CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 21 Apr 1905, p. 2

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*it bac raacbea a augbberill cSwola J, Uicair a" 2m *r asiron. ru le tboen cou- méue ve«poà tha à a moe.6«orao-, iteited vlth amal , 114aboIe chm cf Tocumseh ro y*aft a«0 MY àttI vWecouplata. bihat lva. «Y tai and Wvas ::m ttipie al» battu able bBs if. l ogi rppetlta andi vap ibIs. te .leop. Thor@ m$àem tu bu no me Iuntili 1 obl an inyPilla; mi .ntyeffactel rint cure. If knsv tic vaine of la h"y voulfi use l tht oly positiyu dole rs.FIc. 5M uin Co., Buffalo. v as s boy thai us:d db*ing coRsa nmade p.& i.ý- vby dldut -ion but let e4ià* asonci Wbec i Ude... Inti Ir varloun Bbol atà a rge percetagi i. oafer-irons 4fferel i àom , àieldor axai *e4QWod a.teblemor i s can b. uvoroon i Uent sic p. antiDr me yruPP" ln Mdlisuss metilcne, be Sýé la ateu. it taumn t propery digesteS ani Serve poluona provuri 14pimlest t0tabeui titL Try t. Se ,t aut WC Mnti$1.00 la U Irair. b 1*19t for truti, j* abus t; V4anltdue respect. om "Ya lier Mdat bu ebcai te aves àcle-1 te Uof I l =- me ti t pue ama lbu or e axpete Omr If tl b [0& suS tabur am ilutratedp gw d Md wii 41i t&e a Sa the ufeSt f nef hum è vaIS amide the by " pem Dr. 1ufrap opa haveus i. ed go or. 91 bi Bd il Bd id S10OIWRS, LOST ON JUNGLE. ARR fORCED TO TI4AT FARE. sntie a a upoa ls àcfaOlualn -whie u£apta eOmba Othool-IR- vot Agalat Premence or lae.. Lost i the junig les of Mindaniao, a üwop cf Uuled Sttsiiïcavairy aubsibtISI for nlneteon das' on the flesh Of mo' keya. The troopers wero fiually foond bY a acoting Party sn ln'aearch of thelu and shoa'ed almoat »o 111 offecrU. Sergt. John Cavin of tihe Fourteeuth cavalrY, who arrived in San Francisco ou the transport Shermnisd: "I was wth (Ian. Wood in Mindanao, fighting the »Oose. I vas on sroutiug duty, an.l vICéa Troop q4W&*vas tt1Iwas et to aud them. - The nmen 1usd two days' se- tien with themn wheu theî vent into the nmontaiàsand ithe suPPIY 0f food soon rau ot. Thejunuglesabaouud iwith mon- beys aud the men shot and aie the, ani- mal ,'athor than tsrve. They sooh be' came aeccustomed to the food. and for nneteen days lived On monkePY flesis ~JAPS CA SCROOL RIOT. Imite Ppi n Omahsa Revoit Aitainet Prenance of YTelow MudentS. Three hondred pupis of Lowel achool iu South Omaha revolted as the resvIt of the preseue of îwo Japanese boys lu the cheooL The two japaneao are sons of non-union employes etthea paking housse, %vbo vere brought to the city dur,- loi the trike a ruai £50. Thoîr pres- .euc@ lu the ichool han eansed trouble for nmrnesmeud MondaY culmiuatod In Ïctual revot vhed a large numbor of the larger pupii ltued np aud refuseil to Per- mt o4ars te enter school for the regular seusions. A force of Police vas calle and it roqulred an hour to restore ordoir. whilh vas flot done uutil 100 pupils ha'i béeu'et home, Furthor trouble i loared. 1lIOfPG FOR PE?4NANTS. Sltandiug of thse Club la Promimuft Standing of the Natioual Loague: W. L. .t W. L Philadephie_. 8 0 St. Louis .... 2 2 Nv York... 2 Oidton . 1 2 Pittaburg..,. 8 i Cincnuati ... 1 3 Chcago . 2 2 Brooklyn .... 0 4 (iStanding of the AmerIran Loagua: 'W.LU W. U Nev Yor... 3 0 St. Louis .... i 3 Philadelpie.. 2 0OWashingon- - i 3 Cleveland ..i1 ODetrot . O i Chicadon . 8 IBouton . O..08 mîrk MasSa oanari no. Arrangements have been matie bî bbc eOMMtantigiotietie Surrey te mark Oie is no benuiirlins beveen AI&ansd thc DominIon t Canada, vhlch vas do. to mmiuti by the commissiou vbieh mt ln aImLoin elltamu monthe ago. A Parti st~ *tole tlatiit suava Wanblng tim, D. C, ou X&Y 1 fer Vaùcoavt,' vich e , viii ba joinctiby Canadiena ch" 30a" et uterai GrL rit Tisa bodyret Aunie »»top, asri uriPple ebu ant i vth a hantibe- m m b tiSrtyiteti about thc nec14 lie vas luthen +til cveffcm hse froua j,« Ulle Pla Mn.Thé.hoati wuea smas aiçf usandté lise "cnty ihovgti cv- tom o à tarrible strnggls. leercila la bl MMfor tvamastoc. Fb v re 4V oae lheicnelghborliood. Bdone iDeaouto. ProL Jamss.0. Jordan et the Boston bard cf isoath bas discovere t Uit cer- taek hr&#tiset hbeti beana a@0& la Boa. te tue eoutain »Umilcyhe sld. Ths roycla- hitieca bu acama sscsallea anti people rai are voudengnov vhattUer cmeauet. te Égr XW beaue are the utopie Sdet Mdi Obots ThrewlÎti Mille OIoL P&I Aflar a fanulir quarret. Antony SPRas- t*.I an Italien, sot ble vifs, bar moth- r an sd ie tepdaugtr anduthoneubilafd blmue. Spareclo's vitais mother vit -ÜW ilSand th Ssughter vas fatal vouustetibut ie vifs vms unlir eNhir asse fr mer rsc asiCaptaIs Ïs R ýider, sexton f St. jeasa' BPls esepa Churcis. ln St. Louis, te commit suicIe la thse hurcb building vbile Bea. uti Umoud Duusbvorth wu& preschng hbu but mral"l semoir. ne eux- Balrod hale DIi Peaudmi qu.. Wiliouit dcbates bya vote of 75 le IU dan- lhé, Wisconsin Assmbir Tudar paeae mly 'thé *dpuSumtion urailroiti rata commis. ASsembli ,-esagarrtlx uyath fluat. bille probibting ic sa l uc istfirencbeis aud forbidding sprint onf- - oen wot Bsec pmiffl4e a eit Den&. bult The annuel ichool enamaratlon o et.Suth Bauds@FirnI Ward., Jmat compt @&l »bsoirs tht la that yard, largel: k lie matie ap et vorblng people anud vith ove &00 popultiocn, over huit tihe famille le aemerati baS neo hiltitt. àteti Ugetibe Aints 'Wst Newvaet. 51&P- Général agents othUce B lltable las r. Assurancée socati aet a meeting in Nos on- York tiemantietia nov charter that vi mypermt mtuaisaion. Présidnt Ai e d, r mati in ltiaiet ar iotu F in a Bclgium Uic bodyr ef Sebl bw- lge. partuer oet Milela bisa "50pq rc. u cet"sile la 1New Tork, ehars eo ho myotry. antimal ltethe icrocova la no $170.000 of plunler. le Ve"uleleam F«"utboam& det «M atè, J.i, musical drceter0 ru, M"Ui a<lisannut ieet'hmetrantilà ww vite,. bucyn ou th* vaudeville stAlle ý m lati brasagué tthir aparlmount in PIS is00> A ioie. Tvo humues ofa adeS eIkVescycn,4istla bellivei, li acclttl àubeà fer nBuiesui" Donation.. s .fl The ite ef$100.000toe .Amatie 'board t oemmsieaerfor fora n m deC41M froua Jobs D. ]RocksesllerW " seiaietib rerprésentativseoetlic-pi deulai enmttee. aacordngttea ai~ oaut sul t'e b.prse roua thecbée .m't tté sbe. , tParle mors, tbapi a IMI11tNi7" alp.bas b 1È*i0Ua W55ý Kamas. So lattina for Dv» yean.The . -ywIliU *MWM be biouht lin the Viste $t@@u by tuu nItows(r»fesm:=w0 lité ad1 amiean vanblp, peesidr I the; tg te W bh*bgluu If A410Bù Ta!eLnt a v is mhlP of te OP 5PBui00 Pe -*piuà »quadrs. . 6.u &Cia.e e A. hoas I Paul Jo e 1là P«ete pantiune. A..I ~ JI êlv@ rae57 o u teao boet la Parts a.'itiy 17m. Anl teo. o' IoSPfO 111ralli a:nt e ves s t r bistmrtal pwac, W s The woek .64.4eaIl begna 'az, wAn t lde a$ nul, rw. w in fo Amoxucrcas ngmuator, bogan a "*Wb hChIna ses, *eiùe wbkii thelindmul ;elooe ', Iatoot*ear. toi , ail ilan ôî bul l.te, for the body 8 yer q~ Attr armada b.d bei*' tisoudt ' te vw varn*upruJaeriaauuanma cfos aeule fay abse-ccwn SI; scemoilcetainnorthvard, tieibtlcsm la bourîr anpoc- i178004 utmand, 'sud eblpping départ- accordis gte thatth i assées ithbaS beta Ion of9 slgltlg tbc grlm u ofpe ut meula Ira u .0their full i iCIpcl7- burie in la lb.otiecuetel? of et. Tolo'e neet. lahi mearcases. £w Im ImThe owhyas ble mapetisitc. BronuAtln IaOl. W541tJ# £ 1'8U1 ~ Théi~g44l ~ce )»alor ' 119amoisie itied veatber. vblcb la.»u- senatto i cocti#hhultt.gtbuuha large MlacaStl Ietilectet Inhia botter retail distribuiof t0Uch ia f oral-ortmenad nemp edjuirf Puliagapons l wItiv .lrdftmatl* rchandise, Johbing traits lai 80dB Gray, Whoj cros tufilleaibcnoatb thé. aéentis £WSa'tlbuaniboldîr outere the t ori tel deiIvery la' broaidenlng, and fai hbec t of Uh i i ..Te bdy wufounti <h>n M30045t'tubly naklig no ocft; ter. la more inclination 10 prepare for balpies and te b oial 1prelerervd. ovlng ote Il b- 10 $8çPeO ba«ono. It vas an, thc future Blrisebais 3611nce011 bft Rear AdmiaiDeva. MaU*ufactnrers refiort lesa dl a vîantlbeau vtth a leul 0f tventy-two Jaesecler teto n eellds r < ,> ere I ejiscaiswvala vaiting at HostbnrgWIi edun ltb au uuprecedeutod ouput it. aveu nlu ftbI, tventg Milon enat oflu spoC, et pi trou, 76t consomption làa also This Ia vha but nt a Japanes. shlp vas aoi ilrcrdfo iesi n c- ' vih lu ic hin ut. ltai'iimu t Ithe furuacos. Tae we Ite andi 1 Whon Admirai Rojestveusky af anti forvarmings of feelvear front Boa-. lrgbt'i dise 1,5£ it ngapore blé ful Sleat vs ro.tonu make favorable compaisîons vlth i bu abes te 'POrtad itUi hm. The neit day posi- every yoar oxcepti»0. flrem nd'aIl tienaàm««svers made that bl A fov lahor euntroyerstos are tbreat- for tIse day ftour v1ruetbatehp ero not oedel, but noue la et suficicut anagii for tis ren W itht>hoftest. It needed mac ugebS.tuile te materialîr eu-ek progres.4, eveli my-cameaud AutIrof thc strateglats on land t£0 ex-If expected settiemetltp ae oct ttiîn- te gt out Plain *vh ba bd dlIvded bsîleSeat at e, for tise nunîiber eiùdltetE eeks Itres Uic criblcai moment It the simple ex,' leq omparativo ely s l mnu. Dodd Platnation bad been acceptuil that Uc Bmthee' 'oiîrca gaiilite." reprtsmrely mantthat thea ussi"n mokes4beti tblowîug report: caemlleu consu)111 t 8lngtpore vus trying to duiag* Spring trade at vlsoléxsle upparenlli esse. Dodu' aILhsrriug aercem tho trail mach of the bas passedil s zeutth. but reorders, es, ly tIsemosot, bard ttllnkin9 vould have been ayaS. pecaly atIll1e Weslt, are Lsulalîaaly moderns med Wa bave nov tbe Positive assurance guocue; Iran consomption linnprcu-edont- thse wved. itemn Lloimand ftom tIse ic 00. v, Ioler vheat promsises exceelently, Cario PM&e represuntatîvea tînt the fulRu- and tise acreuge lu other cerosils wfli bc urc 9» an ctbattiashlpe sud ail, la acting large.- A eguriouh a angpounit.etvn. BuldIng aud building malerlal are tar east. 'Iýi PULjais flt' passin ngapoe oete active, expert trade dîspisys sîgus ot wtsîcbgrowi - JOIt AUL ODE. sb mput a day or twoe t anchàor near Improvemout, taliroad Pnrslngs show- foot, nud e b g t m m us d ln al w b l. It wa - U ihe A fln bas Ilaud , and heu m et 10 per cent gain fer M arch and ea u - l î av es lege ] pllu pmeeut. l a pako et 1£ v a w» a boaptai lip tu Saison. visere 1£ ru creuse et 5 per cool for Uic quartr, cu.1 t t yod ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ "e luasut ihspclgo tn iiothirtr-six heurs betore dépare- and banki:clomrings show oontln4e n t and, bar.,Ail présent vere Immédiate-, - a Aflter 1'l etuckby heieàil6aneof helut to-raJoin htiflet.Premi t&-~- - bvy lcreafsover bitrn t.mugîl band tlec t it rthe mbillancd l. mu Islande tb.admiraI i fl te Itrie la good lu sections, but bas boa.linbtIs wvi bustd of thea ic meAsdastlol Ibc north, bust viither lb e 15afttemt retardeti by co!d veatbor or heavy Mros lp pated. ne unforin, decoraion, or lnte ,maeuhie vay througb nmne pe- rainsansd tIse lateneofss et er au t d- ngîîdcIf sverd vas feund, ns ail îucb artIcled tlli amonat th Philippine Islande ani or points. Ifupgton cf bl beau siccouted for afier the et 990Ote upcn sea, vbencc ho ma 1 Mont. fish. and peiiltry prîces are Ie utouagf baial. MUSi t gtfor tha Tsugaru straita uonplcuouexceptionsito tIse otherwis et heu-ae: Pau Joes bisrée usne as ohnand Vladivostok, as one umor bas t. easlng teudoucy of food promionts. lu, etbvi - an Jnc (i rainee asbu Or viiedior hoa lu ontlnulng north monts. lessoedeceiptoansd hghe 1branches. a Paul) wvs.of Scotch bIrth, btho uogUcAitccat od e rcsfrale etnifune,~ a nuet meati s d.Hmnedte l V rgInla bui1 knuvotiser causes Are assîguami for this. o rl ent o rd ay a ld. ieuotenanthon reoitlg Admirai Togo la supposai to'e Ib.enlu -d arr ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ h nayalletostode. g 1*ulhbeqguod orf ormoea. 9hOTbe veekiy mviov of R 17". In commandtof the soop Fr0,1- Jpns aecoe v ot-K. ~ Ciaatae ulse dueami 181r of the Afred, ho cap. JîPu m haonUclrb aietwopF0_____icgotad, uha tffl t maur British mercbantmen luiia nti the nrh nboyR.osi LG. Dun & C., aya: Scalp Ram Uln teienoat froniCape Breton tlandMk noeo h ecdrs A nulygoofficiai crois report, snd Ointu th aloug sIslands, botvcen Formiiosaand04the lureased use of money mand furtber Paliai, Ui abao.mialnti. IfROJotvensky lakes thc brocldena lu demnda 'upen prodnc. "IWALL tr la November, 1777, Joness alai for latter et UcIotne euinthlebachshv ouecnrgfaiuu n eueoang Uic oRStan , aaet abOV0, the bit nmca Sgbî or the var teveiopmeiuta and taverahir affectai a great dea .ch otnof In ehScvln ie ltcbeti1111011ltiMeCncorne. If hc tabesea Uc oe the businestsitaltion generalir. A veieuc. Ui tvuetWbteavn.BI ccvmer route, li la a quastion vbsthermtraiadlowt clv a ie- tssina pluiereti »écbous etcfTord SelkirkTg mi aecpthmli b p Iaériadton oenlug af a e - mallin t tri ,but Jouebouglit the oliver plate andT*11proccusa. Japaisase aboIlS. ho &P-arai a lrgte ointivae oaemtiathe t ura s .retof eti 0lord Sftk. ý lit Cas y&M 4g11110f1 l** -nd age iravnilpterl. . Isof ar vasc Aflar captuta the British s loop vau uklegetR15!o oe iirwnjtra. ..11 ar sr huais.4etitgMbteq tete »»% ,jossa ys Omeveinanlamay be, Itla .prob. Coustryadvient Indicate Uat ternm sud I eaun teinS hbuimmeltbiout a ob> hé9, ht Tse* tÉVOUS11bis SWMwlf vrkla eudvanfed eeversl veeks earlier outrely tfr Eaiac bin «orS om. s'n*ern .co suts, bas continuons hif4St.than usual, and tis bas given SeulS.- 10. a] gavehlm fot 0ffrocvasels.Be d Impetua 10 trsding. .lobbera' miensoSaplsý snd . grebin alen o Ov vssle. goa tstens roamnablo ta assume olt a aveeeed the total et s yoar ago band sualp LHomm Blcarl]. Thse battit betvefl a ildlie naval cngagcment vlU ltthl most of thu itaple llnee. dry goo11. 213 mant w lb.héEou,,Xomc Richard an th ie Brt t&»t eplace unti Togoeauenattacb vIih ootvonr and lotblnleaSing. Rondi . " frUle bSerapls la istorie Iinaal hWa attle&bipu a"tiheavy armoeaisaleamen continue turnîug lu satîstar- i auis. Jone capturai tihe SérapisuCfii55f5siiSottilsIdabisgraatfSeuet ftory orders for varn veather goods. It voulul e itb IMu fiftl guns ant ip n d testroyers. 'He cannlot eperate hia de- Board of Trade opeations lmproî'ed to make a1 XlA Loui XVI. ef France prset stroyer fioWila et aur grent distance lu magnitude, hedstufa andi provia- vbtle centi il e Joues vli a %verti of -lor. 00».trou a callng basc. Thoruforo, If tisla ong exhilbiting more firmuesss on tu.-ciue orer a > e voteoti hm a glS met. asumptIoU ba correct. thc baitle vili crudegn demandaRecceipîs ef grain. a4out lsv _____________ tais place as soion as Eojstveusby 6,555»74 bushels, vere uuexpectedly thoroughlY OCCIDENT TO ORIENT. cous. withlu m±nklng diltance 0f For-- heavy, end comgsèed vitb 4>24,173 Xit In nsc mous. If hu cen set pat Formoas buablha laat veek end fl 095 he.excellence New Mm la Tramer5p1tatieu a ecltm itbouta baIlle, the comat muetit abc dma ear ego. Slpmeuts voee.the distincton Ac,'am the racinie. The GIreat Nortbern Steamahlp Con- place et tome point near tuec esit of beaviest of au' vcek durlng the ast Ioldinr the r ayl len usrieJtenS a lsan.sevu moutha, thoe reaching 4,7eM 25contemplat teanY la p aaSusice Navei,'Kaisbnshalm, an lnci'oase et fully 100 pcrf frent.-,' fiangliai andi Bonsbong the Ainertcul <peration on Land. cent over thse correspoudlug veois lasi buil mîcainabips, the Minunota, andthe Tht operations on land durlng the yonr. "11 mugi D'Iakots, mabas aàiiov era lu tranasorta- wvocbhave consilted, only of lucepse- Livo stock receipts aggtotiilod 37S.,- wrIter boa à ice f.clitlebeen the lt#Statali queublal entpost affaire. Ih ia an- M45beand, against 30.4,631 head luai dour, "te Il and tisa Orient These magnificent ani - o nceed ta l the main part et Lino- eeb sd 223,528 bod a y or age. rige." shaips. vitis tieir supsrlor ficllltle i yjtlil arnir bas rsacbod Kirin. If the ParkIng vas malubaluemi on a large Wcll, 1 FhandiUng Immense frigbl caraos andti èeeam«aemknnypo:aiPie lsdalgty oe o hnbil thcIluturoas appontmient; fer passuager apesamearmanguypg. ca.Pruslodaibt lwrfrha he travel have iven sa imptus twor o.rm in the great. eveloping movement viont. pogk, rlbs, choico beeves and rojoiued il entai trade, The North Pscfeeroute teta t II uppoed 10te ataklng place lshme, but uuchanged for legs anti, An& ierh a tceOrient lu rapidly bacofnog. a pusulur eMgtan ti of thf1sMairoad, thc Rue. bgb.r lu cernmand eats. a correct euoe, a*ti ov 1tha1 Uic Minneseotaanti siana bave net discevered tbe tact, te rend ai k; Dakota bava eau pt la comiulos. 5autherbas tise var offie et Toblo ne- it fertiiserogrtter Increausela ownt raoIVefi tw lie F. vllh thé Orient î autal auincr«uaiei- Thc Internai situation hIRBasina halu e in au«rtravrel ta Alatie porto vini be l- seemmto bc devloping train bati te aaaursted. Thc fret alllag cf té a wrs.Stleecotnu luon f nthe kite nosota. in addition tecaryogth ir .vre Sre enliu tma ttee beilitl est cargo le utha Orient ever eaieti by the industlal centers. sudnthe agrmrlaii-u.N ý2 aur hp la teUiaà a elas au ex- cutrages keep trocPa I motion lu aily d tenaïve pasmener lst, augets Wallfe! Parts cf the empire. Thiore arc mndi' Chicago-Cattle, commen teo Prime. visen you i- thse future. The Mianeota amlai as ications t ttic Czar nud lbIs mme. 8400 ta $0.90; -bogs, prime bosvy, coffee out lu nzt -Voraa telelth Orient on Aril 21. -te advlaerm urs not a lîttie pertîumbed 8.0t 55;sep at tiois$3 upae Dt 'To. acomu1iodations of the. Great 0,cr thu outiouk. This le- evIdencMut to $5.à0; vhmt, No. 2, $1.13 lu$.ti; - - Li Nérliieru Siteam'WxCO»Ua lasaconnes. corn, No. 2, 46ic ta 47c; omts, standard, tien vlth theo facllltlaa affordeti br the brthe imprtai reacript IsuedThura. 0ete 32e; rie, No. 1 c1 0 eta78c, bay. Under1 Great Nortbaru ralivartu 10 sppolnting s commissIde tu draw t Ijmnthy, 8&50 te $13.50; prairie, $6.00 ta company sliug point cf tise Mnnesota, makres up a mobetus of laud retormi by wblcb'$11.00; butter, choira creanismi, 28c 10to frn, ora of thwrouts a popular Mon front OcciaenttBe peaaant msl, ba glven Inraseil 31c; egos, fresh, 15e ta 16c; POtatousý, 0laileble et £0 OrIent. -holdings, vith au.opportuuty .10 pur- 18e 10 28c. $2.00,u l0 ews ce Mimer lEt. chant bi>and otriglit by a grati- Detweit--Cmttie, $350 lu $575; boge. bibits the er ate systm of pym-n4.00&Wte $5.55; sheep, $250 toe$575; than the, mes la a treighît wrecb on thse Sauta F. IeSmincem fhpamsns. eatNe. 2, $1.07 to $1.09); corn, Ne. 3 State COm rond, nser Ratoý, N. M., Ivo worbmea 'Thi RussmînuMinistet of Finaceba îow, 4 5ei;, oats, Ne. 3 white, orteSl te il were biled. promlidthe vorkmeolitiat n commis- g2, te 34e; vie., No. 2. &5e te SSec. eft tis s . The tesmsbtp Caledonla of the Au- fieo n letaI vrk upon a sceeme for tisa Milwsukee-'Wheat, lio. 2 aorthemu,th oi L c her Ilin, Glasgow te New York. mala a. btteraient oft helr condition, 1le lu- 8.07 te $1.08; corn, N* 3, 46e te 48e-lav vas Or Bnilline ttnp ,f 150 mlls Urough fieldsu dSaState Insuralice égalant alekueus. ost$,No. 2'whlte, 81c e tSe; ye, No. 1: beau asr 'M teIcebergs, pat oft hei cf maesetle 1the rLgbt t te frni unions, antidit'a.W 82 te 8Me; barley. No. -r5oc te 52c; Dx' helght. moval et criminel UabltI, for etilkaa. pork, mesin. $12»8. "My de Tise contribution cft835,00 trainiau Tbegeorefonma are promniseil fer thé Toledo-Wbeat, No. 2 rnlied, $1.00 I ete a unkuovu phtlantirepit lovird tihe ax- Ilatîcfipite future. Tiiere le daner, -8.1;coru No. 2 nixeti, 48e to W; striped h-b >e pense cf sn hu etdS Boomfeld-rmN.hovover, lu Uic procratiuatillhabIta ente, 0. 2 mixed, Me tg 320; ryal NO. 2. "vhi hi% or ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ o . ocls elaietEomllN tRussian octaldoi, andi ibils le icte,8me; élover sei, prime, 615. Willile's l ai Li.,ut. Moon. dabrdli-"cmlaiEB redalyina vIth 1tise EagloCatl, choiue s bipplng steere, "WeILl wy iet ôron,"mn"frl te rubis. of SIge theIDE t» >Um~84&00te PUIS; bors, fair te Obeoles, $400 retortod1 MyaaSt. Lo»0s3a&fer falll rouso ise tarov £8k70; .sheep',faitatechoies, $450 ta %haver?"- olaise aalns hies"peùor '. __ oftratorn «d t 0.clui Uthé tom s;jambe, fairto10choie, $500tea sor(~ o et~mr -- - Wtsbrs uSUcpoleUesitsvt or-ste $5 é$ 3- FSc ii ttt o#Voer, avô us ma ibowed vs.» e t Me and hefors long thcy r. ever. 1. me thon, stood the mien could executed. becatisO, logliy, nos aivo. mid lte authori- velint tao shoW thein to go1 tvii, for the. injired Parties ktùIed Ihem nt i ndanser lon. etili It vasnot .eiacl1i tlaw la imprimondlad nom wlg,. D., Apru 17.--Quite A as beau created 4ae r b atlonof fthe 'tory of G. W. ae fer a specla, tretmient menthe vas prostrate and Bd givenU p £0 di wtb ea.Brigbt's dit-ea ua en cousideredi ncurable, but troain the tory toid by MLi ,la aL reied i hbvii cef ib temost adynicai tages bat ho maya:, sIiîsa as a lUtte baba. Wr 1uoarched spvgr"tbiig an" "htug wo could Asdnot messe. hoping that 1 voulut itd a reuedy. Af ber muni y ite luslsted tisat I sbould Kidney Pils. 1 prise Caod r wlieu 1 declded ta do sa. medy met crerY Phase f nd lu a short tîmne i vas able ct f bed sud after a tcw atment I vas a strolia, vîl, Id% KldueY illa savait ml ry tia ietvli cura Brlgbt' dis- ure Ray lbser Kldney dis- l'e Kldey Pilla arc certain- ktvonde'rtui tulseolCrY vhich edlcal resusarch bas givan ta ..u siounilisO eTroc. sn nember of the vegetable as lu'udlsuovered l lutbe 1£ la a glejei o'm f acacia. ws to'n. helgili t fshoOt eilîit uhen full grovu closes lit ether eiseh dhy at suomet aud a'tgs lu thme torm etr & plg- m tIhe tree liii settled lîseif sy for a nlgimt*s stcs-p 11ke Frs li objerts ta bi'lng dis- [ftouched t vii flotter 'as8 1 sud impatient aithtIe Inter- Ilis sîmîmbera. The oftouer is lm oleted thie moreio- >mes tihe m.iuklng uf the ad ut le-ngstIste tree esuil ng osier whisch. if iritiale.d 1mom«nts. vli cause a vin- ache. ITORED Hia HAIR. Mar C rad b, C ticurs SO mp talentAter AUle iltad troubied i vth a sevre scalp id o tofet air tIatgave me ai of anuoysuce sud uon- After unouccciful efforts yreusedles sud so-ealleul hair frleud ioduced me te try Cu- p sud Olntmet The bu- ursd ln a short tine, Muy rettored na bealtby ae ever, gladiy ay 1 have ince beau 'ee tront auy turther auBOi- sabol alvays ue Cutîcura il keeçi te Olntmeut ou Ise as a dressiug for the haîr p. tiignu.di Fred'k Boue , 111h St.. Nev York City." Tbtink Seraighi. = Id bc impotcaible for a iawyet areputatten, )n his profession inuaily thinkbon about niedi- igineerlug. Hoebnust thînif suad must tudy sud becoma [y Iibued l vtI ls principle. geeie texeper-t ta attain eor nbillty eauougb te gain , lu aur particular lune viile oe mid upo ad rotluually tlug somethlug rsdicnlîy dît- suce"$a. At short Mnge.b hetye mt ho awtsil." sgdai se l tarder wlth tIse $1.98 pompa- ho decelveul by a taise mer- 1dumu't suppose it's uny orse [g deeved by a mal ena,' lhe iundlndy. r huabnd contluued ln gve t Imtatin f a man tryîuî t ewpaper. ons for Imnprovaunent. oe hoe." I aidOtIse agent "an lock tisatviii kindie bIse tire ltu range sud otart the rof- Ig. (' u t sl you on er y awned thie lazy mau, ":but 3ullud une thut wlll pour the t sud bIrng Il upsîssira 1 viil d te ovîsider its ptîrchano." 1A HclavyVIne. r ho Elkiua mvw, any raliroai yvwhich puys rebates lu ani -any strIpper vho accepta thon £0to a On o f freni $1 000 tc utsou conictin. Il allô pro ie carrylug ot frolght st lusi epubished tarifs. The Inter ommerce Coitsim la empes iiotect aud presecute violates, tatute. President Knapp 0 amission atates that ince thi Re passed. rebiait, paYring ha rare as forgary. Quîte Approprtate, os r," siO Mr. Densicigli to hl au1, as hoe gazed t a pair c hosu on bIs- isia]-sou sud beli tae you. made barber polost legs' 4 hat's wrong about tissU IM m . . 'l n't ho a litt yO m u o . C r "v O P T O L B O . s J. CnhNEv Malleoath tU ala 1.£ laof thse 1Oua et F. 4. mtmw*ICC WIs l uaam na uanuveosl, Agg thé bbi d. ee-la 'th* taladf ortta cae aithe tib». and aveu lu tihe powder-bolâle It lm pieau4fl 1< lista. 10 the twtIthfmnSoi the swftIiOWs It eoW dlînhur abot he$Wiltce, *11 ci the Ofitilt, wicb baros ili. ait iUêo# ovur the-rOsh lni ina4, tapi- a rapide. g), t1e T r éaty QI P orle, h l Ie es Obambly paod, vltb allthe .111. yweb, pqeuuSoin la Canada. lto the ll#4 o tWulonl#l. falà1775 1£ vas& t bul b the tropUOf tigi~ by GoUerAI'MOeaamerY, on tM WaY te nottreai a"d the. fliovlsg,700 waé buined by the Aî.rcnavuo tbey etroted £0 the shorsoS 09Labo chàaplain.-Potir-Traek Ne-ws. t la mach btter tb hava roui oud te Jour bad thn le the lisrt.-YUIV forintgvitr ovariauor vomb UtM'Oib tISA mu operation lenbeSw-aY. thea very th.ngbt f the imite ad tho opat*S table trikea torror 10 ber lh--it. RU ur hospitaisare fit et womn auin for ovain or vomb aortlun Thume re or ms eesan oeratlcu alder tisagreatnu eu foeus 0ci1 Ltl .Plnkbam' Ve"tablo er oprstlaus. ne voman ahanldmul nnt te one v111,eut 5mirst -iug the Vfgtabie C nUM.e, e ails hihta ire. Street, Miivîuakes. Wwa, vitIsa "LaueOf t elu,8lb, ufasane neromira Msiklug ma x mtion. saM 1ibalcurie troublaea-M.loemtiOuMansi admS -ese- dem. To "bi i r0 = 11 > -'Ws ed antid aabm d to ryLvia IuLis0mVl= C@. Ur~~~~~~~ o.ts uaes nue o an. te Moithly perloda are -" ypalufuli or toc troquent sand exessve-lfYO baveZla iling w lwn laiset r nn oa ty uulf:tr Alabastine Your Walis Arc y ouatsblfieel viltbe appear. ..c fyoor aralia? In tbcY comn up te yessr ide"s? Are yeu palliait Wall paper, nuaiing a andiie vits sour patte hetWcaii? Aibatkw ls clou.bygienlc anti vbelesomeansd more, than Ibat. Iis beautiful. Thee mamt artiatie effacte can bu produced viti lAàb@stiiie. Tha AU AEATliq c. ilfurulg%4, vitbse e eo te yte. celer ehu - ad au4 fer 7M molles. If 'ous are buildinkco' remodaiint. siply, ais for Cw cte ebans, glvingelsoe, mue anbddireuet fligbt of rouai. aMy Ve As 5L14T15fi. orI. pokailAur dacersior Onu agr 2it orrea cmnput îl OU your"tt 9umply bruisit &a..1.Il la pea mmnuui, iurablo.wil igia.Ot-' weaam valis dont unY ethcr vaY. I b bat duaersiln i.11 rouls attoee eu"ad us zrosneiandtIrae so u»e0t ALABASTINE COMPANY Oua8. adi Dapue, A4ilS THE NEXT MORMINO 1 FEEL BRuIHT AND NEW .AND MYv COMPLEXNICSSETE mR. !Pl 4.« » s -M *-5t5Olym sssaab . tdarsssdi9 sas sIse

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