CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 28 Apr 1905, p. 2

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'r;'- ATES BISE I~S~ZOMPANIES ~11-cSs l1'iWder îî; t- a pis, i40 la tie *lêitiof, ef isCompasy! mu~et byfur oeth ,**rates. ef tue different p= ~ esth* taicrualeovin " , li -,and 6 per- ceat 40et ianecmeOn limila- pi. ucebvuent poueiic.tic Is-asa 3 and 5 per cent, rhe acendingte the at. et IO advnce la salas fo-, laIesite by bolders et par-, 9» 'lat lthe iffèecce ha- W obt*etifon a no-partiel- **à tlsbe cisiged ton à r Is am atus profitse o kala tom n.Instances more Iban th istividelîds lcipatinu policy bolder. aIs- X ENANTS. Ibo Lu Promsnen Nie " NaieLegoe W.L.W. u 1 ICincinnati ... 5 5 5 OBiooln .... 4 .6 W; -L * Loi- XW.l tzeeelnd ... 3 8 2 SWOMisluule-.. 4 5 the Luericau Aoeecatea' .3 lot isvil... 1 8 . 28 1fol. Pu.... 0 5 MUi las4m o udr Agminal y 10Lus Paryittieg. ai »éaeshé insuS by Peut- tiCotlyaU ,foublddlng rosa taSins an active part ornet ef paty poltica In . TIc isustion of acllvity Rtise petisera ban heen iicéaly al . Petbmater nés- ýbetore hlm a roquet a bspoint trou sesaton ~pssalvaai, barman of Witt'.et tlitiate. Tise bos a à Mryland,, viscrea biag vagiS beveen * *aitbi farmer el dea -aergache. i b. Oro"e le pet ex vite. vbp isd been bose hurst, stoo, »etb ea bora 0on guéandaiS rusi- W"ptearbita W. emspler* asd 4 5m en anS nnder t "Il. ha ei etb ta lisaIs *eeldont rassîltes a boutleetfgas oh. IL. KunSIe in a oblidrea et t'a te. d«alI ud à à9d ha er saPst assis-10 4&a hie- I Buton mea WiS.ti eont mi ~ 4mtie't Niagar es-o tue tanls. Tise ban 4jya lange sumbar o Ste Equtable Liif w bava begun sit st & fer a recaiver for the taesllusantianau. ent lise aoceey beins se Salinds bu sbi rt Pebusoi, Fis., t hitu" la ose o e b ig .ue*, Imoe -ieI ý';îçephe la eanusesm et' lias- 20.000,000 cd MUs bean u ieS e» s We tissu at asy pneu-les Mrg pesrisPromis. te iu ;a=éunonIrnmoIS' fam4d Weakiey, ,40 1110argeem imad aad.inMbns tuions. W "old-ma e tuatais ia liaIt t atel sole 11014K the hulletic or thse veAther buffau asUtl- lova. Over .neariy the s-bol cfise counr bthe s-eS endlng vas abnrrsually'colti *nd u»favorable for germnationsand gros-lb, lu western Notb Dakota Ithe tessper8ture fell searly te gare OU tbe lOti, end os this and th ise llelg.dta sxgeptionssXi ev tefflratunes ferrise zeeson occurrati thmoagbut thecocunry ast et the liocky lMountainsa. freeais thec nrthern portions if, Âabiot *and. ,0 erjp AIx,q.jtrti bqu*. uLCam lilglt tae heavy frents ln theCcentral pdr- tien of the «sabsuif Statesanad liglt >t aokaoovlle. -Thediisigius effecta e4t bis colO perIs1 vblch cambe at tisa '05e e t lbo îve aï*teotSlsll lu tic épo" eollectcd 'ùth*i clima. asd c0 one on thse lm1 ad cseti luthe. preparation oet Ibisbulletin. Hlaai, raise vers unfavorabla In tic aeuth Atlantic and central sudI Stb, wiie the need ef rain la besasisi te be fet in portions@ etich lover MiaseUri vîliey sud on tise extreme nortli Paclice Coit.The températr. condtions es the Pacic c oast ver. ustavorabie.. Wbile corn-plantlsg bas contlsuad lu Kansas, Missouri anti souîberu Illinos, Dose bas becs planted fater uortb uer si bise apper Ohio valey ant idltde States. Preparations for planting bave boss active ini the centrai valsys, vbkerO pianting viilb. vigorousiy pashed s socs as temperatare conditions are favâr- able. la the sotb Atlantic sud enst Suif States plasîing la about finiad and early cors la being cultivatesi. Wisten vbeat continuies la proiing. condition geserelly tbroughout the couD- try, but ln beginsisg teo neesi ain lnt por- tions of Kanas anad Michigan. 'Vey slow prograss vas mado -with epris. visastmemisg over bbé sortheru portion othbesprng vheat region, as Iis ver k could b. prosecteti onulyin the' afler- Dnonna On account of iov tempertub-5- The eariy aows usprint voat dos e st appean te bave .utained lnjnry trou re- cent cold, exdetlin Nebraska, vhefi semneids ver. lgtiy damagasi. Oit «Meing vas aise delayet inlatié Daktas. Minnesota, laite régien and por- tions of lbe middle Atlastie Stae. WbU@ gravIs cf the early soya, bas. botsa ocked and coma iujury austalsedl --n sis1'ila, the génral -ilublSb re- specllng Ibis cr0». cotinal prusnisln. 'Cotten plantisg, la mach delacyc la isisippi and Lduialad d la lter than uaual lu Texas sud the Carolns.. Setter progrewa s-tb Ibis vork ban been made la Alabama and Georgisasd la the sontinn portions 0ftIbeeStatea la ses,- ing cempities. lFair te gond stands et tis e asly planted are repirtesi trou Ala- bamas, Georgia and Fioridi. In Texan the early pianled in reported as promis- inz. 'Wbiie fruit muat neressaril y ha+ sus- tlnad lnjnry trou the-severe cold îunlag bhe latter part of lbe veeki'lathe cau- I raI and southers districts, il la proba- 1 bletat in the more nortberly section* rte tic eaatward of the Mississippi river the d-mg bas becs lam serions.. In rNov Engand sud the urthern poutien of tbe laka r.gi6ou h la probable Ibat ne, serions injury bas beau dose. 2 TO HOt.D UP COTTON PRICgb, ]Plantera la bth eath Orgaise teke- duc there auaga. j Tis Cottes gros-ers et tfie South aie aorganlasn for th purposa of keeping op >,théa pries et tihe medity by curtail- ilag tisa 'nusbertif acres tievotsd te ils tmdtivathon-The normal Cottes cLlop cfý tise Boutl4 awiles Willim 10. Curtis la thea Chicigb I ecrd-UleWd. inlaabout 10- M00000. bales. anditi pays a reasouabiq Prost if musdlisgo, Ibat la thc averabo grade, aiaaYwbera abaeS8conte. Ten Ceabs a pound la tIse Idéal price, and ai- leva tb. piaulera te lire la bbe gratent tuxuri. Middllsgs are sos- quoted si; about 7% ote, s-blch levea ooly a ansA marntfprofit. Ithe.crop tiI Ïear la p1i gathered il viiiousas bil' « 15,000000 e, but aboutb 10 par n uet *f it laad511loftI unplcked la théo âlda, eud I ia le iulited.ti ta 12.00.- DM oer 18,000,000 hales araealraady Sin- d W and ressi fer market. lu order te keep tihervice et 10 eIent It Iol propoees te wtbdraw,2,00,000 bian et bbe prenent cro» trou tisa mr- kt ancdadce th. acreage cultivated 20 par «ent sext year. To do this lb la i noesasry te organise lb. firarnr. Ceu- > ventions have beu bei n i l i the cet- B tes States end agents bava beau. appoli- Lad cda caurissevery, ose of tb. counties à la vbilc ottos lagros-n. They.2r. ciii- . lbg ls tharmnera logother and inmfennlag vlbitemsexpainlg tectfigs, pet. tans haseclatlen, vWh"b!0a eganised ta >2 poostic gnuralvelfpm'e, sud thse L, ?»«pliastirs' HolSlnk anti Commis, 5 aen Cempany, vblch la te provide the 5 vys and measte itolti back 2,00,000 baieees ftbtuyear's crop trout market. ne Hanvie Jordan, president of tise asoca- tien, le dirating the movemat, lunvlsici Deto ul plantera are angaged, but bank- aremorchants sud othen business mon te vbe. itenets arei lvolvsd lu th ce>. 01 ton crp-add tien. are teu, people la i -th e ubieru Statdaa vise. Internats are A- Àbig Convention vbIcb vas belti la ot 'New Orleans lu Jauuiry sent a commis.- Mim te Washington te conter viti tise Pmelit andte oai: Ceunesa te appoint te aCommission lte cever mnus hy vtwiel the exporta ef-cttoa may ho pro- Smolad. At preaent about 60 par et ef atise normal crop la snul te torelga conh- n- irisa, and about 40 pet centài consuai!e mg 'ot hune. Afler fitoen years of a bitter vaba.- '11 tvort«the ÂmeHicn 13.11TolopisoeComn- te pin, and theanti-Bell Compaqins, et "a 1o*9, tic former halb tlait capilukated he and saousacment le laide tisa% bore- ater .zebuelgeatrolled by tat ecan- pany l esenet vitis tiese et lse rivais. ,l aidas lu.t irat èameanta et msuay dwSrla thi lngcentiaicd s-ar. liUlOOs k av be oss lau-ala tlué s SpiliMo¶e tilLWAUKfri ,4 l lSq>ta&Oe of Orat Wsrd, banlïers.*O$ 000 » 18M;'-Jobss C. Eno, premidentVi SI p0,Seon& Nîtiospi Bank, Newvl York,...... a.............. 1oe,1> Fr-ak G, BIgelow er Firat Natonal 1890-P. J1. Cîiiassen. presi. Zos es EnormueSuOm in epeite- dent. sudG. IL. Peul. Sixtli ]Rua by Ilopositors lrolows-ArO @ma* National, Lennox liii and h EquitalIe ................ 1,000,000 a Oprations et Bot m of Flailurel '180î;-4lideogi W. Marih. lîresi-Vi dent Keyetoue National. W Fîret National Biank of. Milwaukee, 1891-John T'. lifi. prident n club meniber andi ehurcb manr, debbier 1-. 4lth National. New York.. 400,000 'lu Wall street. operat9r linMity wheatt. 18U4-$Sxano G. Selty, îbook- and generni gooti fellow toail and suit- keeper, U.iddlege-x -t'outy Bathý Perth almîbor. N.' J.. 31,000 dry i'onnerelal and Itnduatril icon,- itMi-Wilitlàm hrî-iier, trust- cerna lu çvlilb lie bail stock wben Ihey edet letk, Eltabetlip',rt Bank- h nieedeti xoney. isaià deftu*lter by b's îng Company, Elizatetliport, to ovu confession.ta the extérnt of $1,40,- N. Jr .................... 100,000 000, 100--C~LU *Wordi. note bélier, Svery cent of titis e ormu sum FireI Nati1,l New York. 00,000 190O,-Fask M. Brownm,sas- litant caabper, Ger ais r5 tional, Newport. XK....... 200,000 ionI-Henry J. Fe,'înD Cftohier, P'armer.' ami d Mur- ~ 'm"chients' Bank. LoS A.1nieles, SCal ......... ............. 150,000 102-01bttnk C. Amîlr.'wm, vite presîdeut. City Ilaringis Bank. Detroit, Mli,.... . 100,000 CALL OFF TEAMSTERS' STrRIKE. Laadire flecide 10 Abandon contat Wli outsoner'% Vra & Ce. The teasr<strike iu Chicago col- lapsetiaudeiy lionday night. The fght againat Mout-goinery Ward & Go. vas abaudoneti mt tht- re(utest of tbe garaient wonkers. 'rîm gartsîct work- ers' trike, wb(Ieiî lias ten lu progresa againstý twenty-('IglmIt iviolegane clotb- ing bouses sint-t- iist Novenîber, wiii continue wiitot lime aid of tme tenam- sters. This strtmggic wiii continue to receive tise support of the Chicago l'ed- l eration of Liibor. s ,EA1g . netLv.One condition uns attacieti te theh bas vautahed into the quickaand of euding ofthtie teîmn-ter&s'itrike,. Prefi- I speculatlon, wblch aiso swallow.ed up dent Shea wonîi c ýonsnt to drap the n $1O,000,00cf Bigeiow's own moncy. contest oniy on liwi promilse et the î.m- And thas ends the career of thme most ployera tea reinstate aiuIt-mtsters e-ho f popular man Ilu'Milwaukee. anmantofnIhave struck or beesi diseimîrged. fbe s generous, Instincts si-liabas tartd i einpiyera no-y refuse tii agree te Ibis a scores ef young Men Inlilfe, a mn o tacinditIon. If they do refuse iea vili who-haity-va--- aena duya--devanld-bIat ie figimI be--conUt*iiia nman vis stanteti as measenger boy lu the Institution vhicb lie bas placed. ln peil hy lita thet itat Cashier Oela Fugitive. Arrecteti Menday atternoon for vol- latien cf uatienal banklog lava he vas able le secure $25,000 baud anti vns ai- laved Interetunutais bomse etbrok-eu ant ishtracleti mau. lis aider anti crime, Assistent Ijashier Gall, la s fugitive tram Justice. Mfayer Rase,thelb aukens, anti citi- 7ens are tioiug evenytbiug liiitieir pover ta avent vbat mau beconue n finaucial catastrophe. T.hey profess te bc ln a position te wctber tise storm. Sevenai baskers ait IMondai- eîenlngý tisaI visie deposltors dres- outtheir saen accunts ealy In the day Men- day iuany ofthtens relurnedth te mouey later. Tuis licy belleve lm an Indica- lion liaI lie confidence la being n.- Nevertbele aâ,,during lie.rnsMon.- dey alternoons, vben tionsandas fought in Wisconsin street la gel atise pay-- Ina wlndovslli e Final National, 1.300.000 as vilidravo.- Tie great- at part of tlits ansapassedt linegbh le wickets Iu tire. bouta. Ia lie préidcnb'u office, a tev fet 9,wy. tlircugh a bro4en 'wndew, borts' .of the emergency, tÈnds ofe the banS vers vaInly aitteupnUù-1leateM '"tie 110e by thier deposils, but lie maney liey.passetilu vas but a drap ln the huehet. Te chlef ucaaare et confidence came, trou lie presene cf tbrce Cimi- cago bankers, vise came to lie resc'je of the Finet National dlreciprs, givlug lieu their adrîceand asistance, anti bingng vitb liens $1.100.000 la cash. They are James B. Fongan, president et the Virât Nitiomial Bank et Chiea-- go; B. A. Haulli. preaidetoetishe Corn Exchsange Bank; aud OfflsEs Butb, tise Merchanta' [.055Und Trust Comspany-. Bigelow vilI sot aay but iInmâte tisaI as effort te preserve bi snon,@ fluanclal IstegrIty la aItlise botci cf Isa troublcs. Thse youth, vho vas a member of lie brokeraga firis et Tr-acy & Ce., et Chîcago, sand vas bougbit eut by tise 'other membes' et lie Onu a* woen asbisa tho'a thett h.eibce Spev, ua been a s-lid'ansi penoilt eut pluagr on tise board et trade. He bas éoadactIO bis Opertions la(Chicago. atset CarnaI DUet Ma-rtia Ebaît, sko marderaS bis young 'vite i Mounat Vernon. N. Y.. la lm0. peis tue penalty fer bis crime la the lewnIe cairla ing ing prison.. ' 'Deputy abariff5 st Portiad,Re.. mgilS- ad a visolesie phanmacy bolenlsig 10 Go. W. T. Çehh anti selseS patent mcdl' *cim s"idte cntas alcobol, end; aDepgd t» 5 5la 4,5*Stior the*5. . huio la. agalsat Montgomery Wsrd & Co. lu- dlniteiy ounIliat bâils. Te teameters' strike against liout gomery Wand-k' Co. vas derlareo la aid eftIhe Unitedi Germent Werkera, 4.000 ot vbosc members vaîkesi out et tsrenby-nine dotimng faelonies ou Nov.. 17, htJO4, ln probeat agaluat the "open' isop."1 The Ward firm -sîas singleti ont as raluer8ble. sud, by conqueig usat boeuse. thme sIiSe leaders. bopedte t brlng eChers lu the National 'Wbc.e- sale Tallera' Association Iuta hune. For the purposes ufthlie strike esery laben union lu' Cimcao cotribaîti. ndtia Rtrike futît esti matesi et $10,000 n si-eS vwas raisesi. One ofthte notale resuits efthlie struggle iras lime binîls et lime Employons' Teamljsg Company-. GIAtIT STRIDES IN DIVORCE. Whieh gvery s-ou-l Ms,-. nrIas-eEndsis eparation. iunlime ligt oethlie modernD evil ef di- vorce lime ohi aying. vbieh asuallî foi- loe-thlie mention ofthlie mariage of tise beo eanti heone, "theylilvesi appilî ever atter," viii havo te bc diseardeti. Capiditi-, novedays, - ceeus te have naurpedth Ie office once exencisesi by CupîS., Witli the blgher eduestion s-au an reaignesi ber dlvinitysbip. Witbjime bigier ci-ihizatiou aie adoptesi eqnlilîy as bier vateitsord. Sime n longer bas '-resiiy expungaLtet troun lite for bier ben- efit. Zhe w-hile man's burdes la aise Those ws-bestili venture bite matin- uo'ny do se vils Iboe onscloasnesa that the divorce, court ina mat behinti the cbureh. Fbe prodction of Henry- James that lie great van of bbc tatane vonisi h.' the strife between te s-onesannd the mesn ioulti appear la ho in a fiti s-ar 5f realiaatio. icgreter ebjet lesson could b. baed in corroboratios et these vies-s timie lia vhicb W estudi-ofthlie divorce tatisties In 1881 lb. total samben of divore. granteilu im e UnitedStatles came te =076W. lu 1901 tue etie. of .10,000 pop- nlation and ovei aione contibale t ta mumber. lit Ssn Francisco, Kansas Cily, Les- Angeles aud Seattle every fourti mami- rnags enteneti biba 'ends ln divorce, lu Mains ln 1901 there vas eue dIvore ho avery seves marlages. la 1902 one lu six, Inu Nes- Hampshire lu 1901 1h. marriages vere aItlime rate ot eigbt te oue divorce. Vermout in 190Y2 iatio, diyôoe bencim tes marriages. la Mas- neisusetts lime gres-hsoetthe social smal- adi- cas b. traeS Isce. 1872. In tisat jean tiene vers 47 marriages te on. di- vrce, i 1882 lbe proportion et mat- rnagnesla4 alrunk ta 34 te eue divorge eud lu 19P0- te 16 te i. Tbe proporio n lID 0h1o0 lis 19029 's-a eigit le one. lIDd'aua tuer. wsa divorce for overi- seven marniagea anS in. Michigan ou.e te vonyIl1. 51< Isneguatila. » Irn New YorS City i-aoe* t,300 sIer- age passengers ver, landeSdnniuig Matchs s againt 47,7 lu tist montb durins 1004-unearly 40,000 lu -excess, or aItuah rataet f O4( ~ras and two cf hi& sons, ehnrlea 13a andi 'rank -.Tefferactr, Mra. Neille SymonIS, big nurse. isloisiiael Bingham. Dr. I. B. Pett6r, sudbis faiîtufil old ser- 'out, Carl Kettier, tvire aitheii bedsidi rhen hie dîid. lus daugliter Joseplise and tvaof tbig gong, Thinas anti JO- seph,. Mere In New 'York. MII. Jeiferson about four wcek5 5890 rlled(roi'er Clevelanil nt Holbe' ~o~,w lire lie canglit coit, accora- maldby acute indigegtion, atud. upon ils retard ,b l'alm B liqis-. vmsforcedl ta taire ta bis lied. lie was up acier à jau EJUIFIER5ON. few daya, but aftenwnnüds lho vas seiaed vith a, relapse anti grsisinaly1 senk until tieaîh camue. Mn. .leffersant huat net been lunlthe best etfiealbb fort several moulimu. ,1 For the latter torty, ant lea*iofethIe'> meventy-elx yeans aillleti to Joseph Jef-1 fersonulbe vas coucedeti absoile supreus- sci an ihe Aneninu stage. Public. press ansi plaj-ens aiikc bilied inl as ciiet of American actons étler tlhe pa.silng et bis rival, Booth.. "The Desan sf-the-*Meui- hlm andi be vas oflen esll elb "Grand Old Mon ot the Stage." Hua fame yull néitI os bis.character of t ip't'au Wiaeia. but bis privat. lite s-as tbe von opposite ,nt Ibat et lb, twanly-ycar sieepcr. Bob Acres, ln "Tme Ris-als,' vas lime fsmoai snd favorite chanactrof ethlIe comedlsu'a inte yens. Also lbe won great. amlience as "Calebi Plilmmer" sud "Mr. Gollgbtiy," anti "Thse Cricket on lima Hearb' wvas one of bis grestest late nce -cesse. Joseph Jefferson s-ast he trieuti of lime great tmeu oft l itsle.lie kacîr lie staýge ofthlie century like a lxmok. '"it is a coin- cideuce thât ney grâamîtimer cisugratn- leteti 1resisleat Jefferson omn luis spot," ho saiS ta Presidesut Xoomecel. is-esn e- celvasi vitb houer at lime Whmite Hanse recently. Jcftersns i-youbliseceidpcn- peInaI, despite hies trnioas lie. Hi% greaeealjoy '- wis ctilî-ciî and lha bail many tavoente grandilidren. NAVAl FIGI-T REPORTED. Heav, Canunundînu la Hoeurdi Outlde ef, K oassis Bey. Accortilng te diapatehes tram SSaigon, Frenchs Cela-China, tvcire bours miter Admirai RaJeits-eniky'in fleet bail - obcyed Ibe impera. tire order of tha Czar anti sailedt - tramn Kamrnub«by imavy canisonading vas bennd at ssi. Th ise lnug cntin- net i at ltervimu ton soune bouns. Itla belieeil lera that the Itussianfleed vas 'engaged ln D0~VRNgT. battXo vili the mucguard efthle Japaunse fiel Fast cralacra tietacheti troutlime Japanea. squatiren ver. repanltilteab.oacoating ln lie vlcinIty nf Kamraim bey before llojeasvnsky sailesi.1 l'se correspondent ah Saigon ofthle Londoan j»aly Mail stabes that tb. Baussinusaqustiron la sbont of store andti Iat Fl'ncianti German ahipa hav, becs learlng Saigotn aimoat tisily with bugi supplies anti dispatches, ansi 11.1 thler steamers are beisg char- tereti for- the lame parpose. "Sei- geu," tha conrespondent atiti, "la rea»-, lng a big han-est" Tlhe Japeisese foreîgn office at Talo IStecila stabemeut vhicb saya: Tisa French gevarument upon reeipt et 'tua report that the Balie aquadron baSl arrivesl at Kamranh lBay, fisructeti tue Gevernor Gencnal et Isdo-Cbina etridtiy toe nfore the roues et Frenchb noatraliby. Snbsequentlî lime Japanae gevennmeist intgeti a proet ilh France, asdti he Fréscb governmAins saeti ey specialIinstructions te, the Governon Gen- anal for transmibtal Is-t4he Rausians. or- Sarng lieu la icave French t.erritorial vaters aIi @on as possible. Tuen.Goiv- erson Geseral lelegnaphesi, replying timît bo biaSitîken the necessary menaures ic- conting tb Instructions. The Frencs gev- crussent siuultaneousl7 mddressed th. ituWaan goverumeol slDg Itqtthei- miral ieb. istrueted te leave Frdncb terri- torial waters. The Ruasian gevernuent replie-tuaI il Sied alneady sent sudsi la- gtruciona. Thé French gave assurances bisaIt tey bail taken, ansi vould tiSe la future, neceoaan!mensata tosea that neutrality la rlgoroueiy respecteS. aul aromusithse Globe. A. Cleveland company ban secureti$, 000,000 vertu et contracte for aquippli steel mille la China and Tapi. . Ssjnuel IL Beyd, a prensineut Cynthl- an& (Ky.) las-yen ansd Democratie politi- clan. agesi 45 jeans, vas louni!ddeui l i bis b.d. llbeneser Ruans as Silod ut lFoe- nusta, AnS., wble being Iitibaieti laIe a local iedge et Kulgbte et pz"%lae Charles ller, sa oficer. le id te b ava fu-ad tua abot vbicb val anppoacd te ia ablank. The euginer ast i fr5mn ofait asat- houaS passeagen train on th. Leblgb Vsiley rndatier. killeti.vises their en- gise crashut mbSaloatrelgst car at Va- loin, nr Seneei Lake, N. Y. - Ambassador Choate bas beau elecied lmasuter et tic beccIL et tisa ddle loin- pIe." ail acl vbh moase hu -binube ort le'.lOngUsisbar a"S gitas île. the OleIslla e'blu Ib OsIAnsricaseM euecris. ltse mont al snptle designa lise mo'st,beautitlsmcoloriige Ibis i-casare la ALABASTINE. AIA5AST1hXE belng mnade trou Ala- hanter roc-k cament, ansd bicornes a part or joun s-it.slu. e Wall cou-eulesare made tront wiiting o an misit i l a 111 Cue rled lu. îand tisejy rut, off. ALA, ASTINE la reoik asiaisIf 7055 are 501 sstiled s-ils b tieapearnuse "ofjean s-aIle. jeu aeed ALAaASTIXIS. ve 55555,1 Cier sehemes trie Ion lim et slutgJuat useullos lbe 515e et jour rouem, lthe une jeu Put Sitte. amut itheer Sil je sorti. soath «or s-at lgisI. We vuii suppîî îsu yul s sChasne fer jour Walls. Dom't lenget fu er bU"Tb boo roerns.De sueriiers i l t.eSeat dallerag. If net Sj jousrs write the LLABAST!NE COMPANY W"Oum Torb Cli RIA5Mf bar go»It tell me5 what gU fMI» Ialstantiy. Eoet aprang tu bis feet hie bande wavlég fr2nticSlly ad bis *yes Oaablsg. nWIJobert," aho s-kt 'Blsuits5 yelad obert-BotoOa Waal Pembroira. 31.., t4ril - .mpbauie bar recmmeudatioll by t114, ..Mr muget vas tblrtse. Yaar# 14 laut Jtavomb4r ds e S*l o* tiro Yëm shif le . as frttiian itb Orasy seolla that voulti ast a voeb-e&bd vould thon Pan or. lu àa ioti a«ho would bave the %Pil$a 111) At thoe thue the wvoud eat vefy llttle and vas veTry yeliow; aeu nthe Wbltes etO b«er« cywouiE b. 7.11ev. "The dectors gave lis ne encourage- ment; tbey ali'sid theY could Dot h.iP ber, Atter taklng one box et Dodd 0 Kidney Pille, th. bas not hast on.hall @pol. 0f course. w. continuaed the trestmest until eah. bail uscOlnin l about a doses boxes, and w, still givo thons ta ber occasionailY, wben ahe ià flot feeling voil. Dodd'a llldney Pille ara certaiilytheb.ouet medicina for growing girls." Mothers shouid beed thse advica 0f lira. Smilth, for by no delng, they maLY gave their daughters mach pain asnd aickuesa and isues a h4althY, hippI future for thora. Tw e Ysof ShnttlngUlIv "Y s,"sld thie fond parent to thse les-turer wliom thme f. p.'s baby b.d tu- terrutited nt leat tviee a minute, "I donet belleve in keepiug a babY abat up ut bpme ail tb. tis,." - ..£erwanl-y u sg aid i levwer-Y Io tarer, "bat Il ouglî to hb. abat-U-p wben il' In pnble."-Baltimora American. IRE EAM - ~FOI D»n Wb.Eo. lows t à0 uxo lTourset Overwork Telle Nov ah. 3so&Pe Kisery et Eaferoed Idioe.m o I ha" bean teeching in thse cltY ochbols ately fir six ymrs, " Mid Min James, whose receut ratua sbt te work front vhich eale vas drives by servonsi coliapne bas attructeti attention. -Tbny vers greatly overorowdo espally ini tihe primary depaitulent Of wblch 1 hast charge. anti 1 hastbeen tioing the vorn of tye teachers. The aIrain vas toc mach for niy serves and tva. years 3go the criais came. -I1vas proattated mentally sud puy. slcafly, sent in muy reaignation aud nover expectetu Who able 10 resume vork. I9 seeme t tame thon that I1vas lbe mont miserable vomas on aarth. I1vas tor- tureti by nervou hdsdabeo, worD out bY lnabiity toalseep, ans ud 110selittle blond limaI Ivus an white as cbsik. - Atter my aotive le, il;vas bard tO, bea, itleness, sud torribly disoouragiug ta houp paylng ont the saviuge oi yeaui, for medicines wbicb mid me no goci. " "Havt idyou get bick healtb?" --A bar. chance and a lot ot-faith led me ta a cure. Atter I h" o uftored fue many months, aud vben 1 vas on the very verge of deapair. 1 happeneti 10 read su acount ofsoma cure., effecteti 1> Dr. Williams1 Pink Plle. The plate. mentu vere su convlncng that I some. b oy fai asauzed that tIses pille would holp, me. liont people. 1 tblnk. buy ouly one boxifor,a. trial. butl1prcbaled sisi boxe. at oà, and vbes I bad, useul themu vsindeeti veillsud hastSQ needof more medicino. ..Dr. William%' Pink Plle enriched my tIbm bluod, gave uMe bock iny slep, ne- stored my appetite, gave me atrongtb tu, valk long distances vithout fatigue, in tact iret me irons ail my tumerous aU. mente. 1 bave already taugisifir sevenal moelle, sud 1 cannot uay enongh ia prase cf Dr. William,' Pink Pille. " Minq Margaret M. James ianovu living at No. 128 Olay atreet, Dayon. Ohi. ManY of ber iIlUov toachers bave a"s »Me Dr. Wiflliamz' Pink PlMs sud anm anthuslaatle about tbeïr meriti. Souid %digestion, s1reuigth, ambition, and cheer- tel spnlasickly oilov Iheirtus. Thay avra soOltes drug store lain Alabastine Vour' IThene la a ."flac dsoghi" ln vai ticcorations as lu everytblug aese, and thse îcv thought being inter- preteti mesus Ablsatna Chieage--Catle, commun tu prime, $4,00 tla$8.; îsugs, prime issavi- $4.00 tu $565; slseep, fair 10 choie., *$100 ho e.50;, ieal. No. 2, 92c leu1U&; cors, No. 2, 45c to 411c: cals, standfard 28e 10 -,De; ni-e, No. 1, -à4e t0-75c: bay. imothi-, $8.50 to $13.50; prairie, $6.00 to $1100X; butter, choico crenssueri-, 28e te Wc;e; ggs, fresim, 13e le 15e; potatois, >. 20tu ta30c. D)etroit--Cnttle, $3.50 te $550; bogs, $400 le $540;, slîep, $2.50 to $5,75;- vimeat, No. 2, $1.02 le $1.13; corns, N'o. 3 yclos-, 49e lu 50c; oatqt No. 3 s-bile, 39-e ta 34c; rye, -Nu. 2, 83e te 84c. Milwasskee--Wmcat, No. 2 nenor, 93e te 9;cerns, No. 3, 46e tqi 48e; eas, No. 2 whiite. 3lc te 3Me; rye, Ne. 1, 92c 10 8Me; barici-, Ne. 2, 50c et 52c; perS. mess, $12-80. Tîmesio-Wuîeat, No. 2 mlieS, $103 te $1.05; corn. No. .2 mixeti, 48o teuSCI cita. No. 2 miued, 30e te 32c. rye, No.n, Mc te 8e; cdoyen seeti, prime, M832. Bsîffao--Cattle, choie. shipping st..., $4.00 ta $6.65; bugs, tain te choies, *4.0(»,' to $5,70; slseep, tsin-te-choice, *4.50to, $K.15; Isuha, taIn tu choice, $500 $8.00n hou-s, *4.00 le *5.75; sbeep, $&0 to e.50; s-bsat, No. 2 ret i t ete fiSc cern, No. 2, 52e le 54c; aata. saturai. whbite, 35e le 36c; butter,1 creamnen!, 29e ta 32e; eggs, s-esters, i15ç te 18a. Intiianspolla--Cattle, ahiPpiniq, $3.(0 10 *0.65; bogg. choie beavi-, *4.00 te *O10; 44 slseep, comuns leprime,, *2.50 t10$15.00-. s-heat, No. 2, f90e tu $1.01; tenis, No. 2 s-bite, 47e ta 4kie; easi No. 2 wisite,- 29e te 3ic. .S Iîoni-Cattie. *4.50 tou*6.00; bae, $4.00 te $5.90; abcep,,,$400 te 95» wiseati No. 2, 90e te Oic; Cors, No- OIc 10 'Oc; cals, 'No- .,2Bcltu2ft; rXe.ý cIcq TIe veeir yrevliw D~Chicago trade, pubes by B. G. Dan 'ao- Aily tih-enldel,lie.aLtld i 4&Vglvlsg the employaient of a ai offlug forces iîditc.apital. 3140l Ian ýraceipte of mine anti foreot ucts testlfy tb ex{xtdeti consniMPlt noall'go0PeU. cent larger llsw f« ~ correeponding veek last yetir, à"d ahipasente vere iilniost Irebleti, tic movemeul ualuly belng fer tiesIU AKrrIvais of ls-q aloi-k andti ldet von limeraI, parking îîrot-ct.ed i-igooay. sud 'the prinsary maarkets for feootgtf- cîbibitei fanther ac-tlity. -Oter favorable fs-tuaes are, matis- factory deaigs ln lime joimbilng anti ne- bail branches, togetmîr %siilladvices Iudicabisîg fintt tIhe agricuitarai cndi- lions are extclient and country trati- ing ads-aîmcluig. Mercanîtile colleelions- for bath clty and lnierlor are tOunti reamotabiy lprousmtlitritenîOirs P- port more r-sh utbylng îlis-foruenly. Grain reî-elil.4. 3 ii21lîîisla. %,cum. paresil wiuii*.,.5î-)iî4 li li-ls iîstw andi 2iittS41i i tsimeis a yeîîr l.T1 slîîîitiebs sîs-re 4.15.1-'2 buthm aguiist 4 4.',iss25 isheiit-lstnb 1,479,14:iRis lielsmî- a mi 4-artigo. Tipe . vas îmre steaiiiesi litilit(- disuanstifor flî-ur, niut deilings iiîûri-asesln 0Wbeat and the cearme gnnium. croit cosil- lions Infiuncesi boardi of trusie olîs-ra- vsloüs acre litigo-sli stîu.p!y ou en- largetl parkinig. - i'e %tuo-k rereipi W.10,477 ims'nt, sonîparesi Nitb ýlXN3 benti for sanue i'ek mt yeiîr. De- mand àiac-kenetl for sins-s'init ig but s-hoicp becs-es vere tsoaght. Coms- psareil vltb loigaa seesgttis"" .tire Mllglstiy biglier. anti lover quota- l'ions uppear ilufle graineasud prpvll- Falisîres relwirtes itiithbe Cbicago dia- trliet iitiiiilm-i 2Z). agtitst 25 tant vo--k andi 21. syear Jugo. Ma Yr sii rrt fur the wvr Ti-î-rad raiorasire lrre-gtiltsr la char- aster, distribuiontet of :abegoodu nt~ n-mail ls'ig re-mii1,il hy cool or- rabrîy w'titims-rlit fil(- %'. ct andi North- vto. e', i reir-active. jobbtlig Itmdc lnt gss, ne . gomîs-r l 1 go.ii aîiml re-Iiiiîbusiîî'ss toward lbixe- latter sîiduortilem e ,k tsi-rame re talilitei. Buildîing i.s oltak. mous,ý"-y à blniîs-r. lmtuk lets iig lia s. Increa~e tinsily, terictrsfil ge-tni I l dsplay i ts)iiîmsîtîui Iendit-li-3'vistkiifeoas% grîlai and ses:nrlites lsig especsul 1'ss- turcs. hlaiissay - eariiings are stili on lime-np grade nuîit Wtstern vimeat cre» prspecta;continsue' Lasorulile. 1Busîsites a tlures lu lime United States for ttms- vîeek enîig Ipnil 20 naumber M1. aguinît 151Malt veek. 199 lu lim anue week las iEtl, 152 la liME 181I. 195, ndst214 lit IIlJOl. In Cana- da failurew fat-'tis e sek lamber 21. as agitinst 21 last s-ee sud Il la Ibis w-eeS a year algo. Rl. G, DasWeekiy Ilevlew ot the gi-neral brade oft lb. country gays: Erratie vemmîber lîmis Isnuieslte make, brade reportA soiiieir liaI irregular, but a1s (lie ii'iole tlhe w em'ksresmoîts, vere aîmîietiit-tiory', Emîriy dil-iys were fol- iows.X y luietrenseui nsIiî'ily. partîcu- iariy lu wbn al igblib e sriil ensbaer hunes. Itlni notessorbîy flimnt mucb business for talI delis'ery bits appentreti. antd more supî,icmaeuary spriug ansi unmuier centratas are belug placeei Ylajosberm autucipiited. Mercantile, paymcutts are asiecrt-asiugly prompt Industriai a<-tis'lty expauda. Paliunres this week iambereti 200 ln lime UnitedSiBttet, agauîîst 241 lait year, andti tenty-oue lu Canada, consa- p'aresil iti twsel-e a yeur ago.

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