-'--o- * I~1I\ JDA*- M 'ïnr ii mkè 1 , ; I JN' -r t,,.. . 1- XIII-Ncf. 28 A.b ryvifl, a eCy*~»i rois, Friday.>April 1.10.8Paires, 3150 .I j Wf~*~i#'ptVori ~S~MOI the I i. Voe & Co's. -Loadjî aÉ'd Zfnc Paii K 'guaranteed sfrliýctly pure. Best R~~bâi. HeadQuarters for Sohool Supplies... IL 7i lu loi ~ ~oIhIea AT 20th -CENTURY OASH STORE ~- MadeSui. rom5$I o 51si. YourgMmn Suis,$7, l8. 19. 20 $7,50, 53.50. m scto$20 8.yu Cmt.. Nobby Ornes for 25c. Mes. 5h...Patent Leather. Box C& " &V4fM oc h Skesfront SUS5 t. 54ë=0 and Overalle.. 5% o i riit~I Sdhatick Blbc j'.. - 'i t~ft~TYNA'DNàAL BANK ~AM~AL - leS50.000.00 SIIIl AND PROFITS -*00 00 - Your ýSaings InvestedlWith Us geacy or opportunity, , Wise in thé man who ba@ hi@ capital, Pômatter lsw orai, depoited where Itlal at work earalng %, . ., !-%i..uItMA ,T f Oi1c, 2ad Floor Kaki,19" 1 -MilwauJoeeAMenue- HRouu:l to 12 &m i to 3and 7 to d4et.ele, Illinois DZ' OL.AYLOR, Uoua,T to0a&m. 2 t4.and 6to 8SP. M. AOOêbtue oà ça dwaýy, epposith Park. D. A. il NICHOLS 8:0 &a. m.to 6:00 P. m. Libortyvillie. Illinois. Dg, L RSMTH DENTIST. OIPIC OVER "XKE OLITY BAY. nmteu-8 ta 12 a. m. ond 1 to 5 P. lM. * DAILY. *Librtyville, Illinois. *OuU-.rom 1 ta 8 and 6 ta 8 p. m. Uhrtyvfille.Ilîlinois. PAUL MtIAC GUFFIN. ýfýOR>oey T t'Lw. Llbortyville, Illinois. MD . . Ur IW 'woJJ.cvmMe ort Hies Wb.rabouta. 'tAKUSS CHOOL lUNDB. F. ~ at I"ts Aossaurbavero, pria- tie sad hie mothor had 4W 4and tlit ho wiched te go to ber home. hOavere hsd oolloeted eome 870 taltio fem from V 'eS'y n outéide the' district and ees d dd 't taraavor lMr. Buter Dot àkunE bo inait on hi& doin o under the eireumstsnoe. Sunday teprofoeor went &0 Chicago and after hie doparbure # Imekd out t.hat ho itad taken vith hlm au i pronui offets. oaday t b orang paPilo aItho ochool di"covord lt" the proioooor'o books had heen taken frgm hie mehool rom anazd lihrary, sud that hie deàk vas goDe. Thon it vas au Investigation va tred, It dovlopod'ltat ho bad repreoeted, t'O omoiuthaï hie moter %-w dyiugan ta lter. that site vas desd; tast hie dent was at the depot ntarked for ohip- MM ment tu Chcgo and tbit ai l indicatiori. uoiated to bis permanent Isave taklng. jE It was only InsI flday nlght Prof. ohavero gave a ochool entertaliment la bit Union eharch, te procee frein whlch .ver. in 1h. neighborhoçd.of $40. Tus n-oneYbe-neor gave an accoant- lot of. Beaides vas th. tution ahove, uaakiag-total9 et eolimonoy -be-tffk -il]I -ËË7WIL Pt SRDING. Procte. Uinted bu EYE, EAR, NOSE AND TRROAT. Hour. 2 bu 4 p. ni. Op11e-R: Rooza.504 ftSTU iILÉOING; 92 Stale Str.et, Chicgu. MR.C &A.DODSON, OFFWIE aVEU IEATR' FURNITUtIE @TORE. mRous 26. malua8 to 10O& m. 2 t04 p. mn. anti 6 taS P. iM. IlBERTYVILLE JOHIN LTAYLOR, - Preoaident ftXNJAMIN 1H. MILLER, VicePresident C. W. TAYLOR,, r r Caahler. Accnmulated wealth la the direct reeult of sivung. Deltls aArrive. Tueida> morning tvo doectives came to Li=ortyville in earch aiflihavore. Titey el ho vas wanted iadly and they had boon votchiug hlm since hie d- partuie- fromt.Lihortyville. Ilu; faet At vas vile tiey more guardiugthe ea- traures and exite tu a itatel in the cil>', tutab h. ld dltent, going dova aafOre -alPo. 1%.> would not Pay for whatbe vae vanled. To a reporter "non. thle oW%çeip uonlided titat if the people ut Libertyviio.hadkuowa of irbat Shavere vas glt'tbey vonld hava lynchai fim. h bosaid. "The mon vio le alter hlm id vealhy and.vil epeud a largo i of mono>' te locale hlm. ur anA10Y Ar le.tho>' i ii come togetiter wh.n we-ae not ltere, as lu thot érent one or-tii.other viii ho killed." Be inti- iated t.4t ao man vas mixai ap in the affoir. Ochbtla Embarrassd. Thon asepusteruatloa among bte P-UPAle. »eier0 moaday mo«ala aboI su m~odthe pvlsr e tbAt are Mmential la determbln g rnd vwork. As t.b te louing uofl"te >' approa"sit nsudde anunceremon- lous depertur. e l temore sqrvallag I" la kown by'Liborbîrtlle peôpl of lir. Sbavere. HZ vas of quiet de masuor and kept hie ovu counel. Froin Porblaad, Iowa, hereceivod veokly lettor. and tsi nome communication wltb a manew training echoal la OCbuo. A in"a of educatian ho vas te better able to deceive. The Chicago officer. did not linger long aSter learning vhat the 'colil of lIssr man fruin local parties. 4'iug m la lova only o couple of hanre. TOTAL TAXES DELINQUIENT $85000. MIon Fila Morbgag. b Roa Money for Tara. 'Paye Up la Full. COMPLETE REUUIRNB SMO WI Coui)ty Treasrer Price han r.celvad siii 0f the alabite freincollecter. Ibroaghout the count>' sud psepared a table ehaving th. omonut deinqueuî lu oaci tovnehip, vbich appear. heoow Tha exact amaunt delinquent as wIlho mou le 885,827.18 or aout thle«Mne as asual. At fr.t it vas reported liaI ZMon City' taxe. vould ail ho delinquent tbiteyear. Hovever tltroagh imaing a trust deed' on valuable propert> ln ZMon City flOO,- 000 vas mimed and o prt of Ibis amoant usai ta pay'taxes, il r.qairing somobhing over hailthle antount for liat pu rpare. The Delinquent List. Churged lielinquent. Nwport..$ 7,810 68 $ 686 30 lienton .... 7,029832 8,0.5200 Autioci ...15,417 0-7 1,171 66 Mion City..44,154 56 409 93 <4rnh......,401 68 1,436 48 Avon ........ 12.756 18 866 73 Warren ...11,169 78 844 61 Tiru. Wauk 18.761 16 85a Ctt Wauk. 104,694 58 23,814 66 ShtIlds.....27,7ý7 73 10,405 45 L. Fort .....67,175 02 7,596 0Q Lihrbvle .18,310 49> 1,088 84 Fremont ... 8,269 65 3878 7 Waconda. 8,774 34 866 65 Cuba........12185 82 178 78 Ela .......... 11721 la 304 86 Vernon ...9.51089 330 69 W. Deerlied .12,652 D93 2,889 22 E. Derfeld. 19,219981 7,0074)2 H. Park... 1,556060 18,950589 Ttal.. ."84,3M8 37 $85,82?718 ^bout Suooaas. Saceemeln hi, le larpe> a motter oi gond bealIt. ;f yoa mever have auy aces tor Pains, (rif tau nover geî Ihat 1u»d fWMghl701onvilUIhJe lptemteed p hi1 Ma , Iton" -Word bas Jast boen *2000>.Tl etae as Wt ybis raadatbotd bas bn in fitla* To T*nsfertiii.Week-It 1leclaim.d ltaIt t.put thë land at North, Chicage 1it-=e-O.aI T raining séhool 1toe iUulI OUtes (kovernmeat will hO PoLde tht.week. As sotifi as the troasor le. de mwrkiil i oin. Il 1in ezpecte that front 1,01)0 to 1,500o bonda wu h4 omploy. d n litting ap Shot a ifOhairl-01,t .-vening lmet weok BSmm.Sobor, tof Prairie- vlew, vhue sartlvipaliug ina sorna tollowing . pirriage Ot ber dster waa cedetaly $hot i àtfie anm. * The bullet was fr0. a ftvolverhr-th. band@ 09 a YdlgMmnfrolu iriago and sitruklier altoe41ancîng froi a oatone and inflieted a very puirilul wound. Shoots Rare Oird-A 1 ake Forest boy recentiy s&bot and kill&.d îu swalluw tai frite, o bird that fi, verv meildam een !in thu, localîty and is b.r eantiful. Tue@ bird whlch le a mepecies uthawk han a paye Wbute bodrand a cool black L ucinte oumual babitat je the far sontà tmb.1iu bti kstuffed and le now in the collection oif Henry K. Cooule vho la peparing a worîk an thé birdis of Làke coUnty. School Pi.lnclpa on Tour-John E. Baggeu, principal ofthebi.lake Fore@t ochools, le ona C.iuv tour oft esot whae.hé Win vieit many inâCUba. tions Of loorUS ng a opes Of fanding advansdmohçd wbd inah >'hap fld An:,4 -the IoOq41cho Ir. 8net £or and h qm rt4gnî)tîon becaaoeé 01 big Original n Mhool oma docoration. ]4ewJlA 1w goimnabout tvo a é rsf. ULn. Momier case Continued. mhoareo1lgudto lavt. fad euntoîing' tad tih rmurdr aof.P-ben bave received a mreie%*e ta tho shape ot an order,#ôfOp Iîi(]Z. &Boio oojj. tinaing th. case antil lii, talA teria ut enurb. t le ldltat Jaok BSi> vho gave te ifrot iridence to, the îoies~uuig ut.eatringthematter. -Thnemen êouuet*d nith titi'&flair are ont onubaL To, ProhibAit&Me Of Linor-If FSenator 1I'ianmt me W&i vy no hitor vil ié~ 1800 w" fent of o> ad SeeLôs ,station nit North 1 ff onda>'uYrhibittag th. mie ~', y of intoXità4liquor@ s villa ,* eet 1Oybulding or grounde aSed hy lie United States as a sA4ve elon uad Psovlding for a line 0, f1> >t$200 sied fron ton days te AUx montheimprisoament for viola. lions of the la w. Rondout Deal StiIJ on Tapîs-There are tingodoingagain aver Bondantwmi Agents are buse.goUaing fer la=t, it le oid. for tbe Flagler peuple. Thte demilelanot this tinte on as large a seal as betore ad viitever bas been =ccmplished ie knowi only hy those lIt5etltt&teveâted a*d',*ho are nol B&YufUthng.Da14Q>amov agreed 8a7lu7ne 1a t of Wypr ect>.rigit in Rondout honing receîved 40 to bind the bsrgain. It is helieved by mnany ath t i m sacqairing the land and~~~ Ibsmy i uadinotunikeiy. Election Mistake Char g d-At is roporbed tbit IJohn A. Bur-ke irb vas deléteied y two votas for olection ta) tie alfice of constable at Deerlield Intends contesting the decision«utrtite ,,,ils uteledtion. It 1% elalmed that liIie judges did not une prupor carsoi luan ting thtecratceai blAoto. He duos nt Clainit tthlie iistake vas intentionol bat thinke Ihatt eareflOsnase on th. pavÈ4«f lthejudges realodd An Itim defeat. lb le thought b>' ltaos vitaknav lie conditions 1ha1 if a contegt isetarted hbis chance- r :of vinning le Rond. B3arn And lCaitle aura-Tu tht. Iear> wind and tihuader etom early Mon.' day ntornig titi' tarn on Ed. lrok. ma atarin twa atil. ewsuthi of Dia- moud Lake was eêtruck b>' lighlning and harnod lu lie groand. At about Ivo a'clock il mas discovered liat the building vas oit lire and before 'bol p arrleeil the whule structure vas envol. oped lu fDntes and il 'w"nafaundaimu pCsmible to rosceoan>' of the stock, e laIli seventoon eallie and six hordes ver. burned la dealh sud a hues ut about- tbree thuartd dollars r.sulted. The vas cuverai b>' ineuraSctu ltew libnt ot $1350o. rhlngs Doing At M wuiwooIl-TLe1 moyorilty lighlit uthe v 09 Il Rgi- Wood ola ng worm ad front t bottent eamtpaigas in lb» lleor>'of lie E uitIle laite shore btow. VittzoMusik 1 vi0 l1, rnigfor the office abail hielto aoaedbocaune ie sopponents elacted lIe vould bavo e ýjrmau inter. pret« te do th. Yit>' amas. Bet. I causé nfibtis hh léi in.an open deli ta ibs,,is OPPuent, Who is eaid ta i bave atarted tAie repart, ad challenges@'7 bumto anhuwdown teome vhich utt le two bas theboter command f, Engi jli asnh @le nspoke.'. ro Provintî WrOng Natuktîxàti.n- Manda>' otternuon the. Lake count>' bar Association ut-Adi a meeting at the court houd. for lie purpouos f duing Nontlin gtaard ste gntle vItale. salo med 0f natualua the, allens Who corne to Ibisacéon ' suddparti» C cabr>' taWaukegn. Fora&Joug ime At boa een a pparent dit seoction 4 ltgreqg hat the. turel nru ver, lvin $8ttAlimsd ecxpoeyerbtip 0- D inathoir TO. of Att' Whitney 1h. loing reecltion 'sas ado p 1d"Beoovt b> the Lake Cbunty' Br Assoclation, ltIIt lae iense of te ake Comib> box oo -oraon 8*dà i t Pei éiers e etu îî su 1 ,bOî va&i s o b ont ina y ai The -ian ofv*ki tem v uf5 i te n ~oneday at ahn gowa tiyat Jlie c $20,r0o00oue té;klllfg Mr lie Bu ite $onmtovski thopeect he l a e wTas aviet Dbri a ., a rbl one Tuetefftlt sow.ofthet h lo ta estatewo o laitimesarogt ahon *20,000. Ro ie àabborallieW ,ean i lêete tackeru epao t the uchihi linon opchnrh, ho eviortrnesithepate gregation and viii continue linhile pres. eftPastorato for anoth;or year. Un Monday morngg a most carions phenomenon watt noticsd at thie place, the waters of the lake onddeuly hoaa let reoedle and in the short, @puce ut lire muinutes had talion thro eeot &fWera short tine tihe lido hoga on tag.aally iiow lnaaoin until ita usuai *asevW&v» refthed- The cause for the tg ac - lions 01 the laite are anexplanol F. C. Gocdga who aceodt E. C. Lutt reegoed, as manager of- the Chicago district gave a banquet -to hie mauy local frlendt Tuooday night. . After a bonuteous repent at tbe Wasibrn, a iliaumud ring -waeo.preeonled ta tir. Gedge, b>' hig forgner cabinet offlore aad fionde. Re wili continue te reolde in Watkegan gingt Chicégo dally ta attend tu bie wort. The batbèlor club nt a reeent, election chote L. A.' liondeeas President and lui ss dOig nose»d hlm m a candidate for natrmmony., Uf lote yea e emom ehomon for proeidehît have 1tiedc dim,,,,,,> la lte Part ut0tiçueutmeq viicanaoli for inarriage vithin a yL-of. Alter due toukdertntlit tho4ighteaat etlait tbey bave chosen a preeidqnî aWto eau auliI the neceaeary qualiicationu. idayror 'Peorce rfase tt ie active aupport bt le ùcantogn ei carried 4mat tlfrproent tinteb>'tlderàoeràtie eàoagoe la Inthe intareel 6f Arthur E zitl Who defealed lhe rnyor for bte roinotiou. it watt ah ilrai rportéd that the mayor voald rua independent rut a@ no fstop vas tgkenilact dims. tion it le thboagbî thatito 4i1liromain-e mllive and *, PCXtbWpçto nep the e-ont- i.latc VanDec, a#il*, out tf ba gise 04 Mlia thlecw te ainue as if thealand had heom mlit, Thoe ~ ' rendere ncn feon wit àu Îaolit*.MrdhAbu Knox bý , T. Jssdne wmhad or.ngd doal for somn. property beloùngg te defendant via on being onfroated by o bayer refasod ta oel. Jndge Donnelly bas shaved the ronner-Amet dainage suit verdictfra. ef00 ta $200 and lie lawero.,fqt ltee&. enee vea at thit bave amired for a 1W ioh. th vill be rompii.. reà ht onw Il>' a d 10II7wsMndered by mojayb 4%S~d,. This was >nlido(Leligi »am auo novtrial MA gronted wirbci reeulted in the latter ,rd ict. The court aiea hbeard argu- enite in bhhof ai the ralroad in.cou. iction witb the Minescaase wbere $500 as allawed for injuries recoived -b y the Aainifi white leaviug a car and ordered 1e verdict entered Am rendered by the r17. Tié plans ufthie Waukegan Conserva- or> ot Music senmtuho hoprogresstng t the. matitifation ut1ai1 concorned sad it umknou n that roins An the. Murray 11ck h1ave bien orranod. for oad that ae conservator>' le an aoed fuel. 'rot. 'Middleton Witt teacit organ, bar- ion>' composition andpe leture rigthe sehoo1 year wmil ta otg 4Chicago iiihave cieb of lt Viii la asoioe iti roIdet R. R ougbiin a lhe uîdertokipg are roug md as leaders la their particalar field. IANO 'AND OROAN PLAYBRB, LOOK I During the Pia"() sale tile meek me Vl mi Harrie§'lbance Album No. 2, ontaining: 'Dama la the. Valo a(f Sheonadoab." rJuRt ao leam of Heaven linlier Eyos." 'Conte Take oa Tri np luly Airship" ou' WaigM JIearl Aia>' for "(food Bye My LadyLeve.- d tbroe otherm. A 50c folio §no r 2e nge heforo they, are gone. ALuti Ili)NtE>It & Co., lu Ruse' Joîvelry Store,'* boertyville, 111. RevinlaPr. The Nortbwestoru Unîrorsit> ofr 'anstoîî 'iii play ai thoir base hall rae at Itavinia Park .taie segmoa @tead of nt Shepberd Field, Evanstoil. hefolloîving gantes baiibeen scheduled: April 21, Illintois University. ilîril 22, (3ltlago University'. ipril .26,' Ciigo Collg P. 8,S ipril 28,mIoa itlit' Mia> 2 Illinois 1nivereity, tay 4, Notre Damne. May 10, Purlue. May 17, Wahasb College. Mlay 110, Wisconsin liiivormlty I mes wili hogin ai 8 o'clo ck. I. 1fr.fo fVdwMWIp4 y 4 it . OM AAATINEdoeTu nt e* o1d TLINIAStINS ldom fter d pl.wsha f b decorator or palnter «an apply lt-,or an if anapplyi t bernait Iurnd wsan aeGrt At dt Cali a4id sfe My fine LniOfre" The Boteverl4Ulk, P16W la thi xer OtIte élMq Hias foot Ilhi. A hoyton years old *qan h J&4'~y Play Bsiicoén Planter leon. 0fthe ver boot P «0 On' tbe market today, check rover Qr drfiii, orfrptdrop ........... 96"(»oefrau DmSdy riding tultiatow inBt il wutegl#eor tra D if4. i #ryen evoe nard briffl1li Deale1w Hardvwmr.- 'JlIBERTY àLLE - AK STARMS, LAWYER 218 Weblgtion-strott 'Phono,2761L Fiai NEWSPAPERS' XNi. BE. J. Ufi«« t. M A GQ A ZIN Es J Uh nt vll . II1 CiàARS o'id -li TOBBAGO ~PoeBoi.Crs~~ take ORDERS for CUt PFLOWERS M1achine WA Repair -Work. Iamn now looated In nMy few plant and; tloroughly 3qulpped to do al l knd )f Tep ah'ing of Enginea "tb and farm Impie. nents. Qulck service ad right prices. Solos madeaiti, Moellon su-w 330 BI~1 WAU 74f. WM. LAYCOÇK tplQTl A WEk i; i. - 4 -w77- '~S T I 1 #-Umm." =1 1