CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 12 May 1905, p. 3

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» 0ÉU14 ULGA»WrC'OAL Fhl.LDS.m t iela rlet .Edws,r . iIeyer hle issuAppoluteti fgeVircla. Comin.te efor the i.lntî poctilnataDespluineil. Uàgbtob lu émuni Conne?. Two horet'c ttached to Ia aplow vers jeý4~tp immnseîî-onciilitl.l', in;ts:Ile tluhnl>-kilicd bý anboit of tlihtnlng sud à muyae hlpirt a tutî]ig scila'- îeîw e illiam m nbl, endivred un- it sehî 'levrcien ii ' 4.':tede Inluconscluna ier ltntag. &aï senctionu beftéf. Alliong tlîîm mot 1homag Vartli,'Va Wathy lauf ave- btu..tê'd lu ait.r:î' ii d iti 4ahiuc iIi- near t ihin. lias i iisppesred. lie watt COUtty arPtt' h,' (!');l Ciiliuil ,tY liai sen lu Chcago a feu; daylà ugo. Md -he lrlitniu' 0hIA ri.l- W119& (*0-orut Vrrehl i. 70 jeans o age. thlcao aniti13. I4'Ç.r a l'eianirya- Count>' Treautnrer Hauberg ut Cook * piai e ete:iIi.g ia itî - l Coue t s, liais hredoyer oClU Trenuirer BlOcki lp4 u Aetteriirs- i,tl, of îf -ar- otChîcaigo$1.000000 cletetd fuý ii. ,lllid,glasuedterito te y -' If -liii, achool, city sud lîlrari ftuhuda. P&ld »Ut t o l.lI)thie flîrnir,-- f stli, l"edrrick IMainteniae*i'entallY klimd doeu*, tr. h.' uiîî114111îîlui.a1-iat , h> hic h-yeaî-ueld »Jute.rAdîî. vith a harn enIt the c<'ua, - ittiiîîqia - i -firk i "ut Setouile. 'Tie chid ran loto th 1u.surfieasceil -cl ti i a.îil ah.'î*îîil,* for nsd the. tino, .penetnstedthie pos'iiacd e anligliîi. 4 111 in.traii btitisurface cfin i1'i Tl . i,î.î,m r. J. 1. fi gga. preident of Oh. Inas juit dci aàheil ir .c mir.'l aaK(au.) uulverslty. anuouured hils théBRantu ai,îîrl l h, o- na liotly accepaitre outheipremîdent>' ut Shurh- _«Mtieted for hy iili-r nyi l iit-.lst cOllege. Aton, villi vue aoffered O'Uarx, IKing- & g,,) t1.'. If r- ui, t inî rfflnnly. eirm itkýig & 1M il. 'raimî "f ManMyrtle 1$ Parker.thie girl Cran- the. virgit I erritîiry. iltht' i iitti th ehEtI Whu lada'l a cccciful îîiîeting lu -unsveriînedl-î 1 .â ;1il j r-t> tf tunw.ey ant fal, haï been desll(4-.un ait-' -the pantn îlreiby lin--r-i'Ti i m iil ihonb>'tiheChristian chiirci tiere. Site tiiese are -iîrîf-t ii trlitiii i lica cuilet in i Eurî'ka ccl' saline cîoUrI-t. 'rr'~'!a!.. ti1- cIl hL reyer of Wlîeatou rîulege tines th is lia iha. w-î- îiiiii con lice aîmniu.i oratornial couteat outhti about 30.09M) u-r-f -ifà]i. ,N-:lî "Nonîtru Ilinis a ltercollegiati' Leage.. fa a MtLt!il, là i he-t ll i n t Gîleesburg. t'eu, F. Herzog ut 8. C. Corer ia!; i .il-, i ', Northi western cwounaolnd rize. deede lu fl,, ic iath tue1 le!-Ti -t l S 'f i h.irïnuhopital ah Ehmilit.ftle ouI>' the cîit>' as t l i - ]îr i i itttiI,i in hue State îa ang-lsd op- preîiur.îi. Tii.. -> -'-t-- 1 ','a- over $15.tjiP;f;11i, .»ir.itI iihinî'rly lt wutiicu, la cwîtfrîîuhed cler$MTiir Iwthat hrntstoft tiginat i ot c-rer>' ecaun tite I ie ' t in ~ ~ - .enitmer ut thei,.,dii-al stamff ifIDr. Niiur- ctîvity l in -i-i-th.. . T ; Ti. :à T'.t na isjiheo. l iti. î,lowed tia pri. anvive]litshatr, jiXî I - 1t. i - 't te istttin auire i eXn- ti ik --. a- if La* h.wreiiie Sulivain. oni', a. meunier ut aoise'î'îlra. i-f ..L - hlie Jellne Jamnes gang. liai tii-ciireleus- eag an : ;-t dc l rt hie.Jolhiet peitttiarY. iiaviug rond or t%%,,, Fi.r !t1- t-1ii- i-: alitlilt"d.a a »e eiiee-year sentence tor ber u trof mi.g]ai--t.--i 'it lIarto ij neofi t l hettr'ititexpe'rt aven iir -. : ~ .-iirt1w Là d bI iîlreithlecon t. iiit aîr Ten drilitiag làt" Ivr- it N"IT îrk -es as l. ISy cou arn"ade nouitIih - â 'n ifhd t.iii îi-t j Mn.i. Frnîîe lrcnhnuaui e bi uroni-.,i.t il, t.îliiiI tit dnu iatghter.- Miss.a MajiîieEutii-8 of Clhi- ewer,usit flit j iiiili 'iIi i-. mtî agiand îKleiiim-ît Lilanies o-f S. Lotus - hestu attlI'. uiart h liiiTelàoi :iî.lav- wPnc-oitter suit for oTe-third 'f the place fit r u, gT.tiig'thv Ti jti- r ip îI 1tuel etate, Worth $8i.00c0.0wci, accord- in oder hic imiabi' iiii:tmasr-i . iii19hou ateeriu ecrve. b>'Jutlge t). I :îeîerut St. Joisephu. Tiei. iled - tittitis - isrict Coutnttif .ii.canhis --i u rthn, 41 -; ii N it- i l timu-inýw Wonîan Finu. Fînat luilsud Lin. After Silo lins Wed.led i-vvo lithenr' for doiev.-n ilI'th tatT i'ttt- Luit.iand 1W i i't. ititihtmet uîcît . . ' l i ind ithe rcnt a-fi t l . lisa, tout-ilM- tî-uk. ca uuîanîul t 8r- cars ititt1, -fiîî.au. bin KtIT ii iai Fr>' att.] imtirt-Iili e m ru- hui-n.tu.i-ry lnsi frnti tt ut i in -uit-inhi:, lo t - u- * Ing hiltit t ,lu --u. Icý. h-ct Tiri-ila n nonce fc.îuîîVnry. Brown tî as kîhît-tiin E au ariet t t, >-e.unc a i'r alliii stu atf- ter 1in. Hricti cas uiu-i-it. Le i BDlliiugs aht Relîî-t te-ently Billliig dîrd. lc'svitîg ait pliate 'f $2%).04> i ildrnba ' pirpisn-iia irrlatu ilîc l..thieClainmuouthit.slamt ifm-t t. O vras hie iawftti ut-r aoi u 1uue wibr rigit t4 the tC-ate. - AftP'e n uiig.-ir à»einrbFr>' wastttunni liue ah Sonu De ato, near L.' sAnîmeit-,al.,a. td u-ti positions plrai-euh tet l- trn tutuIlegil bnabaîd out lir. Rilliua. linrs. iVny tIi-tu preacue-uej lainiaas iiiaikfutr uie î.l- lngeanaujmie ugr,iiltho ucceptibi,- $1441 te drapt helmitigatottt. PUBLIC MAT LPSE BliQU.ESTS. AmblgnisyI l nM iet ulHal'. 11 Affectslion., for Aited Wme.t Ocing 'ho the aiiigiimt ctîding Ot l.ts Ilutf In'. 1hhînilu'îiîng. Kmniki- kce cointe- nîtîa lme-tihote tir tigeu women tlt .slîuliai .181. 1 atiutc-llu ,-aic provision fori- Si-tii, laifriqti-tr 1-lu cistt"l lier t- l t , i .ftu e lavii-t ii i n its.d-imc- tf t he in, lute I ofa t.tih' te rouitt-fuir thelui-unti. n titia1l.>so . 000 fi t.uttThi i Th it l mmîib ttîî these prucisiîuîîs. lit tht-. ti-rrali.iu moey tree1I-ft-i itihe *i'ilm tilitg - honte."MaSuit an imtstzttt cluisnti tsuî egaîiy a ndîitr tuathlie le-ina are Ux- pallutuc--Ittihe ea.-litiliiit huit t;e Thepii. iuiithr in(ii'--lia rtittut ut tht Woma!n'a (2btih o tufhttkiîkie lis .engagetl alawyen o-ta npni-ent il liau tuinug thie yll. 'tins. ltiliug tno ett $50>lis-nan- rmnta htte Eitiirgu-nc-y lîustl ofutKatu- r kakee,, >'-t ltii-t-lanu anti, eal crpora- ion, anti il. tîtt, umt >-iii- uiillil-ui. Sue &IsO ett' iritaite if mmiui-iu mm.' toho lictuol ïwl'tc-ii--î,pi lirel Tecluaicallyi>' tbtmiue-t is ait iilealu. BEQUIET t) $73.000 18 REFUSEL>. TvoalShtena Declina Fortune, Salusr Moue>' Woutd liesa Nuisaonce. A emr tt uIt' ilutrationhioh unseliat- MnéIAiii uifeni-utce I l ney .nu-an -brouiglt to lightlit imLa 1Sut le euunty. JO- sepi 1. IVunsleietllimat utlin near Meuthutit a hu ittutaitietate iva lueul t $3 ,7<5.-The nu lii luinIliufui- titedi- vision ut Ile- tatemt i imn tt- iarta,.thIe icirs beiîg Juili 0. Wuit-aic-yutfui - Moegii. Mii.,andci li-ttwoîimîlcua. Aautilui endlSarah, Wîiniiiey. livinmg lieur ieudihuli. Wh-n thie ltter Tere îniiied tint titi muin tof t0> uaa -c idiridli equ1ally betuteen tuenthier luit1; leliTtel tu nu- ceire saent of it. ileclurinti taItii-e unley noud unIr li. a nuiatiie tua titini: thia thbey had li tht-r vitits-tIta utake tien hippy anti coîrîerit-îhfuit-'thie i- maiade r it tirir lires, anti Otnt tbir brothen couid make a ist-ur n-e ot Il tiiau the>. ZLLI]MOIS RURAL SERVICE LEADA. Ohio la Second and Iowa Thîrd Iu Counry Posati l Dliven>'. Ilinois bas 2.478 rural frete dîlirsry routes lu operation. the iergi-ah utinuber -et mau>'Sahe.,ess luunun b>' tte report c-f A ssistant Potmater Genet-ml Dgs.Ohio. iti 2.186;bIws, niitît 2,00, d ndiana, viti 1.034l. tollow it tii.orîler nînned. Oui Ma> 1. 3W,982 cotas ver. in operutiotu. vlth 4,708 pit- ilcisfor service peuding. KILLS ]BRIDE AND ]RMBNELY. -ilUiominaGira Wf. Chire uf Saera- -'tios or es-D th for Both. -Havltfg diseoireu, ftur montie after bIs unstniage, ttnt hhI. vIte1hadlnt bee taifml4 ute bhla, OGarISmm ut North Ott« owasi$ tld bf tfit el hie ' intTii ,ai tcfs. iri utit tiir lciltut. Judjcc Smitilu h. Nllir-u Withthe ic urli ahntVingitii. tf _NmiT;i3 Ml. '4tgai 2 Îeir obd i, itl-uv oft hue lite Co. Atitiew-Moricnu. tht mstrang riiîatmeeoutlier lite iustyry vvnaa recalle.l. Skie vas iiriil befre tbîe Civib Wi- ii Williîamn HckI,-. Atitl'a Ilui-ltie itp- pesiac i u 4eîtcaîhvieti b.etul,ltut.rehuri.. oi sorie lume afther i-te nianied Cul. Mocran. Tut-'. years agi,.asther thue lape- tt otit-t eim. Hiikle ri'otrtîrîli and liid in .%*irgilui.i fi-rmie t 'ulutniadîe twi tIiaiui tir its utife. She set-uie- n iiicirc. iatie gtouti utrdî'eétiiut ntI -u.î.rrte I Ti he qauý camp. Iis.ern Woomtuen tof Attiet-ia. netinl leî'aîurt- tientier daY. nuihail atenaiaue 'f*4 del-gIs-a. The- fti'oviîtytifi-i- reî*e5 e-.'teI: Stgtut con- mii. L. h. Retynoilds.Ic, lî-ktttrd ii te ci ri"n. J. V-'eui Tempuule. Cnlestnrg:;Ge;îrgî W. lieillY, I>îîîîillé. litns'lfur tnatin- ai .iree'tun; C. 1V. Ilams 'ut fHiLhî Ilandti iuiiîrneil fier hi cl e-tk. Pt-higates vet-e select-.l tu thIb eaîicamp Meeting ha lic i-ld in Milw-aukee lu Juîue. l'eut-la cas bîi-iciîl fon tie. meetihgi of ut .tîmi he-d -.îîîc u -.pasbeîîee. 'Theaclîlet higit îf thle mueetinug mmmt .lt.aiînt luîdtrsenmcîni uf G,-,rge W%. teibly for natittualîlr- iii, aIjz;il]tiuhclintchiirges tif nî azaietitt l ittailiI y hî' jertîtnn ithicn ot mtire hmil li-eu peternî-d. bunimci were ut nu avmt. lu Moibluthie Illinois grand odli. uof the Autieut Order o uitel'îîtdW.rmti elected cificers. East Si. Lotil asa o-liasen am thm meetinîg place lual1907. Thte oiucerm electel une: i'ashgtrndîud tîush' sokm u. Chartle% IL. Eic-k. Chilcagot: grand motser vonkuois. A. K. Hcndriek. Sterlinig; granit fore-mari. Ilarry> Swinî- tuerQulut->':grandoti(re--n, liai-id NI. ttrothiir. Chicigi.; grand recorder, Cias. 1'. Iiteuli, 'ai-i; granit eceirer, F. J. Kurt-le, East St. Louis: gratt trustee. %V. G. Non-la, Cîictgi.; grandt guide, Johnt Berger, Madiain; grniutl nelde natci. A. W. Wilditu. Caro; gi-mni oulteie mahi. Johna L. Selrage. Qtincy; gramîud iicab exanminer,'tiertre M.' Pettit, Chicagu. suptrême i-pies. tative,. Alfred Oren- dort ut Sprnigtid, John %V. Yntii ut Sbchh)yvilic. C. H. Elck ut Clilcago. A unique point Iu o damtage suit nuas brhit ontt b>' tiide isiatiof ut nugi- %Vriglituln te Chamincu îaty Court in te litiiimte catijYLast flft l ittttg cir n a- 'mt- tîaihed ou theIi.ig iî,ur - ati taiîîbîCi. iRobherts. il tuletut fthe Utti- mirit>' of Illino'is, utus iled. tic ai-tua mi tîrmîntîlutmt ai îe.antdthue accidlent ta- lrncted i rtîthu athenti'on. iti-ceitlr tlaitiqj îutiitit.ttir bt-aughîu suit ftor 8h1,1N. At- ha-n Ile coltplisinat h-id chiîs.'uh jîla iîiîî tîte dées-dtt'sattorney'ntmved itat thît ,:nit le disnuitcaýed onthei iii- îit tilar time pl-.iutif l;ît mtintrouiuccid cvidî'rîu-- to showrtht an>' Persan nuas îlepe'tîiug tpon Itobétits for suppiot, andmuh at, li-- iug a colsgtmanle ereailî> utas aitiei-- lieusetha ils parents; durnîg itlat ps-t-buu tf bils lite. *Tii, judgc bîiebi the ptinlt ma-s-l tokî-n aîd thie case nias disuuimseml. Au aippeil iluIb. akeu. Tiie Shtte croîp bulletin fornthie vseh sicy. tarin wonk bas bee b unàeil, thie soli hueiug ou vt u't ho u, but thie ork Lis wel advanîced and mucIl gioued ja roifflul'for planting. Luth sua-n onts mre conins np and atric-'siuing a good standl. Satine s-siy pîaîted corn 4. nip lu'hie sttienu distrc. Ploc'lng ins c-tiit- vaucel lu thé nonthieri district. NNVlis-st tîttd rye ravé made rnpidgnontii, anti uiti fev exceptions i('ci-Opa are ver>' pronlsiug. lu the, sottiern districts mine cieut is Jointiug andt rye lu heglnniug te lieutu. Stock ha on pasuîre.1hicli ectitug,. antd aumple tet-ula belug alIbi-deul. 1h.. pots oUÏl4r ur> ofruit b>' trusts are tw. Tii. indications are for aunavenage -c-nip ut al kinautfi-cuit excu'pt pechces, the- hiem being nluthtbioera. l'utatoei mre îuakIug good govthi. a-tdean ir, b.- ing tmade iluthie tiotheru district, sud in tiie otier districts hie>' are sioviug stahe Suppintendeut uf SC410011 Bay.- Ibs npttke lu favor of consolidateil aeiîooiî ah a meeting of thie Nuthiernu Ilinois Teaciiers'.A.sociation In Kankakee.,Six hindreul teacieri.were lu. atheuttance. Tbe punthof thie -Springfield inilir ,%Iannfucturlng Cumpain>' mt Springfield burned. 1,081 allant *300,000. veil cov- ered b>' instirance, The conipny ad large fftonut itt .i*th làgunrement ho 8PIHITUALISM on"S *200.OOOm Dociscf ihlilasu' Wili Givien und fie Chus-ch and Lubnary. *Bplnltualiam vili have a churci ah Le- rey, witii an eudicwnieo ut $20.00 vile the o:jà i iiliuve s free lirai-y viii isa endovusent of $50,000 ai a re- sit ut thiti hficenre. utJ. T. Cruni' baugi, a deeenaed banker et Leroy. Mr. Crumbauidied-at he .age ut 87 sud vas chiflllânml l i iieh.gave fiv. brti- cri nnd ilie e $.000eaei sud bis widow a lWpiual loin, b«ulbAe buik ot tii, es- tnte ' vicii ia>' aggregahe $900,000, i left ho Splrthualiam n sd ho arry OU a iic-'iiollu the. ltereât out tua beief. D,NT CHICAGO POSTAL TUNNE. Triesey OMe"isi DfléatiPimafor Tem poaseConaictioni« Atter cnsideing s suggestion fen the Putmnater tienensi treasun>' officiais lni Washington dtîcideil huit ,conditions Wii t otauti!>' Ille conîstruction ut a ton' n>W frein the eniporar>' ('hcago p0ahoifice bîuilding outhie lake front te the suivi>' for the'tnunsportahuoîî of mails. Tu ex- itedite the dicliatri, oi mails thie PostMss- ter Ut-enai îroltoiiet sa etporan>' tunnel. The Treasury'l'Departtoent iîîids tlît as the -gur.u-ument'ai lteretath tîmiiPO- rai-y builinltg cili expire wiî' t i ulava- eted tie expeuse c-îubd Dot he warrant- î'd.- BOY SETS HIMSELF ^PIRE. Angsred Bita... Mothes WilttNot Gîne Ulma Monet'. Angereul because hile utîler i-fuged ho orive.Ifiin nte>' ithi cht o purciane répsins ton a ,%icycle, Frank Bile>-. la year-. olil, ihteipteih ta kill i isei l (2'lletigo hi> pouring kerosene un bis ,Otehmo-nd ihinèg tht-n on line. - Tien h.e change-ilbis îitll shmot ,autiug ho diei sud hashil>' turcoff bis btinig eiothesandîîlrau scrîîaming from, hie bouse. Mn.. Mary Bile>', th1' boy'% moth- c, c-ho in au invalid and who liresic tiree rno0ua eshore. a grucer', bcdit the boy>' uresti-d. NICKED AND CUT TO DItAfg. Illinoisan WiiotsrmeQunrrel Ila KlIIed iii Twa Negroes. Rotert NMrai ot Sheffieil vas kilici amni W'i l'nPitchard utof e-ia evereiy tjued in. s quanrel nt Shefhield. Murai auîl l'itclîar'Ilstarted au nrginent vhicii led htusamiuerai figh. Te-tnegro. tpok part miith razira, cuting lManch'a thrnt sui hadt>- cuttiug t'ritchîard. BothIranci and Pitc-hardh ere kickî-d tnouinseusi- biit>'. Mmînih died vithoutt iiiug ounsciiîuess. l'ritchard yl recover. ILLI-4018 EDUCATOÙ QUITIL Profeasoerbne Lianes Chair ho the L'U.. a Institution. P'rof. stephicu .. t'unies. dean efthic c-iilbtge ut scienc-e ofthlitUniv-ersity ut h itiil and atu uioîr bils entomological bîa'tris as rê-igued bils chair, ho takle ilhi-i(t ini Jane. Deratn ionles, who la allie Sati' enttmoigimî,I-a icen eut hie esd ofthile couego sciic--ec for hveitty yenrc. tt in.Ili% intethion ho devote bils time te 8ït-nilclo vestgation. RL'NTER àKILL» lIS FIIND. Shootae t a suppoa.d Gaphes. White Victimle Wife la Nia,. - Drli. E.' C. Moore, a dentiat. and Gorden Brouks, s watch fîctor>' empbu>'., vent to huîîh gophiens near Elgin. linr. Brook. aceooipanied thiuunsuatiluthie road lu a crriage hie thie men vent afieid.*She Imiard a siiot sud a cry froin Dr. Moore and aie hastened ha se.thiedenie's. prize. BSle fouud ber hnsbsnd, demi, the accidental i nctiaiutMoore'*s tie. ICIONBRATE A POLICEMAN. lllnaisOfloilnWhoghot i lAeaisat la Hehd jusified. 4ue coruuer's jury exonerated Officer Peter J. Kang ut Lemont, niho ahot and fahahi>- wouuded Jatob Tîînkovlak, whe died lu ticeIospitailunJoliet. Kanewvsa atemptitig ho disperai a cowd lu Le- tuortt lietulie vaatarked b>' Toinko- wiek. The emieîice shows h.e ahot lu acîlf-iefeuse. believing i, litewvs, lu grave danger. BUT ILLINOIS COAL LANDS. Deal for 10000 Acres in Chwlnuisu Coum.y 1. Reporief, John Goardon, said ho epreset a syn- d-icte ut Chicagot batîkers, lis. parehai.- edi 4,000 acres uf coul lantd igitt [Dette- ville. on the St. latis ýand San Francisco raiiroad. Another t'iingo man il a ii ho have specureil <.0acs of ceut oland ighitt suihenon, near Dlîljeilic, whici lie c-lit dispose oute ho rdon. AUTO ACCIDENT- MAT BE FATAL. Dr. @chou n d Wife of Peorle, Throvi --Wounsan Severely Injured. Iu trylue !u uvoid a cYeuht, Dr. Il.,AL sîltiaif, a pronnlueut I'coria . )ihî>'iau, and hin aife were tirowu rioleoti>'te ho i gnouud as thpr attomobile strumcka tele- at-aphi pole. MIrc. St-hiîff's inuîries my bc fatal andthte iochot c-as baîll>brille- ,,d. Tii. autoumobile ciii demolisied. LEXTER MINER POUND DEA», Mystery la Klhgc.Ngn~ujfi- . Zeltdr Camip- Jsrnes Atlins, alofî taspurhy utfour eoloned rinler s en toute trame their homes !il Hendersoit K>., 'ho Zeigier, Jo.e L-i ter'% ftptd mining htown, vas foaud deud on th(- railrosd hnîîck lu Cmrhouialie. Juish how thesman met is desh i kunkuowu. UNITED CHRISTIAN@ MIET. Add Beusnnth Vunmasndueot ta ths OrigInal Tia, Au eleventhi coiindminittWsinaddcd ho thieoriginal eu sud tiie a h»Jncar- poritheullu tiie piattrn uft hue United l"hrstian patrt>'. utinîc met lu aiîtuusi na- tional convention ln Rock Islanîd. Tii, LEOI*".TIV< I.AORS COMPAE WELL. WITW THE PAST. Chicago Gîte LIis are ut New Stat- utas-Importaut Bile ii. ied or Ouf- focated la Cummttee-Uit that Pinde Way Thr«ogh go Long UOne. Luokiiig barek atihiea- k 1itiiclsi ed b>' the Forty-fotelih --~bAnseni- bli, couxîdering ailHlthe imoirtant tques- ttiitus m-i tbut Iily t euattlled ii cpi>h ho slettir, tui.e qýjeeli iitm;î.mtl:tnunmcbby with a>' prévens t-ti-iha-ully ot lhe. Sate. Maur>' jlmut TthbibIs tre kihiei. Mauy othisueremi-i,.itly au11îe efitei loi ciîmnnitteilor i touni (lieiionit hit tlulrh o thie i-. o -'iatf the ShItte',liv-ukin.-bmsi>. luitilite liet - bu' bhîlX hetat feouil.r hî-r lma.î ti-simli bath braonches et, hie oIi-îiiraib Atactuhll ic a ltiiîgone., lai peiut oi-enpmdltiri- if- sn tar mo'>' thi-i-t-.le ittie dfn-t -hTtiet tbî Lcexiskitre and-ilh"m- i i' .el It-u-5 ..eîui.The. total 'tutu tit in ,ehlideth ini tithelong littetaof -. i; anbis i *h;5h.J4 Thiis li. $4.308.21.50 titi tIetinir~y ejriif tiî he tte chatabihle lustit!0liîiis. $1.223t1,1finsite- tisu appropriations tir TIi. intIit ttioii, $1,4211,501) forthte.t'î ofir.uvuIlljinisl andî eb,771,617 for tt' iîitherm ig e-xji'hes tif tht- Stale gcs*rnmtrtt.licvi ia.'fui- tbie tuture. tii. Legist îî- -o-t apIart *1.-1 414.8l10 for 'hie exlit-tiof utheîlîî rt>'. iftlm î lteral c.ttîli- Thei total asftitdtg ae Bot shoma111,101mino ietuîs tir-thtI. uppruprishittra îf te l'ont>- ti-j (ieneralAseîl:. Fane Bilg iuestio-Up.Ce Foutr gi-ct ulenstionsia îuuît-,ttedthie Leji'giimture weheuIh a-si-iiiil an Jan. 3. 'rues. questions verl' hi-viaion ofthie elechion iawms 'and the bi-iage, ut i lri- Mar>' elecu ion lav, tX of;-tat tthe ciru service..gai légilation auj chater legi- iatioun tor Chicago. .tirsidea thies. queltîsn. tue settîemot ot whtich iluloin.fui-ti nu anregarded as -lt~pr~îv. -cc Iisqueistions e iiib"* a for tohie Shahe., fi, ii-lît Iluaa ys- hteititŽ mannet; labor legî-latiun, pres.- cil vigîronai>' b>'the. laitir organisations ofte icStante edsion îîf lime ava ut pro- celître sud pratuce itt c-nrts, local op- tion-Rioîl tus vas reirardeulasi ittie le4stitmportant tan the- firat lijs--'aehhle- nient outhticconvlch lbitr question mand proposeul reilion and extension oft he onti-trua;t iav. Agsinsh mirf>' et tt-easures design- ed ho brng abouot iei'laion ou tiiece tuathens vus irougitt., icun pr-essure, that at timea tiureat-uîledta seod the metuiuers uft he Ligia:ittir, home vith but little ucrcompllieil and vithiresuit- ing certaint>' ot nu extra session. Tuis vas nohabi>' ermo f thie gas und pi-mary élection bilis, and ih mnas not until tiie ast tirëe. diaef tie Gi-net-aiAssembi>' that thea, matteta vere di«iposeul ut. Whet Mbe As.mmly Dld. 1'Mnt thie hiooryirtit Gent-il As- sembi>' did mai b.esîuîmwed op about as felovs: tisaleghatsIo-A Mlii as passed gv- iug thie it>' ut Chicagoî the igitteho ix minimum ratas for-ggnd lelechnicit>' for igt, pover aud i-i t sud suthonit>' heoeeilh"surplus elechnit-it v' fromIn 1hovO municipal plant. Goos ugiaion ton tic enire State vas kllledin luhie Senste af- ter nune outhtemueitteih'r figtlts thbt erer uarked thiproeedings ut au Illinois Législature. Tic $tctte charitable Institutions vere phsred mulder ciil servie régulations. A iill desigiied tt-a ven sit depsrt- ment etflue state goeirumeut vas kili- ed In tie Honte and ltits question, like gag, u-ss setUed 1,>a s cosuprombse. bil. A prmmar>'élection toihh nu-ns passed. aisacompromise mensure. t proridem fer ail tiie prim;înics unthie ane day in ensry econny !ite tiSahe,, slove hue people te vote eit hese promar>'eecion, for the direct ntittîathea ut ,aii legisla- tieoffiiiicbîtîing Gonernon, Bepre- actatinas in Congreai, members ufthie Gocermi Âiasemiby. aod it>' oÇcers. The primala are h te conducted nuder the protection of the, regahar eischbon mahin- er>'. Con4'entions are aiso prorided ton lu case ne onmntitoin 1h made ah tihe di- r-et .priman>'. TIebilîl sthougi far froux vhat the niire radical expouneuts ut primai-ylegisiali ut desired. apparenhh>' ;a considened mas agrelat tep foirard iluthie direction ut dinh -tprimai-I nominaition&. Chicago Charter Leiiaaion. Chicago charuter egiaitiont but lu a ver>' macinîidifiu-d ftai, aise vas en- arted. A,îîec munîicipal courts bilmmas p*ssed abolihinti jtustices out hicpeare- and lrovidinut îî nysetent ut municibpal courts ut a ulgi staudard. But tbe bil for a uev Chicaigo cha rter as pnised b>' the, Légisature i tlhe loslng da>'haul removeil front h al of tii, municipal owunerahip uroisiona suad a bill pronid- lng for thie holdinîgut a charter conven- tion died lu tîte SenateInuthie courts 'bibi suduthie gas blli.houes-en. Chi-agou obtaineul relief oui tIei.rtvopointa mont pi-essitigl>' urgeul. Chicago farcI ou-lblunotiier vays. Iu tact, legishatliîi mi ifuting Cuhicgo piayed au unusuail>' iîttîrtaut part througiont the procecîliaga of tii.-' crierai Assenubi>'. Some oft helm iii]'îiscd chiai vere ut direct luteneat t-.C'ilcago verthie toi- ioning:, West lank blls. pnorbding for te b- suance of $2,Othi<Ci.4Oi bonda for tus- exheti- sien and rurnhteTti ufthie sinali parka *ytem ut tice West Mie sud patruing ni) thie present anus rî-cenhby declured îuvaiid b>' thieSupreme t'îîurh.- Anti-pour>' bll.l.paciug bear>' Penal- un thon. unibo cunduet "polir>"' Ismes, ase elI us thos, viio ow thie buildings lu vîtîcît soucil gaine, are con- durteul. -Heai->' penalties are prorided, foa tttswlo play' thejaune. *iAntliouu siiark" bill, déeeariug void ai l henn taintei- witWiuSny aud ail au- sigaments ut vuges lun vhihiheassîgu- ment ia not Joined b>' the vite onbus- baud. Tie persoual bnujry bill, deshigned ho id Cilcago ut the-burdeit of crookeil pen- zonai lujun>' cases. Tii. bill requins. tiat unlesi notice ut atit for Injure autaiu- ed b>' reason ot dîfechit'5 municipal péop- ery hoofihed wvhin silx menthessuchi suit canuot lie iroutîlît. - Billi of utrsit tu fliati. Ainongthie bills pasd vhiloiat. ut intret t heii entir. State mn>' lie namsid thiefellovlung: 1 Glood'-rouds comision lbd]. This là tic remslc oft hie bil propoilos a sys- hem cof bard rondîs building tinougîtont thie Shahs under Shate supervision. The 'hâ èi.4i'lv to enact epffd ovdlnaus.b suF& - ISlm - -woe uhe uerea à ti troi o uthteiStahte. I'rovidlug fer the.emabuihent of n Bluite hospitai tor tiwti'tn'itment ut pet' son% offiicted nuith tutilerrnioiisrarryiug onit fliuulcti ihea.«tif nimidoilr uneatuient;, $=50Wi0 uns mîîîropriatedtforn huis pur- Libur FPioes Weil. L.ilor rnlrpîii'ttli--î cîîslder that tItiy tari-il cr11. Tiihegîspishaure passeil bbis rc-i iiriîiii nhi ritlas lii m> ji) hhir e-ans mwli ithmttî-hy iptliatiit,. riiiiring lmitne tiaim-ra tii furiii iot tirera lun mîluemti nlwie- hîistlng ia îlîîu- uandIkilleil lbe 1>111 sce'iiLinzi, iueil lthe' cîild lbiir lm b>' - sliihim clmiltlreu thoe ltî-ia r un tii' gtai'. Th'oi- i-llow seriiT4 its hIS n-ir. kbbhed lt in .t! -at-.asWehbl ia iti .fil nuintbcn 'ut hî-îîrn si railrnd mant citii mnuîrk vihotu n ithîvetîitîg iîriiiî tf raci1 Btt mitihtic-re oasiefut ic' abat lji-en. inti isfî-ty ipplibauce iihieti-laiton itlbby eiint-si-î tself as veb lia.l L.tmiiu fonicit hard ut first againxt the pr1 -artt c'.av it- aiir ljamns, btut iail> gave lnp thefilit. agreeiîîg ta gir. tie ian- a fîthîrtrial . ' the li.t of Impoîîrtanît buis killedIn usa long otie. 'l'IWmut -trut b hill. înrcharr'i b>' tim Attorney' hbeneniki, tîh ie lionne. lut iinîlluh e -tnote cutmtmit- tee., miee h ha>'fîîr a nottî tmhboî c-lleebul)i sîtli-of hcsfroq1twit ne- qiieetic ut Attneyî 4(etieral Stes tir a heang. Ili lie sai' -couimittem' (Si-ta- ton ltmîil'sltiti-ilhétIi.t. Lois tri-t'bidiige ill.b Niicli liai> paan.edthue Houai, atîd the bill doIaling iiiieetîcla ii'ctn- ni-ut earri.-ra. Tie Chunci gui *'negioa- ton" hbi. appjlying ho thi.enaice- Stte. wam kibbed lu thte Scoute ou tihe day prit cedia ihjiorînciit. Local Option Euhingled. Local option became liopehtIcal> enhait- gleul lu bath bonesn d ftnuily vaxsai- boweul ho die on tiie calcutiar. Oine local option bill, a drastie meusuire, passed the Seuats-. Anther andI mîtch more, mod- erahe bill pan-sedrlte Honne aftr s'len- nationail iglît. Tii. Scrtatc refused ho art ou lie hlutine itill. Tite' hotia amendeul tiiSen t 'bihl tîntil its sponsor cd. 1hnias not neporhed fron thc coin-* mithee ou engrosed1bilelsuInth& Honme until the I#t day ufthte session sud îîothing funther vu. doue. Oficiais uof the, auhi-saloon leagus cIaigied'that eigii- hy-tour memberi ut theIHanse ver. un-J der expiit phedg. ta ieiép pas$ s local option bill sud undoubtedi>' local option nuiih b. prmirent ai an liane in thie next ieglish -ive campîlgo. Tus bis revicing t.e talcs ut prartir. anti procculure lu .coutofuthe Shahs, the measure drxin op b> the.Illinuois prat- tire commission, vas kilieul lu theHouas, lu conuectiotinuit tuis wax s long list of practire his reriaiog thi. iawi ut hsbeas corpus, etc. Tvo on lire, ut tieïse meniore, aicf vbich passed he Senut, ere 1uhri.d un the cog" buthe Hanse. Tii. menhion ut "habes coi-pua" vas saffittieuttehobrlng dovu au ava- lanelle ut "nom.," sudthe long lisi ut illsba s siloveul hodie onthe culendar, The mont anational figbt outhti ses- sione occurrd over the bill heguliiiu Huard ut Trsde transacrtions, vhih came np on piseage onthie chosiug nighitheti Houa.The, bill vus kihieul dnning scens uf great exciheensmeldoun seen lu an Illinois legisiative haIl BUls that Dl.d - Amoug the. bills ilttd inllu iane commithees vere-Heii-u' bis regniahing the fmi-e on Pullman sheepers, Shav'% bill requiring the marklng ut imitation hard, McCskrn's billmakling lis StatV' railvi>'and vsneiouse commission su ehectii-s body sud 1111h. for the. habeiing ut courich-mnde gouda. Tii. sti-cigar- ethe bill aiso died luHunme committe. lu the. Seune 4M6 bis ver. lntrodnced and bu.the House 084 meaunes tound theirva>' ho the rlerk'a desk. One meniber, $ample G. Parka utffDn- quein. dicul vitfout takiug tiie oati utf uficee. Oné member ut the Hon,., Frank D. Comertord, vas expciied as the rW suit cf lnability ho bring proof cf senia- tilonai ci*igea ot corruption' agaluat mimberi of the Legilature. Hie vas re- eiseted and tarok part lu thé luraeedingi ofth i.Houa. duringthe lait tvu veeki. Joint reculutioni vere adopted provitt- Ing forthe aubiion ut s proposition heoseithe ohl hIlinloissud MichigancanuI btveeu Joliet snd Cicagu, which in nov uselessho the State b>' reason ut tie buildhtng of thte nec isuitai>' cattal; ton thc appointaieuhnt ofa coimismsîinta iuveshbgatthe isuhîjeet ut obd-age Peu- aluns and report ho tie udt Legislature and for Ilmretigating ithe teasibilit>' ut a .deep vahen cianucl behieen the bakesud the guif. __________ SO0LONS DIVIPE MILLION&. Ligisistosa ApprôpinisMote 'lia *160000 , ýPa-eticisaiEcenam>'. Tiie total appropriations outhtei.Fort>'- fourth <lauuiah Aasembhy atmout toi $16,- W,9,21. Tht-la hi ithlu $100,(M ofuthte amounit apprupriatitd two yers r@agle. Tie items ukthe total appiroprimttions ancelaI Stîhe chartable Instituntioms, ordi- nsry rxt .................---- 4.W8.250 ta te ria rtiite itioum, upu ciala ipropiatlin------------. 12D8.520 rtnniitttg antd tlitiilgr. 28,0Wi.>' aSu Euiiluyes Fort>' footT Gfi-utrab - ..... ...............--- ---- 100,00 Cîîmutttî-e îxîtî-tîsî-s t'iry-ottiir hietter sl Aii-iiy---------------22000 Paiper sud stiithi.imit-ry detlit-Ietiy.. 13.4000 Illtinois -'r-tiiiaii , t ..t . 1h51>u Itllinis Liry'iii-is Asuxîi-lhiu .. 3,000 Vitliobrg C .....t.....--------110.000) Lti-kIL'rWS'A sîtlt ilt-----------2,(M1 Lewise& i'iirk E .......uti23,4»0 t'tIîvmeslty utIfllIM s--------------... 61,000 littultiîrat Tua-i-t>'-------------.... < ihepairs au Ahiuiruey humeraI's of- fice---------------------------.... 2tultini (mmmd. ordiairy e-- 0 Natioiib. tiid. nfous -u 212 Pr'ciudnItidoctumuetnts rt'lslug te Nantfhwvist sudtIltinois ..... 00 h"sruurs' l ....t..........------ 300 Lire Sîsiti liteédeta' AsStoetln, 1,00U Urtvilty of Iblinois, experumeut staion ....-.................--- M9.4000 lmprovenneit iver Commiussion.. ,000 Jou e cijhtihIer>'---------------7441000> Adjîîhant (t<turaaOffice, lmi- pnîîvcutets----------------------1,00() Aitdjtor's dëlt-,leur', fugitive» fmentjustli-e.-........-----------3,-M Ponitry Associaati------------.. .---- ot) The. " urpina carrent" siactrle llbt biu. twln of the '*gai reglitor" bill. " unloaded on the Sonate Wsdu4odey W' the. House, which pasied the. miantue b? a vote of 95 to 21. The, firit trial of atrength ln the. Hona. on fenstor Dlxun'i board ot tride bill (No. 174) rsuled la a svere deteet for lie friends. The. Houai refused. 70 to 54. to suspend the. rais taadvance the. measuri to second readiug wfthout reféence to committe.. the motion requlrlng a twq-thlrds vote. the. regblat1on of practlce and proeedur* lu the. Stat. courts waa klled by 'the gouam. Frienda of thé mesure charte thut the juticec of the Supreme 'Court are reipouahble for the. defeat of thé. magunte utiate are midi againit the. Béants bill raisin5 the. salaries of théi justices tfront $7.000 to $10.000, whiiht omes up for passage. Thia blD orlgluated Ila tbi Sénat* snd la aow b.- M a fore the.Houa.. Wlth nearly halitéIii u sections pruned away, ii Chcuago Cou-. db cil biU for, the ameudment of the. citéeai c and viliages aet waa reported by Senator Haaa ofthe committee on charter and advancod te third rondins. Gaz leclalation recelved a bad net- bock Thursay. The Senat. atruck out et the Lind>' amendment ta Honne bill 6"4 ou motion of Senator Parker, who iu tbia more played luto the binde ut tii. opponents of the, bill and laud.d hi hlgiisud dry on tii he eIt. The.menante as 1h standa niow centaine ne apecifie time limait iimply prohibltlug the. Council froiu fizlog the pîrice of gaisuad site- triclty for more than three years. The Llndiy amendment frxed the. hime At tune yearq, Whiih waa agreed 'to by Mayor Dontn. aud Walter L. Flsher,. repreant- lug thi Chicago committee. Wtii le atriciien ont the. bill wiil havi ho go back te thie Houa.. Conference committees ot thé. Beatéand Honne igreed upon thi new -primary bill, end their report won idopted by bipti honses. 1The Sénat@ ÎUd ta>i tltutihlil 4inluthe day. but the Houa. refused to coneUr. a0 a ,conférence was oeceary. fienstora Ru'- ry, Campbelliand Chatee represented th* l Remets.and Messrs. iÛinaker, Heini a"d a Tripilt the. Houne. Anotiier, effort vuini madeinlutii. flouaisto ad-rance the. Board. a of Trade bill, but lu vai de.ttd. génts bil 374. b7 Mr. Gardner, providing tet in, appropriation of $40.000 for thé -m- provemint ot the. Iliois river. passed the HuODÉ%s.i84Io »~. The. chuaI onie.k -' idation and trieride meneur@ (Soate, bill 394> withatood a aevere fight lu t1i41 flouai, being aaved 1by a vote uof1'M t. ez aud sent te third rbàding. Tii.Houa» kllled, by atrhking out théi. ,nact clause, Sénat@ bis 79, 2M, 190 LdD L the. finit namd being the CuaudOin L habita corpua meeaun sud the. othits id reiatlng to eout prichici. Attèr a bswiiderlng day ia the Souite Fnlday, lu whlcii bondirchangez w... U ruug on the. gaz and eleetrie bille. the. fig iifted, dicloelng Indicationsa tthei. Liiature viii gin Chicago a eosn* C nation "qnrplua carrent" and "rate rgt- lator" bill. Tii Houas vonkid at ih afl seed day aud evenlng. Darint tit. morungg Speaker 'Siurtliff ordersd aU .iobbylats from the. foot aud kq>t tises on tor -more tinahou.Ther thms came bock, but la th. meatime the Houas had tranaacted considérable baiok8 usas itiiotuthe. interruption sud bie slug of-dosins of talkisg fmen. Ât"IlgUi a motion vag 1idoted 'lhftlng-al ipeechea ho iOve minutes, snd tua. té.. ii.ipid cunditions. Membera o et i» relleved thi vota-eut rendit cmi. sdur- lug the. eveaina a"Wonuand joi11i eau. 5 iowed i-oil eau for houri Then th@. Homa djuran d thé. tlt.d meuibis aought tiiein homeà for a hittie îi..p hW fors begiunlng the bord seaelon of the cioing day ot the. Legilature. Tii. Houas pasud b> the. vote of 120 to 0 Senator Dhxuu'a "antI-boan 1îhirk" bih, Thé Chicago Automobile Club bill (BSn- Éte bill 2M0, by'HumPhirey) vwa piesd by the Bouge, 81 to 4-L The menaure tequiresauahiautomobiles ta have Stat» licence, and numbeta, sud fixes the. aux- imum aspeed lirait st twenty mulesaua hour. Sidney Goniiaxn attar tht.. menthe' work for ths bill, couvlneed the. membera tint it wiî fairtet both the. fermner and the, automobullat. sud It had votes te spare. Reluator Muéller's bil p lacing the phyniciana, surgeonisuad nurse. of the. Cook countY hositai ude civil service paaacd the Houa. 100 tà 0. ' The FortY-fourti Genéral Âusmbly lias adjourned a*ne die. Inuthehent dar ut ita lite it ha, paamed uver 100 bill&7 Witi tiie Senate chaniber deas.ted eariy flundai uaorulug, tiie Honna, itlclusgte lit officiai existence, aud -,th a bitter- mesa .quied oly by thé nu figbt bai' tied ove? the. Board of Trade butL.. 1 vaa of"itul acrirmorulng tuit Sp.4s fhor.lff'dropped bic mollet for ihe* iset- tine uù thii ch abused oak eab aiirbW the top of iis dosât. He broke une éa Saturdny sud apliutered a n.v une BU&' day mb)rulng in efthnta tornis the un- nul>'. TTiiLglaaure ha&ho ta sct.dit the. priiary law, a fair civil aerviço 11w a nuiniiet ot mensutea lu the luterelta J01 labor, nnd ceveral acts, mcii as the anti- îloin shark and anti-poliEY bis. Wltii-- 1 out a solitany vote iieiug reglatered la opposition, Chicttgo won liegai bisi. The. comobination ,rLte regulator" aud "BUr- pins content" bill, knocked together by the Senate from planka taken out outsil e f tuat taced a premature grave,. vas pam «Mjo id by tii, Bouae, 115 membet vot9 ng lb for it and non. againatTii. Chicageo OUM Automobile Club bill and tiié t dama aaway witii cumuliauve voting tor a draige truites wnt tiirougi iioth houas.&Tii. meagure for the s.tabhluh- meut--a-, suitarlWLIOL connum tivia a. scaped défont but appropriation vsu i cut Tii. primary éliction blU piaief la _ diclared te b. sV m-h botter misuti _ than was .xPected. Buisi Paaied-Hiiini. Abolluhlng the. ndètermiflîte sentence J 4 b*?î; bu t î $ "'w TA raina siiissso~ *4 ihia M a~lS T nieS ana 15 W Us., ~iwwhii ~ a-b- et 1 Cy. oesa

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