- MI Lii,.te Os-W *loislad.. i-flassO ta Pdt. i- ovninlacouse- réset t!hie bagsatsen- wues-d thftre for ian>' iezge* ht the faltune 1, »y 'lack et business b>' hie slleged manipu- Dauigiet-ty, assistlet id liaI be, viliont te» -sut et an>'01ethle offi telled thie Hoosiar er irofi le os-rdraw -extent of $96.00. Tic ho-aniare nearly &sl osear Ladogiand îhey 1 the detuoltors nl bl> a tomaeofthle uovlty lite aci-liloi.',te the MO000.The i-siien of tin X M. Scotl.,iwel fkste as a membr ef 190 andiu192. a mcm- fte soider' home boaid )(&wun. Scott la crusi- aid basalie sympali>' iManall. He bas et th oett and etCprie- venrklag o h bsnb te lii i san.ln-imv. - Hu *Étilmis boevs. eveul- sag ouI>' a l111e fareu- i of $17 s menti. BHe los-e Ladoga, Wbet Cemaune.,S"e Bien «i lie Cohben Ceu- Wy. resdeait l's taed the euünIr>'on the quir>, The. message la t jb miylxàci4evw (*Wweredcate the Olini- be. la Cie publie O0.t reequsuenda a ru- oW be&rda.-Th'lim nan- es-esiet is de-lar- ji sastaeCor>'. - The olae<t trou le ie aefe wu8 11.675,000. The s 10M va. 81.42,O0 nelu N OL» COIN. ip CIOl iseb>' en wbl eans Ago. e Io'e up a vapoea- M i ufa gelcoin, tuCu- t Ui Pisaat, Texas. Ww States Mene>' cx- wopubiaWh"are eliler pFa bohs. Tsars ago W btatreauru bsd 1'ý*Ledietten made W $du a usrai for if éýfl amble le B.d il p Uwret %«Mitrou , ad- uma la la aeelt"te 'e I ltay. Oitr., NIa. v bgWlngia0tit ces-- 'n.blvp te 1éeplaclon leaa kmV le.do, Dot lé'1 etre aid, $4 bW4 and prote OEFs-id te Iai- le*koeuI>, Ne- ferCte boarit and " ced ba nsué a àPorte e- la.tUnÀmloa tn i bone io H3ebr> . tate, *md nn ounecc tum ofetNev Yerk lkn as eiechel r a pluaslit' et 2.- Li oteof 322x3. for Tca annesd r Clen, b.lb Dem- cts eit>'Attonney. s-fb o2mo., - oliel'. ppouedt vant tang liaI bai rIdim t ovesbat "rs Sapida, Iowa. vi as breken lat n'ai 8,000) yards of m th Pîinraw. I aïvd I. Lois di- YyI-alsrau alo a ln LuBis-le, hUlas leO>tljunlng tçý boum IiulI tebilt Pbof 'aid lasail Ms a- pinter, la vè* safis l l als- laces B.,But, 0 *0 la Wreck Cevlppt aOuilut>' 0r Za,"emov e uçn maynau-d Harlam. ils chlet cempettor anid i majorif>' ot 945 os-ev hq comm- blaedvote- cnt for lthe ii-blcain, Proiibtioeand Secialial canffldtes Join F. limaleki, the present City' Attorney', vievas lthe candidate on lb. Repubican ticket toa sccaed unm- ielf, bas bau» re.elacled. deteatluug W. B. Moak-b>' more lia» 17,00. The Democratlc cauîdîdafe fer City' Trai- irer, Federlck- W. Blockl.r sud lie Democrale candidate for City' Clark, .drian C. Ansen, sbirseIer> vii lie iaad oft heir ticket, Anson ruiuning »eck sud oui-k vi Dii»».. Tihe total vole cnt for mayoraît>' candidates asa 322,373, out ot a rag tratien et 410-9W, an inurease of 12,- M8 *ver lie mayoraît>' votaetf twe JVDDOZFL y"DUINLF icars ago Judge Donne necelved 161.- 6", votes, 15,451 more flan rare i-ast for Harrison lu 1903, ville Mr. Bîr- tan'@ vole vas 137,411. rilicla le1,137 lmn tian,-he Stewart vote oetwIr yeare ago. The Socialiste pehiud 20,329 votes for flair candidate tor May'or. Tils tris a illng off fron hemr vote for Deis lest taîl. The>' polaid their heaviest vola l'a-tie -Tuelfh x-Wav5, - rhufl -e-f gel 1.444 votes. Tii. oreat Selalîii vote va, 71, lI fie Tilal Ward. Thie Damocrata polled fleur fl part>' vota ln metof hetb.Dcmocratic vardu. Judge Dunna la commîttaul ta munici- pal ovuereblp oethfe sîreel rsihvîYR. DR EADED SPOTTEO FEVER. Bew Yenk's MLY@tseto]Se pidenfu Kiovu sas Cueinu-Spinl Menlgltl The pread eofcebro-tulal meulat- gilhs a roumacd lb. Norkoheslih departimeal u te ieisauSîlo f Emysteu- aCle aid horoug Inveas-tigation ie lieh caas ret lies»uanmud the posibilit>' nt, if -pota iura, ah leat -a ramai>' b>' vluieblà h ihgrate et mortailt>' et me»- lsgitla s>' b.alowereuii Il lu a curions tbi»U tgtn aspite aofte fiensands et s-tes Uesrd etbff>Cils ionret fmua- lngitiu and ln spite etfte progrees made la medlmr8i science lai tic last Oity >ers tiare seea te b. 1111e more ai practîlan saine kinv&bout il tialiera ass tire.or four dOui-suâgi, ubea it vas *populady i>' the l. poteuites-en. - inf tien il ah ea dlscoser.d fiat 1h lsaa sgerai diase»and tatthie rirobe entera lie rnase and dads lgeniinath e igala. Oocailora-Il>' Ciepublie le a orutem-Ibai soeaCaie ion il bis been diaes-red, but ieof lisose nstrms lins fan trled bas oelai e teli lgtest decruaue W the. sujober et Octis eanisaib>' the dlase. ilost oethCe victIma ae ChÜdneÎý7e*- -peelul>'thee froua 1 te 5 yuans et age, end lb. saut àmjeit> f et laicorne frais th. poozer cissues. Illa eanidned ho »0 oie district,ý or strcet. or block et thse Cilty, viapelal conditions mîgil gis-e rie taIls apresti. Thc populan bu- Bde-'la tint epidessla et menîiCl telfo- iov les-re *Inters, batthlehistor>' ai the diemme shows liaI fi!@leinet satire- 1>' tru. - lu 1903 liera venu oni>' 271 fatal cases la New York Cilty, butlelat year thi fatalitiei bai jumpad te 1211. Last moulu tiare vere 149) icîtieansd lu Jan- ar>' 107. The enset et lie disanie ha suddenanad ils Course rapid -and ftala. Es-en fiee. uhoricos-cm arenes-er -as aImon, atier meulaly or pb>sicall>', as fie>' voie butore the allai-k. A»>' candi- tiona vieu proiuie boil>' or mental de- prussien prudilapose le lhedisease, sud il bas msumeitIs Most fatal type dur- lag imes et famine mand smntai ualid temetat ellers or goldiers lai crowdai The course and s>'mptats s-amy re- mankabl>' la different typesTli e ma- lignant or fulmianmt type Cia diseuse mas>prove tîta.inlua iew heurs. Remit- tatand lItermittent tonse anre rcog- zlsed. l ili lite fevur ln lover, or us- tiraI>' absent for lue or thre days, andl lierea ata tn tsImuciresumblua t>- pield tes-ar. 1 Negroees Uias Cocusn.. -Tiec aet oulimuait et crime la laclu- soa,' Misa. la mtriliuufcib>' lie police ta the. inausud use et cocu me ix negraus. Untîl a >ear mgo, i le clsieîed. lie drua ralu nkuovnamoeig hem.in, is onsemp- lien linse nov reached Omegeroms propor- lions sud it sfers have become hulera, ladiffereut to punesment. Tie autior- iIis ara dlscusalag a resade agdlint lie galIeetflie dug, snd itlel probable thai soube ditie measarua uit>' b. put ln force Ce preveut Ikause aminanthlene- gnous.The irsade nIl prosily lasu rua la connealion villi the var on vavgna aom biag waged b>' tic police depart- Muent. &par"s front tIià* Whus Bludeuls suf the Kalisas Itate AgrI- culursl culegu' heud a niais muchang and peitianed, lie Qovereor te oust Presi- dent Nicbols. - Maria. dakugiler et Otorat Doyen ef Upper Saudusi>', Ohloi aallovai near- 1>' hie untire couelts et a baileoe pilla, cauing hem deati. - Besmise lie ralîroadu nrefuae le make accepable râes lhe National Lellur Car- rier' convention Sept. 4 te Il ma>' le halO là Minnapolis lastend et Portliand 1 ea. Allen efthle coîstabuilîr>'lni coin- mand outIhe tedersi froops la the Isand et Samar, reports fiel lie upriimu amoeg lie Pulajânea in nov uider cou- Irol. Tie ConsoIidaleO Llhhgrapi Comn- pan>. cpili$7.000.000, WaslluIorporat- id i New Jarsey. Tht incorpontors a ru Ignallus V. Menlone, Hurry N. Nre-t ses nd>'. l -. aye,-1; I î Wble vokSes vare effaged lanir- SU thie talibossil>' tiomrd bUldig MtcW db> Ci. Btte et Wailagloa #t ý» ýtLc mdefi 1. belathes.Waou nikas- Oreat ue» -New Loua Floahid. puring fie past week Japas bas won, anellier great vu-fer>'os-cm liantsl. This lime, liee-r, Il vasnet on a batleiledlu' la Mmehurla, but lu the. werld's licnaciai capitale. Attfi e-r>' ime ulién htassa bas beun laborlously endaavorlng le Indace French bankers le makte ber a uew boan, and vii.» lii lei etrîvin>' te keep ber spirits op b>' flklug cheertoîl>' about tiaI mot de- captive tiiug, a RusahnIniiternuil ban, lapan'at the mure asklng bas floatud a $150,000,000 boan lu London and Seir York on much betler terme thonu ber prevleus van loins, sinO at liaI shu lise seau ber offriug et bonda almosl teua timas _eversabacrlbud. If lie htuselau geveromeul vera at ail open Ctutson, a stuation lîke f is, tellowing liard apon tie crasblng de- test etf uukd, , ouldgîve ample grounds 10 credit fie peai-a talk 1ha1 bas beun huard durnîg the >pasi- veek. Unfortanatel', bon-et-cm, Il appuarsj tint Itossin, frein beiug unwillllug le taîl. pence il ail, bias progreosed ouI>' toranuîougi t b.> williig ui l ak pence on ber en-n termes. Sie bias net yul beau tauglît te knew ier lapa»., 17pomi liaI ver>' veak raed,, Rojeel- vensky, Itussia nov seunîs lncllned te lean, viicb Isa afir, Indication liaI lie Lînevlcih reed muet buces-en wuik-1 er. Roesutvunsky sai>ed train Noise Be Mari-i 16, and the latusl aquadron irom tusila saled tram Suezs»Mari-i 2l, appareutl>' te jolu hlm. Jlasee si-eut slips are kuowu le bc> aaci- lag al lie main passages te Cie East trenu %ke Indian Ocean, but re Ad- miraI Toge andbils dgitllg leetare - v bave ne blet. Thure ma>' be a great ses llgbt seon, or i a>'hade- fared CIII Ilojestvensk>' ruaiha, Fan ~Eaa.nmu ~Ater -teIL i e o-reaclies Ilium. CI Dispafi-hua troin Tokie Induat. hat Oyama's ana>' la gradesl>' mevlug norhivrd. Three dtaciments ivest and seont Cte alosd are reperted ah positions tint senu Cble on Che average about twenly-fis-u mles norti of re. le>' rare a ueek or en dois cge. St. Petersburg dispatiee expressj a tear liat anelier envelopiuig move-1 ment his bague. The.Boutolnnarn> bon. rumsined li apparent!>' hopelussa lnacttvîty at Slpilaghai, eevenly-teum miles norti of Tie paso. Tii. lapines. fore" are kuera tu buermnvelophig filsposition, fer on. colaima efthfeir tmoepe bas been disces-ered tvanl>'-seven miles norli- east, ville another colamu le kuown te b. advanclng uemfhward West oethéi rillmeid. AlresO>' fie Japanesu center bas idvancad se tar nortbuard that ta aue bas-e been beminmdlng the Bus- aian rear guard minute Wedneday. tneSOC4 &&telfces trom Gansua pan ladileeO>'sa &t ratte. Be la Menlg Kiina rith bis igit ving and advancingbils lefI auet f te rallrerd la an apparent andenver tu rue the Sungiti river before Lia.- vilcli bugins bitsinevitable rorea'a fte>' fie battle rilcbha i.Jenov about le APParentl>'Il la lie Intention oethfe Japanese te waîte nenq ofthfe daois or weeka et celO vuaier and compara- tîvel>' go osds wni-i are luit tg them. ' Atter tCia lii.,coma. rapld marchlng and lie prompt movameut et heavy gans lil be eut oethle ques-' tion. Gen. Llnevltci's purpse li maklng a standl at Splnghai le net under- stocd. aven la St. Petersburg, vieme Il ls trakl> aditteul tiha Islalargel>' ouhaumbereul b>' O>ama's advanelng tonrces. Yel Bt. Petersburg ties a ceertel view oethle situation. illfa declqred fiat lia RusaIs» oseta Maiden bave beeun &aggerated sud thint an>'o e iéprîeoars aban b>' lie lapa ver. en-coratnlinC. 'Un- doublai!>' ea. Lînevlci la Onu>' re- eving reintomcemaentà.But il liaa question viefler i. vii beaile te vitialand the lapins, pressure. If be sieuld evauaCe hils present poel- liens fier. la aie Place between them and Hambin uhere i. camake a stand vli ciunihope cet esuaping uner- MOUS bnS et ofMensud (unis.- FOUR BLAIN IN WARSAw FIGHT., lest>'Otles Wounded ln CisulinB.- -tue.. Shah and Poice. At Warsaw, In a batIe bulueun a moi ot Jeva and a police patrol a in te selmeal four Ieva vere klUeO sud tort>' ouaid- ed. TueoOr more efthle vounded mai di. Scores et amuist, tllowed the con- The treuils ieasuinleDzika street, vian s crowd of 1,000 Persona, neari>' 911 leva, anid anmbers ut the socialimîi- bond, galberai lli e sreet an4er the, Prtazl 09 holding s memoial meeting for a former seciallsl leader. As Cia moi Bwnaigloto he Street ma>' beining rd Rag, il va, mt b>' a mixai ple, And militari' petrol oetwtent>' men. The Polce declare tie soclais te.Irpdl r'evOlvmers I Cfuin. the leaders lai-ilg the moi ta allai-k lie Patrol. vilçim lIera- 1u1pon 5usd eevrl volle>'s lâte tliercowd. At leist tort>-tour pesons*vere ean tb> fail, but the crovd ramas-ad alexcept mineofethle e oaidi t two fbwoinera veomen. Tii. assistent miaulter o e Ca Itnor ha Moce bs oridenlis..e big GgUIck's book, "The White Penil lithie a riée>......4L=000,40W a40.0000 8,siltu li eàpeia 8 connu of the four00 ain rué; tk% .... .*eoooe l2643.0,mt tualiba--------..-14,-0.000 1.49,0000 Touasse et A"e- silps............ 45.00 84%c00 Touasse.e t! is- . ff11.(M 2" 0.000 Mles oft ltuay,.. 1>00 5f00 ?RoBR, Or iI E EQUITABL.. Chargea A#*Iaut Hyde ta Be Ins-tt- saei b>' Bale Ordfilel. It la sai on autiorit> thut lie New York $tate lasarance depuriîmelviiilu:-. vutigate thIe.charges ugaluat Vice Prensh' deuil lames B. Hyde mn utîer offiils of the EqultaLble Lite Assurance Bu- ciel>' Accordig te onuetflime- me amîlir with the uituation lime efforts aifie sup- erinleadeuit et insurnine b> neomans viliibu liulted te an euideivor le provo tie taloit>'.or lruth efthue chaurges agains M. Hyde. t'We liai-iclearedthie douik tor scilie," salO a a mibuer ftheicEquit- aile'» poli->' holders couiditteu. Hlyde lIsaid tluhave s,. ijaau'nerepi>' le lin folhoviaig dumrgem, il-i are ameng hou. te bu luuît-î-tigied* "I. Tuat F. Willliiuiiui. the superle- teudent et îs Bsy> ilum.>commrf pace end oftils Paris houme, is ouithie psy rol ufthlIe Equitaile Lite Assuranice Sus-lut>' for $7200 e yeam. "2. Tiat som ut hils servants are i-b the psy rolofthle Equlînhie.' -3. Thmt ho psu for tmebanquiet whiic be gavu le Anmulusmador Cambon eut uft he treauisr>.fîuda efthle Equil- Satiftd>'acoutuemulce nif lu limaStile insurance sueperntendent m lusai ta have esuilcilla erouI of the Hyd-me taite", tour of Ils members helig tari-citu realgut freinlieeuxcuirue oniuîee. Theme wilI bu eplaced b>'metss-orng Aiax- ander's plaetf iutualitatiou. PROTECTOR^TE RULES OMINGO Moins Vis-suait inFerce, Despîte the . Uited Stales Sonate. A pnactical proles-lenale nov preaîlîs os-ur Domingo. despile tie Unied States Senate. The modes vitendi became op- eralire on Saturds>'. TIIe Ocree vas suppressed. Tiereluils i-eouheul aîaag Cie masses, via teir tusis a @tep te anuexation. bail lie'mer-bsnesamud rd- Itors are mtliai and lie tge-emnt ln confideat. The guniesh Preuideuila is naîng. Sbe in raporled te b. qruising te pras-ent lie lsuiing et arm a nd ammualîlon ahtMsay- algues sand on Turk'e ilînd. The gun- boit lIndependeueia. ulithulgit>' seidiers os boasaihan sailed for Sasee te lu- terceptIMiguelito niti possible recruits for lie revot at Monte Christi. but Rai- riques in conuivnred Ibaltichemos-lient Is futile durlng the. operation ef tic io- dus vis-endi and O boldo shoot. The Big Pour hua dechded le buld a nev passemgen ,ttlet aiSpringfield, ., te cosl $260000. The tte board et railmosd isses- ment et Arkansasi met t Little Rock ter lime pumpose tmelllng rsllvay tax nuits. Work hsas begun on lis argest railwa>' statiomn in liehe -wrd. il Laipeie, Ger- use>'. The thalilenghiofethle inliaiua mii lei .000 teet, and fie total uit viii bu 837,500l,000. The Deniver sud Rie Grande rosd bas iloied a coetnaet tor hu construction of a, branch lune. iftt-wo mes long, tram Durango, Cil., te Finmieglen, Nei., le b. compîleed Jl>'1. Service between Indianapolis and Fort Wayne bis buen opuned, b>' va>' et the Indianapolis' Nortiera Traction Coin- pa n d lie Fort Wayne and Wabasb Valliey Traction Company'. Tic ruilva>' committeeoft h. Rouige etf Commansot Canabas granted asu extension of sas-en lemar tecoîpleeh proposad bridge aifCie Canda Beuliare railva> os-r fie uiJetroit ris-en, Western tcaiflemuai belO a confereaies wthicoal ehippers fraitIowa aid Ne- brska negandiug lie metlîod employai lua vcigaiig ceai. The insîhar mi>'laid] tu a serions break belveen fie laleresis. Officiais outhle Gret Central route met lu Detroit sud iscesaud the ques- tion et aoime!.sciedules and aIse of plane le Put s numbarOai euw lihreogh passuagur trains on their ounanad con- uei-ing haies. Il is aurmoucedliaI H.1- Milleur,,-vie liii Ieen aunerai manager oetthie hock Island, bas- beeu appointai fili vce preidetsund general manager ofethle Chicago mad Eastern Illinois Itailroad,- te aui-ieud Il. I. Hammeai.. Titra are setersi voodea railva>', lu Canada sudthue United fStates. One et them inin lehe Province ot Qubec and- in tuirt>' mileà long. The rais ara af mnaple, andt rains are ruai os-cmfiai viti remarkbhia mooliua aI lic rate oftwlenly-live mles an boer., Ordure for avuepîng reulcuas l ai- x penses have gene eut froua lie buidquar. fers of the Chicago, Berlînaton -aid Qaine>'. Neari>' afl tie coipan>"s bis %hop% are affectai. 5and greail Olconlemil la salO le prevail among ai] classes et employes. Disiallii aItlie action et ihe linge ruenu lto bBaltimoremand Piladelplisa la meeting tliecutli laimort frelgil rate# madu b>'thli hes extendlag ta lie gust. lie Delaware, Leafivanaad Western, Brie muid Luigi Valiey rail- roads have. it iu aihO. vithdrawa frein tia truck lineuimport commllle.. Exeeutive officiais of wasternaraîli-oude declded ta ignore thie ore fthCe lu- terstokle commerce commission, requiring liai% charge nO ilabu ratIesfor liye stock tise are i-arg.d fon the tranopar- talion out he'Ïroduèt ts o lvs-estock. BI' lie mîlvice of genaral couaselà Cie mat-- tec i-vli ha lestai la lie courts, au tie rae hauvse dateo-ulaed Ibat if vIl b. Impabllu eier tu louer the lis-e Mtok rates on te iscrumehie ,atse.na, -- nechlma ho-a. mmOduet.] (àunlisa J$4»brio i 4fwd to, ici» e u" Tae rouble. Two explosions, omie tollowlng nil- muet lntaattly aon ealb ter,no tkat thber ppeared, le bave &*il" simulta- nSus, klled tbirty-tour men snd la- jured .1ght ln Joseph Leltee'à iilp in zolger, Ili., Monda>' u"Mat. ýThe firaI explosion wae ln lthe air ebatt. tol0wed b>' the greittar upbeaval tu lh i ain d"fiat Fort>' men ofthtei.day échut, ten en «eh ot tour cages, bailiZone te the. bottanmt.'lbey were flere wiien the. exploson tuait place. Supt. Burd de- èiareli the q.ad nnubered, thlrty-tear and m'y flamber ,thirty-nine. The majority ot the.dead are Ureeke ,and Lithuaniana who weut b>' numbems. Besides the. thlrty-tour dead, tireo taken eut bave fatal injurie, and mn>' swell the deati IMt. Amongtiihe dend h a wonkrnan who ladbeen employe.1in lheCli.ppleP fol-t> faut aboya greîînd. 'i'lree reur hlin received probabi>' fatal Injuries. In tie effort tu recbvtr the eentombeai men live recueisa were overcoàe b>' atterdamp. Ail the searchers were jet dowa by bond. In two instance@ lbhe men. above werp nearlyeoverceme by gas. 'P'ie explosion was licurd twelve miles away and crowde. rusbed te tli. mine moult, bat rencue work was pre- ve-emldthen bylie dames. snolte, and suffocatlig grises m.rlsiug train hie mine. Woimen aud cllîdren. relatiiveýo ot the euteuibed mna. urowdeil abont the. mine, crying to akuw of thlir loved ones, but flot util nîgit were the rescuer abale tu accoreamy oet tl Expoion caasd bi' Accîuuited Gags. Tie belief la fjia thCe gas w1leih ne- rumulatad ovur Sunday. owitig, l la ai- legeai by W. 1). 11>au, erttaiyoethle UiJuted 1Mine %Workera utf.tînf.rl(a, le lhéetfct t lbattie ni n<rs ildniiet ku iow to deal wlti tire datup, sudthbat, fie.mine waa ful.ot Il. A cage was reetlng nt t bc meuti nt the Malaftteashow s force ef mpcian- lcm te enter tie mine. J. L. Wood of Cleveland, Ohio. was steppluz oui tie cage when the explosion occurred. lie iras killil doelrig.ht. Th lihumes, ie3p- lut out-et the >Shatt. buîu'i Revend.î others. ail of whom mn>' recriver. An c.v-real wore b>' on.'(Pt these work- men was tern frem bis brick jai car- rlad ta lie top efthle tîppie. 100 feed away. A ii-ton cage wîa hlowu ZoO fel (rom the liottai etthebu at oll fie tippla. A miraculeus escape fromi deti wa experienceai by s workiuan on tire air salit. Tii. coneiussinu Iuried ll six- ty teet lote the air, sud bue1tellbulside tie tocksda, suventy.hlvu- yards awsy. lieaides a tew alliglt brl.es lie was net injured. The. reacue party foudnit difficul t t ,work ewing te the. absence of a prolier fan ta purriftéiamine' air. Ail the. bodiefoulad. except twe. stiowed no marks ot injur>'. indicâImlnFdeti b>' aspbyxlalle. hotu the isilis ad air gratte are badiy %wrelud. It N- ira- possible te leau»te wlint extéunt thoi mine le wreck(ed below. Emml]oYî-4 et Zeigler gay>'tiat the large, fan. irm)on whicb the. circulation etofair ,mainly le- pende, liitd net beau1lu oPorsîon sln,-e .fldey, sud thii pereirfeai lie acca- mutation of gages. TOQ PAY INDIANS Millions of Dollars te Bc iEx p"nded b>' unebe Semt in Nesr Futur. This yentr hure wili bucemiec-,s perles of disburseumenlte tu Idiaiis otthe five rivililsd tribet that s'iii total op way lmie the nîiliong. Tribal goveirn- ments are te cesse in hl;,provi.ied Unee Sam conu close airtire accouucha oftthh Ove tribus b>'liait Pine. With the fonds ou hand. tie gaie et t>wn sites, ron'tlen sud thé Pale oe tisr- plus lied the total auvoul t flropert>' te bue given tethie Indiagout nelueliug tir allutipenha, wiliameourt tiiaaou $35,000.00o. If ail these fond.i are le bie diab;iraéd during lie yeur VA13. and each Indian li the lie civiize.j 'tries ohonld gel à» eq*ti siaru. it iveulti ameutnit to about $500 pur caîita. bat thu>' wili net ahanre equal'. es île-ru .ill be s diffateuca le the asîuritetf t moue>' recaiveaib>' lhe different Iribes. In thu case etfliMeOtage nation. for instance,. lieales uenri>' $8,(MJ,0h14) te thefr credil lu the Uited Stales 'I'rPas ur>'. tie inturest beiogm ufficient tui Psy encli Inde annoantelamuiune of $l1,4. In addition 10 Ibis tire tribe a L-,lÇ.- 000 acres of lanîd, the sai&ot aiilh. ut a iow -figure, addýd lu the fini&dton de- prisit, wuld complufe au averagte for ueh ofthle 1,913 Otages of ueurly $7,- IJespilu tues figures te tact m-î1iiis tiat mion>' theii Imdin8e - -mr>- i,oT. it lasiote Une lûtua lese di'çureîimxt.4 nu>'aiîad prebuhîl> wlti be draiggul ont te cuver nonthiset. limre lu tie pne>-ilit. indien payraeoha usuaîl>' ire. B irlie lime ail lime lanîd aind prepert>' i. aolid and lie tonds disiuraed. anoumthe In- disnes, soueoft ie hrifty oue. will livea aboorbud ra gre- deai sot due tient. anid ohers wiil have berinie ver>' pour ie ail preiut.llity. est Ba New@Notas. M-.Cosule L. Chîadmwick anuioniee trt sha willlwrite the tri, story- ef ber lita, inciudîag lhur troubles sud theiir source. James G. Fe'rguson wis eentencéd le .he Vn1-1d1Statua District Courtte.ev ut.iddants iosseV' asked lthe smart lauyet Who vas doln scou-eaiaa o'That deparida entîrel>' ea tie Point ce flou." replled lh. witnçsa. "Ona va>' bhe>' rua aip ad l thler wa>' tic>' ua Weaith ot Okiabom'. Okialioma la compoedof 20 ceai- tisa, wiCb an angual proditictien ex- eing $100000,00 luivalue, wltb lie 00.M 5acres et tari laalm; wlCii $00- 00,073 worthhet taxable propert>' (an lncruase et #6474.001 daring the last year'$; with 8,222.75,miles et .railiayi witi properi> the aseaed valuatton ef whiciite 1111.100»J0; wthh etficoiirlig miliii iaving a daili> capacit>' of 11,60 tarrela; withU2 grain elevators iiay. fug a capacit>' et 8,D25,000buelels; wlti 8no baniks carryiiig depesita ag- gg allg $18184; with sciioel builditngs uxeedlng 8.000000Ilavalue; ýànd al Cila bas iieen accoiplliued wilthl 15 yesrs. Wbamt E.eaybod "-Fe. Jamberes, Ky., AprIl rd-<(Bpecial.) -'Il saffered for years witlî my bîck,.' mya Mr. J. M. Coleman, a weil kuewn reiident orftibis place. "Then I1uud Dodda Eida.>' Pisaand 1 have fiel fait a pain alliée. My liltie girl coin- plined etf ber bai-k. 8h. used about onehait box of Uedds Kidue> Plilla and llae.la al!d d ell." Itlalethousands ofet ealementa )lits the aboyea iashlow DoddO lOn.>' Pilla te lielIhe onu cure tei Backace or an>' teljr sympb>m etf dersngedbld- neys. Fer Bai-kacie la simpi>' a sigu thiat fie Kidîieyg oued belli. Dodd'a Lidime>'Pilla aiways cure Backacie. Tii.>'aise always cure Brlht'a Dîsease. Diabeles. Dropa>', htuîmatlanm, Itatider and Urluar>' Troubles and lHart DIsuase. Thue are more adv-anced stages et kidaie> dises,.. Cure your Bgtkache wÀO l)odds Kldney i'iils sud îoi mîud never fi-ar ibenu. Who Ownste B. Rlr«ead. il. T. Newcomb, ot the District of Columbia har, bus complad statialics *abowing 'hiat 517471W depeelters lu -savluge banka et six £aatÊm 8ttef are dires-Il>' lntarastedIn e C.Joint ownersbip ot $442.84.086 of stemmi rallroad tifoeurlties. tial Insurance cela- paules dolug business ln Massaibu- sett* hoid $845.9.08fetstemmn rail- resu stocks and bonds. and 74 edeci- toienlinstitutions depend on84740&,- 327. invusicd lu similar es-rlles fer s portion et their lecomu. Oier fidu- ciar>- istitutionir ewn enougi rallresd ecurities te, brlmug sncbo holdings ait le noea b a billion and a huit dollars. about onu-althhofethlie coUru captla lnveqteti lairallrond lroerîr. 'niese lnvestments rupretnt lie aavings et the masse,. tii-ma bulng ivet>'million holders qj lite Insurance peu-eles lu the ceuntr>', as man>' more et lrre lusur- suce poli-les, sud an aveu (rester number of depositors le bankiug asud trust inutitîitlonâ. wbere Inventaient& are largel>' la ralîmoad secarillua. Oie Oleson, s lainier jack" wnlkfod loto tewn the -oher day carryiug I.- 4.10 pairs ot gioves and milieu%. 1.171 pairs of ocks and eighty-tlmre paondsetftebacco. le offere tlhe geeda fofr salset5 r.bout ene-teurlioet heir value suai wu% arrusted ususpicion. lHe pro- lealcai-1 l e i plie hliebucamneloto possessionor thfei gouda jiunestly. Wlîeii rxssd bu déclared tbnt bu Wou lime arliclim ult lpoker lu hlm miii>r Oh-sou mibubc all lofpluilunfMe Woeds iimumv ujontis. The.>lurabar- jacks réoceiveà no moue>' villnlutle woo.ls, but acre exl)pi-lu 0 ait immmi MI tlîcy rîéluriî#d te towîî for tir Puy. At lIme Compny*Stoe"- lu ah Woeds thlimeiue ould get suci art!cle-. as 11w>' ueminu'd, ioweter. iiavlrîg Ilium i-li'rgel rugil uît tlu-mIl 1iii. Ai-co.I- Iuîgi>lie mheustî uuedrelbaudlseelui- alenti otf -lie-btliit hirurgaîines. hJle-roii ,. ie bupiryedl i igoç,d iuek. amnd Ili aime garne, aimere soa-kâgacre tie utokc. lie nîîîî1.175 pirîs ofth;? lioery îumîtitreanes. The >olier imue buid n trio o ut -ng. lu a aicnue foi' ittuns. OleSom i sld, lime Ilhid was highil, and lu thie.>houri ot lus' b lia nn ittlis em.outh le tsuply i> a reginieut et soidiers. luls aslry-,tunded re.îsoîiible and b.e wa , i reluageda ego simd"d csh lu Ill% chbecksY-Ambland (Win.) Cor. Minnea- polis Tribmune. CHILOREN AFFECTIEO. Br Motion'I. Fiood and Drink. Man>' babies ]lucve been laîuiched lu- te ilte wlh constituion»ee wenkened b>' diseuse taken li ivil their motiumsd ulîl-. Mata-n cannel bu lae carefoi as la 'e foodth iey umsa wible nursinmg ,pilr bottes. The uxperlPieiu 6f il Kan- eus Cil>' moîher la a case lu point:, 111 waa a greut coffee drînker frein a ciid, sud houghl I coald net eal a ni-ai without IL. But 1 tound 51 lasI il won doiug mu bcrm. Mir yeara 1 iad beau troîmbicil wlih dizaines%, spots bera in>' urs and pain lu puy beat, b> vilci ivas sdded, Ive years ago, Li cliroilc selir stensci. The babywans boem 7 mentis mgo, and- aimait troÎu the. beglnnlng, It. tee, safferad frein sour tomaci. She was taklng il frein nia! "In my disîreas I consaited a friemud ot Mtore experlunce f bsn mine, and e told me ta, quît coffa.. fiat cofaée'diii tot make good tiilât, I bave mince ailier- %iaed fiat It resU>' dries apt tietalitk. 448e, I quit cofa>, ad trlud tusanmd til last cocos. Buat tia>' did not agie. The e Wdul>reviecvof LtiO tae pobatelwmlb>'EL G. Dan & Co. lýys: BaUik ex-ian'gas as a meillurs et the, volume et traie empiaïlse veli-malw4 u talçed progreis. A sàtatacel'> 4 lit cai es-en fihe rr4e.dlmg We luit >'asr. and lie tlfton UMfl.- OUfl)5,0,58, la fdlly 13 per fIent Uii' tien ton Mimcih 11104, sud lie greShS nuentcl>' qgregstetfils yemr. 1 . Phl'las;lm condifions genera Il> are tu gocla shape, exesstIve speulalmn ii lmig abeent. Moue>' nov exhbts 4- declulddlaudene>' les-ard large ena' ployment, andl lu asssuing an luipot' tant, "irme oethfe succelasul lmpane* boan Issue fh i t1> bast become tartiie? tr a orleioreignntions eutofet îe, Iacreisluig surplus capital. bleasouabie rnthut pros-ad qu lu- eaCive Cu business eperations iaid A>'- ivIl>' becue more vidaI>' dlvtrslh&, sprnag munetandiing antI constrmictilai becng promînent tentures, Nev de- mands have been large lu h. leedîlmU producive Ilues. sud tlisi.bis ereed. unuumi î-ejusoptlion oftMWrat aeria4- slockbs ort irom ore, a-uondand bides an- dengulng rupi deplellomi. The marketinug ofgrinh coulinad' close up le Ils ri-euit eavy propeor- tlens, rece ilts ruuuulng ffl pur cent -os-ar Chose a yuur uge. sud arrivais rlre langer Iiilit-c aloi-v iic mIsS-Yy prod- nets. Ratiuoud usnmmugs show mui-ht huIler tîmam for l-'cliuary and itetf> le exlnaordinmy miommnt ofet- O mnodIfies ot ai k-huo. e. ul is la ac- coipinliéd b>' complsls et vexations delsys Ili pi eieifand siorfagu of boili i-re muid nutîve-per. -, oieuttural report» vureumerae u- termI>'sgnued ais ta tue excellant co n- dihien of grosviug ireps simd coneldurr able sOs-ance wvsma ie Ii hum arfrer seedlug pnognusslng an mu>' points. Grali nuculp.pîs ggrega led f1.135.941 -buieli , agailna t 6.401.81ts buiiels iss wPek muid 3,3W,575 busiiels n ypar ago. The shIpments ver.' 3,417»M basaelsi, an imîîress et 29) per ceuatoser lioe A yesn ugo. Prises#, compared wrh thle clnmmmgs lait -weuk. ehowev aibt lde- elines hauî-arai sud enta. ubeal holding stusd>'. Paîlunes reporled ln Curange district numiier tweiml>-hlvu agailst Ivent>'- fouar lait neek andt wentY--hivo a >'ear &go. UBradstmeet's report on» tic gunenai truie Canudi- ilene îrthImee uitly fol- love: lixu-llent t nuuir, favorable grain cnop repente. uexpahnsion lu liiuxlua tny, weii-emilaincd sprnîg trade, îpar- ii-niar ntathe %vecIut,1nlargtug relsîl inmOS lu the Iiîllîîliies simd afim- pairud coimlduuw.> lunliii-future are con- aplî-eusixy satisfartau-y, (asture* de- mandlng nelk-e tIs ms-.k. Spus-il ru- porte fre ail lummuliug trisler samd aprilug via es-Couspoint Wlte i I- ter-sevai crop bavlng vuaitliered hie raild vealier la ,Pxmiwnt cOtultloai, Speecsî reert15 tront108 cii'em coul- levua pontlt leumin .îpi-uine tor bonnes. office,. ftclis und other i-dl- flies t 45of OOié durimg lime pres- euI calenulur yenr .Allowlig fer rItles net yel reîîonîed meuh IiudlIlnéata tie total exppeudtunes for edidies fer Ibis.yeur waumldrnnWeillup le $600.- 000,0100. lu addition ta thii,, urked atItlt>'1hralirouil buiid"îug simd heuaiy ordure for eîîulpmniiloru.mlmdo u expemdituru ot probabi>' $200.i0000 b>' lhc rahîronîhs, ibis ail pohnling le ail agutreguituexpenituana for malerl andîlabnhr ofct is.> tea.fl00u0<5i el- stivel>-. meut i-tflt>' lnitraie la stili nolesi atI Ie West. Business fuilunes Iifi.heUmitedI Sîtts fonrlIme îveeck. ni-Ong Mari,-h 30 number 227, agalemît 204 lest week, 212 lu tha imbu tm-ek lln1I4. 145 ln 190M, 176 ln ll0Y- sud 188 IliI 0. Ini Can- ada tallures ton- there vik ndlug Malri-i 30 mnuler 2j. eu4 aguint 18 must vuuk and 1ila »tus vuuek a yumui-go. Chiiago-Cattle, Comamounta prima. $400 tu $0.35; bogs, e4,ipiig gnaules. $4.00 fui $5.37; eieep. tai Ïto elmoici-. $3.00, te 86.00; tvieal. No. 2. $1.13 te $1.M:; corn, No. 2.4ic le41e; ,ont%, stanudard. 28e te 29e; r>'u. Nd. 1. Vie le 78e; lui>'. tohy, $8.50 le $1350; prairie. 81.00 te .hS5 butter. elmicue reamar', 2Me le 2Sc, egs. tresm. 15e talu ci; potatoes, I&8 le 23c. Detroit--Cahtle, 83.50 ta 85.50; liegs, $400 le 85.30: aicep, 82.50) ta $5.215., vieil, No. 2, $1.181 le $1.07; corno, N. 3 yelion-, 49e luOc; eut%,.NO. 31wvita. nei ta 33c-; rye. No. 2. 85e ta8(. Miln-uke-Whemh. Ne. 2 nortiern4 81.07 le *.09; cure. No. 3, 45e ta 40e; eats, No. 2 vile. 30 tea3Me; r>'e, No. 1. M3e te 85c; bîrle>'. No. 2. 50e- ta 52c; pork, mus-,$12.72. T.lado-Whieat, No. 2 mixai, $11ile $1'1.7; crn, No. 2 mixai. 44e ta 4k:- oatu, No. 2 mixti, 30e tQ 82c; rya. No. 2, Sjcýt -tl8e; clos-en seai, prime. 8.0 Buffaio--Cattle, cioee slippiag se#.. $4.00 lu 8.00; ihugs. tain. te chou-e. $4.00 te $5.75; ehecîl. tain o le ciue,8-450 t.- $6&25; lait., faim teai-bei-e. 15.00 tu 1840. New Yôrk-Cettle. 83.50 ta $620; hepi, 84.00 le $5.50; .buap. 83.00 ta