes: "About saumeo eigbî years a"o b bal a v7 eraveecob vhich pîrysictans nid wVary 'm"a pneumonie, anti vhîcIte>' Afttrda pronounceti conumpion. Tirougb a frisuti b vas lnducad tu in>'a sampte ci Folys Bomnsmd Tan, vllci gave s0 much relief tuat 1 bougit sos. of the regular sie. Two or lires bolio cureti me of vital te piyuaa e consomption, &"mmd i lavbe ld anoy trouble viii my tiroat or lump aims ubai lim." Titres es*-Me Uc, I0. TIII 50cen M antaima Aise and wS . f. ster tmu gave Co Colrad la hoPes oftrseoveriag hie he.Itb but bMa 'aleadil>' dedlined. Wbite lfrs fer hîle recovr>' vers etrtaiaed It vas nol tiiought lithat t would overtako bis 00 socon and lhe neye came as a aboek ta iafriand@a iere. lHe va. a uetber of theI. lou ardne todge and a brailier tu Supervleor J. K. Bower. Ambrone Newman vas hrougth be mmnetl>' frota oopeston, Ilit., on tihe complaint of Miss Millie Bîrumer, of Mlwaukee, vbo preferres a serions chargeagninal fini. Thte aileged crime vas said tobe committed la Milvaukee but la ordier ta avoiti taking outI iv qulilion paperes e.vamne bers and etarteti ber a uit. As this in a ratier unasual proceeding thet defense viii b. likel>' ta ho made on the grouada that the case sbouid b. brougbi up la Wls conslu. Miss Brunmer gave lier evideuce and tihe yonag matt waa bouud over ta tihe grand jury. lie refrahied f rOm taking tbe vituen staninhl@ ovu betaf f. Thurada>' aftertiotî lChristian 8Sehvawàr of Plesani Prairie vas struci b>' a train rieur Waukegan andI instantly killed vbile valking on the' track. H. vas frightfully nangled, lite heati complcetely severed frori bis body. Scbvab vho was a middtle aged man bad heen vorking rnear Russell on a farta and vas uuinarried. lHe vas identiffledb>' etters andi carde vbieb we e ound in bit, liuraw, ainong others hing a certificat. of dppoit for $1t0 andi a card slîowing titr ,h.Iad m,. eiveti treatment froui Dr. (iouricy. It le tbough that lie ditti fot hear the vhistle viieh tihe engineer naya ho btev on Beeinli ii, on the' t rnck ahcai ftiie tair,. Chane Lare-n & vi to Martitt Jenson loi 24 Clark & Latimt'rttout)bLake For,.t wd..............................~ 8 C 0 Trustieti & rf ta J.1t Pearre lotsf 36 3'7 -13:9 10 bik 4 L.ake Bluff vd ...... Mary Reardon ta hobtlarrov lat 1(; blk 1 Kirk antd Powell@ ndWaukogan ams part lot 4 bit 4 MeKam adil Wenkegan ,îc.... ... F THermann .& W! to A j Wectler lotl) Bonsettq mtult oi Fagle Point vil........ but> 40 14) 00 wd ........................... W,00 Margaret Bfoasti et al ta F T Hermau roi 9 Bongeti > @ab 01fespoint vd.500 Rlotio Thomas & wf ta May C Martin lot 9 Wancoadis, Lako Park vd ..............1500 00 Chicego Tille & Trut Co ta Flora HB iiore lot 41 hlk 13 eub of Iota 9 ana Io1 ChIk-eo gilande deed ..... 120 Rlilmd Park S3afety Depoésit Co ta erset and operate satty deposît vanits Incorporation William Stroag & vf lu, C M '& Si. R. Ry c'O 1.09 acrmes ilst nw 5X se 'm e U4Newport Twpvwd............... ....... 24K) () L F Swift & wi tes Aune b)ay Ropgepart ne % @w% e32 Buieide Twp vd .............. 1050 0 0 Peut Macfunifia ta Matiltia Proetagtt 44 fi lot 10 blk 1 Powele add Waukfgan dmel 10no Peter Ott & wf ta A j Weekler Iotésl18 20 a lDons- lette usb of Fagle Point wl. 2160 0 (X lhbomas Vurley & wf tes M F Curley 2acrssa lun e %4 m % me 15 Deerield Twp vd,..... 500<00 F J Dietieyer & wiltu, Jncob (Ioldehnîdt undivideti Y. of 114- ft e front on <lunes St 116 ft #4 of Wter St Watt kegan wd .................... 2--,60 Andrew Petermon & wfl tCW & N S Ry Co »trip tht, part uw % me 34 Benton Type ofC & N W Ry wti............ 13*1 20 Sierîl Lte.Co ta J C William .U lots in Wiîîtlroî fHarbor tiee....................-....... îru,2-' J C3 Wiîliallig & wf to A C, Fromt 72 lots in Wintiop) Harbor le ......... ....... .... 1 00. Julins Frankl tau lo, Frankel ltts5anti 17 andî (ex e 150 ft n 50 ft) lot 13 bit 6 (iraytlake qv................. 0 Mary Holuliaur, & titis to Minuit' E Litchfeld sw % ms w %4 me 8 Ela Twpwd ...-.......1 ix A ver>' pleam surprise vas given on Mm Wilkinsonaet ber boue ait Round Lake Saturdayevening. Abiout 52 vers preset. Amions the ggula terou oui of tovn vers 1L E. Mderriti, of Etgli, iMr. C. Wilkinson andi Miss Lýoot, o walikegfat PA LATIN E. Mis blseCouvert,.ila home UM dunder lhe doelor'a cars. Born, Fpb. 19, tii !Mr. anti Mru. Fred $clîmoeder, a daugiter. IBor, ta Mr. and Mr«. liermin Koilek, a dankîtter, Muada>' Feb. 19>. T1. Dlean we are more titan gladt» t bear, t, reeovprit>g frmitl itt sever ilin-sem. Mrs. Rhiiat(idbail for lier-gusst ber sister, lire. F. E. Newtx)n, ofIti iepline, Saturia' l)itt, Fritit.'Fi). 2j, Mm ainghof andi infant tianghter. Fiîneral vasfbeld Manda>' Feb. 27. Mr. andi Mm H. S. Heise are enterlala iu.ç bis father andI matber elprssent, f rou Maultoba.ý1 Mi"e HulttatI)ietranu, ai Cryo#tal Laie, is viaitiug relatives mmd friends lu mmd amound l alatiue et pries. Zeopll eve vneit lrey 1usd abot 1 ot'ea Sarsparilla. Tii.>'knov It la au boneai meielie, andti ltiIf cures. Gel liooti's mud oui>' Hoo&' Ileve coaslpation amsjudlgeo". 36 Heur>' Krmz & wi lt T Il C'trran 50 mcm.. ii p-'4e..3'i I>erfielti Tyw d............. 4 6;o00 o Caroline Sîientiert A 0' Froet 100> fIb>' 321.42 ftinl ne part ne % sec 32 Wau. tfamTwp wd ............ F J & E RY'Ca toc & N W R>' Ca lot 6 bit 28 Original Wautegan qv,.............. J Ogdenr Armour & vI ta Arthutr Meeker part 5v (% s. X< mec31 lilieltis Twp anti part n n 4e '% ast'4;i fker- field Twp tieti.......... ..-. Ettate of A 0> Butller (decti) ta W B walrthlulsl1to 13,21) ta 39 bbk 5 Ilartletts mute bate Foret Iwti............. W Hl Murphy & yf ta Loin F Mtheveon lot 6 lit 14 lot M bitl15lot 12 bit 17 lots 1 anti 2 bit 24 antilot 41 bit 29> Wahbhurn l'ark <1<....... WHI M urphy & vi ta LmaeP Mattieveson lot 9 bIk 15 bot 1 bit 17 Wasbburn lart qc .......... ............ 1 001 1<>0<> 50 00 or Sirss ,,NsrshS,19MS w s'- £mý w- Mr. Dellioui Baglo s as had an sltack appendicites tl.t e. i Mr. Wald Mmd "07l>, ni GrYae sputa le e danlaLeeVille lest week. A .1.1gb Joad of Our Young p-es altsaded the masi hlloit tAntioch Thursdny aight. ROMUN AM C. lirainerd vas a Oraylais calter c saturday. 12 1Fluyjd Harvey removed Iea onnasold2 gouda t A. M. Whie'@ titis vosi.' à E. J. Pratt and vil Suit11for Californie 8 Tuesday vhere the>' viii maie M ubeir home, Mir. andi Mss.John Hart andltmdi Mss. Heur>' Bart speni Satura> ai lu 1 maI Tusi> Vening. Ail reort9d a goo timne.i A. Fox ln removing lu mmd lmpreving bis property vhîcb uts receati>' purehimd 3 of E. J. Pratt. os Oemsof Whist, atorg.~. PotulCsa . .... .. Orbita ssd0f Ahuluie npoua pk Blaukva eirn, pou" pkg .... if magie, lper, st b . .. 1Tasi Foa, p kp.. ............ .. je Arme & Ramais, r »nd f104, lb pkg.-f "lPolio (seoolu omip> pere" ..-e Lewis' ys pst em ..............,...* GOl Dui*àabgPowder,laruspkgj7c 10 Bars Luios Boap...... .......» 10 rmLudyop....g 10 wfWofOP.MJISP GrandpasWms TrSa, barA.c Kigo1Sn QGhuweilbpjkgj. KfnsfrdsOwso ComtaSarb.bpkgs IliiLunS lnboi, per lb .... 4 mal W" j=s........... Oalvamd Tub ,êb.g 8 M nd Pallsbed Wood <lt e lu, psr do&..kc Oood 443evred Droom ......... .a Riuln&Su slov. Poua,1pt oc parlormatehes, 12 bCIs,"st -,tzc.1 Lamp Chimusys. Mo 2il.., eob. anoon 1cas <in) .................f ~ood Rammer .................4 E E. ELLSWORTHI Libertyville. Illinols ralk is Cheap Lst us inâtalla teisphom. ai an ex penas tuyau aul oi of propor. ti<,n 60 wneI»t andeoasniet. __________ liniame ratsa, 6%e par day and up Adju4la*tluNette. Resideu rates le per day ad Up Pubd-i»-enti labr.1i,. tIathl. william Otrt Eake iiatn u *..un t! a t&,. ateni Contract "'rt-en Wakegaa. tu 0nid nOMM?, 0n11 C" krio. a mrJel da of Aml ax.ts iaas aa am DOUmaMd M «V Lovel is Drug Store waulesan ebruar 1i.. ie& M-8 Llbertyville, II. KING, 0F THE SN0W PATO And Winner of the Dimnîd Modal, fnr Trotters ........ SOLO.4N GRATTAN := :-Trottlng RaS Xiecord 21J.. soin of Orattan 2.13, dam ziieatie (dam nisOofa Chris Oratim 22ln ) b>' ZWlaadi Golddust; 4400; sscond danm Ihluree, 1<>' (i.. Kvnx 1401. Haît heaten ail cornr, includlns the, fatest 9,asr« in ii Chicagutiti* winter. liuperb lndlvidual, hlgb action frontt uand aI ti, ' .,!f * t» b., gait.ed tk)ttfrsin the world, andi airendy 'thé airo ofa a n.f lot ot! teqlîs rHI-fIPSON STOCK FÀ JoHN qR. ThompSON, pPpleter L.ibertyville - se nq, me. a>'d aci vilos a o nreSmm gi ted. Nature pe sOece mme a bal - - - - - I Addres J. W. MURÈAY. Suparîntendent. 'he- Charm of Individuai Marks every p~ortrait produced at THE OODFREV STUDIO- M'odern.jnethodo, mtylep, new. tint and best apparatusanad accenoriep km, 98c des, pur eu ftmrn ......... M ................. Spiaoeb.......... lame PM& .... ei POIa........ . ..i............. stries........ irim ........ Wrb ............... xmiso....... ... O%-îo..00= 1 a 0 rD.

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