CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 24 Mar 1905, p. 7

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Show ,u haut sreA -Us~ -aele a Iscoubt abou«t b3 Svqp"lbl CoMi t4bflgb the adleof Mm. ir vmmen absalotai>' free of ci Ursa Plakhims Lia a liade a atuti>'of thse Ite o ___,l iecoussItet ill ias ilsouands of uferlnir mu t4owe nal onty thior: *US« f eto thler .eIfft advi »Ma. pFunnia ID. Fux. oft MBluent iradtard, Pu.. mnte sufmer-sid for a long tins. bm'ubis, Mdt fialy mstl masit qs ia iperiisu I. a ita.t ei> a i-eu oi [=te 1aNSanmmi , rea1 ?~eLydia F. iiskian s Ve Mo.a là $16 boa msiciss ta t TIse teatiunonialn miichi% flaatlyptnblielsinittfsos lIat Mabllahsbeyonti a douut th LyIWI&E. linklami Vee pai a aussaoquer tesnale ti -Woasais uering tros a moatnes are1 ycomnisicatev .antu ati-nMaus inuglu rs- for ber au buai'froc. an4 ta tis hma proosoti bu moi , eg1115110 9EUESI S 5Cn-coig. canei,SorsTirnas *ouiWbeiag es--s-s."raobus A tsi-an 0511fer ct'iiseisuisi a sM eralasie1. saseii Ud U ' wO iii austisa iSsiliel effMt I g401^e.iIld hl d .lm ss eed ans1i00e anse pAAOUNTCm s.ia-CALVI§ I. FREl -' Eu14 -~ wtttr atm0 lu, sebol. Sometime bye is teach« bas the chlldm O " eu7 Lus«ONPO U A . 3*. 5005 T~,111W4t ~-moral preeipte from thée blaekboaid r let 0 4~bir.tbéits aM into their copy books. te. tes ,lmien. Western lcaflt..aft OW OilOpt gras the îtatement: "Kind worde are iù XAT Prie" reved . r the âsaae, haie nover last." lu Freddy's book, bow- Itevlpw.-ltead John 1 te 9. rega. Anl beau the meue olet ISitig u me ever, wrtten leer acmase the piper te GuIdOn Te"t.-ltnt tises-are writtiyn sg.Infilret thtNuthOut the United ShitOit"* te other margin, this appearesi: "Klnd chat ye iîight beleve that Je4si4 thn - As à revoit theaInquiri. sMade Orot Wwrasr nyrIn"~ hen ise was oZf.badtîa eiv n&n i-agentsiettctse Oauad" aGovreruelaaîked;"Wbere la theT, Freddy .jn y sh aelietr~g I :: . ÏhaWss a have seariy doubled 0oyer thome 0f tbe, eplm - oh, there raa no reniai 0. roam 055 Ila our Golden Tert ;e baie trio .1 Daime period lait 7ear. Eaillr0Aadcom- the paper for the T,, no t lett it on thOoe 00tu j.ohns Gospel. Thsis sralght 5e parties are puttIng on inesed car- dock. Yoeu c ee It tisere if you go iorts.nt, te'.sen tlies:'. .. . t7 ctisea.. rying capaolty té meet cisedeifl4ld ta tis ahp l"bmuriâi it..îhtieco'oua havieii to go bcd. wttë V made open tlses.tar.carryifl ps-- The ame yeuisgter bas a sister tarv oaifrowstdis tle truth:.,'. - _________ grs audgbt ~*.Zvettblnàt Pinta ta wbo was nsrried reeentiY. Belng Onflost Jésus wl7m théeChrist, theie t o f a smot praiperoule yur.Tiealà rone a vsit te ber parents, sst happening tiod sid thse Savior lif the worid. It ie for husdreda ,etof tsain<li idtIoiiil aciii rdlluanemcsi.bcî,o.nictya testimoni-beatinl4 G-s' N sttIer, s=ieh n». land bviEbeesister reliroved bhlan. *Vmph!" cnîffed tiel. asud iis tetimony ia chielIycn- -- ojnrned up for settiemont thia yoar. l'reddy, -you need't acait me! yen rerned with tise divnity of Jea"-. Ev- s LE I t l qlte iteroilte lookdou't belong lnmy famlly, anyway." rvcs pnie, picette boui ta through the lttera receNe frte _______thepomnn lcet h hogîhs t4 L7'416 Amerîcani whe have settied lnu West- A .QUICK RECOVEIIY. Jésusa Mthée Wotd made deila, thr-lGd' Compimna era Canada during thse paut few yen.Ars, f b oecSo aedw ra I nei ami conuidorlng thmiu largeunuotbthe Xe. eS 1 Ilai-en taelji-eas a mn m nt:sien Pmoî~o 1. an co»dertg tlwlarg numer. t Wri» taTh»kDelaale Kdueyillile sd to "show %vus thse Father" by çrxIîitit- 'f oplaioco Ios urpriolitg how few thore are wtso For IL issg the cliaratter af Gaod lu a boulit lite. femelleIlletheEut loch l c bie ave flt ,uscceded. An textraet tramn Mrs. C. M. Bomgardner, a loalai ffi- a B.tiE letter wriUoen by M. Geol. W. Gria- cor of thse eobeccaa, TIse tirat part of thse fint sîmî pontd wId, of Régi Deer, Alto., tormerly t'apa.anrm wlisisofiuiataecofntîa af Gteber Mont., wrtten onache 2d 10, 812 Kansas' ave- we kîsoi its4 substance bi hoart if liot tise of January. le as foliewa: gêné. writes 1 igandm exact wordinsr, tells un of thse Wordiof One Million *111aas iacated oule end one-haîtf milaes ideyPilato{iirsWbO axwitb Ood fremin l itm. taa beautifu lako teD imiles lonsg, during thse paît year. gctiiity truwh. ure od eth înr-DINe Annually of wiere thora la cisurchiwscsool, ibree for kidney trouble and tiftilyIîogimd o r.. r piW~ stre. romcy mitw patlhce.klndred alimenta. 1erirtlsiijsgo iv e tum ibock ta i i. irst Catarrb. TIse isse stock, buthn cattie (cotre and. waa sufferlng frontsbllîer of Ceiiesis and e file(] a sîew C ateers), huera. hogs andi sheep are roi- e sac ts akan esigiiits ioîs"odsi h Ing fat, grazlng la pasturea to-siay, headadisis, bust faind Word of God. tison as Inter. Yi.t be Juat a fittisa&»w, hardiy enasigis for a j h< eid'Gd ve rtse saine truth ai le. e goond leighing, as me mat hall a ûiîl lsst ts tobes iiîand". nook whleh bas meitei tse soasîs auti gniiunhy disappessr- iteing male famtiiar wth ctue ihosahitil laid haroe thie leds sudpaîture. - P.e d, se thlnt before j1cf ibis Il'rsonuali Aent af God w,îî,xrat- L4vrthqei P-oal are fine wbesit. oats%. bariey audlfias; bad iniiislieil n second nt freinsthîe beginning. me art. -îîîghît konaiA îsî î, .tur+a riisei bore. aise winter îiseat siudl iackagee tI as -We sal tseV'rs icaefes.s ri tsvlesi 'round l tie globe. ' IItiusothy bey for expert to Britigls Co- I, tiserefore, beurtily qmasng lis." Tise Groek word ho-ri traits- Her fae is famsilier everymisere that louables. This la a milxedl farmlîîg andi endorme your remiedy."' taed l"du*elt" mens tabernacii. or a ilzan reachea. -dssry coussry. This la thée nýit isu te talsgnedi- MM. t'. E. ItMGUDNR eshlsoîsllsu tentet. Th isean in Priilahs a o"abd A FRIER TitIAI--Adduess Poster- visdently tisat tise Word =%it~- uîîuung Frons Afrien te Greenlanîl. frrnm Man- -ptisisaas te Sec a otold lu thseCanîidhssW Miihsrn ('o.. IBuffalo, N. Y. For saie ssî'sias a quiekir passing ca iri elre ebsria ta I'stagossia. the fate of tise ivan t., ilefr-West, es t wamme yoarsa-ago la thebjy aldeaiers. Price. .50 cenIts. ta-day. golse tî-mornow, asd lsîî.lg al Perunua efi% iiisiiar ami the0praisei of ssage aletiMttei Ie ara trefroin ind titc iea hunte ëlaeihere tisanisrs-. Parrisaàa, a ce emeg~<uolyae Iearsl. 4Aa x.plv. 4SpUeb barge 3'Oi i ed Satsi laiIe m aefille, A COatiy Pnuisn. HiIeoinsisg musanecessary la urder Saousibf la NtOh md Soutb. To inpply -hia régi îyta thé W elo puroh ln a""v omb en cler.sofm il aire andnbaer t "My bat iq a perfectpneau, lo't lit. 'liat nsîsiln., iadlsot een <iiî.i.unilsd Périma cnossed thse Equsstor soverai wonldataire a tate e nt a neof the ln 'oats'eca t ram Hâmaimtel olirnz lar, det tfril dore ngta tentio.oss"laie.1' haate ni efin vaaae otsu nts otsrs boit atories-ij the LUnited States. Wasingtons. D. C., asfloat MdO Pdïthv o' hratrsdierin g efidi h oilr ét.Ieruilsa erly eoni uf Omen wh lareprt offroa Ov tetweny-ane l ut ta he. ipaiti more for It ]eesareert'. tlacial by One wbo k.. i iîtis e'._1pieetise saine trinomphant suc- AWr'Pissi cll erlaas abory efecive ros healtis but foot, ami ioa of open overlowing ceaitisaI bas îîisrked its careen laurte AWedFse oiroa tcs. apnti)s" thon Bryat gui for 'Taatopas.' ". ~ 11. Norherna Hemuspisore. Walter H. Wo>udmmril,. Bonmadier congh1s. colsi.ansi cataru'hal Ù-i 7 hstu Tlgrpi avce rotMeiie ostnPotIlicuniîug wsn s arya-i inaentRayal Australian Artiiîery, Hohart, A Consmieigstse trmMdeu uoîo ot er glt nn wohalfeddiîaa ecesary 05'A S a l astndrd notrh medy Tasmanie, writes: Mener Quenelda, Cubas M«i*m e: Rtsyc a edin,-ica ___________"I______slsssforni-s. irise Issi offensladUnitned Permna la a rdcatarris - a: atam tataedlsgha cnisescti SALT RHEUM ON HANOS. ;îsrs Isolfaix, lsod ho ne.-iî:-iiî-îlte tise 'vork i or. "fnfeeôorsiorlyaa ii iUiet tts rt, rmW at Medicne HMst.Lethbnidge, asd ort- - - od througli a sacrifice frmi irua' I ue strh by onadicatins it dstreq8ing conditions cf tise bond aud iy ..atsie: Mywl . w enb o - Ç At the fermer 'place the Buffered Anony and Had tu Wear Band- iii'.ta Gail. TiseWord of Gui ithisafront tisesystna. t"Myoat, cand s ontinnal colda. -gonerina i cm roI emu . g b.1ddnttenwerature moileratesi adullyumtIl ae Uthe Tlae-Another Cura by zlIec tisnre aîs o Oo, mri - là aketi t ial is e. octyo alloa p ment of the limne and tsere was a tnengtisening tante. and i 1 on t is111te maximum mai 4.5 j Ctcr.-Ie ti ai fGd h(dscisargo' andi my sente of soleil was Piftracioun cure fer the aimeNtl, s sa ifsisnunL%. Tiserusomol-er rend5- Anssber cure tîy Cuitcira Ih bld of tway(or bearetis) the @unofarte men." troatinont andlits relief la et permanent isfected biadly. compîsîint ni catssrb."--G@ii i conilplt=.f)Jue iceclle aecisaersicterIV.s.Croin abe o Wuae"After Imo weeke' nse cf Pennna 1 Qoosada. I orhsloa. lssgar laiticeélthon tbai-eanbeenalase wollowou: à ourMrf.nd 'ai-conditon ('ul cia.teof W'al ProiiAU Joisiet 1:le9.O miii. isOU ft.47 ands38,2'at, i5-ansi 34; 224, ls.. ln theo followimsg gr.tefoitisr ,iecs fth s iuie m Mst an ii odto ot e I a*sIh M. .~~gtabieCauu.- :18; "My ialssoisiufs-resi iîgaly it15 esrsi howmJens imprescoi Nîltiiîîi ooisnrme -ha on complteli so 1 coutinesitanie iis rensankable W sv nfl bnsd ài«O for sd 39 23.1. 48 andi 40; 24th, 48 sa It rîsoîssîsnamilq isk Iilîtîl.ansd 1ihallsi th the conviiction chat Ho w11-u su . ondominatesi thse iole oertitaPercea. nieditine for aven a iusonts. umonials like ctsie iven aboyfa. ami 26. tsi kVe)iîthIsoîs, îîîsîgi'd l l th e i.f (j-d. ans ireme or Tens tilllfiîîîs that b s'Il 'TeJm *11 aoi v i-e id te .ay chat at tise end give or miresadoy a siil* vo are on- tsnsg tiselet fem days ln Fois- w.l i riesi s'rsrvuiissg ire îaald igît, but be shal bave iordser évidenîceiîut Ho '.ju ail langusagos l imn ot-n htteIwscns niti nc ieiatnsbro r teint womn lruury considérable plongbing mai doue ntsu i-l-ibsu sîib.ust stise on oft.Geti fer hé 'shaili ree the Maiaiaare .vritten. fine heaitis generaily, and ami pleaseiDr. Hartisan l s taat{tl ýtable Co- ca tbrdg.P. A. Pulley, a j'e- ticura. (.)sses-tetf îCui(titra tSoap, Hloaren epenesi. and thse angeis of Ced lual ctoata eanafo e mn eng- euam et."ud ofae ltrameil qnarteso iseMY, luis. censt arrivai frous Mntana, piaugiseti <>stseut. andssPilla <-ired Igloo emtreîy. ss9cendiug -andi tescesding-upon tiseSon .n ai fanti barroedeti lfteen acres ansi E. LaI- niiuits% aiuds hait.(ee-si s-ifmetbast csi Man." teie ltts l'" ~ A ~ U iny eiti t bryaotts an mlu ir.~aals -e h-- iihoeb Inluchaptor 2 mie have -fint a miracle lot Il luhe tlis-in-nsî-s of isehping hieh empisasizea teWde Aatte PT NM ýEDLE8 sitis NI-m. <kinter W'hite has ala cou enbarrow- lîtterotîîîr suffes- r"Word ls tise Creator, andt tis n ci gcoe ur M "e Myensec psiioncel Sh Inig liata ri. Ail report thse groamtd ai lent of rtse ciening oftseTîîîh Nez,1. gs~tn.ia fvc.It. ronttfreaeti ln excelent condition. oiti Fasiioneil Crisidren. miiclisJosua ciaimedte t exoeiiq isuthor- onsands af Bickiaying bsaaima begun In tamn. Te speak iritis précisioni, cilidrÇnis' 57or His Fntisriioi. si i ir rcaeAt Hartney, turtisen cat, on rte 25th costuaie.. do net begin befoeotUe clos--bssus ins A.ked for preant cf bil author- m - e t . ity for encli deetia Ho points otaassita. _ _ i ofFpbrnary, tise sumai mari and isîg 30cr of thse olitis century. tJP i sentis andi rsurrection. Fronitis h oeCMÉ IeR Rou e_ brigist, mieeleti carriages more ln uso te chat Urne t ma tlought suficent beginîing et111;bismnietry, nt east, nHoNT andthUe piama ildsitalook as i they ta dreas tIhe little tolk,, accortilng tia knew chtisstis tonting bore mould so.netyblee atcf.allbs (abikop.dmucH1' g Ma are roady for thse press tdrilea.Thora soxi tarurus repretuicng exactiy beo ceo andi Ho wouid agtain be mitisuaie .to durt, germea and haseols, iaai .10IIe. u. I -1017 appeerantLe tisat cpring ba.stchose of tise falhesr ansi totcher. ucis Fatiser la Hoironet. d g Lw Mesla* arrivedl, but fermiers do not ms ta cothsamust. asureoly. harove eis In chapter 3 again me haro tisa titrough sMADy bande(osoo Dmpepige. 5lie ieeffveti by appearance ami conte- rery- ncnifartable for creatur o u cgit et tise Son et Gi-i heomissg Son thora nat aver-eloan), "blgded,' aibTtonouvs quenîy ibav'e net conimensed te usetrione moeumets esslfor esse, uni ut man aud dweiing mitis man for a fwyototmnwho Y hU A, S' -ang' tlsir bluestone and seod miseat. %%home turbutlensce o ti enet meli accoxi yÇani* Jeans tella Nicoents at He - m< li t a w e1 o by ham Min" umào______'- la heaing mituasa i;fmhat Ho Hiniseit ML .U OMt ss.nary atonaîs. rritis tiesetiffaea of tis elOgteemulise ee (eni 1.Hoony:Buomi Iestlà CVamI Bmiseit beaushâtave aiwuas beefi & century ruf. or tise malestic amplitude bath ascensles into eti-e, but Ho thlat TF THE " a itaBde îyste-sy teatchose net bora lu thse happy o! tise perolksa nhome solomulty ap- degeendedosasut H éaroîs.cien tise Sou LION CO M . stniisO LNIII ToV reliions n-bore tiey are a weeklY Oc- hori te ovrs-aduow .i-tiseltmate 112 Df mos, wmiîcihla in Ilear on." Ast iesn Plme curreace. One Englis bansokeeper. of or progoaitorui. lme have chsose mords su dean ta ovory LLfIL wlso tiedte t proyiîie cheil for ber Tt la tea hoabservei In this coltinée- Christian beant: "For God co loi-ad tisassos mee b M Ausercen gset, tilumpbantly servod tian chat mierever, In aur day, auciont worlsi that He gai-e fis onu begotton ligos ant IWOpam u .. am nt BW t Ibn liard anti parthusiiy raw. Anotlior coathimes hlav-e survlîed tise Invasion San, that wmisoerer hîu-ierehoti n Hummid~uau crtff ja ort MW " . ~Sigaflil burnesi tPIseste In criaP i> in a nIc coss, of tise rairoati andicf i-bat ime are id nt peisis, itbur ae éternal lite. mt. he we m l ( Oiihy thse truce New Englantier lsiowrs gergerally greel to cuall progross, thiiste Forigo isetnm eSnbatethUe monhd wma14d m I cdet metwftà 4,0ý Z tise spt-li by wmlsih tsi-y are conuoredi naunsîr of dres-euing eid(ren till con- ate Jîsi he o rss ld; tbrut scis heni." iVe te. oucgurte pemeSt edOSD2bOS fui-isrttu Iafelog bukissg. browns ud titills. inywbiero e uinitamuy.luMOI- Icans trattisis tist thue scrifice of Jeanio.e u'Md oaiu.IiooIi ITITUTES as-ir. Upiicuta litigtizigiss reports laind, or lii certain reniote- larstaOf wns aiso tise sacrifice ut Gui. (cd sel thiss onversation a a bur-usztbs-ru luise-Siritzorîcisti coulths-Tyrolil.e050 sa>' eresi (and pismved l Iislove iluchtb tînt- ise the-t.cofed louves lu-tirs--sitir outuermirs. nosie e iiom iset Iboys ansigirli fs-oinu-5 t te 6ymn arstng) i-heu Ho garefilis oniy begotton tse fsactory sna and touces id<t SU hlaitrees-ati>' riitrne t rons us trip Ol]i oprin-adng gi-aiel> ln tise babui- on te sufer for or sîin. lit lisopouned in your kitcheM t tlunîusgb tise Norliuera States. Saitl lis- uinstof g-own-tlp tsus. And aie Vernes 31 te 36 ouf tu.-untiird chapter ii tfisfen prevstitseilfsinrIrnqaiso teachs iow udépsuenet me are openlidb M e ULON COVFI'EEthe LEum Orau pacaaaa CSMILe "Yeu kisoîrthose littie ihiie rouud traisanu uids-eloed- consception of ,-te le uttieahing of ut i. r" misonsMillions of.A.merican lHomos melcome LION COFFEE daily. boais?!" s-cri>'yogtîs. a conc<eptionh0 -it-b does Goslfibathssent apoukethi tisemords ni Thoera in no itrotiget'prot ofMenit thFnn001 ouue adico- 'o.The kint we f-s-sita our fsot meiasulre lss-opcsly ahi th isttantec Gui." H ste huiec e ie igPopuiarity. i'Qu4lity survivesauailoppositios." bos-se?" tîat sespa-tsatiseniais otr eUe hlild atiser's <tory. andi sue -ery Image of (Saisi aly ta 1 lb. packages. LÀo.head o= e-ry package.)r Tle ror'sanue. Well, tic yois kaci,-,-Century. Mie substance." (Hel). 1:3.)(Sv urlo-ai gvin poh,& - ar. thit In Boston tise enIigistent4licit Hne Nover itmileG Asrain. la cisuptes- 4 ire haro the verge: "My OD B GI C M E S W- ixoeus takre chose littIa mwhite roundtl Wiiere are yen guung, my- mrety maid1ý' asta te do thé miii of ini that cent S I Y G O E S E E Y H R brun,. boul tlueia for tisrse or tour "Teegramomar scisool. kinti ir." aise mid. Me, santiaacconsplisis. Ii-imrk." Cbap- vooeza o l f5 0.Ted.,ol o. lieus-s. mlx ctera miths nolasties anti b "Wiat coisii1b ionsntises-e, fir maid?" er,ton , a fusll of thu esbchat Gad kilore net i-bat otlser lugrediiiutq. bakte "Goosi mannes-a. pe rlaps. air." se asisi.asent Mis Son into tise wironsite cconi- r4 Cec>Inab. lléaland henha doonsup-seplias a set ursk. Itead vergs c17-23; 4Ci~5, h.- tusnu ani ise-wsti d yos oppse THE SIMPLE LIFE E-It) n thee verses youu iii aima fluti sn irti 04.9-4 "tis>'domiiatie usal"___a__nstatomeut tf tise kinut cf testimon>'chtie uatae * htAs-e Poltiant sud paats ut in ltu e neei-es cancerîiug Jeans Christ.S l r n lKlr4m R~-~ 2TiU àS ec tlkinus -rsy mtbsu.-i-"uue-isie ie - ArePence. tise oiy kind gliat: in tue rery natureet b 6 5 of le 'ass. fis-t $otiicsnor. uîsuîrssIvîeiy. Bs-s it la the sîiple lite tisut gi-es iength tise case can h ou cnuig; tise teatimany U M>' 111111111r » IEF Ille sir, tIsey celt 'eul!" ofcideys, se-eîisy eofallmmd W antiu> md Oi GosiHiisaelf. O ARDU---tranquilUit> ai ceul, la chapter 6 me barvetise miracle of =,-N ~satiefieul physieiosibouge-r miicis r-admahest 11k i Ou'er Dsolacyci. Simple hopesanud aibtiens, boami womrises te iliostrate thue truthiwstia ~~'? .1iii Tsorirof(us-ibulhlneetby theo uie- te do gooti t ausaChislantikttegmrte'nraiee l ~, ,ieIi-m il soeyed. wn-luyîîusfs-s-iunulen ielgihors, smaple pleasurea, huabilts, saîlatylus aur spiritumal îuuamgr andt iirot., Pubu it. ths e ttller. ns-ak, tirs-st.irritble, foodi anti trlok. Ve ahauld Ieeetisai Jesîis titihoeeonldApyflt t-e ~ ud suiffes- trounla saue.oitipi- lMen die lossg before tIser tisselie- setodctsefioltîu,îtsoitn-a tseSon uioa tion. tilloniessc. etc.. Tise ousi> suire, cause Use>' try te cs'oir-tubo muchIs ntsî of (bcd; but weire sur-e i conu obtain . s-uts- andi permans-ut cure tes-Élis coul their experiomce-tisey clin tote bigîs mono direct and perstisal évidence Of tisa tition la Dr. Csltel's attiti- nti tau tee iard. A Weise iromasnd-ni> tChittsr1gutiea3etig1 EST FOR THE BOWELS Si rushî'e.psiîi. It lita a gerutis- uetiols i-rites of tliso guios tiat a simiple de of aur own sou'a liiuges- for tise là.ns!m I uil Mii sIls oie-o.sîsperior te tisat Of 11111, bas donc honr: et lite. "fliesseu as-c tise>'tiat isunger t_____________of___________________a_____ - ~ ~ ~ ~ " î,' Ots5,as -ilatcian.'r> "bhave been asing Grape-Nuts te-o nsr tirt ftn ngiîouiaeaattmtie>BTleoocah$,I e .1a u. ii t Saisi b>' all riiggiits nt 50e anti about sxmnh.1began r shail hote lleS."sailes.edesisa RlgIgriefnAsuture[doval le, Inatssr chaper7 éss peksofMi m s use novrdssfias round iegrief "Ton idiot!"'exciaisotiliktstise Ital- mis sofitbe Ihllîms astingUl leMu> bi-tifi al. lgeth.I7bas uîak tMs u- Wti od f rnbnaihr lan, "yon îtuck tise lathan brunis in nsy &misl»Iiii Vèlue>' ni tui.e. usone- as $1 __ If_____________ paruigi>, util 1 aequireti ucis a 1k-sinou athese merda: 'M.Ny tearhlug ls nt Hue cae a long, bean inger ràaesi mouti." et Teigneusse. Miii"aPi te#fi li acte ansitFigurei. iug for It chtis for tiéseIit thrgee Mine, but Hi&schtIs seutIl le. ifgay>' To cent soin@ speli arausnd ber'! "A misaman," calml>' rejoinosi Johnis, bisathearest ltu Yeats m.' Ims-îekaytsn a aSos e nthe 1bave dopeasiet upen -It eI- man. milieti te dSus M i ii, lie shah aluleynsgts issbne, ts s>4asr ui. sv et u ssîaa buocibave irt.all dsite liau't eyeo <t a <ou figure. nioat outirci>' for my>'duel, eating nots- kuoof tci te nietiser itfibcof Tisai truie love isasft betrayoi? - mouth siot anti let me do ah tise talk- lasndsbai-s maethis ".i j oe-l'i admit ise Iuit a prize us-au-.tsug ise n-bateî'er, bot Grape-Note tnfout , or mietisor I sîak tronmMyseif, Aisnu!lSise uîovermlles becaîse- î l_____________ inireteudet atasaltm~ ____ty, but sute is irortis bl anmiillionu i uier breakfast anti sopper, and.I îbellevo- IetîHtagared focanidsoî sskehaie frmm tesi tresieaysi W. cîsuis ÔWci-n ight. auti if tisat in't a uandaumo i ceult i et Ilfor dinner -itis fruit bisgai-n <tory; butlise tisat seeketis thse Insauarat Wbsa.nima 1 k.y .a iur hn 'inemtieltii. ai-eaaifelilon ahr~ rof'ai htiat senli.t hie sainie is Tiserala mare Caarrn t Ibs section onIthe Uz alaisrain of tisaWhoat j. theskind e ____ trueliauedchériuVrntnismathématicen.iandnhehlti'f tisast obsoatherfooi gilionaputitoy thaa aitdImiericisesasPsu-ttuusehl-tsuduaimi - has to ymrsi- i a u- ugisiet drougitsand tIse oie- -1-fl-i

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