OpO--- --v-l----- 1.214 hlaIAa ~'Ob ~asat N ly 0 a éor ans d noegUrs eva j~4itls e Z.d hkle tie. hai peLIiiot th !et dg«t p dem Ti. r tall eny dee ~ . I-sag iD in ve t aoOA Oth ic tinme.Cu , Lesu ïâ Ai±o îsg Soin rwvlos ee K**##,the fr.ateand vo m eilu siatms offL4 Mep ini pgthe.base 0f the.bilS.on Vasuslar asnt ioy.t~ni bcountryieuithi.et s ot TuaI 'he by ot Trhve .1e51fràii. ay -denrsmi apo, ailihmo alg;teW o-tirré A l te a o, ith ints et tir -as a tUf o ï< eob ar , on a e itt O f ce 'la! Dot ou's lan byt4xoulx h onryho m N ýorf pn bt. ta fo car tel-v iresonue ther«"l.ter nted amtr tii.kt.OitltoPOOY f d th oeupueaor hei dufer Bt v s uti.udtlaplea Ti dinn lcrlas enc cu 'Msalivier un ool ouàn. oWr tai.Kcr Nori. tinla yau, whc. i Mqotvtass .ro md? bto mne # la«helrB thun a r ' p are ,xcdOi a p pi cnotsudW t. ie ajo. " hoe otiria. th ! iierrp marne md. lh st yonr uspicloi vIe&gaart ugii ed fr theleiMre ona- ui e ynat, Monsiura Dom- O 'cloc4m raute tii coplent s r O .1 hitmei h peoe pArieth e apy airclotiWabll ho P O s î the. mouaj or."J iié t tii.tender oftes t ig. B assusit Md itoasmOie iet for hei Nt d..n tn oe, u cdn.Iadb. Md va 1 .afr?, corlot ous thnellngrag ils nstits Pdlanic r, prt aion Monvicesut tain-e0 sud va mardiin»preosien tsr tthe utsdAscetaio mtiiM.o prinelland iettnBluett.ar Preim btai fla n t o taplan e-Atet tiitt oor l tab e bfont of loi. tther render tii vth tite lergymsa ngsudBe taIt.don cisa, place aroustnnitchl. unOipa ttmin are bye lm Pm";do ut the d ndt. roupai tinpoessiton tauxîo thlo. o ié *=Yviia tl 9 u=t,0notPlaceo! tacif pialce m. no! bet run tieit thora 147od Fai us aresudblealglfrontoof ge' re boit bean stoppoit md been the object of a persoual invi- ce' Te""»?hakoy. anit tation, bad Ju.1 urrlved. Tiie asseu>buy the 4ély twire tutiont bcronepetfilly, misesta recalve iem. Tiey o ~piiwelaip.UnaSt- il' Ilgp-*"a do! marrioge. 1±Jsila -u làu,4mh er aigraPie icretbonor,a"i f It ver. ay'marrioge b4ji.uig takno«.~il aboud te prouitatosee ,* ffIlustrions t, ,ta et the sias tlimeanai nm& opamosiar figure amous the ir g-thi natures othe daes& -ton [W -o 16.ris The erconoy begins. and thiis turne lu 'li te do vwas efflently iii.Beo.. Nathanlel Morse vas ablo tg trù istu agin;, thon as thmr fiish is speech, no regrettablihInterupt- and 0 Na.,th Oi luplot thing ai on the. former ocaoion. ý.g*t Tcherlchen, mîd Tii. youug people rie, an the. chrg- the. copanls vorkunen man asks tiiem If they are mtuoily pri à* damage W vhither agiioi't a t >rrage. Befon. replyiug, O! la à couploe!tdams. ise Bnett trs tu Eplirineli, and myrs: fer eh *týoutmi« nga Mo.- It la ondersîoit that Hoimet-Klolmo tii amus vs,. e ulyton; giad vii bava tventy-five Pet cent Of Oie feu a& th. oclols. vho 'b.d profits O! Our pattnertip." ef à= 1010~ i, I"Iajng "Piftee," a tdEpirlell, ."ouly fiih e - 8sOb,04 anthf disse "od teuit.ç vq. auali "Phat l> nt fai, for Iogre.tu tlrity It par cent frain ftroni. Bulbul & Co." ar -Weil ,lt anssy twenty pet cent, Misster amut bUhkmnet.ove. niedttt-" . viv biguait ocont proceot Bo ik so,tMr. Eplinel." t osebn.Bel vt , Ai a a'wage Tie luteretof the thej kssiAu~vhot o bIu onnesehave beenusafeguardeit Thoé i 4" sedJe thon ignait, fimby tdieu, tdi e 9" Uinnr 0u 1aoui #Iy tbi . itsseés. dieu W' Firuskiar, dop ti ohe le si m follov. A longU ter sdGngrthe Opaagitts lit.a nom atdSoir, -1 ~ d e seres orfefr- tri eseet& thSi>i am r ivoteit for lfo,', said te ad 60 u o m. vidi a uilittI 1a o ihi i '~ a ~ tOe tue, who bait flotforgotten thatto thoos "'araM *dii or fiijty la 4aMb.' poféra O"lag 155 9o4 Pan Chai, lt.flont er tbe 90019 h litohle buiiich.b ut the mandarin dock, ht k Mg - vo totsymbolises fiielly in mrrloge." w "DucIts or bailflwiaces, it t.ani ou.. He W& Sld ti th mephuwbamuhleoily usltemeporrlli 0 - 'emon? lu ovo. Wacrtli -mont Oie fowly mulit pair. a oonnC bpMÈ rb» ig la u*>& m#il inte trilu. ,Thoro are til -vues fe. à2y l =iot prtloi 106o-i..do te the front Thzsgblai sq long. Oiir l5 tae-«lngtoc la tht. sinleou c*.eiotin. E9 t.la àphasulag oe uO,vwol informodituanitvtty, wlth n ha% tô wmo# greOiýh Poil. White.tdo train le roi r unulng t ful1 spesi ét, o b «ont oln As »% tnwr . esSt~Ogotu Wluh reardta t vhouen * rank th* province. iel in wqààe la 0 al i4 I* s nogràtIt troubisli y laser- a r muwuliovemeati. It vas at ibis ~mr o!Oielio poeh tiat tie ceptaiholding oirt weit vas, clos- &as instOblnue ee oietowsu.s,,bhit Do wax y ta iualn domination. Tu~ept* hIot."dathOe garrison huitl ~- Iio tfeo u inte fortrrsmdi iTanchl- lath re m Kacimaurla. He vos a MoU o! grit C 10u éan t intelligence, but o! uncomuon !erocity. Y - '01.Oh P ala Au&,. louskiav tata fusan anecdlote, ir.-la deffy. 101k.s- lui us'an 14.0 of tie». pîtilesa Orien- Z oves01ov- tis - "a t! ! elte, ebo. W ainita s ~ àvog-ef ..al-Khaa-Toulls aîp C do wa - Wbmu-ie-bed fRa- wamw» lis, out hm.soit. a boy i tOll Uhuiiei. of e, teo; I iedi uord. h11n014818taI tgpled ahota. alesmome Vomb leOf voa theroyal itiTina t 11102lia&. Se récelimi t I. Tho Khaonait-ý nuiraithe Mord, amed h If Oie b"ad Oi by."Deu approj.dil saithdoelihan. t. 13h fO iO :04i nt anms ovIW amode off the ond,-i vh as if t blde h. dTs? sait t a lb elio bi>d fto b ofo ecellent q«Ulty." The. day 'pased vithont Incient. Theot i o train kopt on Attu i oitoate&Poe or o ,-We' «qw a 0 the tolufo Wkiomoeta u heur, san avmt* ge 4- epos"* ltmueog tdat ivonl haa beau n.t.eit taeiogity Ils. egwemourit haieiy l tenad ta Baron *Wolssschnl-9 on k the urS!gt5tta -ntrdorfs,. The.trulli ladtheheChinslesb iWe*aekfl s ui Las driver haot no notion et ini up lie roi Ide.!si- hmnf ti clu ct litvonTchorteh« uditTchar- "W*$ 'tit$1-9oingkalyk. Asrc. ouple The coutry t. chmuglai au the rallay - usso<ti th Oe f!ottleth itqr o eas ma s u-atat. oirt doheostom ubase o! lhe lieu k aleAimdit lpo. illages# *" W " %àon. 1>01 5 fsv. ti lad 1thît musap.e"Mi, 85 sgu rumg Ulop. At aoe, ;i êvoe* . ?v 1* ih Cotunr wl thtii. olu iatelgemuj 'S9ou-Tciisou. 215th Mar. 2a5 p in, T Tyeit attacha, ie, tw-ebiTciierteisa A Tcbarkalyk, 1>7 the. gaA4 OfUth febrsted KI-Tsang; tralveler, i-ePqled te attock, And saved tii. China.. fias- e;dead sud wounded on ba.th Ads. .ef killod by.the herole Mongll gedu- Pe' aruaklar, general manager of the. inpany, whosenne shooid bie thi ob- et of universel admilrationi." <To ho contned>) RELIG OUi ft!VIVAL NEAR? ,te of tOie WorlM'.Oroat ltitua1 Mcvoneuts I.die.t.4. h'ram Englond an" froin *Il parts of 014d mein to indicate the poWbllt> Eone of the, greot religion$ movQ- tet viichbave manfesteditbem- dvas at various tiines durlns the. last Dtury. In many largo ctlU.., nétably soinme of the Western States, the. re-. [ai of religions intereat ba lad to te occaionai suspension of business korder ta faciltat.<otteudance opon! sciai meetings.. F~or nmre flieand p.rtlcolariy dur- is the. last twolve menthe. m«Y» the »chester Deinocrat and <3roulcle. rphets bave nelosbaenacking viii avo predlcted the. revival vave, the. vance Influence of vhlch ain di- ited daiiy In the. nova dispatebes, and ie manifestations de not greatly sur- la.e otiier thinkers wbo, 'vîthout as- ming the glft ot propiiecy, bae .tbefr îlle! lu a comalug rittva1 upon tii. recedents afforded by liLstory. As a mile, wlti the usual exceptions ot greatly in evidence, kl of the great talifestations ot religious Interest ln ae nlneteentii century ver. precodad yaggresslve assaulti upon nmre one rmorç of the. fnndamental priuelpies f*what la -broadiy denomlnated evan- iilam. In tiie earlier yeneso! thie entury tii... attacks ver. basai opon be wrItlngs and toacblngs of Paine, mîltairo and otiiers. It w»s subse- ntly- teafte4.tbimthb.e vrlterg and lahers, vitle tiiey attemnptedl to ent he underpinnia; of religions falth, af- erd notbIng tangible as a substitut. aslrnply denying fondamental doc- mies they ver. destructlonlsts, pure, id simple. 1 It ha. -never lboontconsiderreitsur- Sislug, therefore, tiiot the. mon, nome. ,diteu>of gigantlc lxitelloot wbo dlt- rei tfrom iii. iconoclasi, rillei tat beir standard and orgaÙlzed for do. suste. Tis dofense had tiie tvotold !ofct of arouoiug public Interest'i heoioglcal questitons not only but of ttracting tiio attention o! people otii- vwise conservatIve la religions maot- ers. The. remilt vas sucii notable r.- rale as that vhicii svept tiie court- y lni theiUme o!f1?nny. Midway in e century and agala juiat before the. >eglanlug o! its lait quarter thon. were peýIaolmniufestations o! religion»i- erest. In eaci case foii4vhing more or u violent attacha upon cardinal 4tac- tunes of failli. 'Wile It vonld not lbe strictiy occur- Lt oMY a my altii... eattacha are tante- 7"s of lhe trendt of thougbrt la man ilarters on doctrinal i..lt i thefiret tur years ofthe tventietli century, It a leor to every lionpMeudlc-ed oboori- ?tut tiiot theve nla certain tendency io dIscradlit anifiorities and bollefs 'hiei bave been understood tu unuit.- ie thieentire evangelîcol strute.5go nrelate th.lAI nany vbo hav" hiti- eo adiiered to certain doctrine& now ud tiienislves adrl!ft on a sea. wvih 1% to say dia lestât, snfficlently tqmui- Énons tu produce ,an undercurrent of oulit tu their minds. Mauy of tliose Ionoclastie vlews. vhti Just nov find ne>h vide and raptd dlssemnation, are oe doubt ot boettfoanded upon spocu- ltiona vicaitforta as yod but hypotiio- ses; yet they are nou. the. lèe. nt- lingin hieir effect on tihd ot!o mnklud. ItlaI net strange, thon, that foilov. ing the precedento o ofhepaut tien. abould Wha areaction and dt ithisrn. action shoulidtill follov .procoidouts in taking on the forai0f reneved n.llg- o". oetlvl$. -------- ---------- Tbg roctor of ont o! tiie .140.1 curche la the neighboxtiood of New York vas rocently agItai if It 414fDot Inspire hlm to knov thatho Vas cor- 7ig on a ver k begun Ivo hindrod reare ago. The Nev York Tribun. aivea ils reply. , T«ho age of die church doe 044 dignity te die vork,'ý- hei aid, giardd- ly. --But it bings a £004 of trouble tg me, partlctilariy at lb. prisent time. Whoa u iterest i eneologic5-l motta, la p.actioatlirunlgrsoL I"uou durci ta 10 b4 o ave. genesally -do- have. 'w anete,ee- Lt coonneil. fhodsà'ilïble t. Îomepreui eopicmalJthoeovha are. worting out a fadiiy Ueo. They coin. 10 s" me aboutit ieu, they vrlta la mie, and oce uaZp ven smnt me à. Iplograin: "-Wlre me fo11uoiip let or OM- gr-adtte, ehrietanoitla your cinral 1>7 John and Mary BaInth'» 1*-Re 'anted Ilt In.continno ge alogicolhIvestigatin Ilta DtnMWt *ttar an boum of hardt voit I found it," sald thie rector. ratier veargly "People do det mem ntemooso isbai ,que t4 net particulariy Intèreoted Si te tre of tanother famly. A vouai carne to seme di. otIter day o&W qat&. as thougi e"0 wee eontttmi the grest Possible fAvorI-ý "Iau pofeetly.wâbolgypu sionli holp me te lirongi Ui chureit'roc ooi. 1 it b~ e elateeotingr, "J gave ber liee cristening book vithout romavlnt *etaIteego Itaweg it voniDmot W aastit.r a nOVIait for fig. on" lofIt t. room. Witom_ retcund sMm voia aho sct of cuttin out an subi vbich refeami to se foualyl OMe vantsd te t.rame t t ber libmury. TOU eau seor er ot -7114 aplattt!hem Lmrà laupon me." -LukIVl. 8 Whion 1 ro-1 tihe ciualuer o! ChristVs boa-e lul- seo-ns lta express ct-Mm- ly boy Chi-i n His sensitive homne- siellnesu, Hl* love forIl la homne, a part of is charactèr. aîîd i@>aplmOdiBtti0i o! ail that vos ýýoinue anad 1191y ln Iltq Hoeinuet bave ferimt aday vien Mo vas going home ho Nazareth for tho tirsuet ique after lisua mtior badi tub" lier !aumliy.aud amoved away mi lieu> jean before. Oh. te tdinh of Hlm walking UV. ho- varda that lod bolainloale. !orgetftil -o! the pasutov wyeursanmmd unconselous. ln a mueosure, o! tiie change it mnuet have creistelie oid l)copie. tblnklug ofth oold fonck; vo blmudgrowu UP and marrlcd, auid bardly iaaitziiztiat a nov generation hall gronwmaup near>' te marriage £(love Hi- if t. 2e1 lie goom i te It wltii an udt-n aîaoi litat lie years amount te notinaînmd thuit le vould find liem maiitltme ,îaic-that lioso vluo loved lîuîmi, £;îose wbo -ared for him, timos. wlu_ anmaisfor bhlmaii the oit daya. w-itlml mm10iithe s0ai gamin. Thie years, bail gmïm iilY mamd lthe boy vas returnmig home. As lie enteremi lhe sy-amagogmae lie Nvila, uoticed by em-Cry-onle. 'FIa-me waaS o'ume- ding abmout is nmainer muid l'la faice vhlci tliey re<ogulzed,muid lia-bt-taime ai onet-oeicconter ortraicttion. Wliiî- peringa i-euh aomim lte Yayifgoglle, '*Whio lstbut?*""*Thati la Jesan».-tii. man vlo lias perorumiad.seamauy- mir-- acles; the. Young mnimuw 1.0turmedthe vateI m i ut O t i:aa ie.youngý ulap wiio ealed tl ime ck ati(aper- 'aaum aud la' aow lime idol o! ail p- pie." As the vbisperiuts veut nroumd dhey .tared at Hlm .1111limte mmore. Beelng Jésuis prùsemt, lime nitulîher Of doe synagogue vio hl-chlarge o!fie ark la vielitle a-rolis were placed veut te Hlm aud aaketl Hlîîî. as stranger, te lakte eoll o! heainb and i.ood. Wir Ho moud lime tbt He gave the acroli 10 tho cusodlmoî, Who put il bock lu lb. ark; sud -%*imen lie sut dovu ail di. oye. vire fashened 0o, Hlm, expecting Him tii sa>' somotiig atrange. Tiiey bee-d sut-i gmest timîngs about Hlm fmom Cpermoum limaIthey ver. curlous. Ho couid perfori great miracles and t tey îvlsed to ses one. They iooked et Hlm ho sec wbat Ho vould do. But Ho stili kept Hlm soit asia Is naoi i-s lilimhe synagogue. Tien Ho vent ou wi lhituasermon: "This day lt.tho acnipluro !ulfiuled ln your ,ars." H. pmeacbed a sermon glitagelier Ioo broad foi; diosi sens*- ton seoIters. lRe nid te tiiooe blgol.d leraelites. la Naretii tint wien lie propiot Euliai msa semat by lie Lord ho va@ gent ont te Semepta. umto a vomali tint vas a vlitov. And many lepens vere lu ismael l inte tlineofo Blielha lie pmopiet. and noue oft hem von. cleansed smv, lMaman, lie lyrlan. violilved la fer off Damascus. Hof sa ie t. em hiat no proPiiet va. . vithout lionor save, ln Ils owu roua- dr.y,.ononi is own itn. aud heu lie mid: --i con do nea mlgbty vomIt. bore bécanso! youm untuellef." And vimea tis, found out liat Ho veald tet Por- toru auy great miracles, andt lat HE 1boit pn.cticay spohen agaînust Nazar eh ad 1Ùle owa people by sayiug ulual th li ord boit pieopi. outaude o! Nazar Ieh vhom H. lovai as muaci as He did place o! thelr admiration sud biie sue cesedi love. Tiiey aroe.tu a moli uul repllod vli angry ords, sad-i- mmlii itrovezHlm ouI o!the synagogue. I vonder If one, lu lieu gremit con gregatiofi, stili reaîneit respect f0e HRienituda recognitiono!-Bisl-ieuven ;y spirit sumd stili retalned -love fo: 1lm. IhmuIthdosubooquemit bîstora erents an. coufirmnsoiy o!titie boa traditioniat lier. ver. Ivo la die synagogue la tial day Who stili bei t limfautii ln Hlm, vWho sympatizo Fnet vîi tute rage o! tho populace ant tvbo toit that un Hlm vas lhe divine and vio* follovod Hlm hoe Capomnaun te become a!tenvards the foundera o the greal cioreh la Nazarehivil influopced »ie age frein tii lime o Christ itown ta the timne of lhe Cri eni-s.Toiitem, as Hie ebould ble t oil, Be became dial day a citizen c diaeviiole voral. TAKE OIFTS OF JRSCH.L a>' algeS Sasme, reloie *Tii. gtft o! Johin D. Rtockefeller i * ho AmricanBoard of $100,000 iho * iciteit vdespreadd isacussion, net oui y lahiC ouaregatiom » clrelee, but amm à éthuer mligiou bodies. ltla taire - for grantod liat M -Rlocko!eller'u met odeaofo! ainli bh tmouey a re repm 4 linoilile lu tii I»ola iimit dat ih tt facho prove tuatII la UIP WSLiwS lis rimnd bu Ln drot men by obtalunnguntIr r lit boteianit undersolnlaicouptitrs : W eOnseqimonce o!fdith aere. hovu l] pircuiona e! tieO 014 Tesalment ,andt New 'ToatanLmnt cm adne t imodem ,lite u account o! the mIona btstoweit. thean etter for the. clty aul tieoi. otif hi. Univrsity ve-a vp out o!,eietence witii.henamo o! its:. fo"d«te. peaumtber lta he.eurb wný-ibeUuni- veeèIty bas acmpeitf a dollar vili any st*h t èQtioliatachadi t iVa»ant Collego.-foundeit by a brevet. aM'Mr dowit d i w tiithe procaiao!fie sale ortbimtat. la dot a vaîst aimunt o! i&ià, butiln teènl**raimc* an the hq- lir troi..aienemt -bamploneit-liy I 1 isay o-cept lbe glfu sud al-othrer gfts fnmum tuis or auy other source undt sauctl!y thoin by UAlng thein o u good o! ionkind. ville lie n-ciotae salej uimosflttingiy itenounce ail Ian- propen ninetiode by vhlciimonoy la gainai.1 004- of Itiagara river." -WltO 2530 siter lins preictlon Alton 1b.Adine e au artil la thi. Mack elb< etOte- sitrms Magasine. "i. rlê tebrO 11>01 certaneconmiml. litu*trlot 0Mg ltaiforcis ar#h worklng traogiy 10- vraa, itts ,e.ull. spd tirat do*Mr m eau b. stsyesitny by'd 0*gn0 tii. sovrumeet. ill titU pi gresu voulua..! vaw>t..%OWI1t&leoWo tbitnhqentt'iud groudeu, Ur-i Ada~mns :Is t A"j diseasisa tkl valer-t lii gest lIgs uepby >11< se muub lte. ot tb-if' fterr *0' Niagara cotarac, it uatt&eo luit. p" ta dhit. *bat Iethor vuar llaton trou le dlVesoei'ftm'IfNigarVivé Dur l* -mpr raptand Itandiscliriml lt* the Mo pbaowby bw«o»ne!tcousis. pipe mim ,-tam . uafbet proces, Il la .é4&r.Ill rïl i yup lie falis If il ie tlo*tpragreoss micloentiY fr Accoýrmllng o' Oie moom*utisluof United States ouglucors In tho yeusanl1m suitlm b,*tu,Roeiual ieisorgeto!the Ni- J..... O...fur inés .. 1.a5Lk HiNtIRONMUBNT AND i> OUAIL Brio e Is .Qouble fbt pal s,.ont. 1but Rer> R. ~tOi slinks, et timans, t. do littié sas105»8. - Place au bouest man iamont commiet- t- - t-l rogues, or viiere business t. geai- emaly eonituctetdiiibountiyandIn l cases jour bonnet - man tourne rogue or fi braeon lusi- nets. Beedily as the prime factor In - imorul lts ba r elved gpeaueam- piants. It lu un- - doubledliy ulgnlfs- - , caul. But It- bas b e en ovenvorkemi. If man or vomali iiV. ILA. s. m-ma., vent vtoug eocetj uttrbummd l to nab.duitrain lu suces- amy sonien-bore. Tbat settled lhe mat- hem. Society i-us guilllesa. Tii. boy or girl gaI badliy bomu. 1ha1 vas ait,- and thie malter vas le! tin the Lordt anid the -ilt' uesee wasbedIls bauds o! lie viol. reepon-- shblty.- 'Tiore are signa o! a violesome rniBo. lion agaist over-empansis on hereditY. It le becomlug lncr.nslugiy appareut that envîroamment' bas more te do vith life, moril or piiyslcaî, dianiioredity, We e e .vit-uns o! surroundiags. Wiere vo live, boy vo live, thé Moni-. fold l nfluonees,, clrcumslances are thie vital nditoffective forces Ilu life-4unI-' aIng. Science han siiovu dat doestuge for existent-e and the cousequefit sur-' vival o! the fittest la one nietiiod et enviroumient by vici formaso! lite are cbnped.,' 1 -Hunman belags are equally subject ta " zzua the iav and oquully susceptible ta - cubl otp scn;ai h.lte Influence of surrounihgu.Place a ucunt, est pauIlelud. ati tla'tere rogne viiero busineses i oueatiy cou- ~b.youd the. capacil! of vsler power de- duchtd nle tarennaomest by force volopmente like dio. nov, lu progresà o! clrcumauces or geh batoun luhei,&bout Xiagara to serlously dlmiuigh or génme. 'Ail o! Wblcb bae If$ sîgnifi- aven dry up the talle. irome«Ulnates cance lu Our mclai probleins. We uboli ltli obtained o!fIthe vailous iydroullc have slum people go long as vo have Plants nov operallug or lu course o! gluins. We siioli have vicions poople construction ou both sudes o! thé talla, sa long asuv" permît vlelous environ- it eppeas hit tios plants have a -total ment. their baleful Influence opon lte.npacihy o! about «8800 cnbic foot, por '[li ted fok@ eseonit.or over 29 vot cent o! Oie Min- 'f iegoo f ,k grow oui out ofat ba uncs lsciare o! theo river. lie co-l conditions and lieit people coine fri>mnsampton o! vater by lie prosputiv god srroundingu do.m net vîtiate tha nov barge canal, folloing elionue0o general sôciological proposition flit the present Brie canal front Baffai. te people are theiesmu to! ,uvlonmunt figvauao, i. vigratdy &dit to the drain. mionedao! ofnative Instincts or ioi-ed- vilo tbe Ciicego drainage canal in ai- Itiaj teuiteucie.. ready al to m0iret sauncli os 6000 Institutions for vayvart cidman cubi. foot potrmsecond. Mr. Adams oeil- are woli eaongb au a penden, s mako.- mates diat the total diversion o! valet su!t, u esy oy a et uI ! m>t-~frout lie gi-ouIlaksaboie Nitagara Palis, for .&U purpoos, vii rachiau respomibUlila. But diey do mt go mnch sm 67.4W entile ftel per second deep enough. Note were the maiorty wm-io ail o! the oroIt nom- opratlmg or o! your liadt bois sud girls corne ttom, undter constrtion arte arriet ouIto tii. hit of bornes tiey ,bave,.lthe their full anlionlue-cpaclly. Thiis streets lihey livo lu, the kIind sud woild lb.41 Preto o!hei.minimum dis- amonut o! food lioy have, sud dieu charge O! tiie Niagara river. t chauge tiie condition. au tdat lit l1 t Ti icg alyNv ssla n o! clulide lefrom o utinus indoue ta privent 1he the uext fgeration o fr ri ulilmeut o! certain plans DovwhIcon- dhe saine source. v11ii net need the lompiation l appeare entimsiy poisaibe, -Bridevoll. Searcely a cbild dthao nters dthelish apleudor of Niagara Falls m.y' your penal institutions snd graduates hecome a thing o! the. pat. The elecîri- ya crimînai but migit bave been an cal power plant comp.nlos novr operat. boneot citizen If bis suuroundigs liat lut near thiefalse are alr.ady cousuminu 1. been btter. enengli qater t0 affect tie 10v percep- rClean out yotar moral easpools ef libly luamInter. Prompectâvt incriouea lin one kinit and anolier aud lie matter lie consumplion o! the» campsulue i> cf prsoul moels iii srgey b t aIe avay abont 40000 cullcft a tec ýr t.eroni iorlewil lrg!y tkeamui, or one-fif lb o! tho total masflour came o!, tItaî. Ame ve net sponiting ovor tdo fait.. ThSis t has beom toit. tih. mut o! oui euergy at the vrong mats&ait, lirednce th ,ctara t t-it tend o! tho problin? Amoircan alite toa hum valI% s vOu1e The river t e n the outher a e tinu dFRlIIXDSIIPAND BUflINESU lis hiher. the Amerîen at.levould be ilaorier. Preie C. arastj., le frst teo gufer extinction. Woeothé 'Friendshlp la bomu lu odveralty. lU diversion o! vwalor ho lie, pover plants moliembood IuoW.u die sorrows o! dhe ta be lucreoei tat 80,000 cubie finl a sec- vorld. Muci o!fie so-cAlieit friand- pilthlb.Amerlcan follemvomili cas. 1' >fsblp lae meiy vimllaasi. In lieoiogy tiet. Under hisenov pouding lualthe Il fllshow Ils vhite surfacem- t ~New YorktLeglulatunrethe eleetîcai ber)afoc s l . TaIt, h aO> Power Plant concerau oul iehopommthed Li-hertau vlakomostic lovo, ae a Our aIte liaeodgh vater t. briog about tuas t o là ideadlvdn.n Isastrons rusait.- JEcoffin, eodr for lnheruieut Sé t. ioI u_________ biicies of mon lu black cioli viti a PRESIDENTS HUNTINQ CABAN. top o! s11h bat. fret-closhypocrite, la ûonfomences, conventions andt minie- Les "Oback" le Celorado Whi.k Uket' torlal gatherlags, tslkiaîg more itenonu- tort Nattiou'.Ci.!er oetue. o* inationailom t dan Christ. 'The. huainisahin occupleit tiiPri to Tiere are vola vîithoul vaher, trees tent Beosorvelt andt party Sa abouttivna viîiont louves. ulgbts vîthout stars, h-ie nules from, Novcastle, Garfield lY over. WlÏhottfragrance, fields vitit- SOnty, Colorado- lt stands oa vhat 'a onal voipupt vtotImn onasHuntsman Bîlu. vwilciia dia -g avstPIIt ihu serinnsuaBuler o! a reglon t*omlng mthtgaine. 39 gardntns itiont fiovors, soldlers i it>- but moe' ellyo i ag ii an out weppons, couatries vltiîOit- a ?hecibla l. a omforable log "sack," vidhout a nlong. osii-'tthont oatoit- li der, asimloua viliont faltii, homs v*a uwthonî uotiiers, meate vîthout f004, ea Go4 vitiont any heaven. a friandt e vititout a country. ItSncb t.a piture o! a frlonaibp, 20 e v lc sa.upretentionusas the fatlier o!e behll,. dat Christ put hi a clase by' n- itzel!. a- Tuher. la ouevbho cIme Ithé li ao' la __tliefrioni tht atichehi clouerha n. a brother." IBe thoueeit lhibis lafi- oe nce- the pertihg lain umoulhy andt lie curai id.!omita mlady. 1h tank tireit - asiiartsansd put thila earlun labno - -_ [th evorlating aloep; vt nta dto egar- d1 ien o!fliumaulhy and 1111.4 lie ugiy suhotllllî oan@utod, andt amply p» veoita and leftItilbloomin vWîlhi lie drid> it vîl' dthe Surt.efor oretu, >4bloasoma tdot viiiiesh their fragrance soniforttu. Tomporary partl[ns han Lut labo the centuries, neyer te tdie, Tilt,"sum Put aup, on. et Oio rude opatini lmi la tho frimahlip Of Qo<. bdu ei guait 10aothe o! li te Pie! teul. Whon buisrdse mue. wov.lln«g tie rugvas a n esmiemus it s St, O? UE OROS, hi bt ir Ueoee'et la u e h ten tr AUl paverla liera>ao! sin. t ao is, de v, mot 112Ou eIgs kt.W No prayor k.gIlf4aion slled piiaua& lm-i Il tuplozo t. se 0-ie i -NoDeY1ý'" on 0,t 8W- ai la lia', ,"Jb bâàiËd iào a & mWbg lb i* A - 1 à Ë. â", ilà Ï bueGrahiam Phelpes tokma o * ' S~~UmltPoster, viose engffl t ou wnoncsi$tu*av YvholiOyOlil baba. vas lakon ta d - ton. Wlti> ber !oily 51. oueM ' oui uduce Ibat> turne basbeoau &lgot faery vorIer and vrlter for lJoue papers. Mr. fties la a niillomaire Plillotirepîst andt la çonapicnous nsu clsi ie osa, graituati o! Yaie and a inimber nt die leadn clubs. Hl* bretiier Io Aloson PiieipeMites, Jr,. o ittinlguliied Episcopol clergaS., sut ils alister lu the Bgroness Hlal The couple are ho b. tuarrled la Juiy. Lucius a. Pratt, io reeetey i41 d ai_ Nevion. bMass.. ieiped bulidthle saaba and sudlhe MexicommuContrai r.iiwsys. - Mirs. Franc"s C. notte,, ouce a&1>205 ber O! Lauma Keene's company, Is dSd..n'Ue Justice Johu Marshall Horion,.*of tiie United fihahes Sulireme Court, vii favora the. building co! a Prosbyes41au fflioedmul linIVesi- luguoi, leone of Jurista of theue i.u trY. Minet% Novem-. ber. 1877T, ho bas bonon otaela. u promo Court beach. Be viibon Inl Kentucky In 1833. vas eineatcd lun Conter Coliege sud Transylvania Ual- vï-odty, anti vas- a colonel lu the Union army. For four 7mar$ ho vats Attorney Generai or Keatucky, and vas tvtIci nouintd' for Governor. Justice Hartanvas an orbitter lathe DfleIng 'sea coas, and boa haued dovn decialonlu tome faous auitn, Lnî-iuding tiue Nebraska maxlniuin freigit rte case. . Walîer L. Wetierili -o! Lima, 0hio, a letter carrier, la the siairtest man lu lie govimnument eupioy, iieing just four foot hgh. Tva full-blooiem Inldion areo mbrm. e! the Maîne Legialature-Peter M. Noi- son a l'enobscot, sud Petor F. Neptune o! N Iiaamamaaauoddy tribe. TrYunnEB. Nevberry, viio bas s- copted tieit offio !Asistant fiecvotary- o! lie V'avy, la one o! le ia tihgoluitoi bau.neas mon o! -~Detroit belng lu- compsteil lit.b yrl oit, and5 renstIfa Sct 1ol e Tao.wbe ipe la or-ganiseubo ie a- I. IL UEWT31. IWon State Nival Brigade snd uervod viti IL iturtag lb. Bpampali ar on lie Yosemite, holdlii lie positm t !lielutenant domit- nauce ooMecr. 1.1er lih onînpohit- ai on bte staff o! thi Governor, vîti liÀe rank ot colonel. Mr. Nevbotry la a personai frisait o! lia Preulitont sud W5 iearly la sympatiy viti bit naval Nelson Kansas, composer o! "Bu -Boit," W hurlid t Chuilcotbs, Mo. A monument lS 10 b. pîsceit uic bis grave. John Burroghs, thee cubent naturel- Sot invisiting the. Bermudas. Attoney Edwiu W. fims, vboms Presîdont Roosevelt bu aappointait so- ilettor for the Depamument o! Coum-- moesoand Labor, and elace Augnut. temoy fort-he.bu- tilof oheiosanue departmeut Prom Cook Cony. m Sima vas bonala oducated t Atthe ýUniverulty ot Miahul gan, trou> vi o bféls graduadoit la the lav i8leu Dumlng hl& inum- b.ucy o! the otfieso! attorney for Cook Connty ho moto a notable record lu the collection o!fitelInqunaltaxes. The miv fianator froin machuuotto6 Windirop Murray Crans, rectlvea umoro bagglng lettora. han any o! bis col- lesgues. -John ient, an Anutican, le lie man- sear of a compauy ciarteroit to deveîop the muinerai resourceà o! nortboastemu ai- barlo. Tu. lerrltory l ln wiihbi. com- pany operates le 200,000 quare mles À portrait la cil o! James G. Bialas, by Tuompe, vil ho h uasite naialloo copihol among the portraits o! forum Speakers. Dt. Coven. conituclon o! lhe London Pbuiiamoumu Saclely, ufi58 yeare <*14 sait vas hotu lu Jamulca. Ananlas Baker, o! Rocliestor, luit., wlh mu ecif notei t drougi bies onsm- tiluat oxpounofo tho cigarette irli- ery plot la lie SA- ilana Logigaguré o fW e ekis Mbas %gaiu cornlt hiei publice 70 rougb 0 > v»)MedSa- id le le