~Nas,-appre'ei * Vms Mcvii i Ias< kcr IudIn 1st bela tic Piesiond- t ommimimri bas- la- tau meuberu 01 lis km revic lte show camse OwM net bu dlmamaud fr Ald siekcd mtioda iu no 14SUachI te tiekS t. Werner Ila ato, ths *i"od ca rcvii u fr Pa 14 fe pewnos trou par- invc l, lie goviroenou mêiument ef'-Pcohsl-. gm ocaslsida atBrie aud Ile 1" «Ufor tire. motis int vaut lte camp t bo mmn artuei ec oolaIs Î. kéocvr, asuchequota nia tsi he in ld. is ut M« plae1 ou tiie pension hiti-ANPAPPOOSES. ~ïau Rcgpmta te tu"v eqamicn bas jut emu wa et the suorit>'ofethti 04 lan bahie. Four brtos ii thcerient lcglaha- thékaitbabies bore te marc I 1 mouhd b. ~5ialiotissOts. Oneaet nom *Mi luliukope, I. .gý1 -f00 nov silotmistu iWbUâ@ Thil s a ia Ia ;Ist tak âp ara flpant ct" f tliaua- ,m b. o nougi k Aw- Wh# i t frere = 19IM dthtria et la, »étroit, aud vie Ne orok, . nvas W " b>- the lpgoh.te ~ iesu go.Mr. staiti ru*get id corid by ,$ iz It vas aluas. G, Jev»i. hWpeuer i CUilueitane fKth le verdicthe »Wuie glrn0ed lu a ýmty cicl ObWv scpe Wit oei ilpâ llaoinlaconar- tlll.vt anukeo joullu e ti Tete lia .. mniant ik&- caugil fi gitlMle ouoe. lu *I * la termugîti la Beson ose& y a ebiuai * lae tic dni a. pllsdu eporta ti vfl s uvetîandeus h. c lirsng f sront et 10,000 sudelu tho exlsin bu - 1, ai Osith"eOb OMM parlte ud0S la tum ortU" M m nfsa lar tia larnrdla @Y Jlrei. Feditil mssd haI"d t b i the u.i 515h II*In ADOerte Min4 te 1 ma, IsuUft te boar on, à cosaciucO Mhat loua l*à aarted béece et an9 ftrevealed terneg, came ta a climal luQ m.icago the. oter day ie a manueOVfilet pwobably ulil add anether man to the prison reis of Ohio. Hauetedl by the crime et argen, uici ho committed nosly lgt years ago, Edward CoteraY mtered the city hall 1and asked te b iockeddcep. The crime us. thant of mt- tfil irn te tiie GOUM pinettes il, Loadon. Ohio, Sept. 15 189. In hiÎ coainc houg auin lubit sieep, ConW&Y mm sho bas beau hautpted bY bis crime acutil ho couid no longer stand the nr- ou@ train. Severai tents, ho says, ho a on the point cf surrenderitig te thei London authorities and teilnas Il.butf hia nerce alwaya fifled hie. Lest Tues dai eveeIeg Conuay wos Iu the litte tous etf Ho>klns. Min. ne ad litti 'chicago a fot, laya before ta rut awaYt froma hi$ conscience, au ho expreses it. He got off o freight train ut Hopkins and askod the trt peroitn e 55w te direct hlmt te the honte of a Roman Catholit- pt-lest. An noseen soice kePt Urging hlm, "Confess. confea." The priectot ekt the peulteut iette a ptivte nocm and liten.d t,, the confesion cf the crime, At the end the'churchînan adrised Con- way te rture to London anid Malte a lOafibic-flt of Iltet the authoritios. The prisoner ie 34 years old. He @&Y@ ho and tue companlons. butth of wiîom now are dusd. set Ore to tbe piseing miii sud thce Ot-ccanacil a losof '25-tOt). à TRAIN HROBBEN 18 CAUGT tR Lest Mesaber of -"Blk ckl- i"Ketch- u'. Notorions Baud IU PrîsOner. Attr a ment o six yeara Ed Franks, ilias Bob MMns.adte b. th- isatà sut-viving member of -*Black jack" eKcthm'enterigns hand of train t-h- ebora, who terrcrused Nov bleuS> mad southeru Colorado for mni 705t-5. wa plaeed je the coiury jail .et Trinidado iFriday. lHe mvas larrested thittimiles( bsouti cf Trinidad by George Tritsltorttb rsnd Wiliam Thatcher. deputy sherifs. Franku livre!alsinba desolate t-lOn, diflicut of npproach. &fter- lucat!In Franka' hut o0fcers ucre compelîmi te0 raake a deteur, crawliez lunch of thec distane,. as the place c,eumauded aI gvie« of the ope.country for emises1 = ng.Franka waa buildinga cra V en tthe cifcert surprisedlbine. Ho lid - a SI-ooter sud a *ritle close nt baud.1 boimade -ne fght. Franks viii ho ttiedl St aClaitcn N. 3Mcx..on a cho.rge cf train9 rrobhery, _wich la a capital offense lu9 1 that ccnntey. ____ ýP9ISONE3t 8110 S»DECATEWATPCH Convicti Midercr lu Despérate At- tofpt te Escepe Galous- *Arthur Lester. nuder sentence to ho hanged. &hot ta'o doputy sheriffa lu Pa- *tormon, N. J., lu a desperate attemPt te escape lis gallows. The oflicers ve James Sucnensd James Croule% who vers acting as thé desth sctch. Batlon e aiiowed Lester to leave his coU te go te 4 the. lavatcry. chou Lester lelled bhem e wth a hîcu from ntiton bar ho badl t- takîn frot-mbis bcd. Selslng Sutton" tr- il volver the prioner shot both.depaues. b but Crocha maanagsd te seize is pirtuer s a drag tih l uade, lecking the oter 1, bohldhln. He theoucalled forthe Po- lieo, uho .Isally subdu.d the. prisolici atto, a ptchsd hattl. wth reoler 0 US? MARE? INIR OMB r STATL Cuïran.le. ?eofruoi Ontaideof Ma"nt à. re qut w ndi»aa"W. te lIder tho sou mairiage lau cf Iu- le GMana, which Wi bicorne operativo lu a *fou days, Cicago. Mliwaukee and St, JosePI. Mici., ull esase te ho favorite mnocas for Indiana eloping coupl-s The a"u la, Wldch Qov. fHUIT delaffs r ali b. risifdly enfcrced. provide tuat reià ic. 3t5Sla cntracted by couples '0 la atther lSéti, It iilb.odoclsred Mui tl n oid 1upon thc rture cf theeople. 4 A bous-Id. resideue la the. Stat. where lb. uSnarigsse Inpcfornued muet ho prcv- ed O ta nbfmhlia val4ity. Il i. bller- ad ii. eulorement cf thitlact, ilabate thei.iloplug cvii and keep et home thc 1-bondrcds cf couples whe yearly lasse the B4lufte te Cet nuaarred Le le Attrupas Suicide by Esp«Ioe. tg Inucrhat won apparentiî an attempt at cg suicide hy a sac explosion. Autone Ambs of Lousville vais scionaly ijured Sud a wal! of bi home blou.n eut. Ambe' lajurles May nt prose fatal. no bas id honesufferiug uîth locemotor talia for i1 yeus. Itlae bieved that ho sllowed th Ri aturai cas te escape sud thon truck a. S atch. m* ocere Ager Prenioter. tg Federai oacers nt Butte)fot., are lookdos fer Henry A. Ererett, proprio. tor cf Uic imperiai Globe Mtnsud 11 Le0aig Company. The coupany la ai- leiced te hase seured & total of about 835000from nearly 400 patrons, piludi- b. pally farmers of Mientouri, North Dakota. bcScuth Dakota, Kunsas, Miunesota oud Nebrasa. ____ Organlacd les Yersgo by> thirteenl ceugeulal spiits of Brdgeport. Ceeu.. eh the --Suicide Club" has been diseolved by in thei deti cf Daniel Looeser. president cf [,Y thc organistion intI sole surviving ment berlHe s*the oMIT eue uhe did 'net diesibishlaovu hand, but auccuuubed te naturaI causes. l vu Mnufactety Ravsgad ter Fit-. let, Follevicg hy oMITa few boums s vicdons attack by union pickets ou tut emploes f the Art Bedtead Compauy. the plant cf that condrs nt Thirty-cev- t- cteplace sud itockwel sotrict, Chicago, A. ursa ravaged by Ore. -The laineurck- tn- .4 the entice*outitfcfutihepiaut suM caused a loftsetlmsted nt 8100.. lienth ef aurai h ChuU.iy Wootlsi. iter Misufiri Cioncer Woobacy, th» i- lmuthor aud pont uhe ut-ote under the. ti aine f "Sausse CoolidIge- la dad et NeupoitI.R., ýagid 0Tiers. Iii vas the. author et *The Neu Taesr Bargainý," *What Raty Did,"'A Gora bat "yi Lily,'* "A Barberr Bush" sud many eil storues fur gil. thce- lui certain ecitracteru et Specuer SiOit ed sudhcuvily Oude ci&gsdthe. ro«ghct element. MLAFIA MAINS Y VicTIlkL, LAeiss foay lu Lrit. Wrapped'in en nid, blaultthéUic odY of a th i vth hoad. arma, aed leps b.' levUi uee. mlsiug, vas fudait t treet crner le Uic nethoritpartOCf San Vraucifto. Thc body vas miltii uin sd quilserlng. »iod ith vhich thc bis- et vas mautrutcd, va s atliet, Tii. Police, bllerho wa a a ,ltlm cf the Mia, George O011v, à aboy, .sale&mail carrring a hesvy bundie. Ris getiOD5 semed peculiar aud the lad follbed hlm eorth on Mamnu treet. At the corner 99 1'allejc sftreet Uic mau notlccd Ut te vas follouod, sud placlug bis bordeh o' the sidoualk hart-led downe ii. treet. 01liva fllovid the trtuler àS loeme- eured , s focd lock at hla face, sud returs- id te the bundle. à policemani arrived et about the ummctime, ami tic bundie was examined. Tii. bianket cosilud thf-.naked body cf a young mau, 18 Or 20 Years cf esge. Tic bend had becs rudely hacked off, the arme cboppod cff lou, te tie body, sud the legs hâd bease reintieil close te tic kuces 4 womau's frlnged ahavi, oltI sud well voie, vas urappod at-oued the neck and soulders. A red blauket cf a design sud moate le coiluen use auuoug Italiens. vas Uic ded mns sbrond. It vas srapped tigbtly about the bcdy vitb n pi-cc cf cord of thtesai" and texture uised hy Italian fiaberinen lu uakiug nets. A siege kuet vith vhlch the blanket Was ied vas a kuot pecullaLr te fisîtermen. ARRESTS IN WESMT POINT FIRAUD. Chiot Bictrician andI ComniautflA» Chargod i ihRobbng. Charles Laobeliîeimer. the preildelit, sud John G. NMetzger.-tlie vice presideut ot Charles Laubeeheinier & Co.. electri- cal englera nand contracter* et Nov- but-g. wiii appear before United States Commisalonet- Shielda lu 'Nev York ce April 19 on s charge of havieg conspîr- etI witît Frank Deroberger. the garriseli electrician et West PoInt, te defraud the goverjument. Ail tliret ver. arrested, tlaced ader bouda, sud releacd. Louis Diller s salconkeeper cf Iligliiand Ftalla. -*-a artia 'edonhcanlechsa id treed under bonds. This tact wa§ r.' vcaled uhen Uic garrisou bele» aieking S nv electrlian. major Cans, Uite qaartormamter, fBat discovered Uic gos- «uerenet ad pald fer 4,000 fot Of rf for Uic electrlciao'à departmneut, but tha't oelY 3,5W0 fet hsd been delîrered. Thon, according te ilajer Carson. the eletri- clan aud conpeny diided th igffre. The =St thîug discovered vas traud turning updi Uic auction sale cf coIL- demned electrical applianea. Twe me- ton vwere sold for 25 cents &Plae ite Diller, sud, t la alleged. obtalned bY Doreberger aud torued over to tie NeW- bot-g ompazy. Neit, il la ssertod.,they found tUdr vay bock te the garrisoit for 0& .The ameuatacf the frauda ld helilved te ho thoosanda ot dollars. BLUIC AND»GRAY TO 1MER?.ý RipatRonriVoeons aAtranred o tm* MsF il sud 12. A tue day.' gi'cedug te tho Amerilcn ec; soldier, coutempating a meeting cf theo h raterons vie oppomed escii other lu bat- dela tuhei 'M, .bas beau arrauged te tototu place laWashiington liay Illand 12. Ct Cordial Invitationsa teparticipote havi BC beau sent te aIl voterans'asociations mn Nrth sud flouth. Tic progrsm cootai=stu, more tUse lix-u>-speeches o gieing mg sud reapoase, vlihsuns4dreaset v-et- con. hy Geu. C. ]ELrtuivenor et 0hio. P Otior speakers viii ho Gen. Chosse, peut D dopart-t tcommander. Grand'At-ml eof the llepnbic; Cspt. Gnllth and <e. th Rossr, tic youngeat cf the brigadier la] generala et tic Confederato at-ui. M 07,000,000 OOMPANT IN t01 VAR. Indopendesl reducra In Kanso - gmiseste Rui"aiPipi Lin*..B Oaganised va, onutUe Standard 011ii Compayvas plannd lu Chanute, RLa' wies represeutatives of tiirty itepes- tr dent oelIcempaniesu hich coutre! tht-ce- . fourtiso e ti lIproduction oetKasasA = didd t ogansea cnpssi, repre- tt tcdns $700000 of Icvested capital, toes bulld s pipe line te Kansas City fre i the Rans.scil fie1d, Worh ilil bein et -mes, Repî-isi-taives ct thc stand- V ard Oil Company ver. promeun thicIl city, but tipi decieid tUir prononceCt vas mýed a coinclalesce. - Malet fend ia Qurt Explosion. t W>ullo lsmplug powder in ahiat et 9 tie Ardvsî Ilmeoue quart-y nesr AhU- seuls. ýVsa. the biesawuvaccldctalli disoharged, caualni tic explosion et tue utitar luiaits liaI bad bien set nr b>. Soen negro isiorerosud onewville manC vers killil ansd tueo heru vere so badyil ijuned tUalt thra la liIIlc bope oet lei receveri, MrrOvern mcncy Diate. J. Dalici Webb, eue cf tueo,mont prom- innt planton in liashiPPl. orsu .tab- bcd te dostt lu 'Sumner. blias. Mr. Webb tocante Invelved lu a dlfflclty vIih anuel Dàugherty .over moey maltem .Tic father et Osogiierty tsb- 0bcd Webb tht-oc tîme, vuie hoe vs àut-î Ing vîti the sou.1 purtou'a Rmioauticu Expictai. Sester Joseph RIlpi Burton et Rau- sam., açeordisg teo uticutle adics t-e-t Mevd 'la uWeinigttn, viii tendeie il reslgiton te Govoruor Ifoci belveen Dow sud Otobar, se Ibathil sumeser Msay b Appolflted lilima' te pisa-,lpate 1la tbe nez$ smoln et (hongraIs. BBrIas UriirsGl lrounsi Di lb0 cllapii1 ofthie oid.ualk on tic itopth ce thtebridge atens lb. Palois. iriver, la Cl*bu cat 0f Carelx Wssii.,a tscflor f louas peuple w- eprociptatetI i lIo tic *aliov 5stressablou.- Lian a th»is nbheur laten lithelica -body cf bii MbMarl Ouslot of Aictin vas found. Mille oo'co5ro Nophav. am1 A. Ballard va. abotassd klllid In amnli, AI. y Ulm Orna Hardi, " igbl swsthsrt. uic toloued bar ottack a Don hm il ilint hersaitf. Tii lrsgidi sle beilcvsi te havie resuti lion a 1ev Bob fs sfer Doui5sr Empruee, Ti.e RegelaSpolice onwatsda li waonSl teIrardice-lio uho bai -bomnb W" 3"i plune»d rteem frnsa mr f ini. la au attempt 10 kilheti' fouage r. Iu 9bl te~ir Urcokt>rn 1%è osinelys Repi TransIt -opu 'as S§W as aPPliction vth i i. y«,iirâpid transit cmb"ls fr au- brlcyth te ocelrict tilrt4eM"seof th swa aEoels UOTUIeti,'poffl OF LATSIE le eultge lii ert ro M ailtd@la-' aris0aiN- rtd's Ries Coterca Ou* lta»Wiietm.C fa .sTroublesas lemi isce, lie etroal t-cmont ukdcn the, iLffiesltiens helic vsof eontetluga cuccemufuf caupaigu on lamlkint'o 1>- creamd rathOeth dicodinlulîlsed. Te moboiluýa sudeQUIp ai terce sttCltut- large lucreeîntsiUyauta vould lieho abmen of amui"iS Thc lest t tinl tusaideau ciltedt te do ont land,.tppsntintly, la te uOuti Ig£aug,4nics--et defcXisvo tieji lUi it cthe tit trli i twS talning g ir onlossà andan lewinUZ Vadvostok ttal loiito thc baudst0fý thc enemy. Thc tact tînt Itusala linl t t 8- cept tUit.despet-atau situationas narma- non for seeling peiute i-au hi-t bhos- colintiti for lu theaigIltofethle ocili- nation of eojîos-eitaky tit, A vle- lot-y on land Int -he Civr future ILe un- posible. Thora vat -3011a Cthaut-e te vIn a clt7 tora. iIt cuutî ltardly le dotibted tint ou tue -esult et Ibis nval en gagetuet it hutthe. lit-ussau govet-nmcnt's dcclieu nas t0lits fture courue. - -1- Theo Iusslan aîîutflics toit it wvett vile te vie but-k ail time>- hiiue se fat- lent b> - pUttiîig lhtir luisî it upoII s long asLot" Thns b>- Onuelut-hI tut- b>- fltestvs-ay'a victour>-eir Tog- the cihole sesle ctotîl te turnedt, and the Inaptitude, slitti)(it.1. corrtuPtlim andl ginet-i duaeit-iidcdueu Mei- plit>eti -b>- tiheotnuttt- goe--meut vould lieoail 'Çrgtttiîîiluthe pa-tusa cf prue vici would aeriaumtheti naval triampi. unIBut amos-es on like a trugeal>- rallier thau ilîke a gamle of dit-e, Fot-e-îglit. triaiig.attention te détils, patieuce at-c nevarded. Durlug tli.ech to vwvra o ei Pluasian goveriimeiit dnag"ged veariiy on. - InMauehuauihe1wbtiteuec enjoyed-a-p4esait-reFpite t-oinlie-at- tentionsoef lmarquis 0>-mis. A fou sboli venu- excléined btî-ien cas-air>- oôulpo8te, vtinsbtle gi-ziot-alstaff nt Bt. Petersburg cons-et-ted Into sacl- lotloua binitie.. Wluut aîilciiddprodi- gi-s cf lylug'tiait staff lias pet-fetmeal lu ils ofliciaI reporta durtluîg tle preseut van! War t Iromie, At lomn, the van villatic people as been contIntteà viti cosdereble igor on boti aide. le Wat-sàw the nopau iQun nparade 0f Jews, kWl- [g foot- antI wouang llrty-elghl- luedreds etpeople blunsav bav, c'on knoutod b>- Ceasacha for passlug ato ni-ar te ite goyeenct buUiIgs. t Lods. Peland. , tut-eIgl4 ver ili-ti and uiti uouaded.hi lthe At Batain, Rars ant ivanlyssan- ch. In Georgie a revoit, lu At-ment4 te atteuipt msade by Itusalan agents t Incite lte Munulmas agulest tic Christian,& (ecooiiodoxt han falied. lotIt cect» batelthe Mucovitei toc mcli lg fait upo0 mcii othit-. For celu- tries thse maluapt-ing etfItualau do-, meslic goc-cremeut bsbeen "dIi-de t lmnpera",-dlvide sud cunquer. Tii poiist Caliolîce lbavec beee st-rayed galut the Jeva;te Ruosiaus agaleal th DaWtieprovince OctUas; lie noga- ire &galattie oltI orliodex; A> menlas SgfInst Mcb'nmuedaum; latid orus agast pesas; vo-kin againaIatueunts; prie*'ta&galntlb lu;ý bureaucrate agalust anlatoenntà. But nov lthe viole hbit ayatetu la com ung to au end. Ti'ne ePleOcf aIl sece and races.are comIng te sec liaI lhil trac eeemy ls lie auterue>-. .Futlen es-enta efthle veek sm: !il 5-At as MoaCOW conteront-e ef thi physiciens freu inilput-tacf the empire te conatiet vays and messetu chieck the sp-ed Ofcfh-olet-a, It vas votedtI tthticextreulo posent> cf tie Rueasssepooplemande a fertile filtfot chiera sud etior disaitea aIthî peverty could no et ho itigukteal util tie van vwas atoppeti andth le systenu cf gos-ermeut ciatigc,,sud tiat liev fone, a contalitent ss.ombly ahoald st once lb ciSen osnte biaseoffritc, direct universul, snd socs-ct suffraga. April 6 ent-cta, disgulsedna Cooaaehcolonel, us discoverca l vti ln thie palace e; tie Czar et Tsstskc Selce. Tvc bonis vire coucealed à] bis poison. April S-Tii. greel senual neviecu01 tie »Orne Garndivas lueltI leSt. Pe t-shunt, Fer lie fi-sat tino le a cci. tnrt-yle Enupero-iras absentBe val att-nid cf ussasslealti. Aprîl 8-S1x tlicasand workmet pet-ude lnluth ic cIlofetSmolensk bear lug bannera luscribed "deatli tcth, Czar assassin." DurIng the ontine vc'ek tic peoas uprialuz lne csenti COntinued.bMoi et tic landlords bave fled ftOrnitic comates, and theIn chateux have boa) gIvon ovon te pillage and laine. A liie veethot-gels vsnnert-h itarsint et-e gr4dually apreadItn ntbward Tic revolollen la unifer us-, uai when pence coinceand thec union, bi millatedarmt-y> retailla, tihe revelutio wlîl loge lIa pt-rnent li-eboutetfom an organise Itielt tor basiess. Ncwuetai Mnr Nte. A son vait bers te MnS. J-.C Bochiam, vifcetfthe Govenet-of ICi tuchy. Blde bave been colled tor fer movin tie tous cf Suipiior, 1. T., bcdillî 10I Frank 0.' Marinu,9apreuter. et< livIng lu Chlcego au Col. Frankîlin Ble la se allegcd fugitive tem aPiiîdelphL Fîro dcstroycd thé car bat-n of IL Casideu and unýboe- *Raiwar -Car pany lu Camden, N.J., the les. bei Staulci Restos of Lstcnit, K-, tl of whose inotbers hsd cOImltted sa " i.durlsthli t fou jearakill laniill hi uooling. -. r- LA pricylc, tla Itent sud terré stiomer Lu lie.xg&ig.e-N ork servi et the French 0l ira@ auhushe Xc ,o day at St. hisuiema *lftsiaor uic lieu lAîwbu utl VS. o date lei 1w&, - IL Wiuhtaaetfthe. lent tuslter. Shkce mshllg I. Thc fonolulu, table shows, for the _______ b*egiioipa ulut, whis tStatoa, th e a Am of cIcoudioa os Aural1, the corçec- Brsst rturshW* - J.oc u inoslMo pcdu vgs s rgtg e ri th. coustrM. guoe dsugiterln >«n 1010ult oad the. me"p of th» o ne- i[ Mn 3eJ" .-WIs> , ittdinli svoraied of lie lest tom y«e*r: Tm1tI lucrokolaIi ndustrial eB- «h Uo SIBU# t 1I.IhtÀ L th4 :ports are, lai tihemalin, v c'en àLlO ct ai* ui elmton .lg oi tieti. b ftgtebrou tw w tlw ... S etog a a îd ai*04 - v» hsab. i1~ .0aSI' ced c aola expeeted, uda ber Ilit er auhacicf Uc talileau qa î ~ .............eS s'osil i.Ws.weSl ber faîJIàs-i.a, Who"s fortune voît 0 0 06.eeIent weotbersud baid t-catit tend salade lu thé. drus 'irait& Mci1 WIs-' foA pla7s16. lS to ph.ck tice oberwiuc ful tide of tiat hueosd vuws Willam Weolhtua Ir. .. I 00n, lUrt' Western c-ll»5 jr, the son qtie vulnrble iilpufr fý !ihb S ve eler III tihe seaison bâtjt coin- audaPit wnuas élbtitrofthoefour dau tsO 010 .59B ehseritiveiy, are nov ontîerîntî éel tors liat cama cf thii.union tiat ais The average conditionet cf ulter ryn e oe>- -ontlaiueeasy a ut tpons thi-catened teamoiea contour avir tiiApril 1Iwu»a MI., aRait 8.4 Apil 41 estate. Mr.--Wclghtmn asde ne pro-* 94 1.9S i orrespondlng dat ur Cl*tlieshwlpo Inîî:d-iel vision for hit grandchuhdrin la bi isli, IM nB;Sd 879 tUicoaeun cf tii.Aprîl thoiigb ioî cllyeltewrepoigen t e Sly. hils ctiro u.altb gains ta hie daugitet, avéras" et the iost tesnyFarm.fait-. urecs rallway paria" for Mm a. sker. lira. Wi.teet cdaimgs, an- The rcs iWd dte vînter heat test Mrtdieîcte a guinsofet pr Ilp-tt contding te a lavyer biblst-eted ln tiie fan w55c Malli reportéd bhl theAgrfi- over a yî'ur &go. came, ucci that a codli halbecle added ettitlteS I>psrtsnt lu Dftm5b5ias aie. ùMiesunos Ot- roeentlypstst tide andi te Ur. Woigitmsa's viii sud that ee 5.000 acresk. Wite thene Igum w il ii ficitail>î-erttions .5 ilit tl ient-- had a letter fromt Mr. Welghtmss propb rtnigtsd lu the, May report tistu has ci ut-v- i ii i-tiîutre lilg $1.0.0i00 tae ssch etftthegrasa- beoit littl hourd oaithe piuvlng nutormai u-tvrlthefntiire o children. Site clalmod aie niclved oA ibaudoument of fields frein vinter kil!- 1M) propageai cf marrlags traim Mr. Welgit- lus and th ilsu set-carege la expfttad lui theIt ton nait steet! iAiîît-y fon- man shonti>- slter thé deetit cf ibis soo.te b. alighit. laii->!produi-ts tire ta-îîgvnly lieudit and uho usa her BOet huzbnnd, aud that Urt. On Uie acreagp o oveasd taklng sev- Iluth pnetîlîun ari-, tUI4, liait titi-nole Welgitmsn's Illneesaton Tours ago. isat enteen bttshel as the Ipar yleld, s figue-,' apîtorerly titi a-îsi-r tailie t-vrile pig, hofore ho made h.bisi, hsd Impaît-stIll geeraiij 5teepted le thetrade, the cee- and sellers ua-t> ioeî iisîi'î>.d lbook mind. dilon figures of 1.0 uaggeslsa auluten ual iit,>ttli-ii- liil andtîlfurth quar- Mns. Witer's denghtera vit-s muel op. ubeat yield of 48r,5,O.KO hbutia. tors tlir-saîîiîtlit-lt-Ivi-. psdte their mothen mskîug s figbt iThere hasebhein lsrger at-ca. sevrn te oeor th. viii. pteterlug te bu, their - inter ustbut Ponly tht-cctines lu l'ii- fallit-a-s lit the lFititeda-Sîteoifor àhare ta exhihtlng a skleoe that vras Itic last Ifteen years bas thé condition the e L4>aoîilitg Apnil a i iiîtltî-r 170,I kucun to oulast lu the, fanUly lu court. of thé plant lu April been boîter tue na gaiît 227 latt w-ek, l(1ii taé Dir sud thi. ladolanedta lob.theresasort fer tEst ivran e caioe-ereport. The voek ln liat . i1M t:.1142 Iiinir1-2 her glvlng op th. Igl. ,Mci. Walkîr April icoudlllon le 1891 vas 069; lu 101tt, andti'22â' lit 11s.ml sud hon stterucyp protes. to belle,. tiat 0 1-7. The. condition lu April 1004, wvas yMu-g lit lte lattîtîjloti of fuitada lirMm. Wlster'a sunreuder ilahecause har-the loeot leln itteen yesrs, 76.5, culig for telirisiit quîarter tof îVma:iiinutopr laujons bas. reporteil that she ha e ote vIeter kiiling; 4,911,001)eares of the 3-48 grounde fer a suit. Fer îeara adsud ir$ =000,000 soes plantsd heLug pIovedý lira. Walker sud hlci. Wisten have beau thp Or abandeued.- at svords' points. lIt-._Wis ter, vas St iilpîîue.lî Ig&('., eue tins a great favorite oft ti old LIICE A VANISI4EO OiEAM. ibyR4.IPI &C, millousîro. bat Mis. Walker oseome te ré..... t~a he tî-,itl-auptîcy, have upplatsd hberetirely' betore i Te Glori.. of tise Ckeduick Bone Bays cf tl-tri t-el,: deSl aveSgfaitd Ausi. Besîitms e giî-nally .'xhiltit oci-adi- _________________AU the *lory of Casie L. Chadvlck's nos», gjuf #altie bt-ilI-fai atnp.tl f ur- pniACMBSlxotE8O cRA . hom, lu Cleveland -loa depMeiflîd sd~the clîy *Aah.e Mchudst Mnu vie purcated for 825,200th oe IDîutrtituiire traite pI,'seitm a IagrsifT- BUrertm7ri Shs v " hoi lot ot furulablugo i. 'nov preporiag to n oue h edn l!trm!t _Agulni Druisu ali io. $ end saaythe cut-gleus chair sud tiihe -liîo.li-iztltgiauatot S9ecretari cf te tic.Teaàry SBsw a- Perpétuel edock and the paintings sud -muking a fau-erabi it -asrlu tht dt-eued the Baltimore couforicueeos eett' viaythilg lu,. Betere Mrcs.>Chadwick fermer aingregale asalostof ..priu'îi ner- Mtiodiet Episcopal chut-rchn lnuWWhlg iiihave gorge fat- in ber ten-reisanmen- chaudicf, enstin-auil (tilittttaItli-ale ton tic aitler day. teuce, nothing viii ho ltlet ith ouse ntfi t jt etItKIlee n hi- iî-nig freply cauticuin thti mIals- wvionle oduei lnlu ieoy. lapon tieti-- a-ds. tins agsluat drav- Menuety euij abides of ticeuconsr Farnuwork l e soit ilam - vr>- atIls-o log las. linos. inse - hich dazed nmuid] ltI bankerm luto g15'- upniag eedin ttg cosanis-a irtIîr na'e -'uttindlulu. log vauttsmomte a set-iordlusry loeklugtis aa et.aa --itîtîuscu "Thà thee Iola oman, vithout demanding auy rt-si ne- tie UnitedI States a cunlty. Before thes gor-geos apartments tIttued atisanî-Iny. veny large numbaer voie dlsmsntied eet-s photlograpthe t-on and steel Outpt la«hue oi un- ef uuchorched pao- - uro matIe, nme that shepticai per isîtîla - yhotusy, aud iitsklngi vere pie la esqueileal., ight have oculan pt-nef of the titculiat- et fait- agitregale lit îlp îit o, plaires *Every conventioen: abilties o e tc toriou"Caisie.*" and structurai sbape-i. raseemiuî, synod sud t- Of greater intorest, pon!aps,-tian anyItleeeipts ef limttler wý-rt.e 178tt conférecnce reiteretes éthier- a it-s. Chadwick'@ privat. sitiug fot. a99811114 2~'i-t t - it vaok the quettien.'ouronm. -It an àdreaumofgoldand pîcci d25 ,11410 t fe-t a iar aei. chef] he mo« hoasd velvet, sud figurai iargely- le the t-échcid? aud tiey ail adicarns vîueut flunecisi epenstions. Hauging shove lie lBank iale-nlti«, $817.7.axo aatlsfsctonily ausvoriug the question, mande vas thcaili portrait cf "Unt-le ed itiatl)" ite eorernetliig va-i-hla1 . "Po.sly peope et. wisglth enjoy bo- Mason,", dear old "Code Moan."-vii- 11>04 hb>-s-1 pe-r c-tît. Mait->- vas lu alsg preaciod te as tUs eathy clamout wv in l nigit net hsve boo.n possible mot-e diveîs-onged îlctîîuîîlu iaignoatermo a Possibly tUic 1hlby cducatod, the md- ite seporate thé bankers frein thslr de- rilanaut meat batiks udu-aniedta Bmittedli refinetI sud cure, enjoi ho- pôstcrr moes. So fer ne pot-n souho 41% pet-cent bias. -lug prescbed ta au sducated. réfied sud 1bien &bsctte Bnd vrileras tucle issn" Fallut-es neporti-il l ita-('bit-ugo dis- cultured. De tiat se t usi, 1 Sm "I -l'a.but-led or lieu, sfiri. doathh, tltnnt Mt 9 gsts 5 ts rive Ilerthe peour do sot eutj<y bolng 'hdîkrcledtcmlis r* h i. eek ud 11e29.osrago. Coiment addesod au tie pour. uCtadwc eetote.ilostanhe ek n 2ayrai.Cmeca **Tb*. Mthodist chunch wvas mdesc ISin, toute vs@ shev lu tiie deoes- defaults ton the fit-st quart-nerft Iis o for 1peop1le-rici Peuple Sud poor peePle; logofet tii.ineg.tranit. The cabinets cou- iar vere » 4>in numba-ranal 83.12- t elducatod peope andI u«uncted peoeIo tain poulilely beautiful specluien« et1 W» lunllîlltlcc, egàlect 3?S lu thé ir tst à cahtnrcd sud iuncutured. Bot 1 do not Tiffanl'a hotçvot-k snd manufactureora Suiter oet 1004, 'ud liabilîlien oet 87,- Itbelles@vi w evs i he icdesign et 00à1 et Europe. Thon there wv a iry (had- 523,900. -on mn that il shgould bu tihe brch'Ot wlck's t-on, vith palutinoavrli select- One ta tii. exclusion Of Uthe tiera. lu cd. and dalntî bits of chairs that didu't mny judgust, the osly vii te kcip I ttofend the sight. Bat-tic be--thet vswon IW I'I 4J'r~< the chunch of Ëéla lute step ,dravlug dis. a vouder cf beauty sud massive magnai LLW. I-VN-JvJÇ tinctionu betu-ec Uie sous of mm. cere. I vnosailmoidiahogauy and "This countri of eura bas gtten alotig cre yamse sd ilt -prttî viii tungfa dt«otclndi.-, Gtiet- things. has tallio iesuebanda. àtinctionsansd ed grant thst thii grest e eiorch, oastnumbetlug ie membesilp sl CMURCH MAY TRY ROCKEFELLER t-e tenProtestant body. vlth mnecnil- vonitie.a moeocolliez, more aedenles, c ng -- - Cb"«Ar Poed (hicugo-Cattle. comnt aliprime, more selunles thonan au, ulti Welf Coacatia C Rg xea t-Moi. ad 8-00tu $6.75; boit. . I!iil)iljg gratis. filinas may assur ohÇT Wo--Ghimnprtheiats ou flic-l iin. hrc.$4.001 te 85.12; sheep, tain e t hîtIte. $.10 uigi s mai a an clp ue-oal t'et-nIhelav c îtc Bpîlt cîtrh.te a Utwveut, No. 2. $1.14 il 4117; grant that thii great brauch cf the John 1). lttuskefeller nîay le plat-don 11cot-ni. N. 2. 443e te 4'4î-: nais. stilird, chut-ch, desiguid tae -acii tb.gospel te trial titi tlttgeb tf i-xtortiîtti made by 28e tt:11»-. rye. Nut. 1-ie'tu78'-. hay. tO an vitieut distinctien as te social, Cugr-gmtîiial Irr-aeiiet-î- anl if Ihe îimiiîhy. $ î. $13541prurit' 8$È(.0) te un fintancial or morslcnditions, mnuss ote chat-ges at-oprovei '.It. lt.erki-fellet- mn>- 11. titi-otert. -huo irt-nuit-ny. 241Pte te fi tîtat vithin ta norders ttiee@hal ho lie xitilb-d frn. îthe-Fifth As--ene lIait 28C.e igi, trP--uIt. 15e tu ltc; pitutes, t- neithet-rit-i nor por, high norievw, bond îs htc.actiigt iwYr ictt2- s uer fric."dispateit. itiudiaulin -(itIt. slillit. $300 le t it i.~I l te duty otf te chut-ch, tif itntutu-n (;.25-;Itou', choit-c hîas-y. $4.tgtat 57 :fQROWTII 0F TH£EAUTOMOBILE. motion, te put on tria!lahi ttinmers wvitee - unintuplt,$.5 o$. &aiI .ae u Gio hase bee accuutêd plabliel>- et a misai-bd wbefit No. 2. $107 ite il.(%); con. No. 2 k tI csmas Nmri é edG etofany cdîaractet-. 'JThesanie Obligaton white. 46e ta 47c; oes, No. 2 vhlti, Bittais Cobine&id. 1that nesta upon the ct-ch as a vîtole,29 - 3- e, Lent yeur thero vwers hupot-teti ti teresta upon eadb iuibet- of the chut-ch as 2eLe 1c ttueal W 000feregu-matde utoule- an Individluel.S.L sCuIl- 40 ta115;hoa a 4.0te- $5M; tht-ip. 8-4>0t 57 5biles. ntas valuation cf$83,60W,000. Wilue Titis beîng the caise. exprpenets of tic vet, No. 2, $1.t>6 te 81.07; cnt-n. No. 2- b- the geshofrets-s inuportetI vas gniter iBaiptist doctrine dot-lie tic nîemmirmetf ' a -; it.N) .2ct fr oe than le thc provîpus yest-,tho perceutsge the Fifth Avenuie chut-ci ill linulibe - tt 41- atî.'7 2e. 1et3;n, n f etIncressge dld net kftu. Pace viti the falîtul tu the t-hurt-h laii.f tii-y dîo net INe. 2' -' oc 12e lncregisolatie.total number usoed.On isiuî rcedn. nc.tM. ok, lncinnati--Ciat. 8 4.100 a $.00'. oftic otiei! hau& vwe e rtcd fut- i elnstuo nc.A-ie fai tisd. it iche-hogi'. $4114> ti $582; iahei-p.82.00 te bof $20000 ixp fcrlrgl meaie uyo r ockeler n- $2.; henl. Xii. 2,$145> te 81.11;. e- sI hot 82.000,00 e,0 cfecasnola gljie ce i-cdt f i- oceeln.n-itct-n. No. 3:i i'eîêl. 44e te-4,4c; cti. No. cf le tauabnt >'p, uiciiseeus t ho, cng tle lit aw of the Ilaptist chut-Ut, 12 mixeal, 30e 10 32c; rye. No. 2, 83c te ~'fiedîng tas-or lu Europe. Itlaisnet 1k5î *ta demand -ai investigation. 860. tailie th ltsu saillI ho gretiy lureased »__________________o_.5; bire natif atter tic manufacturera have $4.Wtreit$at.W see$2. e50; bo5.a, ten csugbt apvîi ticthehome tIemandý.ua net £.aaff E 4.(>te o.2$110; to,$.082.ornte .25; Ir. von Imm.dlstc conutngenc-suad have uatNo2.$<5te10;c-,No3 ho a surplus ce hand wici nuet ueek a >le, 9t-.5k aIs e. avl market. About 25,000 automobiles vers ,fl 2b UWýL& 302e t te:ryo. No. 2 8& te8K e Mit vere aipat 50,000 automobiles lenue 'o. te 3 e tye.52.c; Stit-cughout the couty-asuîuuny as lu Ticeteniverity of Iowa haji olj82 e8e1a-.Ne ,5ct 1c eni France sud Greact B-itaiu couined. As pletea a nov gymttasiem. pot-k. t. $1280. Aà I in laestimuiteilPilthat bout 35,000 viii - Prof. J,,, . Jaggat- et Harv-tadull $1.10: corn . N e. 2 ne4-.a$10e lge ba made and seld dorlng 190W, the clos. ead a geolegîcal expoaitien te Iceland.auto1.0 cet Ne. 221 ixoil. 40 e taM;re N-c; rd efthle. leur slould shov eue sutomobie ol L aio n esapit ~'0 2mxd 0 e3e y.0N.42, Harld . Mdisn ln. ben apoit- je l)S2c; tlits-i-t-si-e-iprime, $8.85. i lnu nie -ta0e-rithousand iniabitunts. i la ruc in cu ooiogy utat-Boveuni-'1$tae-ll.chi-iiipu lo, NewYorckiinov festdn viti 15,» 0liceuseal disrtoIufo-aleche hpinser, l-automobiles. Nov Jerse acisu 7,00asd vosti. $4.00 te $6.00); heopt.fairt-a et-oire. $4.0 [nMassaqiuaotta 6,400. TheESat fonds lu Sect-tr e t ofWan Tafuitt vlib.e ea- te $575; sheeP, tairt-techîtice, 84.50 te id ticir IlseU West leude ln their pro- Idr at the. Yale lau s-col,,commence- I625 ambe, fairt-at choit-o, $5. 0 0 le dtltou. Tic Bste et Milcigan ie the- ment ln Jonc. $8.00. lar'geut prodclr. tieohher tauestel- precideut Eliot cf Buarvara le lu Ni-w York--Cattli-. $.3er)O a0 te$.O lcvlng la tic order usmcd--Ohio, Wl.- Svltaerlaed. Altinugi ou vacation, -heo tos. $4.00 10 $3.190;: su--p. 8$.00 tea W. cousain, liamisciuatta, PNew York. Iu- le dolug mut-h ltecarî work. 8.0; sshi-nt-. No. 2 t-ca, $1.07 te $1,0 eu' dana, Pensalvaula, Connecticut, 111- Prof. L. V. Vctnn-Harcourt hiale - cern. N,). 2, 51-C ta e 4; ita, natural,:z nois sud isstouri. igned, the chair et civil engineering et vhite. 3;c tu 37e: blatter, crnamery, 2e~ Ig University colloge, London. te SOci oggi. western, 15e Io0 11k. -