CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 10 Mar 1905, p. 7

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MdU WvP U-a Y. I reshdent Mîlore IL Pihiisiaa...E. & N.whN out Cý ar sCae s.uoe, CWd bxl yes u4as lit, V . Rich #d-.iit chanrgeeofNà êe e 0 C olin a .)tf c heî Sua nig e ranlaWar. Thîe efpet uof the true- l 0 ai aste nulthe neriostaraits ahemi BanyonMy - ns-ttlu té Ies. LeIul'.ieiî.tiîm tel vtieg filîtsuîi.:îilicsant - i tixeutle nmaIe. met,nautielily au luiveaîit. lT . h îlnaI;. cualitlou onld epte ibe"lîct qt rpelment. t Vlileoeys4 irotesr nE Sxîieh mr¶'o drdme lu nive axfuithfuiltrial lu 'ernta. 1 i It, lit nae hortilome te Sî. A1situdc lst tué.mi-, i>' khin,ý resuititesa hicitly eonollllo. aliuEal ai-lecure -vas effae-ld. Isant tî,t t,îuntnDily ' cecoudel tsroaa 10to hsui otérning wlth kldopy ttenhle. Tu.lety 1 an abi. ta von as liadnnt Unir:1 tt, la nMy litýen ad the eximinwer fui na let.I ii- ara co mpatir pnmuuic-d me au 'A' la Pmes Iiitk Oner Isar eWs. Ps-ru-ai OmIy UsinaI>el tew m aunt. bir. John NIMnE11. 215 t.ipîiai'îtf 8t.. Teronto, Cao.. a promiuenctercs-rt-nof tient «ity afitti asea otember ut the Masgolle enier. Mvrites: "I on bî'lth genertlly fer oven tstir téor. nW~'tI- 1 ritilitt % bb ~eslsi sat sinter itsectlel iithe blailler andl kidueys. causiuz serions trouble.1 I lk lvii grntly altertiacui khilusy renieilles viltuuit gretitg the deird restulîs. Plriît ls th',,etli rt".dywblch won mal otfigay benefit l lae.1 bave net iiad a trace of kidnsy trouble mur a miid la Mr nysteai." pN-ru cent" isNe Narcetica. One ireason why Peruna bas fî,uitd per- rognent uxe ln go many hboxa" inthat Et contain Dne lînrfftie ot a ny kind. Pe-' .riia ta perfectir hornile,.At can be uaed anay Iengtb et lime iq'jtliout arqjuir- inx a drux habit- Peruna d,, .'. t plre- duce temim.rary resulte. It in ,ruaet ln ils Affect. [t has ni, bad effect Ilpori 1 hi vt, gràtl gr.idually eliminattes catarrh l'y ri, q uinglthe cas if'. ottarrh. T",'are n Multitudle ot homes wh, L* trrInai lot, s beji oaci ff and on for tiveuty yo 1 Awb a thiag eild nut he 'I i l'eruna contained gay drugi. of a riai' Say PIanIy0(oYour Groer, Thali youn xt LMON COFFEE san~,sd he, obeing a square maxi, wiU n(t y ose yùu any- thung else. You xay flot cste for our opinion, but WhuI About Oie UuMMiJudguet 01I MiOUS of housekeepers 'suielave used LION COFEE for over a quarter of a century?7 h th-ee any 8&onmger prof of -H4U than the AaDasrrne- Vyour Wall& arc e oy and grlmy gilerte lita tar' col al a oo. Tbey neel cieaning mt Ait- baillis. Thte nmc lon echeine and harmonica tonrtis yeaancan only lie loue. nlaAhbaaltimi. The colons at-s Utc icheatth Ie tinta h. moat pinaenat. te bues 11* muaI eatfl lui Alabatlne-tere lan't any vali coecing tatislajuat as ALABAaTtPtE Secs mm need nashlmg off bue t reb coït cen b. applIed- yen almply mx ALABASTINE nitin coiS Wais, and cpply vîtin e bmasi. Aay Sec- efate? or painter eau appliyt-o? eny vomen eau apply 7It benseit. B embnktm rAlabosllae rames la m«4gs k e u subglluts-do C Ik;Irymr détehr an't CÉgply yand ese.bis Damne and sviil s.. Ilat yee bise Aiba- lis.Beautitel îlot ads mnd fna. F 01ev e«ins t f re. otoeinaast- j lus% oALABASTINE COMPANY 9" 0 *1, Grand Rapide. liein. sl CII ___ - -id e AIL2 Theliearemaaty Instanxce$ ef "gel- tIng aven" vnicit are at once juel tilu engnereus, andul tlougit me mai' mmli.e ttheb.raternt rt, uc. e cal, barlly avoll e tl-nge et lisepprevnl as- e lb balmaners Involved. In- ils-d, il la a weil-acceptated itaI &n) mnaciigo eut et bis wey tu ses-k -ilty nsvenge vîitout iowarlig bis owndilgnily. Te Nev Yor-k Tribune gives Ibis casn apoin~teuchlng Whitlierte enlisI. Haewaa extraveganlly fonil et n French poodia, and once, viax te log bal onstoubeei It is tiroat. senl fer Sir Moral Mackenizie,te greal speeiall.t Mackenie vas nul pleasel, but pre- scrutaI fanrlb.eilug, and leok a partial ravange by cbrging a big tee. The nart day lie sent for lyltistier in great batste, amndtenriat, feeling taha hebal bean summonal on onte matar ceaneccd mt ltae paoe, droppel lita ork ald hstattel te Mac- kensea'a bouse. 1"Hem lo yen du, Mn. Whistler?". al lhe surgeon, gravely. 111 vantaI te. oses yen about painting my frot leur." Time The'ewn AvmY. Clara-Wbm's lbe nelter, Seat,? Dora-1t's to ua mach bura. Mn. Fatheart basn't propaed yet. Chia-Bai yen 1011. me yen veuldn't marry huml. 1~*-fcotirs I ouin't. But, af' tee thelb lime rve wsseil ou hlm. I tbLiikus tlésâhat giva mea a chance peeW te deveiap a moat remarkabîs mystery. Pîeeing ftrumpelsamng swhièb alot t ber lita Mm. Stanford, among the sreulthesçt wuomten la tbe worid. fumes] pbilamtbroplat aldbenetac- ter ofet esntion, expired in bar spart- manialuhlb.Mutina hutel alter striting goda wter. 'etfcite motive eau be necribal tes le, aupponeil monder of 34m. tantord, but ber amibient dealli came alter ste lad âppaered ýn perfect itealth andl tolioving an eqol y ntysterioun Imisuning of tht pltianthrpolut in ber San Francisco pal- ace. ,Physicins OrsI cîlel diagnosel bei edilen fatal altack as "tetanus efthb respîratony erg-ans." Ant exaotnation af- ter ber dealli corafirmesi tiiiagnesis, but [he sîclets. i,-contessed Ibemnelves uinable îu tumnisb any reaeon for the snd' p dmaseaoutsuc- a atack. An inquesil rmsi hall,_ nud an auîopay reportel île dIacovery ot lelanus. Mm . tmnfurd iras touad muoaniag la lierdemth agonies, but coascious and la- telligenît. She die la lemis than anbhut ntter ai,. draak tb. medicina, Ihuugli shi bail been ln active Lealth anil higb epiriti ail day. Bbc told ber servants ail thel'pensonm "ho bad milied lu ber hediie utofthe tredîcine te baieul akeit, und Iben. aslte convrulsiona grs-tv ciii, ecel 10 t come luiFn full realizuttion flint sîte Vls about lu die nad exclainieit: "I bave beau poleoued! This ia e horrible dealh tu die!" Her own physiien. Dr. P?. IL Humph- neye, ail anter in lte huits'I Dr. IL V. Murray, did ali la their power, but in vain, te alieviate lier pasens contvulsionsa. Shbc lied m itlitii tiîrty minute. 1 Tno monltu buf',re in ber bouloir, la ber San Franîcso tuangion nhe lialt benî stnicks-n vtit surniilar convulitions afte driakiag e bottle cf impiorte- m1iîîeral water touînd tu, coritain ntryehnine, whiu-b resuteit in lier fligt totward the Orient fom an extealel tour. Miss. Berner, the Recretary. wbo vas a-ithbcber mîstreais at eacb Jîou'oning, ai- .tost ewoomed as insr. Stanford was ily- tng. The secnetnry sad e bail pur- chaseil tue bottie ut bicarbconate. cf soda in Adelaila. Australie, neînly a yeux b.- taré. Xo motive leç conceiveble for the mur- der ut Mme. StanfouI. n phiianlthroîint a'bo7bas giveb $38,IK000h, fru-e cîluca- ldon and e vomnaxinolel liaI beloved ton ber unwsai solicituda for others. -TO H-AVÉ 1G'PHONE SYSTEM. Clalcugo àmAfAton RuaS ît Commedt Ami Statlen@ by Teiaishone. The Chicago and itolln limilroad bas enlenel mb oa cîîntrsdt irit thtes-Bell reldpbone Company pmovilixg ton tité construction of eacntplete telephone syntem, -ors-ring the' cuire lias o f the' 4j1ton road. l-ifty exchanges are lu, be I tallaI as a beginnt, and the work ut contruction n-iil commnence at once,.lEant St. Louis wiii b.clte location cf the cea- Irai exichattge. frein thich point the ' unes wiii radiale adultimalely viilhe op- eratel aven lb. road aortb tu Chicago ald wes to Kansas City, vith lines ex- tendiag te the liffeena branches. It in taid that itlnle ua the present intention of* the management tu, use lte lelephome service lante operationi ut trains, ai- tbongb il laletougbt Iikely thal sinet use neilicame eventuaily. iThe principal value ut the telephone et the outmet will b. la taetransmision ofmessages wbich viii ficilitaI. the handlltag of the Allait', grealtnfeight trahffc. lhe succeue of lbe NesuYork Central-Lake Shore lelephuns bas causédi tce management te coneiden Ite extension tei cuver ail linea ef the Vaderbilt a-ystem-Michiga n Central. Big Four. West bitore, Lake Erie and Westeren, Threa "l'a" and chier ruads. Standard Oii's Plaenorteinal Profil. In lthe 23 yaare et its existence, the Standard Oul Comany lias paie $4M. "065,000 [n dividenda 4,n ii 1100,000,000 et stock. This $4uJ0(niffl00lesconsi- erabîr more titan anc-fiftuh ut ail the noney--geld, ailver and piper-la the UaitaI Suites. Tb.e $M,065,000 lutherte Ilvlnibuted dues nûtrepreuit lthe''profits ef tb. oul trust. Wh'at ils surpilus nul un- dividel profita arc nuonie out'ide ofthb innermotl ienarclrofethlie cil k'ings knows. -Nomr.' isthoe aany eîta ns ut kaew- log hune mach is si4pnt ench year in lob' bying anul in intlnencing iegu¶latio», in cru'sttiog comxpetition ndeîtdsrengtheiJlna t.e grip ut the trust un its monopoly. lly fan the langett part etftihe Stand- ard 011 profits htave been aceumulated la lte la.« mine and a quarter yean. Prior tei 1806 the total dividende pai ameunt le leathati 3130.0ff0,000, Sinée tbat date lb. profits have heen an inch a. saie demItheattalinlastouriding. Prof. Oppeabein of the. University of Penmlavnia lais nim a bock on jute - Itetional mm. Iniina's aew United States Benator, lames A. Bemeaey, ine aproluct of ber common achools. Courses lanlte bistory et modern art will h. Imroilitee at Dartmouuth college axilen lbe direction et Humer EBaba Keyes. By the viii efthIe late Prof. A. S. Wbeelen efthlie Tale 1ev echool thenui- verslty ln given bis vainebla Iibnery ou Roman a1e.- The aew lubercuiosis diqpcaîary, Johbns Hopkins bospitl et Baltimore, for irbicit Henry Philpe ut Pitlnburg gta'ie $20,000, bas beau formeliy opuncil. Dr. A. L. Peterman, elucalor, litcturer ail authen. may be the acxt president et Graham college, Grahamt, Va. HaIlives eit Nabville. For the tirat lime la many years the board ot trustees et Conneli la without 0»Ose bàU:VflVAgi>. a The laot I'fSpplet menke arrivai li Lexington, Mr. r William WC$ausappointaI lbthenrt govenieroflifblghan. Tu-aIre shlpe'bt taelime vanf coin- pledluix pain foesa lîty. Napoleon starliexonbis secelin Jour- aey scrosa flbAlps lIe oItaly. War vas Inevllablaý and Boniip:rte'a policy vas te trlke the inet bhm. Commodore Preble, irbe se gallaDtly comanalai lte Anericun fSeat ai Tripoli, arrivel la New York. French teeopsbegaî,thlb.mirch of San Domingo. _ Itallan pob ver. omrd lesel lu Englisb hipa. General William Ealoc. iro bal ibeen mt Cotmodore Ilîrron at Ute boulirdment et Tnipoli, narchal bis men te Caire, vitere hocmo'cpt ail be- tu-ebe itin ecollacleil troops, camels, cuandetores fer bie Jeurney acroe lte Libyen demait for Derme, ald raisail te Ameicau Oag oter Uniht clty. Grants of landl vert' bcing mal, Ia Indie ta Enropeaxia rita iul setie lxi bhe country. t b. RusIna gavrriniaeat dacreel tant ail Jeautts enlering tecoeuntry sucretl e hasaiel ald ent le Bîberla. Au extensive ochite of utforgary vas letectel lu Bangli, indua. Ajgrant lina occurrait at Bt'rgen,. Non- v ay, andl200 bouces Iver( e s'troyel. Civil ires vas teglng len Venezuela. 'iTe imsl euecentt daily nasrpaper ta the' UnilledStates mas basuel la Pilai-lphla. Great treshets cause-I the rIer Dan- *ube tlu riea Ovtlwîoiity-lbree teal, rcausIng mach damage le propenty. t1Il ires enneunel 1bt h1lie iwbite suit . Hottentot population ntthle Cape of 5 eeu IHope bad Ieubls-,Inletwcxty-fivé7 years, lb. slave popula tion nemelilagi statilnary. Nîchelas t1, Emperor oft Resala, lied, agel 59 yeans. Setanal men ver. kll lu Ina ret li a saleon le New York Cty. lTe Bouse peea a bill reducing tlb. eIullem on Importait goe.. Te Rusalan, efler a batlle eft tires heurs, ver. dinven lunck fronthlit Frencht unes lu Sevantoçal. Executiens occurel almomt Ialiy la Hungary, lte countrny haviag been la an unsettlel stîle ince a wrn mll Austriâ. One bunînel mandfifty-thousexi per- sous menaeout ot emplojemxtenLiver. pool. Tbhent rd m nby Gexaral Jackson vas presenlel le Congres@.. lb. Calcutta retireail openel fer passeager traffic. Iorty Tsars Age. Gel lroppcd le 180% lu Nov York, e fuit et Ote points, ountaeneya ufthlb Wiliulnglea occupation. il wgp ~reporte-i ltat Lee bail gene Senti tot operale 2aeiat Shermanm, lemvlng .Toe Jobensoalai commndae Rilchmaond. Govemcor Vamce,, et NontitCanelica, lIsuaistewnr proelamatien "tât ltae slruggIe ton frîsedorn shah never ha gîven up.' Tbe $W00OM o an bill pasaI ta Uited Blates Senate. Presidunt Lincoln signel tsolair pirebIbitixig ofilcers an attaches ef Uta at-ny orn civy trom ltternag mlt t.eelectieits ini taesevaral Btates. Ifucit exctement va. cauesI xlute Nontt h y reportastat Léa'a amy vas arparIng le evecuale Richmond. Flmity Tsars Ago. Londou' reportel Ibat Europea truope ital bacc vîthdraivu frein Yo- kohamna. Frencht cenreapandence th Amxeticar nevopapera leclaral Ibat lte prospect et a cocstitutioaal geverument li France ires lui etînent lite prasidential eleclor bilil, provIl- lng ltaI au Stale could lte diafrn- ciisel vithout ile joint apprevel af bothbobenes, passel ltae Banale. Tae force bill mes belug fougitiaven lu te Bouse, lte habeas corpus claus. being eapeciaily condamnaI by Rcpub- licana. Tb. United States Banale passaI bbce civil igitta bill and lb. Boumeapa- praval taeforce bill. The Bouse adoptai the go-cefli "Loulsiana compromise' ramlutlona. The Unitled States Baae pesa Colonado and New Maxico annexatien buis, %rit amecilmants conlitieaiag tair affect Iwenty Tsar.Ave. Prasldant-alecbtiilevelan ald pýrty unostantallously lef t Albany for IN asb- Ingtun. Mucit differeace ef Opinion level- Opel ovar taeconvictien. by e court martial btf Julge Adrocate Siraîn. The Paciic MaU subsidy was re- sloreI by a Banale appropration of $W00000 for cerrying tereliga mails. Ganeral BIllar bail brokentrougb bad surrounileilhlm and reachal OT. VTJ I EP Vessa. AMI-tsd fer Tsar, by friag $PeMe I$ f " Cwesamea. UeSones iefee t hllti. 'Whoallséteas tourteen yaarg ld, Mr@, Ia 1. Brown hed St. Yilu.a' lante.. She inlely gel oven ltheinit noticeable fuaturea et the atrangeaaliment, but was alfil toubleil by vary xincmforble set- mttonsa, wbiclàile recently described un folleva : -Oxie hand, haIt ef my face, and haIt etfMy langue vonli g se l, ouut. Theoe feeling. wôuldi. cerne on, 1maItfon *bout tee tuinutes, axid &ben go say, mverti limas a day. Beaiee I oul bave palpitation oft tae heurt, and rny reitgtlt veul gel me 1ev ltaI 1 conId hardly breathe. As lima wenl an these spolia kept i!oming oftaner and growing worsa. The nnrnbneuaw.ould serelitnea eteel var haitny body." - "11e did yen gel nId of the=?" "Il maemed for alongime tas if I neyer eould gelridet than. Il vas ot nutil about ix yaarm mgo Ibal I (oul aranxady Ibat bail virtue enoagh in ii te reacli my =se.. ThatwnsDr.WiUilsin'Pink Pilla for pale Peuple, Md l lby bave sduce an- trly cnt-el me." IDiI il take long to efeot a cin?~ "Ne 1 1 hailu't ltokn 1he vhele of thé finsIbox hafore I1s»w a grest impreve- Sment. Saol kepi ou nig than, groviug tbolter aIl the timeauttl 1 bail tairiexi gbt boxes sutheln1 a I a.penfeclly Weil, and 1 have remaneinli gool heaith ever diuce vilh oua exception." IWbal vas tbai? Il -Oh 1 ltaI vas hen 1 had the grip. I was inbed, uiler the locde'. care, fur Ivo veks. Whex I gel up 1 bail dreailful attacks of dizaines,. 1 bad ta gnasp bld et aomneling or Ivenl'fal rigiti lown. 1 vas juat mieérable, and when 1 mev the loctor vasneitlhelpîng- me, I beau ttaie Dr. Williamrs' Pink Pilla again. lu a short tine tbejy carbt meutf thel trouble tou, atnd I have neyer bail aay dimy apolla intce." Mrs.!repxn livea aI No . 1705 DaWitt mt-el, Matlon. Illinois. Dr. Williamse, Pink Pilla are vithout mn equai fer -the rapiî al thoe'eugh cure of tiervoun pros- tration. Tbey expel the poison left ini te M ftlemn hy macbdiseases gs grlp ad are e béatof tories ina-&il cases et veak- nom, They sr od by avery zuggast. Saocial Equatity aun Camebridge.. Befere Longfellow bauglit the. bous' la Camebridge se assoelated twitî th h rnerery It was awned eanl occuçlel by oid Mrs. Craigie. Mns..Cralgie vas a emana ufmanty ecceiilles, Moncure1D. ('onway says la bis etf'"Iemlnlsa ceactai." Soule one once triel lu persuade ber te hai-veliter tracs teLrneKitute lweet tentfrtre aterpitlara, wbicb aise In- veleil bèr ueigbbor's trees. r Site refusaI ta ha se cruel tate caterpIllars. "Tbey are aur falloir verna,' sell sald. PROM MISERY TO HEAL.TH. iA Promiment Club Vessan of Kouma Cty, writéasm oTlaank Dosa' KiLa.Y Pilla for a (Omsiol,&y' Mies, Neial.Davie, ot 1210 Michigan avenue, Kansas City, Me Socety ~ leader Ind club ~~'~N vein, writes: f.. 1 cannutI-say toc f a~I mucb ln praidii et 1 Daan'a KIlney (tel a àcomplté cure li a very short lime vben iâI vas suffernag MieNL~DA&vI fron kidaey trou- blas breuglit on tîy a col. 1Ibalieavera peine lantae bck axid'aick benaches, and fait misérable ail1 over. A, few boxe. et Doansà Kld- ney Pilla maIle me a Weil vurnan. witheut an ache or pain, andl 1 eel compellal le recommanl tiareliable remnedy."l 1 (Signel) NELLIE DAVIS. A TRIALPREE-Allrns lster- Milburnn Co.. Buffalo, N.' Y. For eele by al ldealers. Prica, 50 cents. ,Making a <le s Htinct.ion. Benevolent Party-Yduiig man. 'm gorny te nsea yeu thonIlilng eway tce golden boura ot yaulb. Evcny tintle I look out ot my parier vmadoir I se. jeu slttlng on Ibis lire itydrent. The Youtng-Ma-Witt's tb' malter vitb yeu? Wbat are you givIn' me? 1 ali't Idie irben I'm loin' nolli- iaig. l'ma swer lispector.-Cleve- te&nd Plain Dealer. ien's Tilel W. oller O0e. SomaIDollars Renard for' 10v case uf Catanrh thet Sonot ha cubed by Mii 'àttarrit Cure. i y'. J. CH ENES a&CO.. Fraps.. Toledo. 0J We th. undemIged bave kanu F. J. dltmoty, fthe lt maI y"ei. and belleyen hua peeety honorable ilauet]business tranitiinad Base- llaiiy able ta carry out1 acy obligation ma". by iri-r&TmtuÂx. Wbomlelaruggsts.ToWadaO. WÂIi. InIiNAN ëa MAtviN, Whloesle Dolt.Toledo. (0. ilP etarrh Cure la lakIntnal,àiq directly utpon the' bIna an ucauesurfaes of lb. syitem. Price. me. per bottIs.BOel byail Dreiefita. Teaimoîtlals Iree.. .all'.anlyPlle are tin. best. The une et the X-rnys has provel e valuable asjumet lu ps-ai-fiablug on the coant of Ceylon. By ibis application IL le possible lu discriminais hetween valua- hie oyetersanad those coalainlmg no, penrdn. Oyslers uneetess for lbe commer- ciel purpoaes are Ibron n hck intolbh mes, Tbè pemltie eaemy efthte coddllng math receatly-brougbt ftram Europe aud nov being axperimenteel vîit laCaltor- a, la thrivlng there greatly unIon thé es ef Uta State horticultural commis- @ion. comment favefaly uval, iloge lu (OS- erai wbich Co"i 1,0ta .tgtuaendl appeai te ua 1lVa Uelsa til ay. W. glveAj= 4940,4s" em aunmtosi- 1>'. Dot 0 dia ii wna 4e 507. ThIs, bowever. n'as nul:attal the epîrit lii wblcb tbe toler ing letter wmn neçent- ly nritten to'ai ticllt agent et the Rock %inaI Systeai: "La.s Angelea, CIL.Ba '113 Itear M. -: We arriveil hene Salurday safeiy andl anjoyeil our trip very, mach on the Golden > talf- Lin. lteil, Alil ot ur party voted tii train the Oument that' tiey bave crs-r tnav- cel upon. The accommodations ver. firat-cîas xIn every respect-te t4eep- ern, tb. Observation Car. the Dîner,- tae Buffet-llbnary srnaker. wltli bath and barber, coud nut bave been Im- proveil upanz. The entire -train crev wene geatlcmanly anud very obllglxig- doiag ail they.ceail tan makte every- body enjoy themnselve. al teel et. borne. 1 ehall try te get my tnIende and relatives te late. bis train wben eomlng te Californaa." Mn. Jehn Bebalian, passenger Irai- lie manager, cingles thia out as une et te many emmenlatory lattera ibat have been recelvedlni bis office. The Golden SBle.LimiteI la malntalnng Irst place s.meg transcontinental lin- ltid traina. Tird ,tf Engliah. HIushand-Xon once told me Ibat yoni studieit French, Italian aldSpaninli whiie et echool. Can yau spetk any of them itow? Culturel ife-All ouththai.Wlty? Iltîtbaa-l wigh yuui'd.tlo yuur tlu- iag it oae or lte ter oftIhent until I get titrounit wlth thin neivapaper. Salzers Newu National Oata yielded la Mdt., 240 bu.,ý in Mo 2S5 bu in N. D., 310 buI., a and 2 0 aifer claiestrnm 150 te 300 bu. per acre. Now this Ot if gien- erally gronen in W90, vii add millions of hunheis ta the yfld andl millions ct dol- latrs l toite fariner',purse-1 out e 1 imve là e"t tatap face SUB= a ahaky na theb. jeu cmnet bmg th'gy u are lI nt oncea1lo bu oua systetu sa change iof lits medicino ttan Vegetabla C«q illustrationi. il GarOldlAvauuu t'IiavemL, ____ ____ ___ ever mthil. ifmhid e YeivDent C- Aev sotpdU liHi.a ecil an.d yrelà fram 157 to 250= bushele ,ad moere petarem!It'athe big- for muiattIlUbd îgent yieldrun eas..tbe! c. Iitfor WC= S3alzer's Speltz, Beardicu BarolivMaa' " mani Wheat, Pea Oât, Billion Dol Grau w ad Esiliest Came are ,noney tuakera for yon, Mr. Fariner, .r.Pinat Jt'nT BIEXÇ O ICMIiO!CA' t>10 vies 11 in stamps to John A. Sabzer Secit Co., IA her $or ad,1 Crosse, ai. nd receive their h'itae and lots of ftan d Vines. [e. .(C ae l re It ln a nîrange, tact. as bai been fie- quently demonstrated. that rats neyer renînin long in a bouse where lheb. bg 4 pipes are oftc,, plnyed. The rats are l1ke a grreat xîtaoy people-thbey don*t like that kind et munic. Gallope fora Ails. When yopr etomach la ail upeet, your liver In bail nimpe. yonr bowels eut et whack yuer -beail liii.ta aplIt sand every nerve In your body ou adge, Dr. Caldtvell's Syrup Pepsln gellepâ, for ald and yoa get il. It clearu t your poisoned snsem, brings fresb. cloue blood-onppiy to ail ytur dige. live organh, endl restorea ta j« that carntortable feeling of perfect bealtb. Sol by ail druggists at Seand $1.0(k Money back: If It tale. The turkey markiet, as Il walka hâte tosun, là one of the sigbta of a Graia City. If the tunkers are beought frein- a gysat distance thek feet are dippeil la tar before startlng to make tbem tough eaouÉh forte jonmney. Double Dely fior.ang le..o0 Over nîneteen heure saved via the Ibon Mountaîn, 'Texas and Pacifie, . &k Q. N, nud the National Uines et Mexico throagh the Laredo Gateneay. Leae* t Lonla 211 I. ur., arrive City of Ilefl- 101:50 a. m. third morning. Anotetha.Soui train lentes gr. Louis 8:W p.'m.. amiý Mlexico City 7:30p. mn. thîrl eveuing. Thrugh sleepers without change *W through Meoi ço cenery tu the daylImthe Lune rond trip rates noz, la etteet. For darptive literalore aud other Information addres. JUIfs Faruswarlh, D. P. A., 111 Adams street, Chicago, IIIe. Plez Cured as Homne by Ne.w Aboorp- tien Methlod. o~4w If yen suifer fromt hieeding, Icha;. 5 blind or protrudia; ples, .end me yonr nîdreess ndlI wll titi yen un e tacure SuuO yourtfet home by th e, ao' bsorp.tion treataient; and viii aine Rend snom. et tibm home trealment free for trial, neâh . e lu referencea trom your owOioesllity if r.- beu . questeil. Immediale relief and perne- IS t nent cure eeeured. Send nu mener, but e t 811f.51pi- tel others of Ibis effet. WrYî uyte te-" Transe" Mmn M. sammers, Box P, Nuire Daewitha -140 " lad. bave doebd buatacu bise A bushanli i.nont gully of desertion landshae m vwhen hlmbistie renta bis m o tea huard' Hun4rd4 O an and cronedu hlm eut et the boune. l"d0 0 A GUARANTEKI) CURI VOIR PILES. Itab.g;an. Bsiaor Protra ngpires. Yord Uesie oiii panrmeCi AZ iT The living Qed halpa every vonklng r mon la bis daiiy dnty.-B. . Hale.ý car - --ueeger 4fflti T'- m~1 Fo a xbowd Coam SUakcobs ou Shgt seu"e. umm, la tbm boit ]mus'*&oiS rsssv o - Lembage DruAs.. Sula% i. - lOTIE £0111 ~Iw1

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