CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 3 Mar 1905, p. 7

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Mttna meS. e4 Jnbox'n,, umjn., VaieSrdsts o f Janun r>' 10 1807, -Dr. r~laaeMeth ie folowistg lettes: his au iPou a aitirfrounai rie±e diseusies for te paI tU'uutyve leurs liMet cs sit ai afleti tb$ mkili af soue tf te uatîlot .ea ph>-- k éroule eoadipatlou oft atrerul yearxs MstadIng. St Cas at4, pasuits- thtetigis thât me«si rtli tes-cul in the Ite oa utn. mbrnot". egW' *~~~~~o Woaeiagutlite. ,le âmue. 1moZ1. 1 srote ta Ywi t sueu - wr--cue. Yen natl- L îsetutale if Per taandb înalinî. ali- t, at iar opmaienes. Anti lave ta sa> il citan- - ileus-ilhber. "Abolît4tho altime i s5î- a.yatl aisiat i-owit casa o tuclarnli. i-hiwk j bod beau o lCealj--ul.'e yces iî* taiiiiiiig. AtMurs 1 wa ainosu raw-iu- la a&istler daleu Jent>' i.1M0, 31. 0.1 gove fflueteupak a gooýd ww s' Aw P*ra& a m arn uNored of oeiar&'."..-Joha 0. Atkinson, Inde. pawec' Ce., Box M7. mn. &ss laIhwiaudt. flunlia, ia. wrltes: 41I bave boues trfied wlih n------- CoiId net si## daY or night. A fter haa'Jat asad Pei*a -f I eau erp ansd ,motlaghocerame ow. If Ieveroar affeced Iib uj bld of acksess, Pommuswlli b. the medicino 1 shahi ose. My am. vas durad of <carrh of ,91a 9aYOX hy Perun& - Mms.Alla Wlren a iae cr".uesrtsrrhsl dis- Mam ecoma aisem. Lystetair ýti-rl-i i»u iîalisl ur~rj ssýl lm îîîil(-'4t1 Atlreu Dr. 8. Ji. Iiatinîuîu. lc'it-u tf 'ie Hrtuta Sàailuiriqiin. (-ttaiis Olît. ,-bt> wil be pbi'ssei tii gui- îî,a the, ictelil et bhu*aedical i tcegratis. Comylon Folows fa When buyng loue coffre or anytbing yen> gs-eoes- Iappens te have in bis bin, how do YOU knoW what y ou are gettlng ? Sume qiteer tonies about roffée that is sold inbuîik, couid bu tolil, if the peope cho hanie it (groeou), c=erito1 "peltont. Coulil any anount of mure tnik bave persuàded rillions of housekeept-'rs te . Ilon Coffee, the leader ol ail package cofteeg for éver a quarter of a centuîry, if they bail ual found it superios- toalal othes- brands in Purlty, Streugtb, FIvooe and Unformty?7 pu~ mm.~ eemeetl ION CoFW -~~~s tuém uip 0be""aS ev51. ?bee ==P8 0 eetlctedmfflu NS 0V te mat y" ubut a friS te barc a cob~ae 70-4m -d temale Vau a PERMANENT PVkCHBR.I LIOISN CFFER I -'id ual y Ilai1h. assedmatae, SOLD DY GROCER WOOLSON SPICE CO., Toietin, Ohio.- - 'r *L..,s -D O UGbr..itla..unSLi.AS ' l MAX & .,Clh ., e dSHl*-rvamE. ai. beuru1-e f7.lrhli sxrra rie oiix MA~r-. ti- ti'r rlele .Fh ateti.a.,lit~ui-u5haq-s3sis5,la1ta 11., anSMS ceIux MItsugAr tan ir r. WIJOUUI.A8410MSUCANNOT BE E9QfALED AT AIYPIUC! L Donglu le.l i,-- r .-atLes. - W..OJLS, Ro KYON5 MASSACH'USETTS mTOMt .aatetcsatymmna.EeuerM-1%itPr cuiqoi S cth Dur ptati'ui25foot AnrIsCrue. iaa e teur uf-ot Plal tope. 4. Inch t u ,iamtelr; taiîoo ua futols tinck,.5u-oct Hiit hrap. uenbedLiabidlueteet aluottAnuchor Loup. tt sc ha CIuat.iîntit sud Sceets. wcI a ho le .imu hre teuamchilne la to terk. W. ia lIts machine tovaai s-ur sssu(s-iraiaision. Frolght ,id. .ýttiouuîeu lag e r ca$if00. #u'eamà" d amute. s-yS-u umi sautas la carrantSagaiuui bakagaandtinl DU OumS a positive guaraisa toilvo atue' on o meas-retumued. Tn»: Senui Si7. cith yevor os-dut ta asan- i fraisit hastes, sud we wcul mkeii hpmet. Va SleibiaR.eCOi ,MIIRGRUBBER C. LA CRO-SSE. WIS. U.S.A. =&ciSai auk tmLlas l r A Car lfTfALS5J t C cu eClii., Cosllts. IsouThtut, C-p, inu. situa. NWilit,ilig L',îgit, Srltlii ait! Asitts. A ctainueCuisfor Uustimptii'iui l radltsaire, ni ssemroin ii ,l f ei 1g ise". e-. Voit viii me. the excellentîtrt ufie tittkitcl hs giai die. e-titi ly alet e av elre. L~e boittbma5 sttamiii0ecenis. VERY F'EW. IF AIil'. CîGARS SOLD AT 5 CENTS., COST AS MUCH TO MANUFIACT- URE OR COST THE DEALgR AS MUGH AS W Ir t xLÈt TRES TO SKILL YOU SOME OTHER ;»K vUoSla F UVTI Conâpakratveiy ev fimported 111ulU.i dine. are it lu titis coqaîr>'ue-, atigygg, yet flot ait(- consumer la a thon- uandi kaua tise differeuce belweeu lise uitatioti alitaitie gentîluie.soatîcar- 1>' d-i tise lis solti for a usardine' re- semable tlentlsardine luuppciîralce andi taste. N.\iite-tentiss of tise "sur- di-ites" c'oule fronti Mainéi. lit Eaalport alone there are over lieu iozeu places iwhere the noî-k éartinîe la prepareti anti bosed. i. le New Yock lina gis-es au atv-ount uf tise iI)lutr>-. Thme business %vas beguit lonîg ugo b>' a couile of sirpnit ntar-aetîng New Yerilera, wiso bi-gan ho pak siai -lier- ling lu lilttie yootien lacs aanti place tisent ou tise market unute lisejnie of Iussian lierrlîîg" 'Tise venture ivas lit to uc-resnui, but tise îuî'n gel tise Ideiî tiere ivua moare noite>' stit lit modellgthe ihIerrîtis-atter lue F'renchltsardine. A almilar exprrlîtîcat haîl ben trirti miel long betore, liîutl hatlItîrneti ont la le a tailutre. Il ha t e easy ta puck thie 'Maie herrlng ln oLI-c off anti ta creiue Il lit boxes wImli imitateti tise lrençch production, but the tat ut fli e'rlg ilemained uumisînkable, sui itget'schieiiilel. 'The Newti'York- cru, lîewever, agiter a fetw trials. bit oit agmliture et' lilitof lq>ces anti ails for a parking sauce, wlslci matie a "sasrILie" et a berrnaand canard ta sprin4 up a gigantîititîsîdr>'. "Sur- dtiîes' ire maltle notl ay front coin- moua bsrrlitg. bat trous eunug ses Iront. 'lite îay thseIliais are haeutiu t t h ie ntîîr Il% a igzit wortis golîîg ta Mairie ta ai-a. 1Wheîî ilie->have bëeu pileti ti Ileuaitao i lonîg tAIlih'. tlîe reunins- bce 'l's, lite raîîîltlty (if the workla l A -.-lirtîl - cr-olti girl tan bc- lit-il utntd t-iait aeveiîly-iive herrlîg.s évr î'- niîîutî' for tell i ntes isithoul ua iiîiil tr il WIt. Na-te York l lite srelit whlvoatale veintero for tht-se Yankee'>tiîs' i:uOMaille fatioar, iiuuî-niid thtir,' tira'titer.,tdeiinggailarge atrieln îiadt' andI sild i s'îiaiiy lstuslao mîilion lboxes of 'sAardine-s" flta >'itir. COULDNT LIFT TEN 'POUN 08. Doea'@Kideu>Puilrougat lStreusgul end Heallhi ta the Suiferer, MakI.« Hlm Feet Twetylive Yeu Toumuer. J. 1B. Corton. ftiruer anti mm- tierînati, ut Dcii lie, N. C.. gay-i: guf!eretl for bud valknuy ioOlt lance ier cira tiare raigeal tell J. B. tiiiO'. pootîis et weisht fronîte gs-nnld, ftise paitnha90 s- erre. 'This w-amynd'iîtltioin-liben 1 lîCitsiulg Doaus Kidîî">' l'uts. fthey qulekly relieveti me. andti'.w 1 ai tîeer troubieti as t was.. My bac), Ih atrîits- uaii cîln vaik or ridle aIL oua tiishitiie anti fecl just as strong us 1 diii twentt>' li e eru a11.90l-1at1duk rnh et Daona idne> Plla tIt1 issve givon a silîipi'ofuthtie reîuety te Mouse et my îîeigliors, andt ie>' bave ails') toutîi s-04KI regnlît- If YOrî rata sitI afiytlîng (fromt itis ranlllillîî7note ltat nililie of ait>'servicerto yenr. or lu arîy 01e sois-trias- front kitiete>Irou- isteVot iite lt libeîrty lntdotit e." AVT'IAL l'IE-'tube losIer- Nilitiurî Ci.. fluffalo. N. Y. l'or sale b>' al dealers. Prie W cta. 'a'wasEvea-'liglu If you catrit a tltîttitiitai et. Viantiiinla tti tLiiiâtîil yi-.î y wotid iilhi-juit the l-i-t- irtigre 1 Biut yoltr iîîî-aîîîît'. if jriuiiiî'es. 01r1Yi>tu tltllilii-s ita letraiiilies. For the iiiuîa'îirttîiucre,'es andîtd uu tit0-.cuidal.îa-t't tIr-t. aI enare ti iahmlmîtr,u Cts-s-h abati Sanlutani cm-imm.. as iui ri i l ii i ,,lrt te ct' t ain-l O ia- 'tia'i i aai..'-lit' tari-a 'tl li -r itt i' l iil-t i-r k ta-t-'t aaelt i jsi.~talt aaaaa- rahi itt, 1m ta l iar la., lli1ni.train . ul -eitianil1lii - ltofV lii 1li hi.utt tii litll'il i ih t-" IatirttI. t', l, ti iigi-Itti aet-tiîil-i 1 it -i .1. Ct'ýltii lta. l,-ti itttie lis tt.1i l i u'tlstu - . l'or I.tueî. tislm iiltil'il[itl"atmh l I.e Hîs BUs>' Sesson. The Jutilge-Iiliat aus yaiur idri tfu- tii itiatte Iiîiise duirtg tedly? ThVii' lutaI aaîîtler îîîgaî ga" menttfor c ic eveltiris, yoar hutr. About Stuap-PaIes. For learIng l ati oftattirails. grîiîtas and limas ite Twîeîtirtliî ('i'îulry sttip 1'tr Iuler. îinaiutaielnred tyi iti' W.Siînitli G ruiîler ('omupany, et Ln Ci-tstat, AIS., bas lit, etiltI. i lan' ttll'i irrrai tledt tdotthie %vork bltîtter liiiil aîiy t lae 'mchinite o1 it e îrttt'- ket. luIt îî-îmîiî lîrd utIgiiiiitl ltî'îaîtagi'. ihostitea iiiailug tiis stuii titiprllt'r tuuly iiitîi'îtl. "Th' adi-criiieutl ii a uothîtr t-tiîitiîa îîoft his Iaîler uiieas 'aerestlîîuz reming. Hemeneekera' Excurau,ns. The Ni je-tatri l'acifie Itjiiand ut -tai Mtautttain iuî itîtt' sili st-Il iauomi etri -lt eta 'ntutiti'ir-t aîîtil iral'lTit,ilttaaf aIli itîli uth trate aof ue inietî'plust$2.01t)' Kattitîs.Nî'l'ix-i .t, xa- is lii I ilivr st.tti'. Tickets ttia t titi .'d tar sth il-afll'ts. 'T-e Iissatiiri I atifit i ut>- ant i IoniNl,iiittitiii Iiiite ri'ehiÎlei plrantt paointîs in te Ve-t anid Slithli- Wtit. nithtittchanlge,.For'tîr tthilr'iii- foraînstionu tidress Eliis Itirt-%tutrtli. ID. l. A.. 111 hdams t,-f-t.Chientgo, 111. )~-wr la Quitoe tdsd.. : a' f soemdàsy meaaing, *Véry" te, a gresat Db u. l wliters, 'thougisruch expressions as I u m Of g 1"quite young" and "qut. liot' have à I3h'ftBi~D0I colloqulal ring about tilent There la. bowever, uprlaging ailla0f Inte théealov- euiy practIce of employlug tise atveris "qulte" witlî a noun-e.g., qîutea Bradutreet s ieekly T5» pantie ensueti." If an adverb rail maxi- NvY . lew« triide silys: a f a nouai, ilere fi; the itnto few faite and seaboard porta, whilh matter ot faret, the futctona of tire show eitect or, past bati wîatier, dis-a adverb Recun to tie eucroachlîîg on trîbutlve trad et aintait eading muar- those orthtie adjectve-Londion lie- kets assumen a more favura1lh.a8peitt. ,îew. Thiis la due to the smreati uofn miir ireather condiltionis andi the lnîrîase lu A CLEAR COMPLEXION. the nînier of Counftry bavirs. E4pe- cmali> active lin,, are dry gotîtta, no- AStipla Home Treatuaeat for Black- liens, bootg__anti *hos. ruler gouda, kenda ]Red, REough and UOlIr Skinanda. ba, hardware andi grot-erlî-s. Job- PlatIuring Humera. bers, stocke are generaiy reporteil ligis: If you are afflîcteti with pimrplea, taebackiseads, red, rougis, or 014>' akin. anti the feeling grava tiait 1lgtln eo r dlullguriug humoral you willi fIni Wili be iseavy as scon as ,-asoIlable tlsls simple borne treatment most weatbe deflutel>' ets ta greeable, apeedil>' effective andi er--*' js gI. Itelatively thse best repotrts as ( nomicai. Geitti>' umear tihe face ivilith1J(Y5f~El 115 traie Cone ftom thse tîîtîiicîlYs the great enhoilent akin cure, Culi- anti the South. Tbe geiierai t-îîidetiey cura Olatmeist, but do flot or reports asuto the wiîîtîr wivat crrp off thse ointnient ln five mindtes willî Atthe New York ftate Aaembly of Min Matte e.ry'y. la tisatishe henry suow t-t.'eriîîg ha Cuticura, Soap and bot waler, andtillothera. aaprendient NewarYorie-doctor Dtanylle Art G~ê lielpedthelie rop. Hetivy railis on tire batise freely. Repeat tuis iornliig toldithefflwomen presentihathealthy vîIle, Va., writesi PacfieCoat hvemad fo god copand eveuing, ad iyou wlIl won bctre-American vomen wvie.norare be Desvr uPl4,ait- Pacflccont bve ati Vie cud ropwarded wltis a skia soit, white an l d smot extinet. nWlias*uuu _prospects, especlaîlly lit tXîbfiiraia. clear. ('utieura Sosp, tis eist touiet Thissefeas to tie a sweeping state- g;in' Auront; the industries ir-ti andti teel and complexion uonp ln tise world as- ment of thecondition <et Americil inus oia~l Vgtable en stli abow relativel>' t,.i- itt'atrttivi' ultet by Cutîcura Olntment. wiii pre- vornen. Net hotw many db ouonknow . t iamuoge deînand andthie lurgesi titri«rier. l'lx serve, pnrify anti beaullfy the vantu who are perfectly well andi do not have .ufferlu, wnmtntoIo. frrit lias solti better it 111uîmarkets. piexfon and keep ties kin lin a thy omne trouble arising rom a derange- bmauvttll rails aiso bave beeu bliîglit lma- f ree- condition, preventlng biackbeatiu. ail- ment o< tise femnale ors-aniain whiéh We oe T maifens t ilf ln headathea, bac"t- Irregalar, aupprèmedu s 1, enti locomotives. vais' ai di trarl< pies, eruptioris or tise retttru ot ecet- aches, nervousueas. thaI bear4ng-down satiîon, veekues,4 supplies have taken mort- largi'iy. Tire ma andi otîter akltt troublte. tUtt feeling. painful or Irregular menstrua- paeeto ia'tS niîrke semslu ie nî-îiîg ur elu a s aampoo It leansea tire scalp uf tion, leucorriesa.displacement of tC hepaet r l. da1is markt %ermito b turlin mor lncruasanaîd arca, removing diilrtîtT literas, ovartan trouble,ingetoorha aig-w-fl sellera' tueur, anti set-util ;liiit tiyti andi promoting ite grewtb of hI lelsuaTeeIîie tion oo f tise ovules. ëi quarera'requremets a.' b'iîî an-unir l'r cther btiîijanis. telîaîlaue <r ai ila a atrandi (or fiatulency). geMerml quarers'reqiremntsLirebein ai- fiir.For ed, oitel A, # e medy frnlthiese ailtmuta. gestion. andi nervom pi til-pated. patins anti pitif îtger euti@, Cuti- Lydis. E. lthamus' Vesetabtts Coma- teset witi s scbay'mpffl .ilder wentber liasit lîido-ul sblp- cura Sont) andti 4litloeitt acilei-pmur- potinaibas restoreti more American falutnuelaatiltde w mentsal nt i tumîntls tii-es have vetous resulttioflen irlua single nuliti. vomen (o healtis than al other remue- tabiiity anervoucuus sut tetieti un. better mtie r. It rasa tes. mral~ty a 0l ak the.A naedacoule aoit pll u-trgthens and cur-e& disenses. of lhe Duas Iet iti pbilhdd~ beA arred oupe hout pll &*female orgaralsm as nothing els e au. lesanesu. beu osuI4l$ Du' Ieiepulsbd getiier like s tentiof haro. eFor thirty yearu il bas laeen .ur9s-la oue tce" tome 0 Chicgt >'i. G. tlan & C'o., tise He-They plrubabir voti if like a the vosatforma of tene coin- B. nkaè t*M ercaniiilt agene>, gays, team f o îrses lise> bad batonue tnuae plaints, once remnoves suehrauff '1rale dors not Yet -11îiît aifulair, betwceu t1001. Sucb testimen>' as tha e 11ilwtg iediluina lit he wo*IMb cover>'trm(is.raeut'uitfr-onttiahald be-cojivincing. coeaîfe edra1 isy unlurnusuali>' severe %w inter, but tise S-isIGbiil' )yppi. a. T. . ilaen.csMnin me leine lbas sûr! a ses Imroe wahe onitms jIiwe 'fhe comenion forin eorilysiuep,;la. Orla., site:female troail.s 1< improvtl weaiser oiîtiuiîîia lliioweck ièlh stops thse grq)vlh, -. es. sPùrhbfli'tiier attilcin., for pie have matie operatiorts it-ir la boum In.dIgestionhtyub"medyue tratîaportatîo'n anti proill-tittn. reguit- cels. wealkeîs tise sYsteleliendi tcanne pra migraitutde tu youin Aietblr, soa er*i iîig~~ of i mr <5 n sua. subool ciltiren, la otten grarda. For ît- yeai sseut lmt or moaayant il thé chafflo In l arger dealluga instti[ie mr due tt> Improper or ton quieki> Catona i doctorriffl i eut ani bonit fr onredependemtuponpv0 cisartilse anti leu@ ceîîtiffîlît Of slow ers argulas-Ities and 1bed g1tvua mpail hodil>' 'gara. To.u deliveriem. l~~~uches. ,Whilc ureiug te a coretionati o srbeaUWeih&aibt uune» fýora 1 of tise cause. Itlunalso Important ~tev) ad t o ts-yLydia 19. rikbaa.sVage- t WIit Raliroati carutugas tiai tis-ctose CkCh. Copenaed t bt - t~surksa a'ts lgitsti rinkage, yet titi-lt la salis- care tise tuorieretl Conditions of ttîi- awromaliepertcl aW. adt la "eur> tbrtrawr- anis sud liOwels. 'I'ls Cati lie doncel>y for >'sas1I ouhl!baye hertla m pve meditelue ba"vetstoral ut' yclulrso it 'e oro omedlee o uafely anal suret>'6*as1to-day." health. Attiresi, eu spoutinig perioti a year igo. trelght of by tDr. Caidwei's laxattive), Syrup Lus E. pbb's Vete!uisOmw * e" W ferluga beiîîg*on thiseatse lit botis esi.TyI.SodIyatduz manufa<tnriug. anti ftrîîî products. glats ut W0c anti$1.00. Money bick le Deaihigs at icadug rei-taoinptsitn-lit- tle dcate tîtat cotisiîmPtiot,îs Cailai te tla normial volume, and itti-ks untiergo- Bath. are tbeap lu Japan. lu Tokio ~ ~ ~ ' Ing st'îiaonale tiepietitîî, rn- orties lie- a bathtti osts about une cent. Tiiere are ro m lut; freijuentl>' plua- ed tttrtrdiary »îe-I igltist indreti publiceistuiîg bousesa in cesalîles anti weariug îiaiprei. -thse City._________ Trutie la tisejoisbing division shows Ak Yaate,, frAîsn.Foot En"~, more activity', iisere bin-;i mot'e viait- A parader. fi restse.thete fet. Cuares Chli- lng lny cru lu the markert anti e treer ,,.nul. Actngruallittt5,Sta end. selertioli et aprlug gîîods. Country' >'siis. Aitîa 'nFtittt Estnes e.ts ,v aor h 0 mertlanta <front mnuy-itilerent points ligt Stfitlt-ii ty. At uit1trueeit.ts aud liuc tres. L5 rlt.Arcet n u uuitut . Ira- repourt n favorablie outiouk for tise Cola- pIe muslei I"iIE. Atldreme Alleu 8.Ulia- sa. lng setîson, uîikdlu thaliuylag show sed, ilsBoy. X .Y, ulies.ituucy la actiuirlag regulAr gcwihdncsi l l Ues.*Ativauceti iooaogu umale a gond A r nos ne iiistiauresn l4na.oal aggregaîe ln general dry gonds, ml-uiioiyuexibilî aLoîsn lîner>' anti riuthiuig. Buîiltiing impruve- A (UAFURLI5UIkjtatPILES.% meula for tire romuilte spasoauive neais ii.Bidlteiuor l'ro-sdiit h,Ifl cuintlatet auj isejodiorkitig lins- M ieNTt leitutocure ru in e tu il day~as a) tries filtstendy 'eîtlalutnt. -£iîuseit Letdlng tootstufi' have showu oi>01e11Yti ucea. m «I «au.~îaFU moderate activlty, alle mainlyIo'lure 5151ut atwie n Afigtie tlurdj K[.5,ttmmlli,5aa a.uei lAfi-k-a liata-aisM 1Ks.5I .d us.8 etrictei expert tratte. Live stock and ti us nastet in(aînkey..doutîcher kttîts RE5IL'Fr- Kusfe 15 e O provlis i - vrt liraîtore llbeual [il>, reuirkeil yoîîîîg stîffleigis. "Iet't!îy O. & . CONELsoieKATfl but tic movvi'îeht or grain tell short lu-catîtul. dotuc-her titiug, -Maissa (usi- 0-P4os-0P of expectutltin. itî totlreceipis lie- 1alaler'- El MS fJr SALE ., PAVMIIts ý1 lug ouI> 2: it usiscis, agalît l-Y"es: lbut nu>' siiotîll 3'saîîre?"-r-.MIKLLalu iy 4,104,432 buasia-Ieaiyear ugo, andi tise na-i is 'tîitiue Ta arecntt 1~mmaamLttui~ilsa ablpmuls ::~i.î70 buiscis agaisî linkîtif olt ii i)Afrien. are iî? a it ioe7 ,î -s-iiîtnt,. 1,91l8,3ZI buliîîit-,.('ui matie a sllgbt gala n la -e tir the cuslng a week ago, andi sîtei litlit stcatiy, butt oter farta prstoclts ami îproviionss icclîteti; wîteat. pork itt iti e iiag weakest. Bauk larinig,. si.t,1,are 8.8 per cenît over r s tcurreapotiîg week lasI >etr. 'l'it" general tiemnanî for molle.. watt41 littie ietter, but tire 1 diacounît rat.e renitinîet ut 4 to, 5 per fmt MdC kl . cent for choit-e tomminercial paper. l'allures reported ir Chicago. itis- & o a e triet ntinnî(tîr-l :11. agailual 30 last week The Mad o H v andi 22 a yenr ugo. Chie.igo&-Cittla>. cîtumen te PrIti', $400 ta $5.75: iaýgi. sippviugestes._ $4.()o tu $5.101; saite aî-.tir lu rltuilev. $3-Mî te $6.00; wheat. No. 2, $1.18 tii $1.21): coru, No. 2, 4>u4e : o oa, sîttîd 30c te 31e: ryc, Na,. 2. 75e ta 77e;lia>'. Iimotiiy, $8.740 ta $13.50; proirir, .ilita t $1050; butter. ciecreanier>'. 30e ta 2c; ne.,fr-sh, 25e le 27e; pitasc, 28c te 37 e. Detroit--Cattlc. $350 te $4-065;ho10, 14»0 ti*7:t lareti. $2.110 ta$o t wlîeat, Ni. 2. $1.20 tai $1.21; coca. Ni,. l yettaw. 46e tai 4Se-; 0115, NO. " Whuite-. 32e ta 3-lt':ry'. Naý. 2, Me e. o86ce. hIilWautîia----Wfient. No. 2 n'ilerea. $1.11 te $11.5;:i-cii .Nt. 3. 43C tai 4;-x- ,oats, No. 2 s luit. .:ule teu8Me; r>'v Nia. b. 82e ru 84e; aara-.Noî 2, Sic ta 52o;: perla, mess,.$12410. Toîto-iiralNo. 2 mixet, $1 i $118: corn. Na. 2 utixeil. 44ecta 4art .eat.4, No. 2 miil'ati-lle ta 82e; rye. No. 2. bie te 83c; civa-e soeI, pine, $757. Bliffatl>---Utttlî'. ehiaie sîtippins-ater., $4.00 te $5,-0;ita. fuir ta cituive, $4.011 te $527); suevt. ti t ta lîtice, e$300 )tai $C.00); lanîis, fitaru ice $450 la e.50. New Tais-al-ttl'e $3-50 toe -$590; hog., $4.(K) tii $.40; abeep. $300 ta $5.50; ulucar. Na. 2 rcd, $1.191 t$3 cern. No. 2, 52e ta tt454 oats, nalurai. whiite, 37e ta 3:k:bttler, creuîuîocy, 27e te 30e: ns-ss, sester!i, 27c te 31c1. IuliaîapoliattattIit. aiippiug, $300 16 $6.00; busa, Chioce ligisî, *4.00te $500:, sisccp, neutsîtîlta vieitu.$2.54 le $500: eheat. No. 2, $1.18 te $1.20;, corn, Np. 2 whilte, 44e lu 46c; oa, No. 2 white. àIc le 32c. St. Louia-Catlt, $&L50 t l 60: hogg, 04.00tlu $500: siieep, *400 la $0,00; viseal, No. 2, $1.12 le $1,13; cocu, No. 9 tue te 45e; enta, No. 2, 80e, te 31c; .rra xq.. z 70e te 72. ý. tCcinaut-Catlie. f$loO te *I&W; $4* t0 te ." ; ulteep,$ZOO00te PiomtesDi~~nCierl uiesS afflfrstCotaItnla e opliub.MoI'plUte nor)fieaL. NOT NARC OTIC. Apeýýc ReedyforConsipei- nton, Sour Siomadi,Diarrlioca MrrnsConvulsionsFeverish- ntss and Loss 0F SLERP. lac sit siSgnaure of 4e4fr- IF For Over Thirty' Years Wsitltlite C tises doube laîtd* avse deutsll demi Parties c postufilt>' te Wthe vonid I buu:sler ER M e,.B IZAUIT1 2 0 A 18Y siKA tl~so vp-

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