CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 26 May 1905, p. 5

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ANDREW HU&ç LIDERYVRLLEX X x HiLLOIS i 'i o' Persian Lawns per gard 20 'to 30c lodia Linens, Dotted SWiss Priots Percales white Vesting " Madras Good Waist silk" Voiles 25 to 35c 4 ho 7c, 7e e tol13c ~'35 to15c "loto 15C 7 to 12c. 6650 ho 75c 2e 5to 50C AMd a'arge assortment of other suin- nier Dress goeds. CAU AND SE OUR INEI u.voe.viuuw, uwuwçu .dm 00, mot dçttrmine. whet*er an article le cieap or der. Twmeneofqaalyromains log after thé, .. ' uestlonoYeu r. oi mtquality and Btuuto hnyOodrgrocerles of J. ELI TRIGOÏS Our aim la to k.o e grocerles that cm b. boeigtrad seilfthom t et- umali a profi as good conslis buinest principlfs wlll admit of. WM inot mlorepreu.nt any article and If il uhould net prove whiat w. dlaimt for Il will chesrfully refuod the monsy. No one uxpecti a good artle Iot compote wth a poor one in price................. TRY T"IE3MI J, E3LI TRI-G1$.ý LIBRTYILL Mi. ARET cand OS O "'fa Was tch ès Clocks JeW&l fine Repairing a Special It~j l.Readers, 4444444444-4. TIME TABLE L.bertyvlle»Diision C. & M. EI.ctric. 8 ubjeet to change without notice. WxsT fr0010 ruIWx Lut. Bluff ... ........... 800 a. m. and lorr iatii SUiO. Btndot ... ........... 6.10st Liilotjville...... 0 Tetlas Park e- Rooefeller .. ........ 25 '5 ZANT MN)TîOÇTAIg5 Bookefelor .............. O.2< s. oui and honni amUI M P. ni. Trotting Park ............... 1....... .-S Libonllle ...j ..............n liondoat ................ AS' ~Se Lake $611 ile Lest Car Iii te -~ 30.2? 'ou bu lois LasI Car 10.00 1o.u PieS 10.05 11.00 Té onl, Excebtion Wgoîte above Io th eulria oiwibulede t Lake Bluff until 7.08 and arrives nt flooetelW n t 197and la oeepondilgiM nt tail lft.rmedisto Sta- tionse. Ai l omOnet t Lake Bluff with cmS on flti lme Mms. W. M! Yager, o! Waukegau, i. viwftlng ber son George Yager. Tire Loil Ameges Heart club met at the domo of Mrs. Henry Dymond on Mon- hay. Tire Fortuigirtiy Whiot club met at thre hi o tfP. B. lxovel laot Friday eronlng. A boy baby wns burro to Mr. aud Mrs. Pd Haroiri, Wbo livo nororh-wst out turn, Wdneday morang. . lanofne Smith Lan jueit moved tfrois thre W&rreu onaéu, tO -Le wilipliplace whb'lr ho receutl.y purt.'hased. Lust wfflk Cihaim. Kaiser, ras conserva- tor for Nirra iidRUy rr.ceived *1001 for il untb's dlsnbiiitv clir!)fronrtihe Mystie W-)rkers. .1.C. Murray, srrjs'rinleo-ideri o! tLe Northijr irun as coorrîany ut tibis l. rrrrvr-<l is fanjly hboe Tuesday trout Wauk.gaor. Miss Cirara Avenu lieidem continuingj ber usuat classesutf rusic wili stanti classes iu tire Llelart* systeni ot locu- tion. Anyue. interested huay couter1 witl hor. Mis uE la .15er ut drugxist Wil llackio.y wlro underwenl an operstion lu Dir. Martint's private rompos -reetty, had1 w) ftan r;îvierd asm rib.. alinta orelur i t ir nte on k*ehofol cmtreet the lutterg par t flest week. . 1,* The exavatiou for - te- basome t liart, becse 'oploted and brick le now on tire grouinn for tbo fouailatiou for the hou»e wlrichlrwill ho ereoted' Ibits. ioi urrby- liwhop MGaviek ou the land liurirased by is ut Fred fiedain lest feut. il.'.. T. R. ilorayle, ot thé Prembytenian <'ur-ir lsin attoeudmi un'upn tLe general itntrreur,-ofutthal cLurrh .aitWiuuua, IdI. thiq wosk. He wil nul be.hère Suîrday and iu î'onmer1uu-e llafr.rewil L e uo preaching servites at tire ebur'L. M. liaumaur, prupietur of Guntirer's Caudy Agency adrtises a eioiug out sale and expets lu <lunit business lire lesut flhi4 week. Mr. Baunran clates tiat tihe town lent largoeuough 10 support au exclutitive eandy business, bence iris conclusion 10 close up hiestore. Thone waa a large gatherlng ut tLe1 Catirolic darnces Tueday igbl aud a1 spir-udid tintre enjoyed by ail. Ladieo of tiLe nhureh »orve] a oupper in tire base-1 ment uftIhe hall, anrd ik wa a feutlof good f biug, deiciously apottziug anrd n abundant array. A couElderable im wss o etl d y 1h. churcir. Itoiderts along Cooki avenue west of Brainerd Court are having buiit opposite thoir places a couent cunb. Cotractor lih'ltayo b doiug thre work. Meusrs. Ciras. Smithî and W. M. Heath are having coent uwaiks laid iu front of Iheir irro(rrrty. The improvemeut lu Ihat1 cectiorn wlli uraterialiy add 10 appoanance1 of thre street, The work o! iaylng the gas mains haas biesu match iaertened wrîb ecotly1 rwing to tire cirike lu Chîcago. » Il lies bron impossible lu gel îLhe properi ittinge aud connections have of noces-i siity boaIpft upen n varionus parts ofi trrwo. A large ordor fkir iro)n pipes lu hiiet truor Evrenmtgrn bes'aiso ieeir li-du xaî annîw over due about ton1 days. Hiugo Pi-gelose. formerly a reidont of Llbertyî'ille rend eugegred in tire mason crntrnîcllug buiness, returne,4 10 is ainuîler'nr hone in liait D)ay thimvenik frunt Amho-ville, N. C. wbere le Las boon ru ai rnitarnofor wseveral montbns. Hie condition ins carliLe will Lave lu renrain inactive toi a yer e u! tlii.omiug tal expecto tor groagain tw North Caruibu. Corder tLe lto atne rl1isued this week et Washington finune to Cîsyton Dean, of 1ivanhoe. a "mnachine ottu- ingsomeraultte." Nrîw we are ail wonden- iug ut what M. leau's Invention la anywoty, anod what.auyone would seont o! sun-h a machine. Perirape hoe wilu explalor and relieve tLe burning curiroity is aitogellrr.n unucual in- vention bars ancnîsed., A durcir feonilies Irave hirrtalled ges; s4t<ves an lare uing tire service, al sirakioîg or higîrest terrrs o! il. Tire ctrorjrery bas@<trions foîrusore stores tiran tbey can u rnisRh ionimeialy and the gang of uren iirnirattende loi naking bonne -onoîectorie %yid L e ,ucy forsmovenal wer'ks befcre il l. Le possxible 10 catch n reltiraillIre orders for serviceo. A('Iiriag<î berber a w-ci on lwu agrn reted rto,' t"lné-lrnîtIre emalibuilinog .,Irez tiris$ lon oi Spnague sîreet aud Ibisa,7n',k. Holaleer tLe uman did not sLhow i) as pen agreemnet and Mn. Il lm is; looking- abolit to mecure a untt ilfl4engg lir e saine Ibusione n îbthelbuiding, which tfr yeareliras beun uccu ied- un abarbonstirop. Ther le to ho an elction lu district No. 73 Saturday etternoon (tLe Locke district) lu vote silon building . ae school bouse 10 replaceresrsent. diiapldated brick structure. lin ie said hiy thoae intereated that lire meaere rill earry. The building in au oye sors, particularly 10 îLhe well-to-do rsdentes aiong Mlwaukee avenue and wlro have lmproved properly In th ire -iity atma 8x< enditure ut Lundride o! thousandis o! Preoident MaraL of tire. Libityville Trotting Association inormes tihseIut- oP.oNuNaw tirait If la propôsed tu, bold a throe or tour day's trotting smting lu Juiy. atshave not as yet bosn dellsydecided upon. At a mesting 10, sscSur Saturday tire purses, claesses laud otirer details wlll h. arruagsdMud' dateés 'snoîreed.Godm ngpreno triS irebung up andr 1h.=mestln dbt- lesoPmoe u shic'ir wilattrm tlie, 6"uo lîqsesPossbIéeta, Ob" ad eonseqçatly lestoe ds. i i R.à...àî _ . e v ~ioLta E. W. Pakbnmtl andi Harry Oalloway returced tite a daiy'e outiug ai Chit.ndessLabke WNVnreday witb tsn fine pick.l Thiis wesk th. Illirrold tate Sports- mon s AssocIatlIni iolinog itH animal tournamnni t ilireollr, fil. J. IR. Graham, of.LagLai., lied witb two others for *second inlia tlrîe amoateur igh avrraemailrng-1:37 out of a a ;be1t, . H. A. ohoaal,<f Fnx ke w a&roomj eigiiOF irgettiug l.VI A large nmawfiof mslo<twC rfrooi Ibis aan hins ar n-uatteudanco, O>ne of the local del i trnY boys a day tr so ago wandored frot .tir.'trrîddeu pallie sud tu bie great strrirse aroumed hfim- seliftroin lis letbargy i<r fiord hmmol! iwilated and alune uî.rr the. seat r0t is em loyer'. wagon amlii surrorurded b y chil, id o ateris of their. eilaijres wilb bis borse 141y bro'wsiog tihe green grasses upon th tartirar batik. Hestily disnb- preparng himnSîf for th..eorergeury, ho mwam acLore Mud ail ware saved. The 1dle Hoior Retreation Club is ther naine of a new clir inrorjrorated ai Wauconda, 1h. inorrprîretrnrm being Librtyrille maiah tllo wm: Charle R. (iallow éy'C. N.luratid, John Me- Coric, Fu;Maotrti.Tire papere of incorpor'ation were fitith îe recorder'.§ office at WarrkegiltWetnesdey. The Lake with conoiderable grilund@ and 10é Y> aing to have an itital currmeoulerom orth îLemebers wiru will undoubtodly makle gond nos cf ilirir opportirnlîe~s during thrs warm montir-. X SPORTS Mnd AMUSEMffNTS X The Lihortyvillie Rgrlarm deteated 1h Waukegau Creeceuti. it tihe.nere Trot- ting Association grortris imtrrry wîlb a wiore ut 18 t105. Tier.' ibnrty, iles mout- r'lrnused iLir nipprrrrr'rtoslrt al rpints ot the gaine and show ritrrai'fnr a irt clamse ei. Tireo rmnagearentiras anranged -for tht'cnt rance uofthîe club 10 tire Inter-,ity iranne banflonegue andi willoet monte tof te bcd telairs lu thii part o!flire coruntry. The West Ends of Wauksgflanrd Kenomhres rlso le- lon t% the leoueelndwîll witlioaîdoubt lyou tire grounds bn-fore theeenuamer la over. Net Sunday tne ibLeg' Coite of Higbwood wil meel tho local boys on the Association grounrds. @Seau..te Open ut Mavinia. Next Monda y ther'29thtof t is mouth wili mark th foruiel upeniug of Bavnnis Park. It la en idoal Comoien pleasure rosort bulillwltir the intention ot et- traetiug people oftatste and fasirion. Tire park croeioaiaatheatreut beuîy surir comforl. a Imeoeurant witb adequats cuisine and a stadiurrr for atirietie cont.-cttn utact every lrrxury for lirs touri..forrthe eotrctainers and iover of iraring airrand retltuldiversion. An enorroors bandrtl land wlrere tontons will lie feld rai,) or sbline, lire people being protetn-'l roon thre elenretrr at ail timoes, a spacious autoimobile garage and au extensive carniage Ahed. are nore under conrtrtîrtiiu and wiii sonu e lhrown open ti tLe park'm patrons. Pivate dnive-'wtys have nclo b uit rnrnning lto tire park frrort Shenidren Drive and (irerrrBey Road. Thre firet lirne weeks follrrwing lics 0peng tht lentre sel Ire de' uted lu" e etraudeville. Tire iookingo indlude moule oftriîiformost enlertaiurers o! tLe Enrulit-rtod Anrean otage. Joune tLe17Cr Walter arortcansd bis New Yo'uniiitnphriny Orchetra e ili begia an engrrg'trrenl. Concerts ivili ire gio vry rot îrrnoon and evenirrg iu- <:uiga spedilly arrauged pn<grarrr focr' iwu esacred trtrrorte eaclrfitroday. X ANNOUNcEMENTS X The Latdies Xid Society outilie Prewbyterian nrurh wiii muet witi r>.. Wood Tbursday rîternoon, June 1. lcescreoin ani cake siai et M. E. church panions. F'riday (tôday) May 26 fron (1:30 to 9 .i~. .Ail invited. At tLe N. E. n-irch Thnnsdey eveniug June 1, Mss îrrrd wili gare a pripilm repiai iertuistr'rl ly J. Wesley Iloilatrd anrd otirers-. Morrday niglir. - Jutre 5,.lirter tir. reguhair irrc'trg -rfthl alrer iter Brr, will lireait trlîuu irti I<lire lodige hall for rire!,) 'r only. AHi ermobere urged torlm ireîrnrt. 34-2- Memotrirl el rvic' e@ illI l@field at th~e Unoion cirurcir tir May 30 aellP. rr. Arr iisoereting pr-grainlmeessured. Col. E. 8 Wenden wililie rteon ufthîe day. Ail are cordially in vited. Tire W. C. T. U ' Reading room and circulating lilrary, tormniy ir thre Hieatir bluckislenow lu the reeldence t Mr@. Andrewsri licirin oated acrqssa from tLe l<erh or umeseud jusi @outir ut o! the lumbor yards§. "The Influeneot Example" wili li thtie, subject o! tLe $unday morning sermon at h îL e throlluist churcrh. lu thre ovening lirere will be a speclal menîuial service tosebich ail Civil War veterans are specielly iîrvited, -Tire ciurcb selli h.e decorated rndtire choir willlfurnieL. s@OMIralpatniotie sOiCtons. l'h. aixirreguiar meeting« o! the Laksulids Cemeteny Association wseullie at 1h. horme of tIrs. B.: Lusk'on Friday aleroon, May 26. Tirera e wl . e e- ing. Anyoue wishlng aprons on lain wor;k doue by ibiîs socty charo orders wih any of tirhe mnera or eau met witir tIeur at auy Urne sud disduss the malter. DIsouiîloa 1 Sythy. Wuà«Wa, lt haà plsmi,4 or Heavenly Y',aghrepXrenoy~fo o ouronridit M ri. Jouai. lkley sud Wamràe, lauth. dsatia o! mms.Buikley thé Lekeoide Csupetclry Amisgaton iras lent an - onored, tmbrauoand active B aà, hre.1..,,.lit , TC Iacreualug Buelaem. Makes' Ad- end Grayalake Make. BlMPLOYO 25 JRANDS NOW. For a coniderabla lime MeraL Gèdper, Hu and Young of the Woof dusew and silk boit Industr.y have tried la avaàa to meuirs neoesary room la Librtvle t.camyon their inçroasla busnes. Prtiulaly bas the boit businessunder 1fr. Yong's nagefment growa bsyond ail expsctatlons and tb. compeny to-da'bus orders Iroin sueh alrmne,&@ asla Field, Carson Pier Sootti and other large Chicago w hois a"era 1 warrant te installation of dhble the number of. machines no w lu, tse. Every inch of available space they bave hean able 10 rent being already oocupied 1h07m are cd wlth but une, altern.ýv, lu mecure larger quarters. ;-At proesaI5k» wooi duoter factory la located on propes .bh.ouglng 10 ïkir. Hoit, jut west of Mh Macaroni factory and thei boit manulactory je lu rented quarters over lbe Laycock machine @hop near the lit. Pauli frelght deoa. Em-1 pioyment la given 10 between twenty. ove and'O0(Lt.ali ouI eand- ometh .Jn salaries. Acquiring o! new machuiner and inaucing the business oeiuires ai Ibe available capital of the r'oncern and t0 buiid a faetory juil ut thim tinre waa out ofthîe question. To tout m flicient room lu Libertyviile wam inrpossîile, and, wben P. A., Robinson, of the (Jisysiake bank, and reptoentiug the'. Improve. ment Amxxistlon o f that village, whieh had for sôme ie been trying t0 induce tire comupany in locale thone, ]&set'rrek carne fo Libortyille, iotrked the proposi- tion over, audthn offered t0 douas iand and erect a suitabie tactory tg brl given to th. company if it fulfilieê certain reasonabl requirutenta, bis offer »eemed opportune and Mr. Gardner' agreQd 10 go to (iraysllike Tuesday and look halo lthe motm'rfurther. This he did and when ho returned in the eveimng intfý)m1ed the INDEO'ENIiENT that L ho- lieved the company would aocept of th- <raysiake ofer. Be exprossed bis n that mattori hld so sae iui as t0oake il necessary for thre company 10 ieave Liirtyvilie but 8tated largeri ouarters were necearay iuîmediately and<le Le ould meso ualternative. Hlghwey Notice. Public ietting ot cotreet. Noîtice li Leroby gi voen tiai proposi will ls. rer.eved by thre Bridge Coroimittesl at Long Grove, Lake county Illinois May 29, 1905 ut 2 o'ciock P. M. for building a stel bridge on the Popp toâd and that th.esaine wili ho lot Ly contrace by public ietting 10 the iowest rooponi- bis bldder at Long Grove on above date. The proposed Bridge is 10 ho 40 fot long and 16 fot wido and i»rr buL built oven Buffalo rSsk in the town of, Veruon, Lake county Illinois. HeigLI of abutmenle bottom of foundation te top of coping 12 fet; lengtir of abulmenta ut inttom 20 test; length of abutinenfp at top 18 tet; thickness of abulmente footing course 5 fot; tblckness of abut- monts t top under copingr 5 length of wlngi np esUoam rde 12 . - down etreain @ide 10 fot; ticlknusof wiugi at bottom 4 fot; tlricknffs of wiuge at top -3 test. Bidders muat furujI lansaand specii- calions for the wo.e &li bil muit ho aceompanis.d by a certifled check for $«)10 payable 10 H. C. W. Meyor chair- man of Bridgé Conmittee. T-Big Committee reserve the right 10 reject any and-aili bids as it desmeit tb the boit iu- tersit îe towa and county. Alcoin- inunkations iniregard to the bridge and abutinentasbsouid ho addreesed lu C. C. Gerbert, Clark of Commttee, Prairie View, ii1. eud proposais slhold (jho handed chairman ou tire day o! lettiug. C. C. GEinRERT, Clark of Committee. Just Received Ladies Apparel for Summer Woolr Every- thiorg uew alird 111<to- date and a good arisant- morunt froior ffliect. peciai at- torion lu the' lnatty mkirt sirrrwn lerewitle iog lit -. trouîr 3 to $5 AREAL BARGAIN MRS. r. PROTINE Libertyville. Suretu Bonds If you want aBond United States, State. Couniy or Munici- pal Officiai Officer of a Frolornai Society, Emnplqy*ee of a bsnk, Corporation or Mercantile Establishment, Exerutor, Truse, Guardian, Admînia- Bear. This I When you wantOà Butter--the kiftd th* is Made Right-ITasté Right--come toi: : This Store, we cati Pleas Sure For the future we wilI.i this store, your best tre place. 12VER YTHINU i good wili be foundi and at the very lowest1 Strawberries To matoe s as welI as other fruits, Vegeuli Table Dainties, Meats and. other 84a Meke it a point to see 'what5s dolup M.,B. olby Mercanitile, Fhane 29, ib ertylville - A Apurchaseor over t100paimr, Imen's and Chadrena .SeupleSb* iri per cent. off hde regular gwle, pue w (ion to Save gou front 25 ho 50C asP up-to-date. reiable shees. We guarsbe pair ho give satislitorg weer. closing out a lot of children'a fine iaul black and tan Oxfords, the 8l 1d i]Childre'a' rubber soed Oxford& Missest', " Ladies and Boys' rubber soled Oxford*j *Men 's rubber soled Oxfords e fl-JE FAIR4, UBflDRYVILlE i YOU'LL HAVE TI0 To Secure, T he B Now Being, At In 'Replevin; Appeal or Atucirmeuit U ~ W dates, Contractor, or for any other purposos ~ 1< WE WILL FURNISH IT. a ~ D ullldl.1 Loss-Paying Power lni addition t Caia$2,928,409.iS. Sheet music ~~m~~mammmmufmmu ~ 'i JU S V r. - -a -~ 'g .40 IF k 1 M-V 1

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