CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 26 May 1905, p. 8

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Ir ise'a vue nw** uv orpa am vk* imia tiO" i W* v as a2:8ba0ceuiM h Facr. *M i î* tua 1 inn o pmuuga hv day in l ,siuag ber Grave, *aaly begun for whur-io veah111for a hitibe liii gna. m Pou*k Proctored li"a bjv iabiat Fred Grebbef ooUlia d gtqea imbaa pu lbracObuepl ofda".ls Mrs. mal lm t-t pUkes viihbs dla lthIe $la fias oiuaomOf yh9ib5. l'nae latasa.ego IL- aints&M ma di- .9fl a PUYamal N of Mdl bard.vorkleg ed a bai antI a tamie to msIldam 4 Wmrbound ana Fiti .a u, 'hhomujl the li.1. las i 7 la evatl M is inaVed b m trlsalgth of Ubsi;m DsWas la Wr MeiMebarbar, ;vent fa5h 4ov ou. -pmw rv da Wtu e. etAmiaeh. u I= Me. o qtlm e ns luis *beu. B eMd s e ite 7 Q a m utal btaSaeloubaIL rtrvills Bmaody u--g.- Iai.b satllul mahi tse a rs on bliasor bleri m asandloy enm& bos w tora ta tba v111mm lo ies thes sert i wtbe b hrlamaild tir aog. Bey dal ail fi. atbla fait. flovas am blooming by tha w*y. Damuy Ma fia air. My Ay mygo4"bi ta emt. h vitia =e bat ml 'Joy sverywbse Mmr.'Jase Bradley sudel ail, o Cbleag,=at mday wvlh aber paranto, Mr. Md 00.TOrs rmk Gibon. sa OP-dng a tortaiglt - i i urelatve@ beve. .-1 lir. G. Humaord 6 mai t.Cosolay. OIC v lira.Mm ILT. Luehei imhV M ev isnn lasiieadlng a ev da"f ai Iis wask st bonis, ElebIt ad n tion vas mld li 0. iacol d od Weday aMd esighe~sa chotok the. jlir . s.catalan as e Chiengo visitor om TuSda. Quit. a number Itu Eveett attendal thae daom.eai UbstyviLa on Tusady 1 iagMi23. The lance vas gie for ==a iuae thefbsnoveburcla. <Jualu4lag ezereîw illvi bell Englieh ecburb eM Deerlsl on FadU evoaflu ne 2. DIAMOND LAKE. ý Tbes.vIS hea cioga m i-ldlmàap- t" obsOman Amoeh le bsbames mSdonulýos iecra tabsa -h"ietha" mieat. lg.AU abat re ou 01i Peter Roba bas bas.qui»1th ie p «miv Dora Foots vlaiï e Qk lest veIL. Mr. mdura.lab g. as ne the mew ie@"Owen lugr, Bey 8<Fis.$0 ae- adm i l. .M. oW la <hingo. ame. au"lMd ami taly visit uia TUbava taaingot Bl. Brocumewvu bai Ibubaiay mfbeoo. Mim. B I 1éa n d edren visitei Bt; en ma lis. M . Wdsilutnlsf ek. M. ollan of m ~asiPark, cluie on friands le f;ils vilnsly Tlormary. W.. wo bo vorks tom'Jullua Rleaet C' tlam a. Mt.W olf, «0< Omii u pmI* a lew vookaývilleber daugbtsr, Mm là - K f&I nsler, 01It Rlbvoa, oI~ndoea of ber sin as Teta Aeenvisti luab'Mdani lirite HRu-s poat 8MadW da> m ala' vibeu- grand. lemats. Mr.ald".]dort*!. - Mm. Khlag lot.Niorth Oblamola sub d otem er. Ofvs,*Ch 10 & . i.,paale ariIl a. ni., MW"oay. P. A. 7 P. M., prooeilug servIc 746 P. a. PMiuiyw atla vusbail ekt thahou u< ."Nma lim, m"$a~flrh yak mad viilbeh asq foO Na aint,..illaseaga Tbe lu tom soMWeSab lm. parsoan va s t ruavouas& Mr. Veedel asf bis rabo can Alisauiémo a 0< llg, la vlalir4g wu er im ebeni. Mr. and Mr&. Sauvand toi u» man §Dodu taims- vuliMN. Mamlra Wmvartb lune Sova's u-et sainseun L im atoir. A. H. gtâvat'u deagitot, Bis. Edn& Stewartu em et OSouth Amuqws, Oblo, la vialt* W bertèar. lia cbu-b By oinsa (bargy Ns Craadla vlth the rmIisulg "a i smt.. Mu-e John ami, of Bosiassler, Win., c-n WsluMae ievtm1h . Onew ieliay boy ta visitu bar eeet 1panai* jemlaaon. John M. OUfre n ebavlng bis fiue bous.e acomIa. It. Thoama. o!9 Wadawortla, earto klm masvagn abta tsi«o. I eoubu lires Ummnas aeI. bosiagala <ams. uisi. la Ma 4a- M M mlt na dùmmam... £WM ind ugrvdwai t L-09 ut.Gon. Hevklaa, ofl vebos, c<.8.4 1bars the le"tci tba vak. Taibo 4h.n-te IL S.C., HNo:.E",,y ~udtbe Ma-0 %d 1 s »tm, ,a, <allaand bvae wbe né - àbwzisad wh. lb bon lu*hrhoDusel H.oC anay Xdits. Tmi s relasute .r b .8 Loyal U mlhao. dgae in -wvanan Élsl.m Butor. barly .odprentis berP.tB. blet 0Plohe llvk.auuettew Dr. Foage r Il vIl*sd biai G.,es h Ursttohsvask obv" tion r ai Dgathe bon t star *W&W Jut e eterncgbr@o r James Bals a" ml ils front love. - Mrs. voyBramenmtrtalied cmpaliy lm*u Omlicgo lb. flut ai ia. eweek. S»avatIoum eattandol 'the Play Riv. by thelis boot inlaekgau C. KoW f~or May 28: MiosineI noua" cmtiole couaitri. Pu. 67.1-7. 'Leader, A,.W. Portuim. On Tas.,lem .Au-I Snsselas a t" c. t lis liAubgsei buotai ln Weu-1 kaawbsre ah. wse ops,»ted on fur apaale T Ms lire. Il Shaiford la entertaining couiaitrainCca1ogo. Mr. and lira C. B. Coanba vers Meflaary visitorsalioeday. Chiceago viita,.us rt aofÉlis veek vers -A. liusavl! a"l A.Paddock. Kmi C. L. Thomnson sentu Tligu-day villa beradter lanOrant towanship. Mm. Abrt Paddock je lu Wankegmn Mdi la bei nsuta by Dit. KnigbL C. L. Thomason and famlly ald C. B. Clombe calieit on lhberlyville friends sud- . M-, R",U,,rimd MBisem aabFox, Md UlBLk, wee pssaent aeelJe Ibis vcialty SalsrdaY ffarnoon Tiabe*".kataocMd mlabhoil aautOaIa nues gWIubyMWBise Pdiebu ala" pu vasa r I iMwvs.~~mua -~ I~A4::nsksIu.ê ~ts~AI5~%.ankegan Sterley. (ile»~aOn inasbraabl it.' 4,0 owapiMattlsdanu waaemusea e f aut < 4x*isr M IL Pt«4 wb o spet the vlnfer' iia Neftb c olnun acount of1bis The SVnmi batea»nhêda walk obw itb *i libt7ville Whaite Sodas uwdyèdwon by the acore of I8 ta 8. Quhtefe v boe .took ta te. Bey parky u e DMa' iWbelntetardY abt. Au por-t efine Ie lirý su Mm- Akbnead. of C%"90ag, ara viiflmg wttthe IattOr'5 peiblta, Mr. un dire. William JobDnaa>hemn chie MM Ch&ies.Raefman nccompmnied by bar dafflixae. Ire. llenry Schier weVe la VbAIisgo,]Mt week visiing witb ,M. m pry Westerfield W ,entertaining brparente, lMr. and Mr». Tom liaS, un inbriater, tNi rs. koliand, ad of Cbiko I"iswwek. .BM. andi -Mn. . uoe (leun lied fo$r theut gugts Bundary Mr. anad Bru. Juhn L%&Ola$, -of Libe-rtyviile andWu-Y Lanaoetr, of Chicago, Ur. and Mu-a. <tto toillison, 01 Gra-ys- lake ams psndlng tlîit wea-k vith tuelr patenta bemUrs. M.Johnsoîn vil! .build the basanat for Ff ired hu-de,.'e barn. Cbas. Foote fiuiihed exeavating the ella for J. C. Hortcl[s aîew home Thurs- day aidthe. ussons imniuedit.lstarted the foundaàloa vels.' Mine Dota Foot.- reeirel eaIuantifl rocking chair of the Florodora tlo-O bouse a t L'ouis let weekL. It N reln siveal thousalctags, but INies Fote bondI no tropubla in getting thena. Tamýi Rdinoad, wlio tsndad bau- for Br. Jobnuoa ber,-, let furt the c'!J, $un- day tu a" os p anotIier pioat!0p. , U r. Redmond -va. an expx-rt miaologigt-and an athIiue vrestier and ve mise liv very mach, . bed boolngeoug," eyeMm. 1). W. of aa i epe. Aie. 'l used Chamber- lae*C eagh edy wath thesoxcet ealfatr.y uts. 1 think tiiiii loi lhe hast .ndy -1 have ev-er seen for vboop. ing eoagb.",Tlis remedy keeps the ogb lou mIsenm the ueverty end fqna ey cf oinog epeliaand coun. Z&etaly t 1oy toard pnemmonwa Form b l b7B *L4iYICL. AT TH4E wori 10; bqMgsd aos. .25e et F. B Hal Day, 111. dLov *nia d n oa m t' Kiéthsa PfiatnataSaturadkke AiasM Wb" Sen a>' et S tu d Mmle. C a vcnu ak a iVeni ng bons. Mis. welsaSmith a va.a rouent m>Ma.4 ~y 77 190l Hry aells. . - &5f .'.L rArabr riE,. af Wauconda, vas a Sbom, !IreMMu- ilB. lien RoslMive srybody lnvited to come W.Ieday&, BeY 11, & baby boy. - K nu Mp V, oslng, af icRond and bave a good timmi 1abse4 lI uVola Monde Sunde'. îU.M d asilir.GomgW- lebm4iasm ad MUsie by .5.LPRortssaituemis d coilrnvof of ebre 0à" S0deriv laid*y Nias BMM iaPiiso fIa theciklist. 04 'M X . erl a is raiKm. atieblig &réentertara- D#bwloa soi cd di uth lng faisae sumran, Ch et pu-epnt., ~Mla Ouav, ijieian uaIandi dance vil! hha ll FdyJune 23. k wi *bbrgâda y.lber *inter, lire. Chu-lat!e., aitark parents, du ire. (I.-Uas. Rdge.- Mr»u-. irit4m Id bai, returried tra)m tle b< icuutairaà *-â1 in N mua-la impurved lIn Thers wiM b. a ipsg l =e Wt. W a i glat do aveheu- houme Mi fflkamIbW- a&luw StaryP"ncemou-o. .1 JiMi Pick.sMd Wi. ikueae lae a Wm Filbert, couimtror of ïnerai bimatrip la cbkla anda"y. cagel> o. an uines rm-velt h nortgChi- Bull R s4 M asla Cflaoon bus!. :aniiteraiUovermguanday iilu Pelat u elae. Vo., au LfCaluo i laDng r. anal Mu-e.iB. Wood bave u-etuuaued v ii doi Mua #ail ChiaglevCIk.n«- roin tleir ojnra u WLng Beach, Valuf., to 'hiumral n Palaiea t.the deliglit FWRW8O ulua. gaefImm0s-t ork ni thli-r ftu-euhliie. There are no R u e t ps Saomeft R Oy HerY frida 1kthe ulti titeels. -- avamma i [ki5COaOt.Owing t» falfng laethýI.- have Ur-. mai"lira. Ch&B* SIpMdlfanal! y ofdecidea to Isel! My olI, aislhed IlP " d mrsvil to Jolfaiet vtb na nîîa-u-y bîjinessln Paletîne; vilI &Ian E.~L Pie, vmi a Jolatvitui aga ttheIai-stre and rsaldenaie If donirsal. ai iasSuda.' ta unlosd a car ot lu for e.AKuam. Aurm B Co. Palatine oîî.morll naaeatiian has1 Mv. mi m. enuy SlaabsvvIsta au-u-eiîgd a gool ogu-rrnfu- Dcomre. vI* Unrdultr m-a.William Lion lia>'. 1ev. (9). S. Yoliiig D. 1D., Sall I JleSB ely ai md Bond. an aible anal îoIular ub Lle ocpuski-wilU TieLb*, . k*Zouiieu vi bUt fam hm ndelîvmu-the addrowu. ai-dïoa imsite forthtua eong non. -_____ T'sLake Zcrleb, hovlleg -tam. VAUCONDA Zdafthtbae B -lngtu otms b>' 277 plis>sma-lasI Tonda.' - -M. W. Illicîem 1aCl -a1i ilt W.iamjAY amnirvitube veding otfu-IJ. airti)e ni h iktt Mu.Jos-Uae n Md iss TuVldeBaeab. J .Falarma-vilItatln(auli, lnai atlb '%bonis ou@is-haN ulismat -klest waaeh. - of Lah.4uricb. Br. Have wvashum tir. loak îat Chleaigo cpnmt lunlaiy ~sa oIgMU rove 22 yee-s gi> a m a itf - em ie- banst upelgbtu yougna maiW fort1he Arthur- Cuioke. unurneà ritadSolauth les Yau lb"a lien rueelng tbe WIiUgo lDakotai Sonday. 'mmt o tv lla. saut r01 bau- Ilas ,. T. PFller tu-ansaaated businesln tige ax li W thetirai deugiter aifU. City' Tîu-da>' andi Frida>.. ô!id . *m u mlalimd la19 ><em Coque tyTreaîu rL, C. Pibs'of Wau. Pmseteail0 bairlits andlhbaare-pkffluia pnIat ltuiaanad Beudaer@i-. id ai usda. Thea oenony fook Mr. anal trs e. Aw it! it1 Uicagai plce ati Iloosbln te tumta u4mo.i, and tMr%. Aaael rifeno m4 aai iduen ean Mr. W Ia ano atin. l" 0adngthO. k111 r.4* 1ra f. Be i ilTrlayO g U .l ATrj'COST PRIC!E DeerUed Milnois. Mie>, MaLt, Law of CliicsgM visiavd iiith Katie Hole Hunday. 1 K' P. Butclileonn, fanîily vieted in Chicago tlunday. Mr. and Mme. Frank Màtyar*quabrtainod tria-rada frorn l)ownoei-eGiove Nunday. liBert Clark attenImad a Suinday WSéla Convention bed et Clincon Xliai, eek. Preeyterian Sunday pahuul vil! holît their Mblidren'o Day exerciasa Jue Il. The C. E. tapie for Sundauy avening la Misdolauian r oman Catlialia-Countri.-e' Ps. 67:1-7 L. IL Wilniotledr Florsaca ad (ladyî Witjuo!Chia-ngaa spu neverel dayai lat ici-eh itia tlieit ig-adperente tMr. saitBrei. W. W. Clark. carwed fS A" Mon Ven heu hodb Y le flearsd for aetion, by Dr. King'e Newv L.îk.P1ll6, you cmn tel! it fat-tthe looin of leaitti an ch.e rbmk; the .brightneàa o9 the cyf4 e lfimneffl ut tbo Ulah andund 'me; the, uoyaaey aW th. mid. Tu-v tiiemi.At F. il.- lAavic.t.', duneétore, andiî t Kietl'î 'îaae-- (rnysleke, 25,cenàtsm. ROUND LrAKE Tomt MtCu-atha'lse m--dt,, Haaira-e. ville. Anduev <ilen en irt ta, Miiwauko Mdonde>' *tere liham found îmàployiraent. E. Rieliardleon le entea-tainhfig lhie coÎusin, Mr-. Packînguiof niYorukmhlira-, A lame nmto-,r f youug fla frntri toAmburs agent lioday Wittia Marii Thelen. T» Ie nAisus tille. Edîianaid Little Deirby o<f Wiaoot, %Wl..&pet Snda>' et 0. A. l1aok'q. Theiine ofeaital h&twf-enRound Lake and Lýong LabInt Sonday u-asultod in a vlctauy for Round Lake vwiti aa sore ut 4- ta 3. Tlashe va &very large etenalazace et Ansas Bu-ow. daice u-4turdiay, about 80 eoo;ala.s lait ibrment. On Juan. 21. 22 anad 23 round trip tittkets viiil hieuld ta Mlwaukee via 'Chkceo Mlwaukee, & Mt. Peutraileacam for $1.47, onn amun1thtUs rreetnx of thé. B0deai6 Wrxodmen.t ct#4aigo fitr- rturn ntif Jue 24. F. J. Ar.LFUA.', Agenit. 3241 Ed.Nuttor rIaibiadluirathe cify onue day lent week. IlayPfimtpr attoendtql ecbool et Rcelerr Monday. Vis Clara Weiand sp-ne a wééek vith hier riioptherurad otiier u-e!tivae u-î-cntly. BMr. snd Mu-e. m.,rLheoblià.l ro-tunnel ta tu-lu- home ini Minig-ot t ta-r ependiag a ta-w weeke witii-a.ltives afitu-lande in 'lan leuiket msc-l a t Prairie Viewlet Thuinae>' iglt. helai fou- thaieifttt sclaîaol vu@ a griit u aiecea. 1Everyleol>' who aittended hanit a fine tiie. The Aptamiaicie ttan Cre*ent laaidlevd andt iai. the tnvnslop injioyiklhiIe LAME VILLA. W. J. Sabora wax ia clice#4o MonaI>' Cies. lAwin .we-nt tri Cllcgo 'l'aeday on liuinlu. Mu-i. Chas. llarblîiîgl eî-îi-tained l,î-r aiter over 8unda.v. Ilevoral oft < innying M pei,ii ttaudeal tue shlow in AiitiotiîMoîînday nig<lic. Wark pthe li-ne u-w ageaii-it oft ti, M. E. ebufthah luva-Il nader wey. 1. K. leurin)g. 04if agai -am i,,it over Suaida>' et ,lim uialasî-u- iairria-on Fox Lake. On iTuî-aiday I. .*I.wlii g u-iived an riaifftt for saumege makiaig whii-h will-,lie mn runing ordar in a fi-w laye, with a tiret clase muaus;g-akter nt Clhe laiad. CUBA. (xy1psi-eebaava- taken tlai-ir aliamae lu iaubai ainn. .James Ou-aie t fWia-anda calta-I on fisnaai»lieun taualy. Mu-. and Mu-m. Monteai Cook viited vith. Juhat (Gate Sanda>'. Elmer Murray' olvd ile aitf leneva eipopa e tev aya lest wea.k wth the irumîu'aniother., Brai.Zuelsilor! and aaioMu-e. Frank au- ou the oalek lit. .Mu-i V. F. Davlin and childi-en are vleiitî at lklarngtain. - Jaîlan Young ila tiling faîr Mu-. Haler in l'renianLt twnaahip. tir. and Mu-e.,McBride are nUtrrtaining thIra-u dangliter fu-atii the cit>'. Wirn. lier-utaoutMI-Heiiu-y is liittiiig la>vn a drivee i-l fou- Win. i'ealdia. Filndeu adi eghl>aa~ au-a-gtai ta hear Ltu tMr-e. Aithoiiy l'r-înitem. wh i i rit the, McAiter Hosaital lna Waukegan le imptoviig. Curai Hie oîher af Rhumnaiscu. *IM>, Mthàrhaie hi-n e enfer for meer yeaa-a avth rhi-unigttin." eajoi W. t-f Howerad, a!fIlîrbeatal.Pa. "At Mines nsuns nnUale ta luatve at ail, uhile aet ail linso Wtdklng viii paniu. I uts- «malpil r with a bth,otf.a hagh lel*'a%ýS lnjiaiale fw pha Wls i » tval-wvay uh4maaa.msNg. *4i pries of whtsb la T..on ma ors,me ap *cI60foot fr-aisth u IIb RnDi ts liaand lUit. 80 Çtfranm ater: te mu.. »i-pa e vil! b. chargea for ah vegular pdIe«. :Nort ShUsreaSulk6, Ul tôpholster la Carnage Tnmming CABINET MAKINd IN ALL BRANOI4E8, CHAiRS ftECANED. MATTRESSES MADE TO POAND A4TD N MADi*OVES. OSNVTEAN H-ave your work Ê101e by a mala etp«emeniced. Don't watt a year for yonr gooda to be rettirned. Give me a tri that yonr wor4k Iaproperly attendi Ad to. Be convlnced. Every one lu 1heir, tumu. 1,am here to stay. 4~aJ . IL 1S SHOP NORTH 'OR SOUTIH 0F A. WILLIS.C HWE1813 THE ILACKDMITH W, Us Mvr YuUr M SE13» CORN POULTRY: FOOD: EMMONS-MERCER LUMBER CO. E. A. BISIHOP, Manager LU3E3rYVUIL ii * MAY ,SALE. Chunira ArTmour'.Star Drw de.f. ose 4rmionul o Demi .......... ilu 1 ao ........~.. c2 Pàipt (adi'rG= velese U 7 Crndpa'a Tar Sbep .... . .. 'a Sed Pea. Quart .... .............. les 7 l ........... 184 4 eanoi Corna........5 pu ackags pluie WhitfnlEnvelopeauc .......................... Uc lient OtIck Oeady, lb ................... lac g!aka'r'e Cocou ...................... tCboinq NX. o. c<âl ohIa i si...i 0c 4 Paa*eg8aes Wekibii Sercl.............8 DZaGoo 8wetmioult Balinig Powder, lbcme Dm I8.d Chularcns "ng Powder IL.enu ..acStandard Indigo Prtayd ..........4o Pull vaine " '-"... Se 11@4 apron lnghamyd ... ........ fe Malta Vite. Paxkage................ eLlght tlingbm yd ............. ...50 PrîcS'o Celery Food, package..... » c * Apy Un 'aur tock.......85e Quaker Oata, paekage ............... eADJ 500euome ........h............ 4& Mhebine - .;..................... oie 6Infactnt si 1101I .........ale Oriolai Panekai Flour ..............10c, Unbleead shoptlng yd .............. i Arn, & Remitier bSoda. lb ............. 4c Lonadale bleacbed yd ........... .....7 Biin $n taeetlilà............... e rilto01 oom yd..... i ...... . 7 UinefeBiaet .... ................. 4C Tabla oil ciotb yd:: .............. .12t. Paekake (Greaam Cracram.............8 e Nflita netting aWb uf 8 yda. ..3BW Oatanel .. Se1O-Men'e a uit.-a Shrta, llgbt coloril Nablâco Wahm..r..s............... werm f50 ta 75c, now....... ........ au :i l). Pal! lArd,.Au-mour or Swit ...UcLot Men'i; or lBoys' Sh irto ............ g5-e . ..... 40c lien'o and Boys' Coller, »ill U ArmourorSwlft's Bacon, lb.....- ..lZe1-o i .poda.rowtre 25 ta 5ôe....9e A rmjou r'm Star Hammelb ..........1 ZY Now lice Waala Suite, and Dg-ensSirtse t Swift'n Promium Han), lb .. 1....sae oW prices. FD. BA11W811AiLL41 Erfi*kË 1!m Saved by DVaaIl -sonetlhsae flsinleg csy la saved b>' Terifi RseVith Deafa. dynauitiug a op"ce Ébat tha Sm eau't "Deia, uf*qt a, poroacing," vu-lia eu-onu.a kietne00911 rghbang. On MO Ralpb F P eues. o Tem, i., long, you fWiel t ngl but dn- 1>'«hi exmMeW mit e ould cue. Z~. i.Olri -llg i hnaircevf,* hown. (lIe wu-tas: 1Mv ily _ 1 aI ever, -uau*a lvrrgeay aý 1 ofte 1 "0

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