CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 21 Apr 1905, p. 9

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'MAISS JULIA MARLOWE I <arcnt eti er 10The Peruna NIdl YiorkOUnMseJolis Marlotwe-. Otr ew Tot-il, writem the fulowing: "LaS M g la d JO w rite a,.ren d o r . - I wet* of thse grtr. dy, Perua, asnane t.1 e I1do sa MuI heaIfi 1".-Jig Marlowe. NervoQusuesa ix v-r>' colutou numoug voen- Titis todition ix due tu aneni' mrve îtntr. The ns-rtc celemter lirete r-ssr-r.eutnsos vitalîl>'. Thts-e centesn i-Ote bod lme for vent o proPer nutriltin. Tbiis sje ss--il cue iti ts-e pring sese rvrarlng £ itot u of nlis ::e odaum as Ih dre t resuit of weat TrAcA, or th- FItiîr »ex. ieI-f a girl des-huies au otier utfnier. riage. ani h-ots, a s5iuxts-t ehe is lAPt t0 regret il. ie--ye-,':if s ait trries cite is spt tu regret At %sVolut tt.,e l:,oergirl-du? Lavie' "SingIle Bintier" sîralgit Sei eigar. SMade bb tatut OfriPe. tltOtOugitl> rured lobas-e. wvi iiinffum 8e et. Satn- tylng samuit. YouuPaY IUC for igArti not » guet. Lewis' Vastory. P'eoria. 111. tote iffoIJAeuiL Whesu soc g, ti a utasqusrade part>'. Ant] co re r-opart ofoutr vues. W.emils- ettte bs-ilsof te Jester. But objett -ct-belles" ont unr tue%. A av!etmolliet St. acobs Oi ad Md Ma fo Scatca itoathoe M i rtIe of peraiton te ,, is ffdt.wd t coulas It iiht 1.te .. p.sPtI &a ý.cfaeD aPrt O-0 .4~uIs Sgnairem ~~llPYs FORsis qui IU L AcylVIe 00~ ly a arat-OumaPystte,ciu tlzornuru poOIiOet1w.Send ouYlin uetion i. LeelErbau eltl oDollar. 0o ,4 1= 11.1-:teA lmO JET. EIUUILLt1. lMace ED -STATES à m.aman Co. Titis eaunhoe cci)i>'obviast] b>' oslnq Péruna. i'sruna tike t th ie roûi et te difinculîr itI torts-ding te diges- lion. iigestion fornLqties nutrition for tite nsrve cents-ta. Prolieri>'digests-t]foot] turnisites tAisse reffrtcite ut lite vtth ,itelil>' whiceu s-de 10 strttug, is-ad>' fnes ownt] tusnonishes lite. l'prona la liti gret favor amontg wttuent, eiteciall>' thoceithO ave vos-- liont ttt are tr>'iag te lhe nervrea. IBr a otu.e fPmm ltdy. If yen de àwdt#VUe a . h .e Bts hu ponctu ym * xpectsd. orme te Dr . B. Itaf colon, A NOTABL.E MEETIIbO. .Atin Authe lletest er "Woseen's Xhtl"luis 170. TAie- frac records-siPublic Umes-clrg Ilu the Initers-stout ,-woutau'e ris-ht." vos eld in the towvof et Msird. Mas., lu t liOI. The -gallery ofuthle churs-it as ctplett b>'the .jung-.tumarried peu- ple of thte cugregalln une aide and à *îîs-half the front galles'> betug gintuà oe te youîgutonl, te uther$ddt aund Ais- other haif bs-tng givnntl the yoohgtg nolteli. But inlte seatloslu Ite eveuttul >tar lte Young ms-n vert giv- en the etîtire front 0t thtes-aller>' as s'el. ont]the Young vomen ws-rs- oi>' illovet] unes- ddtof the s-ails-r>. TiienIt vag Ihat tltinssbegan te9 hapluen. Treallueut liketues was"lte10 te tuls-ratet] even for a moment. Thte1 blondi tflte future mothere utflte Ilsvolution vas f011>' enue-, andtheti mouuig votasn made ous-h un uproar and commotion Ihat il spes-dul>' ecame .a lown malte, eunde town meeting: e-as callte msstore te lhs-m tl-r rîgbts In itaifut tht front s-aller>'. Tht young ms-n ot thtdlaY veto bit-1 terîr epposedt] e extendins- an>' uev priviieges te vemen. ondth ie tigit es-- tends-t] ie>oud Itetford. Shorti>' atter lts- Introuctionetori-pus" Auto lts- chotrches, b>' viifa milie ers ep- atatet] troue the reuaAnds-r utthe con. gregnîlon. lt eetiun otflte tovu ut \ewbttr>'gave permiîssionte lua group cf Younsg vomen tu huilî a *"pue" Au the s-ails-r>'ofuthtîschurcit uPON tits-r utîl side ufthlie boune. Titis extension ut pris-ilseevas reotitsib>' cte Young baiý-uslors te sus-h o degres huit îneY' tiret- e .1viutuw utfts- citurü-it. or-s-t att eucrats-s-and has-te]the ps-w lu pis-s-ss. For thiqseast of t'ocrllege lthe y-uuug umsn cf Ns-vAut>'wers- tins-t]$10 ens-h ant]sputs-ns-et]te As- viippet] un pillons-t]. But lts-y ve-meuhteneugai te cntss tAir folly ant] octpardont go tbis part o et is-mptulshmet liras oiuAllst]d. tgoyou *ee lts- "vwoman'e ri-bld§" moesms-I en' le amodern une. *-Bosoun Herîrid. Aa Expliteti. Huaitand-I vouder vity men'a peck- ets are go ses>'to gel ai, vitile wumn's are got dillicoît? WVife--Ols, rhat's easilv exitiains-i. A matii lins uno busiasess tutu a wîtuan'a3 hiitl ut a woan bas witlt a man's. Tr1tc's lthe autos-r. H'ONEST COMîFESSION. A Doctor's Tait on Food., There are ne fairer set etfms-n oin tarttien cte dus-turs antd -heu lts-y tindt] ie>' bave bts-to It errer tht>' are usuali>' cpI te make Aoeslt]duanly confession ut tht fus-t. & Irase Iu pointis Ihat ot an s-mi- nient practiuîîer, oeeof the godnld scitoel. wbo ]ives lu Texas. His plain. cîtnoruishet] talc ues-sdne dre-ssing-ni): 1hatl Ivn>'s hbanuts-use preju- dis-e, -whibts-csan nov ses- vas unwar- rantable andi uuonable, againat al mtîcbly adnes-te toosis. Hence. 1 lneyer msetad lins-etltemany>'atls.' ut G rîpe-NoÇto, nonr testet lte foodt] li lest vinler. *"Wblle lu Corpus Ciristt fer ut> 1itealth. cnt] visîtins- uer oungest son, vito bas four ot the ruddis-st. beaitbi- s-st ltte boysa1I e s-raw.Il aIe mY lirst disit ut Grape-Nula foot] for sup- ps-r vil t>' ylittis- grandsoue. 1 be- .caine eeet]itîgly fond ofut il ut]have -eats-n a padkage oe tIl esr>'vs-s-t@sns-e, tint]tint] It a d<ltleus. retresblug eun] strs-litening fond, ls-antng ne 111 et- ftesavatener. causlng ne ertictatloni (vitit vicit I vas tormecni>'mucb trou- ,fbis-t), no senne et tuIltasos, nausea, uer, dîstres otetouecitlànan>'tva>'. -Thene Aineoether foodt] Iat agrees villi me go veil, or site as Iightly or pleaisetcî>'upon MY stomecit as IbIs idues. I1eue strouger eut] more active i sAue I began lte use of (Irape-Nuth -titan 1 have lie» for ten yeere. eund am no nelonger troublad ithtnausetacnd la.' d4$pettoth" Nirie gtvn b>' Fetuin «as dIit dit nm f' . et cml lot 1hil ia bu cri te, he Sp M, as la cc si et bi ln N ah oI ti b b r e Ths empsrlsoo erlende fultter. for ebs'o.eplIt menluagitis la a tébrile dis- *w eMmnnOIll knoor as *spottedi fever," Itongll il 'aten frote stand tlever ln i pairtular tha t A aendemic au veil iepldeule. TAie> are alite. itou, la tir astrous eff',et opon vIctims vito te- rer. Desfest, total or aiall blIndý ma,. paral$t'ts or muschir detormit7' [ont luverlabl>' resuit from an ittaek t ither ofthlie diseùies mentlonet]. The myivaletainet vithoul exception te if a chronie innalit] wAlh an afflliction iLa Ao but lutine len. tprribl titathn th. rTh. arc alite. too. in lte tact tlit le area classifieri ais tocterial or mi- rbous diseusest. Tht îeory tit ecariel aver le a .germ dimpeco. ha% long bseun Id by bicts-riulogimtp, but notuntii the rient epidemici oubrent ot cerebro- ladI menlitictiit aht titeon>', bec serled as appiyîeg te thie latter. Fur te henefit of th laYten Il shon11là lexplaiued that thie menioges are the omitr'cnestbultaIcuverte spinal tord md lte brain and th t t eningitt s laon alme] condition uo tteme meumbranes. ati ver>' re4-enti>' t tîPdlease itan beect onsideredZ- poeuliar c- hlidren. alinout in Infantile diseuse, lu tact. Childreu. ot course. ore- more eaeU>' iubect te inîjuriresu(tche. ohms-eand cere- )roi reulon thon ttdultz Ai> reason of their unatirit>'. The presett opdemic in ev Yort bai;sh Itýwu, however. clint milfs are alec. aubject ta il. and of tite &'pailing nuuber ut di-atîts that have Dcurrcd titere mins-e Jan. 1, a large Pro- ptionwere adult. Abeoluce cieenlinesv otanaoidance of ples vitere te air mua y b. impure are aboul cte oui>pres-attious clint <an h- itou, Intite nîsantime lte edicai %ci- enit. are exps-rime.tiug lin ever>' possl- le ^wl>' t0 ciacuver somte IfeOlt ot toun- aling lte dreot]dîss. ish bhsai a- rsady reacet]ed s-At proportions in lotie tcality as tu cause geneiseraIa lae e- ey large center ot population. CHICAGO OTRIKE UNCHANGED. No aieccneutnas et Beec Etrectet] eft leoteera' 1Trouble. Netwitstanding te efforts ot Mayot Dunne and oheslte teamsters' itriki égalnt Moncgomery Word & Cu. appeari no fat froin a iettleutent. Thes Ilyoi «Unld lteleaders of bothides te thi City hall andt]a-ed cs intertuediat'> be vween tem, but nothins vos accotaplisit id. The question utfvitether or not thq etlrke ef the garmnettwnters, datini backta1 lant Des-ember, shahl be arbitral ad Continue% toalhclte rock upou wviec &Bi efforts te briug the contending partie te an agreement go tu piecez. Âtter a ceris of conferences, endini wtth thte one srranged by Mayor Donne Martin J. Isac, attorney fer the Witole sale Tallorsi Association, nid: "W. viii not orbi trate or even discus the germent vorkers' strike. lt la ea] issue. W. have condtteted th. 'ope @hop, for fonr Muntite. Itl e more sal factory le us, and ve hall continue Il te nome considerelion as an>' lter clam ci vortxnen-no more, nuollsa. Titli eut position, as ve have eplaine] iltt Mayor Donne, ant] veviii net deviat front Ilt.nan>' prrcular." At tesalme lime the repreentctt ofe itgrikers, oMclials lu varions unlor andi the Federation et Labor, vhîch su&,portinZ lte strite, eaid latee ,*Thetuais of ltse trouble jenlte garmet vottre'strite. We Connut accept au erbltratio in lthcite samoters' dtrille vIl dont net Anelude lte source oftheictrot blé." Th&a movement of treight* for ltsé Wau itouse under iteevy Police Protection Cel Amnus le leattendeti b>'violence on tl part of strike sympatisera. Numbe ot non-union teamostere seheeesamu] cd and nomue uf theta serioaqsyI>injure Thte methet] employed lu former Cita scrutes of atlecking and, bsating @dri breatere viten chey are awar front p lie protection ia hein« tiset luacte prî 1 nt Instance. There aestesta bu a certain iAmmss .bal Buffalo BUI'.i halo. An>' objectton te resumiog the discua aiou Ot a noiselesa Frît fjli? of course Mmin. Cadik gels a afta of executlon. Stars are right inla ir President Castr' qnes-r actions are In part apieinet]. TAis-mn ovusan autuo- France- sesms 1talic tefavorite te- ceiverfor bustet] empies-Speiinla 189. Rossie n 1905. A1111 aboliaing tae pilor>' lis pem#- et te Delaware genate. Anti jet te>' «Y>'titere la progresa. ,France la la the deligits oft 16î n iS- llatg plot. France wouit fs-el unnatural vithout nome internai commotion. A Pennsylvanie court bas decidedt hat "a man la master in hie ovu bom."! Ho la legalily calîclet]te fs-el taIva>'. PrésidentCastro ktutt te ifeth- br-vsightsmsal>' laIt just as but] aIent te preliminenies as tAie bg felowo. Tite tact taIt te Japs are appri- me->'vegestains nd t] ddictedt o cigar- ettes stagges -noe'm fatoiibnome thiugs. Nov taI LII>'Langtr>' la àgrand- motiter@sas-uteab.aimet.eligibie le a ballet t]encr's jub or for chioroforming. judgiug froeite nueber et pas*" hha bes teten. 'one migitt natumeih>' cons-iode. tittOyamaele e member otfte Legisia- tors-. Afler aIl, Chinia'& deteruelusîjon te de!>' Rusolo dos-s not mark it a. partit- ularly darnu;juil at thts 'stage eofte gazon. Betweeu Mr.Rosevet lr>'n inn l- creuse te population eut] Dr. Osier Ir>'- loir te relueI, ital are te gpst cout- monc people ta do? Ru" la atet ait thistIrouble Icn net l«edno nug le tnow taI the van- qulahd cennot procure peece on lis ovu Christopher Columbus ceuidt] 01read the future or leavolt]neyer have mae] thé mislte etofdist±vertutg Saute Do- TRéýi"ctm t fvenuone bWut a pressUt vin bu clierfoil>' accepta i maitpeple c as ernest et b~tI Pif tyfdbr t MnttOAitattouet] alug te cct e f1Tren- e re ordered la, thc bordere ofetIi>1 BsteheveIp "hidello," wl it te Le nore overtore, vat Prod1uset]il'VI' enfla. Tite Bey or Aigiera t]tês-at'tit]va egainet Spain. Lord Neieon'à ida n îiarriveil ai Pais-mo la pursuit ea lte Frenchi. Mient, Z. '%. Fîte vas orderîed b>' the governor of LMIOalenAlu lruceedt] t Minnsotea andi cMet ail ItnitihtIraders froue chat tefftittl Bussia joinedth ie coalition Aginit France. Rassis entablihd au snbassy ai Pei'st, China. Aaron Burt errivei aI tlî'îînerbac- sett's Island,ltathie Ollo. Ors-n vere usee4 or the irsttlime On the Santa lFe trait. The ing of Spain lsi-.itîo oàt]crse aboishiîig the operatiol, of the Sallc lav lun te succession lu Uthertpaulshi Pretideut Butae5 tetlOfutMexice. 9forbade furtber immigrationi frou thle United Statesi. - Ohio a e te fturlt Stîte lu popote- t ien n tic UnAted]Blatte.. SenBpemsiSete burted to deti i n e lot]gtg 1houel ire lu London. eTite tiret omnibus ttaed ns o public conYtyanlntttNew York began tstritp i- throug thebe ot>'., The Bank or Englout i ot.£360,000 Sb>' Fatuntieroy's 1Teres. - President Jackson ut a pîulic dinner in Washington gave ch- *followtng toast: "Our federal, ul,,n il muet be p reserved." Vicoe Pre:idîtit Caltioun e, repndet]: "Libery diarer thon union." o Thte fit't dental clle inlu (erman>' - grasesetabltahed. t, The ohlp canal et St,. Marys Micit., in las oesnet]. go ireusia, ln Asie Minor, s-as vistet] M by earthquake, andi ail wooden build- tO luge destroyet] by ire. te Thtasteln of resttred letters vas en introduceti in tle United] States Postal s service. la The prohlbitory bil ut Penasylvonla t: was signet] by thé Governor ant] be- utcame a liv. My The Unitd States gave tvelve Ca nontha' notice to Dlitnark outlisls n- tention 10 terminale thetrs-lt>' ot 1826., rd by ihicb the pajulent et aound dues n. vae recoe-i. ie The depot of te New ort and ]Erie S Rtlroad at Jersey City. wltlî sevr-ml It- pacs-nger andi freigbt cars, watt de- d. stroyeti by tire. go The churs-i tenurs- bill, puttîng the e piopert>' et ail religilone denomlntaloî' lu-inte baude of Itrus-s-sl, vas signet]b>' the Govjetnor ot New York. Mobile- vas s-vtts-atft b>' ts- Con- fs-demItes. Tht temelimour in te se-caîhet] Chu- cage conspiras-r triai bsfore a miltitar>' court aI Cins-Anat s-luet. Hes-r>' . Foots-. Confet]erete BS-no- tùr, ertAve in Ns-w Tort front Europe, traeiAAs tesrîge le evolti detes-lion, but vas arts-ast. Lyncihaurgsurcîrendetedt]leUnioun scontins- part>'; Sciat.Aie., ant] Mont- gomer>' vers- reporledtw irUnton bauds. Gea, IRobert E. bs-O, et Appomattux, iurr-nt]et] lte Cenfet]eiite atm>' ut North Virgtnto lu tien. Grant on the termes proposet] u t>'tis-latter. A jubies- s-debra tien vas beinghbslt] Ant ens-r>' sil>' otthe Norltbs-cause ut ts- eurrs-nt]r of Les-anduthie apparenti A battis- oecuni'-t betveen minera eut] seldîesensar Hazieteni, Fa. Martial lav vas tieclaretiAt ints- ýIn- tus- reglon of Pennsylvanie bscause ot tiots b>' trtktutg wor'itis-X. Mood>' andi Sanks-y. tic rs-nvalhetal, epeuct a ns-w hlai n Boy sIres-I. Lon- don, construs-let for thern andi capable oif septing 10,0010. Paul Boy>ton, In a batiting 'nuit, moate an untiîîesstttl ittemt t 1 swlm asrosa ts- Ensliitciannel froue Dons-t le Boulognes. The tesamer bs-ls-vsedits-ceo son- etrucleti as t10 do ave>' vithiosa-is.- usse cross-d.t]htltEnslit iane-th cessfuil>', il vas announet]. ContrastntJ..J. ilinsnt] Clerto Chansieut]ndVan Vieckt, et the Posl Office Departmn et- Wasington, wetre orrestet] lu cennection vitAi con- tract fraud]e. Witi a solemn anti empitatis- denta uoflte charges against blue. Heur>' Watt] Bs-scher s-nîîs-udet] hie dires-t tee- lmmooy La detens- n Oe -Brooklyn trial. Deinite us-vs teaces-s-Loudon ltaI thte[luasians bat] uccoptet] Fenjt]s-, un a ts- Afghan tronlier. Fourts-eu personer-e reports-t mas- sesrut et Frog Lake, Canadien North- v ent, b>' ChesIndians, ailles ot Louis FRiel. r Fs-as-e betven Frence andi China vwu announcetlanFatAL JamesD. 11»1ý4fora« trai tof I NFIT ORTM Io lusomthlng frlgtfh-10 0ou IL au the olald bo i oved couties, twsntitwo par0 one-qusirter, die befor they reah one pa-,w; ll4rym P« Iimone-thir8d befré they are Be, ana oue-half belore they' are t. We do, not. hesitats bo say that a timeiy use of (Jasoria wo*lm joulty of thesm precious livesL Neither do we hesitate t say that mmly, hfantile deatbi are ocoaaoned by the ume of narcotio preparaton& Bolth Mad oothng syrups solc for ohildreu'e complaints contain mor or lms uiorpine., They are, in considerable quantities, deadly poiso..T u$ lhsy stupefy, retard circulation and lead to congSgtonsi sicke, desth.i. -Qffrlesexatly the reverse, but you must ose, that lb bears the 14nam Oha. H Fetcer.Catoria cOBUBOSi aià lod orcilte prpe4 oi-01 pores df thi.ek and alla.ys foyer. Leters rm PiromInentPhyow4 addfessed to Hhs l It4 oeIl <«mWandi bave apg t àu A a. etantiJc D. iE. Down. ofet Philil is. P. l* ibaveé rerlu * Mg r t for - m m gai itItaL utsato 0uei u U tr. . H W g o0r878:vge I. s l I s eu e a u t stria to. 11ublie!a a rM stg for rblidroi opliO ftà ol i f rmt; -aUins." Dr. Edward Parril, of BrooklgI. N. . a I baveuign mi ewa bousb ebipt ec aeeiist eea slt fItit li ImmaUv maeffel ant om tront baru. Dr. J. B. B iiitt. et Now Yorkt(ilty e. faigics I £*,et.bIe1~eaMIiOSfaor rieI Castorla for lotantile0tom-b0isodLnu "n'emgitA r".e formula cratains aothing dolctersous te thes mont doelte» ci Dr. C. G. pr&euo Oe-a Bl.ny- onr C-soi s or foe hs.andi ;4=eslgtjribLt.'Wb4o 1 atva r miae n fprietarg .Mdl a t glCastou,&la Asan exception fi et,.ej. . Paem ru zz, ss itg. mo.. 2-:eourcPmoial p~~* j,~,1fig- tas -a rlib er infr tantesudatichlde. -« lutfart t i Prmos %ebotcut- o .edgtu otatisaioent&. ~t >111 as mvotithecosadefrea a.:!r=ygrave. I eau tumnieb buad« t rsIl vld elgot l ad c=eisandi very efeetlv svlf iioeedos. zVitAbr- llvih ci e"Ch a Pment preiatil cas beq Dr.~. . Kls etSt.Pau Nas. sae:"Il aenres us plums» CEUIE A ST ORIA L Mhe Kind YOuiivIway8 Bo In Use For' Ove. 30 Y.ajs PUTNAM PAI "MY WFBS EOPLE COMING.' taWetrnCmal Canadasi mmmltits jear la von- dertuhly get and conldeil absad of any prevlons ypnr. ItlAsaivlays lnteresttng to those who contemplate tnovittg to read vipresslong of opinion trom those living ilate country. It in therefore our pleasnre to reproduce the c tollowing wrttten to an Agent oetthO Goverilment and forwarded tu ihe Ix». migration Branch te leDepartinent of the Interlor att Ottawa: Bireh Hill@, Sask, Canada, FêI. lut. 1906. W5a WAt fev linsctoe lt you k b o bo eare getlngelong up bere anti loy vs-lite lte place. W. have been itere close on lu a yeer nov andt int lte phace As fine. We bave len eut s-ver>' dl>'titis vinter vortlin ltes-hatgstng eut log* for buildilngs, etc., gs-lling rails for fs-cns-s. We b ave flot sofsre viti thIe colt] as mus-b as vs- dit]la Cicgo. MIl 11e boys ans- out iver>' *t]a> vilI ltslr sigis bavlng a gcsod time. Tite lovemt the temperattil's ite bs-en ti ivnter ta 34 bsloy eud t]i le ver>' stili, ne vint]. Webcd e plent]It] ummer; v. put up about 50 toue f etadt]yl lhave about 30 tou@tsll I; brings 08 pat ton nov andtivlil e bichier ulte .prng. We have 20 acres -brute eut] i'sat]y for crop. We vrert-t on te Cen.-Nor. R>'. tor avilet lis somamer cnt] am just 3 miles from te ralîruet] andt twneite. Thie s-eehl schh laidtut viltn 2 milseotfte river and] ve ottens-e lte train brnig sppluta for lts- bridge. iày wvlte'& peuple a re eming op shount May'. I visiyou vouit] write lts-m nt]ndf there shouit] its- cyone comnt-l Prince Albert fitat coult] do vîlA a hait a san let ts-m tnov. Thte homtasteare eh lts-n op vilitu12 mils-s orusn. 1oten thint If Ibis lent] verte nhy lites-tlaresvit a crusht tAisrt voulti be; Itl I as-ericitesI lent] anut tAs-munt produs-tve Is-vs-r savr, andt]thie climats- le 0K. 1 knuv titlpeople bock thltsret lat I write lu do nol bs-ls-ns- me vheu I write ts-m wit a espAsudît] viols-r v are bavilus-. tht>' ihint ses-are aliltroz- s-n tp. We hav'ns-ou> about 8 luchei of snuv, cndt ltsrt ans-catîle ou tite ronge ltaI bave 'net bts-n rounds-t]Up Ibis vinlet. DOS' aflet de>' the- ther- momeler raltessup to 50 andi00 and] I t]o't l -isVvs- iÏave tnatieday titis vinter ltatI ttban stars- t Izero. ,My v ite ocys thot vs e dt t iinkt tat asru vos colt] lu Chicego. But vs- ton'l mind Itoeebic. Chritmas uts-ht vs- vs-unt eut eat] drove 5 miles vîit eout tAres- ttIle boys; St vas 20 itsiew, anti lits-te as not a imoper trom an>'oe ut ',hems; I't] baitstedo I la oit]Chi- Weil, I guess I viliiclose, anti Yeu s-au tell enroueAlte U. 8. ltaItte> rcunot de bellot Ihan cou. e te Prince Albert DiatrIt.1Iremain, yeurs Iruir. (Signet]) J. D. HEAD. Pie' Cure ton Consomepion Prempîl> velleves t>'i ittio 5-geIo siealter of toup.-MttamL. &. ea;e.5 ilia slrset. Eteeli4 -. N. T, Oct. ,lm0. T!a ou at UO! qPI 1er oves a quartm et o la th"r i UVoyepoV<f g ave IJies. Lio-headfor velabi SOLO DY cGoS FREE- PlATIAP OU WEuTmuBI SALEME F ONT M"wSIAà&» U

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