171............ m th blasesfoi liste dlt gos ipea"r Sburtiefl' d utu 1 ofthé Lague'. - ,jah1iffl s thi»>n Ipmerbrtieff iban eseme' elumlta tili"t.local option, the citent of rcfuing thé qae tisaïetthe bands of abers.Thé Leagne tritely b. lmpoisiblc to pausun oral Option Law- in the tate pitis 9dw-antiD. Shurtleff as W. do not believe thet thé sponslisfor isation la this il approvai of is candiacy tion as Speaker for aWaiber mld. not hé regartiedilu any thanopen delaration ai ver e federateti churcli uf the Ifiç9! COUMN iIWeeesuttea ine.. pectai rata te I%'erua caah4nGue. il lb.Mar"i ado aner paw fu E Ss,-if tout by a"l Cash mue ac Th"* litt*s&desbriof;results. The iN4O%'914ENT ha. a larger circula- 0" 11W. ad #-otites' wekly piper p~ueghéd ln Labe county. Ada in thia mahmfl reich ihm Peope'... MOR.TO LOAN--On gondi real esiais ecunty, Sper cciii PAUL MMte- ltaw, Liiet ~ll..26-tf S'~ ALE-A glood milînery businesse- t Seui les roni Cicago Excellent > &IibMtiloodi tratis. Etablisheti h ygO-este. Wishlugt te retire frain hml.*~ vilutaia eciice. Mrt Uttebox 10, Ityville. in, 1AM4D D!RT-I bave for sale 40 mail qouantsasreasanabWe ~-4,. GOuu. Lbervvliê30-5 *CE-4 bave gonda turage le ptie. Lxwîs1).K.'ox. 8IIAi.-4iEari: çabbege anti ,pK.i. E. uantnnu. Uety- lita do gnrios 'iv r roi estate. Atitreta 'Usiglits Revev or jiout office )ta NaiL Pmcg. 1 improveti farm, 27j 10 v*hbla io to four milles of Amuver ta tiisoffice by evenlng, Mey 14, a pair stacetepuen Union "dis o.eofee. Return ta M6 oom boume. sîsilail barn. APPIY lNDEPEXauENT <- sendbaud bowling onto. Inquire of vat vaiamp ,w15w SI Basîber pweslvd thasi th$ «it WM.soi ennpgmd ven ttbe $u ia an. flplOSeOIi vo hav* Tc whoieap Patiait. 1%9folfo a dythe o vermt placeti a msgrlaf lutétow5r tup teh. alugonu the lake. T P.lsisaue of1, -rsei M Wfature antiad vr..pnle A beateti argument over a poker ame Sunday altornoon reitti i la Igi between John Fous, whbueasuisewoÏrb. log 'Ir (a or t ofa ~ne .d J. Sherralaoer fWa egan at. agrand aeu oms oai o te coulote o L.miese Fous recelved kbule1 wountis that mgbt have ternlnated1 fatally. As it lahoba sesveral bad eûculs ou the face and neek wbich neasestateti' fully filteen sttbes. The aussâfmt as Arreteti andi bolint over to tbs{ .ad i ury under $500 bonde. De co'.t rnisb bail It was propoust by fatiior Gavin to bla flourisiing congregation8uutiay to bud1 a new cburcb on the site ai the, pent9 8ý. Mary'. cburcb wbilb viii met about1 .#W,000 il erected accordlng to kman 8t, Mary's chureabia properly thes urb of tbe fimmaculate Conceptionand lu oas of the oldeet chure diflés ie the cont a A an eariy landi mark. If th wls offathet - vie: lu car itbrh i churcb viiliec oas ofttbe à tfasiIth nortb part o! tii. stete anti I la pýoba tbat a aton.e nd brick prchial achool viie berected inluconnection.- F. Ml. Baker, of Chicago, was.lu W au- kegan d'us day lest veek looking for ai ite for a vali paper fatory. Ilr. baker1 bas lied tweaty-tPve years of sapeioneact lu the meking of vail papr ana buaeai tbe presant tine a compléesOutit ina @torage la Cnciinati t(for tiein vbeu he tecides on a location. Hl s ah tbe city to give hlm asyear's reni frss and instil the mmcbnry, payng the expeuses of baving it remosuti hot e prset locationlu thoesut. h il gureti that tble wvouid cet about $8,000. Tii. matter wiii be discussedi t tii. ust councilimeeting. piae. and stateti that lie was lutedu t0 tart a business lu thie city ant vlubed ta deposit, produiclg a eb$Pfr $45 wlichbhe turueti over t ii i ank. Latshowitbdrev $15. ea1lthlb.bal-1 ance 4nt soon It asdiscvere (lai tbe ebeeck as vorulea Teaeacouid nut be locateti bat. acupleof days ago a mga was arresteti le Ra"l. ô attemptlng. to work tb smm gains anti Ideatlfled as the mani wanted bers. Itlel thought that hé vii libcb touhibr for trail as is gaul, vas bl2edt et thé ltter place and ubus thé Waukegan charge viii hé mors serions. Remet zovemnsatsby 1h. Chicago Webubegau & Nor*liMuhrs palroad tee>I ta shbw chat tbccosspsey viilu a thlin- mediaisfuture ple. <éuetaiwork and 1 g»t the bed of thie=1 drealjyfor thé a.ying o! face. Lclàw ardwere-Msr chÎaa bave recaïedtlarge orders fo vIre fence end Il la reporuthtaIcon- tracte for gradling bave liea glea. A comploes ght.of-vay bubas se asureti froin Wukegan tu Ken«"baantiach mouey lias héen pa&4out t t e lsnoty condemnation suit iait ofvblàb shows that thé plans are more than a bubble. Jutit wbat connections b. rond ivi make for Chcego luta l biiova. Thé swoiien waters of thé ravine bore the ilfelmsebody o the littis son ai josephi ienman for nesly a ile gun&Wa alter,. noon as It ruehed Ioamîng on ie va ta the lae. Thé lad blseauPm$.baguear~ thé euivert on thé veut ".14. vba *iassd aud tafler au abece of several li e b poic vers nofl s enan u- ehfug P*rq . setetenld liiez. oltir utcatingh etOu i oec'sit t iarngau f olloving lls oduores fount bs." lum ttie bd bore Il lied canot late zb.brachéea datiarfeti abrali pro. tiedlng- fromthe-tçot. The body vas reenovsd ta. thé ýLarsoa 4 Conradi ua.dertslln« moine wbers a coroner's '1ry tseitieti that deatb vas the resuli ot accidentel dro wning. ~-- -------- W ~ I onS A ld eIrmode re, ai * 4 '9 0 i s -i rs . Bhle a u o nl e nsa ofhé t w 4 0 , m * ~ »i Mri OneoBook.,anti sasqývwste4 ~~finonde anti relatives bers Studa. UmnGyntbh laluvlalgd intIdsbai Mirs. Ftàion, ai 'llangwootl, lain e goutof bnaer ,Ms .W, Harvey. ,Muw V~s. lghtamaW pedlng tii. W'e*vu tber lroiber aniMtOili, ai (urnes. ý'li Pe. E na r.SlMer a-* Davis, aI Round iLabe, -wffl eUed &irduineu.boes Stardqy. Um ia. su ealue, -of<Ige, àa tise guest 01 lir. Chié, Wg~h a.s .Fay Rat*to 1 aààeiod, 'UaUsurtiay anti Snuday wtll lis <m atg4 Mms. Cht Tbooua,o otIl = ait .- î Wjoie-hi e oté =who *Wb goie'Wtbe front to àgb ht thebaills illu o ebir comte11 AM la uWaubeganbIo* lla tîne, to ctchthé train ta isleaondever. lesvlng on, after buriet I quirioé, b. 101usd hein.-. - Ilisit caule the. lorag ie ta Ohicago; fur la those days tie. teins isd aeconio- dations wers cot vbat tb.ay are now, anti ou théir arrivai thére théy voe butledtu a.théir quarter vhere ofces vers lntervlswed and paisslsd 1hen aibhoilgihé- wefar dus bu point of exhaustlon by bislogvb endi thé excitaient aI tii. occasionan alhlost famishoet lieseibis lacb of Ure to obtahu propeanourliceni, Va set out vith ibis friais ta mes thé day. The. erowd of curions country boys roamedthtb liglited streets tII long alter min*gb hélaisthéy retumned-ti 1ii arno1y viere the bars floor vas thir oul.y couc anti a bianket epie. their only coveing. Durlug thé e n day the. boy vwers musteret i nto thé service for tbr>e ulontbs lu Conipany K.- îatb Miifts Volunteers anti thoni folwed vol campfe, augw4y marches anti pooriy écoakot foodi of Inferlor quelity anti alithé -daàmss andi lncouvenience thait gosith camp HMf lu thé eariy spring, Fipally,&fitar ivo veekge. Cole, who bad neyer re- coveret i fri 'bis §ret labors.and oxpos. umi ,the long valb anti the excillsaint, gvup and confessetithat Lie vas lk. Inflammation of the bovela developeti anti this witb e leVer wm otre froîn hie the. lest fparb of M1e anti on àday 13, 1861 tie, eksbter hi. euliitunent, ho pathe val.il.t of Lskè connty'i zone ta answer thée afl of deatis lu théli greia.confiiet for a uniteti nation. _________________________________ i REAL EUTA-S IIIANSFEpb. Furnisheti by' Lýake outy Titis & Trust Co. Abstracto; 0f Titis. Titi". Guaranteeti Miamoule Temple Bldig. Waàeteganl. J -W Wincs & wf ta W N Wîues 1.18 bib8 Libertyville qc. .8 I1 0 'w M limmons & wf to, L O Tujrner lot 14 bib 1 Kuebksrs suit Lllertyvilllewd .......3.00 000 Fred Kueliker & wf lu IÀlilan A Wels lot 3 bil 2 Kuelbers euh LihrtyviUle vd 310(00 James Calahan & vi 10 losepb Miner part nwKsX ec3 Lberty- ville twp vd .............. 15M000 j j Joyce & vl to-WmoCash- more n 44Itilots1 sud 2 bb 8 Mays aje2d dd Waubegac vti......... .............. IM00, .A Sutherland i& vi ta Aithoea W Ritdile w 40 IL lot 1 Douglams 2uti Division Wau- begmu wd................ 35ffl000 F S imedmbn & wl ta J~W Adamo 12% acrmnes %uop X me 15 luba Twpwd-;..108035 AC. Prout & wf tNorth Sborp Eiéecric Con estorly 45 t (exceit a188 [t) lt Mbk14 Highlandi Park wd........5(10 0 W W rosbly & vi ta H F; Roblilusw 75 It lot 2)44 Laike Forest wd.......à.. ...17,(00 0 FrMdFlary b W LIloulittie lot 13 bib 1,ira> nimbe wd ....325 0 Eff.ebLBrittairi & lias LaG D Billard lot 3 bib 2 Brittains euh Waakegau wd ......... 2540 00, Mator lu Cbnncery ta GarIpp Tuyseit neaud,2-8ncm 3jm (sl ý nm X ne K sec 382 Waukegabi Twpdeed..,.'-........... 1750 00l Maste, la can&'r.v ta Kat bryn AM"!*iudue %e Le X n#Osec 82 Wesibê.ga 1700 Llhrt vileCremeyCO ta WmLacce10 St lot 8 bIb aeeb d pLihént>y- Ville wti................. 1250 001 C W Woolrldge & vi- to CC Osrpeter lot 27 bib 1 C F Wrisa ad to Librtyville vti....................... 1750 0<) B Il iler & v1 to rCiton Oqupnolim part lots o andi lk, PmreWoi Vadd to Llb.nVIII li aoçt one0aid .1.4 str*b saduli aorNrth averety*0lleU'd;....... l000 60 H Sciepp & vf Wa'A Id fc pl t e cor ec 29) DgpuIdwirpWd. ...... 1 00 Hetuna Saliet aa t cc loV6a(ex à 15 i>,Iît bib8 çlslasp& x W II'd ..... 2m006 Vrnk a arvlaet a prtuone ro M soc iGraniTwp iniq. . Oib. ............ Subdivaou 0--W Msrla.tefîohra MeniRne Y. e9 Oruit t Twp qc.......... 100 un %Variloi&M te lattA IO I ioala M rvin ab&In i~SM *t c-t.......10 Mo JlEWrylus rolk *m 9 OrAt r,"q y.....mOP It j"r& vfo' POUK, up a ton Pounde p"lsr. W10 e aid, 1111 1 vastoiang loto 1dm =slilgùlew esl'fi gel4 bou« en buya couple o tu&a lct'î Laboout fi andi dag to abor i liuanipile'eunup s lth &0 lte *.ffl-utis kind" (poltlng"tg the MW)1114 tbrow back sud lot grow.C' Wo*qiSlnthe habite af the tiser bkh ut st1le -ewere riniiiIl >travus tii.mýlÏ forenltihe Ides caie to hlm $bMUy eouldi le capturet.' Aareat Isiir MWq ex pense lie funally buili e stoskaës andte icoset a pai k on theUs t emst of ths river on the William Cater farte iiirails, 10 suncb a hgt thut thé Zkow eouid cotsap à lis4t turnips lied lisearal"ed vlh- la tb. Inciogure as a buit anti uneiglit froin bi bliing placsilu a tree hé droppéti tii. gaie ý-hbt .coaed tIi. eltane of the. par b atting a number of deer vithln. Coninua fl4 vakfuinesm froul the.loobout o ool*gt nigbte fluelly. reepLiati la Ibm ti4ptq" 0of tu 1thirty 0f tiie animale. Byuererliowiug auyof them tahbilieti mad always ,'ntieavariug tu gel more hé b ptul a mliirt ime to bave thé place v.l-ltomled, but aies for hope. that are l~làtn air andi ouses tbat are eectèti ounu tbe ide!Onodark cigbt a portion ,ot thé stocbado feul down and ln te môrb*Utgai ftutier ersgone. Sueli vene.lie&eamïsof Tobîns Wyubuol. Lis"i Pratt hulma to W Davis et ail Nf an acre la ne .% nw K ssc3dt;aueonde Twip wd ...... ....... 150 0 R Il Rogers Wf to Jipîniu il Kellerpart fsecs 21) and l31 WampnTwp wd ........... 91614)0 0 J barber to Lizzis Pratt lot 5 ati &W x Iotelbik 1 Bangs Oad -lbeond add ito.Wau- COI) a ................. WOo00 W g àrgo1wto Grau»eStewart 50 açb of R l.tuà 9 e 4 Bhels a' ~....... 0 P A Audsrvrg wt4til to A Pausea 104 I1Anderbergs ouu tu eca Grant twp wd.. 500 00 (E .Lyon viltu Georg Loutôt Ûyons sub oftbZ. Yai(irougeiaWank.ganwd M 000 Taik Is C heap' jet ms tustal a telephone et fi ex penne ta you ail.ont or propor tiion ta éef t anti couvenieuoe. Business .rates, 6i per day anuap R..eidî*weu rates 5e per du.v anti sop- contrat Deprtnicnt MAI ICemet of ~vE j Tr Ottlnt Race.tcacord âf son ofoU<ritan 2:18, dtii ilestle (dam a"anof C Oins Ua2s:21V), by lketil Ooldut; 4400; second dam Dolors, liy (es. Knox 140. lieu ijeaten si] cozmrIntidng thé Iptent par. e in ib isb wiuler. .liopenli ludividua i h i ation fr.n.îad afi. Oie a iiibut gadleti trotterA In te wonld, and i nrssdy thé sire of e grand lot aifcois. THIOI1PSON SO1< Am JOHN R. IInoMSON, p#ism L1bert.yvIIc f- - Ilinolsb Addisu J. W. MURRAY. Suporlntendonl. nnuuncemen I FR££ CONNECTIONS We wuillgive ta oeory purchaserofie Oas Range,. th. price of which la Ton Dollars or more, a sei- vce pipe free, If thse moasursment dca. flot s«- c.ed 60 feet froin th. çurb Une <o celler' andticon- fl5ct 5iase fres If measuremnas do.flot eced 30Of*et from- Mater 10 atove. Ait ppeued for oither pumaos. li cese of above measus'amesî wiii b. chargeti for at reguler pris.. Libertyville Office: Oulbley Block. Telophope 44. i AGAMEMNON. 2:13 1-4 1W t1iimOsire-lanY bîgh clan carrnage and roati bonse«asmaY bores lu tise Mate 0f Miesouri. Healisthe Aise, speetl, quatity ati actIon, anti thé vr iseet 4)f leed ant i lg that go ta ioake tba J"en rondi anti arelagelborné. 'Many af lits gat have héen sali for iaff -pytas ant&hmseWnt to Ge-rmea nud rmnce. lie lsi authI. sire or" J. a. lD, 2:10%;,wgn '. tord 2.11% DrIiflber, 2:17%- Thé Eut, 2,11 Nordira, 2:2.3% ReslMeàdmnn(8) 2:24 LaSdY MMmOn. ta. 2.26% g~ Emîutt Roulure, Ir .19:I, and, man$ ailier gond osée ~AÜnM 1 non, 26888, record,2: lSj-, -ý1II makêl ýb~e osen of 1905 at the <ounty Farm, Liberty.iý For ceroqWiete pedigree or further 1fra1n: ý"1on 0. A. APPLEY? Own.r.- -. P....- g Ens. -. s.. ....~ -Juil' lb .....p...... -«" Palets LUOMgV~i-u.- 050. TRIGOS' OU> STAND.. WAUKSIZ AVE. bOUTlIQF~ ----'-t.- (114 I'ttEdlklLfIU. bumhel for cuczeoml)I ,rte and ueed eauliéf 1la', and 4 IW. Park]t ofe Wmy. lîçnty. 8 Som, ePrm -Ail KMIN Ne. 543 j Il Flaga i i fret froi na& .A.t ibn.