CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 12 May 1905, p. 5

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I. y Bcusm 9-ôee tai ber 0aêIm ma#eo. le cotittto -m «in. lpeetst t-s ,l. Termeu 1b inu stvauce, W. eýIr sent by mai ca-h,bue Feo091tO.tnsUttî5inserttont. bl w little ads brlng esults. "DNT ha, & larger cir( han5 au cther weckly p Idl LnaMe county. Ads in q veach fthe peuple.., ry TO LOAN4 lu gtt<5 Ir, t lA,2( 1ALÈ-Agoouuilliutry bie 85 ilem rtrmCîieugo Exet- 7 adgond trade. Ittxilij - yers Wichling ta rttre1 ~iitoeil af a-rufit-e. z"r, box 10, Libertyvilie. 111. kao ouis. and man tr a-c feWlaytrrtorin titis dis mtra d xvertiSefîr Wtot ~ patd we kty. Nral advnt-tI.A pphy . taC W -Âurt Co., M 1g- wiit take atx-k ta. 1:od muniugtenwter. ,Terni, . F. llirou, lýibertyville. 2 LAIE-A quatity (itithyt LLL, Ieitttan, II. 3 *URAGE-l have rentod P iomumtely aeutiied lty Wmi. ami will aceft cauxte stor E. EJ. BitowuN. il tSALE,-Ileet t-rn. IL.IL . L tvlle.. SALE-10>rootutiuuse tent l. Bath ro,,m, letrie fi " et i.luire Fît-st Na> Lbertyville.,. SAIE-410od pany, heightl , oddriver. Excel-lent mu gao une for bÏ j<> L @Ie an or r raeurian boy i 4 . obfeuns-. Mut Wituï 1A-1 trivtii tIti git .oxmbe ri., wi 1. *xwk. Ni, watt nt-or-ir to flic City .Iuday. Lbryi ,11 Citas. CW lvtit. tif Haitip8vilit, umade a LbryilII trip o t flcctituty setat atet aurda". 1 .. Usea »ee .home ailteo snd- t* i ~udNotice. le the *itlu4Catlt>,mul. We under-1.59 run tiptc >¶roLeo 4. 941 The Warner Sugar rellung eompty ___r- six tory building to lie ereeted at the loti f arket street et a cost of about TVIG$50,000. The building wil i l 1probe- blty lie located au the met side of the - treet usai the preset officees. White Ilsh anr rported on the esas aide of lower Lakp Michigan lu pientiful mîmbers for the tiret time lu cpm. >,cars. Ever stuc. the les went away lu the sprng it I. sad the Mihigan shore bas been frequeuted lu nutuerolil quanti"tes y thtfarorite f§eh. Their approacli to the local flshfing graunds in ___auxiously awaited an'd it i hoped that the waiting wil not lcinj vain. JIt le blteved lu Waukegan thata large grain elevator wll lie hut lu the uear future ou one of the north slip lu the liarbor. The Elgtn Joliet aud Lastoru e i. building a numnber of new slip. and int tby making extensive preparatlons for ln- li *t rea"e business and wîtli the Ludington aid lu Sat Company lu acttve operatian the t ,. larbor le priovtug ta lie qtite a eunter of FOcommerce. The coal campanles are aIea prepariutg for a seson of heavy buini- The ,cole- Oin lednetday nittt Ma 3, at the mper lhonte o the bride'êt mother, Mrm. Ahley rthis 'alînèr of 537 Asît street, LaVilla Williur and Mie Mablle Palmer were united lu - marrage. The weddlng watt a quiet meal one, onty a fer 'of the immediate relative@ M,- bing present. Mr. Wilbur t. a promîn- G-f eut Young man andI le wett known tbrougliot the tounty a welt a ini Waukegan wbere lielle employed lu lent tlie Security Savings batik, Mefornerly lise livedaetOrange Hall, remnoving toWauke- f ront ga n eerlyea u go. The bride le promnen llcialy nd m agraduate of Mr.the Waukegan Rfigilisehool. oin the fifteeth of May, 4o»epli and Jamesm Reardon, twin boterwil ,rtry start a wrapjer faetry on the third nia" loor of the oeai building ou Soith ,tr,t Genemee treet. Thle capacity of the leal factory will lie twenty machine@ and will 'onth lie mn by etectricity. Joseph Reardon "vOtt wlio hae been for caýme time the bond of with the j. H. Iteardon ladies tailorlug lono>" e.tallihment of Chicago wlltlie the r74 utter andI manager of the factory while - Jfimes Itardon will attend to the p tinOtside w<rk. The prodluct wifll li IM-4 talledth te Twiuî Brand froin the fat tht ---the irotiiers are 1wi11. bY.IY Mr. Il. C. Porter wlio wah at the head 12of fthe Porter Battery Comtpany, - orunerly of Waukegan, lias reargaulsed 1the- that coneril antd will Kcon recutoebusi- -Sil- lie neutar Evansvilie, Indiana ou a uost k ta noviel basic. A tract of landutI h. leeu .12 puti-iased utar that t-ty and willI le mulidivided jta lots. Oun tlem .will lie VT.,bujt liouses for the workmen andI the -2whole converti wlll lie rn on a co-aper. ative plan. Tlie idea lian long been a 'trally favorite one wtli Mr. Porter andI lie bas 'glts, now completed arrangemient. wliereby btoa is wlsli anq.e cearried ont. Hie family W3 still reides in Wankegan but will this b ,%suamer remove ta the site of the uew ddler. Plant. lîeap. The littie Northwestern Mlitary Liber- Aademy launcli which figured a. a - blockade rennier la the presiet Chcago ,r cale strike, ruuuiug dowu ta tbat cty aud re- irt, lu turin wITh supplies ta the acadenuy naille w nttlacutt could get no proviiilous 30-5 shipped up. had a ver exctiug tumeouf - Waukegan a Ro Ieturu- turage igfoexh CiZ -pedtilon itewa. k't'.where there were facilitiesé for caring for 122 lier fltnthe fi way the gasolin. gave ,ecra out andI for twelve hours the boat wa. Oniig. ceat about ab flic mérey of the waves. ,ee.l, luthe norning Ifarbormat.r, Larman le No. caw fthc houaand at about tlie sam@ time a rescuiug party set outf f om the -wire works wlilch brouglit the crew lu. fait A tug wa. thon ment down from the M as. harbar andI the hoat wa. pulled front the bar where it laedliesu pouudiutg te dgreater part of the nigt. iorty- iberty- rayslake teut neet% iber-L 11 ilittti, The Maions hll a busIness meeting 1tf at Saturday eveiug andI afterwardit lrea luu>ceou. Sorte of Our Masouit- oa rbretheru cugget tliat viniting brothoe hring a lauterui witb theini ext tixue to S;tock liglit their way boitte. Evidently oame- u ol~ ne lotisicwa.y. Adrese The Syndieafe met last Tburday tfice- eventng but owing f0 the fatt tîtat li; 2- was impossible for ail inembers ta lit pessent it was pomtpon-d Ountil May 17 ' ma. Te tB. J. Loitue returiietl rain Wisconsin andl thie week. ablot Dr. P'almner je entertaiit'utg hic brotîter doit fij puni? front Madison, Win, pulico Mr. Iimitaîl, buteber at ilook's uto the market, book lit. fint degree witft tht 8'-ttlnu Odd Fellows lat Tliuruday niglit. Princi- Master Maleoun McCualg lia. a fite ,-lcIg te t.nt lu wbieh ta entertalu liis playîtîatems KGý n Mm. Howard anti Esther Ernst af Rolins were giiesto-,af Mr 1lônieu test Fani. weck. W Fred hailey af Dowuere ( visits u.frieuds and relatives hiers thie week. wS. Ed Ploieu ha. aceeptcdl a position at R 5 Iihiardson hotel l)uces Lake. .,ti' lu tOf The Mr. Druinmnd andI fantily of Chicaugo sîidenes have utovedi ttuFreemau Claw'w teneuil Vt e lotat Draon Lake. o1 :l .Spring Samples now iii,' cail and make your selection.. ILIBERTYVILLE, Womsn aks for Damage-Mrs. Minuts W Hall, of Lake Format, ha. cutered suit rl for,- $5,000 damages agalutit Mr&.p Margaret colline, a netglilor. The 2z two parties tu the atton are îwam- w ineut residents of that village andI the o suit t. salti! ta e the recuit of a lon standing iamîly fend. Mré. 111aIt alteges that the defeadant lu the case F ceie ber a lIar., thief andI oihsrwise Titi Fattiseked lier cliarueter, tIefamlag ber as to Munit an sutent that site muist bave ' reparatiOn. Attorney E. V. Orvis, of LIIII waukegan, ha. charge aoflthe Iat ter' M for the pleintifi. cc White 'Blsckblrd Returns-PeopI5 living Esti usar Fox Lake have meveral finies tht. fc gpring ututiced a white bleckbird Os amaug af hem i ofit.aem 1lîsflyîlu T about flie marshy prces - wlic EI abound lu thaf reglan. Th ins huinlure- & parted to a b loutely whîite wltli the lu exception oi the regular mcd spot which W 1 10 ounflie wings of ail flic maies. Lent tu summer a white fledgiug wa. cait ta itave besut reared uinsnaIoflice clouglis, Loi dej.rting tiautliward lun fthesaufumu M wîth it. leliows. It 1Je e-ident t bat ai thsOt.e s amne bird retuning fully matured t th li et-us of ifs furet figlit. Roeoivez Promotio,-lev. James 6. K. 1 McClure,tflic th loved lisad aif(lie E Lake Forest catît-g> litati been offered tîhe precideui-y aiflic Me- w Commit-k Theolagical eentinary.11ev. E ,McClure lias iteu idtiuuled >vltl bi Presi.yterianiutt Iornay yearc andI w litas doue macututt abriug flic littîs LaIe- C1 Shore eê,llege ta it. î.resent position in H fh leeducatiatt -anIl fliheMe- U Connu-k seltoot bis fueldl oi laIorwill lie 0 i larguely increased and h it.atmbition wili L be gîven Itirger sce-eftor action. uî Couuiug a. it*does at flcîne of a large w heqetnta bis appoiîtînent is esetlw-iallY Mit gratifyutg. Rau the Blockade--Supplies rau short V atflic Narth>westeru Militai-y Acedeuuty Sur la.t week, andI amit flire was buteseant M~ prospect tOf receiving ithipunent. iro il] H C#iiaga au accaunt aIoflie strike, a 3 tfreuuotic metitod was funalyr remortet ta the relieve the starvlug Young T soldiere ai the taY armY Post. Otint- Io the naval launehem wa. putcint-oin- Nie] misesion, andI Major liavidean witli aM party ai cadetti. embarked au a farag- i lug expenditian, bsviug a Colt'$ auto- w matt- gun matinted in tîte bow. Thet- launcli antI party reaclued Cbit-ao T' Fmliday moruing. fook omn botard a It -suppty oI provisioan ud retumued. %I without furing a shiot. 01 Soidiora Escape from Fort-PatrotIs ofiY soldiers wore for severat days last Car wsek ct-art-bing flic tawns oft>lte lake 0, shotre ttlitofaIcaîturîng two 1) desertt-rs wh iîttad est-upc.] frotut Fort ë Sheridan. Thte two tmen un t1uestiau were serving sentences far larc-tncy aud wcre scon otitace removed ta New York. It wa. ettifret repotrtedtI lat tliey lied kitîcd thec guard, Edward ttiggett, a lie wa. also miesinutt it lm tîightGI that hie tIsterted witîî th-un. The- uitn It wcre kuown ta bie desperate eliaratters G andI lid twice belor-,eeCeaped, once at Ma Fort Leaveuwortb andI once et Fort E Thomas, ouiy ta be retaken andI re- s turcd ta tht-fr confinement. Tht-jr T namtes were King andI Lycbtlyter and C r thsy were torîuerly aiflihe 27th cavairy t t uow statiaucd et the fort. D Robbomy at Wadsworth-A lt-w niglit. C E ug ortbhers broke Into the store run I by Mike Lui et YWadswortli sud k carried asy a quautity of cigare, Ma tobaccas, wsarlng apparel andI mie-L cellancaup articles. Mr. Lux heard 1 theut et wark et about utîdnuglit antIk r securiug a shat gun attetupted ta ;e 0enter thte store tlirougli a tIoar a-bit- sleads iront hie lbtns@ ta the sttre buittI- 1.iîg. Fiutdiiig tItis lot-ked liy the -r arabere lie a-eut ar,îundt th fliront a door but thlaein ehd ete-apet. It lm aIea reported fliat a brase bell <.ofe1m-' siderall value wtax wnenclî -l fr..uie locomutivite staundinîg iii fthe yards aund F carriset away flue sanie niglit. ItfleimJ thtutgltt that file parti-s mîadle off 1by h meatîsti! afaett antI aagontas. fthe Sai amont,uof i etîfu taken wa ,,ofcu-C eîtlcralîlelulk .No ttont-y aas e-uireil I altlit tihtte a as c-hangle t,. flic 1 'ittatiotf ttigtt-it ,dollasclnfth-east-adi tIraw r. Just Received E Ladies Appamef for Summer 'Wear ve-try- F 9 utea- and 4 tilOJt-- F ( lut" anti et god y I1trtil ts- It îeio-Ial ut- t.. the. in kit-i he'lit Il t- ai-liIa f rotut 83 1 le lm to $5 F le A REAL BARGAIN dTaIk is Chcap Eý Ltlt-t us instaîlla toIt-pliant- .tf au ýOexpeuse t.> ytttail ouftiof pr.îpîr )t tiottut a, e-efut antI -aîveuit-ute. a Everyoae is putting dicta ait. X tlie t. MelCerle & wf et aI ta Cham. Urai 20 Acres in swM e 33 Beuton Twp wd ..$3000(0 eas t er pa tante' liC"Higbwo.od als_ 5 fi» n 0 ft ltt5 gi wood qe-........ .........200(0 ephineEPraîl to aiel pea.e a 50 It e 150It tîk f Plt a , af ghWood je ...-00(00 ioutas BitI lea. Anderson seari lot 3211 latke Forest ......... .. .... 1575 (0 lait A Weils & fitnsta Emma laxhaun lot i11,1k a resuli ai naokéa ub >Libertyville wd... l1800 < ilte of Phlijp B Hale <decdi to Hairs of P RItl aIs parts of tes 20 28 andI 29) IeerieltI Twp dsesn................ 1 (00&e H Moll, ta Neltson Jefferson &wf lut w of Site ridan rtoad ine X4 se8fleuron utwp wd Il()()0 0 P Happ &wfttt %Vita Lndwig lt 1 suhb ai btk E" iligîtIantI Park wd................. 150000>1 )fa E Hartray &Ali t tPiaul lac6unfina lot 17 (iriilt-ýy# eu LIbertyvilt-vif.....t . 4000 Il()< Mi Miltard & avi to L 1, hulard lots 14 1-1 Sii>4 utt]w (10 ft lots 1 andI 2 1.1k 70 Highland Park %a<l............1 (w) J Mille & wlto C %V&N Raitway Co tltts-110> 50M 52 blk 41 Ciciagot Sprtutg lltffs E 8ayler & mat t..Mary lauxel lot. 45,andtti; i.; 1.1i Dreyera suit, lVu k,van utwtt. .-1254) t»> L lesen & wf t). \rp. Mjutlnie Loeffel m 50it t a1 oI<t>ttc200» flot 7 blk ý3if> lghlttud Park ai ......................500> 00 minte Laeffel t,, 1)tLt<l--u a rt lot 7 blk :l< Il igîtini 'rk wd. ..... ............. i<t -ait M Iteuintît f.,JC %laleatutean 50t>%v ronut ,,u, Ilekory St btt t.ý-.tt2nu i at rt St. Waukt.gttt t _ . 2000<>(id)t j Msnt, Mate-i 51mtw lt .3 bk 43 Lai..-Illffuti wl. 5M halas & Clins. W. tel t.. Western ty Cot. tt 1.1050><t wides a ofWashlintgton St bru s yse %,sis.2.4 Wt:rreni Twp agreemuentt ù ý..... 1<()f<<t> J Proctor & f -t ai t,,E, W Proc-tir utotf,.1 lo ,t , on e @ide Milwa,ttk..- r tIx liuehler & %%ftý, John. Oiffith partestof .s- 7 attd m >.'erleld Ta-pttl ........... 00 00) Sutman .& a f tiniti v..l -7 blk 2 La-Id A,i....t-le-s ttlt Watikegan wtt.. .... 1110 I00 R Lyton & wf t,, T J11K t-cint-r lo 183 Lytns -sui,.of Fuir Grounds Wauke-gtut at.... t00 ary Osebornte -4 to C&t,.IAM Eloctrie R ', 17- ~te x apart ne% ffse> 17 %Vaukegaut Twp wd. ... .... . 3000 00<t> E ttayler & tifut. Frauk Kapota lot. 7 tatt 8 <.k I Dreyers suli Wauk.-gan watt ý122t <t0 E Saylêr & w t. J W llenlley aot 26 Mirk 47 Stouth, Wau- kegan wd ..... ...........1i o., ..ttj lunaillkautien & ai t.. lt., Leaf & w! ltfs 25 and 2>4 bfk 1(umt.iutgs 3,(te. ad Wttu- kegan ad ....... .........2700 il() en Botndl & ai t., C <,Il te, ut nm. 0>-fttt.g c& a it, Wimttstttti t. Central 14v Co.. tril. l ft wjt, lirougl. part ut '4 set- 1 Wit tittiocît Tap wtj.... 1il()t P <'rtladt & ai t(pi, MîîutîE Siitît ltt 1113bk lm W41.i buru Springs wd---------.. <>0<> arab A Iligius & bus tg. .1 C RhiteIant Itot 12 1,1k 12 Extuitotr adtIt t Highlandt Park wttý...............6500 ,arah A Iliggiuts & tts t.. Adam 41,ilwejut lots -,und 9f blk 14 -: cuttior additiot. î e Highilantd Park att.. ..... ..119)( 1 0 C Sitît A i à fa <1CT11,-ýv tet-ker lo t 20> Lyans mtl, ,of the Faijr <;ruuts %%aukt-gali wd.......................I 1<0 W <ttruth & w! t, Villtage- of Lakte Bluff loîts 1 and 2 1,1k 45 Lake- hltli ad...,.... ... St-1000<(0 W Ji-4frie,. & wf fa J Il Howartd lot Il 1,1k 23 Lake Bluff wti.............. 71)(00 P zjplita Cathterine S Mann niutlo.t 1> suli,.f lot 2f»> Lake i,-st wtt. ............. 0t 'rt.. Il ', indiejite &bua. t.. J V C laret-a t%'4lott 1k 53 Il igittîtti lPark v~d ......__ ...87 00 W ll.,,ke a t, KF % Sttîîtet llots i 1 3to ts btlk 1 aunt lots, I t,,4 7 f., 4M ltk 2 (Stutns .îe tltid 'ightland Park q t............. ....ioI 00 IV ýNll.n-y &, ai t.,EIl llrgg.. lot -iantIf; 1 <x a 75 It> ifllotrys rm-sul) of1.1k -- Srtnith antttAntautt utatitîWatt- k.-gaut wdl...... ...........2227,0 FV WStiltti & iaf ttN'slipd yw4iulA t 5 t w 150 ftPe 21<) ftjlot 5 1 ighîlgatndt Park ud ................. 11<1ui<fui Ltuta Il N,.Quist.,u & buts ta lien Fr,.i.rg lot 1 andti ut15 it ltot 2 1,1k 18 flighland P'ark wtt ..................... 450000< Esate ofi Il W Blodgett (,If»it]> tti A C Froset part lots 10) and 11 ste lit Shields Twp wtt... ---28:14 :10 oraît li B Mcl.arlaue & hus tai Il Hjtltnsio.ult î160 <-'îeeît w 70 f t> Ifavinia wd-....20<0(1 11) C'levelant t W A Cleve-land ltst 2 andI 11 blk 2 Haines- ville att........... ...... 100 000 Notice. JOHN R. TIIOMI>SON, Proprietor Libertyville AtItItess J. W. MURRAY, Superintendent. ItsLike Ibis .If gjou bugj a Staver Buggy qou are sure it is right under the Paint. We have a Good Stock. Corne in and' talk it over -. 0 SCHANCK BROS., 'q rAGAMIEMNON 2:13.1=4 14 hesi- ,f s lt'n hgl l" etritigt, arid r.t tiI br*wst. , an v Mailt tuîtai.irt tt , , re- . Ilitt l Ii hsegtt avtot <i-st.itfl Ifi)r large, pr..-amuti [ ii- ,iuie-u!t. t -, r tiat (].tt raut.. Il>-. sasoIe. in'. o~,f .1 l l2:10y.; wagr,me Lad Mo-..t-,l 2:11% ; lt.-..-f- o,-î , ,, t r . 2 :1 tt,, tid ty tt mr ittele w Agamemnon, 26~838, record t2:131j, wil fnake the season of 1905 at the Couuity Farin, Liberty- ville, Illinois. For coînplete pedigree or fîîrtlîêr ini formiation, taiton ' A PP 'Y, Owneî 3-1 $.. 25 a îtli u'ual r.turn privihge MIEN'S WEAR Men's Patts froîn........... ................ $1 to '2.75 Men'i, -vfris l ,»..,..,,.**.... ,............ 50c, 76e and 85e Men's ..................--------- - 5<), 2. 0<)anîd 3.501 " fine autsrtiiieîît <of w<rkîtîg mshirts for,--------------.50e A complete unie <of Sîîtpenflers from..... ..... 15e to 75o -REGINA LD B. GODPR El Sry la .. o l iFouolsPeibe COIUOiace $un Dw5sdJaponTes th. 36c yot p'yme n beTex Ws#o Klieh Breakfast or Gelot;iTas 40c ~~LI A Bme qumti. t7 à% ATH C.Ylon and Ind" Tes MO grade lb. SOS Tbe mmit popIIIbulS«k Fancy uncolored d".rn Tes ls. 60e 01I4 ovorvwborsts me0and Wothltl Guripowder or Yung Hyson tas Ib.SOc À quialty ts»Vuer fuimil 0uI5 Finest Formosa ofonga lb. 60S Nuthing btter tu tho MMs-@midose Boaf Engllmh Breakfast Te& par Ob. 60e Youngroosi moitiS W* neifris «Výffl ChoIce.Santes Coffe. par th. . _la Old Maracaibo Goffe. par lb-...20e Boston Mocheanmud Java Coffea lb. 26o The boi ne flon .. n mtb 0. G. Java CoNs.e par lb.... $00 Finsm Mocheansd Java CoffesIli. 86e PaF yc4à. Apuo u Pud" ai an 2:21 %), EtreO5ISoU ic mu eper p e sus Knox140. sema Ch» r. uus.par Pomaits bi-gi itix 14<. Bnoeci C4oet i.tb bricks .......... I0 t1.guits I L. un Salutwut....... ...... of the itet 2-lb eau Swef Gru,-------------.... lO.....If .t tif qttite. 2-lb man Wax Beaus-------------....... on " 2-ibean Red Klduey licitas...........idi Illb eau Rieste.-...».......... ...... t-lb,,-u Huilie'fCa'a 8 -lb enW..I'umpkiu ........» o 3-bciBaked BtIs ý ..............0a 3-l, masiE«g Pinus-------------t..... oc 4 3-lb ea Extra Tomatas., 0 2-lb eazt Early Juinsec............. o R f4 b eau Succtsab.l.......i..... 10c %A R M 2-att <isGreunString B«"»..........lo 2-lb eau gieI Plusapple............ o 2 lb crut BhwItkherrit ...........»0....« 2-lb ce a apherrles .............. 09 2.1bfflois « rw ........... ....106 I-lb eau Condeusist Soupe .... . ....-to Plut loittie Totîtato Caisu p.100 Walter Bakert. Chuioolts, % lb cak. 8« Walter 1lser's Coco, % lb Sau ... ....20M Jîtty I Quaker Rolied Gala per p...l.... 9c liaston Breakfast Fats] per pkcg-..l..14 SblretItIctI Wheat #Blsult, pm ag li Pttili's llreakfat FoodI, perpkg .13< 4<jrave. N ut., lier p kg--------------__......Uci l'tettuun Cete-a, large pkg. ............ 33 <rtlI et. " iatint.,imiputitl 1kg-l.. o ThansgiittgCurutteimeund ipîtg...10< I artulitia He-ad Rit-e, per tIi......... ... c Jtagati Iie.., pt-r lb----------------........lit Ar.gni & flamujier Brand Simlas, lb pkg ... Se Saimalio) <ileourlugSloap> percake-.... c 4;1)1-1 1lt*tWaahlug Pawdsr, perm pkg. 4a >4 Bar* atataClans Soap---------.....lUe 1 f) .. 'Cýreat Lauutdry ?"op-.... ,.< 1 () S W ift Waol woap, iatallsuusj0e iratdîtna Wonder Tar ilaap, per harA.c 14-#t LumDp rtarel in<lubulk), per lbt .....49 < t u o t I S i n g l e W a a h B & a i .s - - - - - - - --.. . . . . >îaivanized Tubs, sach-69ôc, Soc andI Soc t'alictwd Wood Clotlie.Pins, per dos_. le <lîod 4-Sswed Brom-----------.......2-Sc ltising Mun Stove Ptliâh, perpkg-se Parltîr Mate-bec, 12 boxée, per pkg. E. E. ELLSWORTHI IJbertgviIIe: RETAIL- Varnish Paiots, Ois, Wall Piper Wall Colors D. A. YOUNG, LibertgvOie, IN. (Et. TIIGS' 01At) STAND>. M11,. WAI;KEE AVE. SOUTHI OFIIT. We coîttract to pay 50e a bushel for cucumbers. Cou- tracts and meed can he had at M. B. Colby'.s, Smith & D)a- vis', and J,. W. Parkhurst'o or of Wm. KeIsey. Seed boe a Pound. STAFFORDJ & 4OLISIITII O Libertyville, 'Ilieis L U M B--,* 2E<J, DOORS, WINDOWS, MOULU- INGS, BRICKÇ, LIME, ALPH4A PORTLAN4D OEMSi4T.,-SEWEF ING 0FTHE $,NOW P4 And Winner of the I)iamond Medal for Trotters ......... SOLON GRA7V[ ---- Trotting Race <9ecord :1 Sati of iratt'1, d tin Ict ai i ist,01 t i S rie<tt<tt iîytZil-aati tl itit 4400<; .n-t-ttl tnd i i .1. m t G- 1) . K. Ila u utt-. tîs-ltljvtor, flilitig t he-t itt-t .tttuîluf. in Chi THOIIPSON STOCK F kBATTiAteSTo.x FI ial Rettleumen es OCasmosi (IouN" or LAxu art or ake CtIt Vit rnon-ret- 1 - Dr. Paltl,--r and brf)tlipý illilfili trilt 8-uveil ti mirug QLUFC

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