CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 12 May 1905, p. 13

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RAMw amui09Igenre« m PWcI mori e That-9" hee ansedrhtho duecfoyoIà Ous i.Pleut. Ciom. PMmlp& PéoluS.,.N&w PfatoesTurtnI Dmcr Talk wth uw by phom ,ifemovmmhmt.e a emrete der estly J. E3LI TIRIGG ,~ papas, pesa ta as p a a sa S Watches Clocks Jeweli fiÎne -Repoiring a Specia ry otq Sheet Music ANDREW HU#5 S.ccneoe (sDubylBre.. LIDERTYVILLEX X X LLINOIS fIEN'S WE3AR. FOR SPRING !fancgçig'f eqf i drts, Dress Shirts. flune- shrts Irom 50C up Summer Underwear InBalbrigpn 25c eop Injersog Rlbbed 25c andi up For Workingmen, Union Overalls amdJuamrfit every- bodgfrom.50c up. Also et ies in Paetots' Oveamil. A. IIE 1L 0ForMATS In i ots iesM" ac ni Colo Softaend Stiff fmin 50c to $3. 0«w skeek also incdudes a complete fine ô[ LADItES' WEAR nith !e Readors ~ .5 4, g iajlr*444444r041 Libertyville bivision C. & M. Electric. a(tbjed to 0change wilheut noti.ce. n WE5T DOucCo TRAIN lak SulIfl.............400 oarm. and bourly mnUt se 0. M. Last tar 1.20 L d *odnt...... .le............102,1, *. - .. .. lbotîvllo..............lie -'se o TrqtfngPark. ._........ .94& .0.118 àtmksi'shler ..............26 9- .1s~ MANT nOTIWD'TRAINO Boeketelisr.............. .M a. m. aid houri untlifil . i». Laa uit moo TrtttugaPark ... . ..... " *1SU. .--10 " lhbetvhlle ............ . Sn II II -.. ..o0.4 sopdot ....................M . a . Lake Iluf ..............s 11.0 flNOUe onu ePtion to h bv .ttrma,~oo he sea at Lake illut! until 1,06 ad arrIe$ Mt ioollsr att.27 and la ooer..Pondbial »e1114 ail 1rta'rmodilate sMa. tien., Ait mars oaneo t SLake Bluff wlth "M ou m"0e 1a Miss taisd Procton vimitéi fnlends ln Ulm. <er*W aMr Pentrrtailnerl friende thelety cirer Bun4ay. from Chicago otoreudity. Born, ta Mn. and Mms. Chao. Treuner, )ir. P. P.- Dyiuod visîted frielido in Weduesday, a boy baby. Waukega thte*of thre wck. Mm 0 . J. Burke, of South McAlisber, Voue (0010vaylanowiiqaat inebhee vislsing ber graid-iuother, lins. wittht ediptiierlbut tirIa-a is reîiaoted Mary Trlggs. tualbe liglat. George (1ilas of Kaîsa'. City bas lueci Mie Blanche Cliepmîra. rif Eigin. cirent visftlnr¶ wt Lafayette Biond land a couple of dais withliil-r sister, Mrs. oa few days. Wor&,u Weil@ba Islest waak. 1 do Dnot want an>' mure fl,îwerm, ferna Abouit twentyattealedi]l th lien Hur or blousioins pîîked in îay woids air social Wadaitoy niglat. (<unis were lu- park. C. C. UriVEkANU 32-2 uiged ln until mldnilit %ira refroida- r Mnf. and ire. Franak leswia. of on teitrere servea'. 0' iaison, Wis. nlslted with Clark lieswick MisthlJiag, tl*nt ud 0and fauîaily airer Sunda>'. - Miena Fhltmlhiingorr', of I 'laicago. Geuorge Mc>oal&iuis resigneat bis atteidea tht M7a>'rty <arreg i viiilant i» tia with ia iith & l>avimaul Warren Frida>' uigbt al; the tara fi laruil. ylsiîOW daîiug the work. lire E.B. Msse ofhîarley la Mn. Frank Miller eiraii a Chic.ago ariedL. Barl ee, fta ate.a* ~hospital where a»W unrtr'rweat an Opera- funearaif tibers.enChas. Buik ttend taton last week. It as rîralerstood au- funraiof rs.Cha. Blkly.ýother operallon viii Ir. 'a'5sry and fI' you desire tu get good taiidy at a wbieh cvilocr as@ sui Wqher rieaéonabie rnce, rend the ad Of condition cviii permit. (luîther'» Candy Agency un tis page. A ela asn ucrraeo re Complimnenta may lie heard daily frori stuifs and Hâte perishalr gords wlalch visitnîg cvo ici,>r ark on tua. are shlipjwd hum Chlaia4rîta, the local bwiIe awakan ad busines ike ulipear. nmarkret _ht stike lais practlcaully ence, o<f our village. sapdFe rbefrr raku hp Avateran snasosutx artorays tinat nts ut ofAhanastpring catr rtuaimist=1d neyer in lais msnmory han tih' alîring li«tho ait'. Re beslas -n i ai! taflle, oisne'd up with as ranch wmrk rend>' to p art of liasordeva via. tlrr 'lactna' but the lie doue as the present seamon. business tbvoffghb e cira-s ,'amîaniau C. H. Avenu wa*s among the Liberty'- tbas hein sht of, th ia'trý.t miiînent ln vilecitisen. whaî atteded te Lie si.ption abutwo eksbirgaad'Wde- at the Hiamilton Club Wedraemday lu day. fionor of l>reeident ifaviai Bilan of Tilden. Nelir. inshoes X ANNOUN4CEMEN 1S X visitirag frleads anrd re-latives. Mr. Bil" W"i a foarner ha.' a'auuaty baoy buît'fair Tis. Ladies Aid Boa'ia' at ia,' h M. E. nian ya~rs lies ia'l"laa îaaîaa iratua. hcii serve le arr»irr <l; c iake at W-Mt. lthe - hifldiparlor, luy a'evniîg My261 frmn61.0 tu 9 p.iii At the annual May' paoety givenli h ex etn r tr dksd Fi'ndayilit by tihe Q. aet. (J. aaio ,a8xt'tiiTe nryeolaetiongwr14 the.Lakesitî c!ojies w-ne preernt. Tie-uie Wta Mrs i H Il 11er Friday 'aftearrioaanthe furnuied by a tire plserOrchestra anaaît. îr w hoasn. muont erajnyahle ULisuailereported. 2. io aboeng Mir. E. A. îîislaop wlio lias change of- Tht subject asat Surrlay nrrrning ut the Erainoîs-Mercer compan>' bain ,' h rshtra hrî wl a' Tc here since the tiret of the uionth buntbas Laat Wordof the Maeta-r." Mn.. Adju. iéieîunalîle tu move bis fandilitu tLi tant 8anitb WinlQing twir..ulr4 AMbaied plane ai ho taunDot gpt a bouse, asof Jesuâ" and "Priaimee tu'ia lie.." Tii' oai ajioeer o m an ln.~i At the Metbodimt hr'lrrh Sundu>' woudroup. taies of strikes and ca anoriing at 10M8 Pasioar Lamier wili and report that not for mai>' >ears pi*OOih upon "(God'a Fr,'- li ft," preceding bave thi. lalies and streais hieeî secveîi wbleb cvib.ho esamhnatraraanal baptierai eto6cked isit l 1b as the prean spi oh 1probationon In liilaje veniig the sermon. wHilbc upo a a"Prafiftable W'ho Wauk.rgan Suas of Tussday maa. : nvestment. -AI~fnnnîîcd. *'John Ly'nch whobas been for a, long 1Supday aonng îex t cviiie lfAed ie Line an tihe emploi oft W. E. Drew hban opaing service luinitheew Cataulia' Ieft ibis position aid is to start in tihe chureh. Soiemn igr'aga rîaeswil lilae turraitui:an d undertaking buoi.iesa'in celebratuS aid l"atrrCleruon, of Liberty ville;" Chicago, will prescli. Neigtabrring C. P. Fisher hua men given the cou- piests cvlll aimt iai the service' wlîla tract for thc. foundation of the Hanli>' promises ta lie rarçret ilî'. Tue sbire building on Milwaukee avenue servie, nla& 10 a.. iia. wiiicii will te- erected lutheoer future. Tht Volunteere rai 4nericea.niahldirng lie cviiaJso la>' fonîdationo for dwell- serviesin th ii arîaraclaura-licr>'laiglat iig bnsesfîr F~rank Lo,'kp and this %rosetand W'ill raintInue tualii W)ait Clarence Weils. of next «cveek. 'irrrraay norrniiag tiacie Tennis smoins tu have talinitbe tawn .wl ho no ser-via'e'bartin tns aftricîn b>' esoran thi year. Alrpady the second cvili 4-a service t.,, ahieli ail are iiavited. club basnbeenorgaaised cvlth a member- * ship of abiout a dusen. Whiie the. tire t X 90 1ORTS and AMsENMr X club organued in open tu ladies ui>' the latter le not so extlusive anal numbers Ilavinia Parkt Theatre. several gentlemaeni awong the chlarter Thteamusicale vesinier on Sunda 'after- nenierii. noon, May' 14 ut 1:30 o'clock. Jaronirres F. 1S. Weeden hbabeen procureti b>'the t '>' ui1i' ira program. Wiiheian locýal (6. A. B4. ta speak on liecoratiain Iiddlesuthult whilîr, raentl-V dedicatnd the day et the services ta b.e htld aét the urga at the Cl'iagni Orchestra hall Union church. Mr. Weeden had i iU b.othe msoit. Mr.. Mjddlea'lulte yearm ex perinop ne.u active servie sat the ham preparet a '-riprok<i-m for tlîle front and ls an intertoting speaker. Hie musicale aid wiil le.ausasied yla> 1ry' là# kiowai hl ical 6. A. Kb. circl, having 'îmk-Týiomsain, orrîîrano arnd Sepria at one tirue addremmed tip'iaîld .old'aerse a u t l(lonraez. raoe paiiîo la4nlaoe. tickets 50 cents. o it .is .aid tiat a ,iaad neaaIer recent>'y'The h4giest lr ia avernges ni'tha. in a rarigllaoriiug bîwia, aleronatrateti week are. tri a part>' af ladies. and gentleman Fit Carroll........ ....... 151, iésalîlil>' tu read. a newpaper - Wiil ha.........155 tlirough tcvo thunkiihts ohhof orne .Johnson ................i.15 blanakets. Oic. of the girls, a native ot, The L"brtyville buse bail club will bihe place', ieft the room ciith te mpla>'the Little Forte q! Waukegan Doit miark that sire «"wasi not going t ta y> Iuida> on the olal tain krounds. there an>' longer with juet that.calic ______ drems au. Trolley Crambies li. oBu. Tht Noîrth 8lare Eletric compaa>'im fait cA!tinplëting Utn systeiî for bringlîg Wedneaea> aay nrinag at Lake Bluff a ite eleectriaeity front Waukegan for ligint- trolley car mtrra'k a bus loadeti with iîg purpomun. Tue lieoraf paies baslean bansamivar'rw hegdleîa caainpletan ad tbe wireel for tuie circuits@ bigli slieod in orilrIentu catch the 7:55 are b.iîg sîtreteieal. Four beavy caiplperNotwsi-irara<)(leo.h . wirem are lsiig uns]d "idl wo comploe' aid that the drivar ian appnoeebig the. éiilcuits wili b.ierput iu, lune for the anc depot saw that tie train vma. aready lu liglite arad oîae tfar thae iicaaden-àctaîad ungted thtela. arias an noS îotclng the servie. Oaomiîîg electrir 'an untll it cviiupon IdMm. Ida C. Strnîng, tormer>' ot Liber. Tht bus and eait aat lt a crash and tyville, wiirîhuas fuir tie i.ant several the vrnhiarie wam ernruehed ta fragmente, y aslived inCiiforiala, wai necentl>' conruiderable daniign htig',daine tao the the icthiaof a sanalirinof wlaleiî vocar as uissu. qunîte ai foiloiwe hrom a Coeudaie, Ca. Three passeagerm were lnured besidest exe'haugp:, the driver and- tiiece were reruôvrd frain "'A genial and enterpriig -hominem. thé debri. and taken to Lake Forest lady, JI ever oic. ivredla, is . Ida C. .wheve Lis>' wPre plaesd id tht Ailes tltrOng. hlaI juat retitting lier store Home and their wouuda vert dvsseed. alter thetlire o! lait veek. The blas W:t. George o! Billing, Mont W" argiated fnom a goline stove and th moetmsrionsly hurt,l htlngthoulgbt quiekl;spreud ove tht a- of thé bulti that hgnecelved- internai injuries. The hug.With rare presene oh mmid, Mn$. .namsof ithe other injured are John H. Sllong oelatt thet have and carried lt Howard aid John J. Murdock. William out donné, hiherehy'ving the cause of Hendenson, the divier, ostainealeliglit the trouble and escapiîg viti laut alight brlumes. injîr>'. Tht kinti nelghlaore gatbered l large nunuhers and quickly extingulshad i.r C. A. Baikie.' thre tiimes. 9 Mm. Mry Selinin, - Mary Jane BIlkle> vas the daughter Mrs May peluiaimotiier Of of Mullord and' Lucay Hoveil antd vas William Speilman, lu reported ta biejuil- boni in Havana, Serduyl« Cofuit>, Nev lng ver>' fast aItii.e Speilman horne eait York on .Iaîuary 29, 1840. Shoeau.e of towi. Mms. Speliman vno ie orne of cvit beho parente to Chicago in18- viS Lie earllest settiereo ot hacmunt>' ii; DOW settllag la Libertv ville the following 98 yearoelad and stili comidalnds vear. $ho wva, narnit taC. A: Buike>' compvlote ebitrol of ber laeulties. For Nïov. 19. 1869 aid died lia>'4_1 Un5. SYSTEMe' The Macaroni Pmctory makes Extensive lssprovetn.nts And Wil MIeopen Afler Tlaorough Irnv.ntory. TANKS DEINO RBCTIRD. The National Macaroni company laîme liselossed for the at-ten days and will reopbo for business about tii.. 20th of the uionlia alter a tboroilgh stock tait- log. Bi ~that liane the gre fighting sys- tomn w leh la bolng put inat là costo01 about $8,000 wilillbe coanpletA. and the. oompan!y will be li a position to coin; bat any lire that Maya break out ai the building, ladsvendeît of the ilae The syatemn as lnstalled in knowu as the Niagara Sprinler mystem and the pilpeu ame oerbsad on every toor ol the feetorli and are'anso otrua'ted that a intalle, plg malei ta temperature of 160 ddgnes. openlng a valve that Te- lImm. a jet of water. As tht. plugis are Iltuatod about emey twelve lest in saeb direction the ehaniess for a ire gain- big rnuch headway are redueed to a MinimaUn. Two large tanks are heiig erFeted to fdrntasb storags rouai for water, aine on a stesi tower wbiela will bâve a eapar-it> of 25,000 gallons aid anotiier on t l* rof of the faetor>' whieh '.111 lie madie of steel, rei'enbllng a large bolier. la shapàQ, f rout which water m inae .foril edwat grest. pressure. This latter tankid a omaller and bas a eapaaity oif (i000 gallons and la beng Iil*lt-byCb& , Kelley (if tht Warren City houer Works, of1 Warren, Ohio. lipon the éstartlng up of thtý plant a Larerfors ai ever wîllibe eiîiployed. a 82hebar g home %wlll béunder the direction of. Mr. and Mr@.L"G raide vwhieh will usure the. betit of guidauce for thatportioüoiuttlleeoneSrn. It lethe pur. pose f the usw'managenient té) keea natron liticharge "ia] Uies ln order to maintailà tht haghest degree of respecta- bilit>'in, that oneessar>' adjunet tif the enterprine. 1MNic. Id. Stuart le in chanceé of the reàrPaugements and it lit rumored ciii taire ait active Interent lu the manoige- nieit0f ftot compat' when the plaent again resuons operations. Oriiance Nor1609. An ordinaie namiui the imembers or the board o! loeal lmprovemeut&s Bi t ordained ,bp the r.dnt id board nif trusteusaiothf iag t flbertyvilk-. ilItiais. MiTO .lea aoordances wth the p)ro-ý vsionsa ot ordinaion No. M .the boardl of trustesof Nadtai lllas esigntatsu a point tiharles IL .Galowayaa19.0(.6àn a4 ton tire zembeis of salai twra. wbo wtb l'aulliacuaDai. the pretaldent t sali boaard saah contltutàe iboard at oal limparoav Inents for ad vllww until otherwlie provided ai r oitanoe. At&t:SAUOd. Oln *Ordinance No. 170. WC.SANIomu. 0101 Approveai Male s.lies. Publabed ay iii, 1u0. Ordinanciq No. 171. An.ordirnao aeuisotueouse ai strfflts aid ubetruaions thoiien. for the dahpiar ut danger ahaaisanal tu presribe. peialtles Be It ordabaaiDr thi.'pregîduant anad board of trustes@ ar thtehYilaue eofIderhyvllie alha ou 1.The ste sa i dalleynInaitii, vllage of LIlertryillisalé,Ibokapt Ires anal .ilear of ail obetruaihon. Inoumbrances aud eioomhnents o fothe use ni' the publian ad ébhah not b. atsaior- occupleal ta sol atber Na, exeept an hera aproviaiod. BTlacN 2 . NO pausai. cUMPaaiLOr engaaoratloi shahl injureaor eur un Detau side or iras. wr1% or air part tianof. dis saurbos halel or mrin. or remave air suai otoneiearth or ai-aval from anostit. ue; or pdaouanaià la the Vlifle of Libti-v vili ulthou% bavlng tii-st abtahneai ueai permiiaon tron ochairmai ofi'@tract com.- mit« of mid village induM a penaltr for ,cash aOffonsa or net klotaau tan dallant (fil.O) dor more than oie hun<lrtaidollars ISacTIoNit. An>'pra.copu.o corporation whoahtlainrorutut or cause ta Des Icnoeireal or obstrurtea ai street or ale'î or other publie piaffl belrlac' Iautherelirthtreon.#iy buildIng mâtenlai. an atier article or thîna. wht± "àlvn4 ltb out having tiret obtained, ecitten paraîsnaltort Iran ohalrman of stmess ommeatte uf saaid village obeail ba aubîectta a apenalty Oflhtt legs thon Uv. -dollarsbtt on more thor, aILy dollars (au . 00)for ea asaene anat ru funther penalty aofltai dolnure si80-) loreatla day onrt of a da ne uubrsnrrsor obatraotlonahilieonitie. oalai Ln toAIaIlo Ds.Inu iu 01im iatlBnl,.atreMFerad or nubbiali tlnronah h. toe -hf aa via e ua =aoe. anal carri »sa n aboxes af auflilsît oayiAa5analonstruction te pil-vent thi. countente shereol frîn Debgts« satteredon said atree na a durparson. oupable or eorportatia em.anrtnansurW& a.ari or ator vilesta b.c¶oailod anal h%eaauta ulIt eartb. sanai. manure. uai. mual or rubinhii Bo5DMh. th ountente on air part ZhtreoI eshail De srattenoalih air sineet. avenue or osher publiai Piisn.lhigalin village, shail forf'.15anal parethe Ouna i'f JIvadollars ($6») fu Ionach oftaiae. ECTION &. AiyrdensaicompaDY 'Or ainnicratton havlîg the Ose ni'ale Portion or sol, etreat, aller. silocvalk an os en publii grounadis uors@latvillage. unden unîtten uni- sent sa aforesal tfon the purpose oI stur lac air, aater relra-other thligthoret- rrî anIanth parieuse o! dipAglieair Dole@alîtruh. ren.. or drain. ihali cause aa uMOOrdeu nmbetr o! rad ligiatste De ilaceal Ina.onsalrînoua Places le trait or andalientagsaid obstruo.t on ta rgrve apinn arnina andl notiontatin tbDI)îa. tomnast untîlisuririsa li the moanle. euhi igDî durnngtph otisse snob obstrucition or opsia roanssandal a arsinr .imd WtJ lgteas hrin pu ~ro e.atan foraiot andal vathe Mm Of noSst u ai fly dollars (14005s)innm"thali twootî-ve dohisres 5li.or a, saab erfois MÂ xceurrîs. Prouairleî. Attesit: W. 0. Sîsuno]tN. Clark. Paeed Malry, S. 0 ,Apgroveal MarS. te. Pu laDed Ma l 119. A"Sldewalk MeaOluIan.011 Atite niea'ting Monda>' niglat MnîyS> tht Village Bruarrl iassed tlia.lollowiug resolutioli: Bo15itsaLygu athat on andal atmr ho th asai'o May. A. »).. îles tbe Villge of Liberty- vil laht nntvfa.anurebatern aicouit ut air comenit walk buliSl ead Villaue unlos uaid cvelk shah Debhabl! wltheb.knoiede nal unaler iD. direcion oai'the boarada Trusses of nid Villageanabat].aisoe hutit on coistted hi nomne r i-san. aOm- p n>' onrainnporaiin. -'hoalibave RIssu bond te al BavtHfa in the nenai Oum or tn Thoisanal Iil"ra(8L00.9) te 1heure t a earrrina out Ot au 5arneedgvD eounaction wltb * Wa.pald andto be app-oveal hithe Pneslder* of sai Boanri provdeai. luwevsn. thai an, gropent Y owier. cvDo desirea ta huilai bis on or own menir on bav e mn oln- ' Dal r snmai reaielve snob rebats provîdedal th.hemater- lai lssaueil insalai val! sna, thefbo aanda us-r! tiienon i hall bp in saiaordanceu iti th. approval of Ostsdomnnlttee. Notice. on June, 21_ .22 andi' 2,1 rounud trip tickeS viili be muid ta Milwcaukee via Ouma hicaks tPaul railpa, c o L B Y Hamniockçs, Tendis Slipper SnBon'nets, c4 IIEADQUfARR O .GROUERIE, MAIS Al Libertg'vihe 19c -and: :1 aoz. aiq@wrt4ad styles of Ladies' Simer Weaght 11 i;nhon Suite in Wbito (Pta'Cream, sleeveleffl or shortý MILa,VPH, k,celougtb. Thiis is a mampi.' lin.. of superWo quality ligie thrsad garmaenate, gasîerally sold at 315c tui 50tc, our pries oaly Ladies' Lisle Thread Kait Corset Covers with eltber loing or short sloeves or entirely sicevelsus, 135, 40a kind bidren*rirbbed.drawere, Umbrella bottomo.ilume Ladies' Ribbed Veste, speelal values at Se.c, O.i L THE F1 - 'i #~ ARE YOU A JUI GOOD CANON IF SO- TRY OURS AMI) LET YOUR For Friday Dixie Flak11 at 27c a Pound, wu 3o. For Satîîrday- ' Bnttercîîps at 36c a Pound voe 4ý-- For Sîînday~ L1beityii1e Mixture at 2(ý aPOu41 For Moîîday Lime TabIets at 29c a Pound woffe44 ForTuesday --Peanut Cand y at 19gc a Pound, wIS For -Wednemday SpaniRh lAmonds-at 16c a Poiu !f we. pwoasç %Mt SUOQMuts -' I i s E g s s e g ~Ïn s e r- i s "11q.1 ! -1

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