CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 12 May 1905, p. 15

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!»I baire saIffeîl tr ycars iti bllusms. atI idney sud lise;- 4,11,Icaught a fillecold. the pains wom clo&rasd and backache and &bealcke Word officquant occurrence. "'Iiowevér. Pernm curel tue-tne!vi- boult- .le n heslitiur-,-..- SKIN-TORTURED BABIES. ImmataR elief lu Warm Bath@ wtth *Lutter. emp amon Omat. Auatîna, -liio auffertig whicb Cutirura lieme- «M haire alievlated amont the youug. -a Idltb. comfewt they have afforded WW-mtandI werried parents. have me totelir adoption lu coutâtieu bomqs au prliceee c(-urntiven for the ibMn adiio. Infantile and birtli bumors. mik eruat, aeilled baud. ec- sema, ranisheandmm every tort of itch- Snax ecaly. îîmlmiy skiai. and -sip bu- - lMorswitb iosof bair. of Infancy ana CblIbdhx. nas p-todlif. permueiîtly 4Mt emolmiallY 'iureil wben ail oh- er remedes aultalîlp for rblidreu, and eien the lext plyiyauu. rail. Oe-I l ad au uucle who wam kille'i He--Iiow Awfîaily %nhu.'king! TrolleY Mror fe-tirieChcair? 1msd Pieu'. Cure for Comequmpticu the. bot ntliine for croupy chldrn.-Mrs. *Y. Callaa. 114 Hall street. l'arkers but, W. Va-. Aprili 6. 1901. Uu mâ. ympàtby. "My fa"e borts tue." aai.i the youiàC MmanWho .....egalut a joilu t nuru Msitla. ;*Why dout Yn mwpevo ur e.k sod base the ticket?- euggegtel hie lady tr-ad. C ASToiO R 1lA Un âd YuNMin Mwqs U*t W. £s ~. Basr - hua Sma e Mc" mËW.sRMiT Ami melseaN s a ETrER. Wl S.'77 ,E M IST.E1 R troen1217 Wr-t fiuliil slret. Minne- apolis, minu.e sa 1l.sllwe *Iosaw #0b7fiW wfthafMala tho small.<io ha ardbtM= àcedidums ».i41 gve, D>ped Ia I hwq fieuridas 5 i, M'a.d- tPotetoirya a mer i« srOrle advlsed me to trie Peru* end gare il suchh lli ;.ralse liaI I decided ta tri Il. Aitlou#h 1 alnrted la wt littIle Watb. 1-Ii ce mare bolttai là s wek~ that 1I lut emoureged. 1 falthulfortes mvenweeks andI do hppyladetil le be abile ;nie lttam ssentireilyeuwad. . *' M 10 st. cpss am tade Pa* « bealh a mm Oathe5*best 9bl,«Ioe0",Wfs h ad thauka te l'ain lu the hmek. oretohéticrigit aide. Hcw olten aauibysiclau heans IS çompiant! Over end over we béear womem se,: "1 have a pcà, la thi asl eofimy bai-k. 1 have s aIn-là my rîgil aIde. jtu* -a low tIhe rae" Theeympteme Indicate pelvie or ubed-,insi tcaler. They ludicate thal the horecis are amI acing propeuy-tbat the kiver ia out ai order-Ibat lb. pelvie organs are cou- getcd.. Pelvie ctaenh--thst la lb.naine toriIl. Peruua m _espuis* oearh, sWhou aul oth.e symoupois idsap sr Tite etharnu mal bue&ain lthlb.ta- domintai organe, seben. it would be proierly called abdominal eatarrbt. At auj rate, Ilisenue of ttose ces% f interuai catarrh wbieb eanulue reaî'bec oily by a çoursc of Ireetient wiîb iruua. WVe have ou file Ibousanda cf te-- moniuale suhuiler tb the &bore. 1:la ia'm i.ui«iie bere ta Ulve our readers mura !,:in une or lwo s4peiimens of tie aun- bepr of gratt4fuiand couumealâtory let- ttrm lin. Harlman le eoumetaatly recel. irigabefoflm amr trr in-rats. lf f isfatos n.rr Ne fe leiSpoakt. PiYiIis--Wbat do ion Mltk. ibyli Tl'at idiotie youus Plasiiagton sctually 0hi,) lie aeene ta propose ho me lasd nighît. gihyl-Tisu dou't $&y! Well. I' alsraeje ihouziit h. sas a 11111e rati lu lus gar' net.. but I hsd no.MId..ho.ivis as batIas Private tien, l4ncs. The rallroada saint very wlllng te have lime prIvaIs car Rlues brougil un- de-r lb. jtrladlctluu of bhe Iltralate Voîminerce Commission. A ralroad lîresîdent lna utuomty for lie stateent liaI lUnes ara pald imllcas, ei thout 'Iisrrlmnation, and lhe question of ez- ct-slve charges la a miatten for lie abi1îper te settle selti the car iUnes. su long as 111cr. la ne las, 10 govera tiîr 4rates. Car mllcage payiug hais heen de- 'cided ta la as legs[ as thc pcymeut of yrenta for property. e le-s-leu.Tanupcueon. 1 An emincul English surgeonu, wsee rbrsequenecn s ti grosen-ups recli thaI afthe faina« Abernetby, la quIte another pensan seben chilairen are bis 9Patients. Tien be lu as anialahe as au angel of n'big Pi. lBernard deg. A.itshort lime aigo. sî-îorUlng t10SP. Jaines' Budget, tua» gentie glatit gel Up out of a sea-m bed at 3 o'î-Iock lu the cmorniî-gtl attend a tlny boy lu piteous jiligit tram dîphhherla. lie perlorincd bbe operabloji of tracheobomy and sai'ed the cbiid'a lfre. Thîne sent on andI bis general condi- lIon iusîraved, but lucre wseuonee dis- luletmu smptowi. Hc refuad ha use bis voice. Wlien be, sens qucationeai be noadeal or ehook hIff boad. but seoulai fltiat eak. l.inally the surgeon feufld a sesy. One monnng be halked cI hua stubborn littie patient. 't1 m serry be can't epeck 1a me, nurse,- lhe murgeon said, *"because I'm j loing up te London ho-mor-ose, antI 8ba'n't buese seheir ta brlng hlm a horse or a gul.'" . Tiiere seas a bnciefsilence. Tic sur- geoli sud nurse seailteaireatbiesly. Then a biny linger stole up te a seound- et'a rout, und the ghoet of a baby boy*s vol-e sild: -Pi'eue, docter, bwing me a likle gun !" Eves- notice lit? ot blé ai- the -as, [Bd lute mou he a bat ,ka il at àeir ML. 'cm au hm- RlSSIAN 1VIAOiveOKOlC pmT, anese Coiat Aler i e Rontis-. Idlene»-BRad Doubtiasa moda te Divert vos.'. Attention. The. Vladivostok fdeet, atter, nlne- monthes of 'Idienu, ba* uucxpectcdly desceudeailapon Uic Japanesau cost Pour lorpedo lboat destroyers or Uiat fleet appeured ofic hesouallast collet 01 Hokkaldo, or Yeau, as lb la desig- nattai upon MontttheiUi Malleused lu tuAs country. Afh.r boinhardlng &av- eraiainîl apaenetrading vessele, aeblisEone f teinon fie, Uic de- lu tbe Vladivostok iqiiedron Hennin bus b*o of thc Most powerful modemn arsuored cruiser» alloat. Orlglucly tisere weme tire, thec][tonsa, the Rurik, acuthe Grotiobol. The Rturik, wsecs unk lu the straulta of 1Korea in tie engagement wlth lKamamura«â Iftet on A.4kti I( lst The Gromobol sud Itosela manageail toecape andI rettirued te Vladivoïilok, badly dam-. ageai. SInce thià,,tluy have licou 1die. Thie raid by flie torpedo boats on tire JapauceeCoast IX miles froni Vladivositok makes lt pmaclliy ici-- tain ttattfti- big cruisers ie not far away. sud *liaI licy arc atteniptlng a dlversloîî lu oédér te dran- a part of Togo'» fleet 1teItheîîortbwest. The exp.-ditloîî. bowevcr, cf-the four Itueclan torpedo boatâ trous Vladivos- tok sel h ave about as machseight lu tiiis war as a feûbli' pinprI-nck. If If la one more ef Mt. l'eti.iaburg's dcep-la 1<1 eheinisfor pértsurbing To. go*s mindandam c-uilug h lm tb aller bisgtPlans, It Is the most rîdîrulous yce recorder]. Adimirai Togo doubil-s» would litre te know- eber ail ibree or ouly twis oftbe"Vludivostok i,-ruisera are lu gondd<Caudition for ses, uni wbat- kinil of a alîewlug llîey cu:s make. andai y raid fhlet vouiui give hfltutInformation wouid doubtiesa ie weecomeai. Il le a tacticul more naturally ex pecteai by naval men. Il proves. te hegin wlth. thal thc Jepanesi -bave ]eft Vladivostok unuarded. This la an Indication that Togo bas drawn ail bis figbting ablps sûutfiseurd bosefer moutbseard tbe outeldi' world idor elt kitiose. The Vladilvstok cruisers;. Ibore- fore, If roperiy hnndled, are Ilkely' te work al great deul cf damtage aiong the Japawee oast The naval proplemn thus be-ornes' doubiy luti'rcstIng. ltojentvensky'tq, flicolrpmained rit Honkoke bay. a sborl'dihanc- norli of Kamran bey, on the Frenchi Iiido-Cbiîn coast. uutil NMuy 3, whlen itla reporteai te bavle put te mca, te Join the division wsebibai; been proceedlng hte fliafr ent under tie i; of Itear Aduirai Nebogatoif. lu thse ChlinaSeu Ni-bogatoff. wilb hl@s quadrouns utantique% snd crlp- pire,.buseut tenst appeared. lu a lese daye more liii aoula ieaable la jolu ltujreti-cneky, sebo. according ta lent ac<-oents. vas amfli bvering off the. French camaI. înot uany ile afrein Kamranhbeby. Rojeelveni5kyes de- parture froin liat region bas agulu heen annorînced lu thc French dis- putchles trous Inde-China, but no one cun i-redît tihe fac-t 1111 the licol le nc- tua liy reported lu morne other place. WIlth bis divisions ulteai folcet- veusky eull have under bis flirg eleven hattleshlips. 10 suy noting of lus icule- ers and destroypemu-a formidable iugbt- luog force.,sîan n. If properiy buudl.Žd, capable of mcctlisg Togeou more than cajual tertue. Aithougli tbe world bas net tbe, bligbitest knowledge as te whi-re Ad- Mirai Tog- o basbis bcndquurters. hie c-ourse la tiorougll eî;rîhiabe Il la nt te, bis interest b ui-ek a batile a tiiotsa nd l mu- fi-oui thle Jlaltese nava aitascs. ai, lonîgas liiîro sla npros- iî'ct Iliat lhoji-'tveiîaky aili approncli closer. WVlietlier lie i-hooai'-a te awult the, ltu-aiaiît near Fortmoa. or. lu- stend. lu tiir e ri'a tralia, where hae <-au iaeep a wcaatlier eye on tire norti- erun îîaSaeis mb liieSed Of. Japalî. hi- kuos sIbt ltojeslvensky's dle will e ne serious moîlac- 1e Jupan I If bas advanced aI lecet n thon- san i mies fui-tuer ounlts course. Togo lias effeettually conci'aleai bis fle. No Fi-i--. (Gcimitn.Briltli, or Ainerli-an steamer bas eigbteililt---or. et lent. rcîîorti-d If.andai lIfbailhlicu sigbled the tact almnost certuin3- %v-eul hlav e hei-ureporteai.11 'No umore ubsurd runtoe-otîlî tiicomae dur-ent thai, the oue relteralcd lov-- erail imies aqt aveek tisaI liiîjtstien- mky w-as beilded. nt for Vladivostek, but for Petropavlovski aIttire southeru end of flie peninsui:î ut Kainelînîka. Petropavioskl l;aut ieast 1.500 miles ho thenrîlîcuat of Vladlvffltok. Iflsl a moere village. wihb rio iaccoiniodli- flons for anle hnllesb1),Ip. IcIno a greut floct. nuit. lu tact, rieoniore tixe- fui t ltoJestvcuiskY Ilîsu Plagonla seould hi'. Tire oiiiy receonable as- smxpîlous us te ttojestvcusky'a Iime- amine objective are nase, as betore, -fleat hc le màklnig for Viudlveaîeok. He bardiy cein he. planninîg te spenai the Stmuler luln te China seu. 1,1111e lias bain heard during lie week of thie movemenîs oethlie.Mon- ebuirian armies. Tic lut-et iriport la Ihat If seenî s neIf flie Josaîîeeare Seven yearm cge the Amerîcan peopl dropped a gical bcd ot anhlery. FUi ,years lhait gene, ii ami-e tley iha kuasen forieu *',arnd a generatio hait pased i ne tbeg bad leil the hal lie fleltI. Andthéusisapreme Issue-or M tiuntsecs la the. ialance betwecen lie: sud Spain. Sevena years ugo on May George Dewey strick that Issue Iroi bic balance, Hfie SIlnuto Mauil Bayas Horatte Nelson bmd ailed lut Aboukir Bay 100 yete betore, and wse a complets vletory. From tise lecha cal vioepolnt Manl a s csoct an cpoci making balle, saya- tue Chu-ugo lute Oecu. WIi tAite Amen-ean people1 replaced unceitainty by confidena Ail chance of cttack on our PeM coat sas removed by the tiret blois AndtI latilese provei tise tmetle c sur men andI Spaln'a. 1h made sur the victory off Santiago. Boit of al it shoseed that bbc 110ee o Paul Joue andI Dectur and Perry antI Macdoi ough andI Farragut antI Porter aud Di vie wsc net extinel. It proved tii luis potupie 81:11iitcd eltithoin th great naval commander, ready te met lhiu need. OROWTI4 0F CROPS SLOW. TOepcwatuse felittsus, olit v Ps*vevcin. er it ecticam.. Th e emîhe armueus weekly summar -et cropcondtios-* es iollows: -Whie thw tpeture- conditionsc ths week ensilas May 1 sere much moi favorable- than la the previaus see) compiaints of slow gerumination an prowth ara very ganeal in tbe Miesom aud lIed River of lb. Norîlu valiey,. mit die Rocky Moailnp alope, lite regie and Ne Englanil. lInlte middlie au uoutb Atlantic and litlStaes andI lu tl Ohio vclley vory favorable icauperaturi prevailad, but th.ecentral and west gsi Slates andI portions of the soallu Allantl Statemsud 0h1o and central%iMiispi vollys suffemeil fromi exces;sive rein wbich hindered farastg operatione mu tqrbWly. Newse Enut, North Dakoti Montan an sd eS-ida continue te nes mIn, bat the portions ofthie loseer MU cmoii antI 0hio valeys nefding moistut la die previomaseweek bave recelved au pie nsiutail. On tic Pacitie coal h week secs tao cool for favorable growt) wllb traquent iroeta lu Washington. la mont of the principal corn Plati rom plautlug bas matIe slow pingres but extensive prepaimatious for thia wa have h... madIe snd. seth lavormi -wetberinciseul be pianîcd tIuring th fnl s esek lu May. Flikadng genemaihi sefiniabed lu th Souliers- Plates and le uearly complete in the aquthern portions of Kansas an Missouri. la tue sonîberu pailon of th middle Atlantic States piantlng bas lieu activli carried un and bas hegun as fi neti ac Pennsylvanie. Practicatly &Il reports lutilcats the sinter seast contmnuei lu unuenall promilalus condition. the tempematurec tic peut seeek iaviug bren more revers hIe lor the advauce of tuis erop. Dry seegîber bas lteun untavomable to lie germinuation adgreseli oi sprin seheatl a tic Dakolas, The eariî sow lu Souh Dakota. hovever, ant inluMit nesota in dcing wecil. The autlook fi apriug wseet lu low:î. Oregon antI Waal Ington La very promi. The genermi eutl, k for cote continue favorable la the iîî,-t important ou Statea. iu Xauaaa antI Nebraska th crop lerccovering frein lie affecte i previene cela.I, t b- Dakota% ant' pei tienm of thc lak i-teeien germination hi net been satisfactory. Peedlmg la w. milvauiecd lu tbe more northemly section of thse central part ot the country an bau begun ln the nortieru part oftht mitIdie Atlantic Plate.. Over the ecseemu portion of tue cett huelltlb.wsebr conuditions have bec, favrorable for cetton plantlng, sehîci nearins coiupietiou ii intemnie.soutierI districts, god stands heing senercl lm dicaled. 1-A the ceaIralcatI seseet districts plenting l iai-b tIdelayed, 10 than hait of the area iuvlag been plani ed lu Louisianeanmd Oklahomua antI lm dian teemtorles. onIr about eue-bait II northera Mississippi antI eyenlittle ii Arkansas, practiculi. noue butits np - lhe test mestioned ittte. la noîthemu, centrai antI osetenucoui Iesof etas usuci of the Coton are romainsunuplanteai, and mach colton Issu in both Texas and Loulîsua helais badly seaghed eut by raineanmd extenai replanlinz will hceîeceîeamy. Qser. th, southivesîcru part efthle cetten area li Texas cotîcu la generalli dolng seelI cm cuopping antI cultivation are lu progrest Trsnsplautlug tohacco la neas'ii§finh ed lu South CarclinaanduIhas begun 1 North Caonu. Pianla are gcenmllj pleutlfal, but are backward ln Ohioama ara being dcunagcd sonesehat hi nsect la Kentucky, sehere preparatlos, a, picutiug are ln progrese. Wbllcthe reporte respectlng fruit cm maie favorable, bbey ludicte the, penche& have bo.n cxteuslveiy kilci. al Ithougi an excellent cr09 la promiséd'i southeru Georgia, ant Inlu a tese thei sections t4.roatlooik for peacces la soins sehal improved. fflet Pise. Ilteno. Fln. deetroyed an cabine hlock of bild luge et Ettabeaa, IMies., thieloti aggre gatlug $75.000. . lQurIng a disputa. about a guru et Necý ark, Ohio, Harri Freiner icielt ad billei Tiontas Osborne, ageil 25 jeans. Tihe resiguatione or ainc et thc Ici pension examInera cons.ttutinstue board of reviese, wbc aere accîmeesiof lrregsý icrities, eeaeacephtd hi ecretary Hitchcock i Wasington. The cousecration of the nese 8100,0X Monnaic Temple et Duluth. MInm, , s altendeal hi Prqminent Plamons troui mfiny Statea, iuctudiug Grand Soverelgiu Richardien frein Teameuee,. lrb Thfamally of Pamuel ltqmuctt who ri al Parisý 4,ft --n Imoite 41150thi mleM botuumm>aa'ythe large packera ___________ jioeted la -Chicago and , eisewhere. M aC oD a rilten upffi the ai- A e er f EpT~o.AV~ legetI ll. d rimprper modes of AtrYas o«E pre S bupaina procédure conuected witbthbe parking industry; but l eemae that e0 Regard to Theïr INe"t. for no disflulte charge of alny klnd bas been shstalued andI no proof of Illégal Mrs. Mrths Pobiman or inéquitable wethtie lias been dis- of 55 Cheter Avenue, eioued te the public. Whlle a waye of N ewark N. J., who lnaa neee c rlticiain of tbls gteat industrlal 1graduat. Nurse itheti fintereat la now pauelng over théecolin-.1 Blockley Trcîniug Scho,- itry It mlgbt lhe well to remember that & ti'biîlelphîe. and for lb. packers bav-e bad as yet no opr i cr Chief Clinlo tualty touiake apecilfl det4ai, the "Urs.e a"tbe Philadelphis W manyIndeflolte chargésofwrngd H optal. writealthelotter Iag ivg neyer bln Cftf t'mmMeô .rted below. iii. has tbàt c categorleal answer could bce tbemdvtntageotpersonal madIe. experlence, besides ber The récent ,repotîot C.mmleielonpr professional education. Ogrflel,. whicheinbodied thé resuite and what @he bas to «y of en oOdeli inveetîgattou undertaken mcy bha bsolutely relied by the. Departmient or Commerce and 11Upon. Labor of the United States. was a Many other wonien arem dication of thbcWestern pai-kers, but affiited a" ehé ecs. Tii.y tii. rmnt bvlng been unexpected &It- eau regain health iu the le tOeDptelI many quarters to discrédit t carne w&y. ltla prudani Swere made. tu heed ach advice frpm ýyId vIen thé esituation asel 00W snob a eou rce. adstands, bowcvee, attention May proper- M, ohpm vri l y be calie to ba fese tacts that ewlng &fir e~-ca. t- te popular clamor are now being ccp- ujat M- pcveutlj melanted. Pair treatinent V 0 .lec uqii, tist té !m la thseUiitry% i eretofore been ae- le mIesuda b asé ui.ilcl Scorded to ail citizen» sehose affaire as- for-Y ma éi s so-Man tu L @mme prominence lu the publie oye andil__ r9»&f9V la nom o icheforts that'bear upon the 1 iundUaSm it eato f the paekers tu the coin- bult tLu i e 10merce 0ft the countryinay at IbIs tinie vmie v sud paie, ilti se- On be brilly alhiided to. It seould be-Vt~~W~ulS Il- difficuit 10 emllmate tii. benefita galned ~ Taoas b- by the fariner. of the couutry' resii Ort- JP 9d er Iut frein the euergetlc enterprite of 1 poe.Iwcmld bleu entes it the packers. for wliatever le of benefit = tan d fsq t~bomei teu1.-fariner le a gain to the entire se rtîtbi eu lua,fl c.commerce of-lecut At o-~ ~limbitse trribllit.i neeýted wtb .heircoulipuona aggres- E fEi1Ibave. oves-hue. yda es64 sea eoly, W, ulve worl no lecture penbapa bas be ren PlaM'a Teetabec" i,Îie ',waub-lo--lft-J Of more important. than heiu effortîInluoured me utuhlu four ant~s~ tJsd hopoleauneus, the ir eeklug ontiets al over 1th. worid for Uiue 1bave ad eooetoreu uber thcrela onebit Lit the. surplus prOduets of the fariner. & umbw ce pâliente. euifferlu tramal Lydia IL Pinkh a' *Our total exporte of agriculturai prod- forme o usw ialulier nWOEd 1 *icth"Puda neem~w a- uts bave gained but little ln lhe pafft CM---- a patent sIl m a cn oe> No ther'temals ~.twenty yecrsand leaving ont corn, the secoammni Lydia eE. 1'nhhle'V wlhLsorld ha@ie l" ýtîM 01iI oMal otlurytarm produsetu.,waa s ~O5,for 111va&1 0 usd lbb tl Cu uis,*d unquale trlése la 190à than lu 1891. But luIn sse wbsre -l tls&Oidi Il .hMedicine has amueb a icparking bouse producta thera waa con- h aIi O O ese" fml runls. etsiérable gaInq durIng tus period, e- .oe cntbi ah D>~' The needieaufm et!g cause an orge nised sud powerrul torce hc-sririteeu rdceeehs-dineae 1rlar-e r bas bren bch(nd themi aceking malnuta, anthe lbI#mb1 ape"lilata nose bo se. bmOney and broader gne are ia Ldi E lnha'a doclors sho do iml Bea4eslb.becit repodbytarn- (osapomudla lth Damuiver. or. tugs th haéfit r«ed b fa m ali susful emedyforai tma.e nloious a . ers on scoomu of the euterpriae and daasckuow* ltaueinsu -id".e ls~ Sr nAergy ezerelmed by lb. pkckera lu at- Whoeu wose m.puen *dhWPllrbam'c -vee.C tclnlng comfmeril resulte by fori u egulas-, mappraaaed or paîntul mon-porIenoie bas ael*. o rfda. it,ýte gueat dçveiopmetluaue ctrtion.weakneuis. leuvboec. dlis w-It la%'silf4rwom W*iiuaetuiret fpickit gbouse by-piod- plceeml or aialoi fe, II-womIrrite Mc.PIkbm.4& arts ha& cdded enormousiy to tbe that bcarlugdoWb feeling, laflamia' e kr rsienwi.s, k.value of ail live stock raised Il etelion of the ovàar1g. bc.ksoche. biot- msuy yecr.s. h. i h» * id UnitedI Statec. The weete materiai cf lng (or flatulence). géneral debuily, ta- demà wlth dosonasof1 0"0 71twenty yeps mgo, dieu au expeuse tu - digeston. and nrualve prostration. or vours lies. adyiSlea le l-the packerý le nose couverted mbt ar- ame bolet wlth mach ymptomu mc dAmai- -dentim. on tlcles of great value and. as aueco- ,I Pk a V ei Ç . h uh udnomule tact, this muet currespondlngiy he lucresse the value 1to e frmer oft le every becd oI catlle maîketed et the If numerous etock yards of thc country. tcLet~ thene tacts be remepubered wbtle >Pl now Il lasno popular te, regard Uic ai gréât packing lndustry as.deservlug of -1: see ê la- coudemnation. At lecet Il muet la ad- ta, mltted tuat, no 1cr, diere lai no cde- E-c'enthe beet-h ouckoe eu", ahe 1b, d Quate reasou for the almost unani- e z W- mous howl liat may la hoard very- à tgn "e shere in the face of Uic Garflid re- ibeiidt4 coseM M&ait as uncorupulous dasIetael m- port cave alluded la whlch practical- enlml S C't de. 3]W tale th. puae on bu iy @Zouérate$ the packers froein Ucbh U4 @cure and udelAnIte charge. that have - been for nome lime pont made Uie cub- o6 fil lae uss-a f les ject 0f popular comment. etilm.o1~sai-~ e i su, fair a a IeL* 1mngle$ý a ýI A iircd mother wlth tveeblidren, a he baby of 2 years tiat.ect ou ber lap and c bright-eYed boy of perbape 4, whio sat he beade ber, seere tryiug toeneioy a littie lucho l araturu l tebui ness secion arftaatc inty. thoeyhuai- h ade eto th it aSt on et li en lde nee u t-one h 'a saine table. Séenluth dtidllulty thc womau baq lu eatlng lunch andI hoitI- t lng ber youuger ebilid al té eiee, 117 on@ of the youug ladies lecued over BOWM te te--- Of and saltI lu a PrePittatlng toue: "What ~WV 0 E* u a sweet 11111. boy! Wont you let me eb t c l 'I allum jk !rhoitI hlm until yen finish lunch?" Theli, e unmother gimdly grantei the request u iI~l vin as transferriaig ber charge lulo the O in- eins of thc rounger seoman, sçben thse or 11111e boy, wlth neyer a ammli., le i- hie volre. antI. ezclaimed: "Hie lnt a -11oad e " boy; he's a lîttie girl!"-Phlcdelphla 'et Press. et he HAPPY WOMEN. of r- Mm. Pare, as wilîeofC0.B. ll Pare, c uvom- un ad ho là iy a- en a la- te Li- ln e- dent . ftGlas- plication o f kIdney trou-i bles. Beeds hdcia troas Wblch secre exceediugiy variable, suaietimtes excea- nive and aI otier lImes scauby. Tii. color wscs igh, aid passages seere mc- compauled eih uA scalilng sensaction. Docu's Kiduey Pila son rcgulated lie kldney aecretions, maklng their colon normal sud banished the Inflammiton <hlch caused tie ecaliîng sensation. 1 eau esb secll, my bcck la atroug antI suant! and 1 teel much iotter lu cvcry For Baie by ail dealers, prlcWIf cents per box, FOSTER-MILBU11N 00., Bufiale. N. Y. Neartag tbe ltlsie. "Hose long bas thec innîter been preaching" whiapereil tke strangen, sehe had seandered into chardI maud'est dosen near the deer. - - "About thlmhy icara. I belleve," repiied dis otber occupant ut thse pase. 1 lThot beîngt te came, continued lie.ý atraliger, '1 mai as seu alar. lHe miuet ha usar tic antIet hie dlmeouras." unes of Naur. Mfkn-Hao ibkinnor aur capîtait Bitkiuas-No. Nevemlheieos h. Ulves emploiment te a number oftmin. Mifkins-What do they do? Bifkine-Tiy oe 1 g mnrdu i creditcrs. cl'tmuc u l IMuny behiauLn&ul4reue u.iehî Mcther Omty's 5,ee5t Powderetee Ohlins r V Moer ea vy. as ausela thlidvss'e em,., t rt., Bemak sutOsids e n bdhetaaèe. s a- mlpiu eveaihus . H eaduabe. sue"sa Imakes Tellsisord dsas li salte Atdesi A LLea.Oues L Thc 30M2carat -dlainenttieeuttiy bnd lu lie- Premier ine..Bauh Atnici.i las b amnid l't alilnan."1 proved to ho. Twalyyauc xe * r noeuus-Idp.bon te t act lâ o - dlaputsIl sud liaS ts » b. mol masI omubai top -If yen bave -embsPU"@oye euseS affotolad"Iy tbla lv siaa à riousse ha a fusi AntI Irequenîly abuseilb; Whliicobieri have aIl due respect- But yeny sellons use il. mime COFFEEMEART tEVr Ptain lu nouse People. Àgetmany people sgo0on suffeiitig s fro aSoying alimenra for a long v ie beote thcy eau gel theIn osen consent 10 give up the. Indulgence trous h wich hher trouble arises.- A gentleman lu Brooklyn deecrubes labis expea-lence, as fOllboss: "I Wheactlsfled nome mentis cge tiaI I oseed tbe palpitation of the h" eart. troin shleb 1 aufeéred almoist * daly, tu the une of coffea (j had been *ae a cote. drinker for 30 years>, but 1 fourni (t*very bard la gve up tic bei'- erage. "I ireclze t tc1 Imuat give Up tie hh5 ananful Indulgence lu cotfe., but I ee- th le ueeaaty for É hot table tIrnkj aes ant as tes la not te ayuj iilu, Isecs at a IOec tor a.wile sbAt l e . "One day 1 rail cernas a vfny @en- 5'A, sîbie as traightforsecrd breseutaton Alm Ofth l Iatusof Poatuin Food Oçtcc. amd wsesuIlprensed thereby liaI I conclu.ded Iotgivo It c bnci.1(y cx- perlence setb ti b as ti5stioladftory MI 1ii lecruod base Il ougitte10 lapie- pared-by liorousb bolllng for net A leua tien 15 o«S 0 mlautos.Aller 1 l«ecd liaI leason thi-wsmanoetrou- bIs. Poslumi FootI Cota. c'oad te - e à. mont palalable and M actotry ho erags, ad 1 bave used lever "Tii. dfccl on my bealti bas beau. mot saiularyý. Itb hi»IesUIy cured oNEis thé liearl palitation Ime. whist 1 used t1 suater eo lmnchi, parttoullalï là îlrer breakfast- mecl.atv cir-se aà ré- S tura of itee"t vhs. 1 dié orlunci jsj * rfflieu"e àsuam.soreaeUst le drlnk he, 0 kW f e"boocm ý s' & ,sa t. f wm k7; Zi;Cel

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