CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 28 Apr 1905, p. 3

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mEINTESRAID 1cAN T TRSz& 1ev. Frank Frederlcks, as Methodist Ibtwa1 IllistU 'oweu Suger frontl Op-'clergyman, tormerly et Cicago, hbadis- *oeeîouaourua~e.4Robbsa. ppearer fréimabis home ltiiWrincmgto. Orgalxd'gngscftiiheve, are creat- pestai reelpta i Chicago jar Marca ettegn cf (errer throagliîet Illtni.t. cf tht. yesn sere $1,2=5884, se lnreaie ,ge4 engagent lu plundrng tiie dry cf 1114X)0 per cent over the. asme manti a tones cf- ti. otage of (hein sutocka lant year. P ais aappears t(o eliidiffc-renat t hî ihadRiPrknso tuet h ýM[eteu*è cf policemen, ciglit ualchgntii ichr@dy feChtcagoe utadeteiatii and btrglar lîrîn,. Nearly every City raii enîthelty tChghe t eta -laîl te âteeonpbstocf t ut6 tr i~ t. sîeha.ben vititer] 1.7th" Rsitchurcii at Rockfei'd, 1tInne Spriâgied bctng the latent vie- wu robed tict-by'tirie ilievea. tic 81,00,000 te tireCiy o Cicage, thteIe- rgsmnnvigit bilg lit twe wîeeks Iiter comnefangrrue in trovîde statuary th iin. Tie wry rret'If t 'rint for the iierkx aur] lioulevards. .=10 werth o! jeu-elry. At Jt'relnia Y., a tmnnfesitr le Mi. Lawneuâce college. urgarly eylery tore tn the .ity waaspiontîin lasaittu h.lieiater] fer the. pnesidency déte a e lle ee iglit, rëellily . -lîunllulnî cl f Lomgliard l coihege tI Gaiesharg. W*% giren a sinîllonr vilurtiirni. w lille art Tiie hats of tBlonilagton stît net sc- Eau Lyulit térisf,' ilb'ttisbatîiik ceîît goir]except ant its neiglit value, the Ivan dynan.iter]. l tneroit, lesrlte ipoalîrur standig the ,toss o! ail redne- bave b"en tî tiri reii. il rune at t'u tio n blabrasion or otiierislifreni mrint beng rlîirsl ir-'vtuy thémci'i liît. montîta. Ifrrév ar inug i lu r. grrîiillug The.dry Cendrésitoe.etf EdwanutA. And neurirhy cvrry ay iirtiiarrev'iBiustt ii -'repnrt a-os entered nd urear of t4? thetf a vnlrirîîîn'tr Tit.reTuunly I(X) peea of slt. estilnastir]te b. AUltii,i'sniantd a ri innrhaut lriunàtsoil l iîee (tiett. Xearly 815 i'ecently, mudin i iré.. îerk lwrrrr a*rr taken front île Msir.. di aisritC eta I ra lnîîlr. I 1w i (na EauCi.nre iVs. i. ri...un.rr~:4 i:r v. iarr]e of Califuiaia isatier] ni Bau Caire Wix 1%éý.,f 1,ý. I rrtlià n tihe<uieruor r! Illunis gang an. iln-liutiroall iii r-nrlr«irjrr . 't r firîe rettinr!i f ilitani S. Lnrinîg. îvirrr police ilt.tîartur-itrf lt, r nr. t htirn vnei i u "miiot lse- i' tral u .l ne Ilîrît hb.i tî-ii.tir.nrrov rýiii'e o! liegx F hieutt isvrtr lu seeoninz à r-nt r tIr. i:e S .. t itbé. tuet sa l- tti r. miit f «i 'ir!,unt.. IVe icitIDiekersou ndsiAlluert Ititte t- terail li rt:n,ii i..rg.2lrtt-rs. trfi'- tera ~i I t.- lii4i.. R ralw.' iedii aternî yru v-n rîr. irE 0t t ONAX t rn:iuiini. Irrnfa. l iii iiii ttýeurli, t Baverai Perauté, aj îî nu nd lîtaiitar,.. ,l ild rétIlien nf gsilul i ,~. lirnotI)coq41acd Thed. r "n iqu- ouî-(rrt leîcidi thr-cati. el'ýrtnk' l;ire' li li~rti. ii .f ithér V..i h rîra tv r ! of J(rritrt tirt> 7o'clrnk lire 'înir.r r. n m.. it tfrr11 . thi f'it'.ru blas proîîrr teanu boun'n." , ritinrier. s trrI axe's. .A aituiluir dri-rir injuii4 iu CX li' -.neý -I..T itire n air ,r rnn-r n a cria uîn rte (inult nt, fnîtaibule-. lr vi t i tnrt. n n Cty 'iiyEugiuen- rivénliorf C'iin'uurlas cie tnucling 1tri irliC ii l.rtu.r mn! Yi ý- uu ii'aîri-ey fornthe ccivwutti t- a s'tui . Anni- i -t. -i h nne. ro- 'lr -lfrntîîî i'itiataiî avenîuue tCe lnr -I-rai. r.1iw- m iuLd. cli inrrenrre i-àu.î uet t:pnmpiugati6 tan. Iviiig neta, hloektasun r il i tttounée r!tJIn't.trrnnluet.nuaniedtrata te thie plare of Ithe Forgerraster S....' if tre urid tanté-. ' pklace tunnel. weatiter anntiririny. itue inur nas lintr. Mn.-ru.lrrai ivn u an ing forly iiirra i:irireuir bt a Jr'rln-v r j %n.ui n f , rfu ritaasii .ivi t n firi eveiug sitri.o i r. r d y, l 41-uirur Il r ot 1le u-ioti-), aigierE l forty-two ir icrin r a r mm. trirrf4th,-inneIl-tritlraulhdtgn rBiiui ,au -Ic., lit in ii 'n tY it.,l-tiliat thiihum bre wsîlutir, .itt~sus unr mlleel,thiiug cnaglîtt ire frire a part fr axiath1-111 i atirrl inn itié it rri r jt tie Krotîur.I. 'irrn. riir -f r! 1t, rirtin lt Ittleni ý frrrmé tiue Ino ital tnIr urnrtinz. hante éuii.i hIr It Iur. mr r inn i lurn-lie ]raitîcen i frrabut liiiv.. ,k- birnd. %Iut . r- ur..aitu g-irrul. h nnrtrhn25 yearn min. ru'tuînnu-.l tIr tIr. horin'.f ris lr,tlier-ii-litu. Adir,u woIato harr rié ,nl.un oi 1 n rescue r uyma é, ri-B3- uinirgnit-anid cralien ttel iaujîlde ____________:,y .hoinliu îlielf. FAILS TO TAKE 1111 BOY AWAY. . Il. 1»irckiian & Cru, cf Ni-w Yorki r uîninacirI uel'non, eleetnir lightu pIlatt. Mr. 1. C. Lindsay 1. Cangbt Aiter E.- '[Tié-<,nînpouy s-a, gruinterl a2-ea ctiig CaseNe.. Metnoth. fraîichime Ir> lIre Couliian t-I I ili cou- - Dr. J. t'. L.nni.îy, nf tii n-uao 'i ailu trît tait inierurnan lia.e betweetul'ieu I aiteeit trifi, lns. 1ru Eii.Terer ah reneHaute, 1cr]. -h o ,n ftir théuer.iit«téýy rf lisu irrier. A demitIras bert'u conarmîîîimated hy Who is sîîuîîg firer divorcne, graitiedthp m i.' n Iîn l thy aporrrhgecn <f Chicuago anrd boy freon aid-sVal t il i nauii,ul nrrv'a few murera. omriniing the Gratid]lla- wiii hie in a cari-îragt- aud]wosa toirpeil and drhuel5 becoaîe the cirners o! 8M0 asfter an cxcitinîg rna e niîhicii ilcîuty acres gourne of leuan nGrand Islandtllu siienife aunitiie la ag granrtifatluer lient i the Illinotris river, oppostite Bath. lt l spart. Dr. l.iOrhav. hnil r]beu si-par- lb. usai eutireiy ai aiiuutiag presrenve. orteil fronth Iilfe tfir uver a 3ear. seul l1urterchaugeshihe citeage bta kiwhicli tg Mlonmounthi in'gît file. cuir]. I1h' is ilili e aeeii(ed uvirtuiiiy ail the ici- sud severril hlrna liforn- lit-nitc. lis îprrtanît in(cmurtuan trrulley lies i nenh- 'Ion, s'an se-u alrrne. lamnrio l-raîtt. cru Ilihîînis éait soirtera W'iscoansiunu!l M"lnn.'s f.thiir, ainluare Ro ueauofa- ire unIr]iy tIre Intentate Electric thait- ter and notifieri tire xhn-niff. After DrrOay Aivnuiatlrenn forrmeut at a meinlg ln Liudniay hlian rhe seaeraltinles litri (i..ltraukfiîior! f rtrnsiitativcs r! a lanc.' counltry lu- iéâarapreiiilirlaud r1irn'tedu-lrntiiaer cf rrribut. 'he (enitony oven chargeil uitlîringi. A jtiruonl Iter dira-u hicie the interchange-able ticket, mil mnis,1eii(li rri'-a. lt ord-ecd ie boy liiivaut iélnrilcs almgottail that bhtwecu given lbock tuth, tiilrer. tC'hicago, 1Miliaukea, Joliet -ar] Blee- ingtn. IINJUIRED MAN 19 GIVEN 07,200. Allient Itumbert ins strily dyieg te a rosîitini l nl-unt iihaviag suafferer] Rock Islandd taltway Company Settie. (t- ieculian experience cf hetig gsinneri fiWlahcut a Suit. alive. llVhtle driliing throtîgh a élîcet iOf Jongealnins of i1rrtiurl> ('iunty Iras iéle liis drill camte in contact wiiî ail roepiver] $7.Lix.1 frmi (t' ie et lédad tirl nicharge. 1l1,; clotiies ocre set ou ire. llai(nay -t'.îunîr.rîîy incsehlenrieut acf a .Itis tmin-uson oer] danîaui oiinngiug ctaiugtgfor Ihr.eiaI.i iury. le ias utit i irfoins abrut i i is eelt. aren..éludes, Ioariiig nu.rrl-aue frrruu a cor. wlit neet sund (met. The Ihys«irnîîs duiedd as utuch lieîgnin tutiuler intluire c'car ik as uecessnîry tuir n'uu the etiicticle. withrnit Mn i nrg. Uurwiig ti tr adirh-n Tir1le tticle put-lent off aiiétothuly.lnut ithe siieela. Ontre run ivai n-rt iff utthie hysiciau liai-elutthie bortrte!fgraftlng altritiîr nd uiltheu- iauîn f hsalira îer avrel araugh skie te Rave i. ifi'. wasaisé) tut rf, a. iintriamii a lrelilu'as Changes of graft ire înmferrtsl agaluai cripIîrIe frîr lite. TIr, crunir nlotushr ru é>tire snilirn'ue drectuir, G. W. Rleîy rof deout e tr it. în u, lit igiiiini. und atrid ia nfaville. aud tie tate deîeit. W. IL. ticenierîlt svirlu.uit t-rruîurrrvcray. The -set- 1îVnkrn Of ('khian, by tlue Urhiania vnitli 1luirelit wunisaîi trr lin' tire angt t u t, f %iéderni ýVoidiett, a tli lias adrptenu kinrl iver tirde lry (lat roar] nitlont iti- rsliinscnen-i hi viné gation. ___ a utisuinieus vote. It in asuerler]tibat M DSNPOOL MEN FINED. dtlyiarawn $15.171 i tveuty-seven ,MAt)ISON uafi. .or an average cf 1116,742.56l enel Clittrbffiials AI" Pleatt Gulty te Re- y.rr.Tuis average of $6188 a mentit sterlng nîlttiîtiy large by the 'local- Inielittîto nl.. mnziuig nef tjie pudrol rin iiuiiiit tie hat wnuta oc Itni t ii anr at Iliadiani ir y nitizuirh a mu t anr. niueexa ucinnI-nthie brooks. Dévyer is cliirge.l of glt v, tuinerhlt itlte 'inn-ii', r îtI nrawinug over $500 txpensue guruiy Citnour i irt . eiuniuhagrrl o iiirrrnnn hile caipaîuigniiug for liilcy'a re-elicu. tiîîg it,andut tlii-y îi-ne i-ltitratni f TIie govruvnaueftitapecial mrepnort ou craiplé $3.6125., 'aliirî ti-ue-( and Patii'k %I- rfrrth.Ii-illuris sectin li s frrloîs: Tire Caniltriulgr'. -i,*Y rilituii Is rf 3 tit snu. cuîurnt ire wnus ircrn thie seurona i ai- pleiried ut itv tare isiéiig ofilersuuinl triture :irugiout tie iieek. .iand tiie I-ere ire]t$210 ici et'iiInilg s gruewtliiof vcgetatioînar]. lita alv.qtue. alnSutlo 5f.irr rn.a kiîîg z lait luidit i'reeziug teiiilîerîi(ireî ler. nu--nnnned nîiatinniretlint Of citizî'us.Iuii(ieutni I se mvera i tinies lu tiie cetral anlunrtiîern agarilut Siitr Dav>idrtNelsonu ru!Mis I riitrictsa.andinliglt te leavy frruts oc- siot andutE. t'. Ditriner. Ina ir" iilirerîi'l evcm3- niglît. Light Erîusa 0enu ope-liug the'[ti l, rrrirrnu , c' îuîslrer. ' rcîortenl îui seet.lcus o! tlue iiuuiur idis- int. ileneiciitrains feil over ilcnnu- kiINEs TRIKIs 15SF.T'lLED. ninttrablicportiontuof tir'emsoutieraudistrict, ia uîl un ight îpriitation oecarrnert (tuteî- r Mea Agi-ce te Arbiarate Dlffclty ait<rai dnisysilutiue nther distr!cta. Fuiitig Diverrnon. pcîunr.îtiruuis a lve hrotirestied ltilî but lit- Theu troubile at tire ,%aisno'ral ('n- tilti' iuîîrnîuîtinan. Tie souis lRInuinSe con- pâîty*i ineitt' i lii n-r-mirri. iilr uj ulloys ditiotu. is îvonkiîg Weil,. and imccii pins-- Alaolt400 agentanul îî lîl br ut ris n-uiteuit litlias htein douge.lintiat;e crrt,î(-,,a, la tiue cloîlin f tit' mirn- fortheutu litait utiu'n (ie îouttlerrncd tiiire rk mnth. huis leeii settlr'nlforr(le pirrnti. uco-extindi' tothe central iistrict. The botl ri"m tsuureu r b itmiragte. TIre arowinugcf ooasbts a ucr ajuiyti miulne as m.'sriieérl ivrnl. Teiiniirs blofit!(ie crop cciv beun in tii. gronxuîd. cIa itiier]délit iir e uaiîte hiuî Itir ut n i [mli- .%Iity Sfiasare sboivicg green(o a gonnd ely exagrituerl..sianîl. ith mpasuacualle iveather iitheciit- BUTS N ELVTRI PLAT. loorktfor tire croi t thgsti nie in very - SA LCTI LN. prranlimiîuun. iVes(arai]rye inrtuin a k grrcl condritioan. Grassées are ao nîaking lu Iteauban Rallway Gae.Btooautngton rrîîiut grotl Inluthe nortiiern ultifeng oin- .Proccnty for Power Purpoe*. tirs,, huittjn tieceuntlidtinittlierndia- k.'The Bliiiii,trru. Decatar andr ('!tain- fictitireY l'arve tirtent uiel]Y. and pas.- pasign IuitectnlOintCompnay balis hrnglît (une's are affurdnît iuinlefeer] lu uîuîy teConsuig'e' Electrie Liglit sar] lient- lIccustides,. Erly Pota(oeq -are rmostiy - tas plant o!,. lhioetiligtoîî for $130t.000. Itanteil, audR oinare- UP la (he centrai The pant vill h. used r] csuppîly pow-ern o au nuutbcruudistricts. -G(arden.iing la I~~~~ ~'rru wurM.M IL **peppupS:Sl*pS.pppSpSSê Amil et tf'bolôt trenzied ex. ~" lknova ,IX tdm Chicago wiieat fil pi: in" e. tii. t Lelter deal collapsed wý . - ILt.w jean Ugo, visait lnknown as the. " May wiieat deat" *eut tea'fietezA itur- day. Tl,* 10... on the. bull campaige rua up into tii. millIons. ldav wheat HAYONS I09 ILLINOIB TOWNSi. bruite 11hcent.s aturday,,and the day's close fouaud the. O&Ze holirags turned Liot et CamIdal.. uceesa finitaEl.-'over te :he Armoars for' iquilation,,snd tieus Held Taewa. file. rotund umnnpuistor ont rof pocket Illinois cities end towcs etected Mie tiereon sometbillgl like $2,50.OiO. There ors Tunday as follows: wanolather clump of 8 cents Moanda,, Arroisa.................... D. E. pr ed stiti the burs hamereil tihe. rie in 7mo ................. J. P'. Johuson victorien glee. Thi - fave been Aobtoit...... - Recran Afton................. EIdmond BasUl enormous. but- tIn. hall crow~d, cr'nîposcd Acnas.................... James N. Wocd dE John W. (lites ne leader a iiii a coterie Arffouton.............. M. W. RYADl cf Walt sireet mntimillionaýremsaud un1e Aahud.............. J:ohn L. Martin Arensviile ..........'.'slentine E. Haltling Auea....... Henry B. Douft.a BiooniIton........... James a. Neville Beividere ... ...........John W. Lyon Benton............... .... H. L. Joues Bartotown ..... .............. C. Keil Carrites.............ereW t. Cao. ...............Orado Burrel charleston ............. Alexander Richter ('srioî,daie .............. Crillonu E. White (Ilittn,.................. Oscr E. liards Cariinville ....................iH. Behrens Kia;~a................... Khieid Blair ;::N.ýýFed P. Bacon C.~trsia..........oranM . Rexfoed <airo ........... ...........eoge lParions ('heni.............Chirte* N'ickel t hndlrvile..........J W. Chez lx-n .....................i1. P. gdwaz a» Kali .................... A. Gidden 1,'a (olu ....................IB. W. Pope 1 tcu ~ ............."'* ..... Kelchner beeii otr........i a.W. tehînan IElgin............arl Hotafford E v Hil.......ienry tP. Ilotes i-.:fingiiain I...................inseil F*Irha.ry................... A. Acard teiit............ J. DlIttmar Fulton. ...... ...... ilami. itel Gibtaa....................... Jai>, tRoth (..acýaa........ ............'iM. Martililer Hiarvarcd. ................Rî-liari Paloa laurri.iilrg...... ...1 W i j NN, tirbard..n I'.,Qt,................ Fr,,ilH. Ayrrs JVir............... Gergce (a0iin JOUX W. OATIFS. liill,t.,r,.................... B ie'. Miller __________________________ . ..îr...................E ill. I llrrîhirs r t -a JatrIîîli. ............JrhiR . Dass ort WOestern tltn ii. le( Ji-rdiryvliic................. Il. IL. tianicla te bc firaaucially -alte teafrt îr,i blis. Jciiq...... _... .........i tihar1d J. D3am Cornors have been rti lit Nheat un the KauL:rl. ec............ ....ilinry Bck man .. ic............... Samueci lBradbuîry Chilcago market asuolos Matio Wagnecr 1847-On liay 18 prie- ,,-re frrrcedl rq...................... J. 1ifeftcr te 25 but ciosed nt $2.s rîner i. ................ NIIWiii J. .Kins h ti:igc h I. Il. .............Ii. rA. Iauoek iglres tprice reached on wlhit ,aci h i1.1 ri..................iO.arG.<Kîig Civil %Var. 1,4 iv'tOll . W> Masl - 1871-lu August priceq "'r, a.Iînnced I... au ................J'du, i. T'liwis Mrrn.Iryair .......iriri 4VA=natiii 1$1.30 ,but ciosed ai 11 îivt.l..................... soi hary 172-Diiring Aucust.~t slIr]ai lrat'iia............... ilWiliams 3$1.61, ut elo ]st ai$1.19. Mldrt it Mrtliiir. ........... ..J,rhîi Marphy 1KO-luring Mlay wintrîn. 1 12 t Oiir. ...... litiîdali hIL urrilinrrràkt IIiii. .î.................. Antoal iflindert $1.11). sud clesed at $1.14. Mliaîîd fi,..........IihalF. llrwflcrs 181.Angust wheit 1lt c advzauced ~Iîarirta.................... Neton 1mai 'î î'ehier front $1.19 te $1.38. aud :1 $1.38. Naheli................1 . EtfIoît 182ýA. cce ~* rtnn nAprii, . .........w.. iei.c Selgel Jlune, JuIr sudSeLptember. .....vil ................ Alvin S&ett 18-m T Sil M . serman 18 n oe thé. imeil.raillC'uie iIli............arles. HIock nuiti cOmbnt ecr nc rat devel- l' ..ri ..................T. C. MrCa'rd oped. Prie.n were adranc-1 froin80%c l'iia l'sw.................-('..1torn tn 90%c, but the. market crllapsed and i'ai................ ,......A..i B s i~lirrr. . . . il. W. Sirýarri declined toa(68 cents. i~nirtî, ..... (. I lyrrn 1888-lIt waa ta Septenther that "Old l~.iîtri. . . .A. . l.aererr~e Hutch" maziaged a succsnful corner, i'r~t...............i Mselînyler wheat îelling from 891c te ilrti............Jaume.q .iol. lliis prices reached 'the. losing day. .re......................Samn Simoud. 'ki.........................Dan ilaîp ,t k vanlu.............. -Waltrr Mrray corner i la Ms, wheat Frice was ad- flush Illi ................lionis A. Jarnîsu îanced te $1.85. The corne~r wasanet itrifnî...............h'arles-E. Jackson successal anud I.eter fi. c'timated te sy,-,. rore ..................O* . H. Smith .tetrilirs......... ...........toha B. l..wis lave lbat $10.000.000. SriitVl.7........... Erward M caie 102-la September a successful cor- ..cirvll.................. W. J. Eddy ner was vue. whest seiting up tu tiSeand itct............. >* .::1. . Lucey 4t. Chnric.. .................Glenn closiai et tit pre Tayicîîî..................animm eg Tuse.,la ................ Charcles Mite GREAT IRRIGATION PROJECT. Tîrolon ................... George Nrwisa Trînca ...............Douîiairk TarelItti atoua Tresstolà Reclan.stion Plans Urrr........................ .c. Foi vaielli............corge t>. StIînhaner Preniaaa Musoh fer Northwaeet. Vi'lida.î........... *- harlem W. Ravage A new irrigation project whicb prom- Woodatn k ... «.. ............P. A. Walters ies mccii for tii. Ncsthwer.t s the Bua- Wnnra............ ----. . W. Bethagd ferd-Trenton reclîmatton project. The Llcîî.e ~sucesaul e ti. oliw-Uniteultatea goveramsent ha.snet&Aside Cllrto. Wido. Dxii. Gbso Ciy,$5W0.000 for tht.s ork and thie active CiueCint . Wliia., Maun. i. Lity, ed.operations wil begin tuaide of sixty day.. Montteirling, ttaahvilie, Monouth.fiiar- Whee titis wcrk le completed some-18,- lio!. Wairren, Illisloro. Raymond. lIvig, 000 acres cf now arir] land null be ne- Mount %Olive. I'irdca. fitanton, tienent. ihýrlsloirh.r. Weut FraaikInrt, iluey. Dwight. claimed end tiie wcstern part of Northt OeMicl. Caprn, uPioplar Grave. ilheibyville. Dakota wii b. as suiractive as the great Amlkoy. Dixon. EltlPaso. Wahbumr, lonti- valley cf the Rled River aund the pro- rll,. Berent. Chiaman. Gadstone. mar- dcielnso h os ie op suDai, Lewiaton. Carrulîtan, Grand Chan, t,,les ftiMneRve op Oinîtesd. Masudi. Puasaklililu. Peard. It lnasasenteil thaitih. proposer] dam sud Morrison. Sterling. Rork Fals,. Lyndo. rarci iibor eten2.OQOand Frie, Ts.npleo. Futou, $t. Mr.Wlo 500 cefe fwie ý Hllit.Paxton. Exeter, Gasgow. 1w 2,0 cefe fwtradtepù *Antt-iicense sas succeasful late i foi. -posed canais will rue nourth and îsoutiî of losvig:tiie ino cf tiie Great Northern Riiilway Wheeler. Barry. Klrkwood. Pittfleld. Par te a point about tlireumies east of Tren- ry. Prrpketâtowaî. Newton, Hidalgo, Meivis. ton, N. D., fromt near Buford. N. D.. on Winchester, gheidan. Eiiuh, Aledo. Benta.. thte extrema western border cf North Dit- Thcaupsonviiie. Arcola, Crystal Like. Cary. kota. Thts ls but flic heinntng of the Marengo. Mount Verno». iRoberts, Piper City.fPiston. Pt'eu.; Itsaey. lRaiera. Spring- stenaive Irrigation Irrjecta s hicli bave Prion, Nerris City. I:niield, St. Einio, La baill plannier by the goveremeet and lu. flarpt. Maniene, Peur] City. ((avI%. Lena, a iviy duasta1 ser aot n1rb orîng-îille. Cure. Ashtona. IMansuiild. Wat. raU .Vetr aot n ot .etri. Franklin Grove, Broctnîn. Oquaawkal.etere.Metana, ohich, togetiier wiii Mt-dis, Keymport. th iiele11 River irrigaion projeet, wil rectifie thousanda et ocres for seuliement NEW ILLINOIS COLLEGE HEAD. for agricultnral îrrrp..aes whieh. tiave heretofore tain barrer,; an cfer snd op- Dr. C. M. Rammseikaup Prestdent DE portunity for the trrrmeles of (lie Esst Jatcksonviieie natitution. te secure homes cf tii r owo. The fa i The trosies by a uaimiuu vote thaqt goor] agricuitural goverument land have elecîeîi Dr. Chairles Il. Ranîmel- 1a becomîng scamr an sd lscareer makcs kip lresideiit of Illinis cellege tel these irrigation prrjccts of great intereat Jickaî,uviite. lie suc, eeledl Itrîv. Clifford te th, homeseeker au t inventer. WV. Barnfes. resigner]. sudtlias tien pro-, fessor of Iitrr aud] Politiecal science at the, cllege since 1042. Dr. Rammet- kamp ta a gradtai. of Corne sud sas inntructor of histrnry tliere for thite y cari. Later lic sturiien in (lie Univer- O r %ity cf Berlte, froua Which he Wai calied l tri Lelaîîd itanfrîrd Univerrsity, where he teîî,îîrarily iilced tiie chair cf iistory. MOTEL MAN 19 ACQUITrE»D. - Benjamin 1F. Stevents cf Boston ha. Jobhn Van WIskte Set Free by jury heen president of oai lsurance company Aier Triai for Eusbezxlemsent. finy year8. John Van Iinkie. owtîer of (lie Hotet oi .Ln. Sertr'o h Laurel lu 8eiieça. who liai a former di- NJohn DtheseLon.rrrtr'-Genetry f Sthe vision- auperlnteîidentcf f(lie rougli: avy, et lseno voe-nro Iron Range Comipany of St. Louis, IMe.. aiost and was etiargeul hy it With i iaving crm- Senate, Plaît of C'onnecticut belonga hezzlcnl $2.300 andt four teel ranges a, to the dume.nrvel reading cansaof Unit-. acquitted tentthe(Circutit Court liii'York- ed Statea Senators. -ville. The jury rîttîrner] a verdict cf net Josephi W. J. Lce o! Maryland, Unit- gnilty hy direction cf Jîîdge Rtutli on ed] States consul generai at Panama.Ila motion cf B. F. Hftringtoti. an attorney enty 32 yeara nîri. cf Yonkville, Who defeîîded (lie accuiser].I Rein Admirai James HL Sande will GOLDN EALFB HE GF ase commnîd iut (lheUnited] States GOLEN AGES UE01F. avatI acadeaîy in Jîltie or Juiy. Wall Township Couple MainsKlisfotk Beeause Gev. Strokes cf New Jersey, Preenta Wisen Wedded 50 .Yeaai.ebho Je a baciielor. lias taken te wearing Mr. and Mri. itichard Trigger cf Wall a tati hst bis. early nitirriap la predict. towvnship. Ford cotîniy, aged and wealtiiy ed pioncer Ketilers. i.-eebrateii ttîeir geldeu' 1ecretary Taft will deliver an addres vrerdiijg anuiversiîry. One ltudrer] and on the. Philippines hefore tiie Natienal1 foty-fotir gioîsts wîere pr"eet andthe ti Geographlcal Society et' Washingten. 1 coupîle Iîrsaenied encieli of tiieir lit ighters Preaideat IRoosevelt has beeu ciiosen: Jeans Waahlng the Disciples' Feet.- John l13:1-14. Golden Text.-By love serve one au- cther.-4Jga1. e:13. With tuis text we aiment inevitably couple the words cf Jeans reporter] lu Mattnew:' "Ye know that the. raIers of the. Gentil.. lord it ever (hem. and their great on.. exercise acthority ever thent. Net se %hall it bie among yoat; but who- acever neair] beome great among you shall bie our servant; and wiosoever secîr] ha tiet amocg yeu siiali b.eyotîr body servant." Jeaus did net stop (ber.. bat te showf tînt in tliii, tee. Ie was tiieir exemple said: '"Rren sas the Son cf Mon came cet te lie mlnlaterar] ente, but te mnister. and tu give Hita tif. a rua- sain fer many." It in a teaciiing that Sou. directly counter te the. tesching and] pnactice ef the -wcnld, whetiier the wortd of Hi@ day or cf out owe. Tiie world seeks happine.,; tt seeks it by tryteg te extrart ail thé plesaure itcmeaout of tIfe. and it thieka tiiat ie order -te do (bat ittlanuec- eury te cet &Il on. cao get cf wealtb aud power. 'And indeer] there ire few aveu among the bout of Chrîstiana who bave net seine teint of the. world about (hem tn (bis matter. ther. are few who eeu set saidt personai desirca and lateresessofllcieetly to b. very frec te serve thon world. Tiisre ire" very few whti are made bond-ser- vants te itumsuity hy the greateest e! themr love for lnrmaity. Note*. Ver"e 1.-The renuo-erowqablns the. î]iaiiiles* feet probably took place juat befrîre tire [aaasiug cf the. breand er wine by whlch Jeaus inatituted the. eew iîaa.over festival which w. usime (lie Lordsa Supper, or the communion. The worrnt, "hiving lover] Hi. owe whlcii were in the worîr]" ielp te conveY te r cr mierit the sense ut once of Hi. har- iog beln.nged for a tina tri the world. and of His iintiagt fîrewcll. "He tor- ed tuent Ontrrthie enrd" seems te mena more thon toeithesud of Mins tif. an a man amrîng nieii. (t meiuis alsu, te the end cf the work aud îuffering. He hart undertaken te(o rnîisi hfor (hem. ' Vere2-lu liii. the moat hateful te ns cf the nia ecorded lia tireBible, w. a* toid the Devil bar] a biand. The Dcvii, 1wlîo lied tempter] Jeas, itopiiig no te defeat Hits mission, may have hmpel now te put an end te it by bring- ing Hum te a ahamefîll deatii. If se. it shon h uow ahent-sigliter] the Dent la.9 and it)w itîhe lia unneratanda the. thouglits audwasys of Gent.ioFlr h missionîcf Jean% wa. l mud. xffective by Ilita death and coulul net have been etiier- wise. tBut it i. naturel te suppose that the. Devil, like some cf his dupes.,iboutens te doe iitrat cvii tbtng hie secs a chinct te do without lookiug fan ahead; acd it may have boe quite inceetive for hlm'te wi (lie sont cf Judas wltiiout consldering what enacqeences miglit r.- sai tfremn(lie.deatb cf Jeans. Verse 3.-Thib verso la teserter] te draw our attention teour Lord's fult con- acleasaeu oset tosai power andgreat- nause. He keew Iimsef iie Son of 0cr] ltie wiie bindi Gor]liead given ail power. and keowing that, He yet walbed tii. faet cf Hi. disciples. Veres 4, 5.-Tii. disciple. et Jeans were, pour smen. Hé now dld tor' tbem what. the.servants cf the nlcb wculd do for' (liai'masters. The, &ct waa iatended tiret cf &It te show rthé. aphrit lna wbich, tiiey %bautreat orne sibohe. Sgt the wasaling of thetr font was alto dmedt to typify the. complote leanaiag of body sort spirit. It shows mereover hieuri'icii ivej may ait b.e by availing ouraetvea cf' the. services wsun Jean offerstoeperforai for as. Verse .-Perhapa many. or mentt ot the apesties feltu eubarnapei or sabote- er] te bave Jeans (hein Toucher and Leader perforai ti menial service for thera. Bat they would 'net Iterfere. What lie did must'bé rigiit. Tiiey keew Hum for a manterly mac and one Who demander] their obedience. aed t(bey were accustomer] te betag auirprisent at Hum. They coutyd net understand nos, but fait tht iiey muet iubmit. Tiiey aise muai have felt deeply the kindriensacf the. set, For h swas not enly dons aa a ceomme- niaI, but 'as a very eecessary means te cemifort. Bat one objecter]. And as asuni it was Peter wiie underteet te gnIticîze Hta Lord. Verse 7o.-Jeans dir] net explala. He nierely drew Peter'& attention te the, limtitations cf his kacwledge, and loti- matent that lie muât sabmit te th ii io f One wiio mciv ail thinga. It sas as Luach as to remier] Peter (liat te bee eh.- dient ivas liet.iret dcty. Verse 8.-But Peter wdald flot. go could tee. neting but the aneuitabienens cf a master washing lits servant'@ fent. Then Jeue, prebabty itas rebaking tene.. suid: "if I wash thee net, (hoq hait ne part wittl Me." Ver... Q, 10-That itrouglit Peter tg bt. îenaes. k$liead net occurrer] te hlm (ht liecould lihasnyting clac than tden- tiier] witii Jeans aur] Hia ivont. Now li. sas that, h.e mupt cley. Aur], impulsive again, b. wculd have Jeans was is it bands and heur] alto. But piiynically tat *s a needlless tuait ce acceunit of the batbieg. whisàt th. washing of the. fe et sas very needful. It is le the neer]- fui things, not lu ientimntal wiys, that wtt are te serve out felloo-s. Verse ll.-Mereever the spiritual trîîil typiSier] ly the net wenld bave beeu mi!irepreaented by sny uuceceaaary wat- ing. The. disciple% ws'e.cose. Qed liail long glaîce forgiven their oins. They were wsher].go -ta spcak inte i.loer]of Christ-wbich lu the. thoeght cf Qed boa already been shed-and ncw îiiey nseder] cnly te have tiet eet waaiiet as a bather wiic bai just corne up ont o! the. water may stili have to wash- fremn lits tent the.rmnd cf the hach. Tis feàt waaliing implies tiie continuons ceasang front the continmus contact witb evil. Verses 12.14.-Here ire have. terpretation cf the acier] parable. Amceg ail car Lords celaieus te grestneathe. one whiciimnst mites rejolclng and gtorlfying cf Ger] and thte Lamb ta Heaven lnt. iit Jeans came te earthit gir. himoel! sithoat reàerve te mecner 'Chicago Charter meaaareq were stirted! rrn titeir ivyartgsiu Thursr]ay, and now it lochs as ýif the City ivonir]b. given lente renieriai legllation. The. siniaci- paY courts bill. passer] by the Senate, with n few a meurlments, hsn been agreed upon hytii. conference cemmittees. Tiie chiarter Commintes agreer] upon tiie char- ter convention bill cf Mn. McGoorty and orderer] ti favorably reporter] te the Houa,. Tii. courts bill came stp lentthe Honse le the form cf the.Béanstesitati- (uta fort the Gilbert Ccmen pians court bill, the. new measure providing for, s sYsteni cfmenicipal Courts le 5e. dis- (mect districts. The floeuse, ce motion ot Mn. I5endarvis, voter] (o acu-concur lu tiie Senate 'amendinteti. Bcii houase ap- pointer] conferenes commmittees. sud an agreemient en (lie senate sobatîtate. with a- tew ameadments, wus.reach.d. The Houa. passer]a s jesof lai te 0. the largest given a ny m4asure tu sae- aion, the bilt uhtcho silI practically poat snendar te pellcy playlng la Chicago sMd the. State. It provides pueiahment inte peaitentiary frrr aIt l pajera on parsona engager] te the. operatiea. cf a pellcY gime, the. ownr, agent or jînitor et a building uaed as' a policy îiiop ar] the employen cf tIre policy ceopaey. Po>. nession cf pnlicy slips la made prima facie evîrlenc-tint the hîrider bas been engager] lu garubtliug. TIieSenate vasa- eut eight bills. Inurting Mn. Bres'a mesure grntiug Evanston submerger] linds roe th, lake front for boulevard sad parki prrposem. stnd nr. (hafee's bill cneatîîg a Siate î,oarrl nf oteopthitas. Thei.lieuse passer] Senator Ltindberg's bill tecreaiaag-fnît 2 to 3 milis on eacii $100 the annual t'lx levy allorerI the South Park commissioan. Thi i li glve thre board ahoot $250.000 a yean. Be- sides several appropriation measures. ths Ionise pisser] the.ililler .-1ilmsking oil pîipe lin.. conînon cimriers. the. Glackin bill naking lSaturr]ay îftcrnoon u legat I;alf-liolir]ay in Chicago, audaithei.Dailey bilh provlding a systeuui situilan ta (bat user] lu (hivsgo for eu uîtîlative vot'tng for liepreseutatirves. -,Tii. creiitias comtnittea decideri ta recommeur] tle sent- iug of Frank 1D. Comerford. Tuhe mtnlclpal court bill iras passer] lsv beth branches cf the l"orty-feurtii General Aa.îcmbly Frlday. It createsaa Complet. syqtent cf ciiy cirts fo r Ciii- cago ta tae tAie pi&ceo!- f thejustices -ef ltre pence. giving Chicago a buslnesalike Chaie cf courts of recorr lnl place o! the. happy-go-lucky jistitce shops now la oper- suce.. Tii. bihla a compromise of the' Senate aund Ilouse measures, but beura the. label gf the loaei'branch, Houa. Bîi 422. Tiie Senate passer] it ucanimouxlY. 31 to 0. The hIouse concurnr] len the couference report 84 te 6, Alhen. lirewne. ('olemnan, Oglesby, Riussell cf Iroquois and] Taggsrt votiug againat il. Tii. Sen- utc toot the l!. eout o! the floeuse divorce- bill hy amendini' it te provîde (bat the. prohiibtion aais remarnlage cf dl- vorcer] persons shah net sppiy tae Iin- nocent party. The. Honse passer] the juvenil, bills desirent by people leChil- cage interesterl te chir] e.aving work. The Hou4. also passer]s bilîl eeqaiing the. teachiÙg o! Illnolaisitory te thé publi ic sebola. Tiie Senate passer] the bilt anthitnzng the builditg cf the. naval multila boat*houa. on the. Chicago lai front, ne appropriation bcieg carrier]. The (;alpin bill for. pubilication o! neal sud parsonal property asessieentas vai paier]. Im 1*14 b>' WIIl»W ruEstOeEl cue4 I18S8 e-Pt, id b>' r. roma we am*MW do ail kist hbr ai tioise rows- "*M v wm a*0 e Thei. Houas.Mo., k; tablatiie Sonate1 reaclnticu proyldtng fer sine die adjoa- Dr' ment April 2K, Appancntly the action _ emanstei !rem Speaker Shurtlet! s. there wms no meefing o! the Repulican - s(eentng committee tc, constiter the rsb. letton. Mn. Trautmaun cahier] îp the g bill ahciishing iliellinois Indititiial Seheel fer the. Blindat tChuiego, ons (bird neading. This billc rean appropria- thon o! $15,0w0 for amltaanuilpeuaston et « $150t for the intentes of the institution. It ou. explaine] that the hoe. sas ron- ningest an annues l eticit o!f84,000 anti titat the pticos iradea n-as favorer] us tii State Board et Ch.-inities. (>uly mility votes were ceni for iiie bill, toîvevern. d f uniler action iras ptistpoeaeu. Senator Muelleni bill givini' the $tete(the rlgbt cf appeai svheu a prisauer lias bee'uir. leaseni on omit o! habeas cotinu us. a tilet. aur] nîmercua otiet iaieasum.s ocre amlvancet-r, aunraug tlicic that apure-7 pria idg 81,3:15(110 for the tUiver.hty, ot 'liliniisud r]M. McC.ooniy's bill pro. viriig fr a charter conventlion for Ci. cugo, olicI sere fient trithird: réilia«. There oas lesqi;thami s quornum preseut it thie senuailua riEthe Setiate, but by unaut- mmous consent a cûamher of hbil% n' vuianrdouun tr'aîfeeirlar, suoint dim b.. ing 480 to 4Ki. aiicding tii.sets lia relation t h.eiWest lart systeinteCi- cou!riteriti. ereut declalon et the. Supreême Court. eau 1l13. anakieg Bat- nrdsy îfterîoon a iraI! Iialidiy In Cok Coltu(y. -: .' On Tiucsaly promise o! eheap gias for C'hicago uns seen lu the action cf theO Rlouge charter comnitte. in repontti favonîlily a btill giving t(le eity centraln cf prices. Tire lu-ai option hil ef the jur]iciary .'n.mnnlttee wuspassai by' (hae lInause over the prnaics( of the Ati-a-i ieeuî League duat It i. lutende] te tilTib heeipenanua leglslsthon. Tite lan sharl; *ig bih. wasa aivau'aui by a petition of a ma-. 100 jem, ty o! the IHuisjudiciary commltte (11 for imanediate auçiim. b lu the. State hiltropolta. th(]i The body o! a baby iras fcand le s va. l cant lot on Lake, $hore drive near Bur- ton place. r Jolie Davies. 67 yean old. die] cf heant dîseame la the deemna>' of &91 n-P dartslter's esaiîshmnt.1 William Ro(iiesnn, for tire years as- sistanat corporatina co.îîîse.bas resignei te tiute ap private prîctice. Mes. Von BaIde dechares (bat siie la (lie tiret miftu cf Johann Hocli, itving marrie] iblu, aIresaYu, le Germaey te 187É. - Rev. John Bosch Streton of Bartor . unlverskty, iVaco. Texaa, han accepte] t»e pastoruite o! the Secoand Beptisi chureit. .Freer] fraietthe restraint cf a lonC course o! treateut for tiie drug aur] hiquer habit lentth. NoNvegime Lutheren Tabthla heapital, Allient C. lVehrli gavs hiief uîp te bis uppetile foar stimulants for Sive heurs. 14e eus louer] cear]lin bis ber] by relatives. - Chnls(lîîa Oison, 50 yeia r]. dWira touer] dear] on thie fleer o!fiier home. Mrs Oison la saur] ta hav* hen addtcted te .lue use cf tiquer. Suffening frnm dripiy and ultiiont medîcal sutendance lIda Davis refusai te ha taten te a bospital receutly. sh s'as fcand deir] lu her horne. Tii. vietisi bail been auffernt ifrei.droitsamnaril èI Ymir. Johin Modhury, a steainfitter, w«a ernaheil te death liy a treligbt elev atr.ut_ is oin. Medbury mv» reei»~* *Âî*ý L.. h . Imû h&* L aii - - -ýýÀA i An hmnm

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