CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 24 Mar 1905, p. 5

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beir bnad u<tif o4w s u* mmdc h mayb.oeo *lIf dw 0"you bul, Our MG 10Jo Pw blhhdi Usmeou eswoet, u4ch wbedt fouaw".J t " grou4YoulI W.bttevr ud whosaw w* bonMsGJ10 gour to maWit out oL Va. k. A ad bmw w'bmrol U.8ERTYVILLE MARKET and 4JROERYi * .Repairing Watches.. Hlere recoivew the careful attention it deserves. No matter how delicate or expensilve a movement you May have, you can ' bave t to ho' repaired or v io.ud, wlth full aisurance that thé work -wili ho done ln the mout akIifirî niaituer jxrnîibIe. 20 VEA RS'I3XEI3C lNur'rj-We liandie 'the popular MeRlilieY Shreet Milsie. ANDFW IiUSS SsWugg tO Duby &». LibertyvilIle - - - Illinois Just Recel ved-.. Ouîr Sprlng line of WaIlpaper, and it is eompiete. Everything lu entirely uew, nt a yard of old stock on'otir lves. Remember-.o We ieuil border hy tliuq rail and not by the yard anîd saine price as Mle wali, thus makisig tire *paper liuch cheaper. Otlr prices range froxui five centauUp. Smith & Davis, Libertyv 1110,111. W.O R#Isi Teday' negt for a extlesndd trip tirrougtlrp feast lu thre i terts af thre Wooi Douter Company. JutrcleWainute, Pecani, F trevtsauid Pauat G6,C YTrgE'N ChA Aorgcyv. C(%a. Sith bian so14 hi.. rorideuc*ei Bruaiverd Court tu Cira. Kipper, tfrn env of Vqnnon.1 lewIs Fbaflumha. reato tahie Pr dlue back wirrelire lésiadfitted up neat toirsonlal pariai. A poeullar tact Io tirat 11105 hegan c Suuday sund wlll end ou Suuday. au theirreeia lfiryV-thmee tundays. Th relIt uot oscar agair la 110 years. 1Tire graduatig clites of tire iigirscinîo swiii tis year pu ail probillty cinsistt ten rueibrnAbd preparations tor cor inttentent are already under way. Ast wilire noticed ln its aunounui* rtrent elSereiere tire sisetrie rosit cot paay rell inaugurate gervice over il uine ta BPockefetisn, eommenclug Matui day next. i arn tîrepareit to lip Loi-ses. atis faction gurairteed.,juimgy UMesiug. 23-3iLibert.yviiie, 111. 'Bretireren,' mi a man lu tire irSl ing, "»o inramy iy oners are a itying evev, day tirat 1 bars. crime tu tire coueluiu tiret bell las1f11i." He mat doren eben a] oid deaciru, lu the. amen corner ra(sed t iryu n ýTris a placre reserveit fo Tean»st-m wilir'rmmeurm net wsekrt nur-murs tire covering pwsedi on the ueit tuile trar'k iart tall, sud thes course sil lic puît in 0shape. It fisa bus: sesue s tire trackthtse day., a large inumhiero burne" Iaving liirre ja rrovniirg licvery tes dayo..1 A baby'.. tiny iraid ela@pedt aroun( hils rotirer'. inger lbas stilled mranyî ireart-tirboi f nrras sud a bittel troubrle; a babit. arme. aroundhii fatirer** ueck bava irraUglt to thre mau'g weary brais a rereral o airt lIn wi'rin leal tirat malise f11 ivahila. Workrnsn am, putting tagetîrer tir tareer oun ehicirsilIrmet tire .10 galion tank for tire village water wrrkê ayotem. Tis tauk in on tis ground arr, as eoon mastis tower in erertei wiltir aissenbter-adt tie partit rivî-ted to- getisr. ihi rptdturalse ire tower in a tes days. Onesorithtie wiset acte tire srîou ta t elected trrrstees eau dro uponan sfrurirjK infles reilire ta emiporeer tis ses Presli. dent tri appoint lirtir a marmia an trr't r-unrvnrrsfioner. Ih wiil terrît tr ter grîverrrrurertur)f tire village, wichr i eý ortgruwr thereonditinnrr 5(5'inj nflos ns u ullirg bntir atls. Just as se oexpecte thtie aituent ut *pinrg revive. crîmplaintis frontîîal oec. tirirofuthtisVillage relative ta tire newve nuisante. Newbmery avenua e midenta are agaîn ta tire fore sur i lust tirai aitirough thti tuessding itus eýditehi atrnaz tiat strret ave nurpartpd t ti e, eiosiri tire teel hfroim .swerse]A la i ready- unhearabie. They are in a irelilgerert-mood down on Newirerry avenue sud deciare if relief in Dot aforded tiee willt be '"something doivrg." FREE OFFER-Do you rerihta win adiamond ring? foala i'rTrz' C*s nyAEN. A coupon with ecdipur- ellase. X ANNOUNC2MENTS X Thre W. C. T. U. wili meet at the irai. img room Tuesday alternSon, Mardi 28. Frederlck Star'r, state L. T. L. worker wil @peuh; inithre Preshytprian cîrurei Iutrrday eveniugr, Mar. 27. Every rine in.- vitdNo admrission cirarged. Tihe sulrjet of thre srlrmrîn Suuiay uhoring at tire Methodint cirurrhr wiiiire "Paulis Passion." hsub>ect unét Snndsy eveurung ut Prev- iyterian diurch rwiit ire '*Paiin ou ars Hill." Ail as weiriome. Thre M. B. Ladies Aid n4oirty wiii mrrr.r suPp attire diurieh Tuemday r'venirrg. Mar 28 f rom 5 ta 8 o'cioek. Price 25 cents. The menu totlows. Prsssed Seef &caliapeit Potatues Beans Caibage Saiad Rails iBrowen Bread, Jeli.y Cake <Sufes Whenr hioms try a dose, of Chramrf. litîs Stonracir and Liver Tairletr u d reatise for once how qrrtekty aflt-isr up-a.ate Inrsdicine relu correc thtie di.. ordr.F<r saie by F. B. L0vrtr.i. Liber- tyvitie. an AI. L1499 siot a couple ofrit hi gse W~.t. OnyCoto iu- Tumaday at nandout. .Fo Comautucone" Wm. <elsgetlis week tratei lri 'voit i. sudor Assesmor 'il- ta Ed.RKarut ora lie driviug borse. - Dy" Mr. sud mr~. FrédCrokr.r's infant sou DEMOCHATS ONLY NAMBI 4. in ver: loti. sufforing wiilr pncuurlrria on anrd compiiu.tione.. BtriTuosrrlry'rr town aui'useé ilu 1b. 101Artirur P" ,ofL.lwet>rile Wwtr t ertyvilie rerre urrusratiy quiet sfair. to Cinra wiUthJi lujt Torts-dr. Fiotitis tirere seerrrtu t ie littie caner' ru ntw about two esr#0g0, lirs treun trams. part o1thtie roter, a8.ta sho was noumi- terreit frais tie Das a trrrpe<Irî irat nattai for tire offices, sud sipirntwifor t diitroyer, ta tie U. B.. x. Wirr-ouroiu, a fayo-r dispayp,4 a like lineonrïwla onu inrit ce"u.batt4tiip, Ik le rlIrjttrearjruîr.Finit ti.repuuijritanf got togetire-, 1Mr. idai'& flagéblp. INelm very mmci i çlr.e. Jorhu Balard I iri chmarlra enchairman, with iis Dow advoeSmert. and poce to natinesuifltair tiket. Tued .ay e mn« rr 9 oc çatth xetire ordy for hirvýycnu of orecutr4tiredestin 0fH#fi'irrî Welingtonr roieteitby ar-tlaunationtirea ot beiug r-Wiiamrs. lRe iad ballun iI-lt mincesirrst 'ldiroutiug vote. Forr ligiway 4r<inr- Octoer ad l Janar' masopeatedramissiorrier FrePd lielir received 31 anti ,- upon at tire Prebyterirnir Iosiital il udlh per2 visM.Hli ie m-1Chicago for cancer of thi.' trîrna.'h, theire gdeeiared tire norrinoe. itè,ugo m "in h lews.Three vuen reere uamed for tire nomi- r- beYoud recovery. He n'turued il r nation for apsressor. Thereirait bialloît LibertyJIlie sud iris piiiide oiilitirýin ranhi Tiçîp............... .,engeundered thre deepeet ravitîrrîrrtly alinrog FacsTip ........... iris Lîbertyviiie frituit. ' ii' as lirt .afiyptei irm.u...................0 wt aru iiariy kuoreirrm l.ibi'rty v-ille Dia i be-......................... 17 frirblond reigious fairtr iilo 8avatjîur Vira ftillhrîn î'riiirformnai ,ahltrîas 'ya Ern yire Wetiu mlu firî. i teFran.ils Tripla ...... .................. 14 'n ina DrWarksgn ri'nrieriicdtir îauyette lion-] t......................2(j La ICirrieian cirurer, tiI,' irtrFarll Daîr'îlee........... t-'maeniiýrrsoutwblihfreqrrî-- i r -llrd unin Mr. Brondiwrn.i rtruard tire rorrine'. r bulriattire lirrepitailur.itriý t rlirrsWievr If anîrteotnriiotalflesit s'as de- Ihredasi was borra lu Vol.,,, lir' t, 1>75uide riupînturplbut orrecandidlate nusit àl rildiroui 'is par'.ris r.uile tu hi'oncertî-dil Denuial Lirirsrry s'iraniuu w1libertYviltie and ir was 'lîîater lu tire ou tire dr.uhrrratiî' ticket îlli lu an1Iy il' local rrrioilé. Wltl thr'eo ';tofu a eveut. ir e eted, and if two candidate. Ltt yeur @ponvt lài Oregovr' mît twu, otrea, were nornirnat-ri utire rrrpubliî'alr ticket, if Western tripe Of a les imîn ie1es amrireasluprevioiîs 'eurs, Ibut une n'ould ire e Iras irie tist.village tri'., i..Funeral ls<ted. Mr. iiviberr-v'is tire rigirt iros tAuk place froiarlais& ,'lh'umore, Ttire'riglrt praces aud lu parartir'aliy 1 ' id Tirusay. Lawter w tîîrNj lrf.'iotrtdo;rsed by reîublienm. Tire Miaticket riurcli &lf&iatinàg. Tw.Iîr.rlrtir§,s an ornatedi l ýrat.Çontir Ciri ansd ouè i' îtt ien tY.ville Towen Cierk ........'......trsrt roker in ,and aistop at Waabjngtmi, . (% t ntir Aseor............... Lifayette Bond' sîtir he intirer Mi-. I. I W Irtue octr .............lotai _ _ _ __th e mttL i e s u t. t i re.P e% I.t n.y. H a krt e y .ai C:m rn is ao n , ut H igl irvîrr ... .Fed lcIer Jutc ftire Peace ..eorke rWoisuer WHO FRVILLAUIEOFFICItS? C.onstale ................. Watter Adien Tir. tail tar a raucue dIller litizerra' 'chooi Trustes .......... leorgP.Wisuer ,àPartyoït Lbertylville toi arli t tlirs Chairrîran Batlardn nueitW..A ileane, ilTownrBal l aturdasy îr,ntt Airn 1 Harry (ialiioway ari Winr tiamuan se s, erves tir jr.,minr iI»urn, r lirons tîrat t0wlîr cuvunittee for tirs susuirrg year a- village ciection dra9mtr ir. lserruwitirpower tu fiiGuy vamrucies tliret a tialtirat ilve, iptrrai ii e l.tdmiglit rr.'ur utire tic~ket, ,m tire boer th ie corirt£ Vi-r , as tire DemaCi'stl QAIY Nom i. Pe our. 0iiîrpuîrtit suad Cxti-n' ruriprove- Foluowing aijourvrmert of thre republi- atoutsauvrer way and t tr1--.'starté.-d ce'-vair cauculg thrs deumc_.ts coveieit. iquire rrtirirrg a-ai arl ri I l riiussN'omiatons were 1,11lry acr'Iamatiou a îmanagremtent. Lu Say nilItlr Iit tileare rnud tbat four canddates wpeesictitt ituperidouis tank of lirrîîerevil -irg being iit t litire tousî r aitt'e ta lii triU i'urpietuOu tirhe ritirirîr'rrrIelit vr Irre f it sire der.uretarl visatie. ïswie-b orrue rouis tîi. ' i'rr. Tierols rre rrrrrrrirated &%ailîtFor wiral uies siiirrui lie no 'issatl ir il buiiilinrg otif rllrs ,fpermîanreut sîde-waiksthtis rîiarIicrnuitilàaTowan Clerk ........Johniis T eto large nuanrier outbicuk îîc'irrg irii e Ameeesir. ............ Francis iw put ira. TIdu atii tri irotîrd sili Coin, ut iglrs'ay ........Frak(lrn aihave tu arrange a wsroI'rrd lbonrd liss,Urutie. .....ins rbrv rars tie ta iey ar> trsî sîfr <un- Mr. Tripla wir onmorinu tire repurhricair raile he ax ovyandthêa vill eo-caucus tavoreit for assessr was moiected set ut pruper-ty rrwueirs evy ' euialbytr lvrcatiîgrleisntt asmerumeuta vsinere extellrrsf frr ire b h eneaa h hh nnto weter mains avrdtmsivers are riesirerl. tSt prrrty, lu riew ut th irs tctireis Tirs main sew'rr irrjroverrernt 'ounlie kuareitri have stsa'-il ldtr accmplsbot wth Iv thus ri ffices luVernon toîwnshrip tirevions t oar bmonudred suetndi n a ive tina iis renoval tu LihietyvrIte. Thtis Je dhollab olrsneonithsufaxittit i tire irmt instante ut a itixcit tic'ket tirusad dllas rrrthetax iciy.being put np lu toren etections for wtrss e aojyb «nilF anry years aud tire iterocrats ire- La ae sytmes iîlie acut richsledlieve tire innovation a liapular unsý, cou- thy speai ov nrer Ir t wnty eiric "ltsudiirg tirat merit nut party afiilationr, irespeart verfiIr-ririut s'rît yrn' htruir cunut lu tawsi far. enri tins not Irecoie 'furdepsoure. Irnnii afi .sietng ns tueu'csd irsreirirg Citizens Party Canevas. menîmbers of ftire board 1t Lieir abiiity Tiers relit irea caucu 1oftire Ci ietns lu view of tire requirevuents he caretully Prtry of Libertyvilie, lun Libertyville, causoidered. -It Iaii ntlire bard ttu inlTowin Iral. u aturrtay nigit, April 1t in weio tavor ail thiee muti n u'ei 1905, at M o'eiork, for tire puirose il împrovernents,liaint tlryi'y uta aa -I ire îlmciug li rîminatioîn caiidates for' tire I'frllrînvg village Offices, tirho vrer]dfoi- 'Benu relit> ili Ilo iJiinrgsý' aund lu tire Tiremda! irpril 1 8, 1901, andrltra tranisaet face o u ticiin ini ano inconrsideralrie surir rtier business a as rry îîrrperly tirougi rari con-rvtrtrve siemnient. Liti turnotie isttre thire reting: ertyilile lutiet ail tige wlnseis 'Ouit,1 Pvsdent tire rut and rrrt i-esatiflid ith iretinoiVillage ('lrk f'oinrrnrtte 252 prugremmure iiady tnadte. It is blut a etart. iPeople'@ Cancus. Nuaninate andri ile,'t tihorbst ren ne Tiiere nl lies '.auCUs ut tieheîerîl's ira'etby ae riir riagod fi- uePart.y Snturday niglît, April 1 ut mi'r;r have the aremari toogoodfur theiaLiiertyviiie TowenHall, ta ilreliin imiportant work of next year. Vîhîi nomrinationu candidates for village offices evrtcet tliiIeY mr makes nu differ. 1as foilowas: ene-its tire men, vasn for isrprove- Preeidenrt m'iglet tirntlire tire sloan. Men 'l'ITres Triratees wlo Village Clerk. Crrn'nn'rr-r.. wiii pledge tirmerusesr tuaSaccmplisir tire ' sereer irnprorsirienrt dr*spite ail ubirtacles, Dissolutionr of Partnerobip. 1ur tiicarry ytjs i'ifrfletian tire lex IlIli B3' vrutuai r-usnst, fhrye#& l'ells. portarnt ivurk of ei"teudiug tir e r liave rimsielvr-d îrrtiisrolii, '. A. Wlells systtelir, asdt irîildiirg of Permanent eirle- enteriug lortor errtnersiiP s'itlrK e. - salis lui ail parts rof tire village. Donald. 'T. A. Wgr.r.. 25-1-p And Give Thewé The!J have served Vpou Vi winterm=in rain, snow an now let them know- that Spring lias C Colhy's Stfore 'Is New Shoes,, Prettyp Ones, Daintij Ones- Substantial 0 iugb Ones !" Low On es mioà ', and Everg Kbàd' But alwayjs the most reasq in price. Ail the- new 1shapes nâow reâdv for. Women and Chiltfren. , PHONE 29 ~LIBERT.YVILLE - 5cand,6.5c S \o ta porIv made, nkimpy rse shirt but full lon ani p port intei3 wide, intactltilm tihelai mou NFgligos. shirtm in irgie aud medium cotais, witb aueeb lbond, tri Ibe worn witr white coilara. Sues 14 to 14% iur.erti'd roriii-itiiped iusorni. Aclîraivalue 50todtwo A. wonrrî-'ui bargain at our priesë. Heu vit-r Goodmsaline ako and sti flue lot Palrrter's White Overails (also a few 2rrclcîtr) sojieri fiun haudiing, thre 41k. grade THEFAI,ý Liber-tyville - - - ~IT WILL PA Y Y OU TO *woms Buy vour candy at Gunther's Candy Agency. We have the Largest and most CornPlete Uine --at the- Most Reasonable Price FEver Asked In Libert For Thursday., March 23j For Saturday March 25 For, Monday March 27 For Wednes«* A msrte d Cam els Z &c a i). w ere .5 îrut g Ilo wè.v c iam s, som ting nvira. 25 Cfi l oiiîirt, , o 'rl ti M r l.t'e 0c r l ou d w r 4 cr en L m I I t Gren Opera Sticks. 30c a Prrund were 45 cents 35cii':tr. 41t-lt aAtý 0 on üe4o GfnLu rý». H ity S i k , tI&C a Porînd, were 2 ne a. Po unîd iPeppefrit Lozeuges 2 3c a P r îr, w ere 3 e For Fridav. March 24 IFor Sundiav. Mairh 2 or"QAr"Ï l.errn Kisset,, 30c a Pound, sere'15 cents Ca-ranît Almouds, 25c. a Punud, sens .'5(i-. Stick f'ruity 26C a Pounud, wss :32e a Poundi Krrk-rrnnt at 3c ia Boxr, renirs 'via Box Ctiiiiotf' Alinoaut (reaisre40c a 1.1). wsesSfic For Tuesday, March 28 Chlrri<'îrlufr- l' oi ), Z u I>,lC na triri ils 30vli Jelly Beaua, s, a P Dix ie Flake, ounsýt t wiII. pag gou to corne in and inspect oui' stock, whether g>ou wish to Cý"r.ou 'treatjiçn andi carefulattèntion to oui' patrons.i We ýhave a,, fufne of

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