CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 2 Jun 1905, p. 2

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UttIO GRIEF 40rac, .mm 10Aboutt t en o~ p the North Cmga othe Noriheru Pa- WIL.aou raid.- nHe wua v 0ca&Bd 110*t vIlle robblag fie, ls nstili uldntld. û* v aigop vat Ithé :oi oi thé.éée Oueveced bo a rth & rvoie «Kr crafe ~aumuthnmethé tii. f .@ be n da eso~ voit Psgu train met Loum.1522th aU the Boo0.40 -1423nd .11>eth «l lrokiia s.2 et * amtionlLeague: 1 W. L W. L. 20 9 Ciniasbuti... 1712 MJ IdEcotan 15 12 eL20le Bououis... 1421 _.2 19 Brouok... .15 2, 1W-. ILx hlala i. 1W.16 _1 Il aina t.. 16 20 -Ae 11k.ulavYork.. ..13 22 of ~ ~ ~ W ]L mesuLege ..Im Jaephli. .16 . .Sb Uhoo S»prlagmy.. S21 20 ST-EuiCle.l 28 of e lolid t .1014 000.sey, 0h18 0,on rmbs wud isseoue rae Ii oe na eovdetai L aos oftheuut coliu OW*sph un of asseblwraia Norne laedngryer aaéon = dnug 10the von-s tk OWu 10prtiogofr o-' theux otvllu % - Mymus Wielo ai- ntauCagptalu Bar, gotel er yaushianlc- these l. ling tle orLeedor h - Gv.Mron mT. loCalcpitallsBasr er oafucian epot ace-ethe ali 'ýtPk lmoun, veut-t U do a oma1 . dl Of t.hetLeader.the. Mdiihée rSay ido là C.Ieve land.e Ovuclthe o cerislu GoyIILil. Mron .- taOoauBoatou breort, led andt u'nty-Uve ni uhon a tuanel toe, Cote. former premier ol mms lu Madt. f Speasio Kisa. %painonubils arrivai ls stear vae Ibrial- >aruWstitlti a i- oeavod sud attempt- luns'.carriage. roUHmasIf. i ved aIetau ae Wbe, abat is ove ebus ulildiesudt fate ndemvorlue n. teppens us Iesybeome lu- b"o lowe Ensenada bu bea e hela p lS f.driver, Psu- ls OOcsMgd ulith te so 1» 48&*,,ce se*ï t;,iul> t d- Iflletgep lu ito chargs *eat he rail- ronod &**bera tolowlag a p<liet of - piacibq soodeus of Cauâda amil u eta brooghf fia.the United Mat*&. Th* mmS csdored deporW - arc.- Superlntendiat- -J. IL Pieatt Tratumaster B 184Cala, Ciot ]DIkp*tcboJ. IL Giluula, Auiaul )&**W e lùéhaide J. MMa aany %oOr Forets . -.Réuniug, Assistant ÀoenU Foeomw e aker, AsistantEgne .0 C. Lasour, Forfnisa Ose, inl4- klhini tn signais; Privait'Oseé- rater, 0O1iaugltl4 u, iperiten&Ct'O a*i- lUe;, Utteope-IHuuer, District Ptse *eyeJr ~Aet Euga r it». aBiopmi tto.wela t Landon, Ont., tii. .0- e1 timo to prranp be5g a luL-r -trailmr osd MMcarau ap 0a tothe uaoue t tiorilem atXj0t&awa. It la muertoo baàt steps bave aiready bea tzken toWard an appeai. Geners.i Oenusl Frederick W. aSteoetot he Pare Mar- quette road holding Ibat the. alen cou- tract labor iaw of Canada dams not appir la tuis case, or luauj case invoivinu'1 euch skiiied labor * la requlred of the. offciais ln que UOETa MURtDaERPLOT. l.dio. Tunth Na ».aveBoM Biaiby persam n luoufflte i anEtute., 1 The. @tory ot an aid Indien& tragcdY was retoid in Sait Lake CiItiith other day at an Inqueit over the. body o! George M. 11i1, or Harper, a poung man1 wba died Lu a lodglug bouse from pot-i soning. Whie the poilte ported thati the. youtb *ausaddieted tu the unse ufmor-4 phine and probabiy died of an overdose,. Mm. T. M. Harper, biasoant, testlfied4 that abc bellevedl Hill, who badl beenq kuowu as Harper, was murdered by por- sons intereoted la becurilt an estate val-1 ued nt8$0,000 whlcb 1Hill would have luherlted -when be became of age. Mrs. Harlier testifed that sixteen and one-ball rears ago et Winchester, Ind.,, wiien Hill was but 6 nionthis of age, the boy's molb- se 'was @bot aud kiliod by bis father. who aise qevereiy wouded Mri. Rar- per, tb.. ituem The faîher, Mm. Hap- Per testlfied. vas eentenced 10 Ilfelmi- prlsouanent but was paroled recentiy. kuosztàte ot $6.000 lett by youg.HIUs' mher. the. vitasso teutied, wonid uow revert te the fathar. »)yr4AUm inE 1A Mon BELM.. NeSusa Ný.ke& t-ra n aFd m"dOlveea Ilb. eoale 0f District Attorney Thomas'a H. Hudson iu Cauueiisviiip, Ps.,1 kl-O woUàaf'ashoba.. lb.oiiowed hbcd of wbliè, filla aide K<otainoe noitgb dyita- mite and ntroglirin ta kilii anumber of persona. The otiier nigbt Mrs. Lulu Magie o! Uniontow4. Pa, fenud a pair1 of wouan'. boas ln ber back yard. Wbiio examiuing thein shediscovcred1 ual lb.hehmoone u bad been baiiowedd out, fougr explpdlng cap@ plaecd on four1 fro.pegs setin a d the bjie filled witii vaste soaked wUtb itrogiyccrin. il> 114920H 10 TROLLEY LI.NE&B WideuoS-Bikina Intereste Forai 020.- 91000M Cicnati cempaony. The Ohio Traction Comipany of Clu-I ianati, toruued by Wideuep.Eikins iuter- à ente. bas been iucorporîted ander thei lawb 09 Ohio with 120.00.000 capital1 toci. T-hoécharte gives the companyx pOW« e taase. owa and operate Streeta aud tterurla'roade betwsen Clucin-t qndtl ud Hamilîton. Thi. company owa. aui the Stock of gavera] Cincnnati bues and r crbuilding coaipauies. Eenk 1Raemd by L nouu1. The Canton State Bank, ith lndlld-t maû dqops of more tban $M.0000, clos- ai ils doom lu canton, Ohia. Tii. dirme- taos sy the. bank viiinôt b. ahi. ta re saute buslues. The tallais vas brought about bÉhe bmvy lbans 1W W. u.Davis. vie preident af the bouk, by tbe cash- lor, Corivia B. Bacht& litbont tb, con- saut ai tbe othe directava o! the bantk 1 Hu.t.lOves- a Wemau. In the, dark ballvnym of a Roosevet Street tenement bouse la New York tvo Italieans tongbt a terrifie duel vîth kulVes wblch prubabiy uili remnat la tbet death of botb men. Itln la ad lbe àgbt vat due to trouble ove a voman. Tii. men met on thc derk iandiug of tue tuird Oaci and fougbt untIl tbe Place reseeauled a maugter bouse. Ohio luheritauce L& a VatIM. Tii. Obla Supreme Court upbeld the direct inhcrltance tax liv hy affirming lie deciaiou of tbm Daike oeunty Circuit Court ln lb. case. et Hostetter va. the stAto ef 0hio. Whilb.heiav la upheid, thé. S0ýprerne'Court makes it very plain tut tb. luheritauce tai ctannaI brero.a- active. ____ The. lons talked ot Ohia River and . Lake Brie hlp esuai lm b hbecomm a r.- aliy at lait turongh privite capital. Thbe ondertakiur la 10 bc Put lhroug bhy Pittmburg capitaliste wio bave- formai a compauy vitu a capital ot $2.625.000,d vblcb viii b lncreased 1083,000.000. e Munis ag anger Found. John. I. Roebiig, MIUluualre father u1 Siegtried Roeblung, wbo disappeared (rom Ashevilie, N. C., a feu days 1go, reclvai a telegram datei Kuoxville: renu., froni Judge T. A. Joues, talng thats thebe by bad beeu founal by hlm there. bave Ferusoas B"d Mâao>. An allégeaI ouuteafeiter, ubo, It ln b.- Illved, ha* been odlÇ tbe country about Tanktan, S. -D., ilb hcouterfeil haf-dolhaps bas been captureti by tbe siierlif. A aumher ut the spurlous cias.. e perfect a& tei deceive experts, ver, tounaIla bit pochets. - @pante »%M da NNov ay, King Aifoug et S9pia bas approveai la, precotation ta the Cortes a plan for lb. rebabitatlon o! the opa""litest. Tii. projeft contemplat«tee b omrle- ieu af eigbt crulsere 09 14,000 toux, ve protmt« eulsére and olier veesi. the cmi te bis aproi over lix reste. airs eabe a,"outh Shotasot. A "osman amed Redricluson, sai d19yre. employai on lb. feraof loba G. am"lt ilWarrea; IdMmm., celm- mitted suicide bocaume oftheii.refusiof a girl te lov hlm ta aceompany ber home. Fghter Win*s RiehR Widov. PugsiKid" MecCoyla goins 10 mur- ry lIlllau HariEssl tiwow o!the lots Eduard C. Ellis af New Tok anti pos- sesear of a fortune mamatd t t betue.u 85,000,000 and $7,00,000.> inau Winé 010.1 s«a iglut. Adirai T-cgoa 15roportodte 10bave von a signal vlcery ,oserogjestvenakye -flet, daisig sex Ruselau abim d ilmblng guet suad pultlag ltse tet teUgît. TRiae pses he U'o. 1la . theaan g*lpt#»" po.sl1 ian acct 'et aait8, . i di5 àdons wieééth ii.hltoryi abé boit ibia- plsof Freanm ughtbt l feupdsu pifikea up at oit PaÉk..Auala Thébet ntl the hottia purpoiapd ta have 1beanurwitten by* Wilbur !A. Barls, a na«tive Of Pandaet, Xelc.-lhi vile, adtuaI etMaiI 103,tliwbaler 2l wrocai ou a mmarit ia m oau ést et Tabiti. AMuouthe ouàberaof lb. clou vi. er. drovaed,,]aie gdote, vo *00- Lepe Allltomeesu,- vi-qbad la hWe poaseesOn a uiauscript -banded doua lu flue le-t Dauphin 0ai Ersuo,Writtea by kt-£1 ebempierre I i pofoamt- (ot blstOrY kt Yaie uuiveraityh. - noliSai and lgives directions for finding ft.ela toile manuscrpî. vbicb b. sleahobaM brled. Dispatcbes troni Pontrace uyne sien hy Ibe namne o! Wiinr. Rarris cau ho iocated 17i that city. N<EW BRIDGE la li»ETR0TEtL. x«ï la rcigaRalaSrc tue Olves- iackenoackHRiver. The tnew bridge ef lbe Penusylvanie raiiroad urer the, Rackeusack river, be- y'ond Jersey City, vas deetroyai by dynamitaeat 130 o'ciock, Saturday utoru- lug. The bridge was 10 have been coi- pidted hy the end ot neat month. The old trou bridge la stili lu use and vas not injuce-i hy the. explosion. Tii. oMf- cieeoftich compauy uho could be reacb- cd aud the police réserves front Jersey City vere rusbed to the spotThbe offi- cil&mai they hiÏe no labor troubles and IbeY are at a lues tu explalu the destruc- tion of lb.hev ebridge. GIRL SAVEB $30,000 FOR CITY. flauglter ot Caton Trecsoaer OGe Money Dfose Bank Fais. T-euty minutes hefore Ibe Canton Stale Banku, In Canton. Ohio, cioped il. doors the 1other day Miss Florence Bld- Well, 18-year-oid -daugbter et the City Treamurer, uithdrew tram the baulu $80,- 000, maving the City tuaI amount. o! tue fonds It had ou deposlt there. liasBld- weii. uJio Vrse ln chaitge of the City Trcasuror'm ffce duging Ibe lliapsaof ber fathe, beard tbe bauk vas In diffi- cukty. Golug quletly lu, the cashier, eh@ askai for ail the evallable mouey the In- stitution had ou band. RICHBAIRD HIGOZZ48 NOT GUILTY. Evidenca Shoveti Eps, ThounasmonMay' Have -ffed trous Ditsse. ln Peoria. II., the jury lu the case o! Richard IHiggins, chargeai vitb tue mur- der of MrÉ Néllile Tbomasson on Oct, 15 laet, returneti a verdict Onding tue défendant net gulty. Ouy to ballot.s were taken. Tbe-evideuce ahovedti tat Mrs. Thomasson suffered £,rom a disease of the etomach. vhicb might have canard ber deatu. -0 Murdered b>' a Wommiu. J. M. Specht. a prorineol farmer anti nillier and membér uf thé Dcmocratic ex- ecutive cummiitée cf Vinton cuunly, Wa* ehot at McArtbur, Ohio, hy Mmu Emma Flynn, tormerly of Coinuha. ,Mr&. Flynn escorte Ihat about 11 o'ciock at nlght ah. eau ubat @b, auppoeed ta ho a tramp looklng Int ber vlndov, and that abe fOued through the glass. Fatal Extoina a aal;l One deud, Ovie injnreti, several bundred patrons îhrown juteara-at excitement sud- an entireestablishmnt lu darknS» asu the remilt o! the explosion uf a large steani pipe ln thé hasement o! the Man- hattan Hotel lunlNeu York. T-he dead man was Jamesu Doran, a cosi passer. 40 years olti. BRe-vas scaiid lu deatu. Vicions eal KUillueaut. White th. infant cilid uf Preston Me- Ilmaine of Evaraville, lui., vas sleeping ia Ils crib a large bouse cat lempeti upon ils brcast and badly lacerated ils face. Several large boies vere torm lu tbe cheeks o! the child, and t liee but a oert tume. Tt laseuppusedlb.hecetatnhd hydrophobie. garder Mymlr7 Ila Ciopeti.- lu Ssvanua. it.,L, eyaîery ut the uturder of Daniel 0. Berry vas clenred ai h y the ballet. fired hy his uvu band, vhlcb bleu opt the brama utf Roth- well P Iftord, Saaai' eaithiesî citi- so. wiie nome bot ben cuunected ulth the Berry assasalnntioa. Coevict Suludtoi lu Indianua. Patrick H. Davis, alias qiedAustin." alils .T-homas Etivarti Clark, allegeai bonitetéerer, vaa found gulity id SoatiiBen&. lad., ut svinidling IHenry Croteut ut Misaaaka eut ot $5,000 by m raid brIck game andtà seentLnced tu prison for froin twIo 1taourteen years. Fs-est Rut-IolaaCropo. Frostwvich- touchai lovd a n aif a doscu secion@ -Tbiraday niabât, la believ- aI to have doue serionue damage 4o etny cropu sud fruit. Des Moines, ýBoone, AI- bla, Forest City, lowa lFalla andi Water- loo reportai fruel. Crisis Beveen Nos-va> and Ovation. King Oscar of Sueden bas refusai lu aigu the lau creallng a mparale coneular systeni for Noruay, tb. couiucii o! min- tléré- bas reignei, and a break betveen torvay anal Sucten la fearcd. La Follette Dematimies Lobb>iste, Goy. La Follette la a message tao'the Asembiy at Madison, Wis., tiecnenet scanlgy Ihbylats -ho aperate aI the capitpl. aud urge th te Passage ot a lau lu- make tb. Practice a Puai offense. - P4levaR iddi.d ulth Suiioté. , Robert Shiav, a supposi ermayegro, afler killllng one man and vouudiug @eV"a othora uwhite defylug errait nea" Wolf- Mon, Ky.., usa triven troan bis bouse hi Ut.e ant i eddisd ltb bulliet. Amthetrasi.Ofca um Prince Nakaehidas, governor of Bals% Caucasia, "am kiiid hy a boatida. lieutenant and a bystantier aime ver, vie, tires. The chie! of police a! Alaiuie vaq vouadai by anotber tertoriat altaetu Herbart«m. Oble, Boni. Cos,& T-be Fint Nationsl Baak- o! Barber-. ton, 0hio, bas been ordereti clonait by thé' Comptroiler ufthte Currenry on th ground Ihat the hank le Insolvecut. T capital stock le $50.000. Secretary, Tati, atidresaiag tb. Obio Republican convention, laid either tué revenue taxes Or thé tariff mut b« changeaI te meel thé nation'. dellit amhd cale-for à moderato rate lau. S ov. Heericliéas, Govso ai bfiOdeby the. Smiiicaa h*al@ o euaa.Thbe ouuqfla wu1 br açumto a droit àmlcesuou ofVltor Rfmv .qeSMips goIowMa Muffovlto Admira's Efort to oolethe Japanose Faite Complotely. -Immof i eluisfur SMM w tlu Il War Sum sEadei by Tis Admirai Togo bas won a vlctory of colossal manIrhtude., It te certain that: Admirai RoJetveusky's dleetbas. lihen Prsctlciiy anniblluted during a btg ses baIlle lu the sttalts o!fliorea on Bit, urda>' eud Sunday. Tweiré vurehipe bave been sunk or captureàan sd two transports andi two torpédo bout de- seroyers havé beon suukc. One report vhlcb le givîn much credeuce la that Admirai Kamimura, W6rklug Preallly, udepéndénlly of TOgo, but unoer eue commander%. gên- lerai ordersbas an Important shape lu the combat. Thée tor>' la that atter tie tiret bettie man>' o! the good Itussian shilpa broke-1 Pest Togos 1Une admade frtohe b Nortb. Hure, ubrthe ibu asthongbl they snv escape lu sigbl. It le saiti, Kamimura-wus lai waiting. sud a sec- oud battie uns fought. Thia proreti thé dooni o! the Russians. Thé Japanese snob the ltnsslazabat- tîehIpalBorodiuno anad Sissoi Vellky. sud pcrlaaps thé batlsliip Orel, anti bamdia.ued the baîleslalp Kaulaz Souvaroff. fiiagaaiîp o! Vice Admirai itojeslvensky. lu adiditiilu tiitese sbips thé Jap fleel bas Suîik tuéelIus- sian armoreti cruiseraslînalri Dnnskl.i Admirai Naklîioff anti Vadlnir Mo- nomukh, and a number uf torpédo bout destroyers. The diamage Togo bas enstainét iql not knowuî., -Thé Japanesu have nul permilteti sny Information conternIng their lbuses lu Irak ont, inor bare thé>' communlentedta bny of te dîplo- matic repréeatlyes o! foreign potrers la Tokio. Al thé>' admît la liant they havéeamit- fereti henni>', but thé>' stiii havé a xsut- O.iénlly formidable force la shape te continué the ponnding of thé llylnig lsslan forces. FrigbtfuiLame of Lite. Wbat thé lusses sustaluéd by thé per- sonnel total caunot hé ascertalitet., It la believed, bhowevér, thnt tlié Rus- mi LINE OP BATI-r 0FOPT-HE RUSSIAIN FLUET IN KORK'< T-lAIT-S, vais boarded puli capturcd, tbongh IltheIi Borodino, ou. of tiecdiuest o! bis %fterwarde suuk. t irât-clas battléflbipi, andti e tic Sos Aibogethér, the hattie mueit have been. Veilky, a second clans. attleahlp of, une of tb. mont tbrillllng ot uni age. 9.000 tous, were the fOral victimi. The. Tbére doees net appear te huve beent Borodino vas ui4cr lb. commuati et an>' bealtaney-on the part of thé Jaup. Cuptalu Serebrynlkff, au aqicer who attese. Tbey rusbed nt Ibelr tué vltb commandedth ie armoreti crabier Rujrlk. the sanie faniatical bravery their troupe vwhleb vas -sunk by thb, aqundron o! bave shown lua acucbria, sud lime Admirai Kamintirat last Aitgnst lu lie Itusstans. whiie tbey tongbt brarely. sea e! Japan. front ail accounts du not uppeur te Tie Veilky le supposed bu bave bod bore been able to gel hoine lu thé saume abourd éltber Rear Admirai Foelkér- effec tive mauner as their enemy. shato or R1enr Admirai Nebogatoff, no Bncb terrflc lsses na IRjtoernmky tInt tibIs muest bave ieen a iserlous bs su Yerédiae nt calculatedteluplut biow to tie 'm-cond Ruselsu division beaIto btZis méeu. andi prohabiy tiisorgunlzéd tt. If be bas leat the getetprt of Tora We.Nat Doceivo. thast .Ithout lnfllcting acorepodig AI] of lojextveuskys plants for de-- osa upon ils euémy,.tien lit les admit- celilng the Japanene admirai sentab etd that thé communal of tiieset s; re .faliet Muet sIgnally. It Dov 16«te RuIus9la, andl lapas eaù continue secuis certain lIat eu Thuistia>'pre- teu transport rmen andi supplIes te Hkan- ceding théendliet l the R ain radmirai eburia witboîît tear o!fixterference b>' ilusmlun men-of-war. @tory kif lbe Dattie. When Vice Admirai ltojestvensky was at Sutdile Islands, uhéeéléienet lbrough hIel» ant oallig opération, hc direeteti thé filni uieuivors liithé Pian o! camupalgia w lie héad adopt- éd beturé lau left St. P~ete-rsburg. Hé sent ire o! bis colliers and snp- pi>' ShIps teaSanglial. th're lu au-ait thé resit et thé batlle wttich lié had determiie teluprecîpîtata-. adithei aor- deredthélieremainder of bis c-uliieraanti suppi>' ship% te pues out btweeai thé Linchul Islandis antd Furmosia. Weil te lte eustwurti of Japua. and tu maké 'Vladvostokt throuigh La l'erottse or T»ugaru $traits. , Wlti thé rematuder ot bis ileet wili fililé i tb cent, bils gîuasx loadeti, anti is men on dut>' besglde-tbcir weapuus, hée lagan théetiangerolie lusk o! fore-- ig the *traits ut Kurria. whlch lie iaad beeli informéti Admirai folle was boiti- lug. Admirai Ta5go appears lu bave beén quletiy spnulig bis web for théelIus- elsu fléet. - Wilh a foregiglit that en- net b hoo00 hlby praiséti hé gatheréti bi st point whirb vus thé destination oflis enémy. Hée d net wnutetéan>' et bis niittoreti streuugtli In gçputng or luniiteipliag lue<eut off atixlllianles uof thé Russiain foi-ie vhén thèse aaxlinriéa bati nuo4ghtlng value. Hé liîunuder bis mcumand ut thé scené of action ltée enié uary of Ju- pon. Héetislrihîtldhie shîpe acruae ltaI portion ut thé. strîtits ut Kores lylug betweén Japan andi thé Ti-usbi- Mna Islainds, undtthene lhé valtid. %%lier tIaeopportune gcawet camé Toge struck, sitruck bard and succes- tuilly. Thé exact force wbîcb T0go usd anti thé dlaapositde hé matie et ha - ae not yet deatlntély kuovu. It Is *4loved lieditour battieshlpe. elgbt #riuoreti cruisers, thrt>' torpedo boat ý anti about 100 torPédo b-'aal. submatrlnm ,besid" smeepro- leted ernisers. Ailb telt, iî vas cutirnaté bé t) ad j175 véaselot vltb* vbtcb te give - battie tb llojéstyéesky.ý -aThbe dai waa perfect for, torpedo boat - tpentons, tle @eu belng compaurative- l y sisooti, lthe ou>' dîsatvantegé lie. in& tîat théeIbuast idto operaté la tisybîgbt.-- - - About noon Shturday, tai éaslérn - - - -lImé. vici le Ivébve ihours abouti ut glane have lent at --taist 2.000 kieti. - Amricaen lime, Togo'gave lihentider woundtted aLnt drouneti. bue of. their b ablack. T-le aaneuver hé otservati cruisera, thé Aduirai Itaibtali. Ilt eI was déscrhed au that o( a neI. .Hi& bellevetiWitt bievra 10 andth@ el06 erpen rft are tbaugbt to hiiio daai- "aeaboard wvsa <l Ie lled aWed iii..a cionti a!horuoý xts ahi* Ruas A--».A - 1 - Mâsm tâlia. te -s bon e hm Un. divIe iua-i bsfluet Saab are paurts.Iai Iuneti ont t tît wheu a~i icbdiliinaotf thé dlv iolrd lieuýtiréac-hua itis ppointa.d resiala-votis ilt oatla a .lapaii-eeli-etlnli wauilng lu gire hiutie. ltojeistrviislîy sent bis aonrertéti <nimr tlèr al Woaaauag. neur Shanaia hla talia 10arnu gos tiret away front tu:* Koru:în aIrit. .1% a malter ut tact. Ilae Itit-skia dliiinIbat vent ta ~Vo,îgfoîinaii lhrt3-tirêe .a pialese Waî-*sil,-alaiar iay. ilojutu îael<~ser avlae Aetltnét a fa-w- -rilsfigranîd transportsa at Sadi- dli! hm foliuiar a aIlnillar aicièptîvé pur- îr,,u. Tfil it l-etljlaîléd fron Sidie islaitl iortiavarti ie'idny îlghb. far lu theé wake ut lloJéstvenRL3's main fluet. Ilîpareint' ly tauileiuptedti tugo lu the enst of Japau, but advlees front Tuing- muanizdicate that it wns iutercepted at Oshiman Island, south of Japon. 11aviug sent aivay thesetwo sqtîaà- mson their missions of deception, tojestvenaky. witiî aI leat Wl of bis )îîttienhlps, al of bisa auiorerulsers andt a number of protected cruisers, -tenmed stralgbt for the Korean ýtraits. hoping that b. would ind Mis i-ny clear. Rie was doomed to disp- )oIîtîncnt, for, ns the'woild knows, rogo was iyang in fait ait the- Taush- ma lsinnd--nrîd Rojestvensrs seveu niontbs ot preparatlon came lu nauglît. 'An officiai' telegratf rom Tokio to Washington sate i taât Admirai Togo i.ports to bigi goverument that thie total <meses sntalnedby the Rusiau fleet -%tiir<hiy ad Sulîday were: Two bat. 1-ehlpa, one coest defense armor-elad, tive cruisers. two speciai servIce sehpa and tbree deetroYeree-ait sunk. In ;îddtlon. titfe .w41e cept«M Otu-o bat- te*tm natw&u 4aa OtmnOsa, ipebkx. if Ç - Co a. T-le.woret. featule et thC40 ie hueiresosi lualuià*e $-IPadiug of lahor troubles. W#III t» etahaile nov caiMred bot* prodoMttv* branchba. snd onforél aletesJWB bI* aauoug large hodiles- o! verkM uâj ebotynction bricmes tatenilOlpd *Bd e- * f 41uoPrea4t relief. Ezcet;-Ç " IOcal disturbance trade goteenl'p bilbftu trtng toue lhaougboul lthe ce coedlstrIt nitailaii. fr cotiuelo ncu -1 tt ltI the, preunt ilJhlcuitY r0835T4 In l aetual resuigth îe ve.k'èPb", re«s afLOrmife latterott tietglor conmetc. 3Moe>'remalat lu ala- demanti anti banik exciasages rutde the laréat gains durtug Ibis aoetho Ase cmParedti ilia iear ltgo,$- litaxim rial conditions bt-ré matie a heeitb$ shovlung. lnvésîmnntlu lmproveiurAgt. ibeti, sud lte sacurit>' utarlet aiamn trebiet Inludealîrga, vithout an>' dii quietlng change In values. Production lu thé lcadiug branches- la Wllbout diminution, and iié coua. luninenta veré matie ta a alfatory extent. Whiulesulé traisuctiens roa-_ e-i a fuir voluinea lu stuple méehAn- dise, dèlîveriés a-ère larger andi Stat., strée~t actirîtY Waas stlaaulateti by bat- ter tiemnid for zseasonié yareg. Couantr>' adlt-s avèe -be--n -ryyen- cauraglug, tae.m avork -euowlng rapiti reaaivéry trorà théeatffea't utrecn heuvrrins, croît prospectsrmulg goti anti, lrercaudiilg éxpitudlng. Wésitern rail,iotitraffIc sîtstalias el. cepîlnal aîgultute, éraîit eidi- )y xeadn thune ut a. year, uo. li-y unes canent utfuianufntured, ululérials, u padiuicb aindt Reeierai Mérchuuaisc taprorideal muet o! the.ton- nagef. - Marke-tng ufgriain huai-elîneti 22 per cent, laut tis la ain e l tumpor. ar>' causêit. .Crup roi orbe pinyrtl a stroiig p.au4 ll -thé mulrkpos for lIhe t-eu iaditag Pers- ic. andi V e.-liigniail,-unfuvrr able sud Une ttay coptions uîîueb ovr.r 8o1d. l vît nul fuinuti dffleulîl lu ma.5 nipuluté sharp ativiaurea, lu quotatlioU*. Thèeeupe? ilions were îlott Iaçflf0 I tée gPereri da-mand. for. grain anti fleur valueswure uaisier. ltea-upt., ut gratin agulpgia ta.d 2(r,441-9 I ,lîllipe, agnliet t ?l0lnilui.for ît por- rexpoiadieig n-ek ot iIMu4, anialthe slp-ý ment% ea1-216,3414-ibuslmel*. naanet 2138>t3 laashels. 'The- proulction ut fleur lias Inereasèti. btthier, 1s ie a'orna-.qondi,-g Kniaa iintii , taraiig andtheic or.lugtdein ijaait reuiatued rriiionkialiy danu. ILive sa-t na.a-c-pls vere 2c1.004 beild. <-unliruai -tilla2aaiZaO aa Yrur ugo. îlluilageîaîand u-a-.aJtn- éd ln lia-avy ta-ovt-,end tliogsanadul mleép fottriairenaî thKam lasutu out l-ait!îree rapaîrta-allîlit e C(llcaio his- tria-b utruniar twexty-elix. aiiaiiet lair- ty-thre ast -eeuh îad lghteea-îaseat eoiaibly quiet piiniaa a Me-arer rleu rtir ap omut- bar. it, w ie. owlug lu irreuaxar or n-ý sélîléti araier Ili a-l i.-~rèsu«, eil laeks délimite foriu. -vool alter il eçllîl a biar tuailileaat aiîttvity at rptali. 3daniatautricu iatlvt l i111suIn ialarge volumé enun ,nr-rpraevloaiîiy ookeal. Spa-,ulatlle markeats for iiat rrie<-t léa-hnlal r ondiîloiie aal Saht urIlpîlles lu Pnlmary taaîrheatra- leairi>' thian tlhpvado Itie mialight l atarlurautlçut lu qanîtty san ality lndia-iata-al ai e.é snttiiig front recrut Itaekwaral wenitier, w-lifrbh bas; aiso béeit ne-ama a lever te affeat-eorn anti Cotton. t'olièctiuaie re- fliact littie nacre Ilion eanouable slou- nes, anti mapéne aey antillt ahuri- aluni cppply. llatba- mure i'rlelion lu laboriatrr.4 le nota-ilnluChli-go. lie- sialle efforts te uceenunatp e Ssfaror- ai-leîhppei-lng% fr ton aloI-t sa-aulaivé putrpomeq Ibère lç a alllaliinat -i- dèîîce tiat t hie ountr3-*s -otisunîtve ra,lulra-naeMrlaoue un i large seille,; hieanl>' era(edlga yaar ago nti- bis ïme. ltallwaiy rarulugs for lwii-lret Lait o! Maùy eccriiti yeanau by 6.5 per a-élt. tîetnpiaa falltres lu th ~pted Stales for lt .eu éç>f ay 25* oumiacr 1710. agal 4J'llt vcek, 184 lu thse.ike weelt1110. 181 la 11511, 1913lu n1102 anal 144 lu 19)01. lu C'anada faillirez for the week rnimbér 15. as ugaînst 17 at rel: ami 14 ln tltever. a jéar agn-Bradstreetse' Commercial IReport. Chieag-Cattle, commusin tu prime. $4.11 uO te .40; boas, prime heur>', $4.00 tluJ8:.47; cbeép.ftaIn lue hole, 8$3.00 ta $4.83i; ubeui, Nu. 2,$- 1.00 lu $1.08;' corn, Ne. 2, 5-7e lu 58c; oats. standard. *Wc e t 31c; rye, Ne. 2. 77c ta 7&; laay, timoth-. $S.0taîu$13.50; prairie, $6.00 ta $11.00; butter, chiuce créamer>', 20e ta 21c'. eggs, fneah, 13e tu 15c; potatues,* . utilnupoli-Catlé, shipplug, 83.00 ta 8t.25; heurt, cbulce-beavy, 81&0Lu 3 t 5 sheep, commun te prime, e82-0to $5.00;. uwbeat, No. 2. $1.112 te #1.04; cerni, No. 2 vile, 60c to 62c; lste, No. 2 ville. SOc to 82c. St. Louls--Cattie. 04.50 te 80.00, loge, $4.M0te 85.50:'hift. 84.00 te $5W-; uheot, Fo. 2. 00e lte $1.00: cura, No.a, 2 50c e tica%; onta, No. 2, 29e to 3ic; rye, No. 2. TOc te 72e.- Cluci anatil-Catllbc,04.00 1083o'

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