CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 3 Mar 1905, p. 8

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ie cl~ lot 4p"d«Io a fkW ~t4a4bas retuned 04 fw lt owa. >buhblt sud Ms.W.Bch die mâaélmg th15 territari dii bave lait wsok. pogisovlàtaimdé ta héont t'a IfUe vlth a seveon cold- %. Griley, à! Prairie YVmw, up tlîlr siodo hem l Lb.e rbou m a guet at the r. 0.Uan sd tumils ut tg wMiibuholed by. Jobs im7 evaug opk' Tb, Mmk toe*WiD QS«ansi and l *mm. for amselgh ride Içesirultiéenemi Te.k él bum buMof o!about'25i tham heeatermtunmt 'ob uet Diamond Lite ~iem m ma m-d ca-a * - emploies vho Sfiputeta eli lm ~ IaDocIttis, bue moi AriàmBuregbo, 11 5he. oet" Ms ta lebo t Usaim 1~tammydanow o1 ýkIi. Bama Fhsr ulîl bow - t-Ihi. - mtuis nomlUe adr be lg do Kt o"sales in tid 9mua ho Aumesworm tue xmln.JaumsBoy-r à*f boueidone a a r load bom osâcsgo vhtcb vii b j9s oeuseof Litprty.- PeUumm, «d Rockellé, ou ýo otwi day.: 40a vmitait -f or tii Moodm &. bout Marcb 20. "M" la big newvvetur. daon tawsblp tut.Y-a Soumo tus pieu.-the. o -ea t o ame to5d1 more tise p @.tosu étflromain buLaativ syrup lea Iseuil edels orcleana. retquléb*g 5h.liver sud i'oetivus, Bmlousefa,1 mog 4 te ad MM aM Keolia Oi ald aeule î dmuOMm ai Roc hUent. oui ilea * mdHmer & und" vitu thoir UMs reuud, of1 eitti* the omo' ifbj' ook satui ~Wi tesad hl M4t rthé papt foi of Our tés "&hy Tmech Miq LaiPste." s qut. II M- u, Waltr Up. calid nufiI.i. hem.soa. déy. Ilicle BugchJr. luevery 10 at pveésn WII Bock »Ms vond for HaMié Doon Fir Cibeon Poulton hum returned fri. hi., long ylét homo. Mies(jaim Dartllug ilu uffrlug frosa an atterl of tonallil.. MMs John Weld.ér a.eisted la u ml foIr Gorti. Weiduor aul luet week. Geomrg sturm Of thei. CM. & St. Paul spet Sunday wth hie paeote. Mms. Gutilor luaspedcg tie uw.é with ber daugliter, Koodier. Mm. B 0. FaIteeh of Rlghvood vlaltéd wltii Mm. Marlou Knueir Wsedmd. OD. Backenhach shlppid a emloM * oi stock tb Chieago marikote i'day, ii4th. Jobs Baxtor bai purch&Wadthe. houm. ad lot adjoling hlu roéldeus opropérty. Mrs. Barmey Klu sand daughter Roe vléitod Mr. and lMre. (. M. Weldimr at Henry Wehonberg and Chs. Vou uamtod business hIArllngton Bolghts Proyer imeeting vilI -hé hébld at the homeofo Mr. sud Mm. Stma wset Wedus.. day evoulg. M ie Etbel Kaodior bu e tur»id ta Highland Park to sebool alter ber tvo weoksabasuc. 1 Mms Hesry Brockîn m t a f.v kdays bat weok wit behr daugbter, Mm. M. Rermcbhrger.' Mr. and Mm. F. llrockmsu calld ou > r. sad Mm. FPid Uémscb.erger ammdMr. and Mrs. M. HElnceegr und.y. Mm. A. G. Umebseramd Mie.m UsÈa Omwqrmeuiuia.ymad Satrday vlbh thé oers.' ameer, Mm. ML A. Wgnsr at Gé=luk. Buaday aerice n auy school t 10a. m., -prhb staIl..mJuilor Y. P. A. > m,BSador Y. P.A. 7a... prachng terrine.t 1:45. Startihg Moetmilty. Irm appmeiigie Mal toat&L Th iklsam wvL&S.PlUs. NILbu , me s. f l me mmdne e t P. a L«=À a nqR#t Ibertrvill FREMONT CENTER. Nkciolu a. éa vovy valuibis home lt esk Mrs. John Fmd n ai. nprovlng mtermattaek of la.rlpps Dobuer Bros. enbca.Tusaday of'"a vo.kW vvry veli attesded. Mré. John Auman in vakmleot fImm the. prvlest die..ab ripp. John Bottaigr. in quit. I8 aI hie bons witb thé luirmltle. of old uge. Mm. Geo. B. HerIsi h lmpsoulumg amiel ftoi a long Mmd .Miuo nass Mr$. George A. Bot l tmi W sls. fron a very badfi seo! thé long&. Tax colbetor Fnsk li"talà.eklsg hie rounds thés. ovely Febnuay day.. Mm:- Adam' Bobh a.ouentir .. covemed fro. a vëry troubi.some aM1 neck. Ur. and Mm. George Oroahé ai, hotb recoverng fror nesver. atiackof la grppe: Geoorge llBer nd ud aml cf, Llhevy. vile vers vlsting relativeà hmrsla" Baturday. -Mr. and Mm. Geo. Dioboli a" dangb- tan, Josophin. bave ail r.covered trou Ltie gripi. The snov le diappearig rapidly inu der tueeinflenceof abaiormaly béted éolar raye. Tb.odom Scbritt lel on th. e lait Suuday and @suefand a savon voond lu haexetIe Mlefmbnd 'cpet John lMrlelu e iin nconfluéte hie g. bed b, a s.veme attack of @ton"e thé pst mtoue. ckford. >M-e.. Grorge Suer o! Cicago rètume 0, o me- to hér homeba ve utsr .peauUawfg gm Satur. overai veeks vlth ber dàaiste, Mm. <ISo. R. Hertel. e4-r, of - Michael Obenauf frSoty of 0111, ýr Paret moved ou tise Dobisot Bic' fa. b vesk.W. vleb him aboudat mSucu llcemry, t. Ids nev location. 5Patenta' ftémaks for a boutini supply, ofai . eatuer. It là v917y mucl pprscas , vas thé mter thé terrible bhssard. of Puwma«y irday sud iBtu and iuceedlug days. Ont heartielt symapatuy le extouffldet orne bis the larnlly ai George Wager S. ou .ê Mmogth e ount of'- tboir latet béoamm" ,1Oeorge, vho Mb bisses paisrtebai. whers utauntunin for Caiforala, dled théu lovéia r's Amo. veekm mgo vftbout thé consolatjca i hie deawretWies sud fr nsda. Iude a sud mernary ta thas. vho mou* Wui L.Me- anly demimo. iu, Jefler. urfried, Tuoadav morng Febuouyi soN and 201h at st. Mary'i cutiioiec huicisboni. coul Sud Maniha Wfflei of this place »týj nI 11oi 1ud ie ofai Fort HM. ,The. vedaMS Wva. cure for V"o ",yiargltteudod, .my frlsdafro pal Lon a ditanc e holg Prss.t. W.exim4j Our Mo"tbeaty léllctgtioai maibutj -" -'wJO, ag mi astapsq amb liIo the yeo ffleprtad quit.elck gut cm osm Wt vIsitai loera'3uf l lâe MLyi iooyoeattéuded XIL.PShlflt met iw.k wlfb bSe patr. àUL.sdM im mitoume. Un mi i. D. Qtl* sud Mm. AJlàm mm a balueutrip to Chiceg a. Pamtoabae rturno b... from an ewoik'ter, Wàrreu DoWby * Me comt.g W. aim orvy to chroulolu tii. daath of lUth, lmtie daugbm.o! ehm".Whitnoy, for.rly ci tlli»-Mae.Bwilaist &mrpipàwtoe~ 0ommeuwte the. 205h menteiwy ouiat ni mirjl. uvs haN at Mr. &"d Mm. JO"u Gcavlbr>e Mauday .va.lg. About iwuaty gat 1er. pisset am«' &Breport a good Limé. .The oUtiaiboard of theé bureb vishea ta thaukMr. Pul Uymmys ùÀi.mltu for wr lasiu* d proclnt Manage- ment 09 th utetat.maui given lu the chureh fSatutdar ulgbt Thé praoeds vere almoal40. To the. Bokeleller and Ubertyville Moinde vbo worm in atteudance.thé thansuk of thé board la Tii.en tertal.meait at the. cburcii saturda. evelng vas a grand »susem. Thé. prcgràmalthough rathor lostiy bad hmilvdpreparsd. àA l1 crowd vae t. mtmnd»ee lnludlng about thuVtybonLlbsrtyvie and irty-livo lrom lochuNlor. Ginsi, sud other Murouditngtavu. ier. 0.0 prented- Aller tiie program a lundi viesé erved by ti.L A. . About .$40 vas rsulised. Yo of hiand Lako vho are included t. tho propoésd incorporation limite Rockuisflevand visb to defeat Zt moveniant bemrint. snd that your vote -la vhat ve vmut Fmlay, Mardli 10. Do mot fail tacmli et McBrld's store nmre 51mB betweeu 9 and 4 o'clock on the uiiovo stetd date sund depomit one .ballot (or moi. if no.ono lu lookiug) flirkd 'ag"mlnmcrporatiorr." LAKE ZURICH. 'Win. Baehéing took a ride to Wan. couda T.saday. W.. Dichum mde a btginem trip ta Doa'b mi. thi. danmoet Lo hmaai's bell satgrday ght. W.. Gshrke1 of (ilmér, vué a culler in -o vilage Monday. (aGea Gluke mado a trip ta Udsumhurg Nèoudy. Mm B"il ramk and daughter Anna, ae vldtlg relatives a t.Chlcgo this Bous. Oroe. but choclatee ai, alvays freel mmd lavitt.g. For s aut Ernil Chas. Bouée, of Chicgo, visited vltb S" EaUi seunamd-family Tbursduy and Heni'y Kropp bai a couple of tourna at woek davlg ivêcar o!coul for taw c«Ui m.ythi e vu. Ot cra" ypaïd $1.40 a buadr.d. Tis en, isélg flkertissu uy athér éurrocadiisg fatory pald. 1W.. atém vI Rivea anue lu LahamWe bhel Saturdy algbt, Marcb 4. Goi mudlab ttendace. fb. lax emllator, Mr. Blorusan man hé boad ta Pai liFnuk'iplace ut Lako Zurich ,eMy aturda ountil IMarch 11. Tlhe Cloe sWaterlioo Ce 50él "auM. Ple cf Honey tram m aqtrouble. l.a du ,bsouuevaa='x d,.1 ci Momé m ott é sdnsn th tfle bot madielue ou eet, tb , " 5h'Dtloumim 'and KlImeDls e B.LoviLL drug- g., at 5se" hote. Mr gt#emelCiesg v. - e tis bou>à MP. Hutbluos a" mnyU. N.mMabmmr va ocf Oheo vult.d ent S.dP HuihrIWMN m aalutSun. Tb Xisa Qateite gave thoir cou. ont Tqsslay esumugvbleh brought ouamesoviui boue. MaEe etf Sbsoay, Egbamn (le.0 v~am riday. hem vth hie «",r.. C. mEiesdt. Tb C. IL sopis for soudae#elig le, Il"é mleg c bfeB. MBisSpeech" Ps'ldii 1-12, 2Ï, MMbt 10:82-38. Con. sieS..*uetlgDr. C. Jobnmtaai Daum «i.l0 Lesit w* t'ho »UmmDicw tcoved a e..uuemwam trou DmuOd vlth thé inqum tot.puhl, aad vhieh outaimed visi smmai* to I oi f pur.y local taaut. AlOM timiin la mpoéslhle for i Io Mny 2g fiecomeulealon vus igis Mmd aUeo by vhom. Il ellppéd tb «,gl bSI. im h tisutepmia mu accouasdi On fob.'! Waltse aolet Se #aebuyl liohamu i m Yote sud MS!Bl ce. go ladm l aj ý»ow lu not comé troms Chisag, '22 oeurred tbé d&a*b of 4rm formj rly fwsm&. d Mt (IrSmcead omOAURdy. DSTIny floues tg)mouîu isq - IALF DAY - hlrthdav wihhbis parntl. Disfoti Foote lu ép.udlng àa h day. là Chicago vliting wltb friends and Chaime cary, Who lins bm.desven at.cbo!t .flunatpry rhoumatlom ule Ou tii. gain. MiiiWeut of Chilcago, vlultsdl a fou day.0o1b"t eek !:Hth. the Foot. sud Hertel imms Mr. Bad Un. R. a, Perlolat att«Um tihe fiulerai of Walter Holtro. at SbenryErvll on lait Sunday. Msuy from Hall Day onjoyed the. Royal Ne4ghbor card party uud oyster oupper at Prairie Viev Wedaiesduy ovonlng. The nwv ilgbtlng plant iately lntaled la the «Yeeron, Houés". gives peifoct satofactlon sud the large llght Illumi- nâtes thé viole tovai., OC(MI, NOTE8 The ut4aidânce hlaIcmu.aed very much since tiie veuther b.a modoratod. Mies Caralan'atteuded the. Teachére' Meeting at Lubertyville on iat aLut- day. Harr Knodler vas; elected preident Of the. Vernoti Literary club at Frlay. Thoucixt meeting in FridayMmrb 3. Jonule Kuédier liem given up ber Hlgb mcbool studias sud gone tu the city ta work for thée1ev. Ilyao. We are al aorry ta loue Jennie. Tbrongh the kindaieseof Meusr. W. Schiller and H. Euglehérry.,thé pupils and teachérse eiloyd a stelghrIde ta the Everett sebool on Tueéduy, Feb. 21. Mms. Schier sud Misa Dora Foote acte ai! chaperon@. We vers enter tulned ver? 'iclely ut Lb. Everett achool and vlah ta tender tIi.. our tbaaibs. ROWUD LAKE Mrs. M. Luby sud ou speut Thureduy uit Lihortyille. 1Ed. isadail visitod bis mothér ut Walvortb luit vsek. Chus. Brainard visited bis motiier ut Haévard Mouday. SRai Coulsnle vorkiaig as aight Operatar utIn1»e9kd. GO. Smith of McHsury tranmted busines.baem Saturday. Lilleis Hcltératresdéd the tscliisrs Initt. ut Ubortyville atnrdayr. Ail thons deslreing a good ime viii remmmber that Amaun Brom. givo a dance ou Mai. Stii. Mr@. F. E. -Fenderson departed Satur. day for Lon'Ad~lM Cal. wvhém@liehéma ot viit ber daugbter, Un. John ieLeunFoi inbaving abârnbuilt on thé place that h. recontly purchaasd fan. E J. Pratt. Mr. Fox bus almady accupied thé bous.. Baverai faon. boteatt.nded thi. sur- prise party on Sumner Bauer, Wednes- day, tii. occasion hélng bis, 2tb birtb- day. IL le naadleés ta say tuai vlnk and pont offic e wrm thé prevuaig Mrm. E. J. Pratt depait#d the fore oart of the week for Charléon, Va. to visit ber Juught.r, Mre. Crlbbiais. (pon ber returai Mn. and Mmà. Pratt wili go ta Clfornia whér tbey wyUl nuko thein futurs home Thé Tubhéta Cameron Lumber Co. lu rapldly utcklng thé lumber yard pur- chuéod tram the Jackmou Lumber Co. ive men Are kpt buayunloanlg thé cuis tuat arrive duily. Tbey are nov ahi. ta supply their customem vitii anytblug théy deire intaisinohu. Wheai yon aiod a pil Itlel alwuya buet ta boy the. beut. Ded's Lttle Livor Fille Are thé bt. Try thé.â. Théy ha.veuy o! tbéln own. Wau. RAng. Lay, Llhortyvllle àxDi GmÂvsr.àx PRAA~CY. IVOLO. W. A. lloing vas a Chicugo, visitor Friday. e. Kirvan &peut Wmdnémduy lu Chicago. - Rumer Cook, of Wsucona, vus a recent Vola caller. SJohn (llfL @peut Wednessduy vith relatives ut fimabite, III1. W. autan, of Dundee, sment the tiret of thé veok at A. J. IRay.oud's. Umie.Nettte Ruesl spent thé pat week wlt Miss aisis Fox at Grayslake. - Mmw. Uurley Eught. of Waukeg.m, apeat Rnay and Monday vitb Baught Carl Dorfior. of Ivsudoo. vielted ble aliter, Mn. George Roélnx a fev day. lut vOsk. W. Docker sud lMi. Mamie Dockmr spent Bunday vlth thél sliter, Mm. Chai. Parke.. Mis Lulu Smpson, Ranai Ommun. aud Allau Olmn,of NcHenry, ver. Volo calieresuBtmirday. Mn. and Mms, James Murray, of MoHeury. epent Susday afternoon vitu A.aynd sd mlJ' ýMt, ai M &.~,Oapuaaad ufmi Mm X 1orsujm .4d&--md littie ds*pe fi, fCIdM#o là**, amuie out. Thuk day or asfuir doa' ,li. MM. IL L .stvmug ntuwud Mm emm weeê'svsl ths City witb 5h wavo, muê4darhamnt".. A] ibaie, vii. h&e bougbhtî ont KL. amI' toeé,hm a Maieof te a60li m m hlhu,7lut Wodné.dy -o0 hm Mym Qpjioêlto Willim Whlté>. 1 Ni. N.S. l,, cf Jxago,gare, ré of omrodySuM& aâ, té tluia evaulug e.conuued .atum song novice. Thsauea11a bucoi m da- ad b tenimac. W. a ai alymoie tba4 pléa.d witii Mr. Pratt, mm.. Smithi gave a hkm'welI dihus Pat t 50ber .old Moulu mmdSulgbbo.m Wdae.dhao,. movtog b for permanent redoaduc. 'Thé fmisUW have bees In huit.. ew "over Uftyl yMrt, and wlU hé,.mdly mis. Thé gond vrlmheé of aiU go wltii tho.. EAST FOX LAMCE The imes Caine ver. Chicago vIsiita,. Friday. Mm. E. Book andud m. IS. Gilbert arere Wmnkegun visitors Monday. Fmed Gallgerinuworking lai tige Oliver Typovriter worke at Waodstoek. The Glilgor hroober. ili mov o ta . J, Nelsons faim at Fox Laire tbs wéék. Tii. aie at Frank Gaiger's lamt Satur. duy vasqulte a sues sud stock veut on llvely. 1 Frank «auige, gave a fureveil party to bis trlends.befors leavlug Lh., Mee placo lent Mouday nlght. Mn. Orvié from Sprlng Grove viliirua the A Monde farm ut th-s place tthe corn- lugmsessoar. Nwa is0flot a@ pweatilul us irnpaeelle @mbsks, eépeclaly wW h.atley are in Lb. rlddle 0f thé mml.1 GRANGE HALL. OurMelloni had a holidajy tiie. ±nd, Wauington'a birthduy. . Chaé Wilhbuansd vife of Waukua vlelited frieudsinlai s vlclnlty. Mn. mmd Mm. :DulaPvlsted George Brogden and furnlly lat Wedneéday. .&unie Wisou le stuying at thé boni. of Mis EVerot Mami foi a week or tvo. 1Nriund Mr&.. lecky an,] baby of Rol1lini vlsltdadt the bomne of lir. Dunlap Sunday. Ma-sd, W-dnosdY leb. 22, ut thé bc-ons !tiie Mim.Bidwell in Gurnu, Julia Drak. sud Fred R. Stedrna.' fBotb am reu eknovn Young Reopio3ln urne. vhérth"tbohave sPeut' most of théir Ili-é.Tbairmany Monde vish th,, mucb jyadbpiS - OXNG LAKE Mm. Tonisu *au inChicago at fflday. «iard White wus a Chicago visîtr Friday. Ed. Orauansd E. Larbin woere iu Lake Villa ih>nday. IMis. Et. Wait..bas returned ta ber home ne& Vola. Wrn. Wallaco and wif e vesviaiton nemi LA*oonLako Suuday. H. Gilbert sud E. Renehan vire Waukegus visîtareSaturday. Bob. O'Boyls viii sonon finih bie ork IWUBSctu taxes for the town of «rant, Umis Alice Oranger sud frieaid, of Chicago, vois viitoim ut W. Wiite'q Sunday. Thos. Mitchell hi stillinl Chicago und bis ny inonde viii hébeorry . ta béai that e h aî ta hbave biselband treated dgily ut the Presb.terisu bompitul. GAGESLAME Mr. and Mn r. Frank Clark vere Wau. kegan vinltoa Monduy. Anthony, Gonyo sud Henry Mogg wen. Chicago iita,. Tueeduy. 1 .. J. P. Maucbeater spent Bunlay with his dangbter in Chies1ro. Mdr. and Mrs. RBttorfiold, of Liberty. ville, s@peuti 8ndu:' ith Mr». (hard. George Brook. and fanily oxpect ta start for Iowa uet week, w ee tbey bavé purcbaesd a farm. Tii.Ladies'Auxllary viii meet with Mng.. William Vaut Wood Tbumsday, Mareb 9,?utIl o'clock. Vistors are velcomo.- AUCTION SALE. 1 1 the uaidonigned havig deed t o ldd on te W.lp. fleoondfa,., thé followlng goo&damdcha"t tlu ofthébt Sl. A. lmnbser, denasd ivo and one-ban mliméut of0f Gryda, on thse Oid Plank Bond, on Wédnesday, Maceh a 1905, connsnclng ut 10aa. sharp d~. ollolgProertye 2 co'a. vith le sbysldo, SoThges, 2 2-yr.oll helr, 1.Y-Ïod belé, iok brs, double vwgn, trukvaodrivlng caL oble dilgcultivatr, horne hme mowngmahiesukyplov, grei ane et crsti olkitien cbnet, kltb tblé, dil ablnsd oietalu, woo udcincalma, -Mveal roking cWbabds and héddlnq, 2 ch-rn, crockery. 0c o1,,mcot &tovo. com nu li hok, milet hbey, stacir MICUSIgb an sd mamy otber gooda bou numers ou0Mention. Itogular .terMe. Joias P. MdAmnUTER, Agent. GILBER M. Firca Ancion., WAvrsm H.èmvIcy, drk v-I of Our Uu il vidlmay Everythua*g New,_Nat id le In the New'Kai-ser4 GROCERY StIL Pilhur sEs@t XXXXFIMur ............................................ 8 2 p........Ma.t..Vita............... 7 ~ mF~O8e ................................ 2 oakgs U . . . ........7................ ....... 2lcn =aoi ...................... .. 4meo . ........... .............. ................ 2 pcms Jobaleone Weehlng Powder ................:......... F cyLmnper dom .................................. .. ........ n=1 poupeArmour'. J .A......... ..... ........ po dps ArunoWs Léf ........... . .. . . Lago L.oud packae Rollod Oato.............. .41..... ........... DRY GOODS, 2 0 a . t dadPrinta, pet r d .............. ....... T.- osaSard 1lnÇ,= per rd........... . ..... G ~ool Co.te..T.....ya .d... ... . 24 mioa N t P l,**:::,4 Env l p .. ............... . . . . . . . DeT a ll lti o yrd..........................................- Grve Toti roid... ...... ....... ÉmesunaTalcumu Powdor.. ... .............. ............................... . ........................... . . .,***"*"*,***".......... Fe De B A T RS A L GaRAYSL.AKE, IL.L. AND- ýit sTlmetoUetTheseMac] We baeve the Prairie City and Hoa, TIIEY ARE3 THE BIEST TIIERE 18 LieyvIll. fil LAKE COUNTY t ND Chicaointer-lOcean i üoSbscribe.

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