CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 2 Jun 1905, p. 1

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VOL 9XUi-NO. 35. LIUCRTVILLt 1AKE'COIJMTrV, RIAJUP4E 2i 1905-8 PAGES 150AVrAR hIoftim islebéat fer Aors. lj 4. 1. W. Devoe -& Co'. Lend, *WdZlrc Paint. uaranted LOVE L LS DRUJG-SITC AT 2th CENTURlY CAS Meds Suia -&M sSIO te You4nMedt- Suifa. 17.< Yoem for$7.50, MeMillur's AJil od Pa $3.50, Mes'.HulIstmfrsoc tb s Boys Cap&. Nobby Mes .Shoe&s. aest-Le CW&i.Vidi M. Yack S SL25 to 54.00 SiUits.Wok Sb .Ovirmé, flne. Wm. Hertea of uie* "md benr fu.baud le- Jured nt Cromiug by C. M. & et. P. Train. WAUKEOAN MAN KILLE». On Bunday morulug etween the. houre b1 mnd and ton o'clock tb. soutii bouud Pasuoenger train on tie hingo Iiwan-0 IFO & àflt. Paul struck atop bug" one mile north of leerield lu wbliih were Mfr.t goves #nd àms.WilliamBartmnuu, kilhng lire. Bartmun almneit iuitantly and âgeverely lnjurlng lier huaband. The train wasi nunnîng on a new' E R oti the, frenian nd t e engineen, ,- tcoàrding ta tlieir tetirny belons the eoroner'ie jury were istudying the. tirne card sud nmitier oaw the, buggy au the. Wa.m* belonit was struek. IIMS ThienginS<r, Diavid Livigton te-tille tijat lie sounded the wiistle at-,the regulan ignal on nppraaciiing lb.e ros.- (jt ug.but îid n2t lx'lieve tiiat the lbell was iwiiii-dk'l'.? licnatn <uld not te-l whctlîîr thie wlite souiid,-d or uî,t andI i»-ier k iew tbat tiiey bi] struit any- thing mail the eilglue rgcived ajar and then did ual <ee the, tidle until tiiey * etapîs.dau<l wengt bae-k. Mr. Bartuu SH STORE n'ciy'-d iijurl.s souisting ai tire, broken rnbs.. sveral fractureso<flthe - ilgers and a nuniber (il rutsi. ss At the inquegt lh. testified that b. did 18, 19. 20 nal beur any whiâilansd a* th. buggy ws iui:lo,,d edii did notige. lhe appmaacii- uhg train 'andI failed ta douk for il $t. 2.50 thiuîking tlint b.e would hear on" il it wam near. Tii.e rosslng go" over th. puoblic rond i a ding.îual diretion sud 52.W. tige train sud the veile wone going ln for 25c< alinios the @am@e direction. The horme ,iseintaweed andtJ»l ruio as. tmmtii bacs frein fragmonts, the. ouly wu.der hsl.g that Mr. Bartuuansihmei &f ese-Ji bis flIe. Mir. Bartrnus la a prumiaset fare In's arnd reidlngueanhbemsuas f twherelt S the couple at the lime 01 tie iatelity uirte ami E. W. ARKH"URST scRwicK ewcîc Libertuville, Illinois LAIKE COUNTY NA TIONAL BANK CAPITAL - .S 50.000.00 SURPLUS AND PROFITS 1,000.00 DEPOSITS - - 40000 Crivcos a mnî submtantial tta.ding in any cofi- mnuity-enabluis hlm to take advantage oif op- p.ortnîities fur making more, money,. Du. FR!EPICK FL MARTN % tille. 2îud Floar Kaiser Block.,e Milwaukee Avenue. -7Hortaic 1l fi. 12 là. gn.1 -t, 3 andî 7 t', lilierO <%iii,. Ilinlois DR . LTAYLOR, OFYICU ovvit I1M00<15 & TAYI.<iii'5 uouLN.-7 ta 1<1 a. m.. 2 tu 4 îtuui 6 ta Itemidenceo mi l , <m-i wny. >i u'-u- lPark. 1 Àl,-rt*t l,, ii- lio . DR. A. J. NICHOLS. DEPNTAl. OlFFlCF vuas:-Wefdufuduytis i li wook fronm 8:00 a. n. tu (;:(il. 11. .iieêrtyvill-. llfiluol. DR.E H. SMITH. l)ENTIRT. OFFICE «VER I.AIsECOrNiTY DANK. saoun-H ta 12 ai. . and 1 tu 5 DA 1Il'y. MR C. R. GALLOWAY. UFPuCit ti',EBIAivE1.L'H 1)HEO STORE. goruu-fr<im 1 ta 3 and 6 tu 8 p. ni. Libert.vvilll, I 1illiol. PAUL MAC GUFFIN. ATTroit.EY AT LAW. Lubiertyville. f illuols. DR. 0. F. BUTTIRRFIELD< Yk'E£IXARY SIJRGEON. esifi? rr lI*? VnUiWAUAI< DR. VMK P. SCHIRDING. Prartice Ilmited ta EYE, FAR, 505E AN])'hlîTIIAT. Houri' 2 ta 4 p. n. Je-t-7:lE Itoi 54 STEWART lrîinn 92 SIate Strit, ,,Chicago. The FOIr National IlBIERTYVILLE JOIIN L. T1AYLOR, Presidtrnt, BENJAMIN H. MIL LER, vici-presiderît C. W. ýTAYLOR, . * , -Cashier. W-- extoeîvery encoutirugnio<-nt ta the, wnge i<'amer; te, tii' end that h. may prosiwler Depoit -your carnulgm wth the. tiret National. I)oes a general. banking. Dep)o@its oolicitedaid cour- tetili. treatmndxt giveri to ail. Il will pay yolà tu bank at the Firat National-. were on their way ta ciiurnh. Killdd Au Elctnic. lu Waukffgan Sunday ,aonnulngChadus Ciespeuson w* kilie whll. ltelptiug ' b6wfrd ra Moving Chiego & Ahi lwae-st electrie car near Wehburn station on the south side of lhe city. Caspi-msan bail been up town tu -pet strawbe,-nies andI wan returning. He juruped before tihe ,latlou w,. reacew, evidentiy iiavlug nnderestirnated lb. speed of the. car. At- the în<juest Manday morniug the charge aofIthe car staled thal tbea, aked ta ha let off at the Wantiburu station lut 1leIt tJie car witliuut warning about 1.50) fret belore the regular stxapping place was rnci"be. Caqperson was a drlnkiug man but' tiome e-ho %aw hlm etat. tiat le was peniectly saler an lthe nîorning of tie accidlent. Hi@ b.,dy n'es ond i ying ucros. the rail witb biis sk ul Irarture<l antI aithougii îîieked up alîrcet inîrnediately fiIIwas extinî-t. le wnsi takien tackt4)a Wau-. kFgaîl 81tuwOw.iweue lhe n'a. îlaced in the. fArsenui nlnd aduudertaliug roomnîi. . The ùo-roî.-r*s jury alter exaining witnessem rndéred a verdict that b, Caine, tabis dealith irougl im vin w cýareiemaness andîl lith te rornpany lu no e-ny reupounnele for the accident. Chine.. Prince BSe ZI on. Rang Yu Wei, at ont- timae e.retany and alvisar ta the Chines, Ejnporerand wiio l, touring tihe 'world ta obtain advanoed ideis, witbh lis attendants vîmit&d Zioii City lest week and w,. muchtii luîreiid witiî Dtwi,<'sid ent city. liowie lias nq' a few CLines.tan verts andI on tue epecial car cliartered ta carry thi. dietiuiguieiied l'riuice fmiChicago e-Is uioted i kacan iGeorge Bang, a l>awifite-, iii earuest conversation e-itii tim~ult,-, probably proWeyting. It la known that I)îwle plans uxt.rusive rnleslaîiary <perationa in China andthtin a large number of men are beiumg traiVed esp.cially Ior theii, ltese work lunlthe callege aI ZDon. Siivemal trained mis- sianaries are couverts. Zian bead- quarters are located lu Shanghaii lu charge af Deacon Kennedy. wiio reeultly fJgured Inluan internatioal episode, liaving: been asault.d. Itlmi supposed thaI l)owie de,'ired ta enle t ilufls Leialf suci a poerfuI personage au Kang Yus Wei in order tint -his China plans mîglit h. betteured. Thsis laposltively the lirat hune that smioking won ,ver ItIowed on a car ciiartered iiy lion City officias It vw.permlftedbecausa the.officiaisof the, Unitapootie conld nI maie lb. Chines.delicately understand liai smokintg wagdlatst«Wul 10 Ùowi«. 19 bsar 01 dlsp«Iasnghuaaxcsllmnry and loulng thé ofset of the notable- viifl tli.raiy, lb. Dowleitee p.nnlitted 1tb *I* ml lne1 mluâItne. hi I .*Sn.n~~ ~ i~ "IN JULY 060WOlRenu hp for Early Evenf TWICLVS 0fflPURSES. A four doy r" meting is ecimduled t. lake pie..Mai lii. -w ibertyville tract, July 4.7, a" M will lie meen fraun the. followilig ptoglSfli t1we lafees are the. klud ltat wllldeliglit l,,verm ai the, sport Tii. meeting atedates allier impor- tant events tbriqlgOt lllin<i and wall attract a grest Meuy oun.-rs wlioi bors«ewlll then ho ready ta ris-.- ut au fiud no employmaent for tîmeru. it will make LiertIrville the- <'cuter of attraction July 4. 19te ie îr<lalle oide attraction@ sud a big îiy r,4ît.-hilenl dih- play wUIl b. tetures t ofthe i'îeniug, marking the day ens being the gréateit 1'4tiî of July" tu Lbstyvillee iiitory. SPEEDP POGRAM TanTJurt 1. 5,:i:- trot, i l ..........-......$500 2:30 trot ........................$.........0 0 2:07 pwe, 2 inua ..............$.....4 Wv.PsluEI,iA, 1.% --.. 2:20 trob ............................. $500 2:36 td~e................................4500 2:15 liep................................$5x) Tîuui:uuày, Jri 4 . 2:25 trot .... '......................... $70o 2:10 lisee. 2 lu 3. ......$............ 500 9:25 Pic.;.................... ......... $500 FinAY.Jui.,17. . 2:12 trot. 2 lu 3l.1 ................. 5N 2:45 trot ........ ..................... $500 2:45 pane........!.......................$45()0 It will Le noud that lut fo<ur exeep- tions are made lu,--.igi-ti've sy'- teni, the, 2.4)7 and 2:10 piues-, and thé 2:15 and 2:12 trots. wliilu ur- thi-e t two-in-tiiree liats. E.trWî.e <orise une la Wbatu 1ear Fort Coôroner Taylor wae ni.tilç.d Frdav o! dnese.d body i t1e woods rieur Fort Shieridan. Igidi,-utu-în4 <Were tint a mortier bad le-en euîmiritted. A bIulet hale iu 1h. -kiet te-rmple ami <mm-r by a revolver routainiug four nshelîs, one ai wiilch"imen tu Lischiagd furniiehed the ouly solution iof th.. fatality. Ti.ebody was iîîuurin l a peclurl--îl part of thé~ woods lîy a guard wiio wus unur- sulug adeis<rfsr. "ie -petiti lakeui yhyie ieing man e-us Ut-a portion ofithe waode seldomiilev-r risiited. TIre guard vais ciosing in on lis n<ian whe-umlie ,aw lte body lose t,, saine lushes Ltween two railries. Bis attentionî watt distrae-tedi fr a moulent and' the. dee.rter eeIael le relurwiel ta the fort andI acijiir t--mltIi. officer f tie day wlth tiie lis-t t luit the. badY oa man wasin-i tho iv- ds. A detuil nus sent out an(] I,,Gnnr Taylor nus Ouficers e-la-xmrried -the iianm ciothing believetileh-hlid not takeli lus owu lite, iut bail 1i,n zmurdered, nal- wlithstamdiîug a recl ver w by bis alde. Near tii, body uver, the tracts of a wagoun. Acîordirig tri lhe soldlere at tIhe fort, n-arn,, n--r. l-rer kuown tu have been lie there. 'Tie tract showbaetit a four-wieeled -agoilr.rane ta tie point thc body nus tîîuuîàd and returned. il neyer iade a s-uItrip. Fia)tpriritm w,-re iaIs.> mien. - -- Son Identifies Romains. Aecounits itliimgapapere ai thé. Sud. ing of the. bady attrattl et attention ai Stlanley Jan(weku. nif liaI city, ahose fatlir bal îiytriously dinapp.ared May 17, tie disrriîtirn leadiug the Young mai ta migit pompibly Le bis parent. lie wenet ta Fart 8heri dan sud identidled the renilu. lut lue opinion ite-am a i-nec of suicide-. The revolver was hie fuliier' andI hi- ald b. hnd of late been sijet and despondent. Janocta w&K n native aI PolanI, anud for sevel'al years iînd beeni eniffloyed masa cient by tii, Peapfle's (iaigbt and Cots rompany. Bis cl iarnt wltbhlm te Amerida, but lis eif, and danItter remalned lu Paris, wheré.the Young gli iuii.lng @duca. l1 usr It in bellveInelacolla aven the.cou- tinued absengce aIhi@ -wtt. and. do.pgbtr an d oepoudency ex tes.Oft ige sicst cled lifi ta to pbis Banfforgnied-h.North icago tion business wiII b. traneted on and aller Juge 1. A state Inopetor wilI examine loto the. affaire of the bank. The. change tia tribute to the, growlni prospety of the. .mall cty arnd tu the able manner tu whui'the. affaire of the. bauk are belng conducted. The. cap- 'tai2'anow65,0.The.offieis are: PraIdet, Vice President, IL S. 0 ; aher .Waciiter. Scholarships for Lakes Forest-Lest week pireundent R. D. Harien, (4 Lake Fors universlty, announeed tiiet two Ine w faciio0 b hiad been î'udowed ,.ne iy <Grangr >arwll wbicb wW41 provide 86 a vear for four years to tis, student af the. Deerfleld township iiigii echool makiuFth tibent record pior tu entrauce in the. nniversity. The otiier la a gift by J. B. Converse, Wesident of tiheBald win- Locomotive ÇVork, eaud allowo the. num of #l,500 tu the Ptudent wiîo enters with the. bet collegiate record. Ar ;%prigfor Operation-Winaton Bro.& _ ougalfi of Mlwauk<ee aud M neplie, coutrators for thi.eaun ntt=io fthe, Chicagoanad, itate Line railway, or the 4Nortiiwe.ternex; tension as it la gmerlly mpokon of, are hurrlagieaebiuryto the, potand haearay erected large tente and quarteriq for the, hauxing ofitmnanit tenanis along btii right-ol-way ln Newport - 6)wnnblp. Tiiree be<avy mta-r excavators are now ready for work, tiie lst arriving at wadswortli aver the, C. M. & zt.p . trackm, wao taken othei.oceue of operations a few days ago. lu moving the mrachine iiich weigii.d 55 tous a opecielly cou- atructed track wa laid] along the. iiigiiwaya;id about a mile wu. covered dauiy in tuis.manner. Row Over Bot--Olaf Liudhlnnî, of Lake Forest, lu a row with a party or boys aven the ownerelip of a boat, drew a, revolver and iiot or the hentle af the. crowd. ,Tii. trouble tame na a result of udblum clalming a somal boat wiilcii b. ays e be.ouud ball covered yrtii pend and whicbh. rema ved to bis home. The boy. 81,4) ciaim.d owm.mhp of the. boat aud attempted to obtain possesion afi umd- appeared et Lindblum'a horne ta rernove It. Liudblum reluzed ta gIve it up and lu the. argument wlci lollowed drew tii. revolver and llred. He was arrested ou a warrant swarn out byone of the. young meu luthie party and Bued $25 and cuitsauntiie charge of dlonderly- conduci. ln the. trial it waa brought out Iluat h. bore the am. oi "Craay" Llndbluim. union ooéo Worke' qnoi 0 a. inuall s"mer Tit5elntI gLael wiih Oty memberrs of the Cutont Cutters Union, wiio have ii.en on etrîke uinc. lit November, es<t blw ed quartere gtùiday. if the plan provos muccelul the. other etrikers will join the union "settlemut.11" Coapiving le the principal adZatagu wthlh t. »tliens will aflord," Bgaid S. J. Sternuof the <utters' union. "The. uen.eau lâb and huut, aud wlll beat amail ex pense for food. Many of the.strikers havé been on picket duty eotluuouly for six montiis, and th.y ueed a reet." The unionu will bear ail the. roàt ai the "colony" lncluding tbe support of the. members, but strlke beinetit.e lu the rneantime will Le diuiotlnaued. Bosi- ness Agent W. A. Olivey te ilu <harge of thetirnt delegatlon of etrikero which in uo w at the lake. County Normal Promis.d-Il plans ofIl Cunty Supinteudent of SehoolmfOeggiu carry lie-i. will lie held, eltlxer at Liiertyville or (iraymlake, bégiuning .luly 10. acouuty normal, andI whiI lm ertainily wel-ame intelligénce ta t1ome teiwlîerm why tiluIIt lipossible Wa purmue a -au r,,.oa work away frtain hodie. Elithè'rofi the places mentionefd are aecesitele tu rural toachens Ieeaue. of their m -trAl loc-ation. Tho. plan ofIl work wiili ba ttliaeadentle aud lecture and a good instructor will hea S.ured to aid the, iuprinteudeun l thework.r The plan contemplât«s a geral survey of the comun n uechaInl their adaptation tu theo.Atate cours, af stndy anI the. proper ise (if the. texte in general use iu tIie rural amd, rnaller gredisd ty-hols. A luition ut fourL dollars wili bis-imrged and it will be csoeille for many t.-aehlerm ta board at one. It gueswiîthout Mayiug tint any te-n-lier lvaîlinighersell of tîis <pportunit.v will dorive nmiu zoad1 that wiIl refle,-t creditably on ber moh- 1 seueut work.G Itooker's Varnishes Patton's Sun Proof Fp Japalac, Lead, 01ks and Bruasbe W, M,- HEATF furniture and Undertakiog UiberteviBe MU H's Maçhine Repair Work. 213 uha 1 arn! îtýw located in -My jNEW8PAPKRS new plant and thoroughly M~ E equipped tii do ail kind OCA"" oif ri-rpairi.îîg of Engines 1 îte Oý Maclîiîes and farmn Imple. meits. Quick seruice and rlght prices. 7-tf- William Laycock Ilinelb Everytiiugyon eat wll tamte good aud d-) gond if you bte p.Ring'. lypedmia Tablets. itold hly Wuu.u IA<-KtEv, Libetyrvîlle ami KFîITi'S PliarmaSCY, -Ba sement Bars. Carpet Beaters, rattan or wlre 8c Turkey Featiier Dusters, '10 lu. 10c lHub' -Ox Fibre Scrab Brnsh 1 7c Htib shape Brîîsh, Rice Root Fibre . . . . 8c Siîîk Brîîsh, White Fibre . 3c Complote Mop, Paten~t Holder anîd ë6o Ilead -. .it Wlood-Coat 1laxgers, eaeh. 3c Coat Hooku<, t cdi . rClothes LUne Pape-, Pei Sereen Door Colt Spýta HookR S pri$reen lnges, h 'breakca Ptp.b r Trowels, NWsoe, 1 Trowelo, Heavy Cut 8 SCbilldren'Gardon Set Iron Rake, 12 Inch Garden Hoe, good «M I iO. :R, LYON,& S( L17

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