CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 24 Mar 1905, p. 6

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-30- 18.5 18.6 Min uusai '20.12 291 '3000< 3* ItO 2&0 109 2m»0 2"D-oms, .... 4M504&.50 Mo00 &00 ... 12.0 213800 *oste 21.0 te, 8.00 1LOO &00 .0 S14.125M.00 33.008 &« u4 Us, .0 ..0 Zn 1eeste2300 ta0 44.00 4moi 4 W6 Ic lo m 3.00 a LC4 *to 2.5 11.42* slow 1» i I I B 3 I .4 -Cf e. a. th e rwd, bhaceepftd aid adep"d mltte on Ceurty i en »Auditas. suis M-N. t h toiiowlng repot,: BISÉ.ori Ditpote% Couaty ot Lake. 0&a.: Board ot Superwinors, Match sesioni, Mfe cis 0 A. I. 190.e Mr. Chalma tand OenUtemeu of the BOUËL rd supebvs0fa. Tour 42osauitee on cotffity P'afmx CWama would beg, leu"e tb rep.t tisat tt0th hva .egluedl1 Balaepre- meuted t0 tisesuand recomend tise p&3quient of thse Mtowing, and thatt h Cerk ho dlrected te issue ordera on tie 0015147 TramS$zto te . lîitst for th aoveral amoants aliowCt, as folioles, to-wtt: Batue of ewlaOt Aibt. 0f Ami. and tor' Wbst cintai. llowe&i O'k- . TriSse recbau-. di........ .8$15.04 I111.8t Warreu M :et i'pon 1 ud MoD.............2=0 3=05 Smth L&Davis, mercisl:10.6 080 J. L. Ilr mala seve .....%1 . ........ 2.9 i8 X. B. Trgea..::: 0es IM5 0oz79 M. Pet'r e"iriutg 1. iiick Brou., hardware a"s mudries ............5&74 06&74 B. W. Duerbati'. el MaotMercet C.. mu- ber. cou aud fred .. 4.9.98 M0.98 Orla 1. Luc. fent an labor ..... ..............41.0 M4..06 M.B. Colhg & Bou, d m&godeand clotlU«l 3.44 16.4i 3.%. ,Pakurat. loth- oh i in.........9.25 19.25 Ces. H. Kaser harure s 30 sudpruilg .......... 180 1.5 Broche.I)If&D ltoufr. 70.20 70.20 CA. Aply, ftedyh~ pai ty order Ne M 1347.00 470.06' C.A. Appley, baIà138.119 OR wrm ......... 803 8.8 Saiti=', ap ple. to cotn Fim 94.05 9406 0 O.221.04 %.Os.0 W. have examlned the report and 0vouciers o Snpt. C. A. Apisiey, aud q, god tiseo te tiecorrect. and fiat. a 0balance, roeunudred and llsrty. elgit and 39400o dollaSà (l38.3>le due rIdm, aud recommwetd thee peyment of 0 Alil ot whlclsla respectfuliy anub- e DÂIt> eAME m, 3. GIBES. j. K. DOWER. SupervIser Beyuusod Ioved tisat tise report b. acceplead ud ptel. Motiou orrlel. suparvieca Gibboi. chaîra of Cou»- nislteon Biais Cisarittes, subolttrd tba tblloW<Ig reilot: gtte efIllinois. Lake Coanty. as.: Boar et BuperviectI. Marcis Terts, mi4711 7, A. D. 1906. Mr. CinuelieuiGectiam0 4te i BOor Offipervluo' Tour Ommtttee on omie Cialillu clalus euil botq lesT. te report ltait 51say baye .wsslueial écalme i>rfuit- ed beora til. amilrecoonuibt he peyMlUt of tise fbDoing, and ltai Uthe Clati b. licoi te lue odes tor tise "seeiimoula lato hese lvera gwcinialtts le-wt: - blases.Amount I»Oeuutîcefor 1dctm' .oues.a........... ei........... 80.0 Illuinos Asgisïm fo lesar Clause. 0 SAHt or which 8Mreepocttuliy suis DAVID ADAM-. 8. i.. WOOLLBCY. Sunpenvllar 3811r soel ltai the Te- port he acceptai sud adopted. motion carriel. Bupet'vleor Mller. ebairumu of Omn mItlle ou p-rlntlng, sublitrd ltse foi tiQaug report: ai Buta of Illinois, keCOUixi, M.: BOard of Bupervleofl. MicisTerni, Merci 10, A. D. 1110. M. Chatrn an sd Gentlemensof th( BMoar e pervImors., tour CommXtiS Pri*g daim voulut lu"isete report tiat tbe. b&laa azMlnulail daims prucoitteu be frmemn, and romani liste pa, ment of lise felOwng.5and tit t I flet ha dlracel le lune orlons to lte fseera mouts te lise aryen çisluiti.twtt: 5 Bome Aifor vhat. Amoulit.Total. aawlustuu .Ie.tas rreeite.............. 1»50$117.s Gamete lPub. C.. hiexék. 1D000 100 Cmiaba & Cao. ook ..- .75 2.7 B .K.9 tg pltluî. .15 si k e ls. 22.90 2.9 ili Printla Ce6. t oN iek............... 1.00 se .M.Welsb & C., bta Os - - - - -1......9.74 19 raukesau 1rtiug Co., lnos tatteaai'g CO., biais------------------ 1.00 C. Md. Parkerbinaism ... 32110 16, IFHI. Juet 2bis), Priai- Iman akse.....114.40 1" aPa amph Pnlg 590 tup rag5 altlrg C.. . a= ........ 27.50 271 Faturmp i rltiog C., suppliesal......... . 5.5Ji *P4a3umrph Prsllig Ce, blie"... ............ 7.20 7i Psotaq!api Prtutlmg Co.. ui emte....... ...... .2 5 V n. anavapintIi Co., 80 rs- Paurep a '- .. .... .0 s là Put&sVph ritins Ce.. a.- ba ...... .........0* Ut eo. D. Blarar & C.. suplis----------------- 1.00 0. <e..D. tBcrnard &C.. buook re..... 3&2.8 m tie. 1. ~ur 1C. A»eseo'ebook ...8.041111 2 ad p. il. ePaibo & C., au plîra ................. .00 i P. . 5'ettllsoie & C... *eppilera............... 800 S utP. P. Petîliur & Ce., ae .blanks ...............- .00, P.F. Pettilsoue & C.. itooka----------- 5.m Dîlly ln.aplr .11.1>1 il Alil o hiois lm rewpectinli Ie laie 2.0 'U& 10» le-.e 9.00 100 18.1 M,42 f- - 8.3 8. moçiu Si w» filysui 9miIUom n ovaitiu lis Me suitbeo te 8. rcae4tit 4 p. ns UUM*eq, tit 10, 1906. diut Bpenvimr Ek q jmsoetag meeting netq WpU4155et Bupervisor Rob ~ t~tieuof eft àb#W.tise tlliovlUg C,. *efouti'. a.: wS ia as n Ilt ADUWisB tw *- B te- 141 WR. . GLA1L Cmr. £iWt5 -AitJ um. Ur. 0hatrm u meM3mmu oruth 'board et Bapêvlsis. Your CaIIt nClMS g a 'w 40a16 bas leave te agpon *wtbeylmve ex- ailmtnad liliDa10 $piuuentod tu them. cd1 recourue6d 4h. payaeMfltetti followinga" dtbe ~tise Cierk b. *di- riebed te §me or«s gli4h, Count 1'reaellrer lt .*p clat e tafor tise mev- emi amutitI éNdwed, au toleras, te- Nomne et claimauta Amtt. et Amsi. sud for wbat. daim. Ailoied. Dr. 0. 11. ButtrOld, ar- vice at euÊt.ivFariu.8 . 4. ro $ 4.50 hurlai ........! 0o 20 ~toi «11e..............4ka30 4580 A. U Rosers, te correct- uatraert t atoliut uiAut4eci.......... 30M.00 300.0 Dr' a. F. Gavla. aurgiel ïrvies at I t a. 50.00 00.0 L .Bower. aawr7 4sud W. .a » t oa . 1.10 1. Jou eucAiiterHoiptal. cuest a lek mliifourune of opera.t181 voeu .... 0.00 M080 C. H. Fox&CO., mer- chaudIar tu Jil ..... 211.50 2950 Abbott & MIltiotore. mer- chaudise t. Jan........ 27.25 27.25 Plagge & Ce, cogl to .... 4.00 4.00 SLeIo ; mrrban- dise ....... .......... 18.03 18.55 D. A. Grady, constables fera..... ............ 51.55 51.55 Fred uattugtoti. drilver- logi primolir te Wauke- î«.... 5100 * 5ô pile...................N3, 7.36 3. Andersaen, rom. w&rk 19.99 19.80 Bull A. Fleke, Justice'@ fera...... ........... 2145 21.46 W. H. Dow Mill. Co.. stoimhlet I beriffs reuldtoce ...... ........ 90.00 90.41 0. Devin, cont. fers .. 4.00LO 4.00 C.G. Weubau & Sou, liv- A..talbeityvllle... 8300 8.00 aud mulee........... 50.410 30.00 F'red W. Telibe.cOeuet fers 8.00 2.00 lArsen & Conrad. 1 hurlai 20.00 20MO A. Ul Brader, extendling -tasSa134 lm . 2Jit.O ,395 ,Wbyte Eoitturie -,CO..'m5 2M5 mercbandlle te o111,... 0.û= 9.32 Tbl. 1Thotonen & BiSi't. r.eairse t. oc? la jali. 16-Imm FC.Kuigist. blind essai- InâtIoue........ ... 8.00 8.00 A. L' Mroder, mud. fera. 101.71 101.75 C h îcae T el. . Co .... t .e. à 0 à fuel Bo. oi' une of tr *............ 1000- 10.00 a. I.Lyon & Sun i'- tepar10jaoli..... 128 1=48 FrenaA Webb, wbite-' wA lili 311.......... 1.0 120 A. O.Wlboi'. hauliul gb boae...... ...... .0 & Conrad Holstein, druge te f jli.... .............. 515 58.15 M. W., Hughes, 1 burlal oftaldler ...............35.00 86.00) i.Cekei't. vatchwsa at joli bilie repaIrs were maie...............11.00 110.00 Ge.. PoN ll.detinti prWes v..... .. 1..... 50(10 9».0() aeo.N. Poell. merdoti ,entresansuendry fe@a 100.90 100.90 Gmre. B.Powell, suodi'? tee, .... .... .5 »5 Bull & Bouga, 300.35 W0. dite te joi.. ......... 328 12 Auna Boteford. une of R_ typewiter 3 media .. 7.50 7.50] dWaukegeu 1cr Co.. cont . ad woni to poor .... 4I.00 15.00] Lsele P. Bions., certf Od tranaeilpt (People va. Bllot Dosem) I, 10.00 10.01 1, oth J. Brand. Je.. tek. luit and traucibluit teetîtoti! and cor. In- Le quet ..... ............ 0.00 9.00 Ue.B. fiteolieu. takItit Iluaepet esit toPeorla sud autur7 71.90 71.80 B, rti:: oe t OUeCe. gis a court sti boue 102.00 1lS.S Le ntureset Il1..... 021 @&M te orth Shore OseCo.. coke )rJames Morrie, Jus7iceT feec .73 210-1 B. N. Permeuter,suit- tostu nord et Lake Du BNI 4...... 7.50 7.1% 15 Borth Rhlie a liectrie Ce.. 90 eleerie curvelit moi 10etdeCo.. 15. 40 electi e Urent TreOle. 00 omfic. ....................... 60 NorthbOhiorglectrir C.. iraI ai etcourt boune.... @MS 00 508 North Unes, BeIctiCCO., filture et ceigrt bouse.. - 29.5 2. B orthi "ove EleetiC.-Co.. elertrie entrent et pour boueLIbefttlle .... 71.50 71.5 Deuimon ioiuaigtoii. 4 re oet aleIbOrg eud Hotel Wasliboii.taras le jurm ..... ....... 1&20 18.2 ae.P.SBrineras. tom. t- work sud samry ex.0. 0_ pouse....... ......... 9.2 . a P.steplire, serZ leesasa = noater ' 25 . ara. P. 8 eea.4 ilys mmi70mlls........ 1.00 81À Ueo B.Stpirs,4 deys Mtiltravl ........i 30 si., 0' 1. Woolley. coe. work aud mIlealO ............10-S 104.1 ni* Devis Ailles. com. work K7 Mandmea............. 30.50 < arge!, com e- ~ ~ rg er o 1eg..: 48.S0 48. H. C.W ega' co work aui mîleage ..... 52.20M 2 the W. E. Miller, com. wotk fr and =Uslage..ý......... 3.00 3- ai3. K. Bower. co. work 'aud rerge .......5.00 - T. IL Grahaml. cool. wurk 1 sud tulesge ........... 18.0 7 ai W. lm. Clow, COO. work 1 andimllaes.% ....... 88-OD 68. 70 tý 0. Brockway, attend- >00 log claks' couventien.. 15.00 15. L74 Le. MeDonuSiplimb- M3loi .......... ,12.S 1,570. 2.90 D> - ddy, plutn 1 et ji ......... 10.50 10. W. M. &uderam..Jugslee 1.0 9.74 teres... ....... z..... 1.» 0 .75ý1 $9.49L Ail otr sîcis la respecttuiiY au .L7 ,nltted. GEORGE QUENTIN. H. C. W. MEYER. Supervise' Wodliey uioved tfiai fi report b arcepted ami adopted. Motion cannîrd. Supervisa? Andermn iMOvri.t. 10e- conehder and ameul report et Commit- tee ou Poon hi' îtrlintugIbretrOm fia asoni <of 55.0eliovei Neucis Motion canleut. Superviser Meýyen, chisruet ofCous- mître ou Cauuty Film, sabnustnd lise folovtulg report: ointe 0f Illinuois, Lake C ounti', m.: *Board et Aupervleona, MarcS Tenu. Mercis 10, A. D. 1900. Mr. Cbisrussa nd Gentle-man ot the Board ot Bupervtaors- Tour conmîitte. te risous as ne fieaitise malter-et pracuingu plana. lipeclifiltlon and estlimate ofct ofa a bospîlal building ai Llbenrtyvllle, Ill., vonld heg le enusîat tise toloving ne- port on the matters befare lisem*, Tous comustlee bal plans aud ipecel fications for a two-uteri' ahi asement building pruparol. We sd tise eu- usatel ceai uf mal building Wte hasix miseusalvé boudealdolr. ($8u.) &90 ,.50 5i5 7.21) .81 M.25 8.00 1.5 M).74 tub- t e eelmt»h.spltal b. def'er g d U IY ul Matli arrled. Silpswvlar HunttlWtOfl moy"ed 1had tbqe .nltW of amaIsting lu the O*ppoft1 of Water WItILamel, Of LIbertFVtfle be letI wboliy with ituperviorMiller. I Ubtioin cgrried. ,upeoçqbor liorenbrger. ûesruMau of Speetat Bridge Comftlhtt- . lubuilt. ted te Sllowing report qtateýof Illinois, Lake CouutY, 118.: B"6or Uupervisors. m>ret Te-rm MardIo, .190. Mir. Chaférman and GeIlUiOL of et 8 EORM of Supet'Tt50Ors. Your lpeoiai CoDmmtte Of Sulervta-* orn ppelatell on the bridge conotruct- ed on the milwauiree rond iwber. te gte eregessindien creeK, iu the VU-l loge oft Naît Dayr, would . g lne to reportthat yogr eOMIultt50 bam en- daavured to bave the Comwmiil of sadt own meet them for the pur.1 Pose 0!i Makiluz a finai report, but s fer bave beeu unable to do su. We Would tiierefere report thftt tbe1 eoîst et sBiticonutitonl, go for as w. pan ascertalu, tO be $4,3ff.10, as follows: For speretrUetre ............. Forsaubotructore,............... 185-60 For com8,Ittee fera, pobilcîtIon 01 notie. ad emtloated CUof t811 and CournieionerO fera.- - -- 47410 W.wrould recommplld thatth u- ty pay one-haîf orf aad nmu t ;eW i Iowa', to wt: Illinois Bidge Co ............1100 Bruce & lisarn ..................Sf1 E. H. i z ................. 70 W. H M Oi t ............. 4&40 75hos. M. Graham........... '90 NoMlIS au................. 02.80 , pald to the Illinos Bridge Couxpqny îon December 16, 1904, $1.000.leaving a balance for coufty of '11B.3 Your eommlttee would recommand. tbat the town of Vernon psy te Illinois Bridge Company...... $111.00 (or wblch w are intornird $1.000 bas beau pald.) To Brue & Baron.............. S.»425 >To towu aBerr anad ,aaUce of bille etimated t.lie .................270 Ail ot whleb la rePedtti111Y aub- mitted. T.HORE. E. RA, TO W. B. GRLL M, ComEMI LL fuERvios SuarCommaitee ovlst 15et@r4 rer bicerd goI Mepot on sreetdadaot Tise Cieni nepoted due lise meus- bers oethfe hoard for aerlel tl is at yeer aud per -dlem. wvici vas Sp- proved and ordereit spread of record. Au Ad Be Bd Ci Or I M Si s H, dm-.... 1020M»'5 mear.. 2 20 510.00 10 iwarde - .26 20 50.400 130, lo-....... 2 0.00M100 lite -... 14 35.00 e4 etimi.. 2 9 22M50 8 aymud ..40 20000MS 3 mia.m .., 40 19 47.50 21 bbe-...2 20 30.0110 euerrer.3O 20 50.00130 eDoolsti . .4 6 18.4 4 . . 20 50.0014 C g .:'- 2 20 00.00 10 = i ::::44 21 0 4r 50 10 ortn 26 10 23.00 1l0 Imoo - - ~4>5 1.50 40 irr .. --20 00O00 - $40 2L.41 '5.50 5530 7.50 80.50 11.20 lem 14.00 351N 10.005&.W 11.00 57&50 0 500 7.50 57.50 1&00 43.50 8.50 40.0 2.40 17.40 8.00145.50 - 0099 S3upervisor Gibbsa movr tisaItise Cieri b. directed taetIstue odeg 011 tise Ceunty Treasurer lu paymrtil e1 ail bllts alOrdet ut fils aeululi. motion caried. superviser mller ln a few reli- cisosen rorls and on brliif fthe uembens of tlis aboard preseuled Sun per-Ison Andersen vIls a heaultfl m a hl c c i A n dn t ' aI t h e ' am e t m i Wisreem, JsMee Anderson, rUe feo tise pattwenty-thl'ee yeara ibas repre- seeued lte TeWaaislbp 0frBbllds ou lis Counnu'Bord Ia,815 henorable, ahie andi uprigisi maunen, laabout to ee bis counuectiolis lierefrons; And Wbenoae, Mis long service ba müde hle fmeIla>' vwifitis auffaîieofthli oünuty. and tise detalîs cf tise von coluibefoe lte board;ni;s5hCuiell aud atisica have beeu ooghl by -al youngen mesubena of tIlaboard ritb grent proft; and Wberes, H e baeslunail liserlong yeasaof, service couSudenei seleui every propouition coulug isetore th'@ hourd. andi votnecording 0ie hemn est cousiclcue0fls heut~; fierafot be il Resoived, Thai re appreelale hl@ valuabie ervice t tise cotitty sud-hi advIce te tise usmbers Of ibis houri andintubis geIng troustise Superviser$ noom tise bet vises Of everY usembi of IbIs iboardt go vîth is ilansd tma) tise slgis toien fils day preetel t( hlm et Our' appreaiiln etbisleulo uuervic-e aod goal adylce b. a ramuel tisaI he carriam-,thfi hm tise neepec Dandt adminatiou Of aven' Mme 0' xtilla board. OBRI .STEPHENS. cinuan. S. K. BOWEII. W. F. CLO.W. Il. C. EDWARI1S. T'rE.GRAHAM. Nil. J. GIBBS. )E ,NIBOII HUNTrINGTOX. m. HORBNBERGEE. ALBERT L. HENDEE1 MILES T. LAIXET. W. B. MILLER. H. C. W. METER. GEORGE QUENTIN. 'o. nRtMR8N; A. Z..BIATMOND. icRM»«uP hM MONS. Snperlu# evltise ado lin -et tbo "mo_ lt Al he aff ro ofe t btfr rilepeoUclve eMeuduritlite - atyc*r; sud. te 14 Remo, That a i!opy oft 11118rase- lo in e prff l a utise recrds- 1>3*19008 UNTI2QTON. Sîglervlmor <ieam ,ttt>ved that thé 51113855ofuirm eeting ha pp'bvd ýti# solra., Motion erzed. liste ot aid te pour wre.preeented. Aep-. C. Hivmud uopervier. '~.a. rutmm... ............ 8,4 %-"" *****.............. t3C Z C HivIlils............ 84 Z*wls Gardet'« ....... ....1741 Wmitu-W.F. Cot, upervisor. v.~~~ ~~ Mote......... 047 Barbara 8tarahok..........20.00 MWe Casser.......... ... 291l M m R. uibsoud.. . . . . . . 4&25 mienret18,00 Mari, ?uoù«....................4.1 Kary Vingolet................... 1.00 Minoute Brpru.............. .... 224<> Senll) enga... ................ 2(o lire. tm e .............. 0ïi lMre Csrleeu 124 LoueaStdi1700Ô lre. -ebe 16,28 us.Auderson 40.70 li. Teemu .. 24-t» lita T.Folett ........... 00 ira. Mb B hrrbouu........ »51 heM Pef*P :.ý 28.00 lire. Faiehoka ..:.7.75 lira Marosp...a.....:21-50 lits. Warvbik . 14003.O lire , lia l' t r o n . . . . Ie. S .r......... M e. Strobre .> MU" Itieon . . . ............ 17 Mi.: W"reurr ................. 97 Brtha Oes EruemISili ............. 5.20 Rendilk Clildren ...... 1.50 tire f. g . .:.:.:.: - 12.0 Mr$. Steiueberg -:-:- 1- -- - M is. M . E. Brown . . . . LU . Bag....... Uhermat Clidren ... ......1700Y Mr. sanrt .........- e1 Mrm. Surî ......... 14.00) is. oaack32.00 Mr - elrue ek24.00 li re . P a l me te r .8.0. . mma. HBog;a..... ................ 7.73 Mma LaVandoekl................ 1.8 IMi. Wite..................... 2.75 Jobs, MaCopel....................(» Mms Van Dyke................. 21.90 lIaPoppa ............ ......... )2 Ier. Brub ............. 20.01) Mie. Swrey..:......... :..... 7.00 Mia. ohpnd........... 12 Mr. Aho....................100 Mms. Iou............... 30 Mie. P. Johinsn......... 2.2 uitaB. P. Bmn.... : .*....*, m is.illland ................... - 0 Mrs. Taylor ............. ........ 92 Mi.a. 5c............. ............ 1.40 Martîin Cildreut ................... 82.17 Mma. £va Hauts........... 7.75 Mr. Betelile.............. 41 M. Wlrellnm.................. .. 7 .11 Eva Clark. ........................ f.00 Mmr. Krans....................... 1175 Mi. Main......... .............. 7.11 Jas. Wooten.....................8.0 mmie. o. Watts ................ . 0 Mm. a. ioe Davis ................... 8.0 a. Neveuou...................... .Of0 Mes. F. Leotien....................30 81,3W.20 WLWiertgvlll-W. . Miler. sprvser. W. WMliter....... .............$615( lir..Adeeet.................... 2. Total.........................a 184.29 rernt-H. C. W. Meer, Saperviei. J a bac e i lge ....................$ 2 &.4 Y Mie. Henry (ilaue..................8. Veroon-Ororge Quentin,. Supriwar. Johne Kida and il ie....... 5 Drrfel-A. Robritsoneu. pria! Mie. Twadrll .............. 12.2 Tins. Whltemotot.. ............. 51 Pnle....................... 2.19 Mr. Aruswald............ 1S ie, strad ............... 1.5 lMra. Bortint........ P . Beutley ......... ...... , Sbeekir and ite......... .8 lira.,CarIa-n............... 8. fMms. Kohn ..................A S32.1 upervior Huailgta moed thà re de ueNr adjouru. e Motion 4<urrled. [- Stte ot IllinuoisLake <'ounty. @».: il 1, Athept L. Ilendee, CeutI>' ('lc-rkc e Mid county. do, iserby certlfy ti foreoinguKto b. a trucecopy ofttI record of lthe pt-oeeiîge et tht Boat >ofrBttperv inors ai sud'lIme, Couni. e t tise moeisTenu, A. D. 190. e IntebtiMiY lybyeraof 1 have lier ! nto met m baud sud smalt is 131 duy et Maei, A. D- 1900. le ALBERT1 Lý HENDHE. le I)Cierk. elTise Ps'e&Ober'à Objootion. ý A htony Of an eeceutJte WeeY$ ib minigter la too good for tise "Mune, obJiv1eu." One BqngaY lhocauaed moi Igsurprise hy derlaring thate ho lt ly ln the iast objet» tis pecpte'steepi la wle lie raI prescis. n- A fel minutes Interise sud isah.t ri ens wero dlaturbed by tise ioud enori ot a manjust below the pulpit. *'GlJ bihlm a tnp on tise isesit, laid tise ml SIstr, 'his Wam doue, tueffectuaai ,d.-lGve hlm anotiser,' came the ont m galli. SBll the tma ls sinm bered. B er ut leuglis by dint of mucs tapPlug a Ry 9a i nlu , h rie s recalîd l tho ba mi cso n#es Yeu tise, mskng Owretcisod noise." roared tise mînlast rg leautug over the pulpîl .e4ge. *'Ido lrminI you leeping, but you are p ,~ vuttz o4senpeople trein sleepilng.. Bot Fut. '-A ItttIe lad ln L1lngeou,"' ald B. Blac, e-GoverlIor ot New oi --Ousti havea tudted tisa records, oft crIinai courts, sud uotlcsda centi rallie? abaurd pies tisaI for nome. yei had -beau advancfed lu aitenlIatlon ail sorts ofc'Iiep. Tise lad waa lent - 'otl s isoo ou Ilia.. -1..I aIs uytavtteb, tise M9=lu 1O 488cuttroufr05 w. ed latlti ieamini assn Ad a.48*e?«. thse, 1*8- ut a Wb=~ becau Qssrhl SF <L Tie s-NllçtIs--W5S ceti ieh regmoy lsrtn fie njirI, Feodor L sud là$ 61400t , 04UDW tise mamsOfePhiret, vas alemtl ýo lise Mxn ot rd4aiih el tr>o p cIait t U09 SCtw i*lt a "lu t o e t @ the taise Dernstue(i>J416 mie rabusd' to reecitle tishé lt Prince 1*41,181as Cm.ulOetRusabtla 10128, ail fer tfilst ie Peleateck ]515 viii Item On Uiclr retîretUet i r mogcew lu tacseorthic atlouitt riS' lu nd i lolI " ayle for 100 la Februury, 1613 lte IRu"a 11W bieud ciergy choseU their rulOr Michaeail eodorovIth EnÇty wuso ethfe imprsumed m ot atlet a nd mIth* reprementatlve. firougs bhis 'grantd- mother, et lte royal housetfRuntIs. Mc vas gucceeded DY bh ldeumou%, Alexis (164576). AlexsewuaMarrel (vICe c11l left by hlmstrot w'eetv o BmnsFeodor sud Ivan, ads«vernai augisîcr. and by bis second vtfc amc mo, Peter. HMi -and *je succedlby hlihalt broth or, Pets.rer fie(Oai. vlS h 11102Iva vw" assolatet Butl 1689. Peter vas, tvce marrWe. By hie tiret vite bho191aitameu.Aesa, vise Siledlu lu bt afier. tetime. lesytugac ou. Peton. Peler thea Great, vis toadel lis. ctty ita vichtlie revalU-' tIon lis occunina. vas uccetedl hi ide vite, Cathserie , b hi vioe lat tvo lanîhiers, Auu sud Mits- sabats. Catherilu tthfe ibrone te tise son ot Alexs, Peler Il.;tise tast Of liste "ae lune oet Romanof, adsud OisI deatb it ltout beile, the succesin irevertel ta the. feuixlelailua.tise Ddangisîer f Ivan, Peler he reatis a hait brother. Auna lvanovau. beîni (piseld on lise Ibvone (1730.40). ishe vawus ucceedei by ber infant grad. r uopbav. Ivan IV. (1740-41>. .5 A navolollon droe lvau'e famli 02 trou tise lsraoe, oft vici tIhecadet 1frealUeIn lthe persanOftElisabeIls 5 Il1742-62). the oblger Of PetonrJthe e Great ,aundCathserine. nov obtalued é possession. Ou bar death ber nupiscv, SPeter, the, smor b ier eider elter, 9) Auna Patrovna, vbe hadl MaTrnid the sDue e o sleIu-"etei (heloalug x) te ascalintthe tailiOfOllele '> bang), ufoutel tise thrX1 a e Pcet ffit. (1162). - Be vas delbruet. and vas supocedel by bis vite,.lise Pdu« uceai SophIa Auguea. f Attiait- L Zrbot. viserelguel trous 1762 te 1791 s e a u C a t h e r ti n e 1I L 5 bc vas uccedel bi' Paul , bel Y2 awu by Peter 111. -Poul (178e0-10 C pertished by seaulua llO. asvtg $se. Do a va l o us e U i l et v- h aiu v as 00 Alexander 1. Aioslndel'(1891818 20lat uo hoîr aud tise cro et aitlmdea T paàso4la t Ihîhrd brother, NOlai 7 y.:' hie nazi brate, CoalAulibe. ha' m img rellnquiced b is rlgbt te tis, 50< Scesmions. ieNîcholas IR<183.185) va.s ucceedee by ie î ou, Alexauder Il,, vi seacond. 00 a d lb t it ti r o n s, l u 1 8 55 a n d v a s a i M' ea-itunatedlalu1881. Hia SON, Alessu -2 der IIi..ancleed ihm and lu 1894 î- lise present EmPenon. Nîcholas Il. camte tc, tise linoce. Tise preseul uprlslug lu Russia Il Omluoua audthliepredlttou le treelj ot made tisai Il for.naaovs fie do= bseo et ise rseuL idyustV. le nrd NEWEST AMERiCAN COUNTÇ$l 'y, Ho om n 1th0 g r e-C u re- . 4cm et 50<1oi.5 The Mani ot Buffotk aud bh l iler mu bidei5.vise lu a ialar of LAd Curo, arrîvel at Mlmesbury Tej teriay en route for Charlton Pani cul ver. accordaI s spenîid recel itou. The lova vas deconaled ,an isonor. if, fia occasion, sud molloe ,of neexpressive et velcouso ad g00 mot wtisaes abounlal evaryvisra Dt The UBandn i siebride ver. usai i ugz Mr. Batea, the stevard, and otiser anr- Crowd th neged fe rou e visoin il maiadCounlels, precoded tt Ing lova band, stantd for tise ltierk Ive l-cross.,visero upou a large ptaton )in- tise Mayor aud corporation anl 01 der dlais ofthle tovu bd acemble. But Tie Mayor, lu premntg a masli ut slver aiven ani a saulsouse cidrel bdou beisat of tise town, offereit hear ;e a1congratulations, and axpreesel U e, hop tisattI unale aldisflar5l Diut associatious btween fie 011 baronl ir- and thée Bouse ôcf Buffolk,. viici hi exsteelfon sol muas' gantiatios woul sBull, continue. Lord Suffolk repiel fiat uothtl F.coul prove more auimvoly it >1k, very great Inlenesi ion tise velta tise Mudbappînees of bts homae, vi ti Malmesbury ly vya hal talion. lbi ans lisemagutficeul réeption accodel Iof ALady Buffoik Md ul isacf t11d ais- Her lynhliVutuil 5e a vcry 11ve ai', interetlj local aguand ilbeou let as levatz t laciuscbury, lies tals tanle, sud associationu as he adul iere fcmlty bel aîwaya beau. 1. Thse Maya?', laugistar, UmnKm ieen RouI, presetel 14dy Sufie mIl. wth a basutltul bouquet& Tiseloi ego sud Counteas fik en ait Ot Olarlit amil hearts' chacre frein tiese 8 thwmie Me tise zeta 4, *"X boaa4a 1%6~ publicste 4vsc sn 111hi Kr.elsl Woad )mu.' Tai? hmeutai us lala- ti t*at Iot is, bmpson e 8 bu "tma etHoe ist utmls Mdbote Iaiàh5 v*we' pabisrItise bltfte lo is Mww * mgoue day le lut alt ta t*wea ,d loi'Flaiu the lt r.ie2 ueSI 510e,09a4nIfti Mêle iussft vitOis thtise poliofiun t i ta art sthier **0a, us leat etn ouaie, bu ve Ümtifoek 10601 PO thîni thtnum ee W. mm 0 or 4*foya ie badti et' u lmmnhloa 'bha b lclMd I'tmtc , u et mitht Imi-t ou ist there oashtj:. aeyr teé itanmoe ainh" Maoti 18'. ridme.deypelu a aeyy 51*43811tMet.0 euWtatina piaseune, a e t bmp ahe bl robly a Isav0m c S br uovo truc estI At uiim thin tui tandgely ta a Nole aleqt aia vise bave u>i u bm.-Btrlmy -te heldos, Peut sel ut _Be utuet hae mul A iden iov t#onpesa Ail 015gh. S te a01%ght Tieteybe -ei n." uat a li- moides.ur Freon ayeY v=Isici vegit sud osehaitl epatdevU o a- es i lare aildvertie vo920011F rit uby t tise ht"Anget lamo18t0 s a ratra iey. lstclisi 0vS$r but truevisontise atne nilts uOMa hnrta rd ia uvu lite reugh tise 7 lein aitom$3e0.00t The IKomSîoou.tise ris e jvt1 Ti e glms coutvas l intu o i- mor thonve3le0, varatts g catt' 0» ctors ou steur alis et tse wse et 881 r IltIouls. ud tse lgeul 1 isaI iF vasvo't 500 yetuag. Test t is vi bs ko mv h lu Uic sali k uteeuts eato n e clheu t ase Uic chape In heitrougi%, tWlhe r h Kohinooa taa-nheonrise 8 fl' liors cl age.Il s oujtectunl h8 a t e o ie R ue m lan O riel I n l a s rkarts. cIl la u, ic ruetedia s 9 surfonacbv. l vas 1080104 10 i ri l fe rUicWho pMW ril Ca the li,%y s wtit,000 auuuttys4e.00 rà t tierae leda l%«et mgo Y lud yan are utter-. Tii a. ýf oes it lcue perbds tise0 ka beugisn Inr t 104 i s Malte s engflatfordLofl fog£130W0 tah educel , te 1o0. Teure th4t I an dlmte, au Orel t fmCOd atIones of ste Ault mer ba .ok14 ' l.8karats. Amt tena tiefoegeW» S 17l oa ier trheuOmIL 1, atherie fo k, Gr anlsu iy dPea0MOul*I p- 8011 14 fr4. av eo maliOTleai, lucie tc ryts ageaoes h a A eet cePttautar r. epot, sisled vas ItapGoene litt, fls isnulsi'- Who '5'h I fiuorud20.000titutW" $RO0ta he vri, etufoLi srgstur 10.000# t lorgd tub itis c40 k%tr lis ets or ecemmoreii1c3u.t5The a, monlny bh, miet e-de101i0à atoe.od buytng le uss. R iliuU Am euserououIt a ther mUOnW es laiees ti e B lu tte ci ht ri t G ro u d sse» , an d t u n b y e a r s an '0 ha.sol tl tisaeravfeaene jt i l es Areet caluteet eortbt gis p3,oorseprtof stac.u se. Imor Arn asi' Cretrt ra u damodcotu tei M ug Imodecnetotise cisunt hr l e eaen hexcommercial conitio lmh cutry lu mtlugh te -dte 515couricas b utrah onl v t q eToeuesot hlmnLondsiora t. In rtY mon ail: adl ee iiI ig pgor o cou" [lt abt deon'oftb@lObh Ob-Odl 'he Why tig ubsl? linlse ces ih it "lh yetie cuathe tni bTe oe o ietcis thecy ou. -Obuto, Richard, o lveOd "i btThaîl -t, e 10W,"1les&"$ srl b "b1ul t uéel sta't pèmOuSSa 0 1 . 1 à

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