CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 26 May 1905, p. 3

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el ulli nai," saidthie Cerian, "rani!v tr r aemeunt aver, anti yînti ea igu t « pt ou lita. liementior, homeven. vint pour bsignture tua>' men.As fan, mib« 1 miai! do witi gl afleniardtic- l Ponds on mna ittig." "0 inI tYenuta ,ewithIr.l" rt'plod » Unllhan, leily ard insiil>'. ltlO lit-te plice lu Lonii on, If vineu likè, I1tio'î cre miel ioCurnaSof II., ai of myself ecîhiet,Fer I amn une f ot ýft Noe aa kuem aîrt Ilai. MW iustlijeoaactusl>' comas le fgtt Se diti net exploitamitaI lit"'iras: butt *se aIlerosemot e undententi ishat i Usanit,, anti tiidedt hi. eati graveIY. Ti.liaw' mca meà smont curIons1 u0jple te loktoeon, set utong met re't maibabi.. surneutndings. Thea cëeue s,, -U Possible., more Itrrstiuxtti tishle *Mipe lu lie foregroanti. For in frontl the etsrcîchedthie eauiore. tli 111et wuvepping sfllIy ani creepinu9lii-f the ovrlleve! muite ctrai gmmd: ire' p3o nd l es io etti t ta ler lsy t hen o tars! reot milhIrilsbreasirset tIliahack If ,,tel'r dandy mires mas a 'getie riasc ftlarnd.E goveted s'iIb graves cf rceaonpalmandu ~ biUamI* amena tîtean et'.'elosinga 'laled wiîlfieldis ot saaeet 1rrraoea mati tic et' tire buts atone vLinile benali thé trac. Agaln, beyoindl tir.' evî' bl' rue a gtenl green rneaahitt, ireaor six 'tbenmsnnd tedt hi». Tue dllte max nr où hoerbeoeAinstro: tIre air s'as %armtii ne aft tt: l oînîing a uitie Ian'on greve sud ecariitg, sonsltî,rr'.anti nion'- tain gile. turest and îgréan ielI. mukilig éverythiai ginw inmrh.a spIeririrchuc'4ts anti pt'utignily et coiîr. As eue sas' the place ti. -veahuî 'oin miigt sec Il every t'veuiug. fie linSoe' Ireiand ithora la noibholar saurer norr un- ti but abrui ail thp voer tat] lie4 Promiscetf priîig,lIra irl etfauamnr r andthle f.uitionnOf flottam iii ni winIer ntaiml. ar pi It e s'inler of tt'tthi.1 mica lie branches coasse Io ptat ftnhi léguves sud straîci eut wmite irme, îPee' liansd thieatotiing. amnt thaif livinag eompauloas u i te resl. S Oue f the - mn-tili r.a-wîe cf colossal proportion*.. crtainiY 9ix te-t la iigtîle cas tilt qutbe yetting- maeil entier tltîty. Iiia inir s'as lixit brows. shortî anti ctly: an iMrancs broun heanIi'ua'trpl hl% fiee ant filti oer hils c.tit. li% cye îere MbIne aud Paumnent. sud lie more pe'<'tcle&. Hie 1 dtiras 'imodeler! rot lie dre- ef tic lu' haitanstts cf tliee lahnd«. Hi» olY rot'". ma sàgresI ltpiece ot Feje tapa cîrth.1 Witle, dacorite i uti bisetklezengos ari, a braine crgîug; il ase ruiler1 once roua.!1 lls eusis riadng te hlmietuces, ad vas ienhhruuuavrenrihi left ionden. boving te rigit irala, r. The *seclbnd rpainle t tii.liii a rici wammibrouit. Bm er. so &rap soihiing liie tliaInlu vent. ansd pîtenlti for' te unise ot fiî'i talas.,by ilohlanCraea: It wax coi- eailuashape, anti mati. of ftealior- bîblIy colit'. He itti arIIf albln. bnt'k ied te hi, fot by lesîtoer 11.545, antilie mot'. a tint I et t 5rf, tI[ota mhich dependet! sa revolvr çase. a-fiel glamm, a case et Intrumeonts sud à armge txtrunrot bei- Tics.con' etititlstibis'lila possessiolns. ecerPt s thint ctton uni olu. Thislhe rcun sutnly cariet! open. The other mas an EngliihmastiThe guggli faunel shutl. ih hati letil IIls battons sud oee aiita Ileev-;: th cearxe «savos tr,tîseri: ite aid hbots lroieo toua et eel-aslspo.etftthe soil. Hi,, gaîl mi! go st'igc ng alouti ot PIOir.' j*eldbis e£1 nti ut!rdtiy ciecia, ils astdIsi-rei a hin anti bestli, spolie ut the *iili or et et Englanî. Hi. agi' mhgt bliabaiet six or eigt.antitituy., Hi. har inng in Mae- -aver i hott' dars. aud isbasrd mas thiikè thin Ii' coipanioa. liough int me lirai.lM. taMs, hiri hati liacuonce a qare ful face, s'as drawn1 anti hsggat'ti bis eYesq, mieiri ire-meant ta hoe frint,, more trou-~ bled; antihils carriage., mici -s91101l1l bave beau uprig tt and brave, m9a iea'Y aitiejechorie Ha eeneti. as hc it'înîil betot'.ttic atier ma. et ne a3 asiîur anti remorseful. 11 "Listen: I uiil rPestIrilcarefuiiy and! glos'y" musid lie teraa. "Sîtirimn.wz mhiii. 1rendtiit. If tlima lu a single ta'rdi tieat i. net traie yo u can aller tint marri bfesYeu amu." The ian t tem w obediently-lier- muraa crcons s!euaateabout he llme- menti asWeil as bi. peech-ihiie lie Oermn nad lhe document, s'iirh uix witnvcry loely on lie pagea ut iP aulabeet. -T "Listan," i. saiti agaîn. *"anti correct me WemIca tmsu. reug. Thiswus, rie papor uhichi h eeeno thc glore oethie fPacifie oreilnan ute i talauti of Nei Ir ianti one evenng la te paert'18";4: "I, Davîi Lelgian. fermer. et Chalîs' combes, Devonshire, le-lui nos' on aut Isandsith le Pacifie eceen, ihere i cx- pec la licabattly iilietianti antranitIy lie csnniale, teclare tuatthle tollewiug la h ubele ruti conernini lie deati of MY nacle Daniel Ligian. -He joctoyet! me out of my propety; be kept on leatiiag me rneney In large ans gant i aall suts. and! min nie alun paperi in reuiaiusud uovor IcI me bmoi hewm mch 'I Oe ai hm; lhamatie me-'ortgage my landte in;hleha curnt &geti ne te drink, Andt ll tainlMY tain. At gal, mien Ima s ti]ovet' soursla fait, h. utdeuly hronghit dem tb. las' upon me, toecliseti anti tek my lanti. 1 taycd about th Place tili niy apenol mas nearly &aIl gitun. Tien I mua t tiastarra, or I muatI lerme i laberer where i hled been a master, or 1 maet go sauyasd finl mrk omemiene alis. 1iland bal tbfrly poonis leftInl *lii me, ntisd 1 inde ap îy mnd te go away. Il mas a day la Ortober cf the polar 18M. I met te Bemac ilie Ianti lecget! lmnite lent!me liirty pouant nieratleà tort me lu Canada. Sait my ali net ftreralbi. îot'ts- ý Uapéaw Davi,' be sai, grinngn, *.m libonsa fond anti ln ugrmea. latrébea'awils. ian anti kepl mine. Do, poutilak I an gelai tagivO e yu ,nore foay ltaoi awu!?',Iireader I tidouteM iais hllin anti tersne estl labils rntm aIGrainer, hieucont bocks betoeogaits, anti ha leoketiup andt! augh- à~ >. aIlemi. l. insestit, jinir thli tirougi Wstercourl le John Elon's Ina, nelîre 1 mat #Liltiat day drnuita- tld oiti ane w'shal lad iappcuet!, bat h lIe guesati vern,' mdl thât 'd bat! s quatrrai mi My nacle. antiSU ai le îerlt! kuai b>' tint ime houhie' t mlnd sailaIs lus erra posessaien. . e"'1 "About Il o'clocetln lie evtng HrrTY ltabjalins, tse blartasith, came ta tic li, aud trandfathet' Derges ih i hm. ari liy aid a mug of rier apiere. Anti lien 1 began le tlItolethorabohat my cmn affaira. 1 sait! I ahonîtigo ais>" tiat t't't'jevcîiag. Isetolt malkteh Bovey Tracr, 1 itsId; I abouti teks thi train le Nailen-Aihuelanti me te Bris- Iol wI. mien.I iault i fità ahip boumti for foelîn parte. Tint wmas ut 1 mnid, anti perhaps ls'as lurty t saiti se mach. Bt I don'î knou, ecause lie verdict of lie jury 1 navet' board. S"W. ahoot bande aud I came nia!. 'Tuasatien about ejgit ,andt lera unx a iait-rnoon. -As I croiuethle green lie Ihoagit came lIe rmy lbond ti 1II am a fentl le go le Bristli ilin Plymouth anti Flaroali mena neirer anti woulti mail uty parpoeablocter. 1 cottiti alt te PI>- meouh easy, amut!ose are h. railwas> u.oney. Tierafore I reveivedt e change my plan, cuti intes t it lralin te lie iet t lnue t e tlieho 'ght anti ualke.I arronsa lha ciach yard, anti tookthti roati mich gîes te Widdicernho. "Il wam eniy a chance, mark yetu, liaI 1 heoi thtit road. I titi not knoi, ati 1 titi not suspect, tint, my oncle hart .riWa cicr te Aidbieten attet' I lef t hlm. Ail a ehance It ici. I nover thofighî to MccPtlinom;ant ieicmigil hare hîeti living diti nor if il hadal licn ou r ta ciaure." Tc mie an isteius 5ron,al alorîntrh!alipint. '-'he first lue m-les et tic, rend leaa uttivoir Iue belreen ii hetiges. Pros' cttly I pasati tirough lieYtre Gate. andr se eut alienete .resndruas aver Itie rîpea tenu, tund bore I baga te hinit- pïhd I venlti do it t bat! My uncle ho- for@ me: sud lia'-ileeti camaehale un> an'os, andî1 i claeltedthelb.cutgel bord. 1Wltic o u hitrk put fiel lirrugit lote mn> icrtt? Tic cvii eue. Why diii tte lpt thit tieagit tane my heast? lecausa thc vcny ian wsai nig sitottgtic mml'! rît bii way homt.o,ibccaime 1 sertgo- iug te mccl hlm lenabout lo i tas. CIIAPTEII il. "I heu-I tie footstbof him peur a long rsay off. 1i s l ic eaidlé ie thi- openirond as lon ImaW'hlm einzs ien., lu tlire miuirrh. 1 tod smliiand s'it' cd fot' uta. 'Martien hlm! Mortier iu' whimpereti a voire la my ait'. Who.e airce wus tiat? Tic anti eue'@ voire. "MIy stick sa mhiirt, ieavy eucnigl uti sàitaob. 1 graspetiilIlby thie eund antimaltant. Ha tilt!net mse me. He wsalooini mrigil lieforc ii. tbilu ing, 1 suppose. heu lie bati doue maIl te get tie nepiewont cal thle iy'-he hmd roibedatmund'.inet. Se. asic came up la me I liflt! rny aniaand ti mîbcinihl .10 lie bondi once. at-lag, 'Give me back my lund. villain7' iBut d et nItes whether hae heanti me or sus' me; for hie fell te the d'ounti mithot a werti or à gruau. "*He foi. I say. ftmbis pouy clean an te lie groud. his tat mhpping awsy trou. thie tt'rp'. Hie face s'asuwhite. I steeri betirle hu. waiig le mes if hae wouil retcr.c1 Ihopat ieha vaultilbe eauxc itlni a tineatfiil tui te thila liaI yau have tnurdret'a man, aven uhea rîî are tilî icItasith raige. If lie monit oniy',recoiver a little anti ait ait. I tiongit. I sîaou:d b. shaut.>'mina. Butlh. dît! tot. Ha lsy quihe tll anti cld. . *Mion 1 icîsu te thiat tint if I ucra cui caagt1onl ie ihicgeti. oldt iy suîspect me? Flrernaalaly. noe ueist eean mectot ta trend. I MumI -goaai ,as quicitly aie1coni!. andt!louve ne Inaca or aiguntint uouid maete ia-supect me -Thoa I tiengit that hIf 1'ero te rab hlmapeople sînulîllho loue lucliued ta thirit et nie: beauase, tiaugli I miglitI nrirder tihe mac iholirai! nulinnie. iller wmn.rlîlnover bllovet-Ihat 1 s'uln! "i toilt in bis peckels. Tiare masbils matnc; ne. I realdti cotur biltatc. 'T'erec a-s nmnte osa ailven. wmilci I lftI. TIare s'as a iîg cotnining moue>'. I kacre net hem mach. but it masn aligil hag. TIde 1I t..Ai7e hali uter iei errn a geeti-sîzet! ln box lua ahbue hag, suri sa laujerà carry'. Tic box 1 tuai wuod enlain i. papers, ant- i'si papers marebils meney. 8e I thougil 1 Waonîti de' n mmmcii.cleftle i. prep- cr17 'as ýI ceulul, andi Itaokttntbox. Tien T1s'eut aîay, ieaving hlm liera, mi Iiewmite checksanoël gray haIt, aud hise ea ut!. eopen. 1 ait let i hen I ieokedani thiose oe, bernume they t'e- proacieti me. 1 relet! anti taggeet ns i loftIhint. "I wa ent goiug tle ma sIns tic rondi. Thot moult! have bacu a toi's 1act I tunnel sîraigil off and atintk for taeopen moor. itentiing te mats for Plymnouth.. Anti I nemamübenet s 'pInce moire thelbox coutihaeiidtien Aay, a ate place, micro ao one îonid aven thint et laiinfI t,i, e n tevcryiot!y sheniti go an beîievîng hhat hle oIt! nan iati cceclilibetias iclli as urdereti. eThii. place mas rigil over lie domu, uand 1on lie oher aide. t "I11cliibedthe hili. On lie may I passedth le Gray Wehhec filous, atdI tiaugit i meult bidee tie bsg et mimer la a bote I knem ofet athle foot et Il. 1Nolietir menîtil1ok fer il liera, Net buenty peeple lu a yeur evet' go user the Gray Wclier. Tien I malisti aoun lie hilI on the elidr aide ani gelte Grima- pount,,micro I ment ta bide theotoler iag mili lie box le I. "Tell tiem, If youeercgels'ay ftram Ihîs autul place, Ihat lie bot lies on lieaite neurestt aitl, mt ires ates. pilant one nieve' Iie other mate a ort etIlttie cava. Theetoese are ha lie corner, anti are the tiret yen reine te ou your ay dou. Thece 1 put lis box. 1 ment on winU.ailélia ma ulieut tppiig-excepl le il dciii n bit-te Plymouh. Tiern I gu s notem- palier, but I coutireand nothhns oetIho Èmortier. Tien I look the traia to Fmi' mouth, sud mlt! tiare fer tire. days, andi liugit s noepaper avery tisy-ons ienld sarely IhinktIhat a nuriher la a quit cuntr place wud airevporeti but 1 rout net fi nd £asinge e rtiabout Dy SIR WALTER BESANT ..'tentêtaifeeun. my triend, suid 110 Qermai, tôpp!ag et tbii pont, "e. Wb« jieedte hrs tealng-advea- turc, jour owna escapt.. eud the untime!yr end of jour conîpnfiiirnê. jour biestY lu Califorula. sudi is lntirruptiou; and jour experlence of a t'rlitornln rin-la Rit lnterestiag, but 1 .'aîot %vaste Papet' upan It ý ret.Jra , terfor". le the ma- torial part of the' coufcssion. And W;ti thii, 1coacnde."i "I desire ta state that front the fiot1 n.ght tiat i arrived in Ne'w York tii! .,ow 1 bave qirraigit teuvisited by the chant ot the mon I kilicri.' My unc.le Ptandu baside the bed, iriether tiln l a lied in a crowded roomf, or on th@ ground in the b;p-n, or ln a cabin et *"a. or o l te deck. hc alw',js cornes cveryz ulgit. Hi* face in white. and the wouad ln bia forebead la biceding. 'Corne back te Englauti,' ho gays, 'and rotess 1h crime.' "f mont go haci. andi give myseif Up te Justicé. I1s'il! make nmore trug- gas &alBiaInt y faîte. But b.'caure' 1 amn uncertain whetier 1 %hall lire 10 gel bock. zand hecause 1 know flot bei te escape fron thi Iland, 1I ilsite bave rny confession winen and ignet, me taâtIf 1 deie etruth may ha tlId." Thun ende theticpaper. *'$." aid thc big German. "y00 se- knowietige thlm te ha jour ful end trus confession ?" *1 do." "Bîgu I, thpn." Flc prodred frm bils bsg a pencil and gare it te tic man. wuc wigneti. ln a trambiîg hand, "'David Leighan." tnder tic sigature tie Go^- Sergius von Iloîstein." Thiis doue. ho replaced tie note book la hlm wallet. "The reamea why 1 wanted jeu te aigu thc paper te-ngit." he saiti. "la tiat tiaervacuneasif thorr ighl ha a cianca ef jour getting avay rtrhe Issland." "How?" "L.4ook eut to sou." Tioy ucre almtnItte CnlreOno souti politcf tihei'îaw *i lie mapa cail! i St. Georce. lue lie ret tihe aiçires ef New itritaitu ciuli i. cýeeu.beeausa th. eu n ' Igat ajnl.lrng har t o tei Soth aid tlereat.1 lire wm openi ses- "I (au -ecolrg. -Look tir'ruglrirry glass., tien." "I eauanueca oeal- ing ohip." 'e 'Sic .la nquest"ot iluckhirdusi.$h wil probiaity mcd a boat asiore. For- îunately for yjeu, the people aire aIl gené off te figil. l'£u mil. ,tierefore, if ab* docn seni à hoat here. have a chance off getting awray. If sic ails north. end seetia a boat aiere fifty miles or me fur- lier op tile mass. that hot', crai Wil! Ire seareti. Ný'w. aiT friand, lie sa i% about te n"t.luIntrn minute.- Il il!! ire dan. sand me have ceier enudips uer naqtý-iro. Go te yeur ho'!asdd suit tie furthter commanaof tcf li err Choit. y or rp.îr.r'alhe ucle. On tic ove ef your deparlure. if you anc te go to-mer- nos' he. will be more peromp- tory aud more lerrifylng tita usuel. Gon te ied. David, aud amuait thi Han Giost." (To e lccenlinuoti.> One of tire occupations ot China wbich la littie kueiru te tie outalde world la wax-farmiug. A. tiny inaecc la cuitivatet! mit great ski!! by tie cblueseofeta certain dlstrý.et.becaiue ot tefinacwhite wax rbic Itilpro- duces. Thc Scientifie Amuerican de- scribes the work ofthlie. ax-tarm- ern. This, litthoInseet. uhichinla ardiY YOt kueir teaivestern science, hbamany peccuHarilbs, one of whicla 1tint for lie succedsfui production of max two stages ef Its lte nmuet bo passeetiln vory different ragions. Tie 'earliet stage. in irilci the temles davclop uti! nîmosi ready te deposîtt Ieir cggs. la ln lie Chien Chaug vallay lu ,hawestern part of China. maere .rows a tree, ai an altitude oft 6v. Ilueusauti feel. on min lte ItiSent panses tint stage ot ils existence. la M.ay it la liane te ramoe atle colonies of uax-niaitert thle lower altitude et ,8zerhwac province, wlieln tound au- other troc. feodlng upon hilch tie la: et makes le max. T1hi remeval lu üLof thle ment pic- tureËque tentures oetheb. ldustry. Thousantis et porters are employet! ln IL The colonies of Inects removeti fromntichetracs arceirrappeti lu leao'es ef thc wood-oell rco. l'ackad caretunl!y ln baskets. tbey are alung freni the shouders ofthle portera. Wio muat beur them, frontliro te four iundreti miles. The way lies ovor thc rocky patheandamihgts of the Szeciwan tunutains. linoagi settet'nI ctles, sud cnda at lhe farms miere tic masters ofthle bearens airait ticm. Ail lic iJournal must ha matie at ulgit, as theo stul'e heat woald devt'lop thc Insecrs ton, tat . At tinttlime et jear It tle iecstom orthle cIlla. aleng lie way te lenve their gales openaial! ugit lu order tint lhe progreof thie becrers may net bi interrtnpted. with lie baskets suspend- eti front heIn abolders. lie porters rau luniveird processionnt thlcr top speeti frem.dari t lliidayight Clat i s- most itîvarlcbly lu rain-procf straw. rthey carry pictare.aqaa lanterna. hIlci swing as liey ru, lirowlug lie tan- tantlc ahadows et thaîr bodieu ail arounfi. At daybrenk lie men fiud nmre dense shade for liair burdeus, prepare theirmeais and! go te s!cap. At night- rail liey ara under way agalu., At the taros <i(1ere lie wax là te b. termed lie leavez contaiulng luseeb are lied othle Umisetftrac., micre lhe boat of the mon derelope them. Clmatch anti Clerg>'. Faour Chinese oft Bllimura have mn- oacuedthem inteon ofetbetomingnmeai- hors cf lia Cathoiic clîîtnh. Tic Bishop cf Duîrat ilats thnt It is no toolisha euîoiotîlimi hnicauses smorne eiaWelsh ruttrets le laiteiit oit! fatheri eut etfte morihous. anti gire tliai a home. Arlibaiop Mesmner eof ilakeè bas lînt te asetpoliceprotection agalast lie imporinuitles et boettons, follomiag an article i localrnewaulapar tlafbihl liheralîl as a given. Biop Ware says; "Tan lImes as man> chilîdren have iroco laugit lu Perte Riceotirini lie six ypars of Anarrsu administration as lu thc 400 previcus ycara et Spauiaiî mirule." l linlathie Gernian em- pire 35,131,104 Protestats anti 20,231,- 144 Roman Caliolica. Besides tirs. lie ceusas reortded '-03703 oier Oins' tlans,"' 35000 Oit Calielîr, anti 58613 -Tie Rer, G. J. hiblits, mia bat beau, F" Mg~ AIa. 1903. Gorlden Text.-dCirsît diod for our sin@, ac.r.riiag le tire Scripîure.-l ('or. 15:3. 'l'ie tory ofthle Cross Irizmnirul uci o! ,u>',rîry asa icias7 mmli groulid for tait!, anutile. Sflti adsud irligo band lu hand iti ll ryqtcfy ircau- ",or faiti las iramed oitfactw tint ire do rînt f.lly. an- derstan&i' and! our hope loor fîrirard le coudliono f wmicn e colirnot rr,iv have auj delinile kqowiedge, Titeretone, iil e raco'îtverrrll tli Cross and hellaetit 'llnr' i-nfot' ter eins" ire angit nol te liirrr e kueir' ai, abol tire malter. W.'e.h spLl r"that whule Got! has triod lu th'. rxia as wire!!as lu ethel' te t' icthelife ef Christ on cartî,t, e revea! Iiruriî'lt tu as, yet hene of aur limitations wrecaui an- derstand but iiucompiotciy. one cf tie tuis about th,- 'ertrifixion whic!, se uanderasatibut irîe'f'tyin tice exîcal et ticescridrce inoioled ia if. Ticre un.-s iphymilisaorrinr;tirat maria part cf tiresacrifice. sud une eau, mci xoniptliag cf liat part But oftlire- au- gaish cf cou! uhîci Je«1ns linre.1s'a van kun' but littie. Fu'r r uh 'rrtfr'ring la la propornli ta te egr. or"unf li sou! tirat saiera. -And w,'-a-u'e xprt lee hoab'ole teappreciate 1h.'c\tr'al c f ur Lord*s capaeity for rufftîring. W~e tiort',,lv r hhrk wili a '-,e ltil - uffr-t.r ing waîs 'e intense as te br iro houv iprI of tilre Son (if Ced. Tbî'e r' rîriu, t ire n.retfrdoubt liat Jr" ' ti'! crf a broke'ti eAttr. Notes. A'ersi- l1à-Titi' criifixi' r,,' rirrer! on minI moiri ite or }'ridr 't i , il wa utoit lire <la>' ef'.re trJ .rt1- Snîl bath. W1n'ilatte lîad gir 'r t r'i , ri-ts prmt'isiotuît p tîJesils tU,"ot he> liiirri(i t Iundosu, litrrdrr, g, r trh'lui- r."'.n r leeotirie S!1c l' ere 1 on>' religions ila .a .T h. rh grl'at regard frrr ail tir,' firw.îs 'f sur't: n grorit ta irtthe> frrgetitl" r* .- .r rr,-é., ndl tenthgù, .sr.ftir lî.d ltev't'i'r' tir te ii 'i r of Cri!. Ilirre nai ,*r' 1!,_r illt il grivois in. ttrirdering an -n-nit or n andn tic.. roittg ouiti 'G r r reliinUs oho'v i.aas if uotig -...:r' itrnîî îIeoced. Thie'Latin .trîr akîtîl :i'r" 'r'the word C.tlhaty. (Lrcak:e . .1.'su ' ivas'rndtti eiicarry t!-Orcros%, luit proîribl î.rîii.'adowii r, er flic o'eiglît et il; ilieug'lta I r'11,t '.tnteri. A.I or.> rite for ti fart 'if C- 'r' y t1 C'itîar>' "A man of Cyren i ',îbY]"," irascompelloti by 0,- ' .'rtlirs"ita erry Ie cros. (MatI. 1 : Vers.e 1b-Ntcnn h li rrrry tIlilîs co'ntti'itil 'ith titeecrîtiifix, 'i, of tC'rist haîl licouforetoit! iy the 4).'-:d tne prrpltts.lera ln oae: 1' --n ni'.cruel- fiel, biren lie crimirr . 'his ra- cllot i le suving. et uisal. "Iloi'matie lis grave sili lethe i' andoui"lIe iras nuaibeed ilith tic t" Ilea theticfiftly'lilrchait.r if l'ai. it lu tire atut mendertul rtf the propie- ries for explicitieis, ant ir. rrî- orthle mont wontianful chaptersonIthc Bible. Ve'ecigl.-Pi8tea idlin îrt'ite lite trucifixion oetJaas, bat ir,' ut'.dis' plenactiilwi the priesîs f"-r forinîg hlm te do-se: se ha nmade a ilit rit hotuby' lîlacing ripou tie cromsa 5 t.ttoarnliclr ing Jesas to.e h te King f'flie Jouis. Versas 20.22.-Naturall, tic prionîs more atioye. andt! ried lu got Piae te changxeflie mritiug, bult ii'roîttatot. Ha ba i ildedt! et iib,:ri ha beliot'ad he migit ira itis Positioin if theY 8ullt stir t.p treuble and apio-a te Criesar: but uow ilon tiare wars tnot that fear ha mîtuitinet lic roncilrnttory. Ho kuair ho mit! donc ureug, anul raatcdtu ctairne tiings unpleasaut trie nase iho md trrre- et! hi, band, Versas 23, 24.-Tre ronduet tofthese axarutloaars et Jesurs gives us a glimPse eftlite vaut differre re eca etihe cal- lottone»sofetncauIt tr"liie etf&Christl aund neir.Now ire sulirti uaif ie hr- ribla le torture and oi'rr.k a mnu tefora pnîttiag hlm 1t0 deali nondte gamIne frr lii, clotias mile he mas ieing putl te tiesjti. We apprecirite baller tirevaine et lite andtihle soii'trrriit>' of dealli. and me re net so cour-«po'r rs- unfeellit';. Anti il la Ciatianity tiratiIrai madtire dit- tarcace. Versai. 25-27.-Tire'rucon tollowers of our Lord had pre"l,.rinIY loru;afa tst troum openacneowi'lhrii"îtttiraitt lie> wé'eoHie taUcireri tirru tic mou iad. Ofth icmen. Joa1 ru r as or a'au me knoi, hixtire courage houibe Dean Jes at hs t ime. Jesues ltowe I li' onsideretien for othens even la Ibis Iir. Ioun et great ag- ru!. -Hia minatis w trrt midi>taken up mih is own distr'u. lHe toit loeing lieugit fer-Hi'. mrtîrer whte miglît Atter his death ha cubjeet ho persecalion. on iu noad t!acll avents ofsrtmeoee hoPro- vide for atdtientrt lhon. Jasasne ceg' nizeul la John lino one ho rouit! le te ber wiet aileo aedîri. irobably Joseph. îIher husieuti, liat! dier loneg beora. Andi bier othor soirs, if sire ri! u>'Rn, ta>'t have boca tillicieutlY int sYrnPntbY aiti ber. This action rrtfr.rtr Lord".scoeuta, homever, le iunply tiitit site hmd ne etier Verses 28, 20.-lere we hiave a neter- once te nuotier ot Dnt'id'a propieriai. Sce Punies 69:12. Verse 30).-AIllfire prpicies ît'ro liet!, tieee.îfferng wnriver, liemacrI- ifice coaîploled. Jeu n baied finisiedtheli menk milci Goti itîrîgia'ca Hlm le tic, anti He mas freetrn go bock te His Fntier. ,Hia lait na'nrds marc, "Fathar, int Thy handa I corniuenti my spirit." Ha Irustet in lu Ce 0tait. car.eoft1he spirih liaI iras uow te leeve lie liody. We crnut undorst.torl mat Ha mneant tully. but me con. penc'îive lire taili, the trust, lte neliancouçion Gead. 1Ili stttdying ti'. -icu e asitotl-1 rend eail lie accounrtsoftirîe crucifixibn, as u ne acceuint giv'i'5machithtit anothêt 'L nAxx"O'T5IP UT y . trylairtolehelti hianseit bant, anti evan lieu lie speetioftbil s ceul irce ianh as nlebar bils cothing te ebreda. $Ince Ibal finalt tnp ha bas gene dowm astrlie a santile et steut etion. Perinap thie greatast dîfficulty hac c- perlenrati, bomemer, mas bt et oeP- hag hîs balance on lie swaylng mire. Until sevorail tips bail accuabemet imt te Il, lié tendeur>' mas te luru ovar beatidemamnarti turiag lie tiesceOl. Realiing liatthila mealti menInabile lly le manlalnbils hoiti or lie mire anti dent). on lie rocto several bon- dreti teel beicir, lie ntrepId man, teagit liravol agninst Il and fiually sunceedat ilun ailerini tie secret of itaplug hils baance. AN ERRATIC MOUSE. Rooeoansd Haiîmaym AiU et Diffaasat An illusion devîce fthle public amusement part type, covcclns lirai>' némidea, bas rerantl matie Ita appearaure anti ls knout as lie tri bouse. Tbe otter mails of lie stru- tara ere parPectilF(, 90 tint tiers does nol appeer te ho anYlilng un- usuas!abot Il. jagini liY cxbernai appearocs. The otrances anti Pas- BOOMB AT ,5LLANL. sagemnys adJolulag itap uait liiide- ceplion. Insia etfIbis bouse anotiar la ronstruntedthe Ia mals of mmibarc roumierabl eut et plauli, thc fleors bas'lng n correspe)itiung Inclination. AM oua entera tron lie ontaltie anti passas tirough lie pamsaegama, wmilciare normal, lic sutitin otrance loto reea m iri are leps>'-lurt>, te sny lhe uast, la mry be'miitenug. As the journal la led aitcrnanely lireugi mari roomsa ndllieu tiroagh levai bailînîs anti paisageavas tliasenses ementuani- y harome taxent antite IndivIduel la anable te tel! ie lie aprlgit bouse auq mIn lae ickbotem, and h oa "tne dareptlon la liroughl client. 0f course. mîrcors aaeganer- ougly employedti l lItreanie lielie- wiltirmeut of lie eyez sud ganses. - A Blapiti Prologue. Il wa a performarlnce oet'"ichnardi Ill.," anti a poor eue, te mi lb.e tiro mon tron Wilson Ranch bai l ilalnetl fer nearlsu heur mili il-cnnaaleti impatience.. "-Coma ou eut I've iha eougi of thlm tuig," said eue oft leu aI tlasI, but lia otian besitaleti. "Tint gny lu lie middtle ' the stage uns calli for a herse a minute sU," lie saiti lu a hoar»e mnisper. "Left. heldti iili e msow legins, unymay." Tlio oOvrnmeit Os"*. Fiacon-Diti yoilgel an>' soois tram jour Ceugreesman lhits ean? Egbert-Sure. "Plant anul?"' "Ne,.litunet, gohug le. LasI lent' 1 plaulti snoie benutiful Amanican Beanal!rosebumi seti anti Il coma up onieus."-YOIiteflStalesian. No Lack et Vumriet)'. A traveling salesmata bat bock tram %taine says, ini lie Boston Recor,liaI no rereatly uketi an oit fialierm n F ewýbv 1nm" bndlinet wliet I» 4111 mi A daring tes, la ubiei deathl 1de- liedi, la datif performeti at Geineva, swtltzaaniy M. Ciapuis. a protes- sôt- lE liSUniversityoetktintplace. The. prtiteseôr lives lu a lit!. village lu tfle valley baleir lhe clly and I 'iln bis day's instructien lu endeti e li ides daonil, steel uie cable. ueariy hait a mile long, loward bis home. The cable vrns onlginualiv erectedt te onvey blockts et lmetoee'rom quarrlos thora lie cty to tlecvmue7. At soma points Il Io 800 tact above lina surfante ofthlie grounti. The cabie 1 la ree-quarters ot an Inch, thick sund from lie vailey lie igicat part'oe t mmaahardlir e séea witicthenakei oye, tic darlug par- former having lie uppearsure etf fent- ing la spafe mien meunteti upon, it. At on@ point la lie distance covereti lier. lua aspan et about M980 tct - te n lie supporta. gt a helgit of 1W0 f= .,,Thi angle varies trom 40 te 50 degrees and the gretest difficiity M. Chipais oxperloncpe la le preVent hlm- soif trom sllting dem toc, qulrkiy. Dnrig bis Initial tri p dowa tic 81.09 Incline lie burneti bis banda terribl linportq. ike Immitgratton, alsaYM lu- Ibis tritlietilurt flice iigit tfi'gures cite louchet.tî.morta are aise tMalk- ing ti,'.'recordls. 'lIlir as exPeteti lioa'iybd mt lrhlan ailed tIbusO Itingsfor tut...>'yersnd tîi ho mati turritheticconntiltbetitec liem l preî'ieus decatdcs. Tite paute et.lSd? setit Immigration. dema le haitetofils prea'iotiafilguresi, but wiren lic r'covr an>'l It usiileraset lu ihimirt irn agaîn ît'ent uîîwnrd. cnt! seanbroire ait records niong te tlintune..-Tic 1857 patie sent hi llo dos-n aguiu te liait ils irevieug total, andtihticat' c'iicl caie oit lmmeiataly aflonwnrd liaidt!e efigures te n loir levai for Imo or tirce yars. Thon au impaarti swing ps boit place.Vt a is beau lthe experi- i3 otîco fronitute bcgitrttinig. Tic monîti quickly llit!s.out file Indastrial condi- tions la lic Uniltd States, anti mien lthe> are favorable Immigration re- spetidu. Imports go u ai>lugeodt!imes bore bocauso fle peoe b ave,,more rnoney le spenatita nIit rdlnery peni- ode, anti aise botause tie ihome predur- arg are not aile tletl le homo de- Maple-sugur-makltg is getling te lie a restiet!indastr>', attd! ta>. lttdpeti. becoute a lest art. Tite Bureau e! Fer. ente>', c'ichbias receutlY madte a sladY of lhc btîaitîcns, bas breagit some Inter- asting tacts te lght. Sinee 18M0 the if rea ot maple-%agar-tarmiiig bas great- ]y- clnget! and shtrunk. 'lu carly dtays maple-saga? magmatie evýetilu- ýti Southt. becatt's cane-squgan iras scarce atît! expcnshî'e. .lu Newr Eugnd, Neir York and! n few elier States. lInu-. tdistr> bas btelitis os-a or becu ex- tendet!. The bureau fande tbaI savon elgitis oet atla smoiti as mapicea6gat' et' maplc-syrutglaapurIons; bal lu mee.t.mi cases lhe adaiterallen, laethe mrk e îtnidtllemen. neh et tie preducers. Ti net lncoete-ta maple-sgar giove la eonservatiî-ely estlmated -at $3 au acre' and melina mhe ort euna liadoue at time mira thore a itt111e otfier tarin empleyment, acuthle graea miiienIm farulsi lie family, fireooti miiul detcnlorntton. a sugar-orciarila a a tr- » iy profitable lnvlralmeul. Grenlor secraey han evor baeoe miii marià bceaxerrîsedt! Iis jear conccrnint lie scores madie et targat practira liy lie varions vessaIs oethIle Atlacle ot. Wite o smaeofthe détalsa of lie te- cuita may lia matie pnbllç, it la alot thce intention et lha Navy Department to give eut thc scores. This gercnmnt~sN bas nover bren able te, galber Informa- Rs lien concernîng lie largot practices ef tr otier navlas andti tire sceau te h ne o a reliait miy ticscores et oui navy sieulti ho inde public. Grat Brîlaîn carefuliy guartis ait ot the score matie ga@d by lier warsips. Some jas ago an outreer et a British vesse! on lie AlatlC. station tbld'et lia resuitseofthe tr- gel pmaclie lien just filshe& ,The g information ranedti tia counltry andi I>rg mus pubilie!. A lieroingi lavestljta- maq., lion mas made andtihle fIncer moult __ bave %éen court-narliateti If fi;ti hocu possible ta produne positive proot W againal hlm. The expontiltures etthliegeverumnent axceatd iais carrent lamine by more tian $9.00000 tu April, andtihb. res.- ary deflcit for lhe fiait ton meubla et the fiscal jear la up-ard of P4M0- 000. Witealie mentis oetansd, Jtune uesrly aimaye siow a balance oit lte nigitaîiedetoflie gernnient'a an- caut boekti, mauy feur tint lic de- 'hicil ali h ndocnt!eefiecaI jear, June -'10, avili reaci $30,000,000. Tic problian etflteetiefleit la a serions ene lu lie opinion efthle treasnry officiais. The cati balance ln lie treaeary bas do- clinedti te$133.181i,777, lnciluig lie amounts hecit by lhe national banik de- poaltorlea, anti Seeretary Shawr bas teautdIfînacessary le mîitimnu tin T lie bikis f20000,000. The cash bal- ance aclua!>' ounlantilula etraery la malt by sm onotebave talion below lie poiut ot absolule snfetY.. "BewaraeofthIle higi rate ef Inter-- eFcl," le lie icaton et Mentftet cstla- (îles agaluet mbici. linaPost Office De- partueut bas recantli lasucti frauti or- tiers. An offer et cxcoptionulyla rge rtdama for eel ienor capital shouitilut once amaken suspicion, If fle eterprîse la goe promising, miyj does netthlicpersen mie contrats It Di kcep Il fer hlusaît? lTie falet tintfThis Ibere are a tom, a very tom;, cas". digos whana large nisks avea'beau n tk'uanti foot jlarge profil. bave beau realizeti ta lie talle argumett tust usat! by thoso mie Ie 1à jutive patent rîgllit., golt i mnes anti eh- sw>fIm et' sucli propartîca tO elfiet aRIhea tes seintinims them value. The persan oetlcued moderato means reaneot affordti biteke. euch riaka. I lu 19)04 lie nuier et arriv'ais at Vsao Ellis Islandi ias 60(100t).th l amber'lttt1 lu tha onlire country beîug 800,000. 0f ~ 1 fee263,510 meti tiamdunln New York- eCity, sud lie groat najorily of lihet'a- > tmalutier icul le other cilles as liber- a- ra, etc., .miere bioy are nt needei Itle snom eUmatedti tit oe mii nf 1immigrants *11i renie tle liicaîrl >durng the year 1905. Thee tlet ab- R sorblag Ibis groal mass latIe ic poi- ca penltes uhîci ro-Day VAL 4[ outrcai i FESE, COU .» ib* t -'t" by P'. U we are 11 do & i I on shos Most I aèL a

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