CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 7 Apr 1905, p. 5

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lif abu ad ha't i n am ttDOhtmade ft moy be enaccouet of abe 0" Ylm bu.. Fb., tb b kilh 1s4 at make * gt.tie f*awbm lm W*iI bus50Jflu tcnaalnit mgtOL 'W* uost mld kawweo J.e1EU1 'RIGOS LIRfiRTYVILLE MARKèT and OROCERY ýWatcheés Clocdks Jewelry fi>ne Repalring a Specialitg Sheet Music ANDRE.#W IUSS - - Illinois Just Received-..' Our Spring lino of WaUlpape.r, and it - is complote. SEverythlng la entlrely new, p ot a yard of old stock on our shelves., Remember-.a We moil bo)rder by the roll and not by the yard anîd saine price ast ide wali, t1ilîl makiîig the paper mîîeh cheaper. Our prilem Mrage f rouifive centa Up. SmitIi & i~vLs, 1). yuoail bsrmoee bis peint shop Thi,îaMseWitt0t Tuted ay witb Mri. - E. Bile bah"jMe record amnog tits Miss msaelcbapman of Elgin je vpit- A gret jany Rockeeller peuple are »Wr.J., M., Woodman and cbjîdren, eqing tiltueursdally on th tletric to 01f Elgn, a" Vlsing Frank H. Juot. do tbr tmdue1I&IL .J, Item ilauj tve ber news Mu sWianmd Bondi of Eyaneitou in ex- staud tia 2aw Fiagg's barber -nhop reidld5* vOUlfolt aé a grisesiof about tbe 151k of tisil anb RUJWY04. S*TWBdOCU wii hîrtie.eare arrlvlng ' vrs. Besa»d daghiter calieti on Mr. a âgij dan, ait tir a'urace track. m J. Busat (fImer lituurday. Mr. lmeAltogsCtWtbai art . naw 4; horileait le lu falig laettL tiis . A »ow arrvaiat the Trotluq 8lMOClfr Alezaude B. Agperm of til, Prudentw i' tion truck for trahitlna IsLorail f"touîl însrace crupan inas j town c Cli.ý 'Nx.irfsrFssntPafe elisa vii avta) etabli»ing I un W.Vlng eaupte at a crerunetian agncy figure-bitmid mim. 2 cet, stripéti 28 joliMiaterq Whoailbeltn serlously tentse.,Joux KEIlS. bertirvl. 26-2 sick wthtpmettiofia is inproving. o Tom Itua.ell, formergly blackimith for Mm. WOrdma Weil§ arrived Wedneeday I Mat Pete, nivl Tuemdlay fro to @end a foin, week-î withlier relatives th England wliere lh. lias .bIeti i.g ho,_ ber. t.WN whltisjetraveling for relatives. . Marhiall FIMl & Ca. il teettbe a, Bil A. bohlgcent ot to anhecriberit presnent ti resoan, U tai. h wbo ane Armrer. W eemi the iOliOY The eletrie road bam just in@talled a t ati ho ieutsonowing un Winl tetP<>nd new engn. ant iciée-ttc anaiber to pronpui. arrive in a few-days. Thî.re are et the91 B. A. Taylor, presidntof the M acarOni Présent #me tbre otf tbeee largèr a ecompafl Jhag moireti mua FletcherClark'ît locomnotulvi ta a>tive serrvice teides theto lioum.etCte eorser of Mlwauke av@. thrce dinkeya tat la;-f. le-pmtedti#in(.eT and Hurbutt court. the ëtartiug of ttp woétvrn lrancbt.oTheth Tirefor Ctira; Pragi ean.up.naw. A new engluai uWin al it --uit.-din îcontrujc-. Weillrackel &yrd la a joy fcrever anti tion work. t that tidy appeaairce tu Your otet at Waukegau hnkot(trrt hni eden arats home »ekirir. p ub,1ic pk. We agrr i- îWukgn Progmemsiluerectlon aI1Cthe village Ttlclldt !Myst ieWarkeri baso tower anud tank bus ben .atisfactorv a mont enviable retctrd, Tls-lodgewbh lu this weath andth ie great structure btgifs tlàCthe second toiIi(rt itrIe eîty boas AA ta assume tangible chape. iteinberahlp of Vi t lin abeen laulNacuffn lie prc i th.. orgaizil tforsneveu,-îeturtgaîc 1lartra. bouge on Bmrelat court aLd t'mtuChrs-bai neyer '"-"t a draîtit 'a the en will i eOecaupileti byJ. S. Grldiey u tK&rgrfllZtion, h him ruldem in omplted.Mr. Frank Kern, noninaté-i for village e Tht. two weeks old baby o CLaes lrk on Clie Citît-jie titket andi abo of Sý 1 ortitCcagto, w lsbridwtbdrew froin titre r, basnmadie une îW~~. ws builed of tebe at clethe ti, village bam everr Sunda, at tbruee o dock et Lakeel Irat,.?Mr. Keru bas îîtraiud a systerati Beat ry.lrin trouble was Ctiecause in< bis work and attt-nl.i-ta ail tbe W i tht. deatit. - any dtailsin a ainaimetirttJe iwartby m. Bauman basurefot dthecorner tore rK.oqitlou. is latielîji anti intellignt in the. O'Neillbuilding lu Lakte Fornt aundaiuiînistramtlof ietî-roffice bas 0 wîlleo.ndotta cofectiaiteri store eutablhbd pri-ia u ' WhinilM and kt tht entff e intai tcontinue- tb& redounti ta C ane iniLibertyville. W4, wtsh tMr. fau.- Th eoutinpre.-ýi tt-l at tbe-Tel - man @tmmou ie ri new 1qcation. duay's town uxeecîrig, jrovîiîng for t -Etiqter novelties ai Mio L . enruhiig Ch. toan hall il dixpreimmng tu 27-2uî't-rsttany ta% .pers ht-ceause t plaes Li Th ight force of tht. liiertiîcill i@- le-imit on amount tu lact-npentied. It- la ltte exi e n wlielunreaàwd îy the arguetilCat; postly st-stral tbousand th adiditioni of MIs" Floreuee Bierman O o îtlors aiD .li reîj rat that-thie Oirner. Tht. gi-wiug businessAf tbe sbouid bveb10i»e ra011lrt contpany iemauaed more help. ittpervisor Millet liit awilll bce'l Mir. auner. lRithardt» of Bloit-, MiW.I mpassible tu make te ilrtvenient tîllîtil ac-re gueiteaut the. haome afS. L.. Tripi, year as there are uni àaîjlfunds. <ai thwti lrât af the. wepik. Tbey' wert- trt Tbe Lake Forest Gl-lr (lut) entertain- a, thoir wayIronie fIrotite l ies.tairument giveanr.l.yevening M<rcb aber titey bl bSen spenlitg thté-:iountier h. ausper i-Itht.W. T.C(1. winter. . proved tu, bc a mot e tjayahle affair sud Thetirt tbase hall precticé of tht. the.collega os70havet, acoiiluatioli antien meason was belli at tbt fair groade aer redont eîualrîl hy aniaturere. A ra Mtunîiyafternoon. A gaineshttet.n, tublivly mixture of nil nuit uirtit gave fo teams of tht wire mines andi the Macarotîir ie enterteAtintnt a j,ironaty hat 'ls faetory resulted inl a victary ftr the Sldon touand in glee'-Iîîlproductionmand âb former witli a score ofIil ta 7. any one featlure îlî,-ir-s sciei l atu à portion of the stock of the. W. W thon it là, gerbait...tb readîng, tre 'th Kitll Piano compaay liat arriveti etCola Eomi lît, y ioope»..1) - ver W .HeaCli's furiture store. Titi."antiMungr i > %hle affair aam âtock ai L e replenile the latter part mot etjoyable throuxhotîut antd detîervnt oi titis week. caîl and learn the. In(uce- our bearty approlatii l. '0 imuairâCht Ur. F. T. Bidi, tieir CatI a t e iiu-w lats itr Enter in salMMnasutao Pler. at MR@. 1.8. 0HîLltq T'r'e. 27-2 t ThtEc£ipse Coely Compan ihsbilileti Tbe DelinetoftA prit in an artic-le onfi ta giva tresow-ns.drainaattheUnlion -rare mister ware telle af sotute vetym cliarcl on Saturday eveulng, April 8. vminable juge and vase# la elîver Tbey aie entitieti *A Social 0utl~ "reelt" tiecoretinn with dancing figure t d 1"Woma'ni Witl" anti the "-Ville in relief. tir. Fred Oralibe of tItis place p Dea.onk." Procoeetisare forbienefit oftbe lias an exact cîunterpart af aut. i the rhure.. piltutSs llustriteti. Thtis pitcher leq oi 4t lha nmeeting Mortigy niglit the enr-GnO design andi he<if a s-ry Attrai- village board autboid ite construc-re aperaneantinle utatplete aith thret.i fin of a temporat: navrer on Newbertm XStof aia cligep about au inch long m avenuestO copectu wit a tle Ca h.laiitroken out Ou the. back side f rointht.i bprivatoe«scrieption, san ti etie vilsvepeck down. It bas heen lu thte family for0 e.eopen direli nuisance Wa n lnoem<narty fifty years anti was hought fronta logP grvt roninteo h t re'.travelling s-t-dt-r bo wmAs funt inl Il lng ggmeàtd rsidnco 01tba, e4 .etrolglitoeetcircuntstapces lunlVauke- Whil aorking on orne ripe in a ditel eau', ant iers dautîtiese very valuable.a op theo bentlarnir Albet ichtlulti wal A great miauy of the readern of the- eamglt by cavlng .sarth anud mortarani IDPNyN al be i>terestted in tic bis meg severeîy bruieti.Itwaasat fiit tact tBiat the- Apellete Court at Ottawa fte<ot1edtlat h nulb ana broke ut buise*et rendereti a tecis iat volving - mut h ot ht cse.Be tlîlh. (OIt ofa the. Rii-hond-Smittit Compeiny's tl Clu bouge for e few di et te agecy contractm iniier ta Chose that inoet. ma ftire tt-local milk Iehîptars bave The Mthodilt antiPreebtelrin signeti anti bave reyermi tht. deejejon ai :cherches beld a union meeting Sonda te Ciruit Court o Kankakie t'ounty. ngtlattintereeté of thê Anth.Saloon This was a inse wlierein John Brandt, of Laeo!Illinais et whlch Ut. Seint Manteno, ctiinied that be hait tie rigbt Finkel gave" a "dry tankte'lui hpiove tu t canet i tolitract upon giving tiirty . verry intereting -anti gpve a very gopidaue notice andi lie attcntpted ta do) eo. lnight inta th work andi hope. of the . Tllte Circuit court sustaited hitu hin i 1eague. cotention but tht. Apellate Court boldo fu~. ll. ti. fEaltermillery et hat the coutract le veliti Andthat tht.a fuît hile oflllhntond-iiittb company iu entitiedt t - Tt HDLUTTe ~ -2 dam«ge for violation of thre cotractli 11TeIInEl-EaltgT aWî aperelate it f abote the detendant produces milk for v out Lbertîville tenders wiD inforni Mt. '$ieChicago market during the terni o! ' olby, ont ity news man, of anîllve yeairs octreti by u. incidents llkely tu proe 0 f intrat. we Reserved nieate for the show gis-en Sat.- wat tu oitae h.liertWyvIllcurolns nrtlaY nîgit. at thbe Union ctîurch hy the 0 It as uewsy sas k la possible to do, andtEi Fli eCîmuedy campaity, nay tichLad at any Items barrdetirCie reporter or sent to E. W.Parhurst'a stare. n the. officeaWi have Onrt attention. l F. F. Dymouti ba beon pending the Bat Colg Mediciîne for children llirt few daya shakitt .hands aitClie hlm an4nluace atitîingCiet [ eea Whtn yau Ilya coug Biuedicinti for ci.% are. Ut.bantius >ymonit al eIhittiren YOU want oua lu whiehCl returneti Sturday lgt front the soutb you cean place implicit confidence. You a, abere tluy bave heen for Cie pest Cao aent one thCit nat oui crelieven but SmouCha on an extmndeti aeidig tritp. curels -YOu anat on that le unnilupe Mach of' heir ,Iiïme -wü-a pt et bing- tionabty hareheose. Sou walt one hat nolia Sprlng ant inl Cuba. le plemalantutaiCae.. Chamberlans MatPeser ntiFre iliCl reurntiCougb Rieiedy met. Ail of hose candi. fronetrandi on Satiay etuaber tons. Tut-e e nothlng so gondi for the thty lied itenookng edatalnt whe ve onghs nîtîl raids incident ta childiîîad. tu lneatmùt, Tèy rport UneFor sale hys F. B.lOviELi Libertyvilte. A ,cltist anti excellent lantis abil mai Meul. Tu and Virolat Chicao r *b bouglit et front flteen ta twentv.flve è(g dollars an acre. Whiteelibers they, fouud Strvedt.i lbIuffet parlor cars on ail, cherry trees in bloolu and tis.hat hers trains o!flicé Chcago, Milaaukee & St. are fiue foreta of bard woodt hat appOO~ Paulitailwtiy, vie Jantsvilile.betwt.nÀ ta ha ve nreyer beon touchei by te axe. Chicago ailt] Mad-ison. Tht. calsne;jeor 1 Twentî.flve pet cent. of tite proceedetie' igh standard As minthineii iri ait of h. show Saturday niglt aI go to tiuliig cars tianeti anti opetatedl ly, thie Union church ta hé useti for reAirs. this rotnd. There shori db. e goi i e auience x A N .NM NS . out. X AN.NÉ NS 'c * Town eletloti tit not brlng oni a The Q. et. Q. olve an informait rt4-%e-I l arge vote anti resulte were about as tion Friday t-veing et the, tawn liait. n ", expoctedt Cey anulti lu. C. F. Stuale on The Ftirtnighily whist club iet thie 0-Cite o eletion got out nmne doigers Fm-dav eyeiîlig et thetIronieti! Mrs. To HALL Aeo Authorizs Addltiotial'20- Centel On Bach $100 for Gravel. ACTION AT TOWN MEETING. At tite annuel Cîîwn mee-ting helI& !'uestiay afternoon Cao Importane netters acre up for t-tniieretion o! Ch.r mrin present, anti favorable action resuitetilon lhotu iy almiiet nannîaus. conent. A rettoluttmn aLsintriti-etl anti ptiseti, as folitias: WitEtEAN; thet own hall tif the fown of Libetville bas by te growt i th ie town and couuty becaîne inadeqiuate for lue purpoSee for whicli it aa bujît, anti Wure..àe, it lias Leen tieenîed necee.miry and prudent ta enlerge thte idti oai hall et au early a date--as poaible, tbepetore ho it Rlesoed, TbCC the saiti town, heale enlargeti b y atiing fotsfeet ta Cte cent and an aditionial eli on tht. Sauth iie of thet mie for stage purpomes andi af materiltanti construction ta lie btcea! 1er letermîneti by e ctîmnittitcapîtointei ut this tawn meeting. Andi ha It urtiier Reot-,thet te aitervisor Ç,,#t'ho toausblp o! Libertîville- be herehy ; t aei te neceeary funti ur sait addition anti improveint lu ,uch menetas pravitietiby Iawasusomm asthe hamotît lécessiry t(un Ce isertalti.W Supetvitior Miller wa by-motitîn titin 'mpîîaeed to naitît wao Ca tServ-e aiti hil-f on te camitte.. Haethitinat annotînce liis elettin et te meeting. kt le tite Intention Cii place the t-I mntioneti in mitdie ftif C iulding anti tie audit-nia 'ilI face ta te Siouli. tut-n te jîiircepit i. i-eoriiplisute it wiltle-4ijassible tii conifartably meat, iver 500 tpt-opte in tht. auditorium. Aietîuate acconmmodation for the-tîunty ouyentious, aluih f laté it aijulti eem fluet ha ceiled ele-wliete tin acoutîut o ht-ce being no roon, large etiaughin l LiLertyv1ffe. wiltthen lie ifuuwiF !Whjle as notti, the vote auttiziing he metter aaunanimoum. it wa@ m) tnly leaituse ifs introductionutante as a iurprmt.. Thece woutti baye been vigorous oipiosition ladi it leen unticipatet and sou ht-ar On the et rtvIa agreet tii-aI of criticisin aUbfle ari-Cln. Means Butter Roada. Fot some ,tinte the fe"ibilitv af ntpaaering the roati comimisiouers tq raise an etiditional entount ta pravide fr Iutchaaîng grave] anti hiring bhovelere bas beeautiiscused. At the toan tueetiagilupet'visot tilloexplaneti the metter luntietail ant i Rchard Smîitht meadte amotion, abiîb waa <arrieti unauiai'outils, luntffect Chat te bigliw&yî eonîmlesionera ha empawecedtu ta aise in addition to te 40 ctente noa levJeti for ronai ant btidge ptîrpoees,,20 enW fr gras-el anti tu pays savelers. the noneysno raisietita Le expentietinh h liscretian of the comrmieouera. Thli pIan bias beeauatioptet iniimauy Coameships ad gis-ts entire satinfac-tiaa. Othet business before tht meeting wa the, bearing o! reparrtatf, the out. niseloneris, eupers-lot andi tten clark,ý al of abhlt-t ereanoaptedl. F. Holcoîah, of Rockhefeller, acteti as moderatur. NOMINATE - GOOD MENO Village Tickeft.Compoeci et itigit Materlal. HUME HAVE WITHDHAWN. Saturiay utiglît were hidthe. h'eaîle's 'ad Citizen parts caeues ta lace lu tiamiîttion cantdidattes for the. variatie village aifices. Neittier caucuswaa Wel attendeti anti thece waa ittie content for ans o! the offices. Fint tthe Cltimen's parts unti- utateti iCi ticket as fôllos President. F. H., Juet; TruèCtte: K. L. baiJ. F. Ctark antiCa. Kaiser; Clerk, F. Keru. Momser. Clark, Kaiser andi Kecu have sinee aitbdi'aan. Thet. Fvaiileo parts pleeat no candli- laCe lunte fieldi for preelieut iut ater. aise noîttinateti a full tioket: Truct-eso, P. irabla, H. Bt. Eger anti] Wnter Acieu; (lt-rh, Ctîae. Silith. Tîtere are ruinorx Chat soite o!f te latter nomineffe gunflay night there. wtut a gatberlng ln Attorney liteguliti's afie and the. fol- Iîwittg itîdependant tit-ket îtominatpd: l're(tident, Faul Mettiuffin; Trut.tees, M., Il.CabyF.B. Loveli andi C. I. 4lialloway; Clerk, W,. C. sanhorn. Candidatest desirinix ta wîthdraw tlwir nalîtea Juive utîtil Batiarday nlgbt ta do M), andî otherté than thoite wbo bave alrtraily wîtbdrawn it iti sait] will re- nativ their names Iront ane or the. other. ticktietfore tbat tinte. The candidates namîed are ail gooti men and the. villffe l. aîtured an administratian euch aît ohould bave inett atliile tinte, wlioèvter tC electeti. l Nthlng bas e-ver equ alled it Nothlug çaa e"or surpash. noUh!It She is with, a gain, and tu re miles corne her. To you, reader, as w~ allour frlends and we send'> With. it we exteird ae most invitation to call and Sproing' une, of...D ry Shoes, Groceuies, Meai pets, Wallpaper, Etc..' W[ IHINK IlF HUIEIH[ BESI1i E![R sit. ie lot, made fo abepherd check, laka* w4 mateen llnimbed gue Tm e it lc f mledailione, au xln t7Cvleu V, l-stede of black sateen. covereti wlit * or uîedîunt site aLite polka dot, nicély me Whi ite lawuaistet. tueketi anti pleatet I f Iback and sItes-es. One row ot insertion doà Waeutifut styles, tht. frotst matie of Emibr anti Laceinsertion et - - 8 Extra fine $amnple wlt5s haudlig, worth $2.50 to *$3 L TUiE F P -.--.~44We Say t vo Be Sure and- Bug Uunther's Candi Pure Canâg et Po foe One week- Wç o«« Walno't'Top 30c a -9 Ilorehound 16C a.1 Stick *Candy 20c ý" jeIIg Beans 1 S W Atandi n lte -1 j-jmvwvýý L&Inrtyville

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