CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 31 Mar 1905, p. 5

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et mother ima& Mtg *oat make km #mm vaoudYoui, *ww.bas MG 10JO n ne I M mmd &aw whre. QOROCERY9 .Repairing -Watches.. Here receives the earetnl attention it deserveu. No matter how delicate or' expenive a jiioement you may 'bave, yon can leave It to b. .reptired or cleaned, -vlth fulamurance that the work wiU b. don. ln the. most akiliful mauner powuib1e. 20 Y1314RS' BXPIRIENCE NOvuC-Wt3 handie the. popular MceKitiaey shea't Misie. ANDREW HUSS. Li bertyville - - Illinois Just RcieL Our Sprlng lin. aif Walipaper, and- it in complets. Everythlng in eStirely new, not a yard of old stock on our àebelves. Remembpy'~...~ Il'. ~t mwl bt"-, I. §PN&t J.I~] LIBeRTYVÎLL "ApiI~l" O-UOgTw. ~iul PuWii,,aideti by Pr l*-f~z.8. rid4ry will erec$a aWai local talent, P"ana IItérn iaOd4lbase onbhieBralgiera Court lot h. g 4 9 0 1 6 n t i 2 à m6 " Ima m tolmetîvparhaeed A.B. cn».Atie O buws ttageon Fh'et A t ail frianet.fut euctk MsP..Pliglvitng tistis nek ta-Cte upnontunity ito w t ai! a MaYfaW sfr, e d uMdenîoy a really menitoro 1 aU W« ri uarp t Ia rue1dasd WSome agitaLtion iooklng 10 i aiu-bit à K ah., 9:cea,.. tniPet 28 heUfl6 ot a Sechool hoard lia renaî cea..JOui zi, Lbetyill..26-2 of flecmeiwrp. lu suppiant i Cldesua cauum aIt the town banl to. , 1 " Ye",otf5boul ,diréete, morrow (Batuniay) metgit t8-m . %MM* elnt.-retedilu echol affab Peupla. cucus at 8:80. am»*@tstlg proper methuti CIMW Sur - l Insesson i uM e flêfend inîlay lb. accoupllebe Woacing .cbuol éelecion.W g«M titi.-eek.,Eiectrlc rond condsea Am .s$kimodti it li vl:lagsotr lion ceem.oceupy muet outhe,. tiaeut 'oplai0n1o board Idmecount..A» & Pud lltY. C. F. ami.e Inaid 6-GOsDontpurehaééd thus- week ut l Wthé Movenlentandiha. thecooe mm .John FPonte, ot Wauksg0an, bar two tdaof a humber of promluenîtlzatsi lot O Hnb Curt and WDbnud a bouse Ihere tii. pring. r<*fTan . 0- GeuLukerles ne faiehanamaîin a 'Creo aks eling, thes remi of wrtSihig tins mea.- T o ou friende anti ueaghbore w. wI ber whie ehklug lte grate on tl. but,. locps..ufrorù tde tor Ihir kindi motive ho 'Iore." uyatby IDounr rei-cnt bereavemeul, th Cunductar K..., wbo succuedeti Mr. logs cl nr beiov..d baby. OGea. YegW.tpt, iearmofutnof thlie local Fui IiiKvtt aiFttîv trains, with hW f amliY, occupien 'the __Praline houm. on Orehard etreet. Johnlean ha. go-far recovered XI ANNOUNCEmENYs X front is I.retient attack uttypulit tever am Lake" femJeC-nw.ry Ammointion mée-c > t » "*Up lo'wi" un fine days, ibough ilh Id Min.Fr.-îîî h on Frîday alîernaoo lrh w- appeaanme shows the effeeclof hie March ai. long singe. M. ielai.lî neiist RoceMin pupl ehw Ieirappu-ca-Alpha club Wudiedav aternoon. Aprul ï tion u1theii. lectrie ruand extension lu aet th. W. C. T. 1I . read ing ruom. their village byJ a flerai patronage. Thé. I M at&* iur~46pue- The sermon Stunday vmorning at the sengere were earrled out ut that place. Methodist chu r' h will w,' upon -Chr-in American Wl4,- len.- and Nlational Our Leader." lîîwortli Leagnu. wit Macaruni cumpany employeee are lu muet ai 6:45 îp. ini. andthetti eveninu bave a bowling match Wedneeay mili service ailil be it 71'). necI Tii. boy. 1Im elthen uide are confi- dent of wlnningth match aud it wîli b. Areireeta, iv.ofuthte. Anti.Saloon au intrestiLecontet.utfSprnidi-d. Ill.. wiii atidr a an ntrenetlng ce. Ua meeting 11) lte M. E. chuelb on Warksn îpeieaced considerable Bay nilitî. l'ieiaddres. will b. upun difftculty raiiag te great iron pote the t hî or "aioption in +he state whieb are lu support the large water Legtlalun.. A iî linwill le taken. tank lu course oftsantion for the village. Aliffl elconw. The Poste are 102 test làg and weigh eQay aili-rebtincuvl tbre. e ee-.Wak erectian p ro- ùyeo 1lePebtpincuc groesslowly. 1bon reeied a a11 iniltramttPreel.yteran Chtas..Smit thi. We4cpurch&«eit of cungregation ut Wiliington. 111. The Ur. Taylor the lot on Cook avenué,eéa churrh edificetl.r'i a new $17,000 ot and adjoluing W. M. Hi"th,#,. Il etone atructuri- andî the cougnegalion a Slmithin i. aving prepaistiPlane for a l it nenticinin iiuii- andttihe , mmenerati<t ton room tiweling t4) lic erreeta-ul Ilereun ofed mnch In î'ii.-s ottlat lhetLIb*lyý tiis slimer. ville eburch % iW. are not.litforinedi Mr@.Robet lindFr)n, if Ia (,ov ut ol ie decion ii ninltr, itow'v4,r.ý Iowa, vielitiwith lien parNi-esUr. anti )i-s. John ileation ti.i week. lira. Kection Noti'ce. a Hentiermon le enroute tao tkiaitoma Notic e là hu.aî-viv n, that on Tue. * wtcre se joint§ ler huasanti, lie huvinx dlai Apni lm,190.5 iisni-t at the, front * purulaeed a eonsiderabut- trai-t of landt iceja la Fred troker'm talIon shop on * 1fCwaukeavenue .-ini thei'villag.- ot LII.- M s.Wieo formierly ofiicrtyv- ertyvilleinthu.-:au1itvat Lke andtogute Centrai Lite Insuraie Company on tie Preldet * 30th oftunit mont,'alounting lu more Tii-e. Trust.' titan $10W<. Thia ill returnu ta bhlm.Vil5..Clark. e *1.50for evey *1.0 hasapald lu lte Wblcbeleti lilh. oîtei-d at seven * cunpanhssliceblnginsuretiforflooo. o'clock lun the- îî.-îrniig and »hlall lit, s ***~~*t>lsnlctManager Wanke- elus et .1 ive iliik ini the cvening gau, 111. u1 thal dey. Ch"e. Boy.. ln excavating lbe base- Fît\Kr S. KE.R\, Olrk. » ment tor a âine new realdence, un is *corner lot ai Laire streetand Brainerd Court. Building operatiunaieam - Plueulsein e ii-naine ut a uew dis- nDg up bnlslY thi. prinx and Indie. COve liPut ini fl iiw way. -A certain -taonnaauelte. W4. mu estion in cure lor it lK id ney, Blood and Blatider -~ Libntyvlle'e ti Ibi dignesee, and evert tortnutfRheumaalam »gazon. ran4goPinuele. relleve Ilaukache andi Kidney Ae- amp fil W.A.,inovu it pain . ,»Permnanently. Il You neeti eucb Acae Cmp.M. . A moveeInl lI rmedy 1.t uès show you ttch ndru new quartee la thi. bAqdmast block thsl-.Slib WI AKeYndu thie -le..Ttc Wuod.nnWitt have, gnels.Sl-uiA1ItIL . 'Lv n wben ail le arranged.and cumpleteas fins quarre aa acy (aiplie eotunly The lodgeroom -w2 .60 nat roos bre in umber, am P IN HeeIl leaon lte ve of village cacuses adyu erbau-du a suggestion sWl Itemn prObable candidate., a condition M L I E Yf altogethen uunl ln-Libertyvllie.Thisa sitleneOminona and il in not at ml - O E - I" i mprobable some one aMODES- cup al li bas been (our exinprlence ta laoup. 0- ma iehadulng. a dS m e l o W. W xibai Copan, th kgt Ibav a ineof nîce Piano player andi organ manufactures.- the warlit, wili conduct a ton da's <w t manutactur'.alMof lb. above lustrai- wsyls and trim- p meut@eta W. M. Heath's turnilur. @sure.L Il wlll b. aulvielable for ahl intentiinx miligii. See nie be- purcbaaere to wait am inlara the cut price Proposition t lie maite on world foeyub . . a rçuOwned Instrumentsur menit, turing fr o u thesale. 2- Roland, infant son of Ur. anti Mm.. Fred Craker died Friday morntng uta My new line, of complication ot dise... eneemultlugfroni au altack utfmeassefOlio-st by Pngeu- Spring 8h<es and 0 mounie. Ilutoii Taylor eut Galloway Mlsurted lu bernic, teuimeul luansen- ' i desvor t eanve tl tonee&IIlonoa Dry G.oodfi la in. P aval. Tii.jounerai w» Ouati boa lb -r t hou»e..Rer. Lawlen oduibttc er.i vice.. Sand iy utmym ufns Mrs. F. Protine, fo ie. ruker là thea0eIlItion ' we" evitiencet by beauii flowere, of - Lidiyiie witich a grat mauy wère sent. ietvl. i The following fil the OmfCiai. Ballot for tihe Town of Liberty April 4 1905.Y ODemocratic Ticket For Town CIenrk CJULIUS TREPTOW. For Assesor EJFRANCIS RP Toyou ~reader, ail ou f rlends we se,é ry Wiaen'Ltbortyvil. Won the 1.7 Conty Sent. 'e a Wbile itla i.l known Ibatthe original t i o n I l o n y ut eat fa heu nty Was aI Liii atyville, mus the cause ut Ite reunoval lu Waukga andtihle iethode eanployed tuha-f ng It the about are nqî au well known hi lie the Peuple af the present drîy.- M5. lu lthe Year 18819 Luhentyvil- ie aire fk ut know u a. Bulington, w nh on aérout. bdotite geograptiai pouftionanti gean one Importance cho-,en clogica altoite 'ràtecourt houa.. The tollowlng yenr, ra- owever a party of reai etI. IL oeeuators got holi ut a tractutln u ttcprenenîi site of aucga n conci-eethéttidea, Ibat fitt4wie oId s ,lob the -onty eat inre ti ldu, that plcew hJY that, it would prove a great hoon lttho th fu tu re ou t t e ir p ro p o u e city. They went about the malter lu a vef- methotical manner. Final they enliuteti the aid ot Capt. Morris Ilobinoon Who wae at that lime emplayei ly the go gverumeain lu aklng a ceus ufthlit - ppulation ofthte county. lutt1 pertormauce ut hiodtie. b. ueeeaily hm hat.uvieil e,vy oua. ini tb. county* -anti wienever ha teil saie in tioiug au b.-h preenteit a petilion at3kiug tun lb. eo removal ut o ite court bauttit t) nit Fo t. g Enougit Dames were seureit su, that, lthe malter waa brought 10 a vote anfdo on election îlay lbe mcen behinti lthe'proiect. ra wère veny active andtihtt Bunlîngtun M aggitgatioin leing taken uuawaree baft 'n tue eiection. lu ail 744 votee were cie te a majority ot 188 votfug for remob-ai. There waeo couaidenable excitemenl ,overthe outcome-utfthe alair ant in couitty Clerkr Henry B. fiteele anti sW:ynkoop his tieputy were tiuposedti l give bail.-tu ttc winnerm. The neorde 4ad boolus tea int -change--0!Wy m andti lb...hoarefusedti lugive up. Tt Y- couîuty hoard tlned bina anti delarod laisu doffice vacant. 'oM e rna-nu t htc mattr lý the circuit court anti Il wa. decide thta lthe huard liait nu po wer lu rernove hlm.. H. wa. &gain flietibut ichilfe ho pait i e fine h. steaitfaetii sctumed lu gi ve up lte nrecords. * As' lime weul h antilthe bitteruese *subie theb natter wsu faIly iîuietatl tiown anti the books: anti records taken tu, lthe old court houe wie trhooaton lthe site of tii. preSu t ructuré. 1Oid luin Traite. < There wern thetcearîy dais eeverai -With it we ex"eW -.u invitation to Cami0 Spring fine of... Shoes, Groceies pets, Wqapaper, Ettý 4L11 LH~ 11pz- LIBERTY VILLE soc Nul 'a pooriv imade, ktr4tpî .6e bfrt long anal propurtionately wide, la Itgeu 1IR SWEET. ORR & COS. SOSO i Neg,flgesshirt. lun ighl anti reeiua colo biandti, ub. worn iwf it white colara. 1%m inuerlu-itcrose-ettipeit bumome. Ac .tualg Heavier Goods, mai One lot Painerls Wh"t Jaeksls) no0ud troan baitlln I Libertyville - nema2k. ýr. tw44ti We oeil border by the. roll and not by the yard and smre price as aide wall, thum making the paper much cheaper. Our prices range from a ve centes up. Sm ith &4LavIs,5 LlbetyvtfIs, Ilii. QRepublican Ticket SFor Town Cerk FRED CROKER Fer Ameeser Q LAFAYETT E BOND- ForCoilu - FJ. J. PoTEOUS ComMmielner ut Higitieys (North District) [] FRED HELFER Justice. aflhe Pence WM. L. HACKLEy O GEORGE WISNER Fan Ounalablce Q WALTER ACHEN . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . For Cîiinnîisirar uf Higitways Not istri teîi C FRANK OUERIN E --. ..................... ..o.................. . Fon Cottallui SDENNIS'LIMBElRRY For. .. ci.................... For Col etiir '~Is Like G ..CllAnd J In our Diamond -Riqté A coup bug is 'giyvea W We are oI['edng ex in Pure'-Casdli' a. w,.ilg dLae lun trahln vauniuge diretrogtLks. ul u abn dircthemn.. n bs koI u1th.. me te wa. theQ.eonown a. lii." Oreen, Bai trailiwiwit tUowedtheb higiter ground along ttc wesç bank ot te Desplaine. troa lte suutii -ntnl foruso and a route betwSeen ti.rier and Lake Miehigan tollowed lu Milwaukee. From this trait there were tWo branches,'x one- striking offtu theb.north.west near Hall Day pa.eing cloue tu -the eaeî of Diamond Lake and then lIR an aimont direct hl ..Nipperaink and another running tu CedarLake from a pointnear Libertyvile. There was but onetrail, the st. Chîarte@s and Gireen Bay trait, ruunîng through the ca)uutY in a narth-eauterly direction.'- Tille entering flear ,Barrlngton eut. well niarked and with Yeny littie deviation Piaaed close. lu Ivanhoe 'and l>ruc'aa Lake continulug on tbrougla Rascrane4 tu t!ie Stâte-lin-, it im a notable tact that the..- trai ahivays were very atralgbt, noyver niaking a Oetour tu avoifi hills, yet e'..mlag lu escape ail nîarshj pIcN.'- witltaut Uiaueeeary travel. The old traits have praetically ail been obliterated by th. plow of civlllsatiuna but there wae a lime when th. three patha, the ceutqr madie byýthe pony landi lthe two outer and, * ualrower mark, made liv the drag polej an whicl, wer placeti the worldy podebosiong or the drivers. cauld lie Inaeed for miles, onP the hbis andi throîîgh the tonqèst. bville, to be voted Tuesday, j ý 10

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