CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 21 Apr 1905, p. 10

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I~. lsacfPalatine, mad a u$isl my entfre atook o ILLiNOIS.W~idiUaatoliehm evbers. ILIN.S L, Pmkmwaie"tedoebooldl:reeo Hde'o enry'Baeding latsta. . W% c AM EAI* UPU~0 '.5m. JMeaE yond aud J. Boney, an ol oec mlust Monday.1 s._, 13 àmissppm a car.1zsdof e leDo tethoutcome of thé uletio Tesdy.Two tickets te IAui*D LME etO the field: O( Va geai in VinaEmma bfookmea u sa Cbicago LAOCLS. vWstor cou day I0 HeoPehn. wjeetk.fl Shrenetrtalned a John Baularaa lIDe a&butinenst tP W. Buhee....................34 WfI of chbffoeelet Satir- 'Ew7 Mýb wellichse. dretor for Fred Ht..e ft...... ............. 8 r C S CoUil$= & M at the hool ameu gH oP. 2 TrC ECah 00X~q 2A= = iumber of ladies fron erhm d an&h o .2 W*QmMRyu u" o Bo*"lr ol a.trWtthe LalBlui OIEMAItAE lu ?«Q$M M ur strs'e. rphaffl l" bat AnoÀther E . Firke .....M....................... Party a bas rsulgned tut ur day. B. S&Brute ................. »............ 21 Deerfiel(dflhino *«hie mrmýàdbi Ltsu4u Výgnmg1g Th owinrontent between aatn l hte g di5Dago thmat diaqoune on Evr.e and akeZrihtassai, va.won bl the J- - 2 l" nh od hie place la towflfetc amrles of talla on the vomen of home boys faut, Sundalv. The following GOswiFiler -ho wtfl taire Pa- the. bible. Churcb Dit Snaday at 2:80 i the omore: ZMON CITY, ~ anlfoctue ~ SndaySeool 130 P. a. and Lake Zurich Palatine Dag tDwe oo a teppg« onat 8 p.. . .ouraidfldbrnd...tis Onlicnday tîr the tirot tisne lu any ho betplgo n he"but" otten ..rneulmfit l- m . 4 ea.. ....4Mme eeks Dr. l>owie wîllli e,ènime.t to lire.a Leser rickof 1 dgestion, Wh"db-le bro.j1i.t on by cou- p pgeas...0 lriimit .. .. m pemnIs ofa litduet thpe eerei mee lute mm a mbero alk-c1. -tridlvr.Tt P-8-I .......t abte ré~ale t geta. of their stipation or a topa e SeB.Eeu5 45Caa e» . e totestr mlu pc bersBuna.> Ure. il vlD corrSecthe disorders of iUtrain ccnalating of twelv,- eoftess f rom Lans et for Ohio tlai wekthse tomach andal iver and regulat. is*OLChOicago to the Eaëter Merves E t Zon p~ldSte> vitb eltives boyau. The casebeng rmveltI. 1rank Vogt epeat Tuesday ln Chicago. City. inCStdpOltOL meta dprseonor~ ildi- inu" S Yl c wcH or n a a Volo There le a feeling among the foiloivers oa f Mr. J. Des. of Giliner ~os.2ç 50e and 01.00. Solal by cler Monda>. oltne f Zion that the arneet o h ~~~~~~~~~~~ 10AisieanWdesa o-r»LoELOs fMei Ziîn wsll lie carrled throug ' a aonis entaLPRAIRIE VIEW wit~lcJIr ithout a hiteh and tihe good wil witb I.dbg- Moiip sud-' MisesEthel Kaiedler spent Bunday vlth MesGertrude Shaifer, of McHlenry, lewbleh the officiais have eee *ived la ias ve. ber parents. visitâng ber aunt M lr@. ObvIe Babel. Mexico la most latteriasg. id «M .Oe. Thatchier enter- Carde, Wolf Injursal ber rlgbt ankle Pate> BOle01cf lcHenry, called ~ r on tergto-a !taeetl ~htre srssta lr. nallir. idi ba vek.Volo fiande honda> ovenlng. tbrougb Ziorj OCity bas begun. Mis blss natb-vsited Mlm .B. There le eoniderable exsavating te hoe W- lIssai Lulgbtonatunda>. 0. E. -Kaiedier transaitea busnessei MenUisSmt done sdudxs,ording te the tormeol the PaOob lin#littie daugater of W augaaUal.Waek. CoUDIBIIat eoDilnýa.a alaIst week. contract s-verai concrete arelsee are ta ~~p~at ria imte Ches. Stal -i t e t5aifg for th ire. -John Riearalson-speart- Q hb huit._______ IW~Na W Rch ai wek ng eroecreaner. blaet veek vit berumother at Des lunes. Walter and LfiuM Liple of Wbelng .DmrTovnme.d, of Round Lake, Kd Chtouletends ata:h. b èaledonoUenser 2a .1 llÎr lust Thureda> evenlng. ial eoi th butmeihE.E pqs 1101001 Recoffllîed. M ét o o h encli Freeman Sayaler cf Wicbni pn oieofin e rogt e Iacine ie blènse eoldest son cf lMr, Paul ferren.ilte elnt ekaivas .Tusa an d Woseeday at IiatZ ~ <f~ Goe osc r~~~~~~~~~ imlhr iteVolbat. i. neha ri dey hHe sayas: "Two yeare ago 1Ihab W*W-eth okbat Mr, ià hm succSed FM f eyTrouble, whlch eaueqd me gret 94 AsolaHL, v'wuêilited fHldebrsan l ngb ofsrator hers. lire.Samb G<i, OfChicago, li gnain,, snfféring andal sxiety, but I took * bod coliansd congb. lI . Kammer .W,-- l ber daughter, lire. .(ranger, o! l@Flabiig47tnlc Bittere, whicb effected a coin- Isow Ibe> cuWsdIt Mn. bilt lat hW tockW 1.4plat.-Plete cure. I have alec round thena of y*; TMWe aed difret k inde cf i~i isshai elraa osBsagreat beaiefit lu generai debility sudt_ ilébotatsDY béeit te, hlm Junuln R e 5bpipd a car loa - MenfeG amyiece ad Ca Pake'eervo trouble, sud keep tbem coutauti @W,; s eeinnes 1 us Hats'stck o Ciceo anais oud>. Sunda.> afternoonr' on band, ointe, am 1 fial tlas have no bd îtohound. This Mys. Glodale, of Highlandl Arthuar Bowe, cf Wauconde, le ipend- equal." FP. B. LovEi.i druggiet, guaran.s_ MWa rle anm eu misaPark, causion faiedi bem.Moisy. f isi@vacstion vltb Irlande sud tetthon at 50'.! 0Iatha6tin B11O Holey re.MmTuly le îpendtng, a ew veesla tes st th!@ place. b le noi vlidnfl ttb bsr daugbr, lias. . H.imaon. Mr. sud lMre.George Richardson, of ROUND'LAM ihi «19 a istie wonld for alDU n M hua~" besadoflnmuAonry Round LèatBna Dneu mu rn ody .Lov ber~î- ork for Ely rockaiatise - v eel. lr aIS he.Rosiaig Brothers' uew harn iaim a ___________ rgory hie> le~a g "y mu 01cfMises 3 "de Waltoai' snd Helonen oupiseald. the tue sEm o ien l nce callial deWWou frienda atRon WAUCOUDA. Acaigisomliia iloe re~B Da" iiteiaooiL Rond Dr.E. A. Cranie of Grayilnke viitad raS ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ gebdi vu aaub@avltor'LiPe nt ~> aa SaigbaandFîtela o lre M. Luby bai returaaed frona ber lirm.Pouaton vho hb. hem W ll frda> > vIsit to lilivauke *081, 01KMMlaaWilMiornillbas nioved frona the iSmitha of Terrandotta. le W" d-adal Jake Belbart traniactoal bualune bers neal anal ver __ We bave assaiChaaberlma ole<J n ivetSI da>ithe puit wsk. bu an kgywo ak jh e naLion ia hlema ssd Dlsn hOes Eed la, Ouri WMIClevelandl ha. been itbe krnfngtoai, va.threltive.16 Iblire. J. M»Coode, PslntinglïFox'@ion nC. et Drb3ton W»a l =X éwM11u o "We bave givea -tMr.anal Mre.js. itMinueh ansd lamily T-d it tosen1Ourbildmen.W have siasa bavemoveal froin Chicago ta tbel.'e - . W llIm" Sterling anal son âSpent Other amsalclies for the saine puroe OM.M.Crseare" deanalSunday vitl relatives aMbtbaeaterf, 0 sumumer lhomae at Round Lake. - beWae.I yu inue - lire . F. E.endereon returneal Ture- ffbiaole aPendlng Hesscbhsrger Brou. raceiveal a large dlsetea it vil! alvaye cur." Fortsal day frona LoiAng leu, Cal., vbere elle . b Mtielukomt of agricut"url mpleseuta b> F. B. LoViLl. bad beenvstigbr daughter for the PSfl~Içqa>ncbvim OMM cf the Moud> Intitute dil si bo ý b m fthe churchs services -ie ihGoodan, f rEiprt, ie REAL 19TAT I TRAN BPERS. S Srd ndcWon Irende Monda>. vlsltins vitla ber aunt, Battie' Van- Fureoedi by 1"10i esI, veresenuadsebool begas At 10 a. an., Pattes..- Lake Count T'itle & Trust Co. -i Drsacblug irvw u t Il s.6an .lulr Inès; Pollock came up frcm th eltAbstracto cf TitIa. Titlas GOuarantesal IWQ iaiomers X t p. a., Senion Y. ë. A. e atqatu eveulor a short inIt'itax Ma.oic Temple lag. Wauegan, M.I an aitean d Mlm. On Suda Ai. lIra. Frak F- A. Martial" ent ta the ity Tueeda Allie E HawIe> ta H M itchell sentainsi lin.sMd lireou busines. lawle> 166.20 acre. au secs vers of Ubgtny v, Mr ind 14 and 23 Cuba Twp vd ... 41200<> 00 Dolcaoye c Uortvlle Mn aalDecon Irm Ries, cf Bouton Harbor, Emma 3 Wright & hue te lunrM ilrn ias. Wm. -pau - d lir. anal lMm.fonrel> ciMiliaurn afi aUa on old frends at vlio os5aa '1>. ~~A T u n r s d c a r n f M tch e l M l, ia ou al e l . eoTfe dth oerB à b îl 5 C . F W rig h t@ a d d viitalwîh eltiesbeslire Eabeth hi rlareporteal very Libertyville val...........500 00<e co*oh be anrnceat ElgIathe 1Ber. A. J. B>asm*IeL.specim al ster in Chanter>t 'iliso bsyheentvhe for *vsa a5l o sed 1 plac aus.a ps r MM .Whte -gave aalliumer ,part> J B Tliayer 40 acre@ ti sec 27 fo tstaaia rtrndfor'tise ocmlag yeur. Ostise moaag01 ednaics. anda lolt i ie w sec ,< andal sAter lia Ra, ! bzu.ioa ofIsue lie.John "uton, 0f Waukegan, ien Autiocis Tvp demi.......2445 00 tgeularcf Ies Ruby aet," Intise eveaang a epww*,eek vtiber man W>MDJaes Lea loete1& buîl 4aF mrvce vill ho LIve. b> tbe puplis of thse '<~Mi.JmsLl MIcts&het W" at bien enilng Sual>chool. XII, . PoocIàlver> aiulcb bettarunder Wrtgbta vAld th Libertv't]I ieKasmasrotussd ie ars f Dg Isaimon va..................50 Aet ucoffl.lisloscBtrfWu J E'Holcomb &v eJi Wo bas bosmmd-Sancoe. hlni.Me largel> a natter ot viatteal iser.-unqlanal cousina ere ;'ieâ Bpckfeller vl .. 20 W o1Iberssi 1jt. goda eeltu. If >ou bye ave mn> atutedl burebunda>. R.T...b......... Da 20000 10 ber licme tn Waue aces on pain, or If you neyer get that *MM Kittie Smith Came ont to AIreaH4 T lot 8 Palere ub vlio- to 1~ ~ - trirai faslig youvill ait haofainteresteil Balai Tousaa> lo h ti rd 4ftlt3Prer ilg a ofdn bas tM. but 9fYOD rofilgmroalveor.t aaiirof larringt n val.....-,..10(40 Ù «Oel f blu" a' al bc t Mary W Rita & bus ta MaudeJ IMÊW ornLChliclra. vl l W 'Q r,'àDzf mgn hm Alexander rs 8 ft w 82 It lot 4 l~ aecai maliinefor ouidngltF. B. L o vl m Yoes Areal ab 0111 imlicne or ar rà«b P.B. ýovcLLhm mudblk 16 HJighland Park wd... 127b 0< iluin t q alubh"teageqfIpr the MM ôfa& mej. Bled, Apnfl18, It)OSAnale F e Caudou & W! ta b- '~lS"cudeleTon tIsaIbus néves bien nown 1te Mg0 io ei. 11>Webuie19yer. awmrs riima lt1 abritii eungyvid, eal igo vhcb he mm is ta oflir. Pterblk 1 N Washburnu Springesval 2( 00< t ont M "sla nuque& W M s.s u a n danalom is. 11, tnaig da itai r anl a , W alter sd O M Bm To batos tatje konov masBe-Go Toni Lazatrve WWlon IcM Md Viola O'Hare Aii!aLW -te s syabelam rpepleisamut iulal mpllc Mdu BMAD RBroyai. Funeral Thureaaut 2 Bracher lot lu villaige a! 01et al fthosee che .ta crtatil> curesMillio n . ~Guruee val...............750 00) aon -sogond for the Inulgatlon. Ual Headachd-. - I bave been subjiet 10 sciatie reumu-a bb' at itl&erelde lamd l 'IV ent 10cialaol isae assldhci nfalr&b tam for yesrs, says E. B. Walton, sec 4 4rant twp aholota 18 ~oaatLIetyIle Coastiton. Ta> i vbenyou are 't acotion, lova. ,My joint@ vertsui~t 9 lik i13 Lake Bluff wd ...40000 fiel the i ." 25c, 50P and sMd gave ztm anelapain aud diocoan ort CA Iule oWBadMr 8VRf.iuupothe d y .B LoTLL M la'teoulalcrac wbenl it10a Eadlar WOOilu, Our iglt eperton, bbNtyv ! ..Jj>. 1I ndasi bieninh"lgl lx.iz Mclory nv rart lotiblk I F, noIuWa de> posiio at DEIIL.Bal. lad bave hotu thourroug crsal. Highland Park val........M.-0 0<) r Have Dt a a apain cr achaeroathe James licOonala & wl toD Waetsgoaa. O, yr> R"M" asIL Vauat was leted eschool oid tmubblfrnsny anob. It in cer. Erekîne Iota 5 and7lbik 18 un biscorSanda *at&tî M ost oriai Uniment." For HighlandalPark dval ... 1245000 114i.stlthe lmvltb .aB. Rsof Du P"ey F. B.eLOya",W.H H Baker JL yf et a] ta Max withL B Ea" lbfldy. itteoehu lot 2 anal part lot 1 vii ps. er Maees Mise i ised liatdt vialteal iu WARREN>TON GROVE.. blk 16 plat 'I"" flgbood ___~ ~ £blcago meesu dairs bk leke. - John MtiaC10levtug hi$ parente qc ..................... ~ ,o The TA"Is louany l -octt>met Mr. SuairosM&st.Max. Mc Osa..ÎE Xmt"sare1ishavag h vhliMm BoseobuWedaesda>. ir. M os8titvlitesi relative@s-in roat&1talGte a hnýJ t0 Mlwaukcee tUal. M Mis. 11re SMd dolte e r o0fdw P weeyk. Thaeainecto i £u od, Jol..-,...........10 -.. » , W. dvilla B. M. Vanmtis eQlhll lurnulelectian Wlbelma M6reliatet ai ta (Ieo 11 s..-ruin> Suais>. S5teeia> evenlng. . Broule u part lot il anda G' 1There il!ho.m "Snau'Praer geet.- MiEii 1s itel aluea part lot 12 bl 10 McKays The Quarante. -of the has nieyer been. questioned andý.- Iikewise the Melville Clark, M. Schulz CO, and several others that we are: s8elling. Our winter stock has been closed out and we are now recelving ýsome beautiful new pianos direct from the factor EayTrsTo Ail.* Big Disem t For Cas8h - Buying from-a dealer is betteer1than buylng from the maker you g9et a double guarantee, that.of the maker as weil as the We aiso sel the -Autompia no whicl, i$s1a piano and "ployer ail contained. inone Case, can- be. pl a ed y bon had or Per[Orated ri.No ýgs'i cumbersome cabinet to move up and We have one slighttlç used-1iunb.lI as"go as -everand ng dtnfor $1 75.00. During the past the [ollowing WeIl kaoôwn.residests ol Libertgville and vicinitg have 'purcbésed- from uP: Frank Wells,, Haif Day Fred Helfer, Libertyville Wm. Knigge, Rookefeller Chas. Kaiser H. C. W. Meyer - - Ed. Appley John ouîeSylvester wheeler R. S. Downs Sarah Coudrey Chao. Woolr1dge, Jr.'" Leo. Radke ibr u Adamn Kraraz, RondeutGibrLuç - George Ray, Diamond LakeElarptea - J. H. Surmèéraki, Libertyville Mrs. Mary Staples ",' John Kruckmau, Leithton Steve Young Corne and get [irst choice. Dowit wait.

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