CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 26 May 1905, p. 2

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C'TURER AND nome 1 I Mlons s 1 et .d ther - t&.-& Mes. Il, i82%osud vas the U»tbi 1.. I 1845esi é tb. ev.aD.P. Live. iui celjugmaa, v ie Ol M7 s.reiwvd te _Cil- r imitaalbecaineedtr kt $e.MMs. Lvermor gi ddltér. 1r.lIri'- k« pr.edsit «e uliii- *aegpAsoclaton. la lm diter oethte Agtator, jaIp ar ais retuumd veaditer et tue Wosaa's Fe m .Athtillusr of thudele. Mas- 9858soffrag. Âneel- normr.vas eu vla t.e vmul .Durlnsthe. Civil a liedinipart la tue vonk -Shtsa IOut.xycommis- 9 buian ork on te in lue-agla" i ot- b vas tae iteo r eMur -e~ui h, PraIui mbmiLeaume lb. Natli" lLeagne: IV. CL can . -W.18 u I CLodati .-117 120 OeAmaici Leagea: 44 il W te 14 16 14 ..ui-1-1 14 là Soelou.*.,.18 tbe ÂneeanAssociationa: S=- 0 Kansas Olt,..18 id 19 0 t.piid ...i..91e 4 a eukWsia Le lois W. L W.Lu 14 SfltlOei. .. 912 .là Il1Owo. SpOrIns. 7 14 _IS . Zýee. , , Urt1 at ettus stonbl. *etie Reitee.=ne0,ngi e'hai Prouwtuhamnëed- l" , a crins l Mm the Swar, ; MDOpnt et f0857 wu raIa tramp S sbeid e oltuldoon mIe..h , . dv as an meofvetu. jteeUnt et tutu l wU'udLe Glhael uiftu u.tu. s1'resdet' bru]"&,adla sl,., ~wit 840aen epin a"e *m wm eilloulu sv Sil4i arral na ai- là tru is ioiTb> a- noi iamestOu Cor- beiind Q.BrasilaI o aesieranal eries pabtiCler apro geseConfesniion. Trmain m reieL ' .i T. J. Lte andui -iii aav.ial ft os seh e ou*qpn cou and o g even l»M»eOfaa saoter .Wtet<au eiea. Tam geaee.iiy cmu- aummats. th*saIon et trtwo bodies n ter aus thus aaambjy i40comesraed. Tiie fial <eal.iii Roi,ot. IiW.i'60 .cola- pleted for anothe, 'the. viele mat-, ter being referred tote oàmltte. ou9 co-opetlen and union, whhh la ineruua, ed to twenty-one mnembèrs Tha cou- mite. in dinficted te cmfet i iha gm-ý mite. ofithe Camnberiend chnreii tuior- »Ito von outithe detgila of the cou- Idat"on,%ô0a te assure tu the. Unted cmxcii'«ait ithe lezal and corporate ighte aMe povers whlch the. aepanate chereblu Dov passes." A gret tidal ware of religions ferr la moon ta sweep the United States, it- Crding fo tii, opinion ereaaed by Dr., J. Wllbun Chapmaetet ii. .uexal,-e oembly ofthé,i.Preshyterlan .hnrcbs. ,Dr. Ciaiiuan>sprediton vasonade ln course et au sddresa on ithe von dnrlng tiie past year of the eva ngelisticecommittes of vi& ihe,s hbc&. HNesnimbe ef the campaigu vhieh i 'the pont ye..r bas èentered la Denver and iémusthe, Pacifie eoast, and urged the ass.mblY te con- tinuethet ,committee and ilis vonk, Bey- oral other speakers also discnased tii. evanelle von eofthle peut Jean. T-vo reporte on union ver. pefeted te the Cumberland Preilbyterlan genenal assembly at Fresno, Cal. A.- majorty reported, slgned by Drm Templeton sud Wlgglthn and Judge-Beard, declared the, union had been constitntlonally agreed te and tiie hbtaedoptod. The. Amenlean Baptit Publication 110- city ai 8t. Louis adopted strongly Word- .4 re.ointlanis dnnoiseing MormonIsu, and asklng tlb. expulsion of Senator smoottrom the, United States Bpnate. Tii. resoietions declare that the *"Mor- mon hieAre1i s iipenly dfyiug botii state snd national liv.," and urge "Con- greuste take radial action for the, ru- moral etrtthe manifesi cviii of Mormon- The, Eyîngelical conference adjourned et Nashivlle, Ili. T. ]B Dinkmeyer et Ahambra vas elected preident oft li orpiians' home board. A deputallon trom tiie vorld's conter- ence o O.venti-Day Adventists, ln ses- sion la Washiington, caled on the, Pipi- dont and pr.sented an ofelal address set- ting forth tthe vievu of the. coferene 4m- civil gevenaent. SThi eeu-l synod ot thi eformed emxcii et 4ilento wn. Pa., dlssed an overture of tii. Âuti-saleon Loamue f o rprWeeUtion at ilsconvention i 1fr dlanpolla vithout r.aqhlng a conclusion.' as many tombersaise v anted an un- quiocal action hÈgint the, liquor tmfflc Tiie Unted Brethren confenence ad- jonrned t Topeka- after adoptint the re-. port ot the'commutte. ou salares, by viiich the hisiiopearan located as fol- io"a: Blshep Miltluews, centrai district, lishp Mll*, eatern; Blshop WeeklY, *estern; Blshop Cater, southeru; Biaho; Bell, P*clflq coat. A14!4 MORDE ALARMI. !wirst 1%pe ,te Brin« PiebI.m Baiée acuns a" Peoe.a resdut as tahen up :the iumlgsatop qeetion and lapparlng te eauiii tate iattention of Cougusa-and the. country.- write.i a Washington corre- spondent. The. Presideut helievos tiit on.eofthle Mos serions problein. now confroting the.Aencan people Ir how te deni with, thehordes et undeirable Immigrante Europe la pourlng open eux siiore. Duxlng theI lacal yuar whleh. enda Jxne 80 nstaal Immigration rec- ordaeviii b. broie.. la thas.twoive mnoae won flon tovaSd e million steexrage pseuesxsIVOIibave iwsfvd hiatthe Unît- .4 Blutte, loong for ihomes or von, ~The.greatuat numisse arrivinu la ux 'pr- viena s ffrvas8W7,046, urlas tii. mnts .uded vltii Jure, 1903.Fer 1904 thei.tol vas 81,80 and for 1905 It viii b. belveen M0,000 sud 1,000,00. Thuse are applle:. figuras. Tiier are the. mre apiiillng vheu tb.y are analya- .4 »id Ibir algufficanc More niiy un- derstood. Tbey mean tiati a sigle Yeax tiere pours mb tiith country a -ni- titude et hmbl. eopéle eqail te or creat- oritban the presnt populati-of t of lgiiteeu OStateaseoflthe Union. Il meafis tuat if aui li,,ne nconiers, pour of purs.and most et them poorer yet la qaalieatîo»s for ctisenahlp, vere.te assemble lu oue place tiaeY vould 'Lon« ma. a ciii' exceeded lu population by oly New York, Chicago and Philadel- phia. Il meansi that to eveny eighty me, vouen and chldken lai lii. £uited State, et the beginnlng of the. year one is te b. added durngnsthe, twelvemontii trou lhe steerage etftthe trannallantie steimahuis. It mens an incMr aeOf about 20 per cent in lie number of men ln the United States vms. nieaus of llvelihood la scii liaitiihey are OMifcallY laeiai s' laborera" -lu the.cenosa r.. porba-and this 20 Per cent inrease lu a anugle year lan ecied by xeckoung liaI tnuj about one-if et the new arrivais vllr join the rauka of vorkers et thie bottonfi of the. iudustrial ladder. PROMINENT LAWYER $MOT.' Paifier Illilues takte Ssater Berry la the. Victimaetfau Assaa Former Stite Senatox Daniel 8. Berry, wiio bas been a promlnent figure lu Ili-i nois politic, met iris deati et the door of hie offiei Savaia, et the baudset au uuknovn assassin. Berry vus siot et the door ot hls ofice lu tbe corridor et the Opera Bons, bleck. Tire.éibots vere fired, eue of whici entered lie iiack of isiiead, apparenti>' causng instant deati. Auqîher shot hit hlma lu the. ai. Àthrd muetva toud lmbedded lu the door casng of lie ofie. As 4ulckly as possible atter the. dlscov- enyetftth. tnagedy a cordon ot citisens vas tormnid around lie opera bouse lu the, hope tint lii. escape efthle assassin migit b. prévented, but ne prion who coulaI h. suspected oet 11e crime, ap- peared. It was eported tit a solution etftthe mystery mlght neYer bc sougit beeuse et tie scandai vhicii it vould -brlng upon two pronirnent familles« t Svauna. .Tvo nmen vere named lu vhispers t lie secret session presided ever by the coroner of Carroii county, as possible suspects. One vas a min vioru Berry had i oue tne prosecated auccr.sfully for a serions crime. The, ether. i. one vi1zw 0F YLÂDIVOBOK ViadIvoatot, wicbthe. Japankése .are-prepeylng -to hiege,-la iunw Rit$- ala'only etronghald ID the far Unît. It la the terminus or the Tran-Uhbeaf road, stands on a peninsula Juttlug lnte tiihe «cf Japen between Usauti-Bay i»4 M"or Bay, andvas tonded ln 1901. An Important report #a to condi tiens at Vladivostok was mide,â few mouttia ago by fie captaln 0f iàlNor-. ,wegan steamer. Be bld that the. land fortIficatiobl been extended many miles trom the. çity proper, thut food and w'munitions werçfbelng gati- ereà lu great quantîties, and that there vas an Immense supply of coal. The. hanbor bad been mlned for'a ditance of seven miles, vile the. mines thre. miles trou tiietowu ver.eicltricelly. connected. At vnr4ous, tlmes reports biave corne of the arrivai. of sutimarinea at Vtladlvogtok, and it la believed the Rusan have at lesttfour ther. UWfmOfl 8AlmTO - Il DAmiNorI UIICIO Bouasie a aned the Unitedl States tuai behid tue Japanese plan te have thé EmpaerretfKerea visit Tokie làaa plot te eesp tue Emperrlu Japau anal put on the timon.i Korea some uevie IMl be nuled aieolulely b>- lie Japaneses, makleg Korea virtualii a Japanes. pos- s""Ion. iusans daim lie Japanene have gene se tan as le erelt a palace lu 'Toielu viicitie Kereen Emparer iu Io live. The, Japanese minilter at Wish- lin ndenies liat lier, iesaur plan ho detaitue EmpaerrIn Japan. iPROGRESS 0F THE WAR. WarM EXa Beau Anxtoasl$ xpsctlug 1NavalConba0ý. Wti Rjeslvensky's del duiali>' ut aui anal a naval combat ivilhil lie PoWsbilitles ai an>' day, anal 'the Jat- mes. amuies norh of Muxkaen a4vanç- mag on lie ituslan positions, tus van In the. faxrEastainahimsumual Mo- mentonsiteresl. felestvensir's deet leftIlhe trlendi>' iielter efthle bayeahong the French Inide-Chilna oant on May' 14 or 15. Thie tact vas offinlali>' reportealle lieh French admIrait>'. T-be Ruaslan view admirai let i sxii-hree transports aud colers beind hlm, aud tues. have sa- aeubleil neax algen. Al l tiiiseemeai to laia~te liai the. lnu n vice ad- mirai balstarteil on tue final stage ef tie voyage tiat veuld endl eter viii battie andal Ouater wvlhiToge or ai Vldlvoqtok. 1 The Russian deet wa lat sîgileal ou May 16. Ih vas tien. 150 iomles ron the indo-China coast anal 700 sal.seeli t li te Islandl et For-meos, eloaming netivard aowly. Prom viere tue deet vas sigite ltIl ad thre easy ec of thlre. routes: Eiiher norli aot Luzon Into lie Pacifie, or turouilihe Bashoe. nannel and tiense norhiard eut et Formosa, or betvien Foxmosa anallia Chia coast Or, asusuggesfledby Frenchi naval 0*5- enrs, R«4stvepaky may divIde bis fleet, tQ sue iklng Toge'.probhem doubly ailmeui- Tboestill continues. to baffle ftie acnthy ofthfe uerchapt sabipplng oe. thi- far EBut Bs vherfabouls bave net been Olanovereal. Pneu Tokil crues word liaitue Japaces. efet ultlmately vIlI b re-.nforced b! tour battleships and Ivo cruisera troun mmoug -tii. Rusala ebpasuk t Pot Arlier. It la esserted tuai fhe battie- alilpsaRetvizan, Poltava, Perelet anal Pobleda and tiie cruisers Bayan ai Paîlada enulie put lu dIgitiug sap. by an expendltune of $7M0000 ean- $42,000 fer fie six---or less tien tue euof tone finit-aeabattlcslilp. If thla. report bo true, Rusi's tank of regalning contrel of the ses Iunlire fan East vîli be made Iacrctilgly dîfil. cuit. Th Tla nd c ampaîgu ibas develepeal ta tue point viere a battle la Iminent. Fiell Mahal Oyaa baheuspeut Ive mentis iresiaping , ilscaupaigu plans. He bas brougit up 80000 fresi troopsanad la nov nIld by Itnssan0*5- cers teihavre nmore than 400,000men ready for lie advunne, mui lante cap- ture Kirin anal Harbin, Isolai. Vlaq4- hosloi. anal perbaps drive the lIus- siausmuest fTsitiar. Thbe ver may bee nId te be enterlng its mot dnàmatte stage. Bot Resai anal Japan seem about Io stake tueir militer>- anal naval esmirces . la de- laIve combata. If Rojesivesky"s. ar- mada la cattereit anals and miLIn.- vitcW'a ermy'deteateal anal eut eof rou tue xiiroad, ltes.a'n cause vili lie let, for lie Czar'u neyai reseurcea for tue preseul decade are exinateal, anal vîliont romnianalofethle sea ie la iehpiees mantYapan. If, ou tue otbier han&. lolestveusu>- la vinieu'eus anal regains comumadoethlema, Japan's uniroiese »Mes et vinoteitsfreinPort Air te Muiden viiihab. ett11W u'au.,te lier hlaflhefinal peiemeluf. 0jaMa or ldavltei. UoeSeuy G3AIN IN NATION RAPID. Couna'. Preaunt Population Put at 8 2,518,020. Mr. North.ithelire limeotere iceusens, ban been making aunetimis thle pope in the, UnitedlStates of 1904 anal1905, tories ftebcernent yen, nd bilgi lie total for tie l7niterl States, net in- ludlng Alaska or tic isnnd pommesons, up te 82,518.02O, arr mreas,,etf1,304,- <181 trou 1904 ruiffi6,214,6133 sie.the regrlar ceuais etf11l«. Tic fo1llem-lg islMn. Norl's estimais ton tie severel 81Sor: 1M0. lem Alabama-------------l1 .nM4.817 I,556.37 Arizooaa.............1313,90j7 1Q.7 Arkansas ..........-1584154 fl Californie,-..-....---*-1 * ,727 IA20,088 Colorado.............tW).2@D- 072.92 Cu'ra'etlnut .......... 973.2814 9.ii( l)e.rrare.......11.231 1,m5 District e euiua.-2M (M W2 SU58 Plorlda---------... ------00 Ii011O eoe........... 2,M,7.23 2.400.21- ira..............9100 Imm!86 tiongpos....:..........5.219,M00 inn.15 Indîiai..........264,086 267&.492 Indien uTerrtory - 47U12 40&000 Iowa .............2 3,.77»301.6mt Kausa ............. 1487,41 1 i41M Kentucky-------.. .-1,62,M 1-2921,40 Louisilane...........i4,S41e. 1,51îni4u Mane.............. 7n,818 711.156l Maryland I--.........-I,24,304 .200.85 Masscusettsa... 3031,9M S .M,546 Micigan ............lS.8 2.584.2? Mnnesota ...........927,8u15 .971.90 Mieasîipi......5.3-1.8,0 Miseceni-----------. -t2677.i37 '3,1005 Mliana........Mr.493 2=5536 Nebraseka ...........,0a97756 10i5.ii Nievada ....-.........40.327 3891M Newr Hampshire . 42562' 42,118 New Jersey-...... ... 2W9 105 ui2.0 New yexico ......... 29:= M21.85 New rockn........... 7,775.1812 7901,7M4 Nat Canelua ...2,00,2542.681.74 Nort Dakota--------.30,410 33 Ohio .............. 43514133 4,408,15 Oklahoma .......526275 558201 Oregon....... ...45,9m5 461.451 Penusylvae,.... 6719715 ,415 Ruade l'gland ......... 41:776 470.051 SouthiaCri- ...1415.984 1.484.901 Suth Dakota .......42,7W8 42KOU0 Tenessee..........2,1.: 2.147,1M6 Txe ............... 3373,9U2 345.300 Mh...............8J13137 M30754 Vermout............ 34120 > 149.251 Virginie............33.484 iu,M1sa Washngton ..........58.451 fOSam West Vrgînia-....1,07,204 1,050.0 Wisermn----------....2.21,M68 2,258i0 Wyomlng........... * 104=2 107521 Total.............81,213a.331 82.58,020 Mr. Nortihba. aise made an estimais efthle population of the. teu larges« cil.les ulation ofthti varions States and Terni- mui hbringe NewTYork veny near te tus four million mark and Chicago vithil 9-2~50 efthle tvo-millon mari. T-ils-le axé Iueease et 464,095 for New Yenk silie eireltticeussOn JUne 1, 190, and 292,175 ton Chicago dnnlng the sais perlid, vhlclî secton lebe veyn@mail. T-be follomieg axe lie estimaica for tue cities nameal: 1004. 1905. NemwTYri.........,800.115 3.91,,Sl Ch ..1............ 1.9M.3151,1900.750 a=phi& .........1j,19.380 1,417.OS1 Nt. Lounis------------.. 6321 Sil rO73 Biosten ............ý.ee.e ei.2 Balimone.......... l: 5K75 546,217 Clevelaand............ 42.M 436.314 nue aie .............. 891,075 4«».747 $an Franisco ..... 60,P8 364.677 Pitsburg ............35=852 300.66 CENTER IS MOVINQ EAST. population Incruase in.Esatera Cilles Z.fetaGiovrhk lnWest. Population experts of lie ceoses bu- reau are incline-I te tli belct laI lie salter et population oethte Unied States, hIlci bus travelcd vesimard auedil sineithe touedalien of tie repaiblin, bas turned and i. nov headeal casivard. If tii beltrue, th ié au lu- dicnting liaitie moeeelbif popula- tien tomeraI lie Nast'anal oeutheaàt la grenier tien lie movemeut towand ithe West. Il h. expected tual censuses te be teken lu a doten States duning May- and June vilI 1mevw ligit ou the present le cation oethliecocher et Population, mui tiecnenîns et 1900 placd six miles senti- casi et Columbus. lard., Tic yesr 1905 ins maialf-vay bu- imeen lu'o national census penloOs, and there In ciirity vichcnanet be ac- curately saified au te bhem fran nd lu viat direction tie center et population bas gene ince ils location vas lst es- tablished five years age and hem fan and le wyul direction it m-I coetinue le go durng thie ext Ovre pers. Benange ot lie irease et population lu enviera cilles, especiaili> Nem Yok, and a siead! trend et romîi in tie souiheasteru At- lantic eabennrd States tic population ex- perla have terurd lthe opinion tliai If there i. a vesîvord m»vement etftthe cenIer itlaluver>- ligt sud tual if il direction han flt been revereed licre le a pessiilit>- liati viliibe betere lie cnd efthle present decae. Thbe oni>- fat viicihiey fIn te combat liii tbeony la lie napid groti et population lu tue StaleetfWashington, vhlcii offsets a muni langer groti lu lie NasRturu States. T-be tendency oard reversaiofethle direction et lic center et population vas noted le tic denade belveen -1890. and 19M0. Jt tien meved vesimard oui! a litlti,0,r toutee miles, vbinb la lic smgallesî mûrement liii ever bh em noted. Tiecocunse nul9 pessibl! villan lie lait ycan or tire hem beesugunîiruI7 vesivard, liarging ciceel>- te lie uhli>-- ailti paral;el ef latitude. Stmtlng lul 1790, Imenty-liree miles outet Batil- more ih traveled ftony-oumiles lu lie decida trou 1790 until 1$00; thirti--519 miles lu lie decede troun 1000 te 1810;, fitty iziles troun 1810 hoe18M. tulnt>--nla miies trou 1620 teu1880; il-67vei trouhi080 1011840; fft>-av mu frous 180.110;elgaf-0o u ie te 0 or. .0 ns n.. Mt -et tu eft. 'oed »y Aaacns, io a4 lieproui.rty:et Nngllahmen. wvilla lie reinainlut eue la etered b>- Germany. The gr* t race viii he imont inipu- eating ,vent etf l»s kind la Manr yeera. It 1Wi a roi race and the. conditions n- der vb"Iii in la .Ied wviimaaIf iteui- lxii.testet bot, bilding akhii aid sea- hinaiip. The raebhis flet Inindes a , lem boati amangt ban are rçùeuIâi.vs er ?ëmany. augiae4 sud tie Uated B*nuia. Obtlzng.saI rou 8andp RIook, tAii. eiseleave b.u tniiing vey sffea» tii, &, sait vater. te, 1208t4=1u. ce heir.own smi, taking si"c éSmex e"lrd and v.ather as et»$ bas, liaitte noer. As & triol oLseaiàa.ahuhsand etSin lu the. dusaing aid consruction et bout tbis contact fer exe.eds la Importâec aur efthle Amerlcs'i eup races ield off tii . New Jersey alie, Tii.ý bot@ are renid boita, fitteil for deep-sea saililg and 1.uro erniing. Tii. rues are lierai &Md tien là a te leno hal-plittiug ever quetionoufetbindlcapplug, time allov- anc. or sali ares..The racers are ef va- rions types. Thiisslgeat luiauiip et M4 tons and.the . analleet a schooner et M0 -tons, but, ail go Into the. conteat on 4ven terms. Thbé firi boat te irrive et tiie geai, viatever uta iii. or 1>-ps viil betie vinner and viii gethtéi 5,000 gelaI ep vhich Empenor William bas offereaI foriti, conents. Mont et1iihe yacht@ entered for the, ftaiie's cep have crossed and recresd the Atlantie and ail have been built for pleaure saîling. Tie distant* trou andy Book, the mstring point, le tthe southeat caotioe Engind, tii, destina- tion, la 3.00 miles. Under 'normal con- ditions, tii. conteet viii consume about ivelve days. Tii. lest transatiaetic Yacht race iook place lu 188-à, ithe inner belng lie Coronet. Il aroused great interest lu Europe and America. Ther. are many who, becanseetfibis country'@ repealed.victorien in the inter- nelienat yacht race. at Sandy Bcok, con- fdently expeci au Americin boat ta vin. But lie races fer lie America'i cup have been under suci pecullar conditions tint lihe> afford ne sure inoundation for Amer- caix confidence. Thien larnue easn to hope tint Amerîcan genlus lu design- lug and aiil lunaeaiuansiiip viii *alau triumph and brins te ibis ceunir! the. coveted tropiiy. But h mial go te Eus-' land or le Germatty. TheIintaernational yacht races et ré- entl yns hbave been contenss elveen vesiiela et exactly similar type, cos*- ed vili mâtliematical nlcety and saileid niider strict ules, hilci put a premlum on lever jockeying and miner tiek ot àeamanshli,. The race acroasthie oean la a viioli>- differeni matter. Tiie cou- tentauts have te meet a tiomougi test lu ail phases efthle seauan'a art. They are freestteftite heir chois et ecean line@ and for days togetier they viii have te sludy how le miii tiie mosi et ther opportenities. Tii, nation viios. boit vins smch a'content viii have some caues.tebuantofet ls eminence lu aeaman- siip. AFTER FORTY VEARS. Glacler May Gi,. Up tii Body ei Lard Frncia Douglas The. briet announcem;eut came freua Bvltzerland the, other day tuai lunmlR probablîlity the body et Lord Frencis Deugla ould b. dellvered up by the Zermiatt glacier vitinu a fev menti. Ameng tue scores et tragedies enadhed on aid around the Matterhorn et recent years, tuatinlu viciih. efigured, aihui dlscussed lu man>- countries and torngues et the time, bas been generelly fonrgotten. It vas 40 years ugo. ou Juiy 14, 1h15, and lie finit lime the Matterhiorn vas even scaled. . ifnce tien tire glacier bas viuiistood uvexy effort te distever trace. efthle body. Duringli eintervai -the glacier bas been descendîng ai the rate et about 12 inciiec a day until the, portion et Il viieru lie body vas burled la nov lu the valle>' viere lie huge area et Ice hla s- cessible te searci. Judglng by eue or tvo precedenta Il la probable tiai lie body vien teend viii b. in a perfect '*tâtetfpreservation. If the remains et Lord Francis Doug- las are teund i viii b, a case et iistony repetleg isze11., lu 1820 the esceut ef Ment Blanc vas attempted by a Itussian and ivo Englisbmetii viti neven guides. Tic>- vere approaciieg lie sumit vie an avalanche avepi several ofethle party dom-n a sharp siope et 200 telt and tous- ed Oive et theu, al guides,loo e ohe i. glacier crevasses. One of tise Ove vas saved by a long barometer strapped te hua back lu.suci a va>- as te bridge lie crevasse ad hold iisuapended.etil assistance an- rived. Tii. alpenstock et anether saved ias ovner la lie saiee ay. Tire. uen vexe lest lu the deptha efthle great glaf er. Dr. Feniies, the English geologisi, made sevenai excursions teatthe Ment Blanc reglon adOminutely atsided lie nov.- meulaetfglaciers about tuat lime. Dur- las eue visit he completeC is estimai.. et tue velocitir. et several Oviai gaclers, and expresaed the. iclief liai lie acler vhilcisvalloved lie tire. men veeld delîver ils dead aitie foot ofet i.meun- tain vîilui 35 'or possibly 40 leurs. His prediction came clos, tate truth. Forty-one years atter lie catastrophe tie emains ver. ciii forth ai lie foot ot tie glacie. BOERS AGAIN .'TREKKI G." Nov Dertlng the. Tranaqvai fr Gcr- - Mnus East Aritas. Whle lthe- Brillishhave heen drafiing a consitution fer lie Transvaal coleny under wviciaail burgiiers oe.thlbtas Seti African republic may. vote for anember ot tue frst Volkenaad, a large nuaiber ot Boers are on tihe eve et de- panture fr Germoan East Africa. More lien 1,000.Beers vilI leave the. Trans- vaal lu Ma>- te take ep farme lu lie highuauds et Germait East Africa, 100 te 150 miles iland trou the Indien ocean. Thils panty silone ylrepreseni lie speedy removal ef 3,000 or 4,000 pen- sons,'as mie>-ofethle men viii leave ther familles beirinaI until tiey have rlenred fields and but bonnes. Lest year ivo comttees veut te le emut&, Tt baabeaun a soure'orehot" expan a ethé. gît> sud ceui>- asudfr Weeks bas kepi lihécl&Y-la a st, et violence aid dlsarder, - resnltins:, lu nin.é destb t.AndmIn>- yte nerlyM O 80persan&-' . I le a aympetic>ic erIke, grong ont et a, liberieou. ic ie bilbons pWaci- ey-di4 for montis, but wvu inexpli- eghli revWs. .Tha is a lb.traqible ef th. geryment vonken., mci 'dotés l9aci tge a aidle etfliot Npveinbex. At lttt lue ithe Whoegale Taller.' Âne- eletionU. oloving negetlatione for the. regoval et contracté, Wiilnh the, empioy- ens elaimed lied beeu bokn b>- the slon, d9claxed tpr th iopen siep, sad lbe- girueut wpkers - 0U vexe 141.. lmotgomery Word à-. Ci. kepitisir' *union germent vorker. employ.ed nuuli Due,' 14, vieu. lie union protesled againsitue dru seudlng eu t p i.eveni te tvo non-union tasin,_ sud' Busine Agent Ollvey calcdonitie union wonk- eté. Theix places.-as liait lien lie, case vltii otbcr cocerne, vire Ouled mih non-maion mea. EWriy iis yean tbegavrment wmener. appetied tate iteamsters tor assistance, but notuing came et ht until th, latter part ef Marci, mien the drivers baes nte *sauras a tireaei.nngattitude, se fat et Mentgozdery Word & Ce. vexa coueftn- ed. Tien an ultimatum vas subittcd tate i flrm by the leamie,. rimaudlns tuaitie sarment vorkers' trouble lie sunimitted te abiltraion. Titi vas dis- regarded. aud Apnil 7 lieaseveety-oee teamîleni employed by tl i rm valked out. The diru demaeded police protection and began sending protected caravane linongh the streets. At tb, saintlime lis managers efthtie express companies met and deeided tiai tesmeens vie n fumet] te d..ivem te Montgomtery- Word & Ce. veila be dinciianged. In tie men- time C. P. Sica, Internional presideni et the,. tenatenre. lid heen celled I tei cl>- sud tbei active charge ofthtic stnuke. Matters quicîl>- sseuied a mon. ceri- eus aspect, anra April 13 tiie employer% met anrd orge nizeri lie Euipl'îyeni' Tea- Jus Coupny. Steps for aggressiv. ac- tien ver, taken. Stock te lie amnnut et $100,000 vas saerbed vitiua tei minutes, arnaItIre purcimaseetfiorns.and trucks begrau, eud aiready there mas talk et -applying fox tederel injunciiens égalans Interference viii tie operatious ofet lecomp fiy, vilci vas innorpoate4 uniter the lave «of West Vrginie. Tii. teaters aie ai ts Point as- otried -i bolder attitude sud began te entend tie strikê. Tic union propose- arbitration, but the, employeni maluntaîn- ed liai as tbey ver.- Dot lnvolved lu lie germent wonkers' sînike and as lie teani- aluns its lroken contracta lier, mas nothig te arbitrale. President Obea demandemi liai lie striklug teemptere et Montgomery- Ward' & Ce. b, renetaled. but liaI dru put lie proposition up te the EnriP]oYers«As- seclelion, suri lie latter organisation rIe. cîded agaluet lihe reinstareairent rît cîni- lng lesamileni by any ofthlie comipaules involved. April 27 te tir unwax vas î-miediti renom-en vigor andextenderi le scores et wioiegaie andrereil e.tbilsituenle mhic had dealingra wirh Montgomeury v«axaI& Ce. Witiin tventy jur ihouns2.800 leanîsteni vwere ortl.ldtihe livn day the uubee vas iucrerased le 3,500. Thei. Ont aid seuglat lu tie tedu-nal ceerta vas Airnil 28, mlien an injonction vwas securcd agaluet intentîrence with employes, vagons orlbarais et tic Eu- ployer%' Teauing Company. As lhe sie pnogreeeed atlier injonction@ verés skled, sud allogelier aneoft les, vnits have been issired. At tire mime time tie malter vas taken betore tire tCîokcoenty grand jury, and Apnil 219 indicinieuli mer, vote-i agaluet i'resident Sica and eleven ouiier union officiais fer conaiiirsny te reIn the insluess et Montgomery Ward & Ce. Witihie begiening of May,'. nlg. slagging and general îlislîmnhances by meba l e i ateels developedtl u cciau extent tiraItthe entînu' police force vas kepi on cmonstant rneryr' duty. luder tires, conditions lie exertions efthle po- lice werc traxed te ilireir ulmosl. and As- -sitsarnt Chut Scirrettler. sWiho laildirect cierge outhle sdrue, vas give MM eddi- tiouai ioieiten. A coruitteetfbusiness nenrenerleil on Gev. i)eneen aud nrgedhiinluhoeril out tire SIale eilitia. buaIlire retrîseri on lie grerridliat tire reorrces etflihe enI>- bail net berri exlraiileu. At this peint Slriff Barrr.ît beeane a tactor in th tiruie ud begarr avrening lu deprrty shriffs, tire tniuber fiirrrry - reaçiiug 3,000. Tie extra coal teatth- city te date ton nOdeal police service. ineiuding eilom-nnces for amessletirte 3,;a») policemen kepi en constant duty, wiii foot rip nearl>- 850,000, ad lie expense te lie ceuni! tornspeciai ilrputy siieriffs viii aggregqte $35,q»J. Tire lusses lu busine., oteb whoiesale snd rmcalirei n,,volver inluthe sînike l4 rourgliry estimateil at $5.000.- 110, xviii. ailnoed tmeiglrl brainro4s ln salaI te bave ,riffered lu lie citerrt et more lise $1,0ll0,4,M. Tire Suceint lest lu m-cges by iaire stjinir tenueter% le estiuated ait $250,(M,1iandl lie arrinni polit ns asmessurerîle laite5ti sle-tnud by working nrernl),ra et tire union renelues close te $100,00M. Efforts towar n ce ti erme nninrroîrs. varions coaaris'î*iozrs andl couruiterlie- iug aiîpoirrle(l by tire Mayorrntr tirrie le tine., but ail lturie purprîr1e. Wlrcr l'reaideîrt Ilee'ueroit vi.îiee rie city lire mien leadrsprerraîrd aiiproet tl ii inî, lut bis aeutraistand and irss Onu decirtir- allen liai onder mrustbl a uiutaieed anrd ual teuassurre he tae lct.stouil beirind lie cil>- andl lie nation behunathle State. effonded ne satisfaction le lie itrikerq. Labor Noe., Thle ten'cbiug oft tpewritirrg viii be begim rin tire anrmal sc-iouit aI calceas. Mexilc. Tire gonernuritent oftire 'Stte liasliras blirrîrin rrrof tmaciners ot tire montt errdernraad bu-t types ton the acironi. Tire A.ieQiatIon of Italian Mantirt-le lurons his olieredit arInternrational coin- Ieirion torr îrizes for rppliauees to pire- veut acciderrts in tactories. Tic prizrs will lie avanderi aitirh Milan exhibition lu 11)0(. iThe. hurtitslifineme, « thedq. protranteal teams.I sînike agalia eriitsir f'- f et. boisness la i t h bh>__ ,les,.aand bnoken ivestier aise irvas adverse ftonton. Noïtvihtandlig tk blutirances, delIvei«nle imved 4i*- accumulations et delayed tresgit é, reduceci. Wiiile laber Iroublusasi tendonite funuber spreadlg UW - fisbad. and lier, la ne diÏ-et lntâfp.- onea.vîih mnutactntlnseUxallAi mcd otiier Imiportant açtliîles. *Iirg. lusg et western nitlroada bave kopISop' close to> reetgains, laiulcatiiig tuât4 lyacaporlahslous continiues aet the. Wlai I Wih fatmers bnsy tiIhglii e sil, If la net surpnlslng liaitihe Mrketing et1 grain exibts a gharp failles R ~3 poorer aemarid msa scou o Itp' mfenis train thiI.parti 1.4 per cent q8.", dem those er tic cora'epondlng week Y hast yean. Country stere are sin en8- i. makIng satlatanlory salea of seei.- aile mares, aand, alhue mercantile defanits slrow Increase, collection.%- cntion ltthlo compralunt. Muieefactunlnig a. a. viole han net ennenutered auy retrogression. 1 Fallut,. repkirt ln thle Chcage dis- j Iint.nuber 33, egninst 15 lest veek - aind 24 a yegr eg.-Dun's Rvîem. ot Trede. I ______Adverse veatien cond-f Ne oLtiens are a leaditn« sourcej et couplaints IbIs veei. butanI clr'nrlrîsklis, nom- repettlud - througiettealarge raenfettherountry, bld faIm te reintorce -ziiçting optImistie vieva as t lite sntamer and ai ta rade. 'olIl or raiary ventier, exceptlnl a fev iectilas. Iras affeeal ermpierai t rade, turtier retardedl au ailnady lismte cern anrd cînton 'plautleg saonn.gîven ris. te ratetiar lose eptînis intoer vient croisrt-p(iîrit nd 'bnlisliy shîmnulalea grain. pork and cetton prînes. Vie, great baromolcai et trade and ln- dusîr>-, tie Iran trade. lsonactive fox lire.cuder torm. despîte pic ettonces- sIens. buittthe dispesition laiesml>- wei-liliforaued qarters In te regard fils ast au Iinstance t fthe geuu-a'abreatiing sîeil iriies nnoted ln meny lice. et virelesule buslaru-si. 1Business taller-es lu lie Unlted States tor tire vuek endlng May 18 number 191, egaînul 158 liat meek. 215 lne iii weem-k lu 1904, 155 lun1903, 152 le 19(Y2 sud 1112 lu 1901. lu Canada tallue, numîmer 17, as agaîntet 18 lent m-ieraidî1 ?nr Ibis vecit a yeaneaga. Wiiet. Iîrcliding flour exporte tfon tire veek cuig May IF, are 1,512550 Imnabels. egrileet 810.35laisi vek, -. 223,703 liis wek lmat yean, 5,2W3,.373 le IOÇXl sud 15.184.839lun1902. rom .hnay 1 io date thc experts are 55.999,- ttc.. bogeis. againat 124,877,064 testt yrar. 149.183l,051 Ilu 1903 and :224.Pi)9-' la)itn lu W(2. Cern exports for tic veek ere 1.088,M299besiels, aialst I.- 5"8.299 lent wvon, 118,88 a f ser aga_ 1,814,186 ien11)08adO90,M 0lun11)0. From Jul>- 1 te date tie exportset cern are 73,195.685 busiels. against 49.097,443 lu 11114, 6(M192 lun11(3M d 24=33.180 là 190.-Bradstreet'a Cou- merciral Ieporl. Ciisg-Crltecomman le prime,- $4.(X) tu P$a;l3;ogs, prime blrnv>-. *4.11> te *$5M; strep. tfain te ciruice. $3.00 te $5.:»; virarrl No. 2, $LMa te $108: corn, No. 2, 54e te r5(k,; cale, standard, j9e te 30c; ryu'. No. 2. 77e le 71e; bey, tinnotiry, $K.3-11 te *13.50; prairie, $e-0040i $11.00; butter, cnoice cramniy, 20e le 2le; eggs, tresi, 13e to 15c; potaloe, 18e le 23c. 1I[rIiainapolia--Catlr, shiyplng, $3.00 te $6.25; icgs;. chois hi-nvy, 1$4.1(x) te $545; ireep, Cemmon le prime, $250 t19f--00; virent, No. 2, m)e te 9&; cern, No. 2 vitef5c0e ti5c;cesla, No. '2 vite, Sh. Lois-Cattle, 04.50 te $6,2; hea,. ".00 te 05.50; uieep, $4.00 te $5.2-'; vhent, No. 2, 97c eOde8; cern, No. 2, 49e lee; c:os. No. 2, 29e le 31c; rye, Ne. 2, 70e le 72c.- Cincinnati - Calle. $400 te $5.05; bogs. $400 te $5.45; uieep. $2.00 le 1435; viel. No. 2, $1.ff3 te $1.05; corn. "e. 2 uizéd. 52e te M4e; oets, No. 2 uixei. 3(k.te 32c; ryc, No, 2.,SOn te [Yetrit-Catlle, $350 le baS3 ots, $4.00 le !e5.0: slreep. $2.50 te $5.00; mueai. No. 2, $1.04 le $106: cern. Ne. 3 yelmom-. 53c'te 55c; cinls. No. 3 wvile, 3& te :Me; rye. NO. 2, 780 e- eson. Milmaue-Whent, No. 2 norihrne, $1.05 te $1,10: cor-n. Ne. 3. Sic te 53e, ual.. No. 2 witie, 31le e ; vy, Ni.. 1. 79c te 8ic: harle>-. No. 2, 5Oe te 52é; pori. mess. $12335. Toierîoj-Wbeait, Nu. 2 mixed, 99e te $1.01; corn, No. 2 mixed, 4&e te 50e;- esîs, Ne. 2 miscd. 30e te 32c; n>-1, No. 2, Sic le 82c; doyen aced, prime, $7.00. ieffalo--ialtre, cile lsiipping steers, $4.'00 te $625); rogg. tain te eirolce. $4.00- le $5060; sircîp.tain te ciie, $4,50 lte $5.110; Isis, tain tu cherre,- 5.00 te $6.75-' New York--Catnie. $3.00 te $6.30; hcgs. $4.00 ta $5-75: ,Iir-ep. $300 le $3231; vlru3a . '2ru-a, 97e tea19c; cern, Ni,. 2. 55c le 57c; enta .naturel, vhile. 3e te 37c; buhter, creaumny, 20n le 2:2; uggs, western, 15ctele 8e. News of NMiner Note, Smallpox- bas irokeir onIteaontii,, prîsonena le tire Blair cont! jeu et IRoi- lidayabung. Ps. Jolhe D. itoeiefellen, Jr., bins given np' île NevwTYor- ilbILiecase indeinitlem> on accouait et ili ireathi.- Gie. Miles liras proposed it lite Mas-- Ease~ts nailîia'vu-an caciei hais anal knickernbockers alter lhe olaI continental* anmy stle. William E. Strong, a well-novu bani- er and broier, lauOeaI lu NewmYork troupneuonia. Be vas bora nu CuIllt- colie, Qio.inlu&36

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