CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 10 Mar 1905, p. 5

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*u~ wisauers5 Illbebud lm m Wm pd.sywohSmode Itmàým fl of t.theWym uy, Fii hlbhl<.gole W bem wWi "mae Our MN10 o w bu U te Id oft.sweet, rIchh.e'b= one fwu iad" Youll get ott. bomégita ~w -bu Is 8G J0 flou to mih.out et, e eit Mmd how wierroi L-9BERTYVILLE MARKET and OROCERY ..Repairing Waetches.. Hiere receives the careful attention it lesee. No matter how delicate or expensive a move ment yon may have, you cau leave ft to be repaired or cIs.aned, wlth full aasurance that the work wiII Ie doue In the moi.t ekilifiil 20 VEA RS' XEREC (n-i.-We handis the populitr McK!iiey tMisir. NDREW IUSS rty ville - - Illinois Just Recel ved-.,* Oür Spring Uine of Wallpaper, and it la complet4 Everything is entirely îîew, not a yard of old stock on omîr siielves. Remember--.o We >"Il border hy the, roll anîd îot by the yard and saine price ag side wali, thius makiîîg tMe paper niîueh cheaper. Ouîr prices range froni fixe cpito ta p. $ith &1Davis, MFv. eandId". Ovoker'. tIoqearold KoorPuy.., 0f Waukgau, lbanii baby boy in sick with pneumonie. pôin$ed' Attorney Arthiur Bnlkley toi .ew Flug han ventNI use vacat store A vacaney on the echiool board ofthi Inlims. ProtU».'s block and wiU vremove citl. t/o that location the 2oth. 1It ln a good, Au WpdrW.ay of thin week iteber staud for a berber aholi. in the lentesarinsannd CethaliceNa& The Orst of tht. week B.'É. Milleverad 1i1D7 PVO$Ofhtt wiiI for forti' du wl retumned Iran> WashîDgton, 1). C. observe the porroid Of self denial. and luter Mr. and 'Mm . . m. Gridley A.,R. Shortof Morgan Park. formger arrived, the. latter for tihe presepnt stay- of!thin. Pléoe, wae in town Wednsda luaie at thii <er home. 1Mr. Short là desirous of diqpoeing of 1 Dr. C. A. Dodson has, >cein 11038ho lot Ou Firat Street. Lubertyville, baving offices in te Heath Voting boothi for tl' village eletir blotk. Drv. fodson cornes front Chicago wbleh ocmm April 17 wiii tthis yêar 1 whos e Lha. preted forilve jeare.placediin F. Crokers sjiti ar'ai.. eviinj Be jefse graduate of the Cullege of baiDo building of its iwtt cuitait.. fi Pbysielans. and Surgeons. Hia wifé eand the. purpose. two boys wilI Çoln hlm 8ai0011on a lie Th>e irsves Coulpali.y thim week ehippe t*a Ibid desireble. living querters. . front Allianc, Ollu, 1t4 mbet ?tower aet Now- juet thlnir of it-1Mr. -Flagler tank for lbertyvill"e new water irork forfeite $2000 option nîoney end tn to It wiil taire a couple of weekx t bise bis Oivé million dollar steel miii assemble abd erect alter arri vai. elsewhere, bei-anse ie ee1îtion ta In tise bean ueesfling ii/ttost iit tende, Criticiem of the JDEaPCETiN. Howeyer, et (lunther'a Candy igem-y tiie.fin thles stateilent ion e par witli otheroi prise wai won J'y -riiýleIli Lu41 wi etnanating tram the Flugler firofit*.rs;. gije. 3 51. 1llirr v [ater, Joli Tlsey tafi like chidren.. Smiîthî,Otto Bald w iti and W.. M. Ilpat A littpr of kittenot came tu thehbone of got the <>ther lri7-m. Tho,. nîtîtîert alittle six-year-old Sosie. As it iiinsual bee.ns in tise jar wae I:i3. at sucli timeu the. Old mother <et %vas penny pictureit are . tifl hîiig 11rai., a muc inii evidence. One day 'after the l3swick'a Studio. the. kittenir were old enoug i - mmn around tise houïe, littie Susse lwai play. X ANNOUNCEMENrS ' à ing with one of then> and wai ovenbeard -The C'. E. os<siety sixto give ai ta nay as @lie bogd~led lit: "Kitty, 1 know entertalument Tliurilîî-nilcit, Mer(-] who jour mothà; in, an' I1lînow who 23 et the. Union tlunlî. Two shur yotir brothers an' sîsters in, but Kitty, pIuyp are in coinsirw- ofrepanation f dont know wbo jour father ie-*sfiect intermpersinig whi.îli %, ill ie. mical ani le must Le a traveling man.. literary selections. lrîgnaril wili iii E.dgar Wells, Claire Kinubail. Rols.rt; iînblimlied next we'. 22-I Bond and tihe Anderson eidren, tii.. 'Tihe Lekp Caîintv i liii, le tii giveï <liplitheria patients, am rscovening nuieiY danmeaet the t4iwrî hall Si, Patrirkku from their siegp. Lait ws.k One. Of the niglut, Frlday thse 171fh. Mui,- Iy JPfr, Audt.non clilîdren, a girl of eles-en 3'earo% Smitms tfourpis i, ol.s4' f ('bieagu (lied. Sus wax bî.ytiod posiblP l'ilP Supper served iils-î infrhall. wiîin i>r. Martin wai caiied. l'ie otiier Ev..ryuîne invited. 4,aies, wbere niedic-al edvjce seais ouglit A normal ible< irîit.- wili lie lteid al eariy wer ciîe-ked hefoiri' tbi.y beanis tue Methssdist %lirI itriîli l'5 tînder dang.riuus. As usueil the. Waukffgan auspices; of the Illinîîîý Sîînday W4clîool paliers -.grpatiy exaggenate int4ttir .>îseocuatlOn. ft l l-critîat ai Soin. ecu-oti <a if tii.. dhilitlseriîî (Ju"-day W-liool teach- ir. cidi <very ibible lileltyville indese-nubed ain a stats Of .iiit n this part ui 1. ouiywiii siege seiIL ail îity w-hmlo e ci,..They ipleàritxattend. T'ru.. ýre im- uimment.. ditn-lare there are twelve î-auii.s and tii.e t 10:a. tu., 2 P. mi. uuid l7:30. Stato diswause iafidiy sjirading. ,Tii'. u<i'" workprs and c>uiy ýî,ifurs îof tii.j- "Il fi now.known the litti.. lifiermnu s<atîin will ait4resi. l a,-se.,iîn. girl~~~~~~ de i uapo.'Bible Studentsa ili 4s-tiei.îbj.ct <f At its meeting Monday nigbî ltte the sermon neititnîlit ii.rning et tihe conneil adlopted! e reuoîntion suggffsting Mt<ds hh tu tise sehool direetors the ton, apparent ýTseloo-el liehl.îl. ilgii.a necessity ot renoveting and tnmigating TeIa e ir1dewl iea teholmoins. Teachers and puplîs e pron and necktke sc/I i tii h.Town tii<' thà h MhýO mi ltyHall Thnirsday îîîgut ~îrloiI. Von m-ndition. It usee agoôosrnbbing to aeivtd eay tise leat, and wbile counif-il menîibers Oit Tnesday, Mer hi 21 t '%Vodimen r..alize tbey bave no jurisdictîon whet. Hall tise local R, N. oi A. a iilel îrate ever, thfy hope their action will tend dis lti anniverea.s -,!tiie orler by a tsi bning the matter foircubiy' t<>the social evening Wnlulîràg a short prograni attention oif tihe sc-lool directors. In antd refremhmentt. icLh Royal Neighi.or this conaiection fit i. wortliy of note that in entitled torinvite îi: few.f riends. 23_~2 a number of iadigs are agitatlng raisiug The annual ,0l1ection tor home tunds by iScription to properly ean pissions wilil e teikieu up n.-xt Sunday thiecohool fromn time to time. Huwevev, et t/hs Preslivteriiîi iticli, hihuriiing arîd our sehoold dreetors shonld mSsta it eveining. $ub.-t ot moriiiti'semni dies chool insaet ail tine» in a, sanitery "Tliey mat]e Likiht iik' condition and the. tax payerar will begrndge Iait of ail], money orpent along Itepubien Caucus. thet ]-me. ÀA -aurue iof tii.Repîbuli,an vuiters if HaveBesowk.k frtrne tiiose picîtumes LubertYvili.. tus- rImisbP iiil i.lul cfii whk<.l voot have bien g.,ýing ta have the. Town hlall Satturdey îftcrioon, fratned no long, W.. repair andl .egild Mardi, lm ut 2:301oîîwfor the. 1>1<1 traces ais.,. urp<ise of îuha.itug l inuoinationi au A child ot Mr. and NMme. iiîiius RLadkse, didetes for ti. fllîiwiig uoffices: who, lie on tii. Litebtfeld farm in eik Town CI..rk witli diplîtherle, the case being reportedl Colle-tom Wednesday niglit. Dr.* Taylor wae onnisuî.rf Iligliwny <î.rth y ls ar ndam the eciild in not con Two îîr,îlf- midered dangeroumly ill. The disetené it Sehooi rî-r -oîrceinlu thim insitance îîy tir.eand t4) traiîsjiÀt s -lai .tltg.r Iiiiiîiss is yolingoiter aeeociatlng wuth.:those wlîo mi»' prî)is'nly N. e-iti-c ret ii.-. iiig. attena'ards camne, dwn in tihe Anderson co.i lt i. eamîiy, ail att..tiding rteicene ehosîl. h.. -fLE Dmocrostie Caucus. of Mmr. Oives -e al. gaînet J. F. Oweii, in which thes defetîdant wei. charge.] vit h ettempting ta heat a bioerd bil. Juetiî-e Murrrie dismised the hearing. ln doing sa Le saisi It se.>.> ta hlm ta Le aeae sof pèeeeution. Owen seid hlis ldnot intended ta beat thb li but lied simply left the bote] for e day or two. The charge preferred liy 1s-s. Cole egainst Owen o! threets ta du hem bodilg injury vas ta Le coneidered by the. grand jury tuis week, and Oweni is under bond. pondinîg decision of thati body. One, -Poud- ,A en ilîîîis of r lie &,l toratî vutere iof Libertviuu'toisfi lli ii i li we leu] ut tîi- Town Hall. Saurray aiterniion, Mjar,, 15 et 2 -oi1)-k fuir tise purposeof piaeciig in nominatioi)nutidaessfor tii..folitîts- g offies: Town(Clerk Colectar Commiesiî,n.u uf fligiliwaye uIr? lu Two Justirs ,of tiie'Peai-, and ta tranti ' stcu-he i ter busiri-es L mi»- couic Ifur- tii..meeting. . Uîj'tîîI-TTE .£ Y C. it -Niue OmeIers toBe Chomien. Oc. ap- cura Aprîl 8. ,et PRIMARIES TUE ISth. wed It le liard ta neelîz.. that aiîotîel In mprihig .ee-tion leq ainost ber.., tltuug sy u-ii lm the citâte, and tie alargemnumber ut tîîwneip olileers ere to loi chose> 'rIy tinausujenl. wlîlle Supervigor Miller ailba other year tu serve about hi.BIlOthrs n the limt nîiust Le ri.-eIsctsd or retir.. onThi..t.îwrî *erk, collector, ais9essor ~~.o i Ii dighwýayo and whool for tiie.pie..and îwo i'onteables. If anyliudy besides Mr. ('roker wenti ed ta I.. tas-n -lerIr lie le ln hiding and it nd seenîls ta lie the gi-ciraI opinion there. ft' wiillDot lue an.îth,.r content tdr thet tl office. lt course J. J. Pîîrteous is by lîrecedent enitld to antîther *year a d« collecýtai-. tito'whetber Dn ea. t sefflîr, Il B. Epker, highsvey comrmis. oit iner and (Li. Sireik, sciîîol truste In si-tri-eleition, liaisnBot isu eem inrin4s. th Tii.. îitgoing jutiiLee mare O. . of Chlurchill and fGeorge Wisn..r. It litssud thai Unede Sain ss-ill ot aliow hie mail t carriers ta accept poiiticu.l ohile etie su MNr. Chiurchiill ii ontut o the runîiing. Mr. Wisner liaiflot to ur kn.iwledg.. de. 4 -lared i s inteutions. ia Lennis Liniierry and Walter .1clien are ih the îîutgoing constailes. Preeuntebly rt Mv. Liniuierry wiii lue a candidateagi u, n tihe deinro.-ratic ticket thougli Mr. id Ace»e gis-es the. office littie attention. e and je riot likely to soseet tit.. nomnination. 14 th..r the» W. L. Hackl..y WL0.5 afriende sîîggest bhlm f<,r <one.of th ii.. jstie chipe w.. lîcr nu n..w rcandidates tie»n- tjom-.l for aruy of the offi-es to lie fille>], Muet Have Sewers. Tii.e èivettof acpring bringm as usuel romplainteé froîn prouîerty .iwnere whose cellare, iloor yards andl purkways are inuntietsd and i ll lie until tue anuel tlîaw leq euieieeded iy contun..d fair lew.atli.r. A, littie Inter wiii lie Iseard a Il wil f ront the..sectionii etedL ly utiet impatient witb tItis sewer îagitatioin, wliat tsey want te a pe.rmnîtent e-er mystein and %witlî as littie delay au possqible. Méîtmr.. (»erdner andi Boys ewere eppolnted ea couimitt4e et the council meeting Mondey nigit ta confer with ownere of ]and between thé villailge limitât and tihe river andi aicertaîn upon whet efnditions a meer may lie extunded tbrougli their property. Tise Board out'Local Improvement. i. to meet tueé week, wlîen the niatter of etrontage conrsent petitions wlil L e taes u it and ili the neceesry signatures i-an Lt e ohteined ta the"i petitions it will h.e rpossible tusi tamt the seweraes ystent tie isprinig. Fimst, thè. main outiet t0 thé.. river will Le itilt et vilage expelle.. ands the eXtensions punt in bl'y sîeai Morne@ Cllpped. I, eut preperesi ta clip hors".. Sa tic- fC-tiing.isar&aîrteed. Sînîy LEÀEit. LetCell f wiii clos-eniy books Mar-h IuM, heure wich-l date you s îit paryîîour taxes. 22-1 J. J. Pi.îTEouS, Coile-tir. Grand Concert. Prouf. Peterltcliuchman, instru.-tiorr t li.. liecailriandolin clubi, bas arranged to iivo a i-,niccrt litithe Ilniîîiinhrili.Tlitrsdtîy Pv..ttng., jn-hli .. Assietimtg llîî .iiiiwlie M r. ltfiahaelS. )rutt. tcur; Mr. Witt.J. Tayloîr, lîfaniet aet(theti..Sili-uîîan Mandoliti Clui Thii.ilertyrille Mfir rhumn ('litwill as velli te.pfart in thlic ptîîgrnrandi Misa Carrie (iard lemlii gis-e sortie renditions. Itr rurikeA aîro grain of unrietal i-rît an(] yot w il vînt ta hear it.. 21-2 Ourn lice tof photos can't lie Leat. Ail lirYi-sandi grades t<î choose front and i l w<irk le ionnd ta suit, et Be-svi,-k*m. wlte.n yor neisI e îll i t le alvin'Ys Lest t.) buy thpe it.t lade's Little Liver P'illâ are the Lest. Trs- tiim. Th" y liave a wey of tircir îîwr. V'îiL lA1*t. PHAOMACY. Smoked Canned M. BK Colby merci ,PH ON£ 29 LIBERTY VILLE il,,. f.dips White andl Co!ored Aprone. Àa" ine <of tise tavorabiy known "Trye." meskiat élý tii r. . r -ît of tue itaterl. The Aprons amnJU luî shit.. lta.].. of Indue Lins», Neinsook antIlà i loth. ht rlms.Aprons. Long full 01usd Apr- witii iilî. Sointeare witlt lemmtitchesi border@, ot*l tri. ted, stili ailiers ttri'.] vitîtinsertion. the prI for titi lot le iI earg.. 'ize Blin-t Mi'rcriued Suit.-..iAprons ..... ... (iuod (luality (miiîgliertAprins .................. I W'..havi. almo a sampue lot of Babies' White Pm J -le.p price. , Libartyville - - - Wliere Good Candy Is Comi ~~of Chicago, have aehieved the highest state of perfe.ction ln the manufac- j Ur tutre of sceWE ARE THIIER AGENTSs c c Fo101fe B~nio~ orh9hod [oo &b11 CJherry Creams -. «b,4OC a Pounîd, were 5<)c. Chocolate Foam I 18 ..R ya$il Peppermnit Kisses (c 30c a Pound, were à8c. Walittit Fad#ges MrBack and Tati h poud (fi 3ç, Lime Tablets. <« 30c a Pound, were 40c. Maple ýDi pedCarmeIma(4O4 Moni.' Svss rea Ctoclets alii iLSS, v-rei;ic.Kohler'ui Milk Chololat. («15c a ound, wua 28c. fiiîntlîer'o eui. (ti 88, vers 410c. Llbertyvllk I. AD Lîber 1We have added.t store a Nteat M. ,mentg,and are pre to furQnisIý custlnel best in Mentsaet i prices consistçnt good quality. m ef Yi

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