CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 12 May 1905, p. 2

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ViDé wu4 M.4 ~ he bm.uTh *0M1 li 7*tabw6mte, fr*h fortu te 4sIseabs'tIwo dowmSs, eph El~Sil~ UMt Usl t lhe hTv5n lit 49et At 4*4 iatAioleé towi t aterAtti, rts l liVe lOt 'ami thé5'Vsil os01r - im ir*5 libry .itv 1 ÂOtze itia ie ni*ut0 kAwow*m 5% t b", benu attaëliet gi irei e apo tb1Iflsi o10 ed le te tue c Ilt erd ffl hisi, >'80 oct s é an t kt elet i l iiemiIa h buifte lhis m pm 1 o Ittte"as nt -ot ef uîwts5o armémh .â*iitet asuelvas ma" M'rt,' !ls»&te 10 desernothé' tuebkisetilc ié elU** biatseftus os-ant agsMrvc MU gt. I)ygu 0 e Chargeée'lti>' *a oti i ateptién or te unleowr mwisiîtIt te «Dioe tro chargea o! t &"àidt.tbui.,bienU lu ff lis uppér 40l-ons,"aesanti allver 0" s01o rate -tueSeplot lté lonlaudeandut baipeséil i ofrss etmayarm-s.Th@ chargae »d« ,the uppér Ott-faie te' «~Pnd e atérle disate-v-stuhs ato;gt.Thé éxloino oethte charge sut-h r ae love ottue gales bé lous 1.1v alm lu andt uvne ouf lMoeus r ot s! lie loch.Tht ual>'y stî toCér>' ras bath vSchsd sud i~tiak $5 utI5létiove tué greund os thé lol..,ThmisCarper. r 4* SéPMU. » leaaI thé lujîlv smémipi u esu, th. lu klie sco i.tImftu la thé mtuslch itl D » t i e S cho~ lx.the Hudi- Mas>' amail sallug bishave bien tbrbena ahffl andrTehetu aalel W" hbastsrepl 110v Torts sud Itsvi. 5cholly. Altot Nén Rgocislse anti Larci- 1 met o bou aRindi mondti b éat a. meators!s thottesmar g on lie hach. Ouel acheous iéduophe ,eét um.alltecuvas hé as canmy. SUe bi« enst ie"anti vas abri>' driv- ai mpom tue Loug ltidsh-se. Ir. mmS aavonl>' s«epe tiat b>' h. Cap' OlUtsof théir ucomr Luth* Hudson, o& lum"& ,Thé bost ras boantd-o I ith a carg ot bricks frémi Haveatranw ILnies ths gas caessanudthtus niai.outil te i. meD e lorsuit. L bgr é u e sis laepotai tIliait a mallis délisse stock, anti building Thé aret ted lun.thé fthipt .er>bl asnleur 'aller lislustempoyé blt w.tbe ta>. [te mas lu so I mons » A ban>', élut uai, lithe vh 0f tush làà* deiSOmtséi ud for a tUrne4as Outiri 'hock ras Ibteeisst. Joist . Roberts, présiat et -tue coupant. - annuncet -tuat bmosmnsue reult buemedst 1ocle CONIEsSUS.MOT1?00» viiRES. ames sakorI*48n Crissefer Wiebc la Ag**ago utePrias- a4 A saWl=sl bb,"is name ras Geong IL LRd" vaut le policé bmadquarton la O*m it>, tatéd i. forMesi>' vRa cashier for tus Woimrne Loucheir Co-a pi gng éfGrand lapids. MitL, anti con tesaet ho coie itnhb anethen mai 'su ani elbedthle comspas>' o!f 2100 Marc] 1&:' Zé«IsaiWlliam Béai, an Innocl ma.avas cedmnni fthtie lecrimaant il uer lu thhéllciigan. tate pénieaiari la Tii polie ti t s esai Le'den. idb eé Vif. epLckmern Milet, k4 $m>Suentire, attraien living fMM g i- gc= Ustgm, put om u tai atmugts tac tusmlwt ab love on t ou slier>cs i oa niiiih id TiiéonsM Round Laie, Miln.,. v bit b>' 7to 0d. Thé. tracis et h. Rc se sioti alroa ves ashat anal asw 14 bâ"tfl aa .TIi. -tormoutcu le aaon vpiLi hroogb the cOuler if th lm u=la aut tour houm, biacl Ibotu avers t reilharos. Insa. bMg us va abravi,.rd et Troga -Avent aeaete lait. bd Nalo, seeretaretuKas et Grain'D.aIC5' AieoiatIou,*as Plae C. tla Jan. la La Crosse Kan., ta serve nlil ty esIons ofet IsUnité or a S!uptemé Court for the violatio etîtée snd-e .'av. This le listm el Ijusa a to asomihaf oa trust béa @Mt to lJan lu KanÎa. SétPlsUr m 0 m00 u- ?b MMtulhtIlest lu wavoei, Mo thé .u kz lmItfor UOW O. SiérI> State- Bramgetbu's récéiveti nouticm lb. cashlst. B. H. Lewis, le aetuset tisappeaina nvu 5*0.000or th.fls rimé Seevtar>'oetStats bun slowsith à"se4offl med lnmtty-gné stables1 Logis, ;;, amoca"lm ai ra- sud tieOahJOlutus tiestu eft Ivein1 mershors, Thé pdluepal lon fflani Gmti eft S.Louis, mhosi sal m'lu Elit Co msiofltin: bt a sert nerqthaca wu T.Thé rêe sil ot .Iete a lnit O«W posulliaof a à voteple PRA t CliO IT"S EXSSELiu 1. J"104 Budiuéénwawimltte ZutO 00et au Ossala Iewmsupei. Pet Creéthé'~tegikdmper Of EddienOdm, Wsaof o!thé niiuia pécha..! <lunÀahasud $C or, . »-arr*t seralds sffgégtsig 150000 have aht ilt- tuant iiusam offésrea ksd 1'me the oSéie et thé Weird-B.rald IÏ mAhs Mh 1 le o>eh aur e uilae& ec P&Wàdb>' ho= as 'OrtI4 , PrOistot ce th tis Hduiahbute, of lMaI ait>'. r Oorat OBriuienan srepr*sélttUr01, -the Worid-HeRul& vers elassted for DRé- i Ir' a* hmu, dnmg v*ti tis.Crdve 1.1 hmbi .*xudsedags mis4és .lit.thé, cul forseis *ge., Crové tles 5 hé ladsvid île th. "Borw)fsr,biI iA tu B60 lv.,'lie reteuuéd te Sdiéém> atter the van antibha. llrsd effllAUaflt' scodiag te blé tatesuuli, Q1810 It a ae semibld.@ fiat la Chicago. ne a" ho r bu béeill, Chicago mari>' thre ééa«» anti that hho bu risil imaha O- thré amoeni loccasons uring liai tim& 13lis 51.1.4 thal 'h lad Isolenegotiatint fur uérsri ymru for immunit>'teuni pu-lah- met tl asue hé houli surrender hi- sW el10the autuémiiem, ituehugh h de clii5ti te iayr iti hom the ésdéle tlaua vers carrind on. Thei 1atgek14-la léltiS tooh paisés lctbér, 100 m atiluJanuary-Ètiwarti 'Cuda>, lte bither of tué mls4ng boy. vite liatibees e4umust i ora r rard oi$80000 6 Mr thé appréhension of thé kldnalfui CITT DmOS p»ROIL AND GO-S Pierre, , D., Gese Afttr RicheS 1.Iatir- ueuth th* Town. Fom a numbr4f yesrs Pierré,5. D, bai beauee hgtetifrein tas hlch ila ecur- éd le a flow ef artesien vater et &4e#th et about 1,800 test. This suPPI>'or . in bélîtete10ludicali s treuger Idow Or a suppi>' et on ea a grester depth, and l in prepesétite test the tquestioti81as menausdrillera eau ha o reti ho eau baudié that claée o! vomi. A commit- tes witu J. N. Hipieléas chaimua has beaue appeliedt lesecure th machiner> itoe ?2,000 test I nécessay uldse bard 1 ranite ,lu. roace mueaer. Thé cilA I- raidi 'Ovaa vir>' vicAila teno yer« ,40feetI t la prop eséi1 s. IbI miauirta let.bellveti that an. il or a Slu msuppi>'osen b. reicheti .rlthls . he000<fet. 11o71s ar vo WEECK TRAltl la" . itars Limited istlies Obstru ticsa on Tru&" NerToedo@ O. Dtéctres ofth te Laies Bherarailroad jbars -discered a, second ateaipt te wmck the Laksen reLiuDllti lis 22 anti pasestuntier arrest four hOFBu nf arté bangeti vida havnS comuitaê thé tiesd. attemptrwu "dû 1401 week; vnels the saes tréin strkImLAatu ouedléti n il ell, hieh bi4, bées placé lu thé veter e! thi tracll. BInés tuai limé tb. tracs have béen ratelisi leW - 1>. ,DetétiuvonMichell anti Roberts vert. lldi ng oul on lts track Dnear To- ledo, Ohio, rien thélr car struci a brue eftiîen srnangad lu *"" hape. Thé>' mad.hardig etruci le iés lieséehathé>' tfouanom5015e ys Lu IuMng anti capturéti tor oet haeThé>' are Yehu. Gerge end Je. Gallusi, aged 19, 18 sud 18 y"an respectlrsly, and Mi. BSobelis, .Agit138isamv OetoCmailer Pieada etiut 0oMS Obs.tiffloluî Agauat ]Hlm. A. EL Spear, .cashian of thé elosét Oltlmssesa8-- of Obevîle, Ohio. ln th* Unitd ottesDistrict Court la Cieret lac& entened a pies etguiliyte u0 ns eIe0mt theiietéuintcharntishm wv1th maming fabeaa lutrins la tus banh's booka. District Attornaey Sullvan e- ommedatuaI ail other, - ieltmenUte agaluaslOpter contaling Utéenc-onutl. ho notiéd. jutige Taylor t onceS n- tet edSpesn .teren yeaieu' bprison. ment lu the 0h1o peutentiani'. Spar madete e aise entries ilu'ths bani'. boeks ta conselien îi tustheallegétid d- Spuit matie hi Mm eCas I LChadwici. F ines 1SîiiOButtai Weaith, Whiiejtaklng up the brick rails et su Or oli isteru Ahteot Madison, Iowa, (bu- tracter James J. Maie>' discovrrat a bas le containg $11.500 lu golt coin, aise t»O ýb cashs e! vinse, lb.drof iet ilci.rssse si hatil> retteti that thé slaves feilte places iÇs fson s authe dirt arounti théanvas; ie- moréti, allowing lb. contents te go te <vaste. ____ Toucher Mletifer Avoe.n Lésen B, Sister, Principal et Deahier. rt Ohji publie sehools. fermer principal et te ochools at Bio, Mi&, sud au upplicaut M fer supériateéntof het i Toledo acieole. te la untieram etvla Monroe, Mleh,, chars- t st i vtt h prlug es tfire 10 lie sehoni - building at Eris four neais.ageo. - ý4 motive allegeti is evange for having beau idisamet. Capier Shorts fBank Cléss. Thé Peceule Bauts lu Bas lHarbor, N. an y.fii le eopen ta doons tuée ther ek momiug, Cashiér TF. M. fatler havlng ,d confépenti te a siortegéetof$W."(0 aL palme igusi ev auie ispropent>'. he iak lug restitution te the aenu e! $30.' W. 0 A suret>' cempanris o n blé beond Rmeci W.. orBell Wsévhi. Chils!Horend e!the eniomeologleul tenac, EDertment et Agriulture at as Washlugteu. hau be« notidi etofthe dia- Qà sever>' la Falla counI>', Texss. ot s pe- à muaiar bug nhieh 1làtiestreylng tué boll Id vslL.Thueinseet vai founuton the 01 iastation of J. T. Davis. et Waco. ut - . aéélébér>'w lueoteO Wsd Word trot Xa. WSseuisolevIoa base' bIXU$àmIS'd teSoutuetar' fAg- rhs» idt. e açsrbdi qat nluJeu. Thé eise .et bis .Sascs'Iisbob« kapt e t él«s frémi h4 bhejio ti nssi- tat theugli the proépetive bride la huer. te ho~ a d#PétdmU 0elé1" hé O K'tvo549. Tue 1e iltfl « Two péumwe év hi and stonuver. burt. tour of! nom prohabu> ir *M 0% ta 'rowu la molmU5ed liet tultit Wt$4 'F' pim epro- !o* RUI>e~tamdiii?*t410WIiiItest. 'igit-hoar"y. ly, s'It bas veases "d 1900 s sa éP Of Nul -HXoWWse tbélIer.that Parelgu Secretar>' Lau,- 7witate Uatchwood b>' the'ai- downeé ba..s apIet 1 vry stronl>' te- the meut'. q" Fu~rrench govrienmot on the breéée e nentrelit>' pérmlttéd te thé,Bussian PR- Mafrtueu4I, Kan., practlcail>' lies IDu si UIrl dlaàeezfo.Te o.ete ruins, andl et liant tw-entY-tour *Pe> -mei pr. pcà .lpthi sTk e t âous were killefi and nearl>' M 0nlu- t thelapants. feeling, le liécotalas. iuge~~l bf;eb te4*iId bwhCI Why lfià" a t Frt"E'O 41 iîsSi <li ides. uàd'< tillage whie. qét O te evuit.omtmutlud %V0014 r* 1.500 oCCupait* of tbe 'bousesweethe. jrlaçitjmes QI. utraîîîy b>'the Bs»- seep. ;sistI*Igiellc utuadron. The 'Ibkie A&" Sbluntîr deserihés ltrance's asauribemê Utariy 'Toeotiarmorning thm.w**- a tkihér Wofld ,ré5érvé eiutte s, teulrMe rour tre the south, and Fbx1t falm41ieos, pd ihclareg. that !apsA»' ýbad bdýç ai& becaute a hurr1bube. *outd li jumIlsdIsbmbarlliàg F risch, (lathelat ui,',as it sWelit thrbuOl territor>'. it a. nthe goierniSlit- the towli, It lasbed lt@elt Into a torils- te te vigorons petioe. do and cut a dean mwath threutii the Ameng Jupunesé officiels lu LeuticO It résidene settMn almoot dodging the in asrtefi that France put off JIPpa business part o tAie vIMage. b>' fair promises In erder te giv. ROeft- The wwork e destruction was done vensky time te effect a JuOctiOuOf et. w1thtn lin minuttes. Persona ileeplug tercés sd.that théeRUsslans 5amé DOW ar e teh-hed'uu frglienei wméngivén é'Cry priviloe éprovided thé> kéeop ord I tdr e, Wandkeueed ' iiibiesjust utaide the three-miie, lîmit. Th@ and hOdeu,0-wkend b th blgtsreport from Tsiugtau tuat the Russilil and crouebAn~i terrer, were lu mnoet squadreuia <iff VOaona, wblch le u iit- cames knocked t*ver b>' the terrifie on- ltlcontaiulu: the port ot Eoudkoha, the islalght, whichf loosenéti the . bouses Three Kus being rocksoer the enu- frein their 'feundationsî or sent théin trance of Vantong bey, li heid te con- cramhlung te t-b. gront. fdm the lapanese assertion that Rest- Iu a. score o e asesroofs Weré tuken wesyl tllcutn iaFec frein thé bouses sint cnrried l>udréds " jT 'M>l >' erap'correspondent et'yards. Nearl>' ail the structures et Tekle saya that lau rdpense te JaP&u's were et wood, andi the %idie ot eue ot secondi protest France lutimateti that Ro- tbese wam blewu In, killlug ia tamîl>' jamtveusky hati been ordéred te iae 0f divei sit alept. Severn citerm, who Heukoe. boit rtjabed'trom theli wel longe whén Tiie Timés correspondent et Toi e r- thé>' fenréd îo-remailogegr la ttielu, pert* thet lie Japanése Chambér of, were klied or injuréti b>' iYig tn.. Cemmerce ametakiug coucerted mmiims bers. Twe men, rushing frein their te cease a&l commercial teascifuWt Treùch citizen%. bouses mot as the final bleuI came, A telegrsm trein Ileushong te a fl wére killéd b>' chimueys, whlch, erunm- don uéwm agency long dlspstch, bled Ilke égg #belle. wiclit lla aliegétithé French autioni- Whau. the* storu n ld passed-fer Il liés nt Smigon refused te transmit de" died cown almoit mi once after thé dé- structive blat--a as ofé et damta- itlD was presented. lu the path of theé tornade hardil>' ay»tqCre wu lft tenantable. ftreéts îwerr biockéd <th débris, trees whlcli bad i wthstood the storme of a genératien were upreoteti or enapped off, sud evarywhere exciteti members et familles wére runîug about séeking ther' loved ues, lu mny> caes thé>' fouud thein dést.i, sud lu tn> more they toud thein lylug undér wreckage, mverél>' lu- A business block; lu thé principal streét wasmamde into a hospitai, aud tbère the luJuréti wéré carrieti aitfast authé>' could be founti. Sometîmés whoie familles. scattéreti b>' thé wlnd whldli had îîîadé ther résidence a scrap heap, ware.réuulted thème. lu ethers ne trace Ot thé frlends coulti be fouati. andi a score et search- iiIg parties are leariig away lhe wreckagé lu thé hope eofafidIng vie- tinîsdtlialîvé under thé wvreekngé. Physîcians arrîvati ths attér»lon frein Saina and othér citlez On spécIal trains andi nid bas ben oftered by inu>places. X frénk et the iterm wax the escape et Ruth Goeiiling. an infant 2 years olti. Site wax sleeping lulber cradie when thé strn Ilitedit freamthe bedreen at the sainetlime Witb thé root, sud et 1tdown iglt ide uppa, thé débris. Thé baby wax unJuréd. Miarqueétte Le a town et 1,5W0 peope ln M.epherson CeunI>'. lt lunthé ex- act cénter of Kanisas adinluthé richest farmmng countr>' lu the State'. MAY 013AIN INDIANA SDWAMPS. Mosn Are Deslgnated t.e k tinte Kan- kakee Marebon. Thé Departmnt -etAgriculture ia about tu look lmb what ils experts mn>' tg oeeoetthé greatest engineeriing tests la drainage attemptet Inluthe TUitéti States. Thé feat liés lu solivîut thé preli- lem involved inlu rsianuathéegréaI uarsh landis et northeru Indiana. sleng thé Kaukakée river, which, when proPeri>' aceomplinhed. will réctamln luthé ueigh- horheed et 40,000 acres <Of théeaile trmiug landi. Fer evrai Yomnu past efforts havé beumatie b>'the Statea et Waan sd Illiois ,and b>' luivate' lldusis to Interest thé goreramnut lmu- thé proJecl Dow at band, work upea whlii-iilhé- gin under a mpteclel coummienlti week. Thé marsh lubti, DO- best knowu 10 dîck hantera, who luvade its precincti in bots each fall, stretchés aiment trom South Benti, lad, te Memece. I1114 aud lu lu ptt, bY thé dre.e euni tiés et Indiana, Newtou, Lakeansd Per- ter. Perdue uiversity ha, beau worklug ln Ibis fieldi for materai yéars, and i ilaisln conjuiuctleuiwith the. unîermit>' tus lames Wilson, Secretar>' et Aorctlture, hua inally determmled le go te wemk on t -he swamp sud se wbm can hé duouétar it. neébas demignted Elweed Mei chif' et the bureau> of lrrtg*tiéii aud drainage; C. G. EliloIt. echier enuineer et thé burenetf drainage, andi M. S. Dowl- ing, drainage fieldi eugiueer, ta begin the *OienwithhProf, Péeesotf rdue.uai- a ersîty. This board *Ill .xaue 41 0 1 whole field., deterui qpon a fongible «alériK ctii té essheuT taiing how for tan days, thé Ruomlsu Pa- cifie squadron wamsialowéd te coet Kamnranh haoy practicaîl>' lut. a Rusian9 basé. fréél>' coalluug sud provrilulu opeul>' eitier thé direction et Prince Là*- van. captalu et thé internmuetlsn crulser tDisait. thé French Admirai, De Jenquierés. béing présent thé whele limé., COLOISMAl RAIL.WAY STATION. Great Structure Wbich thé !New Yenk .Ceutral Will meut, Thé plans fer thé New, York Central station lu New 'York have et lait bienu mnailé public. Thé plans involve thé use of au aren et more thon nineteen cit>' tutecs. betwýen Ferty-saconti sud FifI>'-1 savenill street-., Madison andi Lexingtonu avenues. Thé suburban traies ;vill lié n a ioeé, larel thon the express trains. Thé suburban ioacoure will Wovlde for alle tracks. Thé express concourse will lie xtighly>'depressétil hlé-w thé streat levei, anci avilI provitié for 22 passanger trtain tracha, 2 héggage tracks, 2 mail rmacks anti 8 express- trackx. makiug 43 trucks tnalal. Thé main entrance te the station in on Ferty-sécond etreet. Thé architectural composition in durée massive arches. each nrcli héiug 35 feét avitit anti 00 féet higli. Beyonti thesa arches one entersaua enurmeus ticket lobby at the streetlelétl, 00. b> 300 feat. On thé right uft tus lobby>, andi lrae- tically a port thereot, Is thé outgeing bagage reeni. Atr purchasit nees 1ticket sud chacking oe's baggagé. oe tproeetis te thé express train b>' eluteriiîç a galler>' overieektng thé grand con- course, anti théace te this coeure. wieh im on thé layai et thé express trucks. This cencoarse is apuiroelieti hy four grand staircusie,ech 25 feet lu twitith. it la thé largast ln théeavorîi, halit 100 hy 470 feét, anti 150 tact hlgh, with avide antralés ut aci anti. axténti- ing te Madison sud Lexington aveuueé. Thé waitling rooms -cotain.twlce thé avea et the wsiting reoulas lu thé Grand Centrai statien' as Il in et présent. At thé subwa>' levaI there lo providéti s loup yfernquicil>' disapatching thé seburbati trains, su 0prviin ham aisebeau madie for a passible enuéction avith thé rapIti transit systeun. An efficer et thé coin- Pauy states tbst thé cest ert'tle new terminais ati thé électrification et thé ysaine will hé btween $20,000,000 anti in Thé Shah et Parmis là tond et knlttlug, il particularl>' siik atecias. t « England's chancelier et thé exchequer's in favorite heblaisarming.. id The uéw lirat lord et thé admirait>', B iari C&wdor, in s practical ralread man. Kaiser Wiluhéin a néckil collecter, lnbis collection, se il in salti,umbering 18,- Mt Lord Crawferti. a uoteti Bngibh scient- ,,slt. wil rvisit the West lidies ou a selon- ln tiSie cruise. or Aminumaent tu thé lttéM. Waldecki- a, Rtueué n tislte h.rectéti ln thé Tul- id aries gartién lu Paris. Of GeorergaS.Elgeeti, an Enulisi erti st, r insamid b>' bis félevw Britous te lie thé' le greatent living palutér et girdens. >- Theré 'are fdve Iounes, ire Séulths anti eo ove Thomase, tour .Balfours Aud éight ,o it lo l lluth é British R o s.etof C ent- ls etouc Ae UtMd Eluésa 5 C41cage ,bas receuti> bes pastils 1 nragi o Mma. et thé w«l 15me 011- lies Imîto lMry. Nol; .itc ttheen t sililp ni t d9, nlmen PýrOM4Ut lieiaa usirait tffl t*r Ws a csefflt t>ble & Mceau49pait- ng~iliChcdge'a treet1, heo- bav makedtheprogrela et théebain- items' mbits.. vich uer la 1afféctlug îear>' erer>'buinuess Lu the. cil>. 8v- ai porsons bave dIeti as the remnit of inuritu astalueti lua nettflras ana ocoes bave. béén bad>'injureti. -Thée o-union mon émployeti as driver. b>' t the Emplo-érs Tesming Compauy, Il dh"-Ioh isfighliug tie téanisters oeu Stritse, terni a large proportion Ot thé - victime. Mal>ofetIhe strlhérs,*or théir sympathiisera. bave aise beau InJureti. inoent persona, tee, bae sutteréti,t use>'ofethem boving beén mistahen for stié breakérs. Thé non-union rive'4re aried sdreel>' ue thirc .Wlti cits- policé sud depul>' ileriffs idlug ou wagons b>' thé Bide oetnon_ - unien driver., thé business of tbe big !c mérchauts ras tscliltaLs4 ,Tuésîa>te1 inch se exteat that-tey déclared thé 1 itrîhé vas virtusîls- brohen. At thé lomé lime thèeeveré ne signe et éé outhé pasrt te itrikoru, Jutigé Kohieant deeîtiét that the la- ber men nameti lu thé Foderali nJune- lieu aboulai h. uubpenaéti aad .- ;uuireét t tstify' betoré Master la Ohancer>' Shérmn. Charles l>otd. puréaidt o0f thé Chics go Fédération 1 of Laber. sal t iat Il istibeau agréé ti.< up05 b>' the lober meun htt lie>' eoulti uqt teutit', u tii> hall béeS adrlsetib>' their attorneys flaetti>' touM inet hé compeliét e do no.1 Président Dem sud a committeai1 weut haloré State's Aterne>' éeul>'1 sud asesiti hm te ral a spécilgrand jury te luvéstigate lie chargés of cc-il- Ipirue>' lici thé talionîmen hase matie agaait meuubers et thé Fiîui<.r ers' Teeming Compauy tu regard te Intliîdallug certain tmanstén cozapa- lés vie retused tateloch eut Iheir aiea.. Mayor Otuane appoelltt a commis- pion te ar-bitraleé thé dlfferen'eu b. tween thée quteitants. but liee rPiO- ers weré net llucliîîed te pi'ai-lui at- tention te the commission. te lis staiement lie coazaitaieîi amis fom thé ce-opératIon ot ail aoc-t citizen@ te ntiil Iflu InvéstIgatiait thé causes oethliestnihé anti the continueti 'disturheti conditions preveillua lu the cît>'. It inys thé firat anti aupreine tut>' et thé Mayor andtihticpolicé e l e supprées violence sud purdaih ail et- tenders. Ornet et rembla. Thé troeéisiad apeculise Onigrn. Lant Novémbér lie garmeut rers demandeti s rénémai Of thé acalé sud a cesati sbop. Thé prepriéeru réfmsét te grant thé latter andi a otits.wss or- déred.i. t matie poor pregrees andtihei germet wrner. appeaie4 'tle ie d- ération et Lsber for assistance. Te maree méFédération, thé 'Tesinstema' Ualon vas orderéti te héIp, vîlelu be>' titi. althcugh thé>' lad contracte rue- nixug limée years. Their gnievance vas tînti thé>' are heing cempelle tu t hantile netu-nuen goeds. Thé stIOt wam particularl- dIrceét lgainslthéb fila et Montgomnery- Warti & Co. 011- er firme coule te. their relief anti thèe wus formedthel Empjoyers' Teainlng Comipany, .lac-orporetet i lWest Vir- gia. iviti 100 ca0empital. Ever>' pronuleat muémèhaxît la a mémuhar. Thé dtiermlacd stantd efthée empiosers avét thé, strikle léatiérs anti thée1.-ans- stèrs decitiletitee allthe strîko -off. Whèn thes- appliati fer heir positions thé>' rerp Intomaiedt laI ne man n-io ladstrtuci ivouttibcha tsiébaek. Théî came lthe generaI itrike o etiétamin iems.Thé wagons et thé Eînpioyersr TamIng Company- havé otoIo iceehu hein timiven b>' nan-union men chiale- etitroul other eciles, mont etfinhoinare égmea. Itaanya>'cses ann Rils hé- sida thé driver s'Ith s rille Thé baIlé, ac.zorduîug te the teuper cf bell aidées, iil leb wagedti e a fin- li. Cliarles I)eld. président et thé local FédératIon et Laor. ans-s the itmuggle iilébcmatie thé mapréue lest hétwéen capital sud lahor lutubs country- andti ttchéIo prepereti te citîl out. If ncésir-, ever>' union man. roman andi chitti ln Chicago-,-or 250.000 la ail. Thé terrerlmisnprévallîug las broken, te a large extent, thé menaiteto the réegres Importéti te aet as drivers, anti seveaai undretiofet 11.un ho renched Cicage retusét e go te vorn. 'oný~uIu menmn uthé ra- te thé cils- havé beén attarkiai tvarions cîti atong thé routé, anti Of 215 vie, left qt Louis lu oee aîceuh>'l 93 réachéti .Chicago.. The etem déserteil. bMan- tires business et ail kiadu Io dememat- fzéti.. TOPUR CIIEK IN SEVEN FIGURES l it latisé ORI>' aPusesAduuttiiug ta Tile CiicugO Club. Thé Mitda>' Club, oeeo!the mest squmptuu ruitis>' dyréert» ton million- aire businesis men ln thé wrnd, las open- éd on thé uéveth fleor cf thé Finit Na- tional liani building. Chicago. s~wr éminrcll efaulte, fiMa-Mu in alusoetahpée, and steai>' .«cm , tt or hete sd mm. botlées i,ô.;* touati dixwb&ùk t. thé iltl5 ophiaadet t» teunosiemé' trlko, but,. aen mW bu a.ut proeréteti aiilx- pr>ttludéelrntés 'thé malle, piosMa tu undertake Dow entOrpi1555 &bd 1tulnihottglarge Inrnt- montmetrcaplital. - Thi., satallned gratlfylus gMlcittb ¶ ai outtieaile add5 inatérl#llY ta trade confidence. lAIe reports lx~Ié acereaseti consmaptlen et ceola", tireugbent thée intérlor, sud local ra- tail deslugs made semek-Ssîn 10u' s enable gooda. Wbelesale trauhéctou bave en et matisrtair>'voluminl thé leadlug lînes, messeortmnuts beIl2g eaitétiou for botb cil>' aud countr>' REallread tramle bas maints 1usd, ré- ceuh>' notéd gens, notwitbstaiatl lsseuéd marketing et tarin PrOduCti ue te rush In spmiug s winulg. aé- :epts et grain weaéenier iSutweelzW but exceeetiétbiee t ofa year ago, 20 per cent sud thé shîpinents incrés5d" more titan eue-haIt. ýivé stock arrIr. ais show féwer numbers anti a blhir -. avéragéetofvalues, but lu bidles sud,- seol thé recelpis éxilibit rémitrkabié uncrease over theséetofthé eulne rees est year. Manutarturinsg dppartinénts cou- tile, wel sustainetiproduc-tion sud lié mggregete et fresbhooxkinàl lu- cluded téqumements for torélgu landE Pluace eutput.îîev le lu requelst for lieý third quarle. fiabueti steel et pli1 kdd i lu n enooffcebsumptlon, d44 woodi-wonklng branchés are foreetite «mraIS eovt b>' xtendlug opérations In building von.ý Faiimos rporte inlu Chicalro district number 15, sgaluut 24 lesmi wéefl'sd 2ea year ago.-DuB'S lea-lew of >'rude. Whet Inislit ie tarn - à 'or brestiug peli o eli£ of trade sa nti l4îîtry peudinit théesad- vent of mettieti reathér. clouerr léWg. of croip eutturn anti the Kéttlenîent et the Chicege strike.tilens-y rism r eool wéather havé rtardéd cra sudn4 cation erep préparations sudt retli trate. but have rallier favoret I rnter wheat. whleh fuît>' boits théeniaguhil- cent promise et s month lige. ile au Inereagell ares laertain lu spring wheat shich lutter. lioréver, needs more moisturé. trou snd steel are rallier quieter as regarde new busI- ness, but structuiral material loie sverl>' bld te. Tii bulIdIstrudes sud âmltiBe, ach as fumbér. hardiware, peints anti glas.dare apparentiy doins the busIness ef their iiréi. unciecieti sud umtoebeti b>'tue usiai May' day liber dlsturbasn*. .111 at*tLstical messutrés et tratie progreas peint ta, général business ahowiug sattuaer>' lucemaies ovér precédluig yenrs it tlils date. Buies falinres ln lb.- UnitedBlttes fer thé reai enduing ia>' 4 number 193, against 1lia lest wi'ak. 176 Inthie ilii weekInlu 194l, 177) lait13L. .170) la 1W02 anti 113 lit 19101. l t Canada fait- nires for île weék nuniher 21), au agminul 1-4 mut m-ee ali.]18 lu Ibis week s y-airfage.-Brna;qreisCom- mercial Report. Chieego-Csttle. commneepriais. $4.110 te $6175; hegg. prima heary. 1400 te 85»5; miieep. faim t. cholet, $100 te '$5,10;, whent No. 2. 02e te OK-« corn. Ne. 2. 47e te 49c; omIs, 'standard, 20e te 30c; ryé. No. 1. -71cta 72c».ha>', timothy. $8.50 te $131,5- prairie. $6.00 te $11.00; butter choie- res îuér3. 22e te 24c; eggs, tresh, l3e tu 15c; potelées ISc te 25c. Indianpolios-Cattle, stuipplag. $3.00 te $6.25; bugs. chaie hévy. $4.110 te $5.115: %heép, cemmeon te primé. $2.5 0 a $5.00; avheat, No. 2, 03c' teaOMe; corn. No. 2 witle, 48e te 50c: onts, No. 2 white, 'De te sic. st. Louis-Catle. $4301 te $6.35; hegu $4.00 te $5.45; siiaep. $4.100 te $5.10;- s-béat. No. 2, Oic te 93e: corn, Ne. 2, 47e te 4,0c; oese No. 2, 27e ta 29c; rye, Ne. 2,/ 0c le 72e. Cincianatt--Cattie. $4,00 tea~ i hegs. $4.00 te $5.010; siî.'p, $2.00 te $5.130; 'bemt, Ne. 2, 96e to 98é; cors Ne. 2 mixeti. 49,- te Sic: culs, Ne. 2 inixeti, 20c ta 11e; ryi, Ne. 2, 80e le $3e. Detroit.-Cattl, $3.M8 te $5.50; hoçs, $4.00 te $5.40; sheep, $2511ta $4.00; viieat. No. 2. 96è te 0&; cern, Noe. à8 yellow, SMc tea52e eî. QtN'o. 3 vbile, 32e ta 33e; rye, Ne. 2. 79e le 80c. .Milwaukee-Whéiit, Ne. 2 nerhra $1,06 ta $1.04, corn, No. 8,. 4,e te 4W,_ unIs, No. 2 talute, 30e te 32e; rye. Ne. 1., 77c te 78e; harle>', Ne. 2,. 50 ab2- park, imass. $12-00. Tciédo--Wheftt, N. 2 unixet, 99e te $1.01; cern, No. 2 mixe&i248e lé 50c;, est.,Ne. 2irt ixe, 30te 32c; ns-e.. 2. Sic tô 82c, cloriseefi, prime, Ç7.00, BuffaIà-Catt1, chaire shiping 'oters, ce $375; îiî hp fuir te eoe, $4,0 t W. uAU~ Ple luPémwe 4 6.oe ;ags4 la tut 1 :4 I. cI 04, to iand eauiesorh. tmatches un s"daaig wiod t e I pot L h. i 4aiatiIl pinsoin. 8 selà,g bitsDsec he m uthevietIl = t agap i vieauis eelteg à iion t u i mite Aun la th51 w MMU s tatea i ot tha ouw of CkwoItiu sumlticos.Th alun h P r. MI e

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