CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 10 Mar 1905, p. 3

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la the iitweati.axt-h Pros- ,=à ttA ùmIR ttss cf Amerlos *wm* tuaa etiaitluted 51 PM te IOiOOparsea. Citosen ba- 4> aleset tisa people lait Novein- ber to ffees1 blasait as Président, lhe a -l tbe Os.lemR oati tateexeclte te sud préserv-e, protel andi dafend ý",-b« dy boke eloudy attd avit a 0090 emet-githea taIn cenasetandth ie o a batilla iapasei- At 10 è?cJftli, wbmahetise cort tartati for te *COi thé iswaeater condtiton@ avre Ms5is, Pppticus. The air an-s clear -su>?bamna-, avtisa temprature of 15o -4greesanami omia asilghtIbreeze atîr- Prasldent Xoosen-ats face Iackad lte sêhiese ile shoareli heu lhe îaok tîhe essm. cath itamiet four yacrs aga, t tise doit-h b.d oft Wlliana Meitîtîlea-. Thon hao baitiden manltaoiely mles M*t Stoin-swept tunaîlu -ronds ta lIcit tise t-agec elle ocf1l1selenaion; ltuaisa- ha aas esaŽred alaatg tise ilains grauadest avenue trom thle Wblte'Bouse te tfe bomle tai cugress betasen tu-o dettsela- packî-ul uets ot bis coutra-meu gatiscreal frouen-era- quartie-o citear bitasand aiaithlm godepffd lu t-be comîttg fousr years. Thisasha badsasld, wIlt tliaklîag vadec: "It saoihohania- aloai ta, a-attlîue also- lutel -te polîtles cf l're'alteît lNie- Kifflea-tforthe pea-s' ptaasierty atad b ouer otont belono-c -titrty1 Salut. ia- be Ieft lt fur lis ta-i latan iixu. aisbo 4bhoored hlm avillian greater majorlla- tian enet rItetara' gîrs-t, to luis e itter or taot he hadt redeetuet -tisat pledga. Whou ha enttered te White lieuse- tise a-eoaattegidcnt lu Ilais ceuntry's hiatera-, bealde lte n-al responusiil- I-U of e bis office, lie tet-a-lcd as' a lertage McKiileiea-sdcar,'tntumîition te Wetome more aitneandm ltltae a-ars te Presideut of ail te people. ' Baturia- tlare naetcreîu-caeentcal lu tise titongtis-t ati lljoutnc>cd Ittier te greet Prealttetît ýituen-cit -,tiu freinté Northi, Southe. Eat sud West, and' trousdistantfllauds oethlie sens; froin the Phîlipptesi, frout Porto Rico, frout Hawall-trum ea-ci-a lamaI aviera oluai thetaableuatte ie m publie. la tise great parade toe rode Gua-- esMrs cfStRates, tautit Noth and Sentis. Filipines who tanalftaugitunlim ier tae ilag or Aguinaldlo carrîcti thse armaetfUnle Sat sud ts'ppcaiprend- la- bancah llîe Stars snd $tripes, BIuketed IndIgn% tromliste virile1 plainesva- laatI aik-balled gentry- frum tisaEast lna a(altiding te pralse i oft Iis Ccalaea-sidier-statesman. Tise Prenldcîst'a oui ratat-i triendi,, vit-h laitanMi41<'aparejua antdaira-1 ITTHE bronches, matie trauge eontraalte lte alif-backed. pouler-cisested yaouuk men ft-ots -te national mîlîlama- acitocs. Rougit Ridera from t Sn Juan1alti, va-i unteers, trous Santiago, jackîas front Moulla Baya iaredth ie piaudl cf te multitude avis modeal et-aday nul- iers, forabou thbie titis ilegular ln istinction qulla snugit. Poltical clubs front East ami West. miltiaimen front Northt ani outs, bin-ci veteras o f tIse sîxtisa, lba- t-oea of te SptsmîsAuterieniit ar, mnlers front Peunsa-Ivanîn, tee alie Laglalture cf te Stata cf Tennessee, lte Prealdent's tigihors front Oastet Bsy--al coutrblhltet te national citaractar outhbb splendid pageant. - sTise lnspriug prugrant anas carrai «t Inl ail of Its lulereatiîsg delsîls. lu -tise saitt pantoramna ofthbie day fol- ft ~d In succession ties taela- preal- '4à$ial procesion from Whitec Hous te Capîbel, escortai ha- Ircapa te ln- ---Osilatioaa cf Mrt. Fairbatnks as Vice Ptesient asaithefilear Scualera; te takig «of te solemu oalh et office ha- Mr. fleooséeal on tIse taitol tront; lise delilva-y of tae Inaugutral address be- fore lise -st- boit ofthlie sovetelgn peaple; tae gorgeous paradle tiatougit Wailngto'mavna-unes, apaugIat avlt flagandamilima aviteiteerlmg tisons- amis. ant Ib-lievaIsa of te- marching itattnà aba tise Preaient Iu front of Ytis rexaCUir scamsion. Fleeavorks blaes~~miULv St iiah la tise. a> ~ ) a~ ) ; IiOos~,EL Ci:lI~~S W. PRtEgSIDENT AÂN 1 VICE PRESIDENT 0F THE UNýITED1 FWIENSUP FOR AU. NATIONS IS litEPRESIOENT'S PLEA. "NO ae tnation taI acia jusîla- snd rgistia shah ca-ar have cause W0 tear us, sud io atrong pcc shall ca-r cmble iesinaluns eut as saab- ject fer Insolent aggresion."-hlxtracl iront PresîienttIUoseaetslinaugual attreas. "%Ve bave beccute s great nation. ferced by halIe tact ot Ils greatn".s nn m telsatiensavlt lte -otber nationAt tise eartitatan e mueI~t eaa-e as be- seelli a people vlt auch roaaouinil- Ilaes. Twasrdi*ll otiter nattons, large and masslt unr attitude must bcitne of cordial anti alucere frentiip"-Ex- tract front I'realient Roosea-ta in- augurai aidreas. This aeat's Inauguration day wsn peritap te utoat notable sud speraIe-. niar avent cf ls tIin lte blatora- ot lte nation. The potaularty ofut Iresi- dent Roosevelît aas axpressat thIe poils; Il aras demouttateti lu pîctur- @qUemes a nd etituslanm lu conece- tien allah hItaking lte ath of office. it seemeil Btlug ilaut a reeora-break- lug P-eeul it ouli lanae a record- breaklug inauguration. lu eplendor il standi anti ln the wIndows vare, a smaîl numîter compareti le thte thons- nnsîti anaIlteliedtee ut-lsand aboutai lbemoclves itaarse. Ttea- bai muct; tol ok upon. Washington -bas Been mauy spieutiui parades, but ne sncb varleta- cf unItorma et rappenreti on thie streeta -as avas- seen titis a-car. <ent-rai 0. 0. Howard'ami staiffrode at the itend. Next Iciue, Sqqadrce A. of New York. tollowea-ci ha- l mel- dentalaipariya iiitbe eseort ut Rougis Ridera. Then folloavet lte mîlîtata- cômýpenles, luludlng regulars, militIs ant i liependent companles. That'* -was similarîta- of unuforut o ite mlii- lia brigade@auni ihe tegulars,hbut lte meoeiaa- wax broten b hat-e scatiel, gld. avitt. blue ani buff lte Inde. pendant comapalis. Titere avers cadets anti mIdahlpmen, tae latter tualtae itumber cf 700 comprislng tis a bttai- ion item Annapolis. Tberg aers F111 pînos anti Porto Ricana in te unifortu of Uncle Samt. 'be non-utîlîlara-section, eumpriîg carupsIgu clubs sud erganîxations maie Up speclalla- for titîa occasion. avre beadedha- a baid of -d5 pleeeg folIos-cil y halie Ceukllng Uncoudition- ails ef t îen, N. Y., bta e unber cf 150. aearlngug inîorut of whitte audi bIack, aud carra-lng asiîk ago. lu tis GREAT INAUGURAL PARAD eclîpieti the heat of te past andthie croavis aere larger titan ca-or botore. Evema- asîlutale placci lte iumber cf a-isitrsa boa-e 2*-51000. Thte itigieat prea-lons réoretIR l 136.000. Thte capoc- Ita- of Washingtonite1 enlerlaai a croan-a avas taxeti te tise lintit,sadnomsent itutite paa deer tor teir enterlein- ment. Tisa monltutmposlng. If nultinapres- ira, Portion of tise Inaugurai ceremo- niesunudoubtedla- tact place lunte Unîleti Statesa Bane cîtaînher, ad- anas avllessai ha- 2.000 pPuple. TMis was tae swearlng lu of te nos-Vice- Preasîdautsud tliInauguration of tae Banals for antoîbr Ierm of Cougmeas. Tisase caetenolas weme vema- simple ln themacilvés. but lte tornitlita- vit avietictIea- cre lua-asteal, thcîr exclu- silsas andt ltegatitemlng ut dîsîlti- gulglhati men usade Ilan occasion ot pecullar Inlareat. Tite greatlInagutrai parade aras, of course, tae speclacular event lun wiicis ca-era-body a- n-smont lnteeted. Il he- gan at about 2 o'clock, after te In- augurai aitiresa bai beeta tlila-étd. Tiacre are a-atIotas ceremotaica li cou- neetîonu'vit an. Inauguratlioan-bîcu ite public Is but 1111e itteresîti lu., beaane' a lImtai nuinber ccii ses ltet. [lut ta parade'la toor cil. Muna- sawfil troma t-be tatua aviteb acre aeWeai&long Pamassa-vanla avenue. on avlest s esceli h oati, .i aI froin1 Slulbacis. Tbien stands avre se -- - - - -- - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - -- - - - divaision naetc 5W minera, carra-lng tliaI minets' lampeansd dressai llte garh cf teutine. Titea- aers frem in lkes- barre, Pa., anti representedt tisuîers wa-b are entualasllc fer lte Presîdent becaune et bis luletterencealuntaenil- not' trike. Get-culme amdi&isbaud of Apacises, Siterif Buluet. cf Sout Dakota. avit a troupe ofcf espunch- erasud a Companyaofc euaerteti ban- dtllwavre lu tae saute column avis hsmkars, lau-aet-s, rlberusud ca-sty la-pc cf gdteel lita as majimeted ha- polilicai clubs front ailtor the ceun- Ir;-. Tise Inaugural balavas tisa lcadimg social e-eît. Il s-as briatar- Ian csaa for iz bai le stop aet minist. Tisa floral avent aas on a more claborteI scale tisan aver itefore. amdiresulîtd lu maklng lise hall as Important. inter- esting sud slîogetber enjoyableans eaont ns lte itucitia-adver tlst'slpara. Poyal paInt-a.avlt baves 25 feet long. waere brotaglt up from tPorIo Rico anti - lallenged tlie occlaMaend roses andi -.ttalux alaiferus for lte attention andai nduiittlon outhébe multitudle. on ltae aipper bnleona-o et t2elrotcourt ancre plaa'ed ea-rgrceia Irea 20 teat higl andtt cera-avître there aras a trac- era- of greens.,Iiaamnaled by lIna- alec- trie ligitt hube,,of one canile powrr Overited. lusîcai of n canopa- affect bise artiste audeavorci te trit-nesa1 besutlfui Itallan aka. Tite cler aese avas, briglat on tise rt f10r, te ssii a mucis as possible ta tise «eot «c> brlllhnne,. Tisaer wý*sseta*is STATES. PRESIDEI 14TAUS TItL OATH. "I do sellernula- gear ltaI Iaili faîllatulla- exacate taeoffice uf Presl- denrt oftae Uitet IBt-tesant iavli, t-e ltae hast cf ina-ablila-. Preseta-e, lPre- tect anti defals tise constitution etflita Unîlti BState."-OsUat efoffice takea ha- President- Reosevelt. FAIRBANKS SPEAKS. Vices PiasiieunAU sweaule ath Vsry elnp"le reuuena. Chat-les Warr«n Fafritanka avas svorn lu as Vies Preetut lte United statea aet ig issaom aturisa-,lu lb. Presce of a tisroug tisaIfiluai the Ban- aie ciamber. Tise ceremena- aras aven more simple tisais liat cf lumtatiugi the Pregideut. Tise Vice Prelient sali: Seaaloee-t elfer spowtlie iliaciarge cf thse dalla. of lise positioen lu ablitt1bars beaegiai ba- ina-coutuen wit graa- fui appreelation et tisebigis hoet sud atth s deep ceuse et ils tespouslbîiideg 1 have emitayedtihe privilegaetfsetring allA y ou bars for eleht yaes. Duling taIt perai a ave bacs etgagai lualise rontld- = llaef '"i dotactie questlions cfvasI Iu10 aame sud rtis fareign proitteutet asu a sd far-mwachîu inglfleauce. W. submitt aat a, have dou ans1ltae Impatil judgutant of bistcra-. I cau nerer for get lis. pleasasul relations vAlIshbave bren termed durlinasevs =~ate foot cf tise tenatIe. Iissi cbhrrlsh always as amntg te moat delîbhtfut memarles t My-lire. Thie1 warrant th - Ileie 1hI&hall have la tise ischarge of' ltae dlles whîcis dea-olve upan me under tise Consttutionthe ga-tarosastasistance and kindli-ferbearance tof luth aiaes of tisa Chamn er. W. aiînesa tise malestic spectacle or a peatierni sud orderta- teglnnlmg cf au admin.- istration of national affaire under te lIs ot a frtee sud self-gterng people. W. pt-ny thal divint.faner ma- attend Il soi tisaI p a dtîi pagra-as. justice and bhor Maa- abide alb utcouti7 snd eutr ouis- Ira-inu., BLAZE OF FIREWORK8, Gret PyrtotechilcDisplay Esadihuait- atiion Cereminae@s. Fat- aboya te granita lunger- of tise Washington mnuet a colossal lit. portrait of Prasident Roosevelt, 200 tact square, anas painteal ou tise isaveus laIe Saturina- nigis. tad te the gacmpana-- 0iug plaudits trout 10,000 apectatoma, is- sugutatian daly, anit the fading cf the 1laI Bfrearorka, becaitte a utemora-. NexI le te parade lta-eipyrotechieslc avre ltse cites y spectacle ofthlie daa-. Thc display aras more iireloats titan aa- cter illu- mînatibus erer saen lea tha capital, and for tht-e bouma Ihe stars acta bombard- ed it ntsshela anal bomba that expîciet ln mudait. fillittgte îtit avis melîsu atreatlisa otmuIti-colored fre. As a clintax te a arouderful prograut of set plecea and pyrotechnie otidilies, a -toq. cf ecoeetirBé aras ligitai sentit cf lise White Benne. ahile rats iler clouda, masses ot shimmniriug aplendor, abot m te ska- trous mines babaw,. anere pIerced b halie fligisi of colorei bomba litIburst aiti theisaffect taI arouiti ha maie ha- 50,000 rackets. While tisa lirewans alilI trickliig titreug thlit atusospitece a large balloon freina s iegis etfeunetuilaeseot out au aastli i-cathat explesiamidufurîci an Immense Amer- Iran Bag 110 feel long ami 150 feel aide, whicis settle lte estU, onlya-te h repiaced laluthe aka- ha-aabouquet cf roses- ltaI bloemed lalto a portrait cf Mra, Rooeel. H'EAVY COST 0F INAUGURATION. Expenues WiII Pt-chabla- Total iîjier thau Usuel.- An inaugutralti is no cbaap afirir. Moîsca--arrels of Il-la requlteni t0 pre- paraetutrte cemtartofth litevsitera. Thte tirest fundllitI I-anececsara- always ls guarauteed b ha- Valangtou's cilixena. ah n-b ltlume Ste reîaaid b hatie visitera tte ecapitl rottuI te fourtcorniers et te nation. 'The intaugural guaraule fend, as It la tallel, waus ceubtîhutedth iis aear bha-W200 ldlviduaia, abuse contribu- lions tangea f tom F5 lu $1,000. Il coet about F1.000 le mee lise ex- pausezsouthelitel(ciulea- inausn1-alof 1901.,aisilîn bis lnIrauttgural ceaI hpM. 000. Tisa expeuses sof PrasjIdenî Cleve- >lad'*second inaugural, laIM& 93,avre MOooo siitisome for Use insjgautou of preIs st latfiaon icilm 80, S7,00 bis >" tha f»$4 ath a~e- 1s4atumsi ISM7 nuis-ur- mmaew g i Ptuaresue Pgatxres.- Tie .aUguratio'n parade etf1905 bai mors exttaordinary features tissu ana- whlch aver scte" ia vay bptnn,-en citesrlmg multitudes ou Penylvania ave- nue. The fBraI pictaîreoque teature con tite PresidetVnpersottal encatof Itoatti Rider@. Tîtea-rode goe-rrumeul bornesnudtt netc dressed lakitka uitort, Maue- shirts. Itîce polka dot neektis-a,, servie- sael, I htî, nilitara- gaunîlet,., bt-nn leggittgn, Mia-k-'alo.-nand larasqasrnay spatrs. Four ofthlie guarat irecealedt1wît I'eicaocarriage an the matc-h; tara rode et. encl. sida-. andlte teât taallaaa d Thtt-ittatîgaîralIparade waa-natlionaal latat tory a ad tatiota -1 'e-traytta old hi. ttt- geatra-. Il ars a atrna ta ýitlaatt tia lu witthlte prenepnt s.tirrittg sieggcotion luterpret-al ea,-lt jjna--aoc ilan tic p- waitout a %arI,rittallaa itt higi. llgiat-a aita brîlliatt alorsn etaa rca Cg tlottaa ad and citeering teita ef thottnda. It wa,- the stura- cf a peupaîle, titeir triais, thair triumpitasad thiir ambaitiotas, îriate-l ou everya- sect of!te dayîoug acent-. Tht essentlai tanenean of te Untion, riinrg aboya te ittdaialîaaity ttt seaera-ac-n States anal lte waaîdtia-erailed intercala of 74JOsJ.O of p>etplIescattereal acroas-.a continent, naas yîaiied lu the pîit-ra'a.! oue mati revioeaing mile on mile of nwing- log battaliotn. anhile acres of masce I ho- mnanity loaaked un and cbeered. The pâr&de aaaa a militara- anal claie Pageant projectetl upon a *cale of tttag- nlficcuce neyer befere undertakien tan a like occasion. Unaltubtedla- lu pint of numbi-rx, spectacular feature%.pitittr- esqutînens and gtorgeonaci-es-sarien il acliPsel ana- inaugural displaylunlte lhie- tara-ofethte nation. Upward of 150M) men arere itu une. Erera-arma- of the miliiary service wss represeeted by crack organizaliong, lte National Guard outaev- eral States aded te te brilliauca- ot lte militara- demousîmatien. wbiie cia-le criera. political clubs, college studeuls, emineut men, chii-f executives cf States with lmpoqing staffa, hiitoric'ai fiens sa-miolic eofte progrescf tentioni, and hbunsAlmoaq-t iaaaaît number cou- tributed tutehié staendor of the spectacle. Seth BIitliock, aherif f fDeade-ood, Moi cf South Dakota. pictarentlue plainamat, and aIthaI a gen tleman. anhio enjoys te pes*6bal frieuda.hip of Ptedaeat Itoost-- a-cl.t, u lte bis et the Norîhwe't gatherei togetitsr a bautd cf gennitte we$te5#n ceaboya, avlotu ite brougitî te Washhagtou arrayeni in ail tîseir fautas- tic regalia te participa uite itiauagural parade. Cow punchers bavn neyr befere laken Part in au inauguîral paradi anti wit tieir "chaps""and latits andi "î.ig item" saddles provai a tentueaof te ýpageant. Wlth ltse a puncitars came a nuimbet cf arel-kucan citaraclers avio. strictliy paaklng. are net te ha clamsedl au cowbo-s, but who are closela- allical te theus, and, admirlng tise President. u-era eager te jelu lte. lu glving him a "sn-fY These aresteruera. these tep- resautatives of the great reglon and lte wili free lite that Prsident Rouosevelt kucas and love*snose ai. aere ail for pleasling sud gratifa-lug the in whem MitS. EOORZVELT. tltey régard as que cf îhemselves, andl ent a striking teature lu the inaugural parade. They nfot ottla wore the couven- tiottal cewboy dregsa but tltey rode their own "cayues" lu tise parade. Axueux the well-knowu westerà char- actera that came aloug with the cew puecers wîs "Deadwood Dick" Clark, the oces famouq scout, bandit, hunter and leader of the *sbotgun men," wbo guarded tba Wells-Fargo Express treas- uta coacb trout Deadwuod te civilisatien a quarter of A Century or more age. Tise- once famous "Deadwuod Dick." tbe man who, lu pioncer daa-a. lu Southt Dakota. wu@ the terrer cf aIl "bai men" In- the reglon and performeal well ulgh miracu- ioua feata of daring. la uow a workmau lu plain binae veralîs lu thse Northwent rallway yards at Leai. Byve mlles uotth ot Deadwood. Aiter tbe ted border days he laid slde hiarifle, bis braca of pIs- toln sud bis buckakîn suit. and, donulmg the garb of civilisation, eugaged lu rail- road work. amd for a number of yeara ho bas beeu a yardinan at Lead. "Tex" Burgess lsamother fainous character who wan lu lice. Tbere wras a purpese lu tbe cow punch- ar' presence. Many- writers cf fiction. wise have navet bèeanfurtiser arestIthan tise Allegiteules, bave depictai thse pioncer sud the plainsmnanud bava irawn won- derful peu sketches, cf the men wbo *'round up" cattis aud apeni tissir lves ou thse prairies. Mr. Roosevelt has spent usucis time arnug thenas men, and ban camne te kuew theaInsth ie trua lgbt, as staunch ecitacusof a new republie and mou cf honor api lulegrity ami the off' sptlug cf tbat old Purltan stock whlcis fennded the nation and by wblch Il has prosaeds. It wus President Reesveit'a iulore tisat th., eublicznIgist ses aud ý kmow thses e wtehoams as tissaare.adi ut as tisay are semnetlanes rproquetd. The ettetfTên eesn A U n- obw uel .satlo. % mubsof thse TOMMsqss q lelat-xAW 6 O pe- 4Wtfa a" *. eu 46=4!2 WSÈW Who marebvi op Femmyslv*e4 U 1kéeplng atep witb their owu n Mle. P1414 edý un six viollus.' cacn over 30079ars 'aid. The- Governor of Loulslana and-hi. gtai!. a comasy of lnfantry troua Als- beana, lthe leorgla iiltary Âcademy. a I.nttery m.rd a company froma Florida, a e.nulikiiy and a batter" front Northt Caro- lina. ta,, regimenta from Virginla. ani anoîlier froui Maryland, composeal a tep- ir"-snwoîj,,e of lthe entire South. Btca une a a promise made when lu- aatiorated (ioavpriior" ef the fitate of New York, il tt*tit'reaident Roosevelt invit- 1el lthe iveifle (atbolic Prtatectory Baud - o Ns an York <City- to participaIs Ln the inaugulIral patradte. The band weut to AI- bany hla N r. Iteooevelt was installed, i an it. ad n protejeient place in lthe uarch . to he capital. Atter the ceremonieq were 1 enderithe G(lvernor shook hands.with the 1boa-s andl a-taaj.lataented them on lteir naunie, The leader then spokie up and 1"Giavern,,r ahea yen are elected Pres- idepnt. anc waaalte pl.ay inyour parade at Mr. Iioaaaea-elt ianghingly replied: 'Hle.4, if I am ever elected Presideat t ont band %htall hcadl the inaugural Pa- The prumise made six a-cars age, at Albany as forgotten, and In a par- Aoaal Iptt-r the -'reajdent extended an itivitltion to the ya.uliatui mambers of the bnipltv, canne here on March 4. Ail are Linataate-. id tîhe institUtion. Mana- of therm Eare hare anusicianA. andi the organisation -roanko an aone of the itest juveuile banda tu ina.' ýwarla. Fifty tine-rnwho came from thean- thraa-ite regian of Venanylvania arra7sd in taue everalls anad caps. bearing lighted torches. reprementNd that baud of men whaa heldthela. counttry at their mercy leus ftitan three yeara ago-men who fought a great fight te %uccessful coucluaion, and natte etrried lu lthe parade an immense siluen banner with the sîguificaut inscrIp- tion. 'u-Inuoor of thte man wbo aettled the strikeS" À uniforut color scheme was adoptai for thte flouse derorations. but lu th. 1parade color rau riot. Every bue and cenîbittation of celer was represtai. One erganization appetnred In royal pur- pIe, ,asntheç lu oll[4 tgreen, sevtel"a brighi red, whjle blacks and browu. and balues aud arays, re ln abundance. The delegatîcu ntof amôus mian chleftalftt wnre ait the culera obtaluable. Nearly 150,00n> men took part in the parade ani it toak utarya- il aiterneon te Pau tihé 1reviewiatg standt. TFJE INAUGURAL UALL Eyvest whoce Naise 18la sajm a Scenae ofLevl. Ules r The iusaugural bail, held lu tisa penaion bui'diug at nigit, wa. the final grsat teajure of inauguratiou day. This hall- which inantta*bail.,ha- the way; culya- grand spectacle on the mont extraawt mcale--dimmied tbe glorisof aill Ia pred- eceasoru. It was the dreaguof llsounas crystallized into Ill e auà light calor and 1rIthIm. il lillel matira -afait aumanas 1cap ot ambition brimmmg full ami rau- .iaing orer. ltdorestueumana aimelons titan aritit a happa-, avet-preieut huaIn- for ail bis remaiuint dais, . TIae scena of litie splamicra aslise rgreat pension building, wvicsla genarous .enougs te encompassa icita- square; ani rtail euaough te saralloa a ska-scrapar. lu Il s cenler la a court large enougst1) . hiti a citurcit. spire amd ail], andlise icourt, la surreuuded ha- endiesa colonnades >risiug lier aber. lier. 1Thtis baIl, aviit gigq4utIc Proportions b.. flîtiug lthe greal repubIlc, aras drapai witb aa wlierneas etf icaers and greens andi flags sud gar Bluffs, amidlthe aiole ifleoedt Ilhlb.dasili raiance et a tma-tiai cf elecîrlo higita. Boettera Ira- t an rnet lu daicate tiacerie. Evetru iroes circiai lise hall ln uctrving Pen- dants. Palm. cf mana- kinis rearasi thisat feondai besia lu lota- Pride abeya fat-us baa-l sud lasser piants, ahile ganesîsa lent lhitaI aello hMossaaantnid spa-te japlaatisaïe-wvite platnes le Use mnga ef caler.. Prebahia- ne more heantiful 5dgfe WAg ever wlluassetinluAmeroIb liante hall ment prenuls. Il as adresut cf ligist effacîs amd ioaera. biote tisas 100, 000 rose@ anti a Quartier et a millioen car- natioosanamisprint biIome vers te- quired le carr- out lts*ambitions designis cf tise dacerators. Moll otet iasceist- vomen ahoet.I teuisi tise hall acre lovera Installa et jeasîs for uruamnants., Proisahi -se mana- fevers-o- s uraiadisllnunîisbedpeu- pe, me lr se inu u ie geaus, uer se mana- heautîtul aomeu-aere naet- b. fors galbeaithlIin tise railsetofau Ainerîcan building as agie te ha scion lSaturiday evenltsg lualis.tilmons pension building. Wltblm tisIiat -wracka-lik, structure wona svIlsIon etfissautr usas-- PissetiamPIF ceinpenuting for tl nja exteiet. Wben warkbsnau about ta ui 'I Odom*a bthe».u îi ý lien Iou"0Ilc itWepesdiansand ews te ableg. Thetema cd btitute a btllcancul atitttteal h- lte iepubict. mnal meastire. Afler votingsaldla- kete luI fayot of thefr substitaie, rDemecrats turuci it Tiserg>m 1 d lu pasýng tise uow puIMa lsed le te people of tise 84 -conventions and ba- t*e. tiV tbis ante-leClion campatigu. aras pasaseI ha- the fBousgeail meut. rcceiying 112, votes.ý' t tenIa- membeis veteti ags tîtese two e are Sociallete, Prehlbitionist andi setaeee Stale Démocr-ate. Fitee moembera frein Coek comuatV- bill and eleven countrysem Paty put liseur aieulders te 1anti gave hebilîl a strffl i 1way. Noe asingle eaputm arayaide iista-four cgitks« for lte bill es agrei pe Cui. Osumer, Posbiel >Cratklu, ludepeadeatt,.ftlèO 1er votes, iriugiug tise te 1Senalor cGardner lntreduésM iling the bond cf nta4' 1riew te necuring bettlsélu' A bill reqtiring ltse "oex~ e('hicago ta. report »m" -ituren te lte Gevermo, 24 ttre betore Jula- 1, I 1UUý lu litelipuse Friday % 1Kîceman cf Cook. bIn~I 1tees are requit-ad te nu~ 1te liaeý Senate saiflouse W erner separate reportsa et and copies cf ail cetraeti la oue gi viug tise cei tabra uch of nie Leuisiatèr 1exaniîne lise bocks of tUsa> commitlea or otherahse. ekma futher reports,- accemata,. copies cf a&l contracta ma* xmeula beld lu ltae posaeomam tees." Shoulti the tutnte te report as prevîdaql. thaY their office. Labor ua$DW i 1Popoaite te tis IIM8u cur h tiaitefforts tlIo lte National Guard te 8*1 $itâIs or ha subject te a X a bill introducei by Rei rlck cfWoo4tr P55555.a rides ltaI aAna- perse, whd prives a imemset cf t-hé or naval réserve oftm suattes amy patona frnt titreat or limnry "sialit, a mlsdemsanqr. MaU' > lions hava passai traites unlonlsts mot te soea bavas emblIbYeis- employa. hersons 01, ait-h tise mitia. And e te lutînaldate as bill nakes It posaNa practicel. eprueal truduceti a bill gtrl*È tIen tise liglît ta Ah trichers a ie geara fit grade uty be; suiperititenudqnt.for .« M, and i fr là* 1 Beducai ratée on 4 are proaldeti afer a maximum rit*et. 9 or lis*. 5 cents ferat Ï- tîla e oaevanteam froua %eveuteen ija bil,, isich ar t-et tee en RalIr«e. asEM a regularla- astablbs burban service andal411 taveuta--ive ïmiles.tu tbe lulerlur atW nus ,objection te 8 Repï'esepratla-e ,ciserê fer a SIxte geelogies] test salal: "Tiahie ' - enongt. Il dca. snet F and usefel data. nSorf~~ Map of Illinmois. If AnA la doute Il absul ie ha A mca Snprrme 'omit bill, aisicis la exPeeted »4 putlicanii lwo tnansni cal court lualise lIste, the Houas Tuesa.u James B. Icks' and à juiges Waismr wayg-ida mcxl a-car fi reperllng out a, civil - loie for tli eri t-i eylft- offices, the Bouse cIvIl recunatidarealUniactisnll, - report subjeet te tis e t Net-dan. Thlrteancf-et th' memtbers, howaeor. et W fayrot f tebill , w er W ai be Seul te tise190ç bill piaig tite 290) tara- ibotric t uar cli- perteil favatrbiya- tas give tbe cammim$lmeesan aminet 1 ff a dey. vt $1, 100 annually'a-nam te departunients tisa riglte te nutlce te tisa crs5IIs, Bill* Iut»wee D3y At-asciiet a eE r,000 te meet tise hd pensez cf tise IWMehl, arlalîraticu. ,,- atternoon a lpehia. Da- Cralg et Colea-' lite etelloas catsE- = 1

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