444*444an44 Tumt iid* e hWp@ss an d .g th p«Wuu>? of a Mine h~No *W... ««"W4.w. Tt. O"W ui t Q - Wq O*14 P"is Poeb eti&111 J. 1E3L1_ LISBRTYVILLE MARKRT ai Wafclres Clocks Jewelry fine Repauiagn a -Spe, iatu Sheet AMusic NDRF.oW IIUSS "asrt .DtY W"o. unmiBERT LEx .x x ILuNis, YW-E-AR 1 it ~m i 'Il XAENS rwwg Neolgusm hrts. Dress Shirts, rime S"itsfrein SOC op Summeér.Un 3rwear Umul e g.25c nd op aIjer«ejRiblisi35canMW «P For Worlkln'gmen Unio Overous @!Wjuavm trsate".tevr body frn Sc pM.0ai s e, Iowrs' O0vrmls. A N~ICK UNE 0fIMA TS la le" es s, a &Wanti l Soat W501fr... 5& t.é3 0w stock aise iodudes a.oenplte lune ef LAWE W TIMIE +AI Lb.rtyvil. Division C. & M. -Electrie. *<çi*b toehange without notice. Ihe Bluff ... ......i4es Zu. sMdhourr w«-060p. . m Laitceu o m irnfdl ut .... ...f . 6.0«. lm 1. UbmynvIaUO ...........14 8033g o .... ... ......... .. » las* lg ......... se ea. ud. bourlv u0,ý1 0P. Luit car 10.40 TIminu Park........... 4m 10" i* olvtei...vt** . ........ 111@50. Soudot .645 -1053 ................ 1100.0911.09 14W M81 o àMDUOD to the shove lthe regalar M ut wbMh la had nt Lake Bluff uni L4 s un., u Bokefelaai 111 d laootepoailg595ut ail In'termedlate ti mob. l uts omt at la".Bluff wltli «M ou nis tis. ~Il Mim. Anna Porter oi Waak.gan vlud PA, DiOÈ rnnnI tjfvla ivsltlng. uetidssilgwukwit MM. P. P. WltkjmUiusetyv l ejtivem.' QlDlOiid, WiliW" lwàl ii.iv- iii n nnrt tinte for staw gAttarney annale.and *11e, a' Austin, Ms.ib,. WIlr.ire w i ,spend'bis Wiskepaa, »pont flonday with Mr. and vmcatitn. Mte..'. P. Dimond. - Baru Wufuday MNny 17, tu, .Mr. and .Mn. and Mms. Lynne M. Colly, 0f, Mr,. . 9@, Ofndr~un 4pqouid Chicao pet t unday with M. B. Cahby mwtof and famll#My..8um ý tl(Ip Wt.l Chas. Kaiser visted! ikfftson If ru. 1)uIls hup'- r! Ucith , Wl.. luer *hla eatteudiag thei.Uîverty of lid . fflV iî ib i-rcutr Illinôls at irbana thls s'eut. John "MeAilem inuil'it wllîa- Mi. ou. Boyen la home FrOîm Ubîago mries uray wagon fire uwin lhlis explres. wliere uhe undurwent s surgie ai opelra- aud dei1oer busjIe-ýr. tien. Sur bealth ien mueh ilprOved 'nouIpls. aitlr.-Wrighnt wsci a Mr. D. C. Boura. father of 1fr,. M. B. sho rt enltameu Dort> rIf tii village ru- Ouhhy, hbia e ouflned tu bis Lui for eutly meat S irr'. 1X nf Violets taO thie the Point Wek With an lattftek Of lm- Wesey haupita td ri ,r am a gKilt tu baga.the.patients. Odr. P. P. f)ymond wili enesrin Tihe dkmn igshe o merubreof the Waukegan W. C. T. U, ut on at ibo iid rinrrr,l îwucl n lier boulîe ai Divisi on otreet Friday cldseud lIt Thursduiy, %Illy~ ~ g m aiternoon, (t-day.> jourceoupossuow. rriiiîr e ~wîo lm tire J. T. Davis s'ho receutly roiedbuire winner. . B .r 1rmw Chicago, hma purchasird a couple of M. ..BlbOruîrhttndute lots ou Firwt strueteaid uil ereet aailm .Aved M oada findr Ilimîrîiiutr reeldenc-, on thurni iinnediateiy. mvi. s d s.Blhuîrim, iair,.nitd r,oInn L I do nuit virat any mure flowers, fumes with Mr. Fuiilonfnuii lre . l'ywill live or blossoîne îîicked lu my woode orunlahas t-rrued park. C. C. C4IPELar4t. 12-2 CrtatrJs ntne , at Ld Madolu' littie sein, Lloyd, Whbo Bluff, in ia matlsgîuil iaing artificiai sustalned Severe injuresntmthe kirk f t fono llocta for tii,. trrrhîtnu fCliss. a cuit àshnrt timeaego in reportdt uuiys udCu.Snntr n-wlus. fait rueoverlig et tti. Pruibytnrau Tbey makeavryrt-nr-tiveumd durable bompital wbere h.s'ao erateni011. f4ùund&tioa luenulirrrg roe. tèe . Wells & McDonraid hold a comtra ur for 'rk. vh lom i md Icret a large amout of s'ait on the.old Steelu -"tisorgoe l Ilts lbri nassignr] the.H farte near Lake Foi-est wiiere Arthur position ofo! OnetmjilIui11rti'.n-w train i Meer of Armour & (C) Witterect extmi. wlicb was put o amirturda lrî hut ai; au site buildings this surnuier. accommauil u nri-r nr-n.m. Tihe Alisu Murray, Lhertyvrie nianager of trinaM-rve. aS LIn.-t'rtri4lit nl f ,co. the. Nort h tShore Unas Campany, ha@ pur- in tire evealug sandl4-ar , -fr -tir i .ty et chaseai the Short residence andi w IIImu 7:310 eueh moralng. I t rnurlitwn-u'n le nui. Wm. ilits wbo lias ieen Chiagnaasd WJs'.lrîli living in île bouse Witt more inittre County Cbalrmair tVarrr-, irrhl(dand of M. Plegelow bouse o ruai-d treet. thefaraser'lnettut,', -.rtîmlat tire insti- C. W. Taylor lest week purcbaseai two tut. will ho h.ld lu (>,.rn' i titis yffar lots onu ParkPlace os'ned by Ward W. ai Guru.,ie posi1 x -1î. ily .au D)avis, ofBentunt, thotate. Mi-.Taylor other ma]rytOs'u Dk)trinýt Iirecuro s'iil improve the propuity, riot yet bav. Chittenden, aitheii.tni Crngrngatioual (ni deided hos'evur, neheter bu s'jll district, reiut Gurit.I e u buill une or ts'o bousses threon. uouncud tbst the inmît ut,. wiii letltii-aeueIl ASa-meeting of the Town Board asat daya sen aUne former ue. i Saturday DenansLimherry was ru- Tiiheara a.rrypatniu ii appalntod Shiste commissuion«r for tihe week withib umali fi, ~.ouîy runnlng ti Pnsung year. Mr. Limh.rry in au WeilI or prgs. p:fisfr toi ting uju with a r irouitabis aiid "als deputy shuriff. lie full camp. of workrr have not been p ."etainly bus oftlcuen augh to untitié completed M.atunutî,duc ionager b,.ti humu ttu the eppelian "Ilimb of tihe îng outaf tos'i fir ru few lusi. The Iaw." auvents Oôve tout t, ,ver fuir tii. watpr Ladiesl of tihe Hearis Cub, a gsial or- tskliioriiig cou. rlt-iil.uand wili b. e gaCnizaiou meting aiternoons at Fr,- In en eu rtli:i', tod wark lu a quent perlidu, untértained membr, of short tiuse. b the lcal W ICub ata danice, lu thie John Bn 'TriwK e aI.,w-s Irui-ind et n Tuown Hall, Tuffllay uight.ÀA eleet Latesdeoemns.rv. Lýiirtvvill-n Mvndey comtPay s'asInaattendance sud sunrnorlng a i -5wîî ieie mnuofrttiire evening of unuual enoyaieni @pont, lut.@annuel 1Tu iggs t0tî1ibri ceauîtir Refrouumta s'ereuuerved. by tihe ladies. pensse way it tis bomne in i Cgili, 1his. w At the boume of C. R. Woauridge ut t'idayU*y' 2. lit'wiicin et Sp)r ngCI 3 uelonrk on Tunday aiternoon Mniim VI Mvlin., i. 3, 1183, Ilit te dent YCarirI. Conainers of Wsdswortii sud aloet niin rdirresideilu licin wbrXe 1k 1907 Beill aiWashngton, la., were united h 'sl tu.urrof aithn-el:gigi weîn-h là a mrgby 5ev. B. jF. ILas'er. ()O Mî-cuPa7. Il" irrnpàIa tlc. andi unt' l.a les' of t4 .relative of tii. "Ri.o-' duieter, Dor- is.ieaithirtîrcj éir rand m womre arc nsd, mter t cer.iuony a »Où., Clai-cn- , iged ten. iso ta-a 1 -they ,iimmdiateiy for Iowa s'hore btM~rusud aa istor ta mouirnli@sbls. th th.y s'ili maire tier home. 'Jbla sain ime rîitation onthie patg91 The village tanktinlarisnng conîpietion ofthe olaer remirlr-ltsai ftie villuage iii,>k. fur and it in bulfrved catoi llled with watieg o ii,-lniriîg of aunlîlsettlers, the lest of this montit. It la undestooil pei i isrtyvillenttisauuunr. t tevlaeboard propoues ta lay Welter prpoedta a coIrnty atutu- and ti mains rigbt away, the s'on k<W budoum 51. vibitrl"n.Iepl iitlI 't as in by lapuial assumuent, and it la asts. oe n the ig nit innit s am ,.nynt li - that under a a 1w just naei sill b.hon.i tenîrtter, but duitlenm e 4 i meeting ta nl)t-',î-ln-r ucii e niaremeut possile !àaccompUisb tuis s'thout «Mhrlihela ntr urftr.I ea suug consent af property ewnro, 9 xcllntIdea iri 1wne fbure lin anil 0100is it *III la the sean-r iimprvemntatlaliorate oeair. r:it Once proving agond un s'ikiij4i froiioiid. advertlsn.ment for tline.village, eaîd nford- go « The Nortuh Shore fiesr Company là au occasion repi-it- with enjoyuînut. uni pusiblng ties'ork a laying traîne The isnd piirI-irued meat of taîwîîfor sel througliout the village sud the lasi of the purpome (I .rnctig g-eribunues th' tIi, s'est will beglu connucting up threuupon wone -Irruxh5 iyJ. P. Weiiani residences and furnishiug the service. formerly of tVin Wi lanid & Relsch Fioraieluit -At "Isei how manin luthe Bulkley bIl o emlany, Ofr iîstw, lo are large wil tWsY bave rsuges eon exhibition411Iid t. dembu's sud blie, i tIhe teried un a On AU" nMurray eha ilu à charge 01 the seessivi tradm' in iitaPICtZsd Chicego et Làbea-tyvilin. trancb of tiiecoiipany le wbeee they bave, a lageWboW"leseasd icO9 propaNuîlta demionstrais the snpbrionity eimmielion buaiss n a.floral gouo.. ha, 01 gao fur cookirig purposeu. Persans With UMr. ýMurprrlryoi a long tinte cli - latresteai are iivitenl taeeliutaire office forenan of the tir nl ufl y, a si%k Ad an udinvestigate, ecurnsy bashi-ou farrned sud i le C. IL. Bartes ii o will buorrernbured lu'ie auv'r-eeu yf1 ulig as th carnage painter s'lo untril a s'iclt wiil cvn'r thlree acre. af. ground. 1 noiupleuf yearsego maintaitida shop It in learned i rtarrangements s'ith PE lanSt.elbuiling jouit rirth of Webb'@ th' leetri e boe rn made for a ss'itcl wil hlsctsritii uhop was tilled lu th. terrible t.tla .lnd awnrr..o 'rk s'ili@lion lat tarnauda Wbhswupt avur s portion uaImu0lteuffl ou t e t sun r uas.tan -Okahomna recoudily. Mi. laries s'as JlIe hbonseanis continue ta arn' e Iwiatsd ars Sylider andi the day o! the from fur sud mil.. at th~e Lbetyville ton stajr, s'asluafHobart, wbere lie called on ,l'rottingssnuclruti-,n truck asud thougli amY Walter De.by, rutumnaing te is hoiuiethat th. tract inin lueiit condition for font the - nIgI. Tihe ,îorm passer] over tiie'tes' s'rk the earliuuewil ofthe season sud ilmi ébortiy after bis arrivai. A ltter frein the lacemnency (if t luies'eatler hare tept Kir -Mr. Dnunby uxplsins the. fatahtiy. ufinethe hors t rain inklngItat ime lu tire. wa s'ieu oi thehbad red s'ho a seuk ltd. 'ai-oute. -lu s 1.11e ai titi nome havre Mmr. Daeby Statues that anly elh 4<nue o bis'nvery giioi foira, goladust Maîd, s'en intact allai th stori lu tîhsv'oie the western T'ai-e with &mrd o f 2.1 -vllaÀge, sud tihat huuldbs thon : lIsed au a -Wing up s'itlu tise best ofthe trotter,. may mure ws'e n jured, some serlrummy @01011 rattan, the ting ai the @Dos'- sud athott fatal . path, draws ecaiuuiderabile attention aud M Thsus iher. 'ilil ho ton graduait« x-re h oaànge eisl heraten W ho s'iIlnshbthe s'3imtaý the local igI ud.ngàt. ~Bll Causehmconsidrbe Q tchoal. Teclan 0 f 1905 luesmfolios';,: t s'e talis andi li ex~Ste 'itî a tietVIVl HautsButler <-ia.sstripg oithe ¶iThoms stablens ci Nev - r- C ereLleveland .,LaCraîsue, Wis.,vn'ryan005; Aiusat- m ii StellWllcx -Inimieltlin uwardl Flght, 2:191 ownred and mas Pester by au T. arelur-, ofi riigt Robrt Baud ftbol t ro8lhlbargestaren os' arlmes Appîq- tauh hei-uitti pg a.ont. Ethel DOwn crui e ufsîuetnt s'y Flarenc iem leon BC -ite ariii >' LeulieWeiib Butter, ni2tt..t saei the wili tatu pacent the Union cburch ë r lnm îBordorTrutn ti'aadll 'u otui thu Twit Joent9. Te aymo h nveritg, .wr o -foi lee nu t!If<frniws'l'ho uhpoli teel,s 1g SItueepfseo. ctNURcl. Opemail Lest lunday WltlaVery lmhpremlye> Ceremomies at Whieh Mon Hlgb tu Churcb Piesîde. MANY 1 N AITBNJANdE., On suaday mrlgtenwCtol cbureh wa. opened fur services ta thu public for the trot Urne and tii.parfumi ftSpoided filing ta overllowing the bouaic itti i edifice whlch bhm been lu the coursof construction -forloveraI , nthi. Very Impresive c-emanies mariai titis tiret openling et whmch mnena bi'gd'lu church 'ttIinding were in At- tadae ahrP. . Salon s4'ting e. ClbrasFathur O'"Illy, of Laits. Vou au s.D.,eOn and Rev. J. Mei;avic.k,ý aI ý C 'Mgoaub-Dtmiéun. The master or cwmonle.WattMr. ileorgin Anderson af Chicago, and the mormon was J aehe by Shu 11v. Vather leuon af trJesuit, nh1ach0o! Ahicug. Father Gleasn le fnrofemr 9mentai philq!oeopy at tii. usauit wclool sud a very able m"n. 1% wa. plane ta hold the de"cation of lh im iureb a the opuing of thé buiding for worship but owing a the inability of the lîraper dignitares ta prenfide it wns poutponed until soin. future date. le Ohurch of Rare Beauty. Tihe chureb lit an excelieut speimen ar architectural art and lu ornate beauty snd puflty ofi ijterior finish witoit doubt, outranka any chureh in t. arehdiocette. Ilaceuracy of autline andl lu eretues of detail and cxonstruction ltep ru pressais ail exqniite ap. peraucu, the ornements larmonisin ithos beanifis pecimenâ of sculptural art with whicb the, sitars are deopated, both in statue and relief. The munie was rendered by tii, pupilm o! $t. Mary'& aeadeiny who have been practleing for seversl weerks ta produce the "Miass of the A'ngel'si" wrltten Iny on. ouf thie atet authors of nrarly chlîi, mitsk Palestrina'n Ma@ter,iecp.îTui. Mass waë nundered beautifuilv and w..@ a rare trust ta tuas. who attend, Il the se-rvice, êepeially un to those wlieoenjoy thiidren'a vok-us. Muelbi-edit lm duc ,to the' jnarlelî f-)r ther. erection o n.! sîan*h e iiouse ofi worshlp and esperilly t'ô Futhèr Secqnmlon wlmo bas deveted ninelà timie an« pains ta the work. X ANNOUNCEMENTS .X W. C. T. V. regular mueetingetru liniatietion of officers 61 the. Einter Star oeurs tii. evenlng of May 25. Tite L .T. L_ ejillmeut lu the hlnennt of the Presbyisrian chureli Friday at the usuel baur. Tiei. Tribu of Benllur give a musial and literary entertalarnent ln ils lodge ail alter the meeting Monday night. May 29. Aili embers urged ta bu premeut. The W. C. T. U. have deeidrd to closqe lhe Rteading room lndpùllikely. Tis,' imijers of -the Union take this op. portunity to thank ail Whio lànirecon. tributed to is support. The, Cathalies of lberty ville wiii give agrand baillsud May .paray at tii. Town lait, Tueuday e*ing, M ay 23 for the eonelit of the. new elurch whielî han u et t'en eowpleted. This luea wortîy cause and demerves excellent attendance. Tut. suljeûi for the mnorning service at i.e Premnttrian clîurh nuxt Suuday wili bc "Mary )ingdalen at tihe Tomlu of brint." la tue cvening the pastor wili Wliver au addrisson "J1olîi Kniox, Thi. 4 eformer of Scotiand." Ai are wcnun'. X SP~ORTS m»d MUSENM'SX Ne" t Sunday tii. Libertyriie wll play àe Verrions of Helfl Dey on thse local rands. Tbe Vernons are said!Vtae net tesîlu and a gond gaine i. ex pectni. At the Fair grounds last Sunday tii' lame betweun tiie Liburtyvilies and tme eitti Forte of Wsukegeîi watt called -)i! the seventb inning on secouet uf tii, aii. Wheii stnupped tihe gamts ito-r to à:i l aver of the visita r,. On Decoration Day the 1"Count,', unpmf's'Ahi play the' Bine Sttockiîigm nthe second annuel l>eeoratiou l)eY ,ne. Lest yesr it toak the Sox teuî dngs ta Win and thi. bundie iuiaere ay thttIt will take twieu thatiiutiijrr hie time. Oin Suuday Mlay 21 th ii, Lhrtyviiie, tgulars and tihe Waukegau Cr,elu vi play the finit [ail gainie tu bu playn-d ntihe new Libertyville Tratting Aséoci. tin 'truck. The Wailemau tsanîi.i rmupoed of a faut lot of p layer, who ye had expurleunu ain the dlemnond and hould givu the local bays a bard gantie. ,nilsaion Ire. Bili.tti Bubscribera. Tia week subierîbers ta the INDE- 'ENDENT aud whoasre* in arrêtars dil receive tntements from, aur circu- Iton department r.questing a remit. Ice of amnount due. A'. ask of thette 0ig prmt1t ition to th.. i. Wif*hilu ntht. mount in single Instances aimal, in! eaigrgîte it la large. We are in mdiste nesd of the funde due us. Jnly attend ta ithe matter NOW. L.AKE COUNTY INDEPENDENT. Mise Eumnmert, SI. expert optieltin of 141 Jackson Blvd. Chicago, wiR mnalté wregular monthly visit to Liburty. e Prlday May 26. she wii libu et tie c-ea -b-a.n --,y 'e'nporar relif Il 0 doulîtast o e are nfi tue mt@ exa'". c o L B Y. Hamm ocks,, Tennis SIippee Sun Bonnets.Gà lI-EADQUARTËRS F0J GROCERÎES, MEÂTS PMoM 29 Libertgvâkl ïï Lad&6 llni 119c and :j : a,4,aesrtéed style» of Lasdies' Suiamer Wsligb Union Stuit4 in Whiteutr Uream, mieevelesa or showS s ki.v , k ngtl#. r 'him e mpiflo lune of suiirior uîuality fiie.tbrand. grnîtntt. geuerauly mold at -) t Oc, our pries orAI L.adiem' ise Thread Kait Corset Covurs with eliher lmkor ahort eloevem or entirely uleevueu, 685, 40e klp4 jCIil'lren's rjbbed drawers, Umbrella bottomm. ac us JLadies' ltibbed Vent», speelali values at 6c, l0p, si Do YoIlish ToBy IF OU J0,I 'l have secuêedx the'exi ALIEGRITI'S Ct1 Which -Are S«Perier A WORD 1 i1o ViSt II l me J r- Ar r, blé M41644